News from Across the Realm, Volume 2, Issue 11

PaxLair Press, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – July 2, 2012 – by Ashlynn – A quest to aid the sick and dying on behalf of the Healer’s Guild of Britannia number amongst our endeavours this month.

Soggy Barnacle Darts Competition

I have been informed by Kerrs Holley of Port Baldamor that this coming sunday there will be a Darts Competition at the Soggy Barnacle Tavern. As with many tavern competitions of this sort, there may or may not be prizes and a few injuries may be involved due to drunk darts throwers.

The competition will take place Sunday 8th July at 7pm by the eastern sky. There will be no Hall of Commons meeting taking place on sunday either.

A Plague for the Angels

The Healer’s Guild of Britannia have offered to give townships of the alliance credit if they can meet a quota for a certain number of cures to help the sick in Northern Ter Mur. As has previously been reported, shortly after refugees from Ver Lor Reg arrived in the Royal City, a plague broke out amongst the Ter Mur natives. Those afflicted are currently quarantined at the Fishing Village north of the Royal City.

Curiously it seems that the Gargish of Ver Lor Reg are unaffected and may possibly be carriers for the disease. This belief has also sewn discord between the two Gargish races with some unrest already rumored.

The Healer’s Guild has requested each township produce fifty cures for the diseased gargoyles and a mysterious healer at the Fishing Village has supplied us with the medical lore to produce the cure.

Others still needing to procure such knowledge can acquire books from said healer who remains in the village overseeing the sick and recovering.

Each cure requires the following ingredients:

  • Vanilla (which can be harvested from cultivated vanilla plants)
  • Sugarcane (which can be harvested from cultivated sugarcane)
  • Cuticle Sac (harvested from the corpses of Terathans)
  • Blightborn Slime (found on slimes dwelling within the sewers and the swamp near Destard)
  • Raw Yeast (Acquired from Orcs)

We have estimated that to gain credit for the remaining townships, we will require 250 of each ingredient. Yesterday evening we began harvesting some of these and have so far acquired 90 cuticle sacs from slain Terathan Matriarchs.

A mailbox has also been set up at the Tea House for the purpose of collecting ingredients and more mailboxes can be set up if required.

The Sosarian Solstice Herding Faire

Last week the latest incarnation of the Solstice Faire took place with Ozzie the Cluckologist leading events. The game of the night was… well I am not quite sure what it was called. But it involved the herding of chickens.

The rules were quite simple: Each contestant was given a chicken and they competed against another to herd their charge through an obstacle course. The first through the course was declared the winner. I believe the format was single elimination though I am not sure who actually won in the end.

A Goblin Cure for a Goblin Ailment

Icky Rotblossom, one of THOSE creatures living on the island of Pitmuck has, to my amazement, managed to find a cure to a common ailment that plagues the goblins (and any unfortunate humans who have too much close contact which should be no one).

The ailment known in scholarly circles as Enterobiasis, or more commonly as Pitmuck Pinworms is an infestation of the gut that causes intense itching in unfortunate places.

The cure is apparently made from akavit, strength potions and enchanted apples. Whether it works or not is yet to be confirmed by more reliable sources.

Alliance Assault on Cora

With the return of our weekly friday expeditions, Lady Phoenix led us to Covetous where we battled the forces of Cora, earning treasure and recognition in the process. Although we were eventually overwhelmed by what seemed like an endless horde of minions, we fought off wave after wave of undead for quite some time and made them pay dearly for every inch of ground they took before forced to withdraw.

For my efforts, I was fortunate enough to find an ankh trinket on one of our fallen foes, and Sorceress Vela has offered to reward all of us for our contribution in fighting against Cora.

Posted in Covetous, Dungeon, EM Event, General News, PaxLair Statehood, Shard Event | Comments Off on News from Across the Realm, Volume 2, Issue 11

PaxLair Times Administration and Links

PaxLair Press, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – June 29, 2012 – by Ashlynn – This is one of my rare OOC news posts but I thought it worth making. We have reorganized the Times a little, especially the links. After uncluttering the links bar at the top (we wanted to keep Times specific stuff there), we have added the links to other sites and such to the sidebar neatly split into categories so it is easy for people to navigate.

