PaxLair Defense of Skara Brae

Skara Brae, Trammel, Chespaeake (PaxLair Times) – February 23, 2012 – by Zanku – As set forth in a “Decree” by Governor Winfield of Paxlair Alliance ,the need for food, clothing, and supplies are to be supplied to the Protesters and residence of Skara Brea. To heed the call by the Governor, Mayor Zanku of Nidaros, appointed Emissary to Skara Brea, has spearheaded the defense call and has put out the call for all Alliance members to respond to this time of need. Therefore, Nidaros and the other Paxlair Alliance membership have Deployed ships to the crisis area, ladened with goods bound for the port of Skara Brea. It is hoped that by supplying these goods to those in need, an atmosphere of peace will prevale in the strategic city of Skara Brea.

To help those supply merchant ships make a safe delivery, Mayor Zanku, along with his assistant Mayor, Meadhros, ordered a deployment of “Gunships” to guard against Raiders, Rioters, and Pirates helping those who wish to see Skara Brea turn into chaos. Mayor Zanku also ordered that the gunships and Merchant ships fly the flag of Paxlair. The flag is stated as saying “PAXLAIR DEFENSE FLEET”. This will help the residence of Skara Brea recognize that these are the ships that are there to help them. ( NOTE: The ‘Paxlair Gunships have already stopped and sunk imatators trying to infiltrate the defense line carrying more raiders bound for Skara Brea). Mayor Zanku has already informed the Mayor of Skara Brea of such incidents).

With this first movement of ships by the “Paxlair Defense Fleet”, Mayor Zanku is asking that all Paxlair Alliance members please help in supplying more Merchant and Gunships to help the residence and deter any further infiltrating by the raiders and those helping them. ( It is beleived that Pirates have a stake in this upheaval and hope to gain a foothold in the region by helping the rioters and raiders.)

An update will be supplied as events unfold reguarding movement of ships and supplies. A Militia is also being formed and “Gun ladened War ships will escort that Militia at a classified time and deploy that force at a classified location in order to help bring down those terrorizing Skara Brea.



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Ranger Guild Hall in Skara Brae is Burning Out of Control

Skara Brae, Trammel, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – February 23, 2012 – by Winfield – Grimlar Mithrax of PaxOku, Tokuno brought bucket upon bucket of water to the Ranger Guild Hall in Skara Brae earlier today.  A section of the building was blocked off by some magical barrier and he could not reach the fire.  Winfield, being an old mage, arrived to also see the problem and attempted to dampen the powerful, invisible magic field … but to no avail.

Ranger Guild Hall on fire - Can't put it out!

The Ranger Guildmaster and others watched on with horror and sorrow, feeling just as helpless.  At least 3 people died in the fire and noone could reach their bodies.  The Guildmaster was heard saying to another Ranger, “things are getting really bad when our own Guild Hall is under attack, and we can do nothing!  I truly must see the mayor or someone about this!  This is unacceptable.  If the rioters have their way, Skara will be burnt to ruins and then there will be nothing more to riot about!  People will just have to live somewhere else.  But I mean to stay and make this right!”  The Guildmaster then stormed out of the Hall headed to the Mayor’s office down the road.

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News From Across the Realm, Volume 2, Issue 4

The Riotous Press, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – February 23, 2012 – by Ashlynn – Events and incidents have picked up a little in the latter half of the month with pirates menacing the Tokunese coast, the Royal Guard suppressing peasant rioters, and the bones of an old lich growing ever older (and colder).

Royal Guard Responds to Protests

And respond they did. As the protests and riots across Britannia grew violent, Commander Foxx decided enough was enough. He rallied the guard and moved against the cities where the disorder was ongoing. Steels were drawn and the worst of the rioters were put to the sword while others were simply arrested.

As events unfolded, I asked some of the citizenry involved to comment on the guard’s militant stance. Unfortunately, many were in little mood to talk and one man even attacked me, hatchet in hand. It was only through the use of a Pain Spike incantation (which may I add, is derived from a perfectly respectable school of magic and is in no way associated with dark arts) that I was able to escape serious injury.

Healers were also on hand to aid those who were injured during the disturbances and Commander Foxx informed us that those choosing to take on such a role would be credited by the Healer’s Guild for doing so.

