The PaxLair Times Volume 1 Issue 3

PaxLair, Chessie (PaxLair Times) – December 23, 2005 – by Tatania

The PaxLair Times
23 December 2005
Volume 1 Issue 3

-*-Current News Stands-*-
PaxOku Silent Rose Library – Tokuno, Homare-Jima – 96 4 N 62 0 W
PaxRatOku Auction Vendor & Craftsmen Hall – 90 43N 67 30W
Chesapeake Stratics Center – Tokuno, Makoto-Jima – 95 43N 61 56W

-*-Words from our Mayor-*-

Hail my friends,
This week is a time of family and friends, giving to the needy, forgiving those who annoy us, and celebrating with people of all kinds.

I know so many of you have dedicated yourselves to being in our Realm together, whether it be for adventure, companionship, or amusement.  I personally have so much respect for everyone who comes to this Realm to make it a living and vibrant place.

Even with a current crisis of Rebellion in PaxOku, we note many deeds of nobles on all sides who cooperate and learn about what we can do together in this Realm.  It is not really about numbers and things, but about people and ambitions.  Creativity makes our Realm a better and more enjoyable place.

We ready ourselves now to pass into a new year, each of us making vowes and promises to family, friends, and ourselves.  Enjoy these times together, for they will be over in a blink of an eye or in a twist of the mage staff. Heal those who need to be healed.  Offer a morsel of food to the hungry.  Drop a piece of gold in the offering plate.  And by all means wish well to all of the Realm with hopes for an even brighter future.

Winfield, Mayor of PaxLair

-*- Top News -*-

Viceroy Gareth is still missing although he was able to get a message through to friends and family for Christmas.  It is believed that the rebels checked his message carefully for any hints of his whereabouts.


Mayor Winfield and Orin, leader of the Rebels have agreed upon a cease fire for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day.  There will be no fighting between the hours of 12:00 midnight on the 24th until 12:00 midnight on the 25th.


The Pax Flag Gal has been released for the Friday Night Fights.  The Rebel’s Hostage had the message that if she was not back at the Blue Light Tavern by 6:00 am Saturday morning, December 24th at 6:00, Viceroy Gareth would be executed.

-*-Christmas Wishes-*-

From Lord Gareth (Still Captured)
I was allowed to send out a message for the holiday season. A Merry Christmas to all. Be sure to be with your family because time moves pritty quickly. Dont let it pass you by.

Justine DeFargo [PaxO]
Merry Christmas and Happy New Years! I wish you happiness and peace for the upcoming holidays and for many years to come.

Freak Out [ATD]
happy christmas to all and to all a good night

-*-Interview with Visago of House Ellindale [^E^]-*-

[Tatania] Visago,   tell me about House Ellindale.

[Visago] House Ellindale was founded on my enjoyment of adventure and exploration.  At the core, the guild is about venturing into the wild and returning with the experience of seeing, doing, and achieving.  It is our view that every expedition is an accomplishment.  Victory or defeat, it is not important.  The experience is what is important.

[Tatania] As a Blue Light Tavern Event Manager,   you plan events for the PaxLair Alliance.   Please tell our readers about some planned adventures for the future.

[Visago] At first the adventures I planned to run out of the Blue Light Tavern were extensions of the Thursday night outings that I organize for the Pax Alliance.  However, I am beginning to plan on organizing more structured expeditions that have a purpose and serve to illuminate a future history for PaxOku.  I am currently working with some of my fellow BLT managers in preparing for these events and we are hopping to kick them off after the New Year sta

[Tatania] What is your vision for House Ellindale’s future?

[Visago] One part of my vision is gradually expanding the guild.  It is my hope to eventually build a core group within my guild that is able to challenge the peerless bosses.  With this core group we will be able to host more effective, and planned, expeditions into these areas for the alliance.  Another goal of mine is to branch out eventually into the champ spawns that we are starting to do more regularly in Ilshenar.

Another direction that I would like to expand House Ellindale in is crafting.  I am not much interested in operating vendors, but I would like to establish us as a source for quality crafted goods.  By setting up a system were trade is done with people I hope to encourage interaction and raise awareness for ^E^ as well as the Pax Alliance.

[Tatania] Is there anything you’d like to say to our readers?

[Visago] I would like to thank everyone who has participated in our adventure nights.  It is with their help that they have been as much of a success as they have been.  Many people have told me that they regularly adventure by themselves, but after going on one of our expeditions they have seen a whole new set of opportunities for them.

-*-Christmas Poetry-*-
Author Unknown

I have a list of people I know
All written in a book
And every year at Christmastime
I go and take a look
And that is when I realise
That those names are a part
Not of the book they’re written in
But of my very heart
For each name stands for someone
Who has crossed my path some time
And in that meeting they’ve become
A treasured friend of mine
And once you’ve met some people
The years can not erase
The memory of a pleasant word
Or a friendly face
So when I send a Christmas card
That is addressed to you
It’s because you’re on that list
Of folk I’m indebted to
And you are one of many folk who
In times past I’ve met
And happen to be one of those
I don’t want to forget
And whether I have known you for
Many years or few
In some way you have a part in
Shaping things I do
This, the spirit of Christmas, that
Forever and ever endures
May it leave it richest blessing
In the hearts of you and yours.
-*-Vendor & Happy Ads-*-

Auction Sunday Dec 25th @ 9pm EST
Auction Wednesday Dec 28th @ 9pm EST
Paxkraoku auction house is proudly owned by:
Lord Gareth and Miss Kayi


Until next week,
Peace and Knowledge be with you
Tatania Karthina
PaxOku Historian
Editor PaxLair Times

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The PaxLair Times Volume 1 Issue 2 Special Issue

PaxLair, Chessie (PaxLair Times) – December 20, 2005 – by Tatania

Tatania Karthinia reporting for The PaxLair Times in the cities of PaxOku and Zentos.   The day is Tuesday the 20th of December, 2005.

Leaving the Library, I ventured through the city of PaxOku, mere minutes before a special defensive meeting called by Mayor Winfield of PaxLair.  I found the rebels sparring one another in front of the PaxOku City Hall. The rebels, secure in their holding of the city had much to say.  CryptKeeper commented, “there is nothing to report. we have taken over. no one will go against us. It is a sad day for Pax.”

Spotting Valtos the Void,   a man who recently began to despair that there was not enough evil in the world,  I made my way through the rebels to question him. I asked Valtos if he was the reason for this unrest and his reply was, “I am not the reason. I am the solution. I sense little evil here. Only anarchy.The solution is evil though. The darkness will come when it is time.”

