From Rabbit Burrows to Exodus Lair

Ver Lor Reg, Ilshenar, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – April 14, 2012 – by Ashlynn – Though Lady Phoenix may not be around to lead us personally, alliance expeditions must go on. Whether seeking treasure, fame or glory, or investigating the latest rumours to come out of Britannia’s taverns, the PaxLair Expedition Force stands ever ready to move.

Bothersome Bunnies

Our first expedition began at the Tea House. And stayed at the Tea House for quite a time. Afterall, the Tea House serves the finest green, blue and carmine tea. And this strange tea with these little balls of quicksilver mixed in (they say it prolongs your life!).  Not to mention all the ale and other booze folk seem to bring back from their adventures upon the waves. Sometimes I wonder why we leave the Tea House at all when it clearly has everything we could want!

In anycase, we remained at the Tea House for an hour chatting and drinking before heading to Dragons Watch Tavern briefly. And after our late-night tavern crawl was over, we descended upon the fields of Moonglow, thorns in hand, determined to celebrate the holiday in true easter fashion: by hunting for rabbit holes, slaying the rare bunnies that dwelled within before stealing their eggs (Whether the bunnies lay these eggs personally is a matter for a more anatomically inclined article).

Our expedition was a success and we returned to the Tea House with quite a haul of strange coloured eggs and so, feeling victorious, it was time for many of us to sleep.

Mechanical Monstrosities

Our most recent expedition involved less ale, tea, and celebration and more facing the mechanical horrors of the forces of Exodus. But a tavern was involved along the way.

After meeting at the Tea House, we heard strange rumours regarding the Salty Dog – a dive of a tavern in the City of Britain which I have frequented on more than one occasion. Despite the seedy nature, the patrons can be quite useful when information is required.

Down in the cellar below, we discovered a shady looking fellow next to a crate full of loot that had obviously come from Castle Blackthorn, judging by the chaotic symbols upon the drapes and banners. Being a curious bunch, we took a look through it and discovered a map that marked a location in Ver Lor Reg. Being yet more curious, we decided to follow the map.

In Ver Lor Reg, we discovered that a tunnel led to the lair of Exodus, a place that had been blocked off ever since the rockfalls some time back. Unlike previous visits however, the place seemed to have suffered some damage and much of the equipment was malfunctioning. We also found the body of a previous visitor and his journal mentioned the strange machines and things called punch cards. I considered the possibility that a punch card was something you gave to a goblin before a big iron golem hit them in the face – a sort of command if you will – but sadly, that did not appear to be the case.

Unfortunately after some skirmishing with the minions of Exodus, time began to claim some of our party so it was decided we would return again to view the devices and their workings in more detail another day.

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The Wedding Vows

Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – April 13, 2012 – by Ashlynn – For those who were unable to make the grand ceremony some weeks ago that saw Lord Nanoc and Lady Phoenix renew their vows to each other, they have kindly sent me a copy of their vows as well as the speech given by Drosselmeyer for print, reproduced here for your benefit.

Sadly a proper transcript of the event is not available at this time but these are pretty close to the real thing!

First we have the  vows made by Lady Phoenix to Lord Nanoc:

You are the air that I breathe,
You are the sweet scent that dirfts upon it
You are not the sounds that I hear,
You are the music of my life
Your are not the food that I need,
You are the nourishment of my soul
You are not my will to survive,
You are my reason for living
It is with you that I experience the wonders of the world of Sosaria
It is with you that I triumph over the challenges in the path and in the dungeons
It is your friendship that guides me as I grow and learn
It is your patience and wisdom that calms my restless nature
It is through you that I know my true self
I do not take you for granted
I cherish you, I do not need you
I choose you
I choose you today in witness of all the people that love us
I choose you tomorrow in the privacy of our hearts
I choose you in strength and weakness
I choose you in health and sickness
I choose you in joy and sorrow
I will choose you, over all others, every day for all the days of my life.

And then those given by Lord Nanoc to Lady Phoenix:

I offer you not the “summer of my life” but the autumn, brisk and vibrant
I promise to be a worthy Husband of your precious devotion.
I pledge to you compassion in good times and bad.
Encouragement in sickness and health.
It is my intent that our lives together include our large circle of friends and family.
We’ll cherish the memories of our individual pasts and create our new life as we go now together.

