PaxLair Meeting: June 12, 2012

PaxLair Statehood, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – June 12, 2012 – by Winfield – The next meeting will be held as follows:

  • Date: Tuesday, June 12, 2012
  • Time:
    • 9:00-10:00 PM ET – PaxLair Meeting
  • Location: Pitmuck, Trammel, Chesapeake
  • Directions: Use the Luna Community teleport table for PitMuck outside South Luna, near the Fairegrounds.
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News from Across the Realm,, Volume 2, Issue 10

The PaxLair Press, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – June 12, 2012 – by Ashlynn – With Lord Dupre fighting the good fight against an army of mechanical monsters, it seems others are more interested in unwittingly helping them. Meanwhile, much of the population is still somewhat angry at the price of bread. Perhaps they should visit my mushroom shop – I have plenty suitable for frying or making into reagents.

Healers Guild Opens Stations in Nidaros and Kijustsu Anei Village

The Healers Guild of Britannia has formally recognised petitions from the towns of Nidaros and Kijustsu Anei and in return for aid from both towns, they have erected small healing stations to aid both the citizens and any folk passing through.

Well, we still await the raising of the station in Nidaros and I can only assume that the poor acolytes responsible for the venture have never had need to set up a marquee before.

The Kijustsu Anei Station can be found just behind the cherry blossom next to Homare-Jima moongate, while the Nidaros Station will eventually be situated near the town banner. In theory anyway – perhaps a strong wind will take it elsewhere. I never did trust canvas buildings in the windy environs of Skara Brae.

Goblins Contaminate Britannian Flora

Ozog and his noxious band of miscreants are allegedly responsible for contaminating the immaculately kept gardens beside the hall of commons. Due to their need to constantly engage in certain biological functions, the ground has become tainted and foul, turning some of the once verdant green hedge an unsightly yellow colour.

Farmers who own the nearby fields seemed horrified when I notified them of the contamination, with one even taking up a bill hook and screaming “what?! I’ll ‘ave tha little bastard if’n ‘e comes pissin’ on me crops!”

I had to calm the man down and inform him in the interests of truthful reporting that no goblins had been seen urinating on his turnips and carrots as yet. Still I can only suggest farmers nearby invest in some fencing. Or a palisade. With towers. And armed guards.

Oasis Formally Opened to Public

The town of Oasis was recently opened to the public at a formal ceremony a weekend or so ago. The Oasis project has actually been in operation for quite a few months now, aiding returnees and new immigrants from beyond the realm. The helpful folk of Oasis, led by Lightning, offer aid with training, equipment and even housing. Oasis is a place to gather and make new friends.

Sadly the banner has not yet been properly constructed but a working design is currently in place at Oasis Town Hall. It is expected to be complete in the coming weeks.

In the weeks since it’s founding, numerous buildings have sprung up including a consulate building, a tavern, and a park. Unfortunately I was unable to be present for much of the occasion due to some kind of sleeping sickness.

Say No to Nexi!

Or is that nexuses? Still it is with some disturbance that I report the sighting of two more nexi – one atop the chaos tower in PaxLair City and one above the port building in Pitmuck.

I hope such constructions are temporary for they are believed by more sensible folk (such as myself, naturally) to be very dangerous and linked to recent events in Ter Mur. With rumous such as mechanical creatures appearing nearby and the nature of their sinister origins without doubt, it should come as no shock that the contraptions are no boon for Britannia nor will they aid in curing the ills that plague our fair land.

Furthermore none have a true understanding of their actual purpose or of how they work, including Court Mage Balandar, supposedly one of the most learned men in the land. If our own scholars do not know the details of their function, how can they sit by and let the laymen tinker with such devices?

I urge all citizens of the realm to tear down these obelisks to evil with great urgency or we too might find ourselves overrun like the poor folk of Ver Lor Reg, running to the Empress of Tokuno and begging her for help.

