A Goblin Proposal for the Council

Castle Blackthorn, Trammel, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – March 24, 2015 – by Ashlynn – Yesterday evening all the governors of the realm were asked to convene a meeting in the Royal Chamber of Castle Blackthorn at the behest of Ozog of all people (or things). Previous experience of such events left all those attending expecting the typical goblin circus but this was not be as Ozog had a grand proposal in mind!

20150324placeholdermeetingOnly half of the city governors could make the meeting and I of course sat in to represent the neglected town of Cove, but once seated the goblin began.

Some days ago Governor Ivy of Vesper hosted an event to raise funds for the Vesper Museum so that they may once again put artifacts on display. It would appear that the artifacts were sold off during a previous term – presumably to pay for privateer ventures elsewhere. But such were the museum’s debts that the fund-raising endeavour had little impact.

But Vesper is not alone in selling off their cultural identity. Similar issues plague the famous Zoo in Moonglow with almost all the animals sold off – perhaps some even to Trinsic. Only the library in Britain seems to have survived the worst of such asset stripping.

Ozog proposed that each week we work to raise funds which would be donated to the Zoo, the Museum, and the Library – a noble gesture, but one that immediately caused the council chamber to erupt into argument.

“What do my citizens get out of this?” exclaimed Governor Victor of Minoc. Others had similar objections including Governor Tehan of Yew and even myself on behalf of Cove. Others believed the establishments Ozog sought to help to be a lost cause and that few outside of the chamber had any interest in supporting them.

Of course it was at this point that the Governor of Yew insulted all of Cove by proclaiming it a black hole and a waste of all gold and resources. It is quite clear to me that some on the council think little of a town that has stood alone against the orcs for many years. Given the proximity of an orc fort to his own city, one would think he would be a little more understanding.

After some discussion Ozog called the meeting to a close asking for any final decisions on the idea to be made this evening at the alliance meeting. I cannot imagine opinions will have changed much since last night.

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PaxLair Meeting: March 17, 2015 at Justice Falls

PaxLair Statehood, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – March 17, 2015 – by Ashlynn – The next meeting will be held as follows:

  • Date: Tuesday, March 17, 2015
  • Time:
    • 9:00-10:00 PM ET – PaxLair Meeting
  • Location: Justice Falls, Trammel, Chesapeake
  • Directions:  You can find Justice Falls just a short run north-west from Justice Shrine.

Once again tonight we will probably cover all sorts of things but I have no idea what! Although the ongoing investigation might be mentioned.

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PaxLair Meeting: March 10, 2015 at Minoc Docks

PaxLair Statehood, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – March 10, 2015 – by Ashlynn – The next meeting will be held as follows:

  • Date: Tuesday, March 10, 2015
  • Time:
    • 9:00-10:00 PM ET – PaxLair Meeting
  • Location: Minoc, Trammel, Chesapeake
  • Directions:  The docks can be found on the north side of the city.

Tonight we will probably cover all sorts of things but I have no idea what!

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Stories from the 2015 Spring Contest

springstorybannerShrine of Sobriety, Trammel, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – March 8, 2015 – by Ashlynn – Suggestive banana fiction, songs of pirate raiders, and even a botany demonstration were amongst the highlights from yesterday evening’s story contest. Once again there were plenty of high quality entrance which made judging extremely difficult. Fortunately with the help of Dark Rayne I was able to reach a decision on who would be taking home the fungal star prize and that honour went to Ilex de Plume for her tale of the sacking of Pitmuck.

Some the entries have been reprinted below and this article will be updated as I gather copies of all the entries. Once again thank you to all the participants for such wonderful variety!

Phases – by Walking Water

An open hand held silently against the dawn
Long and slender, gnarled staff straight
Other hand a closed grip.
Holding tightly.
Two beliefs
Willing Heart

Frozen expectations,
Give way to dormant truth
Rebirth in the form of green
Sprouting, stirring, budding life.

Shells, litter the sand.
Cracked and bent
Pushing and pressing out of bounds
Until the strips of what was
Remain lost to time.