I replied, “Evil never solved anything.”

“Oh it does.”, he [Valtos] replied, “It solves the riddles of many things people of the light are blinded by. I will watch.”

When asked if he was planning on joining forces with the rebels, Valtos stated, “Oh no. The rebels are anarchists. Not evil.”

Freak Out injected, “tis true.  we want a revolution.”

Valtos added, “Evil is deeper than causing death.”

Kaelin replied, “I’m not sure if that’s an insult or a compliment.”

To which Valtos replied, “Just a fact.”

At this point  the rebels continued the spar between themselves at the PaxOku City Hall, each hoping a citizen of this abandoned city would show up so they might fight with them, as Valtos watched with interest. One brave soul, showed up to fight the rebels and was promptly stunned. As Jasper left,   his voice carried on the wind, “There shall be a reckoning….”

As I left for the Alliance meeting in Zento,   I asked if any had any parting words for this reporter, which Valtos the Void replied, “Let evil reign. All will be calm then.”

I spotted Gil standing to the side watching the sparring and asked, “Are you planning on joining forces with the rebels?”

Gil simply replied, “Mayhap…”, before he became once again lost in thought.

Next, I found myself in Zento, where the Alliance was holding a meeting. Jasper was heard asking the Mayor, “Winfield, what in the virtues is going on?”

The Mayor’s answer summed up the problem, “Rebels seek to take over PaxOku.”

The conversation at the meeting went to strategy at this point, several were gone over and discussed.  Mayor Winfield said, “I am trying to formulate a plan. There is a delay as the planning is in the works. Last night, the Mayor of Zento told me Gareth was in Zento. Anyone seen Gareth in town here?”

A prompt search of the city of Zento was organized, although Viceroy Gareth was nowhere to be found.  This search gave Winfield time to formulate his plan.  He then told the Alliance members present, “Here is what can be done. I have a short plan. Alright, I need a team of 3 to 4 fighters, for a quick attack and return.”

After some discussion of the honor of attacking and leaving,  Mayor Winfield replied, “Oh, these are tactics. Honorable tactics. We must test the enemy. Not stand there and be bashed until all dead. We must fight with our minds.”

It was decided. The Alliance was to hurry in and back out to test the Rebel’s strength and hopefully the Rebels would be left confused after the short frey. Kerrs Holly of the Pirate town of Baldmor Port was to check the Waters around Paxoku to check for enemy ships in case they had rebels aboard ships waiting to get deployed.

Before the plan could be carried out, Freak Out of the Rebels came striding into the Alliance meeting.  Mago Excelente and Lord Kaelin were asking about capturing him as Zento was not the War Zone, to which Winfield replied, “Surround him and see if we can capture him.”

As the members of the Alliance present surrounded Freak Out, the Mayor cried out, “The powers of the alliance are here… you are surrounded in Zento! Do not flee.”

Freak Out cried out as he was surrounded, “The Rebellion will survive against the alliance! you will never take me alive!”

A scuffle broke out as Freak Out tried to escape but could not break free from the tight circle of the Alliance surrounding him.   He immediately poisoned himself and began calling on his skills of magery to finish himself off.   The Alliance tried to keep Freak Out healed,   but to no avail.

Moments later, I asked Freak Out, “what made you decide to turn against the Alliance?”

Freak Out replied, “Teja changed my mind.”

I asked this time, “is it your wish to return to the alliance?”

To which his reply was, “Maybe…  the rebellion is just so clear in my mind and I am not sure why.”

Mago Excelente added, “Your mind seems clouded.”

To which Freak Out replied, “tis a little perhaps.”

Soon, Kerrs Holley reported, “Sir no signs of enemy ships around the cost of Paxoku. It would be really hard to land an army anywhere by Paxoku because of the rocky shore.”

I asked the Mayor during a quiet moment, “Mayor Winfield,    do you see any chance of this rebellion ending peacefully?”

Mayor Winfield replied, “I am not sure yet. I think there needs to be clear planning on our side. And my ministers are not around for defense. Minister Jasper, my Diplomat, is bravely taking on the role of defense tonight. I give great credit to him for stepping in. Even now I receive reports of his reconnaissance. Leaders like Jasper we need. More will become leaders in these times of trial. And I am confident the rebellion will be put down soon. Maybe not today, but in the days ahead.”

The Mayor stroked his beard in thought, as hoof beats announced the arrival of jasper in Zento.  The Mayor asked, “Jasper, what have you learned?”

Jasper replied, “I have been annoying them in only such a way that I can. Tis a lost cause my Mayor, I am only one man.”

I ventured back to PaxOku to check the situation there as it was getting late in the evening.  Jasper’s yard was in flames and explosions rocked the city.  A lone figure was on the porch watching the fight,    looking frightened….   the Pax Flag girl is now a hostage of the Rebels. The girl tried desperately to enlist aid from anyone near by crying out, “help me!   these evil men have taken me hostage!”

Godiva of the Rebels replied to the girl, “There is no help for you.”

Near this time, a yamamdon was dragged into PaxOku and fighting broke out again.  The monster was soon history and this reporter calls it a night.   As it stands now,   The Rebels still hold the City of PaxOku and Viceroy Gareth is nowhere to be found.

Postscript:   Before this report went to press,  I recieved the following notice from Orin, the leader of the rebellion.

***Rebel Offical Notice.***

1. Anyone entering Paxoku city limits will be asked what their intentions are within the city. If they are acceptable they will let you pass. If not you will be asked to leave city limits. If you do not they will engage you.

2.Any diplomat entering the city will NOT be attacked, unless attacking a rebel.

3. We the rebels only want one thing. For PaxLair to leave our city so we may run things ourselves.
Until the next report,
Peace and Knowledge be with you.
Tatania Karthina
PaxOku Historian
Editor – The PaxLair Times

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The PaxLair Times Volume 1 Issue 2

PaxLair, Chessie (PaxLair Times) – December 16, 2005 – by Tatania

The PaxLair Times
16 December 2005
Volume 1 Issue 2

The PaxLair Times will be going on the stands Every Friday Evening.  I ask for deadlines for Ads or Articles to be Fridays at 12:00 noon by the Easten Sky.  Please send submissions via Pigeon [155 890 653] or by sending a personal message through the PaxLair [] or Chesapeake Sky Pages [Stratics Chesapeake Forum] to Tatania Karthina.
Thank you!
Tatania Karthina

-*-Current News Stands-*-
PaxOku Silent Rose Library – Tokuno, Homare-Jima – 95 43N 61 56W
PaxRatOku Auction Vendor & Craftsmen Hall – 90 43N 67 30W
Lord Escu Museum – Vendor Clark, Luna East side, 98 58 N 18 46 W
Chesapeake Stratics Center – Tokuno, Makoto-Jima – 95 43N 61 56W

-*-Words from our Mayor-*-

Hail my friends,

There comes a time when we feel compelled to look back on a long journey so we can more clearly see where we are going next.  Such a time is now.

