PaxLair Meeting: February 3, 2015 at the Ruins of Paws

PaxLair Statehood, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – February 3, 2015 – by Ashlynn – The next meeting will be held as follows:

  • Date: Tuesday, February 3, 2015
  • Time:
    • 9:00-10:00 PM ET – PaxLair Meeting
  • Location: Ruins of Paws, Trammel, Chesapeake
  • Directions:  The entrance to the ruins of Paws can be found on the edge of the Trinsic swamps amongst the stone ruins found there. It is a big hole in the ground that leads underground to a swampy area. There will be people around to guide you.
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Report: An Icy Investigation Part Deux

Jhelom, Trammel, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – January 29, 2015 – by Dreadlord Lestat – Governor Scabby put out a call to arms, as he continued the investigation into the mysterious icy patches and moongate. It did not take long for a motley crew of roughnecks to descend on to the Hand of Death Guild Hall in Jhelom.

20150130_Icy-Investigation_part2-120150130_Icy-Investigation_part2-2As the menacing group awaited the arrival of the Governor of Jhelom, they played a rousing game of Duck-Duck-Goose!

20150130_Icy-Investigation_part2-3Governor Scabby arrived shortly after and got everyone into place, He started barking out orders of the soon to be raid on Ice Dungeon looking for clues about the mysterious happenings.

20150130_Icy-Investigation_part2-4As the rowdy group was preparing to leave, they suddenly found themselves under siege by a group of unknown arctic creatures.

20150130_Icy-Investigation_part2-5The deadly fight quickly headed towards the mysterious moongate. The arctic creatures put on a valiant fight but were eventually defeated.

20150130_Icy-Investigation_part2-6The exhausted group gathered at the moongate to regroup and catch their breath. It was there that they noticed that the gate had changed. It seemed alive yet gave off an icy cold aura, almost as if it were oozing death itself. As they looked for clues, they came across a book that had a strange an eerie sentence written inside. “All Hail the Arctic Tyrant” As Governor Scabby read aloud the cryptic message, he was suddenly transported from Jhelom to another area. After a quick recon, they found that they were outside Ice Dungeon, the very place that they had been about to raid. The coincidence was not missed by Governor Scabby and he quickly order his defenders inside the dungeon.

20150130_Icy-Investigation_part2-7Once inside they quickly found a clue, it was a page torn our of a book!

20150130_Icy-Investigation_part2-8After seeing the fiendish claw marks, they decided to head to the heart of the dungeon. Rumor has it that the a fiendish creature lives there and they needed to find out for sure. They battled their way through countless creatures and finally made it to the area they were looking for. Little did they know that the Ice Fiend had company!

20150130_Icy-Investigation_part2-9After dispatching, the Ice Fiends and other creatures, the Arctic Ice Tyrant showed his face again and attacked the weary group. They put up a valiant fight and vanquished him with a vengeance! They started to explore the remainder of the rooms looking for clues when they came across something very strange. It was an ice cream recipe book owned by the Jhelom Ice Creem Shoppe located at the docks on the N/E side of the main island.

20150130_Icy-Investigation_part2-10As they pondered on how and why it was removed from the ice cream shoppe. they were startled by the sudden appearance of another creature, the Glacial Lich. He let them know that he would never return the book and that they would suffer. As he disappeared, he left a small army of unfrozen mummies to keep the adventurers busy.

20150130_Icy-Investigation_part2-11The worn out band of adventurers returned to Jhelom and decided to rest at the scene of the crime, the Ice Cream Shoppe. After recapping the events, they deduced that the Glacial Lich had stolen the recipe book from the Ice Cream Shoppe. They discovered that Governor Scabby had obtained the book from a wandering gypsy in Minoc who gave it to him in return for rotten food. It was also brought to light that the freezer had been designed and built by a tinker from Trinsic who had obtained the ice for the freezer directly from Ice Dungeon itself. Governor Scabby has pledged to find this gypsy by asking Governor Vic II of Minoc to assist. He and Governor Phoenix of Trinsic will attempt to locate and interrogate the tinker that had designed and built the freezer.

On a side note, it was commented  on that the cobblestone in Ice Dungeon was in much better shape than the loosely fitted stones that pass for pavement in Britain, Travelers in Britain beware!

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PaxLair Meeting: January 27, 2015 at the Tea House

PaxLair Statehood, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – January 27, 2015 – by Ashlynn – The next meeting will be held as follows:

  • Date: Tuesday, January 27, 2015
  • Time:
    • 9:00-10:00 PM ET – PaxLair Meeting
  • Location: PaxOku, Tokuno, Chesapeake
  • Directions:  The Tea House can be found in PaxOku. To reach PaxOku, go to Homare Jima moongate and head right. Alternatively you can use the Chesapeake Teleport Hub located outside Luna City Walls.