Spring – by Ozog Giantfart

Spring beees goos for matraess
Spring beees goos for carriages on da bumpy roads ob Brit
Meees likes to have a spring in mees step
Spring beees funz

Antz ob Spring – by Icky Rotblossom

Dey trabel swiftlie,
marchin wit miletarie precishun
ober a brokens bored,
windin thru a foots-squar jungel
ub fernz en moss…
an armie ub peeple,
libble blak people,
feelerz wabin ta katch da cent
dat wills leed dem toos
da gif mees bringz.

Ahed skurries a tinie skout
dat seemz ta noe da waye
too da seecret place.
Noe dainjer, noe anteeters dere,
noes stampin feets,
en noe poisun tidbets waitin…
jes mees en mees gif ub huney.

Fifty Shades of Yellow – by Victor

Today I prepared another glorious story about spring in Minoc.
However, Mom… er Ivy told me not to and made me leave my fans at home.
So instead I’m going to tell you a story about the ripening of bananas during the spring harvest.
Now to be completely honest I’ve not finished reading this story as I found it this morning.
It was in a bottle that washed up next to the Minoc Docks *winkwink* but it’s pretty awesome so far.

Friday, March 6….
Today we are going to leave the island for a quick trip.
I like giving the crew some time off for some Arr and Arr.
Oh I crack myself up. Anyhow I’ve got me best deck o’ cards and a large purse of coins.
OK Diary, we just got back from our ummm shopping expedition…
I found the most extravagant, most exciting, most special banana I have ever seen.
We walked up to this dark hut and entered through the double door in front.
The center of the room was lit from light pouring through the roof and on display for everyone to see
where the most luscious pile of bananas I have ever seen.
I walked into the room and a calm hush came over me.
There they were, bunches of them, long, yellow, and ripe.
The aroma of them was wafting to me from across the room from a small breeze through the windows.
I inhaled deeply savouring the smell, I could just imagine the taste of one of those bananas as it caresses my tongue with it’s yellow flesh.
I approached the table and found several bunches that looked very enticing.
I picked a few up, turned a few of them over inspecting the yellow length of each one.
The weight of them in my hand was reassuring.
Each one a meal that would tax my stamina, even on such an invigorating day as today.
That’s when I saw it. It was perfect.
I brushed aside a few green bunches and reached across the table to the perfect specimen.
Cradling it in my hand I lifted gently in my palm.
Grasping it between my fingers I could tell by it’s firmness that it was in it’s prime.
It’s weight, it’s color, it’s length, the aroma of it was just perfect.
Lifting it from the table made all the other bananas look bruised and splotchy.
Holding it up to the light I grabbed it with both hands.
I lifted it above my hand and shouted at the top of my lungs.
“I have found you! You are now mine ‘special banana’!”
The tension inside me was mounting, it was reaching a level I couldn’t contain.
I dropped a hand to my side, scanned the room with a fury in my eye.
I toss my hand at the proprietor of the store, teleporting him to me, and seized him by the throat.
After crushing the life out of him I felt confident only I will be privy to this moment of weakness.
Alone now with my special banana, a soothing calm fell over me.
I proceeded to sheath the banana in my pack and exited this den of fruit flesh.
The sky was brighter than before, the spring air fresher and saltier than earlier.
I headed back to the docks. It was time to round up the crew and head back home.
~ Signed Corgul

Spring – by Nubby Earwiggles


The Sacking of Pitmuck – by Ilex de Plume

As passeth the seasons, so changeth one’s fate
And the winter hath taken its due,
But the coming of spring
Heralds new beginnings
For one fallen from might to start new.

The home of a sailor is always the sea,
But every ship needs a port.
When one’s fortune has turned
And some bridges have burned,
One rethinks one’s approach to her sport.

A whisper of fortune, a rumor of wealth,
And the thought of regaining her hold
Over cities she’d lost
When she’d paid a great cost
Taking on a strategy too bold–

She considers with doubt the tales she has heard
But her deep skepticism has reason–
For the relative measure
That defines “buried treasure”
To those there likely means “turnip season”.

The unlikeliest home of some refugees of
The dark Underworld is an isle
That lay on the sea lane
Between Cove and Britain–
Goblin folk of peculiar style.

Only barely do they even speak the King’s tongue
(And in fact, oft do they earn his ire)
And though they should have known better
In naivete they let her
Push her devious plan to transpire.