At the moment it consists only of the ones we are immediately familiar with but I believe that stronger community bonds can only be a good thing and links are an easy way to build ’em. If you run a UO fansite or such and wish to have a link added, please let me know and I shall add it. You can send a private message to Ashlynn_L on stratics or Ashlarrr on UOForums.

Also feel free to send me any suggestions or ideas for other things, from stuff we can add to the Times to other ways we can improve inter-community relations. I also take “guest-articles”. These need to be in character articles, but other than that, it’s a pretty open category. One particular thing I would love are stories to add to my bestiary articles which I can add after the description of the given creature. Full credit is given of course!

Finally I would like to extend a thankyou to all our readers. I would say “all five of them” but there seem to be more of you lately! So thanks!

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Vesper City Survey Complete

The Royal Surveyor’s Office, Trinsic, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – June 26, 2012 – by Ashlynn – Once again surveyors and cartographers have been hard at work mapping parts of the realm ensuring officials and other people of interest have access to the most accurate and up to date information concerning the geography of our blessed kingdom.

The latest cartographic endeavour looked closely at the City of Vesper and this survey is now complete, with a map already available for all citizens of the realm to look over and use as they see fit.

The Vesper City map can be found amongst the rest of our alliance cartographic collection in the Atlas of the Alliance.

And remember, if you want to add something to the collection, no matter what the scale or style is, just contact Ashlynn and she will make it all possible! And would really really welcome it too!

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PaxLair Meeting: June 26, 2012 at Red Wolf Cafe

PaxLair Statehood, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – June 26, 2012 – by Winfield – The next meeting will be held as follows:

  • Date: Tuesday, June 26, 2012
  • Time:
    • 8:30-9:00 PM ET – Solstice Fair at Luna Fairegrounds (EM Event)
    • 9:00-10:00 PM ET – PaxLair Meeting
  • Location: Red Wolf Cafe, Trammel, Chesapeake
  • Directions: Use the teleporter at the Tea House with the Red Wolf on it — OR — Use the Luna Community teleport table for Gyldenfeld outside South Luna, near the Fairegrounds.
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The Siege of Ver Lor Reg

Ver Lor Reg, Ilshenar, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – June 25, 2012 – by Ashlynn – After a long fought battle, Ver Lor Reg fell to forces loyal to Lord Dupre this past weekend, finally ending the threat of Exodus once and for all. This victory is a historic milestone in the ongoing chronicle of our realm and will be spoken of in taverns for decades to come.

The call had gone out several days before with news that Lord Dupre would be marching from his camp during the weekend. With everyone having made preparations over the past few days, the final assembled volunteer army was well equipped and in high spirits.

Lord Dupre once again gave a short speech before we set off, encouraging us to be brave while informing us we must not – indeed we could not fail. All those present however seemed assured of victory and off we set for Ver Lor Reg to deal the death blow to Exodus and his sinister plans for Britannia.

The defences guarding Exodus dungeon were still weak following our previous attack a few days earlier and we quickly overran them, soon forcing our way into the dungeon itself. Once inside, the mechanical defenders attempted to prevent us from reaching the main chamber, throwing a whole host of iron golems at us and even some new machines we had not seen before. Despite this effort however, the clockwork creatures could not halt our advance and we quickly cleared the complex of all enemies.

Using the power of Starfell (and a little hope I suspect), Lord Dupre destroyed the strange metallic protrusion revealing a tunnel that led us all way into Ver Lor Reg. We moved swiftly, appearing on the western side of the city where we were beset by a few more surprised (if such things can be surprised) defenders.

It seems Exodus had anticipated our attack and had constructed multiple bastions full of a new kind of creature called a “Dreadnought” that had to be breached before we could advance. Not only did we have to defeat the defenders of each bastion but we also had to break down their walls. Each was built at a strategic point in the city and together they made an effective defensive line.

But no cunning defences would be able to stop us. Exodus had aroused the ire of the Britannian people, heroic volunteers who were determined to end his threat once and for all. Once each bastion was destroyed and all the mechanical defenders smashed on the tainted ground of Ver Lor Reg, Exodus deigned to appear before us with in person and with murderous intent.

