A Public Response to Allegations Over Bad Magic

Shrine of Sobriety, Trammel, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – May 14, 2012 – by Ashlynn – It has come to my attention that many accusations have been leveled against me for alleged use of bad magic such as necromancy and the like. There are also rumours circulating that I take the hearts of helpless victims and store them in baskets in my basement. These are all completely false of course. I am no necromancer and my magic is as pure as that of any Britannian mage, despite seeming otherwise at times.

This confusion may have arisen because I was taught a peculiar branch of specialized magery and so my spells are slightly different. They all share the same origin, including power words of gargish and to prove this, I will detail the seventeen spells in my special magery book below.

First Circle

Hungry Blade – A spell that temporarily awakens a blade giving it a small measure of lifeforce that it transfers to the wielder every time it strikes a foe. This spell is an odd evolution of the Ressurection and Heal spells as it manipulates life force.

Second Circle

Kharmic Armour – Magic that epitomizes the gargish principle of Balance. When an aggressor strikes a mage clad in “kharmic armour”, they too will feel the pain they seek to inflict upon others. My teacher learned of this particular spell in Ver Lor Reg, taught to him personally by one of the city’s chief mystics.

Heightened Magic – This spell does little by itself but is a refinement of the Bless spell. It heightens the power of other spells cast upon opponents and is quite useful in this regard. It is something of a one-shot spell though and having to cast it before casting something more useful can be a little annoying.

Stun Bolt – This particular spell is one example of the non-malevolent nature of my particular school of magery. As killing another creature is not always desirable, non-lethal magic was required. This spell causes temporarily debilitating pain but victims soon recover.

Spirit Jump – A peculiar mesh of the Invisibility and Recall spells, this magic combines aspects of both giving the user an incorporeal form and also granting the ability to recall across the realm at will. It is the incorporeal aspect of the spell that has obviously given rise to accusations of a wraith-like form.

White Wyrm Skin – Another defensive spell, this hardens the skin with cold and dry scales that are better able to resist physical damage. This does make users more vulnerable to heat and fire and such, so users should keep this in mind.

Third Circle

Mana Disjunction – I like to call this one Mana Muffle but the proper name is Mana Disjunction. It is an offensive spell cast upon opponents – generally other magic users – that makes it more difficult for them to concentrate and forces them to expend more mana to power their magicks. It is a refined version of the Mana Drain spell that my teacher would occasionally punish me with when I didn’t pay proper attention. He would simply say “now you have an excuse for not listening!”

Summon Helpful Animal – Very similar to the Summon Animal spell with a few minor changes. Those changes result in a smaller variety of animals that can be summoned, but those that can be called are somewhat more capable and useful.

Fourth Circle

Corpse Dance – Clearly the basis for some of the accusations leveled against me. This spell is not Animate Dead, Raise Dead, or anything of that ilk. It involves no manipulation of life or death force at all. Infact, the basis for the spell will surprise you. It is a refinement of the Telekinesis spell and simply allows a caster to control a corpse as though it were a puppet. It is quite possible to cast this on a mannequin or doll and achieve similar results.

Living Titan – This is another spell my teacher learned from the mystics of Ver Lor Reg. Similar to the stone form spell, this uses the power of the earth of strengthen and transform the caster into a being of immense strength and regenerative ability.

Fifth Circle

Noxious Mist – A more specialized version of the poison field magery spell, this creates a cloud of poisonous gas that lingers only briefly but can catch multiple opponents. Nothing at all sinister about it.

Sixth Circle

Freezing Fog – Strong ice magic that creates a cloud of cold wind around the caster, freezing those that get too close. It is an advanced spell as Flame Strike is to Fireball and takes quite a lot of skill to cast! It is however very effective against massed hordes of mongbats.

Stolen Air – Telekinesis that focuses upon seizing the air that surrounds and fills another person. Though there is nothing sinister about the nature or origins of the spell, it does leave a target gasping for breath and is sometimes frowned upon for this reason. Even considered wicked for such effects.

Arcane Vigour – The visual effects of this spell are merely cosmetic and can be changed with some effort. I have spent so long using it to make myself look like a lich that I forgot how to make it do anything else. What this spell actually does is use the casters own life force to power their mana regeneration abilities. It can be useful in a pinch. But not if you’re wounded. Or near death. Bad idea.