There is an EM event taking place at 8pm EST so the meeting may not started until after the event or may be postponed entirely depending when it finishes.

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An Icy Investigation – Part II

Jhelom, Trammel, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – January 27, 2015 – by Scabby – Join us at the Hand of Death Guild Hall at 8pm EST on January 29th, 2015 to assist in the Icy Investigation Part Deux. Sponsored by Gubnor Scabby of Jhelom.

20150127_Icy-Investigation_part2Our adventures investigated the snow piles and icy puddles with the help of Walt the Alchemist. Evidence pointed to Dagger (ICE) Island, and then it was on to Winter Spur where they were attacked. After Walt washed and ironed his new collection of death robes, he was able to conduct a better analysis of the evidence they collected.

We will be visiting Kos Heb West in The Lost Lands and into Ice Dungeon to see if they can find any answers there. Prepare for an assault on Ice Dungeon as well look for clues!

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An Icy Investigation – A Report

Jhelom, Trammel, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – January 23, 2015 – by Dreadlord Lestat – Strange things were afoot in Jhelom. Governor Scabby had found a path of icy patches leading from the Hand of Death Guild Hall in South/East Jhelom that led to a mysterious moongate. Scabby called in for reinforcement in case of danger. Many adventurers showed up including Lt. Governor of Jhelom Ozog, Governor Ivy of Vesper, Governor Vic II of Minoc, Governor Murdock of Britain, Governor Lauren of Moonglow,  Ashlyn of Cove, Nanoc, Red Snapper, Giggles, Nubby, OC,  Sparrow and others. Governor Pheonix could not make it but sent her Alchemist, Walt, to assist.

20150123_Icy-Investigation1The group noticed  that Jhelom’s temperature, which was normally hot and humid, seemed to be cooling off and the ice did not appear to be melting. Walt analyzed the ice to determine that it was made up of some sort of magical essence and had an oily substance to it. They followed the trail to the mysterious moongate which had ice seeping out of the bottom of it. There was a strange force field protecting the gate and not letting anyone through it. Walt the Alchemist warned everyone to stand back, if anyone were to get some of the icy substance on their skin, they would become delirious and would eventually become paralyzed.

20150123_Icy-Investigation2The group weighed their options and chose to go in search of clues to the origin of the mysterious moongate and the ice. They quickly gated to Dagger Island, locally referred to as Ice Island. Walt took some samples, while the ice was similar to that of Jhelom, it lacked the magical essence and oily texture. Governor Scabby noted that he was getting a strange feeling that they were being watched, and Walt informed the group that he had come across some readings that suggested that the ice may have originated in Tokuno.

The group quickly departed and traveled to Winter Spur on Isamu-Jima Island in Tokuno. As soon as they arrived to a location right outside of Winter Spur, they were attacked by Ronins which the group quickly dispatched. They traveled into Winter Spur and were immediately attacked by Ice and Snow Elementals. A large battle ensued and eventually the Lady of the Snow attacked. Things were rough but the group prevailed and Walt was able to get his samples.

20150123_Icy-Investigation3Walt inadvertently touched some ice identical to that near the moongate and quickly became delirious. He left the safety of the group and wandered out of Winter Spur and was quickly attacked by Rune Beetles and Evil Mages. A rescue party was formed and Walt was saved from danger. Exhausted, the adventurers left and regrouped in PaxOku to review the finding and implications. They decided to get some rest and plan a visit to Kos Heb West in The Lost Lands and into Ice Dungeon to see if they can find any answers there.

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An Icy Investigation

Jhelom, Trammel, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – January 20, 2015 – by Scabby – Join us at the Hand of Death Guild Hall at 8pm EST on January 22nd, 2015 to assist in the Icy Investigation.

20150120_icy1Directly from Governor Scabby:


Wees needs yoos help in Jhelom! Der bees misteryus puddles an ice all ober da place in soth eest jhelom! Comes an helps us figur out wut bees goin on heres. Bees here at Hand ob Deth Guld Hall at 8pms on Janary 22 2015. Brings yoos frends, all are inbited!