She concocts this new plan and assembles her crews,
Loudly speaks where she knows they will hear
Only that which she knows
Will invigorate those
Who’ve before and would yet interfere.

Finalizing details, she soon makes her first move,
Heads toward where her enemies have pent;
Sends her fleet on their way
While she alone stays
To distract them from her true intent.

Like a new Trinsic rose at the dawning of spring,
Her plan unfolds into full bloom.
They accept all her lies
And fail to realize
They’re ensuring another isle’s doom.

She harasses and taunts with the motliest beasts
For her sailors are busy elsewhere!
She fights and she maims,
Makes ridiculous claims;
Only too late do they ‘come aware

That once more she has played them; her plan’s a success.
Even the bitter taste of the vile
Turnip paste that she stole
That should have been a bowl
Of ice cream could not waver her smile.

By diverting attention away from her goal
And keeping firm steady hand at her helm,
Aiming enemies eyes
To the far lesser prize,
She now sits on the throne of Nujel’m!

So the moral is two-fold: one should always think twice
‘Fore accepting a pirate’s loud gloats
Or ‘fore eating what seems
To be normal ice cream
From an island with no cows or goats.

Spring – by Nanoc

January is blinding after the holidays aglow

February is hiding from the cold and the snow

March is unfolding and so is the earth

April is rainy so no dance nor sing

May is here, we’re happy it’s SPRING!

Yellow Bird – by Murdock Redbone

Yellow Bird
Yellow Bill
Sittin on
My window sill
lured him in
with a piece of bread
then I SMASHED his little head!

Lady Phoenix demonstrated spring with a bowl of hard dirt – her plant never did sprout. There were also entries from Tehan, and Murdock which I hope to have copies of soon. Hopefully I haven’t forgotten anyone!

*edit* – Now included Murdock’s entry.

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PaxLair Meeting: March 3, 2015 at Yew Court of Truth

PaxLair Statehood, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – March 3, 2015 – by Ashlynn – The next meeting will be held as follows:

  • Date: Tuesday, March 3, 2015
  • Time:
    • 9:00-10:00 PM ET – PaxLair Meeting
  • Location: Yew, Trammel, Chesapeake
  • Directions:  The Court of Truth can be found west of Empath abbey beside the coast.

Tonight we will probably cover the ongoing static quests by the EMs so the Court of Truth seemed an appropriate venue. Though a court, it is spacious with plenty of seating – only  those with a criminal background need feel uncomfortable.

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2015 Spring Story Contest

springstorybannerPaxLair Times, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – March 2, Year – by Ashlynn – Springtime is upon us once again and that means it is time for yet another story contest. Think of it as an opportunity to impress and entertain, whether you are a novice to the art of wordcraft, or an expert with pen and ink. Neophytes and Grandmasters are equally welcome!

As with all past contests there will of course be a grand prize for the winner and all entrants can also expect to receive a complimentary gift.

The contest will be held at the Shrine of Sobriety on Saturday 7th March at 8pm Eastern.


  • The theme of the contest is SPRING so all stories should relate to spring in some way.
  • Each story should take no more than 5-10 minutes to recite.
  • Songs, stories, and poems are all acceptable. We have even had picture books as entries in the past so feel free to be creative!

Good luck to everyone!

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PaxLair Meeting: February 24, 2015 at Vesper Town Square

PaxLair Statehood, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – February 24, 2015 – by Ashlynn – The next meeting will be held as follows:

  • Date: Tuesday, February 24, 2015
  • Time:
    • 9:00-10:00 PM ET – PaxLair Meeting
  • Location: Vesper, Trammel, Chesapeake
  • Directions:  It’s where the bank is and you should ALL know where the bank is by now. I thought we should make the most of the city decorations while they are still around.
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PaxLair Meeting: February 17, 2015 at the Deuce’s Vinculum Inn

PaxLair Statehood, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – February 17, 2015 – by Ashlynn – The next meeting will be held as follows:

  • Date: Tuesday, February 17, 2015
  • Time:
    • 9:00-10:00 PM ET – PaxLair Meeting
  • Location: Ilshenar, Chesapeake
  • Directions:  The Inn can be found by going to Honor Moongate and then heading straight up. It’s only a short walk and is easily recognizable by it’s dark stone architecture and red furniture. Air Elementals and other odd types occasionally drink there so caution is advised!
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PaxLair Meeting: February 10, 2015 at Jhelom Library