Rumours and Gossip

Brown bovines are said to be vanishing from the region around Nidaros and Gyldenfeld. Whether cattle rustling is to blame or mechanical monsters are hurling them back to Ver Lor Reg, it is not known. Perhaps the locals of Skara Brae have slaughtered them all for food!

A band of “short green creatures” apparently made off with several key components of the telescope in Moonglow rendering it temporarily non-operational until the local tinkerers can smith replacements.

There are reports of many gargoyles falling ill since refugees from Ver Lor Reg arrived in Ter Mur a few weeks ago.

Lord Dupre is said to be temporarily abandoning his quest for “Sosaria’s Greatest Ale” while he focuses upon the situation in Ilshenar.

Posted in Britain, General News, Kijustsu Anei Village, Nidaros, Oasis, PaxLair City, Pitmuck, Shard Event, Ver Lor Reg | Comments Off on News from Across the Realm,, Volume 2, Issue 10

An Enjoyable Evening With Elise

Nidaros, Trammel, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – June 10, 2012 – by Zanku – Tuesday Night, June 5th, as the sun was settling over the horizon of Sosaria, “ELISE”, the well known owner of the keg & Anchor Tavern in Trinisic, closed up her shop and headed for a funfilled Evening in Nidaros. She was there in a working capacity, being hired by the town of Nidaros. As she arrived, she was greeted by Mayor Zanku, the Mayor of Nidaros and shortly there after, the Assistant Mayor, Maedhros. Before being taken into the Saloon area, Mayor Zanku presented the fine Lady, Elise, with a pair of “Oven” gloves form the people of Nidaros, that she proudly slipped on before going upstairs to the bar area.

Elise was shown the Black Dagger Saloon/Tavern area on the 2nd floor of the Townhall, where, for the next 2 hours plus, would preform her famous services of serving those in need of food and drink. Mayor Zanku escorted her to the bar where she was shown the kitchen area that had been recently built for her, by the local carpenters. To her satisfaction, she settled in for the evening, slipping on her apron and oven gloves and began preparing various dishes to be served during the night. Multiple Kegs of various strong home brewed ale was delivered by Maedhros and placed in various areas around the bar area for her serving ease. As the bells began to toll on the grand Clocks in the tavern, people slowly began to filter in and make themselves at home. Elise was there to greet them with her glowing smile.

Governor Winfield, the Governor of PaxLair Statehood, volunteered his ‘Gating’ services in Luna, creating a gate, to help those traveling to the Saloon find their way. “Elise’ tried to hire a ‘Gater’ to ease the problem of gating, but was informed that the gentleman was indisposed for the service. So Governor Winfield volunteered his drinking time to fill the gap.

As the evening progressed, Elise told some stories / Rumors of things happening around the Sosarian Realm while serving those that had arrived. At 9 PM, Governor Winfield called to order the weekly Statehood meeting and all statehood members and guests found a chair and the meeting began. Elise accompained the meeting in her serving capacity. At the conclusion of the meeting, everyone surrounded the bar for drinks and and more story telling by Elise.

The stars were shining brightly into the night when Elise mentioned that she had an early day at the Keg & Anchor and must bid everyone a good Evening. As she departed graciouly, eveyone left sitting there waved and wished her a good evening.

Elise mentioned she had a great time and the crowd was a very greatful and enjoyable crowd. Being her first time serving the public in this capacity, as a hired waitress, she wished everyone well and said she would love to come back to service such fine people as those that attended Tuesday Nights affair.

Thank you Elise from all those that were there and hope that your services again can be enjoyed by all of Sosaria and your presence again felt in Nidaros.