Seventh Circle

Spirit Guide – This is a very helpful spell for those trapped in the spirit world. Sometimes such souls cannot help themselves and they need guidance from the living. This spell guides those poor folk to somewhere they can better find such help. It is not always a hundred percent effective though and occasionally leaves targets somewhere they don’t want to be. And still dead.

Summon Shadow Elemental – Not all elementals are made of fire, water, air and earth. As everyone knows, they can be made of anything. It is possible in theory to create a spell that can summon every variety of them. My teacher never did get around to finishing the Summon Blood Elemental spell but he did complete his research into summoning Shadow Elementals and that is what this one does! For some reason they like shadowy robes and fighting with scythe-like implements.

Eighth Circle

Immortal Blood – A peculiar advanced spell that is a further refinement of the Bless spell. This improves the user in many ways – too numerous to mention I should add. It does leave casters with a slightly porcelain complexion though which might be why some consider it a little… strange.

Well I hope that clears things up a little and silences my accusers at the same time. If anyone else informs you I am necromancer, tell them that they are a liar. Especially Ozog.

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News From Across the Realm, Volume 2, Issue 8

The Sleepy Press, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – May 13, 2012 – by Ashlynn – Our movable type has not moved much over the past week but time has come to push it into place and relay some news from across the realm.

The Wrong Kind of Adventure

The Alliance Expedition took us to Wrong this past week where we mingled with the inhabitants of the prison and even spoke to the chef at length about the sort of maggoty food he serves up for the inmates.

Unfortunately, Wrong Prison isn’t run in quite the same ordered and efficient manner as the prison of Yew and many took a dislike to our presence there even going so far as to attack us. It would appear conditions have degenerated into total anarchy since the Juka left quite some time ago. Perhaps what the place really needs is a new warden, and perhaps a company of royal guardsman.

Still, most of us managed to fight our way back out and we even made it just in time for the weekly Guardian’s Gate auction!

Something Stirs in Covetous

Rumours have begun seeping from the depths of Covetous that suggest a new evil presence is making her mark there. A sorceress from an unknown land covets a strange black pit referred to only as the void pool and word suggests she will be dispatching her minions to seize the old mines over the next few weeks.

We intend to investigate this matter for ourselves in the weeks to come.

Shifting Sands

Archaeologists of the realm would do well to visit the Gargish city of Ver Lor Reg if it is relics and artifacts they seek as recent reports tell of Meer and Juka items of note being uncovered. The state of many of the artifacts already pulled up suggests they were thrown into the desert during the recent calamity that took place in Central Ilshenar.

Would-be archaeologists searching for artifact shards can purchase a sifting tray from an enterprising trader nearby for the low low prices of only a thousand gold pieces. Be warned however – things linger beneath the sandy dunes and are easily disturbed by anyone digging, surfacing quickly to attack those above. Anyone considering such an expedition should be skilled in sword or spell or just be quick on their feet.

Burning Bridges

Lord Balandar sent out a call for volunteers to participate in yet another of his exotic expeditions to retrieve things probably best left alone. Yesterday evening’s expedition took our rag-tag band back to the bridge below the ruins of Paws. The bridge – now repaired – led us to an extremely hot cavern of immense size where we had no where else to go.

After several minutes thought, Balandar suggested we all summon elemental beings of fire, at least those of us who could. After doing so, a creature calling itself “Vulcan’s Emissary” appeared floating in the middle of the cavern.

We attempted to question it, but it simply told us that in order to gain the knowledge we sought, we would have to pass a test. A test that, unsurprisingly, involved killing something. In this case, it was a creature called Vulcans Former Vanguard and on our way to slaying to infernal beast, we dispatched several of it’s personal retinue and had to pass through a few walls of flame.

After passing the test the emissary agreed to answer our questions and questioned it was at length. The general conclusion was that there was another great artifact of similar power to Poseidon’s Fury and naturally, Balandar wanted it for his own. At that, many of us left feeling somewhat exhausted after spending so long down in the fiery depths.

Weekly Events Reminder

For the forgetful amongst us, we have regular weekly events, or attend other weekly events. Some of those include:

  • Statehood Meeting: Every tuesday at 9pm EST. Location can shift each week.
  • Weekly Expedition: Every friday (usually) at 8pm EST. We always meet at the Tea House.
  • Guardian’s Gate Auction: Every friday at 9pm EST.
  • Hall o’ Commons: Every sunday at 9pm EST.
Posted in Covetous, Dungeon, EM Event, General News, Ilshenar, Ruins of Paws | Comments Off on News From Across the Realm, Volume 2, Issue 8

The Goblin Art Faire Returns!

