The Disappearance of Gaella

PaxLair, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – February 19, 1999 – by Jeremy Green – This evening in the fair city of Paxlair an odd occurrence took place that left many people baffled and grasping for answers. The abduction of an old gypsy lady, by the name Gaella; a woman who supposedly found immortality through a curse long ago.

The scene started with the gypsy lady wandering into town muttering about darkness and death. Many at first dismissed her words and thought little of her. Until, that is, she began to mention Alanna, a troubled young woman who went missing the week before. This drew quite a gathering of concerned people as many sought to save Alanna from her fate.

A number of citizens described Gaella’s demeanor at the time as nervous and edgy. As if she were waiting for something to occur. Perhaps the arrival of Draesot, a known servant of Mazrim, could be accounted for such.

His unexpected appearance, flanked by two of the foul creations known as soulslaves, only lead to an odd chain of events that passed all too quickly. Many of the gathered citizens stood idly by watching as Draesot ordered the slaves to grab Gaella and hold her firmly within their clutches. A few witnesses claimed to have seen a slight ripple in the air before both the gypsy and slaves vanished from sight. To where? None can really be certain.

Before he himself slid into the nothingness which brought him, Mazrim’s servant actually offered a humble apology for interrupting anything which may have been going on at the time. As well he asked that a message be given to Gwendolyn, a resident of Paxlair, “Tell Gwen that I shall gather our debt at a later time.”

It was well known that Gwen gave up her soul to appease Gaella’s anger when Alanna slid from her grasp. Does this now mean that her life force is bound to Mazrim? And what of the gypsy’s fate?

– Jeremy Green –

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Tribe Visits PaxLair Their Shaman Meets with the Townsfolk

PaxLair, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – February 17, 1999 – by Jhym – On February 17, 1999, PaxLair was visited by Shaman Coweta of a group called the Tribe and his entourage. Their Shaman met with the townsfolk and visitors, exchanged gifts, visited the PaxLair chapel, and visited the Tribe’s ruined village near the dungeon Shame. While at their village, orcs and other monsters attacked the group giving indication why the village was destroyed and the monsters continue to plague the area. Mayor Winfield offered that the Tribe could live and be protected in the town of PaxLair as friends until they could rebuild their ravaged village.

19990217tribe_shaman 19990217tribe_indian 19990217win

Shaman Coweta of the Tribe meets Mayor Winfield and People of PaxLair

I (Jhym) went to the ceremony to see what these strange new folk might look like, as well as to sing a song specially for them by the behest of Mayor Winfield. As I arrived, the Emissary of PaxLair Christopher Wren attempted to get the greeters nominally into a line, however we were continually interrupted by Ork and thief attacks. After several poison fields and energy vortexes killed several, including Mayor Winfield and the Emissary, it was finally decided to lead the dignitaries up to the PaxLair mage tower where they could be better defended by the PaxLair guard. The small Tribe group was led by Shaman Coweta, a dignified looking man though he only wore bone arms and a bear mask; Elder Malabo, dressed in bone as well, with a deer mask carrying a spear; and two warriors, Hemauke and Nonoke dressed similarly and carrying spears. Tycho Veg, the Vice Chancellor, led the group to the tower, taking over until the Mayor could be found and returned from the dead.

The Tribe Visits PaxLair and Exchange Gifts

The Tribe Visits PaxLair and Exchange Gifts

We arrived upon the roof and settled upon the benches. The Shaman took one of the provided thrones, while his elder stood behind and the warriors to either side of the elder. The folk of PaxLair talked with the Shaman for a time, then asked about his purpose there. The Shaman described a land that he and his Tribe lived in which had been gradually overrun by orcs and other evil creatures. One day as they returned from a hunt, they found their village burning, killing many of their families and destroying their homes. The Shaman then had visions of a green land, and other aspects of PaxLair, though I could not hear all of his visions because folk do not seem to know how to whisper.