The half-daemonic half-mechanical creature was enormous, larger even than Corgul, Charybdis or a mighty scalis. The greater dragon pets of the tamers amongst our number looked like insects and we looked as even less.

Exodus didn’t give us much time to brace ourselves before several explosions went off around us, followed by daemonic claws swinging in large arcs cleaving all before them. The battle raged on for what seemed like an eternity and despite horrendous casualties, Exodus was finally cast down.

It was almost too difficult to believe but Lord Dupre urged us to make haste and rally at Honor moongate. As Lord Dupre handed us a blackened journal said to belong to Lord Blackthorn himself and began to deliver his speech, a great magical force suddenly shattered the moongate beside us. Lord Dupre looked shocked and suggested the destruction of Exodus may have triggered some kind of failsafe or perhaps allowed room for an even graver threat to manifest.

We were forced to seek another route back to Trinsic, some of us with scrolls of commendation in hand. Our victorious band celebrated for some time before all began to disperse for some much needed rest. I myself decided to peruse the contents of the journal though the shocking revelations within will need to wait for another article.

But what happened to the moongate? Was Exodus really responsible or is it possible there is yet a greater threat to Sosaria? And what form will that threat take? And despite our historic victory, the realm remains engulfed by internal strife and the possibility of outright civil war looms on the horizon.

Though this victory is a ray of light, I must admit I fear there are darker days ahead for Sosaria.

Posted in EM Event, EM Quest, Exodus, Exodus Campaign, Ilshenar, Shard Event, Ver Lor Reg | Comments Off on The Siege of Ver Lor Reg

Turning the Tide – The Campaign Against Exodus

Dupre’s Camp, Trammel, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – June 22, 2012 – by Ashlynn – The past week has seen a reversal in fortunes for the brave volunteers who are resolved to take the fight to Exodus despite the turmoil still engulfing the realm. First there was a strike against Exodus’ old lair south of Ver Lor Reg and yesterday, the recovery of an important reagent used to remove the curse on a potent weapon that may aid us in our fight.

A Strike at the Heart

Volunteers were called up this tueday past by Lord Dupre and Commander Foxx for an aggressive patrol into Exodus’s old lair near the fallen city of Ver Lor Reg. Before we set off from Trinsic he informed us that if any of us had reservations about going into battle against our enemy, we should visit the Fishing Village in northern Ter Mur and see the plague that Exodus has brought upon the gargish folk.

We soon made our way into Ilshenar, fighting our way through a host of mechanical guardians before reaching the complex. Soon we were inside and the corridors echoed with the sounds of battle for some time before we broke through to the heavily guarded central chamber – a great cavernous room that contained a large machine of unknown purpose.

What caught Lord Dupre’s attention most though was some kind of metallic protrusion that had broken through the walls and floor of the chamber. What it was exactly, we didn’t know but it would require further investigation and with our victory secure we returned to Trinsic for the evening, some – including Dupre – to the tavern.

The topic soon turned to an artifact known as Starfell and we soon learned some details of it’s origins. A blade that once belonged to an ancestor of Valyon’s who himself had a mage companion. This companion was corrupted and consumed by power and Valyon’s ancestor tried to stop him but couldn’t. All seemed lost when a wisp-like creature merged with his sword and allowed him to pierce the mage’s magical barrier and strike him down.

From then on the blade had been called Starfell due to the dark red-black colour it turned that seemed streaked with stars. But the blade was also said to be cursed and that even if it could pierce any magical barrier, there was a cost to doing so.

The conversation then turned to other topics and after a little drinking, all soon grew tired and decided to retire for the eve. We were informed however that volunteers would be called up again soon enough and so we should listen out for such a call.

The Gargish Plague

I heard word of an infection slowly spreading throughout the natives of Ter Mur several days ago but had not seen fit to investigate it, dismissing it as yet another rumour. After Dupre’s comments the previous night however, I decided to see what was happening for myself.

I made my way to the Royal City and then headed north without informing the gargish authorities. If the rumours were true then it was entirely possible that gargish guards would attempt to dissuade me from visiting the Fishing Village north of the city.