Gubnor Scabby


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Chesapeake Governor’s Council Meeting January 18th, 2015

Castle Blackthorn, Trammel, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – January 18, 2015 – by Dreadlord Lestat – The Chesapeake Governor’s Council Meeting started out like any other, the King discussed ongoing issues in the Kingdom, the governor’s discussed events in their cities, onlookers looked on with keen interest or slept noisily. When all of a sudden, out of thin air, black specters appeared. They were quickly dispatched by the governors and onlookers. While the King and governors discussed the incident, trying to figure out how they got through the magic enchantment defenses, an unknown figure appeared. The King recognized the voice and was distraught on the implications.

20150119_councilnystul1The unknown stranger moved dangerously close to the King!! The governors quickly surrounded him in a defensive posture, hoping to protect him from danger.

20150119_councilnystul2The King soon discovered that he was correct on who the voice sounded like…Nystul!!

20150119_councilnystul3Nystul’s image faded in and out as he spoke, at one point he assumed the form of a former man named David. King Blackthorn tried desperately to keep Nystul from fading, even working some magic of his own.

20150119_councilnystul4As quickly as he appeared and in the same manner, he disappeared in a huge flash of flames and  a loud explosion!

20150119_councilnystul5The King and governors are left with many questions as they try and ponder what happened and the message Nystul was trying to convey. Hopefully we will learn more at next month’s Chesapeake Governor’s Council Meeting.

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PaxLair 17th Anniversary Event Schedule

pax17thanniversarybannerPaxLair Times, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – January 15, 2015 – by Ashlynn – The 170th anniversary of glorious PaxLair is upon us and once again we will be celebrating the occasion with several days of events. Fortunately regular events and a few EM events have filled in some of the gaps!

UPDATE – see updated scheduled below.

As anyone familiar with PaxLair knows the town has literally been around since time immemorial and there are written records of the town and it’s people dating back to at least 1845. Some may challenge this assertion but it is recorded that a lesser known earlier version of Ultima Online was produced for the advanced Babbage Analytical Engine around that time. And legend suggests that PaxLair may go back even further than that!

All are welcome and encouraged to attend the events and celebrations and I have it on good authority that a few of them may also be quite fun. The regularly scheduled PaxLair meeting on the 20th will be canceled due to the celebrations.

Further information can be found on the PaxLair Enjin Portal including a complete calendar of this month’s events.

January 16 – Friday – Opening Day

  • 7 PM ET – Hall of Commons Meeting – Held at the Hall of Commons as per usual
  • 8 PM ET – Vesper Anniversary Auction – Vesper Auction House, Vesper

January 17 – Saturday

  • 3:30 PM ET – Chutes and Ladders – hosted by Lady Phoenix at the Lost Dragon Tavern
  • (UPDATE) 7:30 PM ET – Archery Tournament – hosted by Se’an Silverfoot at the fairground in Luna
  • 9 PM ET – Masquerade Ball – hosted by Camberee at PaxLair Castle

January 18 – Sunday

  • 6 PM ET – Governor’s Council Meeting – Held at Castle Blackthorn
  • 8 PM ET – Ashlynn’s Mycological Mystery – hosted by Ashlynn at the Shrine of Sobriety

January 19 – Monday – PaxLair Anniversary Day

  • 8-10 PM ET – Anniversary Day Celebrations – Events begin at the Tea House in PaxOku

January 20 – Tuesday – PaxLair New Britannia Day

  • 8-10 PM ET – Anniversary SotA Celebrations – hosted by Winfield in Valemark
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PaxLair Meeting and Anniversary Discussion: January 13, 2015 at the Tea House

PaxLair Statehood, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – January 6, 2015 – by Ashlynn – The next meeting will be held as follows:

  • Date: Tuesday, January 13, 2015
  • Time:
    • 9:00-10:00 PM ET – PaxLair Meeting
  • Location: PaxOku, Tokuno, Chesapeake
  • Directions:  The Tea House can be found in PaxOku. To reach PaxOku, go to Homare Jima moongate and head right. Alternatively you can use the Chesapeake Teleport Hub located outside Luna City Walls.

With the 170th PaxLair anniversary coming up discussion will obviously focus on event planning for the most part. 170 years of PaxLair already!

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PaxLair Meeting: January 6, 2015 at the Shrine of Sobriety

PaxLair Statehood, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – January 6, 2015 – by Ashlynn – The next meeting will be held as follows:

  • Date: Tuesday, January 6, 2015
  • Time:
    • 9:00-10:00 PM ET – PaxLair Meeting
  • Location: Shrine of Sobriety, Trammel, Chesapeake
  • Directions:  The Shrine is my house and you can get there via a teleporter at the TEA HOUSE. The teleporter in question is a dark grey colour.
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