The ghost of the Mayor appeared on the altar to the edge of the tower roof. The people quickly ressurected him and he stepped forward, coming out of a daze. He once again donned his official uniform, took his staff in hand, and greeted the Shaman once more.

Mayor Winfield then asked the townsfolk if they wished to give gifts to the Shaman. Several stepped forward. Ore Hound gave two sets of finely crafted ring mail armour. The Shaman commented on the fine armour and asked what Ore Hound’s line of work was: mining; and Ore Hound gave a shovel as well. Nissa gave them some “shinie” gold and the Shaman shouted out “GLITTER”, obviously being very pleased. Gliph, the King of the Goblins recently who returned to PaxLair, then came forward and made a statement. “Me think you was bad neked people from long time ago,” he said and we all thought Gliph was about to turn the ceremony into a darkened event. He continued, “But me know you no is same neked people. Me sorry me try kill you.” Gliph then searched his pockets and pulled out a bubbling potion and laid it at the Shaman’s feet. He also gave a beautiful ring. The Mayor then stood and offered gifts from the entire town of PaxLair. He gave the Shaman a wooden box filled with wonderful things including notes passed on by the townspeople welcoming the Tribe to PaxLair. He also gave the Shaman new spears for the warriors.

Gifts from the Tribe

Gifts from the Tribe

The Shaman smiled and nodded at the gathering, thanking Winfield. He then presented their presents to PaxLair, including a pile of beads, a thousand fish!, a black dye tub, a hand crafted fishing pole, a lovely necklace, and a strong cider they had brewed. Winfield and the Shaman both took a long drink of the cider, causing everyone to chuckle as their words began to slur slightly. The gifts were then carefully put away to be used by the citizens later.

The Mayor called on me to sing the song I’d prepared. The Shaman and his Tribe seemed to enjoy the tune, as they clomped their spears upon the ground, while everyone clapped. The Shaman stood and gave me a hug to thank me for the tune.

The Mayor then asked of what their religion might be; they talked for a short time and the Shaman explained how the gods had foresaken them in their small village, allowing the orcs and monsters to ruin his village and kill his people. The Mayor suggested we head to the town chapel to demonstrate how PaxLair worships the gods. As we entered the chapel and healers building, the townsfolk and the natives quieted their talk. The Tribe entered the chapel room alone and asked others to remain outside; the Tribe seemed to talk to their own gods. After they finished, the Mayor suggested we head outside to talk some more.

As we stood in a clearing, the Shaman asked if we would all come to see their destroyed village; we all readily agreed. Coweta dropped his staff, then threw his hands into the air, seemingly channeling a great force. With a wave of his hands, sparks flew to the ground in front of him and three glowing gates immediately appeared! No one heard the Shaman mumble any magical words, yet the gates certainly came at his command. Everyone was very impressed with the Shaman’s powers and stepped quickly through the gates.

We appeared beside the shell of a building, walls crumbling into the loam around it. We all wandered around the grounds, Malabo and the warriors stopping several times to cry softly about lost times and friends. While we stood there, orcs attacked us with an orc leader and his underlings. We quickly took care of the small orc band, then ran around the ruin to fight an ettin and an orc mage that hid nearby, along with an evil reaper. I carved a bow and some arrows for the Shaman from the reaper wood, hoping they could do a little better in their fighting. We talked further, then returned to PaxLair.

Winfield suggested to the Shaman that the Tribe take up residence in PaxLair or ask for help from PaxLair until such time as they could rebuild their homelands. The Shaman thanked everyone for their good wishes and promised to visit PaxLair again soon. And with a flourish of his staff, the Shaman collected his group and walked with deliberation out of town.

All in all, an interesting night, and a new group of friends for the City of Peace.

A Ranger’s Call

Striding softly, soft boots worn,
Dark green cloak, brown shirt torn,
A ranger glides across the glade
Until he reaches welcome shade.

He tracks a bear, a wolf, a deer,
He follows each without fear
Smiling softly he draws with pen,
Upon some vellum the bear cubs’ den.