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PaxLair Meeting: June 5, 2012 (and barkeep visit by Elise Symeria)

PaxLair Statehood, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – June 5, 2012 – by Winfield – The next meeting will be held as follows:

  • Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2012
  • Time:
    • 8:00-10:00 PM ET – Elise Symeria (famous barkeep from Keg and Anchor in Trinsic)
    • 9:00-10:00 PM ET – PaxLair Meeting
  • Location: Black Dagger Saloon, Nidaros City Hall, Trammel, Chesapeake
  • Directions: Located N of the Nidaros Banner  (between Skara Brae and Gyldenfeld) towards the bay.  Teleporter is also  at the Tea House in PaxOku, Tokuno.
  • News:
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A Guest at the Saloon (and Other Alliance Tales)

Nidaros, Trammel, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – June 2, 2012 – by Ashlynn – Taverns, adventures, and adventurers in Taverns. Not to mention adventures that begin in taverns and often end there too, the tavern occasionally not surviving a brush with those who delve deep into places they shouldn’t. But these topics are our focus today!

Elise Symeria to Visit the Black Dagger Saloon

Nidaros has hired (semi) famed barkeep Elise Symeria, owner (or so I believe) of the Keg and Anchor in Trinsic. Being someone in the know who has the ear of many of the realms more famous (and infamous) citizens, we look forward to hearing the latest gossip to come out of the southern fortified city.

Elise will be serving at the Black Dagger Saloon on the evening of June 5th from the hours of 8pm to 10pm by the eastern clock. The Black Dagger Saloon is the public bar area of the Nidaros Town Hall and can be reached via the teleporter at the Tea House in PaxOku.

The doors are of course open to all and the weekly statehood meeting will also be taking place from 9pm onwards. We look forward to all guests and ruffians. I have already advised Mayor Zanku to remove anything flammable from the building and ensure only watered down ale and wine is served. I’m sure such a decision will prove popular. Afterall, sobriety is a virtue!

Shadow of the Sorceress

A large number of volunteer adventurers responded to the Royal call to arms following Cora’s initial attack upon Covetous. The assembled militia fought for a long time, pushing back wave after wave of the wicked sorceress’ minions. Even I participated in the battle although I must stress for the sake of truthful reporting that by “participate”, I actually mean utter a few words of summoning magic followed by hiding behind a huge stone titan.

After sixty waves of her vile minions, I found myself feeling somewhat fatigued and decided to withdraw from battle. Others fought on however though I do not know how many more of her servants they slew.

I did however find one of Blackthorn’s antique examplars as I made my way out of the mines of Covetous. A prize to be sure!

Old Enemies

Continuing the fight against old enemies of the realm these past few weeks were Roan, Badger and Lord Shatain of Dragons Watch. While the realm turns it’s focus to Cora, ancient opponents such as the Necromancer Lady Neira continue to menace travelers near Delucia and the Shrine of Humility.

The Trio decided this situation could not go on and resolved to remind the witch that not everyone has forgotten the threat she poses. With sword, spell, tooth and claw they vanquished her minions and tore down her altar of skulls, recovering a bounty of gold in the process.

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PaxLair Meeting: May 29, 2012

PaxLair Statehood, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – May 29, 2012 – by Winfield – The next meeting will be held as follows:

  • Date: Tuesday, May 29, 2012
  • Time: 9:00 PM ET
  • Location: Mage Tower, PaxLair City, Felucca, Chesapeake
  • Directions: Teleporter is right of the bulletin board at the Tea House in PaxOku, Tokuno.
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News From Across the Realm, Volume 2, Issue 9

The PaxLair Press, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – May 22, 2012 – by Ashlynn – The past few weeks have seen a number of shocking events unfold, from the fall of Ver Lor Reg to the appearance of Lord Dupre in the fair land of Britannia. As always, I have been there to witness it all! Or at least most of it.

Pitmuck Art Faire a Success

The goblin art faire saw a large turnout as people made their way in droves to see what was on display. Some of the works to be seen included poorly drawn pictures, an ice cream sculpture and even a miniature pagoda made out of mushrooms.