And finally a draft version of the ceremony as written by Drosselmeyer (in the absence of a transcript):

On to what has gathered us here, however. Over the years that I have been privileged enough to serve everyone here on Chesapeake, there have been many changes, new faces, regime changes, and crises. There have been townships, kingdoms, and even regents who have risen and fell in that time, but there have been those that are constant. Today we are gathered here in the presence of friends, family, and colleagues to honor and witness the rededication of two who have constantly been there for each other, both as friends, adventurers, warriors, explorers, and most importantly, as lovers and spouses. Nanoc and Pheonix have embraced the journey of this world together and braved its dangers not as two but as one for five years now, and their constancy is an inspiration.

Undoubtedly, we’ve all heard stories and tales of the Virtues and the Principles, and we’ve all been told what they are and how best to represent them, but these are just words and tales; It is our actions and how we live our lives that matter, and these two are truly an example of how the Virtues should be worshiped. Honesty in their expression of their feelings towards one another; Honor in their commitment to their vows; Compassion for each other and patience for their problems; Sacrifice of one’s time for the well-being of the other; Humility in admitting fault and working to improve; Valor in their unflinching defense of the realm and each other; Justice in always seeking to be fair to each other; and of course, Spirituality in fulfilling these others. Through these come their exercise of the Principles of Love, Courage, and Truth. Truth in hiding nothing from one another, and baring the entirety of one’s soul to a person who they know can and will without fail guard them from their enemies, reinforce them where they are weak, and never even dream of taking advantage of weakness. Courage in knowing that revealing these weaknesses will never come to haunt them, but instead to strengthen them, their resolve, and their bond to each other. And of course, Love; Much has been said of love over the years, and there is always more to say, and for each and every one of us love has its’ own personal and special meaning, so in a bit of a departure from the norm I’d like to ask a few of you gathered here to speak a few sentences as to what Love is to you. *Allow audience to speak*. For myself, Love is more than words can truly every describe, but it is always knowing that no matter where you are, if you are with the one you love you know you are home, safe, and accepted for who you are. It is the sacrifice of self that allows us to see that we were never truly whole before embracing it, and it is through love that we become complete and truly ourselves.

I’d like to ask now that the couple once again acknowledge their rededication of their vows, and that they repeat them for those gathered here; They have held on to these vows for five years, and held them dear to their hearts, and nothing I can say or provide can compare to such a thing.

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PaxLair Meeting: April 10, 2012

PaxLair Statehood, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – April 10, 2012 – by Winfield – The next meeting will be held as follows:

  • Date: Tuesday, April 10, 2012
  • Time: 9:00 PM ET
  • Location: Skara Brae Pub, Trammel, Chesapeake
  • Directions: Just south of the Skara Brae Bank.
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Best Wishes to Lady Phoenix!

The Press of Adoration, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – April 6, 2012 – by Ashlynn – News has reached our ears that Lady Phoenix is recovering well and for that we are all very greatful. Still we dearly miss her presence this eve and some of us decided to show as such. We all hope the rest of you will join us in wishing her a swift recovery from what ails her.

All our love to you Lady Phoenix. We would surely miss you if you left us and we are most blessed that you will be able to continue to both join us and lead our adventures.

We all look forward to seeing you soon!

Posted in Dragons Watch, PaxLair Statehood, Real Life | 1 Comment

News From Across the Realm, Volume 2, Issue 7

The Idle Press, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – April 6, 2012 – by Ashlynn – Your most noble and trustworthy reporter laments the fact that she missed the opportunity to entertain her readers with what would no doubt have been a hilarious april fool joke. Well perhaps not, but demands placed on my time have led to a lack of articles the past few weeks – something that shall be rectified.

And so for the first general news edition of the month. Much has happened and much has stayed the same. Let the events of the past unfold before your very eyes.

Explosive Events Unfold in Britain

This innocuous keg was the cause of a lot of worry for the citizens of the city!

Yesterday evening the guard were summoned to Serpents Hold by Captain Gwen Irina. From there they traveled to the gargish city of Ver Lor Reg to aid a gargoyle scholar by the name of Hfrofrem. He explained that they asked the famed Lord Balandar to concoct an alchemical explosive so they could clear the rockfalls in Central Ilshenar. Unfortunately said concoction was stolen.