Wolf and faun, pages filled,
With drawings live… No blood spilled.

Jhym Songsmiths of Sosaria

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Tribe Comes to PaxLair… Their Shaman to Arrive Wednesday

PaxLair, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – February 13, 1999 – by Winfield – Last night, PaxLair was astonished by the arrival of two dark-skinned people dressed in deer headdresses and carrying mighty spears. They spoke a strange language barely understandable to the people gathered near the Mage Tower. “Da gander one has voisic uv pax lair moi moi voisic”, the one Elder Tribeswoman known as Niamba said to us. After some time we figure out that “Da gander one” is “The Greater One” and has a “vision” of PaxLair. All wondered what this vision could be and came to learn the Shaman will come to PaxLair Wednesday at 10 bells before midnight by the eastern sky (10PM Eastern). The Tribe appeared to be very friendly and not threatening to PaxLair. We will know more when we speak to their Shaman. It appears the Shaman may speak Britannian better than than Niamba and Malabo.

Tribe arrives in PaxLair
Tribe arrives in PaxLair

Rhyssand, the PaxLair Master Healer, took Niamba and Malabo, an Elder Tribesman, on a short tour of the town showing the Healers and Chapel house and the arena. In the course of the tour, the group found that the Tribe does not like magic nor orcs; they mentioned “Malaki” and when someone said the name back, they went into a raging frenzy. Christopher Wren, Cain the Druid, Sharona, and Ore Hound accompanied Rhyssand. Mayor Winfield, having a bit of trouble understanding the Tribe’s language, followed and asked questions through others who could decipher their language better.

Tribe at the Healers and Chapel House
Tribe at the Healers and Chapel House

The Tribe took a keen interest to some things and scoffed at others. An ink well had their attention for a moment, but when it fell over and ink covered one of their hands, they spat at it and tried to wipe the ink off. The group was about to go to the alchemist shop when Cain the Druid suggested it would probably not be a good idea with their inquisitiveness and shaking explosive potions.

At the arena, they seemed to like the open air yet appeared to feel a little confined within the arena’s walls. To prepare for the Shaman’s visit and be able to offer gifts, the townsfolk needed to see what they liked. They showed the Tribe magic reagents, potions, gems, and gold. They scoffed at the reagents and potions while their eyes lit up at the shining gems and gold.

Tribe in the Arena

Tribe in the Arena

All of the sudden, one of them shouted out, “Ra Awik mek hus!!!!!!!!!!!!!” and both went running through to the other side of town and disappeared. No one knew what happened, yet all felt they would be back as they said on Wednesday with their Shaman. Gifts will be needed to give to their Shaman to show good will and people will be needed to help translate our language because it is unknown exactly how well the Shaman can speak Britannian.

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Book of Dark Magic Recovered

PaxLair, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – February 8, 1999 – by Arik, Grandmaster Smith – Last night whilest in the town of PaxLair, Valen was speaking of the actions of “N” and informing the local citizens of his evil nature. These were the words from his song, a song that captivated all time and time again. As soon as I showed up to the mass of people, I was cursed at, spit at, and even threatened to be torn apart by the Black Knight Darius. At first he was simply a panther talking to me telepathically, but then he transformed to his hauntingly powerful human self.

Drax the Seeker

After making quick apologies, I hastened away from the group but still within ear shot. Valen spoke of the Lycaeum holding a clue to a ritual being performed this eve. The mages from the CMT (Chesapeake Mage Tower, a new powerful group of mages) provided gates to the island of Moonglow. A monk was found and we spoke to him about N and were told that he had a map recently. When asked to see it, he promptly told us that the map had been stolen by the evil Dark Omen moments earlier, but that he had been copying it at the time. He handed us a partial map which held small clues. Four libraries were mapped and we felt certain that these held clues to the ritual planned for tonight. Visiting the libraries we came upon the following text:

“Shattered is the book, that holds the key. The parts were sown across the land to bear fruit one day again. My work was not in vain! The fault will not repeat itself and I will be redeemed. All will see how useful my work is, even Lord British!