Navigating the somewhat wild lands with care, I happened upon the village itself, fenced off and with a large sign declaring the area quarantined by orders of Queen Zhah. Though it may have been risky to do so, I decided to venture inside as the rumours suggested that the plague only affected native Ter Mur gargoyles and not humans it all, and I was shocked by what I found.

Sick gargoyles wandering around aimlessly, a few already passed away. They were indeed the winged natives of Ter Mur, not the wingless gargish from Ver Lor Reg. Their skin was a sickly green in colour and they were weak, running high fevers. Coughing, nausea and vomiting were the obvious symptoms. I decided against a more physical examination.

More shocking still was a funeral pyre behind one of the buildings still burning. It was clear there had already been many deaths and yet more to come. A number of those sick expressed their anger and resentment at the Ilshnari Gargish who they claimed had brought this upon them.

If there is truth to this, then it seemed the legacy of Exodus will live on long after it’s defeat unless some way can be found to cure the plague.

Cleansing Starfell

Yesterday evening Lady Vashri called us all to the City of Trinsic with news about Starfell. She informed us that Lord Valyon have gifted the item to her and that it was indeed cursed so it was decided that it best if we spoke to the mage Balandar regarding how to remove the curse.

She also saw fit to explain to us that no support would be forthcoming from the soldiers of Trinsic or Britain as both were on a war-footing expecting the other to attack. It seemed even the threat of a clockwork army in Ilshenar was not enough to persuade them.

So to Moonglow we went, artifact in hand and after fighting back a few raiders, we spoke to Balandar. He confirmed the blade’s curse and told us exactly how it worked. Anyone who used the weapon would die. Simple enough but also costly enough for us to seek a way to remove it.

Balandar knew of a ritual to do so but required a special reagent – a horn of some kind – from one known as Ilhenir the Stained who resided in Bedlam below Umbra City. With this information at hand we decided to act immediately.

Via magical moongate, we entered Bedlam and fought a host of vile creatures, some I had not seen before. Soon the creature we sought appeared but our numbers were many and we emerged victorious. Think that the end of the matter and another victory won, we returned to Moonglow.

Immediately a large army of clockwork minions ambushed us, catching us by surprised. They were everywhere, hundreds of the machines determined to stop us. We fought for a long time just to reach Balandar’s house and we urged him to destroy the Nexus and complete the ritual while we fought them off.

It was close fought but Balandar eventually managed to destroy the Nexus with powerful magics. With the evil contraption consumed by a huge explosion, he quickly removed the curse using the horn and urged us to make haste to Dupre’s camp to hand him the blade.

Using magics to travel the realm quickly once again, we arrived at the camp and Lady Vashri handed him the blade Starfell. Holding it aloft he gave the assembled volunteers a rousing speech, urging us to be strong and vigilant and informing us we would begin our final assault in the days to come.

This final assault we were told will take place this coming saturday at 9pm by the eastern clock. Everyone should be prepared for a long hard fight against and cold, fearless and determined enemy, however as Lord Dupre told us, we cannot lose this battle.


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PaxLair Bestiary – Exodus Minion

Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – June 20, 2012 – by Ashlynn – Being a monstrous clockwork servant of the one known only as Exodus, this foul contraption has already gained notoriety amongst many a would-be knight in weeks past. Of unknown artifice, these metal creatures hover through the air not unlike a gazer, seeking out their prey with a single red glass eye. Unlike a gazer however these servants employ no magic, instead favouring cold and calculated attacks with whirling heavy blades of brass and steel.

The Fall of Ver Lor Reg

Give thought to the poor gargish folk of Ver Lor Reg, once the proud rulers of a gleaming white marble city standing resolute in Central Ilshenar. Now what remains is a broken and destitute people forced to take refuge in an unknown land, their own taken from them through the machinations of a mind too alien for us to understand.

It was foolish curiosity that allowed an endless tide of clockwork monsters to spill out of a place all believed sealed and it was not long before they had overrun the city, killing many and driving out the rest. Immediately they went to work transforming the city to suit their own ends and now Ver Lor Reg is a twisted and blackened mockery of it’s former self.