After visitors had spent some time viewing the artwork, Ozog announced that darts contest would begin. Unfortunately only humans could enter the tournament as the throwing knives were unsuitable for gargish hands. Interestingly, Ozog had created a stuffed effigy of Dudley to use as a target. After a number of rounds of throwing, the results were as follows:

  • 1st Place: Vampiro
  • 2nd Place: Miranda
  • 3rd Place: Karthec

Prize money for the winners was 2 million, 1.5 million and 1 million gold respectively. A door prize was also announced for all attendees, with the prizes donated by Lady Falbala of Dragons Watch.

After the events on the mainland were conclude, everyone took to a few ships to participate in a naval excursion around the islands. Sadly I was unable to join the would-be buccaneers as someone cast a sleep spell on me at this point.

Ver Lor Reg Falls to Exodus

In a shocking turn of events, the Gargish City of Ver Lor Reg fell to the forces sometime before this friday past. When precisely this occurred is unknown, but what is know is that a band of volunteers led by Lady Vasheri of Trinsic escorted Queen Zhah to the city only to find it occupied by a huge force of mechanical monstrosities.

Believing it to be just another raiding force, the rag-tag militia attacked the invaders only to discover the true size of their vast force. After engaging with the clockwork enemy for quite some time, Lady Vasheri led a retreat aided by none other than Dupre himself, who informed all those present that the Gargish inhabitants had been evacuated just before the enemy took control of the city.

The gargish refugees now reside in Ter Mur under the “protection” of Queen Zhah (though I fear neglect and starvation may take more of their number than any mechanical creature could). Many appear ill while others are malnourished or severely injured. We can only hope that the gargish queen offers more in aid than a few tents outside her city walls.

Sorceress Cora Besieges Covetous

Rumours of Sorceress Cora’s designs upon the mines of Covetous proved true as a large force of creatures entered through several moongates in an attempt to occupy the dungeon. It is unknown if any are yet fighting the good fight but a Royal Call to Arms has been issued for this coming wednesday in an attempt to drive out the invaders.

Vela the Sorceress of Cove is also offering rewards for those who wish to strike a blow against the forces of Cora and those who have slain any of her minions should speak with Vela.

Lord Dupre Rally’s the People

After the disasterous attack on the City of Ver Lor Reg, Famed Lord Dupre escorted Lady Vasheri’s beaten force from Ilshenar to Trinsic before formally announcing his return from fighting against the forces of Sorceress Minax. He expressed his shock at the state of the realm he returned to with chaos and evil encroaching on all sides, and has vowed to fighting against these sinister forces. He also informed us that he had ordered Commander Foxx to seal the City of Ver Lor Reg using Balandar’s alchemical explosive in an attempt to stem the mechanical tide.

And then in true heroic fashion, he invited us all to the tavern to socialize a little. One of the patrons present, a man by the name of Extinction engaged in argument with Lord Dupre expressing his displeasure at Dupre not leading an immediate attack. Dupre simply replied stating it would be more sensible to attack to a plan and a better prepared force – sentiments I must agree with.

Gyldenfeld Survey Complete

After several hundred painstaking hours, the survey of the City of Gyldenfeld is now complete and a map of the city can be found in the Alliance section of the Times. This leaves one final city in the alliance to be surveyed – that of the City of Aryslan.


Roan of Nidaros seeking those newly returned to the realm to interview for upcoming Times article! Seek out Roan if interested in sharing your view.

Escort sought for transport of valuable cargo from Moonglow to Lakeshire. Strong possibility of attack. Speak with Heliantha at the Lyceaum.