PaxLair Statehood, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – February 10, 2015 – by Ashlynn – The next meeting will be held as follows:

  • Date: Tuesday, February 10, 2015
  • Time:
    • 9:00-10:00 PM ET – PaxLair Meeting
  • Location: Jhelom Library, Trammel, Chesapeake
  • Directions:  Specifically the meeting will be held in the BASEMENT where there is a big table. The library can be found right next to the fighting pit.

I recently finished a map of Jhelom and it has been which has been added to the alliance atlas and you can find right here. Consult that map if you’re unsure where to find the library!

Changes to EM policy regarding player events will probably dominate discussion tonight.

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Kingdom of Dawn 17th Anniversary

Kingdom of Dawn, Baja (PaxLair Times) – February 3, 2015 – by Ashlynn – Lady Wildstar, Grand Duchess of the Kingdom of Dawn of Baja came by our regular weekly meeting to tell us about the anniversary events planned on her home shard. The Kingdom of Dawn is only a few weeks younger than PaxLair and Lady Wildstar has long supported Chesapeake events in one guise or another.

You can find the full event schedule here but it is posted below. All events will take place on the shard of Baja and everyone is encouraged to attend when possible!

(Taken from the linked post)

The Kingdom of Dawn, which is a player-run city located east of Dungeon Wrong in Felucca, will be celebrating its 17th Anniversary on Friday, February 11, 2015.

Sunday, February 1, 2015:

Old Man’s Doom Train in honor of the Kingdom of Dawn’s 17th Anniversary – A special UTB (United Tamers of Britannia) Doom Train helping celebrate the Kingdom of Dawn’s 17th Anniversary. It will depart from Delucia Bank, T2A, Trammel at 11 AM PST (2 PM EST).

Zoo Taming Hour dedicated to Old Man of UTB – A special Zoo Taming Hour hosted by SheHitMeFirst of UTB dedicated to Old Man who recently announced that he is retiring from UO after 17 years. It will start at 7 PM PST (10 PM EST) at the Moonglow Zoo, Trammel on Verity Isle.

Saturday, February 7, 2015 – Golden Brew’s Great Date Celebrity Auction at 7 PM PST (10 PM EST) at the Skara Brae Trammel Faire Grounds. Based on an event that occurred on Friday, March 16, 2001 at the Golden Globe Theater in the City of Golden (http://www.freebornpress.com/archives/2001/03/reminder_golden.php). Come and bid on a famous (or is that infamous) player of Baja who has volunteered to be auctioned and to provide a service such as PvP or Peerless Keying Lessons to Decorating Services. NOTE: No player can be forced to do something that they do not want to. All proceeds of the auction will go to the Britannia Royal Zoo on Verity Isle (Moonglow), Trammel. The Celebrity Auction last year raised 166 million gold for the Zoo.

Sunday, February 8, 2015 – Grand Tour of The Mage Tower Memorial & The Kingdom of Dawn – The tour will start at 4 PM PST (7 PM EST). Both places are located in Felucca so please take the appropriate actions to safeguard items and pets you do not want to lose. Gates will be provided starting 5 minutes before the event from Luna Bank in Malas and Ocllo Bank in Felucca.

Saturday, February 14, 2015 – The Dawn Museum of Dreams Scavenger Hunt will start at 5 PM PST (8 PM EST). Clues will be provided and you will have to find the items which will be located in buildings through out the Kingdom of Dawn in Felucca. Gates will be provided starting 5 minutes before the event from Luna Bank in Malas and Ocllo Bank in Felucca.

Sunday, February 15, 2015 – At 7 PM PST (10 PM EST) Dawn’s Valentines Day Ball will start. It will be held at Dawn’s Malas Outpost and Book Library which is located west of Umbra.

Come join the Kingdom of Dawn as we celebrate our 17th Anniversary.

Grand Duchess WildStar can be reached via ICQ (8040775) or private message on UO Forums and Stratics, if you wish to help with the events.

The Royal Council
Kingdom of Dawn

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