PaxLair Meeting: March 20, 2012

PaxLair Statehood, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – March 20, 2012 – by Winfield – The next meeting will be held as follows:

  • Date: Tuesday, March 20, 2012
  • Time: 9:00 PM ET
  • Location: Skara Brae Pub, Trammel, Chesapeake
  • Directions: Just south of the Skara Brae Bank.
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Ongoing Alliance Expeditions

PaxOku Tea House, Tokuno, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – March 19, 2012 – by Ashlynn – The Alliance has undertaken a number of expeditions across the realm, on Alliance business as well as in aid of the Royal Guard. Expeditions take us all across the realm and beyond through twisted groves and cold mountain passes amongst other locales.

Jukan Customs and Gargish Politics

This thursday past a number of volunteers from the alliance agreed to assist Commander Foxx with a request he had received from Queen Zhah of Ter-Mur. It seemed the Queen was concerned by the splintering of Jukan factions following the disaster in Ilshenar and the possible threat to refugees and citizens in Ver Lor Reg.

In response, we would aid the Shirron in thwarting a planned coup by another Juka lord named Tehraka who was massing his forces at the Pass of Karnaugh.

Our brief visit to Ver Lor Reg to get more details regarding the situation resulted in meeting with assassins sent to the city by Tehraka, but our large numbers quickly overcame them. It was then decided we head to the pass right away.

As soon as we arrived we were engaged by a legion of Jukan soldiers and it was a long and hard battle just to break through the gates and inside the fortress. The battle raged for a good while but Warlord Tehraka and his lieutenants lay dead along with his ambitions for the Shirron’s position.

Queen Zhah’s request fulfilled, everyone rallied at Serpent’s Hold before disbanding for the evening.

Under the Spider’s Shadow

Our friday evening expedition saw us march on Terathan Keep located deep within the lost lands. Lady Phoenix led the way and due to my animosity with the surrounding Ophidian tribes, we decided to circumvent them entirely and use gate magic to access to inner fortress grounds.

We fought our way down into the bowels of the fortress where we came upon a secret entrance that appeared to have been dug by the horrid snake people. We even found one area of the cavern only accessible by a narrow rope (and I refute all accusations that I intentionally caused Ozog to fall as he attempted to cross – that was merely an accident).

There seemed to be no end to the waves of Terathans however and I didn’t hold much dislike for them myself given our common enemies and so we left after we were satisfied we had explored all there was to see.

A Verdant Dystopia

The weekend saw us enter the realm of Lady Melisande in an attempt to seize whatever goods she had stolen from travelers passing her blighted grove the past few months. A large number of us from a variety of affiliations massed outside the grove, swords at the ready and leading a few great beasts. The vines surrounding the entrance grew thick and heavy as though the wicked lady inside sensed what lay in her future.

Our band hacked it’s way in, slaying several of Lady Melisande’s servants before confronting the sinister dryad herself. She did not stand for long and quickly succumbed to our passed blades, claws, and magic though not before inflicting terrible wounds on a few of us.

Though we made a few more forays, it seemed the Lady had acquired nothing of any worth, only spoiled liquor, rotten flowers and something that resembled dryad vomit.

Future Forays

Most expeditions and similar adventures are scheduled regularly on fridays by Lady Phoenix and depart from either the Skara Brae Community Centre or the Tea House in PaxOku at just after 8pm by the eastern clock.

However other adventures also occur spontaneously and can be arranged across the ether. Should anyone have a request for such an expedition for anything from slaying terrible sea creatures to hunting putrefying elementals for blood samples, they should let everyone know.

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PaxLair Meeting: March 13, 2012

PaxLair Statehood, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – March 13, 2012 – by Winfield – The next meeting will be held as follows:

  • Date: Tuesday, March 13, 2012
  • Time: 9:00 PM ET
  • Location: Skara Brae Pub, Trammel, Chesapeake
  • Directions: Just south of the Skara Brae Bank.
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News From Across the Realm, Volume 2, Issue 6

The Reforged Press, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – March 12, 2012 – by Ashlynn – Chaos continues to engulf Britannia and other regions of Sosaria during the month of march. Political tensions also continue to mount in Skara Brae as the Apiarist Guild moves to curb statehood influence within the city.

Forged by Fire

The passage beneath Paws has proved something of an enigma ever since it was sealed by orders of Commander Foxx. The lava-filled cavern has proven impossible to traverse, but the disaster in Ilshenar may offer some hope.

Captain Gwen of the Royal Guard sent out a call for volunteers over the weekend to investigate the mysterious calamity that has befallen Ilshenar. She and her followers were required to aid Shirron in order to gain access to the region where I met with the group somewhat late. We then traveled to a shrine north of the fortress ruins to meet with a meer by the name of Arvith.

Not being particularly trusting of meer and knowing they have a dislike for me, I decided it best to remain inconspicuous while the creature spoke of a dragon that required some assistance. But such a creature could also reward us with the means to manufacture the protection needed to cross the remains of the Paws underground bridge.