VERY LUCKY RING FOR SALE. 5 MILLION GOLD. Will consider livestock as part exchange or other goods. – Mel

Posted in Alliance Atlas, Covetous, Dungeon, General News, Gyldenfeld, Pitmuck, Player Event, Shard Event, Ver Lor Reg | Comments Off on News From Across the Realm, Volume 2, Issue 9

PaxLair Meeting: May 22, 2012

PaxLair Statehood, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – May 21, 2012 – by Winfield – The next meeting will be held as follows:

  • Date: Tuesday, May 22, 2012
  • Time: 8:30 PM ET is Pub Time.  9:00 PM ET is the Meeting
  • Location: Nidaros City Hall, Nidaros, Trammel, Chesapeake
  • Directions: Located NW of the Nidaros Banner (between Skara Brae and Gyldenfeld) towards the bay. Tea House, PaxOku, has a House-to-House Teleporter to the Nidaros City Hall.
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The Pitmuck Poste – Issue 1

Pitmuck, Trammel, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – May 15, 2012 – by Ozog and Ashlynn – It seems Pitmuck is popular enough to warrant it’s own publication. Hopefully it will consist mostly of stories regarding EARTHQUAKES, TSUNAMIS and other calamities to befall the island of foul creatures. Details of the news below has been provided by Ozog, but the writing is done by yours truly. This is to ensure the content is actually readable.

The Pitmuck Art Faire

A reminder to all our readers that the Pitmuck Art Faire will be taking place this Saturday May 19th. The “doors” open to visitors at 8pm EST (there are no actual doors, such things are a little too sophisticated for goblin-kind) and there will be a darts contest during the evening.

There’s still time to get your own sculpture or painting put on display and those wishing to do so should speak to Ozog before the event.

Tamers Sought for Saturday Evening

Ozog is looking to hire tamers for the events on saturday (may 19th). Those tamers interested should be able to show up at 6pm EST with pets in tow. Ozog has specified any particular pet types so I highly recommend a pack of mongbats, giant toads or something that enjoys feasting upon goblin flesh. It would make for great entertainment!

No details have been given regarding compensation but there is a trough of (polluted) water for your pets to drink from. Anyone who wants to participate will need to speak with Ozog who will no doubt be able to provide more details in a mix of broken-britannian and hand signals.

Mysterious Illness Plagues Goblins

Word has reached me that a large number of the goblin tribe have been struck by a mysterious illness that has rendered most of them incapable of doing much at all. Naturally the goblins consider this a curse but I’m sure most citizens of the realm look at the situation as more of a blessing.

Ozog has laid blame for this illness at the feet of Balandar, Mage of the Royal Court, claiming he has cast some kind of spell upon the town. This is the more likely explanation as I’m sure it has nothing to do with all the poisonous fungal spores an alchemist associate of mine has been scattering across the island.

Symptoms of the illness apparently include aches and pains, nausea, stomach ache, light headedness and extensive sleeping. The illness is not believed to cross the goblin-human species barrier as that would be like a Daffodil catching a cold.

Balandar Pays His Debts

Court Mage Balandar has finally paid his debt to Pitmuck’s resident tinker Mr Grumpy (an accurate name I must add). Balandar delivered the long list of demanded cattle to the island personally, releasing them into the nearby forest. Lady Falbala of Dragons Watch was witness to the payment despite Grumpy not being present and the matter is now considered settled.

New Goblin Dancing Club Opening in PaxOku

Apparently, I’m not completely certain of the facts myself and it could just be a threat for all the human inhabitants. In anycase, I have been told that this goblin club, catering mainly to goblins and humanoids with an illness of the mind will have a number of… dancers on the payroll.

Residents seem non too pleased and the local Ronin Brotherhood at the nearby Dojo has taken particular exception to what they call a “bakemono menace”, sending some of their number into the village to ensure such a thing is never constructed.

Let us hope such threats are deterrent enough!

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PaxLair Meeting: May 15, 2012

PaxLair Statehood, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – May 14, 2012 – by Winfield – The next meeting will be held as follows:

  • Date: Tuesday, May 15, 2012
  • Time: 9:00 PM ET
  • Location: Mage Tower, PaxLair City, Felucca, Chesapeake
  • Directions: Teleporter is right of the bulletin board at the Tea House in PaxOku, Tokuno.
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