Decree Draws Defiance From Apiarist’s Guild

The decree a few days ago from the Office of the Governor of the PaxLair Statehood may have offered some reassurance to the Mayor of Skara Brae, but the Beekeeper’s Guild of the city was less than impressed. Traditionally a potent political force in Skara Braen life, some amongst the guild’s leadership fear their influence may be eroded by Statehood interference, and coupled with monetary losses due to recent unrest, could lead to an irreversible decline.

I asked the guild’s Grandmaster, Andrew Sarthius to comment and was given the following short statement by one of his scribes:

“This so-called assistance that the Statehood is offering the Mayor and the people of Skara Brae seems more like a convenient way of obfuscating a future wholesale annexation of our town during these times of unrest.

I wish it to be known that the Apiarist’s Guild of Skara Brae is utterly opposed to this move and further, that I believe the alternative of hiring Tokunese mercenary “wavemen” unwisely rejected by our Mayor is still the better solution for policing our city.”

Lich Celebrates Another Year of Unlife

On the 19th of this month, infamous lich and practitioner of terrible magicks (magicks far different from the kind that I am familiar with for they are much different and of no resemblance to each other) Savaric celebrated another year as a walking corpse with a small group of friends and associates.

The quiet celebration was held at a small fortified house in the woods near Yew, clearly out of the way for fear the local peasantry would object to such a frightening undead presence in their midst.

Being in attendance, I was present to hear Savaric thank us for attending and as a mark of appreciation, he informed us that we and the people of Yew would not be joining the ranks of his skeletal horde.

I don’t know about you, Sosaria, but I for one was most relieved to hear that.

Spectral Sailors and Goldfin Tuna

Yesterday evening Santiago of the Sons of the Sea called upon the services of several captains and anglers to help deal with a problem rearing it’s ugly head in the waters of Tokuno.

After dealing with the business of fishing competitions and giving congratulations to Orin and Someone Else (apologies for forgetting your name, I shall endeavour to find out and correct that in the near future) for their impressive catch, attention quickly turned to the issue at hand.

First, Santiago sought the Golden Tuna, and he wanted the biggest that could be fished up from the seas of Tokuno. Secondly, the waters were home to a new band of pirates recently driven from Britannian waters and they needed eliminating.

Several crews volunteered and with our objective given to us, we made for our vessel, a large 9-gun galleass called the Ghost’s Revenge and captained by one Lord Murc. Signing on the ship’s roll were many aspiring sailors: Earik, Lyra Slavienka, Fanny Firebottom, Lady Sushi, Balthier Trakand, Fruit Loop, Manshoon, Salty Dog Carlac, Jonah, Lady Engel, and of course myself.

With such a large crew it took a little time to make ready to leave port but eventually we set sail, Jonah and Lady Sushi setting lines to fish up the tuna while the rest of us searched for pirates.

The corsairs were elusive and we only managed to track down and sink one, but word reached us that other crews had sunk the remaining pirates. After crippling the pirate vessel, some of us jumped aboard to seize their cargo and Fanny Firebottom found detailed attack plans of Trinsic amongst the pirate’s belongings, which she handed to Captain Murc.

Our mission complete, we returned to Zento where our crew gradually disbanded, the plans suggesting we may be called upon again in the near future.

Bandits Menace the Highways

With unrest continuing in the cities, brigands everywhere are taking advantage of the situation to attack merchant caravans and travelers along the realm’s road with impunity. It seems with the Royal Guard and Town Watch’s distracted by civil disobedience, those taking the roads have become easy prey for the bandits.

One incident appeared to involve a large caravan traveling past Nidaros on it’s way to the City of Britain where it was accosted by a roaming band of cutpurses that slew all the horses and stripped the caravan bare. Of the merchants there was no sign and I can only imagine the terrible fate that as befallen them.

New Feature: Ask Ashlynn (Almost Anything)

Today I begin a new feature here on the times where citizens across Sosaria can send in questions that I will happily answer (or drop in the trash at Umbra bank). Today I have but one question that will serve as an example. Anyone wishing to field a question to be printed can speak to me directly or drop it in the postbox at my house.

  • Ozog: wot flavors are peeps favotie of creams?
  • Ashlynn: Cider flavour.


Seeking submissions for The Times. Articles can be one-off guest submissions or more regular features. Topics can be about anything relating to our (un)fair land. Contact Ashlynn or Winfield if interested.