It wasn’t long before they were sighted. Sharp eye’d folk had seen a number of strange barrels with the mark of Ver Lor Reg stamped upon them in the City of Britain. Some simple logical deduction later and the volunteer guard made haste to the capital.

Raiders were already present preparing to raze several buildings to the ground but the guard soon confronted them. Unfortunately I decided to depart at this point but I have not heard of a giant blackened crater replacing the City so I can only assume they were successful.

Noble of Skara Brae Murdered

The charred corpse of one Lord Osmer Mortimer was found several days ago pinned to a great oak tree by several large iron nails. Witnesses say that a riotous mob armed with hatchets, polearms, clubs and torches attacked his manor on the mainland reducing it to a pile of smoldering ash after looting any valuables they could find. The mob apparently dragged the man to the tree where they drove iron spikes through his limbs. Before setting fire to the poor portly fellow, the mob are said to have hung his three sons from the same tree before his very eyes.

The Mayor of Skara Brae has vowed to bring those responsible to justice but Andrew Sarthius of the Apiarists Guild has dismissed the oath as the empty promise of an ineffectual leader. Sarthius has instead called upon other nobles of Skara Brae to sponsor his endeavours in hiring “wave men” from Tokuno instead.

Town of Oasis Founded

In the crumbling wilds of Malas a new town has been founded with the noble aims of offering shelter and aid to those newly arrived or returned to the realm and as a place for established peoples and groups to come together.

The town which has been given the name Oasis is led by Lightning and a number of buildings have already sprung up including a consulate building where the officials of other towns can acquire offices.

More details will be forthcoming in a future article as the town is still in it’s founding stages but you can find it on the crumbling continent not far from Hanse’s Hostel. Anyone who wishes to forge links or become part of the town should contact Lightning, Mayor Zanku or Lord Maedhros.

Prayers For Lady Phoenix

Our beloved Lady Phoenix is on a leave of absence due to various troublesome ailments that are in the process of being remedied and thus, is unable to take charge of our regular friday expeditions for some time. But she insists that we not abandon our endeavours and forge on regardless.

As a result there will be an expedition this evening and aspiring attendees can meet at the Tea House at 8pm by the eastern clock. Before we begin our delve into the darker regions of Britannia however, we will be stopping by a shrine or two and offering prayers for her.

We wish her a speedy recovery.

Rumours and Other Snippets

Let it be known that Ozog the Lying Liar Goblin has been spreading FALSITIES about my pale nature, claiming I am undead. This is completely untrue and folk should ignore such blatant slander.

Surveyors were recently spotted in the City of Gyldenfeld.

Blackwin has apparently broken free of the terrible influence of Savaric the Lich and now resides in PaxLair City. It is said he will offer aid to all, good, bad or terribly ugly.

Evil berserker on dread warhorse allegedly seen prowling the abyss.

A stranger called the Scion has been leaving strange coded books in mailboxes across the realm.

Talk circulates in taverns about a group of ruffians preparing to attack ships flying the Nidaros flag. May or may not be tied to the Apiarists.

Posted in Britain, Britannia Towns, EM Event, General News, PaxLair City, Player Event, Skara Brae, Townships | 1 Comment

PaxLair Meeting: April 3, 2012

PaxLair Statehood, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – April 3, 2012 – by Winfield – The next meeting will be held as follows:

  • Date: Tuesday, April 3, 2012
  • Time: 9:00 PM ET
  • Location: Skara Brae Pub, Trammel, Chesapeake
  • Directions: Just south of the Skara Brae Bank.
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PaxLair Meeting: March 27, 2012

PaxLair Statehood, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – March 27, 2012 – by Winfield – The next meeting will be held as follows:

  • Date: Tuesday, March 27, 2012
  • Time: 9:00 PM ET
  • Location: Skara Brae Pub, Trammel, Chesapeake
  • Directions: Just south of the Skara Brae Bank.
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Season of Conflict – From Britain to Trinsic

Trinsic, Trammel, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – March 26, 2012 – by Ashlynn – A large fleet of ships from the City of Britain made landfall near Trinsic saturday evening unleashing a vast cargo of mercenary raiders on the people of the city. A volunteer militia led by Knight Commander Jacob Talvun fought back the militia but not before many casualties were inflicted.