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Lady Vasheri Talks about Trinsic, Ver Lor Reg and Dupre

Trinsic, Trammel, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – June 17, 2012 – by Winfield – Lady Vasheri of Trinsic met with some people after the House of Commons meeting.  Here is Winfield’s account:

We met Lady Vasheri in Trinsic at the Brotherhood of Trinsic.  She explained more about herself and the situation in Trinsic.  Lady Vasheri is one of the last nobles of Trinsic still holding some power.  With Arkun gone, Lord Cauthon has taken control of many business and areas of Trinsic.  He was a minor noble until recently, and has no interest in the other nobles.

We then went to the Keg and Anchor to look for Dupre.  Lady Vasheri continued her explanations.

The immediate threat is whatever is in Ver Lor Reg.  Dupre led a fighting retreat at Ver Lor Reg when a scout said thousands more enemy were coming.  Dupre claims he heard noises from inside Ver Lor Reg that were strange creatures.  Dupre’s knights are trained, but only a small force.  Most of his force is holding factions back in Felucca.  Dupre anticipates close quarters contact within the city in any future battle.  Lady Vasheri offered Dupre the Talon of Destard, but he uses a sword, not a kryss.  Therefore, Lady Vasheri is hoping her meeting with Lord Valyon will bear fruit; she will speak with Lord Valyon soon to see if he has a weapon called Starfell and will let Dupre use it.  For mages, Dupre said lightning type spells would help in the battles.  Dupre’s archers use Valorite encased tips on arrows.  Compound bows will work well too.

Lady Vasheri in Trinsic

Lady Vasheri at the Keg and Anchor holding the Talon of Destard

As I prepared to depart, Lady Vasheri had this to say, “Sharpen your blades and ready your armor. Lord Dupre is certain to be requesting our assistance soon.”

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PaxLair Meeting: June 19, 2012 – cancelled

PaxLair Statehood, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – June 17, 2012 – by Winfield – The PaxLair meeting for Tuesday, June 19, 2012 is cancelled due to an EM Event at 8:30 PM ET called “Sun and Sandstone”. The EM event is combat and RPing. So we will go to that instead of our weekly meeting.  There should be a gate at Luna Bank to the EM event.

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PaxLair Site is Online again! Rebuilding.

The Ether (PaxLair Times) – June 17, 2012 – by Winfield – The PaxLair web site is back online at, but it is archived in Updates to the site were infrequent over the past few years and then the site became corrupted.  Winfield rebuilt the site to make it stable as an archive and then decided to work on a brand new PaxLair site for the future.

Old PaxLair Site

Old PaxLair Site is back online

“The old site was getting too hard to maintain and we did not have many authors,” Winfield said. “It has a lot of information and served us well. It consolidated history back to the early days of 1998 and was active up until 2008.  With advances in web technologies and applications, it’s hard to stick to one site for too long though before a redesign is needed.  We should keep up with the latest web methods to interact with the public.”

The old site is now listed as an archive from 1998-2008 meaning it contains a lot of historical information. The information on guilds, biographies, and latest government structure is circa 2008.  The site will not be updated to the present day; that will be done with a new site.

Since 2008, PaxLair has remained very active and history has been recorded.  The PaxLair Forums and PaxLair Times contain the lastest information and history.  Historians will certainly do research to fill in gaps and document that which is undocumented.

Winfield spoke briefly about a future PaxLair web site.  “PaxLair is a great community of people who adventure and roleplay within Ultima Online.  As such, I want to create the PaxLair web site to look and feel like a real-world web site for a county or state of several towns.  When someone goes to the site, it will hopefully take them a few moments to actually realize this not a physical place in the real-world.  That would be a true compliment to roleplaying realism.  We will spend some time researching and designing the new site.  The new site will probably provide current, yet basic information about PaxLair and not try to do everything in one site.”

Winfield continued, “We will use our PaxLair Times for our official news, UOGuide for basic encyclopedic information about PaxLair, PaxLair Forums to communicate, UOForums and UOStratics for widespread news reporting, and Whispering Rose Radio for our voice interviews and special event broadcasts.  So the new web site will link together many services in a seamless way, I hope.”

Visit the old PaxLair Site with information primarily from 1998-2008 at

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