PaxLair Defense of Skara Brae

Skara Brae, Trammel, Chespaeake (PaxLair Times) – February 23, 2012 – by Zanku – As set forth in a “Decree” by Governor Winfield of Paxlair Alliance ,the need for food, clothing, and supplies are to be supplied to the Protesters and residence of Skara Brea. To heed the call by the Governor, Mayor Zanku of Nidaros, appointed Emissary to Skara Brea, has spearheaded the defense call and has put out the call for all Alliance members to respond to this time of need. Therefore, Nidaros and the other Paxlair Alliance membership have Deployed ships to the crisis area, ladened with goods bound for the port of Skara Brea. It is hoped that by supplying these goods to those in need, an atmosphere of peace will prevale in the strategic city of Skara Brea.

To help those supply merchant ships make a safe delivery, Mayor Zanku, along with his assistant Mayor, Meadhros, ordered a deployment of “Gunships” to guard against Raiders, Rioters, and Pirates helping those who wish to see Skara Brea turn into chaos. Mayor Zanku also ordered that the gunships and Merchant ships fly the flag of Paxlair. The flag is stated as saying “PAXLAIR DEFENSE FLEET”. This will help the residence of Skara Brea recognize that these are the ships that are there to help them. ( NOTE: The ‘Paxlair Gunships have already stopped and sunk imatators trying to infiltrate the defense line carrying more raiders bound for Skara Brea). Mayor Zanku has already informed the Mayor of Skara Brea of such incidents).

With this first movement of ships by the “Paxlair Defense Fleet”, Mayor Zanku is asking that all Paxlair Alliance members please help in supplying more Merchant and Gunships to help the residence and deter any further infiltrating by the raiders and those helping them. ( It is beleived that Pirates have a stake in this upheaval and hope to gain a foothold in the region by helping the rioters and raiders.)

An update will be supplied as events unfold reguarding movement of ships and supplies. A Militia is also being formed and “Gun ladened War ships will escort that Militia at a classified time and deploy that force at a classified location in order to help bring down those terrorizing Skara Brea.



About Winfield

I am the Governor of the PaxLair Statehood. Our Statehood has four cities on the Chesapeake Shard: Dragons Watch, Nidaros, PaxLair City, and PaxOku. I'm an old mage and fisherman who's been around since the beginning of the Realm [1997].
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