We soon learned that one by the name of Zhar-Beth-Lem could create what we needed with a material made from dragon egg shell. And to the volcano near the city of Ver Lor Reg we traveled to retrieve such material.

A chaotic battle raged (it seemed the dragon objected to our designs on it’s shell) but we emerged victorious, though some of the draconic shell weighed us down with it’s great mass. Zhar explained that it would take two weeks to manufacture the armour we needed so we retired as all we could do was wait.

It seems this saga is far from over and whether the armour is effective or not will become clear in the days to come.

Plots and Propaganda

Despite our best efforts, chaos continues to plague Skara Brae with the protestors and rioters showing no signs of returning to their homes. While the worst culprits have been arrested on behalf of the city Mayor by our volunteer militia, factions within the city continue to work against us, calling our presence there a “foreign occupation” amongst other things.

One faction in particular, the Apiarist Guild which is led by a man named Andrew Sarthius has been responsible for some of the most toxic propaganda. It seems the man is uncompromising in his view that the statehood should remove itself entirely from the City of Skara Brae. There have also been scenes of summary execution in the city with those slain labeled as “traitors to city”. A group of laborers tasked with assisting in the unloading of a supply shipment to the town was amongst those killed.

While the guild has not claimed responsibility for such acts, I would not dismiss the possibility of a link between the two and I advise all members of the alliance to be wary when alone in the darker corners of the city.

A Coded Conundrum

Governor Winfield was the recipient of the strange coded message several days ago, the sender of this mysterious scroll still unknown. While the cipher was easy to break according to the Governor, it seems the message is but a fragment of a larger one.

I have not yet analysed it properly myself, but a copy can be found at the Tea House for any who wish to view it. Perhaps the other pieces of the puzzle will surface in due time.


Seeking humanoid hearts. Whole hearts only. Dried, cold, blackened or throbbing all accepted. Not powdered. Or baked. No questions asked. Contact Ashlynn.

Do you wish to know the future? Have you designs on altering your destiny? Does love, wealth, and happiness await you? Perhaps you wish to cheat the next lotto you participate in or even cheat death itself. Whatever the case, you can rely on me. I am a morally-flexible seer with an eminently accurate prediction rate. For 500,000 coins a time, I’ll give you the answer to any one question you wish to know! – Annabelle the Seer

Juka family seeking lodgings. Will pay. Will also promise not to attack humans on sight. Find us at the gypsy camp near spirituality. – Kalhur

Whomever assisted me home from Skara Brae tavern a fortnight ago, I believe you have my little black runebook. Please get in touch with me so this book does not end up in the hands of my wife. – NANOC

Librarians rejoice! For there is one with the answer to all your woes. That is right, Alameth the Summoner can drive away those pesky spirits that plague libraries and archives everywhere! You know the kind I speak of; they take up residency in books and cause nothing but chaos. Alameth has cataloged them all. Alameth has named them all. Alameth himself has written a book on them all – a book free from such spiritual occupation. Alameth’s rates are competitive and his success rate perfect. If a spiritual problem haunts the tomes of your library, seek out Alameth at the Lyceum in Moonglow!


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PaxLair Meeting: March 6, 2012

PaxLair Statehood, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – March 6, 2012 – by Winfield – The next meeting will be held as follows:

  • Date: Tuesday, March 6, 2012
  • Time: 9:00 PM ET
  • Location: Skara Brae Pub, Trammel, Chesapeake
  • Directions: Just south of the Skara Brae Bank.
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News From Across the Realm, Volume 2, Issue 5

Errant Press, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – March 5, 2012 – by Ashlynn – Details of the disaster that befell the old fortress in central Ilshenar are amongst the news items this week. Also of note are several people being honoured by the gods themselves for services to the Kingdom of Britannia.

Tuna Shipment Woes

Attempts at the end of february to deliver a cargo of Golden Tuna from Trinsic to Britain met with disaster resulting in loss of the entire shipment. Raiders apparently from both cities continually harassed the caravan and the volunteer guards as they made their way along the old road towards the capital.

However it was not the masses of bandits that finally led to destruction of the fishy goods but a strange magical worm infection. Having gorged itself on the cargo, the worm finally erupted from the crates and set about the guards, attempting to devour them too though was quickly slain.

Relations between Trinsic, and the city of Britain which desperately needed the food, have grown sour as a result and there is talk of possible skirmishing should they grow any worse.

Pathfinders and Cryptologists Honoured

Six people were granted titles by the gods at the Hall of Commons on sunday for their special efforts in unraveling plots and decyphering various coded texts.

Four people were granted the title of Pathfinder for their work in diligently finding their way through half a dozen separate plots. Those named were Rhotua, Nyx, Gollem, and Lady Cat.

Two other people were also granted the title of Cryptologist for their efforts in decoding many of the cyphers used by a number of sinister groups over the past year or so. They were Fanny Firebottom and myself!