Safety is of utmost importance, this time all will go well. I will wait for the right constellation of stars. When the planets align and the comet hits our sun, I will open the gate.

The maze I build around the gap to the netherworlds will prevent any of the servants to escape and the fence will hold the ambassador back. I will force him to give us the servants and bind them to my will!

With these hundreds, maybe thousands of servants, I will rebuild our world into a garden of joy and all will thank me! To prevent anyone from getting all the clues needed to open the fence, I put them all over the land. The map will remind me how to recover them when the time comes.

Constructor of a new age.”


Four other passages were found, but I will explain those a little later. Reading that text had us believe that Relvinian’s Maze was next to visit. Again the CMT gates us there and immediately we were attacked by swarms of undead (a tell tale sign of N’s work). These skeletons, zombies, spectres, were led by three lich lords and a few lesser liches. ‘Twas a dangerous battle with two friends falling in battle. I was almost killed myself if it weren’t for the brave actions of Hume. He rescued me from that horrible fiend.

Book of Dark Magic

Alas, after the undead were slain (again), we went off in search of clues. To the far southwest we found bodies of Earth Elementals. Remembering one of the phrases: “Wound the earth with the only weapon it can be hurt. Burn it with the force of fire.” We believed we needed to use a pick axe on the creatures and gather the ore from them. We then brought it to a forge that we had found just north at the Library. Saying the phrase, we smelted the ore.

The next phrase: “Forge the heart of the earth into a weapon. A weapon to defeat the very air itself.” I then forged the metal into a razor shard bardiche, a weapon powerful enough to cleave the air in two, but yet quick enough to keep pace with it. Once that was done, we heard the calls of an eagle on the other side of the hedge. We thought we needed to use the bardiche on the eagle. One of the fighters hefted the weapon and brought it down crashing on the squawking bird. No blood came, but the beast lay still. On its body was an empty pitcher. As soon as the bird was dead, air elementals surrounded the party. They attacked ferociously but none of us were killed. They were dispatched neatly and swiftly.

Valen was there chanting another of the phrases: “Use the vessel of air to trap its sister. Bind the water to your will.” He suggested we take the pitcher and fill it from the baths to the south. This we did chanting the phrase. I drank from the pitcher, not knowing the effect it would have. I felt compelled to do this. In front of us a water elemental appeared. It glared angrily at us then summoned more of its brethren to defend its resting place. Hard pressed we were backed into a corner but again we prevailed.


Valen chanted the next phrase: “Douse the flames with the blood of the water. The death of fire will tear down the walls.” This we knew what to do. We went back to the forge where I forged the blade to cleave air. I chanted the lines and poured the water on the forge. It erupted with towering flames and was gone. In its place were dozens of fire elementals. Again I was brought to near death but the combined efforts of good managed to slay the beasts before I myself was burned to a crisp. Thank the gods for my long years at a hot forge, for I was able to endure their searing blasts for quite some time.

After that, the Library was seen to house the groups of Dark Omen and a Necromancer, Zerces Hrathmor… The Grand Liche. They began bickering and then The necromancer began chanting an unknown spell. The leader of Dark Omen bade him to stop or ill would come to them. N had apparently forbid them to use that spell. It was a summoning spell, but a summoning spell of what? The necromancer kept glancing at a book in the corner, A Book of Dark Magic…

N’s voice appeared from the still air. Threatening them, goading them: “You had your revenge, necromancers, they will fear you now and maybe even respect you. Although i am not that sure you will enjoy your new popularity. *cackles* Yet, enough is enough. I warned you not to cast this part of the spell, for there are evils mortals should not meddle with… nor immortals. An Vas Rel Ort Por, An Vas Ort Bal-Lem!” With the last echo of N.s spell, many things happened at once. The gate to the netherworlds began to close, hindering the Great Evil from gaining access to our world, but with a last attempt to doom us, it spew out hordes of undead. I used that as my chance to redeem myself for my horrible deed committed months earlier. I begged him to release me, and laughter erupted. As the sealing spell finished, the fence weakened and I used my years of building strength to tear one from the hinges.