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Skara Brae to be Aided and Defended by PaxLair Statehood and Alliance

Community Center, Skara Brae, Trammel, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – February 21, 2012– by Winfield – During PaxLair’s weekly meeting, Governor Winfield announced his intention for the PaxLair Statehood and Alliance to aid and defend Skara Brae during the recent crisis.  This crisis started a few weeks ago with protesters, rioters, and raiders disrupting the peace in Skara Brae and other cities in the Realm.  The people in the meeting supported the governor’s plan.

The PaxLair Statehood consists of the cities of PaxLair City, Dragons Watch, PaxOku, and Nidaros.  The PaxLair Alliance adds the cities of Gyldenfeld, Pitmuck, and Aryslan.

“We will have a three dimension approach to defending and aiding Skara Brae,” Winfield said to the growing crowd in the Community Center.  “First, this will include aid to the people here who need food, clothing, and goods.  Second, we will defend Skara Brae’s land, shores, ports, and nearby seas.  Third, we will assist the Skara Brae government as desired by its mayor.”

PaxLair Meeting discussing Aid to Skara Brae

Winfield appointed Mayor Zanku of Nidaros to be the emissary to Skara Brae.  Zanku is charged with keeping the Statehood and Alliance informed of trouble or brewing plans for trouble, keeping the Skara Brae government informed of relief and assistance efforts, and help lead efforts for the three dimension approach.

PaxLair plans to hold its future weekly meetings at the Skara Brae Community Center on Tuesdays at 9 PM ET, possibly for the duration of the crisis.  The PaxLair Alliance will also hold events and activities in Skara Brae to increase public morale, patrol the high seas, bring individuals to justice, and set up aid stations.  Lady Phoenix of Dragons Watch outlined several event ideas.  The first planned events are Friday (Feb 24) at 8 PM ET at the Community Center to defend the seas and take other actions in Skara Brae as needed.  Then, a fund raising and morale event will take place in the Skara Brae pub on Tuesday (Feb 28) at 8 PM ET before the PaxLair meeting.

Governor Winfield also made it clear that law and order must remain intact in Skara Brae, thus implying that the PaxLair Statehood would help the Skara Brae government arrest, try in court, and if needed convict and execute punishment on usurpers.  Detectives will be needed to help follow the trails of such usurpers and bring them to the Skara Brae court.

Governor Winfield meets with Mayor of Skara Brae

In a brief interview after the meeting, Winfield said Skara Brae held strategic importance to PaxLair, it’s Statehood, and the Alliance.  “Skara Brae and its surrounding waters, ports, and farms are vital to Nidaros and Gyldenfeld nearby to the east.  It is also very important in protecting the high seas in the area.  Skara Brae has long been a shining star in the Realm promoting Spirtuality which is derived from truth, love, and courage.  The rangers of Skara Brae have always helped us on the roads and in the forests.  Skara Brae deserves our help now.”

Immediately after the meeting, Governor Winfield returned to his office in the Mage Tower in PaxLair City.  He then signed an official PaxLair Statehood decree to form a Sister City relationship with Skara Brae.  This is printed here:

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PaxLair Decree Regarding Crisis in Skara Brae

Mage Tower, PaxLair City, Felucca, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – February 21, 2012 – by Winfield – Governor Winfield signed a decree to officially lend aid and protection to Skara Brae during a crisis.

I, Winfield, Governor of PaxLair, do hereby Decree:

The PaxLair Statehood and its cities of PaxLair City, Dragons Watch, PaxOku, and Nidaros, hereby form a Sister City relationship with Skara Brae.  The purpose is to aid and defend Skara Brae during the crisis in Skara Brae.  This crisis is characterized by the disruptive activities of protesters, rioters, raiders, pirates, and usurpers.  The PaxLair Alliance, which adds Gyldenfeld, Pitmuck, and Aryslan, is requested to help the Statehood and Skara Brae in this crisis.

Signed on: February 21, 2012

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PaxLair Meeting: February 21, 2012

PaxLair Statehood, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – February 21, 2012 – by Winfield – The next meeting will be held as follows:

  • Date: Tuesday, February 21, 2012
  • Time: 9:00 PM ET
  • Location: Skara Brae Community Center, Trammel, Chesapeake
  • Directions: Just east of the Skara Brae Bank.
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News From Across the Realm, Volume 2, Issue 3

The Press of Calm, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – February 16, 2012 – by Ashlynn – After all the excitement of the previous month, February is rather quiet by comparison. Besides that whole uprising by the peasants of course, but if we take civil disobedience and violent disorder thing out of the equation, it has been a quiet month.