Jukan Refugees Flee to Ver Lor Reg

A few details (and I mean very few) have emerged concerning the fate of central Ilshenar as a number of Jukan refugees fled to the Gargoyle city in the nearby desert. Shirron, one of those refugees, explained only that a great calamity had befallen the fortress and the nearby area. It also seemed that looters and other unsavory characters had taken to stealing what they could from amongst the ruins in the wake of the disaster.

Shirron has offered to help adventurers reach central Ilshenar if they bring him samples of blood from a particular breed of blood elemental, which he needs to heal his master who was injured during the chaos. Those interested can find Shirron at the healers in Ver Lor Reg.

Water Turns Foul in Britain

High Population and Discontent have added up to trouble for Britain’s aquatic residents and perhaps even the water supply. The amount of trash and other detritus that has resulted from ongoing rioting has begun to seep into the waters turning the water a foul green colour in places.

While no major illness has been reported as of yet, memories of the water supply contamination a year or so ago are still fresh in my mind and I imagine it will not be long before corpses are floating alongside the offal.


Magical Keg for sale! Never runs out! Of air that is. Contact Lazulli.

Lich seeking liver. Price depends on condition. Seek out the infamous Savaric.

I am looking for several brave adventurers to help me find a legendary oversized magical lute said to be hidden away in some mountain caves. Please ask for Garm if interested.

Lich Bone Dust for sale. Contact Mach for details.

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PaxLair Meeting: February 28, 2012

PaxLair Statehood, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – February 28, 2012 – by Winfield – The next meeting will be held as follows:

  • Date: Tuesday, February 28, 2012
  • Time: 9:00 PM ET
  • Location: Skara Brae Community Center, Trammel, Chesapeake
  • Directions: Just east of the Skara Brae Bank.
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Supply Delivery to Skara Brae

Shore of Skara Brae, Trammel, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – February 27, 2012 – From the desk of secretary to Nidaros – The waters were running rough this night. The PaxLair Alliance had received a dispatch that a delivery was desperately needed in Skara Brea. Without hesitation, the PaxLair Defense Fleet mustered all hands to set sail immediately for the shores of Skara Brea. These ships included the towns of Dragons Watch, PaxOku, Nidaros, and PaxLair. So under the cover of darkness, the large merchant Brit ship, home ported in Nidaros was loaded down with goods and ale and set sail with three ships in tow from the Alliance who were acting as guard and Escort for the supply ship.

All hands were alerted to the possibility of being attacked by pirates , who are in league with the raiders that are attacking the lands of Sosaria. But with luck, the moon was dark behind a cloud covered evening sky. the three escort ships scouted a little ahead and found that the landing spot for the merchant ship was clear. With a signal given, the Large Brit Merchant ship made landfall at a undisclosed position, where merchants unloaded the goods and distributed amoungst those that needed it.

With the help of the PaxLair Alliance, food, clothes, and ale will continue to flow into the city of Skara Brea. It is a determination that all at the Alliance feel and will not be detered by any person or thing.

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Fluffy Bunny Event Guide by Mentiras

The Ether (PaxLair Times) – February 25, 2012 – by Winfield – Mentiras published a Player Event Guide on UO Stratics. This is the Link.  The events described include:

  • Version 1.0 games
    • Find Fluffy
    • Paint Ball
    • Snake
    • Pirate Hunt
    • Riddle Game
    • Maze House
    • I Spy
    • Treasure Hunt
    • Naked Dungeon Run
    • Armageddon Circle
  • Version 2.0 games
    • Ultimate Bagball
    • Prison Tag
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3 Pirates Dead – Skara Brae Receives Bountiful Booty

High Seas, Skara Brae, Trammel, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – February 24, 2012 – by Winfield – Pirates on the High Seas retreated quickly from the Skara Brae sea on Friday night.  Dragons Watch sailors destroyed three pirate ships and killed the pirate captains.  The sailors gave the collected booty to the people of Skara Brae.

The sailors on Dragons Watch’s ship were Fruit Loop, Sushi, Badger, Winmere, Winfield, and Piker McManig.

Dragons Watch Sailors attack a Dread Pirate Ship

This naval assistance to Skara Brae came less than a week after the PaxLair Statehood vowed to defend and aid the city.

“PaxLair is certainly keeping it’s promises to Skara,” said a butcher hacking on a pig carcass.  “Merchant ships with fresh fruit from the southern seas have been few lately.  Maybe we’ll get more now.  A person can’t live on meat alone unfortunately.”

Skara residents reported they see many PaxLair Statehood and Alliance people helping them.  More aid workers and defenders also come from other townships and guilds.

The PaxLair Statehood decreed to help Skara Brae on February 21, 2012.  It is holding its future Tuesday evening meetings in the Skara Brae Community Center (Trammel) at 9 PM ET.

Repairing and Restocking the Ship


Plundering another Pirate Ship


Three Dead Pirate Deeds - at the Skara Pub

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