Zerces Hrathmor

Dark Omen left, abandoning their once ally in the Necromancer to his fate. Demons appeared as N. finalized the last word of the spell. These were appearing quicker than we could kill them and many did die in this brutal final battle. Braving the spells all around and the hurled missile weapons, I reached the book to secure it from evil. Taking it in my pack I slid back outside. Sandler opened a gate back to PaxLair as the last demon was killed.

As soon as I stepped through, I began looking for Atlan, who I found at the benches in front of the Mage Tower. I spoke with him silently and handed him the book. We then went to his shop where he could copy it and begin working on it. He handed copies to me (to give to my brother Justarius) and others to powerful mages that accompanied us. The CMT will be working on translating it also.

After this there was much celebration. Many came up to me to state that I did good, and I had redeemed myself in their eyes. I thanked them but I felt I needed solitude to work out my own matters. As I was walking out the door, Atlan yelled “Arik, as easy as it is for us to forgive your deeds, you must know that only once you learn to forgive yourself, will you know peace of mind and heart. Nay be so hard on yourself, you art truly a good man. You were tricked, and thus was not acting on knowledge of the outcome. You didst simply not know what would happen. Forgive thyself, and thou shalt know peace.”

To this day I sit in a church basement pondering those words, but can I truly ever know peace?

NOTE: This is part of a continuing PaxLair Player Quest, not a Seer Quest.

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Mayor’s Address for PaxLair’s One Year Anniversary (January 19, 1999)

PaxLair, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – January 19, 1999 – by Winfield — Hail to one and all! I am Mayor Winfield, an old man and servant to all in PaxLair and on the Chesapeake Shard of Ultima Online. Today, PaxLair is One Year Old!!

Mayor Winfield

The Mayor Deep in Thought

On this joyous day, I would like to say a few things about where PaxLair has been and where it is going. I offer my ideas to continue PaxLair’s well established role in offering openness and opportunities to players on the Chesapeake Shard. The second year of PaxLair should prove to be a period of reaching out with our limitless imaginations to new and unique ideas for a player-town. With this in mind, allow me to reflect back a bit about PaxLair in 1998, then on to ideas for PaxLair’s second year .

1998: PaxLair was Firmly Established

PaxLair was established on January 19, 1998 by The Band as a town to focus diversified interests within a guild of over 100 members. After a few months, we noticed PaxLair proved to be a “hot spot” for not just The Band, but for many guilds and non-guilded people passing through the wilderness area between Vesper and Yew.

In May 1998, after several months of proven accomplishments and ideas to enhance the Ultima Online environment through a player-town, we received the attention of an Interest Game Master (IGM), IGM Goatboy. With Goatboy’s trust in us and open heart to the players, Goatboy spent numerous hours improving PaxLair for all to enjoy. His and many other gods’, Seers’, and Counselors’ interest in PaxLair has helped all people on the Shard enjoy an open and interesting place in the wilderness.

IGM Goatboy Setting Up the Mage Tower

Allow me to thank everyone for supporting PaxLair in its first year of history. You have proven time and again that player towns, quests, events, and a whole host of activities on the Chesapeake Shard can be entertaining, intriguing, and of significant value to a great number of people. In 1998 we saw many Seer and player quests involving PaxLair and the Shard, a growing number of player-controlled shops making PaxLair one of the greatest commercial crossroads in Britannia, and people of all walks of life working together every day in the wilderness. Without such sincere dedication by all of you, PaxLair would be nothing more than a cold group of buildings offering little more than a place to ocassionally visit while passing from place to place.