Raiders Strike Towns Across Britannia

Organised bands of raiders have been menacing the major cities of the Kingdom, attacking citizens, looting, and burning buildings. Small bands of militia and other volunteers have pledged loyalty to specific towns and have been fighting back against the bandits but this has done little to deter them.

Worse still, there is rumour of huge rat infestations appearing in some of the cities, likely a result of the trash and other detritus left by rioters. The rats are said to be aggressive carriers of disease and best avoided. For those of questionable culinary tastes, eating them is also ill advised and I hear from the likes of Ozog that rat meat isn’t all that tasty either.

An Expedition to the Abyss

A small expedition headed to Ter Mur and then on to the abyss yesterday evening. Our first stop was the Tomb of Kings in the Holy City located south of the Royal City. With our band were a few with no experience of the horrors to be found in the abyss and so we sought permission to enter the Abyss from the Gargoyles of the Holy City.

Once permission was given, we descended into the abyss, killing great fire ants and lizards along the way before stopping at the Cavern of the Discarded to deal with a small rat problem found there. After their champions were slain, we headed to a rock outcrop where we fought a large number of daemons and pit fiends.

We decided to cut short our excursion as the hour grew late but have made plans to return to the abyss tomorrow evening at 8pm by the eastern clock. Any who are interested in joining the next stage of the expedition should meet at the Tea House in PaxOku at that time.

Also in the News – Rare Find in Pitmuck

Lying near the big wooden tub full of dirty water at the Goblin Playground in the town of Pitmuck can be seen an incredibly rare item for the town – a bar of soap. How the soap (from which most of the goblins remain several yards away at all times) got there is still a mystery, but I suspect some kind of practical joke. Or someone who really doesn’t like goblins!


BIG MAGIC BOAT FOR SALE. Refurbished discarded wreck. Still some “rat stains” on the decks. Contact Ashlynn.

Volunteers wanted for “interesting” experiments. Paying 10,000 gold each. Gold not payable in the event of subject death. – Savaric


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PaxLair Meeting: February 14, 2012

PaxLair Statehood, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – February 14, 2012 – by Winfield – The next meeting will be held as follows:

  • Date: Tuesday, February 14, 2012
  • Time: 9:00 PM ET
  • Location: Mage Tower, PaxLair City, Felucca, Chesapeake
  • Directions: Teleporter is right of the bulletin board at the Tea House in PaxOku, Tokuno.
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PaxLair Meeting: February 7, 2012

PaxLair Statehood, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – February 7, 2012 – by Winfield – The next meeting will be held as follows:

  • Date: Tuesday, February 7, 2012
  • Time: 9:00 PM ET
  • Location: Tea House, PaxOku, Homare-jima, Tokuno, Chesapeake
  • Directions: PaxOku, Tokuno.
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Township Spotlight: Pitmuck

Pitmuck, Trammel, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – February 6, 2012 – by Ashlynn and Ozog – Goblins are a strange bunch. Short, smelly, sickly in colour. They are an anarchic band of creatures with little concern for hygiene or etiquette (or just about anything else). Communication with goblins can be more difficult than with orcs at times and they would seem to be the kind of folk you’d find in muck filled holes deep underground.

But it so happens that some of them managed to build a town on Horseshoe Island called Pitmuck (a very fitting name).

How they accomplished this feat, I am not sure though I suspect some of the few human inhabitants there helped. The band of imps quickly managed to make friends however (despite possessing a body odor stronger than a Wither spell) and soon joined the alliance! When the PaxLair Alliance calls itself neutral, they truly mean it.

I was curious enough to ask Ozog, the current leader of the… tribe? pack? clan? …to tell me a little about goblin kind. And where they get the milk for their ice cream from (as there are no cows on Horseshoe Island).

Goblins and their Origins

Long ago goblins and orcs were related. Goblins like to habe funz, orcs just wanted to clomp. So they went separate ways. Goblins are found under turnip’s leaves. There is no wot hummies call sex. Goblin color just come which side of the turnip they came from.

Most goblins Sorsoia come from the Abyss. They were captured by the Evil Jessica. Many many many years ago. After a wild they turned wild, from lack of ice creams. Ozog, Pillowpants, and Ido were the first to escape. They all lived ina small cave in Ter-Mur. Ozog remembered how to make ice creams. He figured if he gave some to nice hummies they would leave him and other goblins alone.

One while at the Luna bank he met BIG MAJIK LADY she thought he was cute and built hin an ice creams shoppe ina the bank.

The rest you know.


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