PaxLair will soon reunite with many of our old and new citizens and friends in a Grand 8th Anniversary [Jan 13-19, 2006].  The Anniversary is a time to celebrate, reflect, meet people, and envision the future.

PaxLair originated in a small meadow NW of the Compassion Shrine on Felucca.  When the new lands were discovered on different facets of our shard, many people and visitors of PaxLair moved to these different facets.  Over time, PaxLair was able to expand to these facets with a purpose to keep a cohesive community intact and offer more opportunities for more people.  We have done that.

We have expanded to many facets and enjoy the company of many, many people.  PaxLair is now based in several locations: PaxLair City, Felucca; Dragons Watch, Felucca; Malas Orc Fort; Dragons Watch Outpost, Trammel; PaxOku, Tokuno; and PaxLane, Trammel.

These towns and cities are established, population is growing, and PaxLair remains an open place for any and all to come and be involved.

At our anniversary we plan to continue the course and build on what has been built.  The next construction is not about housing and locations, but about people.

Many reflect back upon days when people had to unite to survive in a Feluccan land.  Uniting today in the Realm involves much more than survival since in many cases that basic need is met by the magical protections of many facets.

Uniting as a community of PaxLair or a community of our Shard brings a wealth of opportunities to young and old.  It takes us well beyond what we can do by ourselves and opens our minds and souls to fantastic journies that only exist if we create them together.

Winfield, Mayor of PaxLair

-*- Top News -*-
Rummors circle paxoku city that a resistance is forming up against the government of paxlair. All citizens should remain on their toes at all times within the Paxoku city limits. No offical statement has been made by the Pax government on these claims.


The Paladins of Virtue ask the citizens of PaxOku and PaxLair join in to help the needy.  We have placed a footlocker on the first floor of the Paladin Keep of PaxOku for donations to the needy. Please DO NOT place anything of great value in the footlocker, as it will be open for all to browse.  Should you wish to donate an item of greater value, please contact Elijah Cross so that the item(s) can be stored securely until they can be distributed to those in need.  Thank you for your kind and compassionate hearts! [PV]


The PaxOku Silent Rose Library has Moved!  The new location is just east down the road from the old site and across the street from the Tea House at coordinates 95 43N 61 56W [Tokuno, Homare-Jima]

-*-Question of the week: -*-
Do you feel that PaxLair’s balance of good and evil is threatened by recent evil devolopments?

I haven’t beheld such evil yet myself but I do think that evil, at any level, is a threat and must be dealt with accordingly – Lord Ilandor Morrhart

I think I’d have to see more of the new evil – Visago

Based upon the last poll taken by the Gatekeeper, I know Pax/Felucca was balanced. – Winmere

-*-Interview with Gareth, Vicerory of PaxOku-*-

[Tatania] Gareth, Tell me about PaxOku.

[Gareth] Paxoku is a player run city near the homare-jima gate in Tokuno. It was established by a group of elders and some new from Paxlair. It is an off branch city of Paxlair. PaxOku offers many different types of things to do for example: Relaxe at the silent rose library to read a book, or come to the paxkratoku auction house and vendors to buy and bid on items. We also have our own tavern ranging from RP events to PvP events. Plus much more.

[Tatania] You’re the owner of the Blue Light Tavern [BLT] in PaxOku.  Do [Gareth] you have any special plans for the tavern in the near future?

I am the owner of the BLT however Arynia the deputy viceroy runs and operates it. The BLT has managers planning the events. We hope in the future to have at least three events a week done by different people. The plan is to have the BLT as the center gathering point of PaxOku.

*Also Miss Kayi said it was cluttery so I took some decorations out*

[Tatania] What is your vision for PaxOku’s future?

[Gareth] My vision overall is to extend the city to every building that can be placed near the homare-jima gate. I mostly have phases going, ive just finished on Phase 4 which was the auction house/vendor malls. I have several more phases to go until I reach the ultimate goal. To make Paxoku set the standerds for player run cities.
(and to out do Winfield)…oh I guess thats a personal goal. Umm.. in a good way. *smiles*

[Tatania] Is there anything you’d like to say to our readers?

[Gareth] Anything id like to say…Where is winfield when I need a speech? *thinks* Read the PaxLair Times!! If your an orc have Winmere read it to you. Come visit PaxOku and PaxLair. Oh and stop by our city vendors… good prices….I think? Also tis rummors around town that some rebels are gathering to form an army sometime next week. Not sure what thats about. Stay Safe and dont do anything I wouldnt do. Which isnt much!

-*-Christmas Poetry-*-
Author Unknown

I have a list of people I know
All written in a book
And every year at Christmastime
I go and take a look
And that is when I realise
That those names are a part
Not of the book they’re written in
But of my very heart
For each name stands for someone
Who has crossed my path some time
And in that meeting they’ve become
A treasured friend of mine
And once you’ve met some people
The years can not erase
The memory of a pleasant word
Or a friendly face
So when I send a Christmas card
That is addressed to you
It’s because you’re on that list
Of folk I’m indebted to
And you are one of many folk who
In times past I’ve met
And happen to be one of those
I don’t want to forget
And whether I have known you for
Many years or few
In some way you have a part in
Shaping things I do
This, the spirit of Christmas, that
Forever and ever endures
May it leave it richest blessing
In the hearts of you and yours.
-*-Vendor & Happy Ads-*-

PaxRatOku Auction House and Vendor Malls

Grand Opening Wed Dec 21st @ 9pm EST
Paxkraoku auction house is proudly owned by:
Lord Gareth and Miss Kayi


Until next week,
Peace and Knowledge be with you
Tatania Karthina
PaxOku Historian
Editor – The PaxLair Times

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The PaxLair Times Volume 1 Issue 1

PaxLair, Chessie (PaxLair Times) – December 11, 2005 – by Tatania

The PaxLair Times
11 December 2005
Volume 1 Issue 1
The PaxLair Times will be going on the stands Every Friday Evening.  I ask for deadlines for Ads or Articles to be Fridays at 12:00 noon by the Easten Sky.  Please send submissions via Pigeon [155 890 653] or by sending a personal message through the PaxLair [] or Chesapeake Sky Pages [Stratics Chesapeake Forum] to Tatania Karthina.
Thank you!
Tatania Karthina
PaxOku Historian
Editor – The PaxLair Times

-*-Current News Stands-*-
PaxOku Silent Rose Library – Tokuno, Homare-Jima – 87 54N 69 23W
-*-Words from our Mayor-*-

Hail my friends,

PaxLair is strong as usual, and getting stronger as part of a wide and diverse community.  We’ve had many successes lately with PaxLair Alliance guild leader interactions, PaxOku and PaxLair City developments, and even huge attendance at PaxLane events.