Lord British with Mayor Winfield at the Spring of Knowledge (corrupted by the evil Mazrim)

Looking back at 1998 we had several indications our combined efforts were worthwhile. On November 11, 1998 Lord British honored our town with a personal visit and presentation of a plaque hanging now over the mage tower’s front doors. On August 20, 1998, we received the Hitchhiker’s Guide to Britannia stamp of approval for enriching the UO environment.

In 1998, we developed some of the first true player-shops with real people standing behind the counter for countless hours waiting on customers. Several shops operated by player-teams exist today in PaxLair offering everything an adventurer, questor, craftsman, or groups planning events might want or need.

After these shops drew crowds of people to PaxLair, we focused on new and ingenious ways to generate mystery and intrigue each day in our lives through quests. The Cheasapeake Player Seers organization was established, PaxLair officials hosted unique player quests, and many groups and guilds generated small and epic quests to keep people enthralled for days, weeks, and months. Seer quests touched PaxLair many times as they were generated throughout the entire lands. We, as simple players, found creative ways to use of our own capabilities to make quests realistic, interesting, and fun. Some took us to dungeons and others to great places around Britannia. Each was unique in its design and many times received a “how’d they do that” reaction from the participants.

To keep information flowing and documented about the many happenings in and around PaxLair that affected the entire Shard, we established close relations with Father Time of Ultima Online Chesapeake, a player-established, shard-wide information source for anything and everything dealing with the Chesapeake Shard. Tacitus, our Seeker of Knowledge in PaxLair, established a huge library in the mage tower as well as a virtual location to record as many world Britannian books, Seer books, and player books discovered and written in the realm. More than 100 books are now recorded and maintained.

Fern Kidnapped

The interest that grew in PaxLair during 1998 brought new people and groups together. Many friends were made and many groups demonstrated the art of roleplaying. These people and groups focused on non-combat and combat roleplaying situations in and around PaxLair. They used PaxLair to present their stories, launch their quests, bring attention to their efforts, and offer diversity and adversity through carefully thought-out combat, abductions, and special events giving people unique challenges, riddles, and entertainment. These people and groups are what placed PaxLair on the map as a great place to visit or call home.

1998 proved to be a year establishing PaxLair with a firm foundation, foothold, and cornerstone for much more to come as we now enter PaxLair’s second year.

1999: Moving Into the Second Year of PaxLair History – A Focus On a Complete Virtual Town

Ultima Online provides players a diverse and open virtual environment for thousands of people to meet, establish goals, work together, work against each another, and help build the world of Britannia for themselves and others to enjoy. PaxLair itself has also become an environment within Ultima Online that is limitlessly open to the imagination. With a firm foundation laid in 1998, PaxLair is ready to meet new challenges and goals for 1999 and a primary goal I have is to pursue all aspects of making PaxLair a complete, virtual town with all the trimmings. But first, allow me to describe my continuing philosophy for PaxLair.

The philosophy I hold closest to my heart for PaxLair is one of openness and opportunity for all people. PaxLair is a Town–and as such, it should be viewed as a town: not as a guild, a group of self-proclaimed elitists, nor a group of haves and have-nots. All people are welcome to participate. The physical aspects of the town which the PaxLair caretakers maintain (buildings, tables, chairs, and other ornaments) do have inherent limitations on participation for everyone in the realm, for example, not everyone can have the keys to a shop or specially locked chests. But these things really do not make the town of PaxLair. The people do!

I wish for PaxLair to always be open to people who wish to have fun, meet new people, create something challenging, and advance themselves and their groups in a place that has some focus of attention in Britannia. To give this openness some framework for opportunities, we continue to work with three tenets in mind:

  • Peace – a wilderness place where peace is sought so all may use their imaginations rather than their muscle to be creative.
  • Neutrality – neutral ground for all people to meet, whether evil or good, murderer or bounty hunter.
  • Roleplaying – an environment where people can intricately take on a fictitious role of an imaginary character.