Pitmuck, Trammel, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – May 10, 2012 – by Ashlynn – Ozog of Pitmuck has fixed a date for this season’s Goblin Art Faire and all are invited for this wonderfully exotic cultural event!

If anyone wishes to put any art on display at the faire, they should get in touch with Ozog. There will also be a darts contest with a big prize of gold for those in 1st, 2nd and 3rd place.

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PaxLair Meeting: May 1, 2012

PaxLair Statehood, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – May 1, 2012 – by Winfield – The next meeting will be held as follows:

  • Date: Tuesday, May 1, 2012
  • Time: 9:00 PM ET
  • Location: Skara Brae Pub, Trammel, Chesapeake
  • Directions: Just south of the Skara Brae Bank.

Note: Governor Winfield cannot attend this meeting.  Someone else please lead the meeting.

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PaxLair Bestiary – Pixie

Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – April 26, 2012 – by Ashlynn – Fickle humanoid creatures less than two feet tall with a pair of lustrous wings to keep them aloft. These denizens of the wild dance in the air as they hurl arcane fire at anything to which they take a dislike.

Some consider them creatures of good but they have attacked weary travelers unprovoked on more than one occasion, I being a past victim of their randomly malevolent nature. They are potent spellcasters but their bodies are frail and weak and easily cast down by blade or counterspell.

From the Writings of  Argvol, Gargish Ranger of Ver Lor Reg

Our first encounters with the Meer were not particularly friendly and we skirmished with their scouts on more than one occasion. It seemed they were not very forthcoming with the reasons for occupying the former human settlement, nor would they shed any light on what happened to the previous inhabitants.

A human family at the nearby farmstead feared them though never claimed to have been attacked by the cat-folk directly. Still they believed they had perhaps eaten Lakeshire’s occupants and were more welcoming of us than of them.

Some of our initial expeditions would stop by at the farmstead before moving upon Lakeshire using the woods for cover. And that’s where we met them. Like little winged humans, they seemed cheerful and friendly but their attitudes could change quickly when they met with some of our number, often the mystics. They would hurl spellfire without warning and I recall we lost two mystics during that first meeting.

Subsequent encounters could be friendly or hostile, yet retaliation only brought a whole host of the giggling menaces out of the woods, occasionally with the aid of stronger, white horned horses that were equally, if not more adept in the art of magery.

I can only conclude that they are a fickle and dangerous lot. Their mood and mind epitomizes the very opposite of our own calm and controlled philosophy. Fortunately, while territorial, they do not wander far and for now we can simply choose to ignore them.

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PaxLair Meeting: April 24, 2012

PaxLair Statehood, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – April 24, 2012 – by Winfield – The next meeting will be held as follows:

  • Date: Tuesday, April 24, 2012
  • Time: 9:00 PM ET
  • Location: Skara Brae Pub, Trammel, Chesapeake
  • Directions: Just south of the Skara Brae Bank.
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Solstice Fair Competition Results

Luna Fairgrounds, Malas, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – April 24, 2012 – by Ashlynn – Unfortunately I arrived late to the Solstice Fair that took place yesterday evening just outside of Luna and only caught the last two events. I believe some spiritual force or creature was intent on keeping me from visiting through the use of a Confusion Potion-Ale. Or perhaps I just mixed up my dates. As in time, not fruit.

The Drinking Contest

As I arrived everyone was in the process of getting horrendously drunk. I assumed it was just a party or celebration at first, what with all the terrible singing and such. Turns out there was a contest in progress! Fortunately, being the only one not drunk at the time, I can tell you who won.

Congratulations to Lady Falbala of Dragons Watch and her cast iron stomach.

Archery Contest

A test of marksmanship followed marred only by the fact that most of those present were not marksman and were not permitted any magical aid. I opted not to enter as bow strings are bad for my nails and I prefer the help of my pink faerie bow.

The format was single elimination with participants paired off until only one remained. Contestants each got three arrows to shoot per round. There was no prize for high score (although I believe Badger took that title with 160 points!). Oh and they had to perform in only a skirt and shirt. Very fashionable!