However, today I think upon a darker side – a side which many times goes unnoticed.

We know that Valtos the Void left PaxOku in a frenzie recently and established himself in the Malas Orc Fort, where we have an Auditorium.  His “Depths of Evil” cemetary-looking building only leaves me with a feeling he is digging deep into the Evil nature of our Realm to bring death and destruction to either our PaxLair or the Realm in general.

Valtos claimed the Realm is unbalanced and the Gatekeeper was not doing his job of keeping the balance of good versus evil.  There is too much good, Valtos said.

I, being neutral in nature, welcome more evil into our Realm; challenges must exist for us to grow.  I suspect we may notice an increase in Evil around PaxLair along with an increase in Good to combat that Evil.  Do not equate this to combat situations in all cases.  Evil is not just about combat.  Evil tries to twist the minds of others, deceive people, and bend their will to a singly focused purpose, whatever their purpose.

I saw Valtos at Luna Bank recently and I do think he is a threat to the good people of the Realm.  So be wary, good people.  Move with caution.  Watch the shadows closely.

Winfield, Mayor of PaxLair

-*-Interview with Lenora of “The Ladies of the Lair Tavern”-*-

The Ladies of the Lair Tavern is located in Felucca just west of the PaxLair Stables and two buildings west of Luigi’s Pizzeria and Bakers at coordinates 80 10N, 21 14E.  Newly redecorated and reopened,    it’s an inviting place to relax and enjoy a good cup of ale and wonderful conversation.  This is where I caught up with Lady Lenora of the Ladies of the Lair.  The Interview follows.

Tatania: First,    I’ve read your citizen ship book…     can you give me the highlights about yourself?. Just tell me about you

Lenora: I was born and raised in Yew, and moved to Paxlair when I was still young. I lived here for about two years before returning to Casandreal of Yew.  I only recently decided to move back to Paxlair for good!

While in Paxlair the first time, I was apprenticed to Master Luigi Aiello,and if I may say so, I can still make a fine pizza, Luigi style!
Lenora: *grins*

Tatania: Oh   I’m ready for pizza anytime you want to cook!

Lenora: *laughs* I’ll have to start making some to keep around here.

Tatania Karthina: Can you tell me about the Ladies of the Lair?

Lenora: I believe that the Lair was founded by NightzAngel, or at least she was in the original group. The Ladies of the Lair became blessed by the Gods early in its history. And when I say the Gods, I actually mean Lord British himself, in disguise!  It became a hub of the community here, and many quests and friendships developed from here.  As the shard split and new worlds were discovered, the Ladies became scattered and the community started to slip away.

And so, we have decided to try to revive the Ladies of the Lair tavern, by re-opening it on regular nights of the week so that everyone will know when it is safe to be here.

Tatania: Are you considering any quests or events for the future?

Lenora: Oh, of course! I haven’t any specific plans yet, but I would like to keep adventurers around. One sure way to do that is to have quests!

Tatania: is there anything else you’d like to say to the readers of the Paxlair Times?

Lenora: Oh, yes… on Wednesdays,everyone is welcome to bring a story with them from their adventures. It is a formal night for everyone to share their tales of the road.

As I’ve taken to saying, “Come share an ale and tell a tale!”

-*-Question of the week: If one wish could be granted to you for Christmas,  what would it be?-*-

I would Wish for Harmony
Cross MacLeod, Paladins of Virtue

If I had one wish for would be…  That everyone would Be Happy and Save and get Along for One Day! Wish All a Merry Christmas and Save one….*huggs and kisses* to All!!!!
Miss Kayi, GM of P|B

” a full set of armor of the pheonix!!”
Blix – BDC

-*-Vendor & Happy Ads-*-

The PaxRatOku Auction Vendor & Craftsmen Hall is now open in PaxOku!  Vendor spots are available for 1000 gold per week.   Please see Gareth for a vendor spot!

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Decree of Distrust Against Army of Thieves is Rescinded

PaxLair, Felucca, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – May 27, 2005 – by Winfield — Mayor Winfield rescinded the “decree of distrust” upon the Army of Thieves (AT). The decree of distrust was enacted by Mayor Minsk on June 24, 2004.

I, Minsk Dawn-Cimber, Mayor of PaxLair, do hereby Decree:

Do hereby invoke the decree of distrust against the guild of Army of Thieves. They are to be banned from all PaxLair buildings. I do not encourage you to attack them but if you wish, PaxLair will not condemn you for such actions. Let your morals guide you in this matter.

Signed and Enacted: June 24, 2004
Rescinded: May 27, 2005 by Mayor Winfield

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PaxLair Meadows and Surrounding Area Maps

PaxLair, Felucca, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – May 15, 2005 – by Winfield – PaxLair cartographers surveyed the area around PaxLair and penned what they found to a map.  PaxLair is near the Compassion Shrine while Dragons Watch is near the Sacrifice Shrine.  Both towns are allied.

PaxLair and Dragons Watch in Felucca (January 2005)

PaxLair and Dragons Watch in Felucca (January 2005)

The cartographers looked at the PaxLair area in some detail.