The motives behind the attack are linked to the Golden Tuna shipment sent to Britain some weeks back – the same shipment that was destroyed en route. In response, a Lord Valyon of Britain approached Santiago of the Sons of the Sea in Trinsic and demanded his tuna or at least some other form of compensation. Lord Valyon seemed particularly interested in the ruins of Paws to the north and suggested they would be ample recompense. An argument ensued with threats made on bother sides. The Knight Commander stepped in and the end result was an angry Valyon informing all those present that he would settle the issue through force of arms.

Things looked worse soon after as Santiago and the Knight Commander seemed to talk of civil war suggesting that the southern cities were ready to fight against those in the north. Only Skara Brae was undecided and the question was posed to Mayor Zanku as to who he would support. It would later transpire that the Mayor Zanku threw in his lot with Trinsic and the south.

And so, true to his word, Lord Valyon’s fleet arrived in Trinsic carrying sellswords and engines with which to take the city. Talvun had prepared defences, reinforcing the city gates with cannon and additional barricades, but Valyon’s men still managed to break through and the siege devolved into isolated street battles.

Once it was all over it was time to pick through what remained of Valyon’s mercenaries and some managed to uncover documents that seemed to point to a hidden headquarters in Britain that some believed might be located beneath the artist’s guild. Commander Talvun swiftly led a small force to investigate and did indeed uncover such a complex. After dealing with the few defenders on guard, a brief search was made for more information and it was Lady Engel who managed to uncover something most intriguing.

More Hidden Conspirators?

A partially burned letter in the fireplace suggesting another hand was moving the pieces involved in the conflict. The letter appeared to be from one Lord to his superior and told how Lord Valyon acted exactly as was anticipated and that plans were ongoing to acquire more Britain uniforms for some kind of false-flag operation. With little else of note, the volunteers disbanded for the evening.

Those wishing to examine the hidden headquarters for themselves can access it via the basement of the artist’s guild. Touching the magic drum on the table will allow access.

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The Rekindling – A Renewal of Vows by Lady Phoenix and Lord Nanoc

Justice Falls, Trammel, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – March 24, 2012 – by Ashlynn – With all the turmoil that has beset the realm in the past months the ceremony that took place yesterday evening was a ray of light against the gloomy backdrop of political crisis. Though a fleet already sails for Trinsic with ill intentions and rioters burn down shoppes and residences, many of us managed to spare some time to witness a little happiness.

For yesterday evening Lady Phoenix and Lord Nanoc of Dragons Watch renewed their marriage vows to each other on their fifth anniversary. Not only was the ceremony attended by folk from all across the realm but it was also presided over by the gods themselves as Drosselmeyer oversaw the ceremony himself!

After all the guest had arrived, the ceremony began with the central couple repeating the vows they had made five years previous. The ceremony lasted a good while with emotional words from both the couple and Drosselmeyer. Those attending were even given the opportunity to comment on their own opinions of what love meant and a number did. When the ceremony was over we all made our way to a building furnished especially for the reception where gifts were given and everyone celebrated into the night.

I and the rest of the staff here at the Times wish all the best to the happy couple. I also hope to have a transcript of the ceremony soon so that everyone can read all the formal words of the ceremony for themselves. It is a relief to know that love and happiness can still bloom in these dark and uncertain times.

And hopefully in another five years, we can write of a tenth year anniversary no matter what woes plague the realm at that time!

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Lady Phoenix and Lord Nanoc to Reknew Wedding Vows

Skara Brae, Trammel, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – March 21, 2012 – by Ashlynn – It was announced at the Statehood Meeting that in honour of the 5th anniversary of the wedding of Lady Phoenix and Lord Nanoc, the two would hold a ceremony to formally renew their wedding vows to one another.

The ceremony will take place beside the great waterfall near the Shrine of Justice this coming friday, March 23rd. The event will formally begin at 8pm by the eastern clock, but for those wishing to enjoy the food and drink that will no doubt be on offer, it might be worth arriving a little early.

Everyone is invited so come along and wish them well And congratulations to the both of them!

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