After several rounds, the final came down to Badger and Andromaque both of Dragons Watch, where Andromaque proved himself the better shot on the day. For his performance, he was informed he would receive his very own trophy placed within the Hall of Victory on the crumbling continent. Congratulations!

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News From Across the Realm in April, Issue II

The PaxLair Press, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – April 23, 2012 – by Ashlynn – While rioters and protesters still take to the streets of our fair cities, most conflicts have experienced something of a lull giving our dear citizens a little breathing room. No doubt such respite will be brief and we should prepare ourselves for worse to come!

Balandar’s Nexus

Last week court mage Balandar entered the ruined lair of Exodus with a band of volunteers in search of the strange mechanical wonders within – specifically something called a Nexus. It is rumoured that others across the realm have been removing some of these large devices and it seemed Balandar was determined to get one of his own before they were all gone. A not all too unfamiliar feeling amongst some members of the citizenry during past events!

Eventually and after much skirmishing with the minions of Exodus, a nexus was hauled out of the dungeon and brought to his residence in Moonglow where it was quickly erected outside (almost in the blink of an eye). At the time however, Balandar did not know how to activate it and everyone soon left thinking that was the end of it.

A few days later the volunteers were summoned back to the mage’s residence along with Captain Gwen. Balandar had figured out the contraption, or so he thought, and he intended to activate it! After speaking the gargish words “In Vas Rel Chronos”, a strange rift appeared near the nexus and a host of Exodus minions poured through looking for blood.

After fighting them off, we entered a hole near the contraption and found ourselves inside the previously sealed off ruins of Paws where we were accosted by what looked like the previous residents. Whether they were undead or not, I could not be certain but they had murder in mind and we were forced to bring them down.

As the expedition drew to a close an argument erupted between Balandar and Gwen with accusations and insults exchanged. It was at this point that everyone decided it best to leave though some made for the tavern rather than a bed.

As for what happened? I suspect that perhaps the rift pulled us back into Paws’ past but I cannot be certain. Whatever the case, these nexi are clearly a threat to our realm and should be destroyed rather than experimented with. I have heard rumours of mechanical creatures appearing suddenly beside other nexi and I get the feeling the whole thing is some devious plot.

The Goblin Art Faire

While it is something of stretch to call it art, the Goblins of Pitmuck intend to host another of the finger painting events in the coming weeks. What they use for paint pigment and canvas, I dare not think about but for those looking for a little low culture, this event is for you!

A specific date has not yet been fixed but Ozog informs me that those interested should keep an eye on the news both here and on the Tome o’ Stratics.

The Demon Market

I found a curious item in my mailbox a few days ago. A strange, charred letter mentioning something called a Demon Market. What a demon market is precisely, I am unsure but I get the impression it my involve a market. And demons. And perhaps demons selling wares at a market.

It is all just so complex! If such a thing is true and does indeed happen, I can not say how safe such an occasion would be but I imagine one could find all manner of wonders (and horrors) at such a thing.

Unfortunately, no date or time was mentioned, only a location – the City of Moonglow. I shall endeavour to uncover more soon!

I think that might be blood on the paper there but I’m not sure. I suspect that is not a positive sign. You have been warned.



Rat Problem? No Problem. Expert Ratcatcher with 20 years experience. Fast, efficient and thousands of rats to my name. References available upon request. Rates set at 50gp per rat caught. Contact Erst the Ratcatcher at the Salty Dog Tavern.


The tastiest meat! The tenderest bites! Our diced red meat might not look like cow, but you’ll never taste anything else like it! Come buy from my stall! – Helena of Britain

Thistle. When the clock strikes three. You are summoned. – Anonymous

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The Kingdom of Britannia

Britannia, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – April 23, 2012 – by Ashlynn the Cartographer – Though the realm is determined to tear itself apart, I have been hard at work producing something to remind us that we are one Kingdom – one Britannia. Though I fear a line may be drawn through the kingdom in the months to come, we should remain united!

You may travel to the gallery to view the map or simply look at it here! I hope this reminds all citizens what we risk by dividing our land and how we will stand stronger as a united people!

Posted in Alliance Atlas, Britannia Towns | 2 Comments

PaxLair Meeting: April 17, 2012 – cancelled

PaxLair Statehood, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – April 17, 2012 – by Winfield – The April 10, 2012 meeting is cancelled due to an EM Quest with Balandar.

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