PaxLair Meadows and surrounding area (May 2005)

PaxLair Meadows and surrounding area (May 2005)

They described areas follows:

  • South Meadow – main portion of PaxLair buildings, including the Twin Towers.
  • East Meadow – paladins protect PaxLair from the orcs, with the Kaar Barashalu Orc Fort nearby.  This was also an area with its forest that were contested by the evil Lord McManus against PaxLair.
  • Central Meadow – north of the Twin Towers between two forests.
  • North Meadow – further north with friends of PaxLair and a few citizens.
  • West Coast – more friends of PaxLair and a perfect place for a PaxLair Port.
  • Road – a dirt road to the south of PaxLair where travelers see signs pointing inward to PaxLair.
  • River – to the east with a bridge headed towards the Compassion Shrine with good fishing spots.
  • Mountains – to the south with plenty of mine-able ore.
  • Chaos Shrine (not on the map) – further southwest where evil tends to gather.
  • Dungeon Wrong (not on the map) – further to the north inside a great mountain where many creatures dwell.
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Suffering Stone Still There

Between Yew and PaxLair, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – December 25, 2004– by Winfield – “The Suffering Stone” would prove to be one of the more featured attractions on Felucca of the great Chesakeape Shard. As of December 2004, it still exists. It once catered to the mysterious quest of the Blue Skull; note the blue skull at the base of the right side of the Suffering Wall.

The Suffering Stone

Many have come to this suffering wall for various reasons. Some to see history; others to wail upon it with their own suffering; still others choose to hide near it and wait for a nostalgic-oriented prey so that they too might cause suffering upon the weak or un-wary.

This stone is part of the PaxLair Tour of Great Places on the Chesapeake Shard held regularly.

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Consolidated History of PaxLair

PaxLair, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – November 22, 2004 – by Winfield – 

PaxLair is a player-city on the Felucca Facet, Chesapeake Shard of Ultima Online established on January 19, 1998. PaxLair is one of the original remaining player towns on the shard and continues to move forward today. In early days, PaxLair was enhanced by the gods (Interest Game Masters) as people demonstrated the large formation of this community. PaxLair was affected by the creation of Trammel and now also the creation of Tokuno. But PaxLair does not fade away into dust. It continues to this day to offer opportunities for people to work together in this Realm of intrigue, mystery, and adventure.

This article describes some of the history of PaxLair, particularly focusing on the early years and latest developments which are less described elsewhere. There is still much history of PaxLair that is untold in this article. Such history is known in the hearts and minds of people and in archived libraries throughout the Realm and beyond. We will continue to research and add consolidated history even as new PaxLair history is created.


When the Stranger broke the Gem of Immortality into many shards (1997) [ref 1], a guild called The Band led by Nightfall and Ender quickly appeared on the Atlantic Shard. Within a few months, though, The Band moved to the Chesapeake Shard where it established houses on the guard-protected Prison Island of Yew near the Court of Truth. The Band, being a mixed group of people with a variety of goals, sought to enjoy the Realm to its fullest. People in The Band were builders, fighters, healers, adventurers, craftsmen, and diplomats. Within several months, their protected island estate became too small and restricted for their ambitions. They sought a place that was more open for all to come to, including murderers of the Realm, and needed more facilities for their crafting and fighting ambitions.

So, one day (January 19, 1998) The Band set out with shovel and pickaxe in hand to build a place to expand. They came across a meadow between two forests just northwest of the Compassion Shrine. With mortar, stone, and wood, they soon built a saloon, two large forges, a tower, and several other buildings in that meadow. Key people who placed buildings were Wild Mike (who placed the first forge in the meadow, which still stands today, now claimed by the Orcs and called the Orcs Tavern), and Red (Soulweaver).

Band members and friends came from across the shard to see the new buildings. Several more wealthy people and guilds constructed buildings in the area. Within a few weeks, the once peaceful meadow bustled with activity as people trained, fought, and forged weapons and armour for residents and travelers.

As more people and guilds came along, such as The Sillyhood who established its guild house in the meadow, it was obvious this was becoming a large community. So The Band called the community “PaxLair” meaning “Peace Place” and set the stage for all to follow.


A few months passed and the community continued to grow. Dueling, crafting, adventures, rendering of many tales at the saloon, and the incessant daily decorating of the Mage Tower soon captured the attention of one of the gods of the Realm (IGM goatboy, later named Orbeus). When the god visited, he saw many, many people in this once quiet meadow located out in the dangerous lands beyond Lord British’s guards. The god talked to the leaders of The Band and other prominent residents and received a tour of the many houses already built. The god sensed a “hot spot” of activity and decided to assist the community in ways that the community had no powers to do itself.

The god first nailed community-crafted furniture to the floors inside the Mage Tower. After this, the craftsmen did not have to redecorate the tower each day due to thievery. Also on that first visit, the Lady Winmere approached the god with a small piece of waterfall she received from her good friend Callista who found it in a gold box in Deceit Dungeon. Callista was one of the first to visit Deceit via boat. Since the waterfall came from one of the people of the community, the god decided to also anchor this where people could enjoy it. Winmere carefully gave the waterfall to the god.

He placed the waterfall (tile) in front of the Mage Tower and constructed four small walls to contain the water. The god then named the water the Spring of Knowledge. This was the first godly construction of any kind in PaxLair, and it still exists to this day. Yet, this small spring would soon become one of the most famous artifacts on the Shard and the centerpiece of much more to come.

For within a few days time, the Spring of Knowledge turned red with blood by the hand of Mazrim. The PaxLair community was astounded and some were fearful of what might happen. Soon, monsters started to come up out of the ground and attack the people in the town. Reinforcements were called in from across the Realm and PaxLair was launched on a year-long quest to cleanse the Spring. The quest culminated when Seer Daemeon sacrificed his mortal life at the Spring to cleanse it (May 7, 1999). Such a sacrifice took extreme courage. Once free of Mazrim’s Touch, the Spring became known as the Spring of Courage in honor, it is thought, of Daemeon’s courage and sacrifice.

The god experimented with the Second Chance Provisioners (SCP) shop with the shop’s proprietors Thelorn, Steelman, Justin Credible, and Crimson Dragon. SCP became a more secure place to barter over-the-counter to passing travelers. This made the SCP one of the first daily in-person craft shops known in this land; in the days of no secure storage, lockable doors, or vendors. Thelorn also ran the only known (player-run) bank where he stored travelers’ goods for them.

PaxLair continued to grow in the first years and the gods returned several times to construct an arena, benches, outdoor cafe servicing Luigi’s Pizzeria, Bells of PaxLair, a statue, a stable with stable master, a fire monument, a fountain, an old ruin wall, and a blue gate atop the Mage Tower that sent people quickly to the front door. They went further to decorate the Alchemist Shop, PaxLair Saloon, PaxLair Survival Shop, and Ladies of the Lair Tavern. PaxLair citizens soon built a second tower next to the first, thus the two towers becoming known as the Twin Towers. Another god (IGM Twilight) was pleased and connected these two towers’ roofs with special steps and installed a second gate, this time red, to take people to the front door of this new tower.