Opportunities are primarily generated by the people who come to PaxLair, not by the small group of PaxLair caretakers or a special group of “townmasters”. Since PaxLair is a virtual environment offering a place for people to meet and do things together, all people hold in their hands the endless opportunities to stay constantly entertained in Ultima Online. Even without daily events, PaxLair is bustling with life and new ideas each day. A beggar, town drunk, shopkeeper, warrior, guard, villain, mage, and mysterious people are nearly always in town interacting with people. Some people come to PaxLair and claim it is “dead” and no one is around; such times can exist during non-peak times for players on the Shard. PaxLair, though, is open to everyone 24 hours-a-day and anyone can use the many open facilities for their own events and quests and as a gathering place for friends.

In 1998, our small PaxLair government of 7 or 8 people focused primarily on maintaining and upgrading the town’s buildings, experimenting with shops and quests, and establishing some virtual government operations following our three tenets.

In 1999, my number one goal as Mayor is to make PaxLair really “feel” like a town. My vision is that when you enter the town, you meet craftsmen, rogues, great lords, humble priests, judges, tavernkeepers, duelists, guards, healers, questors, adventurers, caravans, pirates, storytellers, partiers, sages, vampires, necromancers, orcs, elves, knights, and (to round out a proper town) government officials. A combination of all these types of characters and more constantly being roleplayed in all situations is what I believe will make PaxLair’s virtual environment a complete reality.

My specific role as the Mayor of PaxLair is two-fold. One is a “primary caretaker”, along with several other founders, to maintain and coordinate improvements in the physical features in PaxLair. This has been a very time consuming task for me and others as the physical nature of Ultima Online capabilities continually changes, the most recent being the building patches. As a caretaker, I also host the PaxLair website which as you can imagine, is an endless task in itself to keep current, interesting, and informative.

My other role is that of the “roleplayed Mayor”. This is the most rewarding role I have. I enjoy meeting people and helping them understand and participate in PaxLair. My goal here is to offer advice and ideas for people to pursue; to help them create their own opportunities. Some of these opportunities are to be involved in PaxLair in an official “government” roleplaying role. Such things involved commerce, diplomacy, defense, society, council, news reporting, and more. When you think about becoming involved in PaxLair in an “official” capacity, think about a real town and what goes into a real town: what services a town should offer its citizens and visitors; what advice and counsel should be given to the Mayor or the town council; what role should each government official play or not play. When thought of this way, PaxLair has room for a lot of growth in opportunities. Opportunities for people who wish to dedicate portions of their time becoming directly involved in a virtual town government.

These opportunities to help build a complete virtual town with all the trimmings is at our finger-tips and are open to your creative minds. To be involved and take on roles in government positions requires a degree of dedication, honesty, and balanced thought when dealing with people of all walks of life. Since I am but one person with many responsibilities, I have several people as Chancellors and Vice-Chancellors assisting me with roleplaying “authority” as my personal aides. I will increase the list of Vice-Chancellors in PaxLair so there is more Mayor-level representation daily in PaxLair. More roleplaying government positions are available, such as court justices for roleplayed trials, commerce officials for coordinating shop activities and trade caravans, event organizers and coordinators for handling weddings and tournaments, treasury officials to manage a growing number of gifts and contributions to the town of PaxLair, and roleplaying guards to look out for the safety and well-being of the townsfolk in events, ceremonies, and quests.

There is still an ever increasing number of possibilities for non-government roles in PaxLair. These are left to the imagination of you good people interested in participating in a virtual town open to people of all natures and spirit: tavernkeepers offering food and drink to the public; races of orcs, elves, and more; street artisans selling their wares; storytellers and songsmiths entertaining people in scheduled and unscheduled performances; adventurers forming groups to adventure to the new lands or a dungeon; and many, many more sorts of roles.

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Undead Disturbance near PaxLair

Mystery Location near PaxLair, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – January 15, 1999 – by Vincent de l’os – It started out simple enough. A blue skeleton had been spotted from time to time in the northern woods, near Paxlair. It seemed relatively harmless, even peaceful, and also spoke of wishing to be released from something. After a time, many began to suspect that there was not just one skeleton, but many.