The PaxLair Saloon, Ladies of the Lair, and Luigi’s Pizzeria became the hot spots in PaxLair during these times. People gathered daily to meet friends and rest a spell. Olag Hai Orcs sometimes came through looking to fight hummies or to blah with the people. The Saloon, led by Kyleria Dawn, Minsk, and Nevilar, became a daily place to meet people and hear stories (circa fall 1999). Today, wizzie owns the PaxLair Saloon and customized it. To his great credit, he kept the first floor nearly identical to what the original Saloon looked like during these earlier years.

Over time, other notable buildings hosted crafts like Sibelius’ Tailor Shop and Eli’s Carpenter shop.


During all this construction, the town did not remain idle with respect to government and leadership. On one summer afternoon (June 20, 1998), The Band’s council appointed an old man, longstanding member of The Band and current Guild Master (February 23 – August 23, 1998) Winfield, to establish a government for PaxLair’s residents, guilds, and visitors. This government helped focus PaxLair’s construction projects, events, and quests along with numerous activities in PaxLair and throughout the Realm. Mayor Winfield quickly established three tenets to guide PaxLair. These were Peace, Neutrality, and Role-playing. Later, he added one basic rule for PaxLair–Respect.

In these early days, PaxLair worked with many in the larger community, including Father Time, Sinbad, and later Angelstorm of UO Chesapeake News, and other towns such as Aryslan, Corwyn, Dragon’s Bay, Gehenna, Haven, Humility, Marrach Lir, Oasis Tavern, and Shadowcove. Mayor Winfield appointed Chancellors and Ministers to aid the running of PaxLair. Some of the Chancellors and Ministers in these several years were Green Dragon, Tycho Veg, Ruglug (the first Orc chancellor on December 17, 1999 was even reported in the UO Town Cryers’ news reported by Trysta on March 9, 2000), Rhyssand, Mystarr, Katelynn, Kyleria Dawn, Neo of Lothlore, and Cowmaster. Lady Winmere served a vital role at all times meeting and greeting people and helping everyone around PaxLair.

The government structure was fairly simple and designed to be a ‘working’ and ‘realistic’ government. There was a Mayor with a Mayor’s office of Chancellors and Ministers to handle the daily situations (defense, citizenship, diplomacy, justice, and news) in PaxLair, sort of like an executive branch. There was also a Council to advise and handle the medium-term topics such as housing, commerce, and event plans. Finally, the Mayor personally handled the long-term topics such as vision, alliances, and contact with the gods.

The government along with so many dedicated people, residents, visitors, and cooperation with other towns were so successful that a very, very important dignitary visited PaxLair.

On a windy day (November 11, 1998), more than 60 people gathered at the Mage Tower for the PaxLair Founders and Builders Festival to honor many who endured the year in making PaxLair a notable place in Realm history. Suddenly, a gate opened outside and through it stepped Lord Vargon, Seer Daemeon, and Lord British (confirmed to be Richard Garriott)! They came up to the roof of the Mage Tower and addressed the amazed audience. Lord British met the people, congratulated them, and placed a plaque above the Mage Tower front doors that reads to this day “Proclamation Of Distinction By His Royal Majesty Lord British”.

In the coming few years, PaxLair continued to prosper. The Spring was cleansed, festivals of races and concerts were held, attackers were dealt with by the city guards and over time Earl’s mercenaries, quests were abundant, justice systems were created, commercial ventures filled shop owners’ purses, orcs resident in the Olag Hai orc fort down the road claimed pre-PaxLair occupation in the meadow, vampires lurked in the shadows, woodland elves protected the nearby woods, knights grew in lore and legend, kobolds appeared, the PaxLair library grew to one of the finest thanks to efforts of Tacitus and Dene, academies were built, tavern keepers catered to daily crowds, duels and tournaments happened weekly, the PaxLair Council formed and advised the Mayor, inter-city cooperation was up, news was aplenty, and much, much more.


Seers Daemeon, Magdalena, Kristos and Sannio appeared in PaxLair often as they did throughout the rest of the Realm. As many know, the Seers used their personal time, skill, creativity, and bravery to add to the enjoyment of all. They brought interactive quests into the lands and became friends of many.

Seer Daemeon (a Seer through May 7, 1999) most certainly became a best friend in PaxLair. He enjoyed sitting in the PaxLair Saloon for hours talking with the people. He never strayed from his special path of spreading lore and legend in the Realm. His relationship with PaxLair was a sponsor of sorts, which was allowed by the gods in those early days. He brought appreciation, respect, and solid value to the Realm. Just before his own sacrifice at the Spring of Knowledge, he gave Mayor Winfield his personal staff–the Staff of Seer Daemeon. Tears welled up in Winfield’s eyes as he knew he would not see his old friend anymore. As time went on, Winfield carried Daemeon’s staff with respect and honor, vowing to help all as Daemeon did. However, Winfield lost the precious staff near Empath Abbey one day when he tripped on a stone while un-equipping it (lag bubble). That day was also a fateful and sorrowful day, not for the loss of the staff, but for the loss of another friend. It was Lead Counselor Rmaggedon’s last day in the Realm.

Seer Magdalena sponsored the Ladies of the Lair for its role as a player establishment within PaxLair. The Ladies Lair tavern, still standing today, is ornately decorated with furnishings beyond belief to include a switch on the wall that carries the person to the back outdoor garden patio. She brought several unique quests to the Realm that only she could.

Seer Kristos created enormous amounts of Chesapeake-resident lore and legends. He lead the discovery of a fallen meteor (which has since disappeared, but the scarred spot remains), he fixed the Moonglow Telescope (Felucca), and crafted the massive quest of Dragar. While unconfirmed, many believe he had a heavy role in the Juo’nar attacks on Trinsic.

Seer Sannio (a Seer from February 1, 2000 to May 9, 2001) served for a long time on Chesapeake and touched PaxLair several times. In Sannio’s departing message to the Realm (May 11, 2001), Sannio said:

“Memorable recent moment: Wixim meeting Harmort (a player’s character), in PaxLair. Harmort is a kindred spirit to Wixim, as he is also quite mad. I was very impressed with the tight concept of Harmort’s madness and how quickly he made it understood. His madness was such genius that I was immediately inspired to have Wixim consider him his only friend, and incorporate some of Harmort’s “teachings” as appropriate. If you see Harmort around, make sure you give him some dragon hides, so he can cover all your roofs and keep the meteors out.”

There were many people around PaxLair like Harmort (always in-character) who were fun to just interact with. One of Sannio’s last achievements was to decorate the Skara Brae-Trammel Counselor hall. Sannio apparently still owns Mazrim’s Tower of Souls near old Aryslan.

Counselors Rmageddon, Mindtrip, Leeland and others regularly visited PaxLair to aid people and at times watch over PaxLair events. PaxLair once hosted a special Appreciation Celebration for the Counselors and advertised throughout the Shard (August 16, 1999). PaxLair is indebted to the Counselors for their years service. Later, PaxLair held an impromptu Appreciation Celebration (May 29, 2000) when word was circulating about the future demise of the Counselor program. Counselors Mindtrip, Myth, Yeran, and Lady Cellista were able to attend on such short notice and received praise from many citizens and visitors.

Senior Lead Counselor Rmageddon was a special friend to PaxLair. He took time from his regular duties of expertly leading the Chesapeake Counselors to visit PaxLair and aid in events and comraderie. On many a late night, one might find Rmageddon in PaxLair taking a load off his feet or inviting other off-duty Counselors to splash in the Spring of Courage. Truly he made much of the PaxLair community and the rest of the shard adventurers feel welcome in the Realm.


With much of all this happening in the first two years of PaxLair, Mayor Winfield said at the PaxLair Second Anniversary Celebration (January 19, 2000), “Our culture remains our most vital component in PaxLair. This PaxLair culture is not stagnant, and is only a piece of the culture within the entire shard. The Olag Hai Orc Clan, the Clan of Vampires, the Caitiff, the Woodland Elves, the Xun Verin, the Wraiths, the Death Knights, the PaxLair Knights, the Kobolds, the PaxLair Wizards, the witches of Shadowcove, the Healers of Chesapeake, the Lupars, and many, many more beings bring color not just to PaxLair but to the entire shard. This is what makes Chesapeake the most interesting and robust shard of all shards. We in PaxLair vow to do all we can to help all beings, through our sense of neutrality, in any way we can.” And in solemn and quiet fashion, he also contacted the Seers and Counselors that he could and thanked them for helping bring significant portions to the culture of PaxLair and the Realm.

It is inevitable though that in such a culture, PaxLair dealt occasionally with guilds that declared war on the city. At times, PaxLair’s reaction was simply to attack and defend. Other times when such battles went on for many weeks, extensive diplomacy was attempted.

Early in PaxLair’s second year (1999), a clan of wolves known as the Lupars declared war on PaxLair (February 8, 1999). For several months, Mayor Winfield and Chancellor Tycho Veg worked hard at diplomacy while others defended against attacks. The Ladies of the Lair house was a frequent place of their attack. Lupars demanded human sacrifices, which were against PaxLair’s principles and tenets. Many discussions occurred with the Lupars to negotiate the violence and better understand the meaning of their wolfish attacks. Mayor Winfield hosted King Lupar and his Clan at a more neutral ground in Trinsic (February 26, 1999); however, the Lupars continued to demand a weekly human sacrifice, which PaxLair could not agree to. Therefore, the Lupar’s regular attacks on shopkeepers, guards, and visitors continued. After a few months of this, it became apparent the war situation between the city and the Lupars would not progress beyond a tactical warring state. Eventually, PaxLair and the Lupars went on to other adventures and the war naturally subsided.

Also, the McManus Fiefdom (November 25, 1999) residing just northeast of PaxLair offered more opportunities for cooperation, diplomacy, and meaningful combat. However, full interactions did not take place. In later years, the Fiefdom was gone yet PaxLair still encountered Lord Ed McManus in the area.


Something later happened to change PaxLair forever (fall 2000). The facets on the shard suddenly changed in a very drastic way. PaxLair, built on the Felucca facet of the Chesapeake Shard, found itself surrounded by decay and darkness. As this happened, the Trammel facet of the Shard glimmered brightly with green pastures and forests. Trammel, an unscathed landscape, even had room for new construction of dwellings. Many people migrated quickly from Felucca to Trammel leaving old homes and sometimes friends behind. Residency in PaxLair was no different. Immediately, PaxLair population decreased significantly during the migration. For those departing PaxLair, Mayor Winfield thanked many for their long-time devotion and service to PaxLair. He wished them dragonspeed on their new ventures and felt a degree of satisfaction that new towns and opportunities would open up in new places. Yet, back in PaxLair, there was now little protection against attacks by murderers, assassins, and thieves moving into and through PaxLair each day.

In the years that followed, PaxLair on Felucca would become unfortunately known throughout the shard as a ghost town. The government changed hands from Winfield to Don Martin to Minsk in these later years. Winfield reluctantly retired after nearly three years of duty (January 19, 2001) due to many new forces upon him from outside the Realm. He retained a ‘caretaker’ role in PaxLair to assist those needing help with buildings. Don Martin led PaxLair for a few months until he disappeared and the Witches of Cove revealed (July 2001) “Let it be known that the Witches of Cove do hereby notify the cities of Corwyn and PaxLair that the mayors of said towns are in the care of the orcs at an undisclosed location and are safe…at this time.” Mayor Angel Storm of Corwyn was also missing.

After a long period of time without a Mayor resident in PaxLair, former Mayor Winfield returned from his fishing expeditions and officiated the ceremony at PaxLair’s fourth anniversary (January 19, 2002) appointing Lady Minsk as the new Mayor of PaxLair. PaxLair continued for the next seasons with regular meetings and various quests. Knight Emmeril led the Knights in tournaments and lore while a strange entity known as The Gatekeeper started visiting PaxLair more often. PaxLair continued to have weekly meetings and adventure nights that took people to several places in the Realm.


Skipping now to more recent history, a few years later, PaxLair re-encountered the Army of Thieves, AT, during the summer of PaxLair’s 7th year (June 2004). AT moved into PaxLair and was initially welcomed. However, AT started battle cries to raise havoc in the area and against the city of PaxLair. Old members of the PaxLair Council informed the Mayor of long-ago attacks on PaxLair by these thieves and also the failed attempts to deal with similar situations like the Lupar war. Mayor Minsk decided to pre-emptively sign the Decree of Distrust on the Army of Thieves (June 24, 2004). This basically arranged a policy of avoidance with respect to AT. This led to a dark point in history as propaganda against PaxLair travelled swiftly among the town criers. AT, in their fervour, even went on to declare war on the entire Shard. Tempers flared and people’s reputations were dragged through the mud. These were sad times and are still being mended to this day.

Amidst all this, interest still grew in PaxLair as demonstrated by the town of Dragons Watch on Felucca. Dragons Watch combined with PaxLair (August 19, 2004) and was overseen by the PaxLair government. Dragon Watch’s primary guild of Army of The Dragon, ATD, immediately became citizens in good standing of PaxLair and created additional adventure nights offering more opportunities for all people to gather and explore the lands.

Later, there was a delightful and at times perilous Pilgrimage (September 28 – October 11, 2004) with a group of a dozen wonderful people from different cities and guilds across the Shard, particularly from Concordia, PaxLair, and Falconer’s Inn. From PaxLair, Old Man Winfield and Zog the Necromancer participated along with Angriff, a long time disturber of the peace in PaxLair. A perilous moment happened when V*C and CHAMPS attacked the Pilgrimage members on their one-day visit to PaxLair. All of the members died as the towers ran red with the CHAMPs.


Mayor Minsk soon decided to enhance her PaxLair government as more attention came once again to PaxLair on Felucca. At a weekly meeting (October 25, 2004), Mayor Minsk appointed Winfield as the Chancellor of PaxLair focused on the Felucca environment. Being such a large job, Winfield quickly appointed a Chancellor staff consisting of Eli, John Duke, KingId, Memnock, Neo of Lothlore, and Snoopy. Specific ministries were established once more with John Duke leading the Ministry of Diplomacy and Neo of Lothlore leading the Ministry of Knowledge. Other ministries are in the makings, such as Ministry of Defense and Housing.

Chancellor Winfield made a step forward in cooperation in Felucca by authorizing temporary co-ownership of the new Arena Tower to Lord Ed McManus for CHAMPS’ Tournament of Champions, Pankration event (started on October 24, 2004). PaxLair caretakers customized the tower specific to Lord McManus’ needs. Observers reported the Tournament was a great event where murderers and craftspeople, such as Eli the Carpenter and John Duke, alike stood side by side watching the battles in the arenas. This cooperation has recently fuelled many ideas for PaxLair to also become a tournament town and one that can engage in cooperative battles between many different people.


Another historic change in the Realm will change PaxLair forever. Minax discovered a land that apparently was hidden or lost for years [ref: 2]. That land is called the Tokuno Islands. On a day when people of the Realm could travel to this new land (November 3, 2004), people of PaxLair were able to build a few buildings on Homare-jima near the Kitsune woods. There they constructed a tea house, an academy and armoury, and a garden. Lord Exedore of Falconer’s Inn (on Malas) met with Chancellor Winfield and helped furnish the tea house with ornate plants and tables. Soon, many people have travelled to the PaxLair Tea House, even the strange Gatekeeper who already sent adventurers on a few quests.

This new PaxLair construction in Tokuno is known as the PaxLair Outpost, yet it may prove to be of larger importance than a mere outpost. In the continuing vein of community, PaxLair now seeks to know neighbors in the area not to have them join PaxLair, unless they wish, but to help garner a sense of community once more in our war-torn Realm. As such, much inter-town and guild cooperation continues across the shard. PaxLair, which includes Dragons Watch, attempts to maintain and increase contact with at least the towns of Concordia, Gyldenfeld, Mythndale, Nidaros, and Silvervale, and establishments of Red Wolf Cafe and Falconer’s Inn. At present, Minister of Diplomacy John Duke actively seeks out these towns, establishments, and many guilds.

PaxLair on Felucca is not left behind with the new migrations to Tokuno. In fact, emphasis on the old lands of PaxLair should increase as the Outpost on Tokuno offers much history and connections to PaxLair on Felucca and other places. Already, the Tea House has a replica of the Spring of Courage, the Suffering Stone, and the Suicide Gate. And more recently (November 17, 2004), the replica of the Spring of Courage received an “adjustment” similar to the adjustment the evil Mazrim made long ago to the Spring in PaxLair. What this portends, no one knows.


Many founders and people decided long ago that PaxLair should be a permanent part of the Chesapeake Shard; not just the physical features of the city, but also the community. Dedicated people keep this decision alive today through their commitment and sacrifices. PaxLair continues to strive for a working government and a place for all to enjoy. PaxLair is very open to new ideas and welcome many into the community. The feeling today is like the early days … when the Shard was young.


1. “The Dark Facet,” Ultima Online Age of Shadows Fiction,, undated.
2. Ultima Online Samurai Empire game manual, Electronic Arts Inc, Redwood City, CA, 2004.

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Decree of Distrust against Army of Thieves Guild

PaxLair, Felucca, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – June 24, 2004 – by Winfield — Mayor Minsk Dawn-Cimber invoked the seldomly used “decree of distrust” upon the Army of Thieves (AT).

I, Minsk Dawn-Cimber, Mayor of PaxLair, do hereby Decree:

Do hereby invoke the decree of distrust against the guild of Army of Thieves. They are to be banned from all Paxlair buildings. I do not encourage you to attack them but if you wish, Paxlair will not condemn you for such actions. Let your morals guide you in this matter.

Signed and Enacted: June 24, 2004

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Mayor Minsk signs Decrees into PaxLair Law

PaxLair, Felucca, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – January 3, 2003 – by Winfield — Mayor Minsk Dawn-Cimber signed four new decrees into PaxLair law.

I, Minsk Dawn-Cimber, Mayor of PaxLair, do hereby Declare:

The day, January 14th, is an official PaxLair holiday each year as a tribute to the Kaar Barashalu Orc Clan and their orcs in honor to their Wargod.

Signed on: January 3, 2003

I, Minsk Dawn-Cimber, Mayor of PaxLair, do hereby Decree:

The Orcish Ruins and the Temple of the Wargod are sacred grounds within PaxLair. It is a crime to desecrate these holy places of the orcs. Peace must be maintained as a true course of our peoples within this city.

Signed on: January 3, 2003

I, Minsk Dawn-Cimber, Mayor of PaxLair, do hereby Declare:

January 19th, 2003, as a day of celebration in PaxLair to honor the city, citizens, friends, and visitors for successfully seeing PaxLair through its fifth year. PaxLair was founded on January 19, 1998.

Signed on: January 3, 2003

I, Minsk Dawn-Cimber, Mayor of PaxLair, do hereby Decree:

As long as murderers continue to raid the City of PaxLair, (NPC) mercenaries will remain to protect the city at appointed times. Anyone killing, or stealing from the (NPC) mercenaries within the city limits of PaxLair shall be declared a Criminal of the City and dealt with accordingly. An effort will be made to protect [role-playing] murderers when possible.

Signed on: January 3, 2003

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