Blue Skeletons Attack

On the evening of this Wednesday past, proof was finally found that indeed, multiple of these so-called “lost ones” exist. In fact, they began to run amok near the Paxlair Tower, attacking any innocent by-standers that happened to be there. They appeared to be looking for something, and yet when confronted, they ran towards the south.

As several brave souls gave chase, the sight that they were greeted by was one to shock even the most hardened of adventurers. In the woods stood a strangely colored moongate, oddly named “Suicide Device”. Surrounding it, amongst the bones and blood-spills, were a multitude of blue-robed individuals, and more of the strange skeletal beings. They instantly took to combat, viciously defending this apparent gate of death.

At first, many brave warriors and mages fell in their effort to uncover the mystery of what had been transpiring. Eventually reinforcements were called, and the lost ones and these people-cultists for lack of a better word- were finally defeated. But who and what were they? There weren’t many clues, except for books that were carried by the robed menaces, appearing to be a set of instructions for their activities, but the ambiguities made it difficult to tell what they were up to.


After speaking to several eye-witnesses, I managed to discover that there had been some evidence of a strange cult, a group known only as “The Order of the Blue Skull”. No one knows what their goals are, or who they are, or what they have been doing. Somehow they are linked to the Suffering Stone, and a small “hideout” of sorts that was discovered in the mountains. Their work can be identified by the blue skulls they have left at each of these locations.

No one knows much about them, except that Zaine the Lurker, the blue ghost that appears for short periods of time, has spoken of them, and somehow the lost ones that are encountered in the woods are involved.

Shortly after taking eye-witness accounts, I managed to speak to Seer Garak, who claims to have been investigating the Order for a time. According to him, the Order is up to no good, but he has yet to collect much proof beyond these sites that have already been uncovered. He is currently trying to decipher the meaning of the text contained in books that have been found at these sites, and he has left copies for others to make their own copies of for their own studies. These copies may show Seer Garak as the author, but the text is always signed by the original author, shown only as “L”. I have also been told that the Paxliar Library maintains copies of these books for study as well.

At this time, all Britannians are welcome to aid in this mystery, as so far there is little known, and much to learn.

Vincent de l’os

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Ceremony with Strange Guests

Mystery Location, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – January 5, 1999 – by unknown – Being awoken to her masters, Dell was summoned to join the Clan of Vampires in a valley of their ritual gatherings. It was to be here that they would seal their hold on Dell, thus sending a permanent and unwavering message to the citizens of Corwyn that they are not ones with which to trifle.

Zaine the Lurker and the Vampires

The ceremony began which required all of the Vampires to remain within the Circle of Enchantment. During the ceremony, a groan echoed throughout the stone valley, “Uhhhhhnnnnn…..”. One of the mysterious creatures known only as “a lost one” had appeared in the midst of the CoV. Looking bewildered and confused it seemed to listen to the events transpiring. Many of Dell’s former companions found their way to rescue her. The battle cries were shouted out as the mystical Corp Por was flung about the area, an Energy Vortex was also thrown in the midst of the Vampires and did fell one us. Arrows flew to their marks and three of her rescuers were forced to flee – two were not so fortunate.

Despite forcing the heroes to flee, one of the Kindred had fallen, thus keeping the ceremony from completion. It seemed a small victory for those of Light, as the denizens of Darkness feasted upon the corpses of the fallen.

It seemed that much of the control that was held over Dell was broken as a result and she left the presence of the Vampires to return to her friends and loved ones in Corwyn. The “lost one” remained however, trying to communicate with the other undead present. Although cryptic in his garbled speech, the lost one spoke long with the Vampires. From the conversation, Hephaestus and Charity were able to decipher his warnings of the “Bluuuuuuuueee…..Skkuuuuuuuuuuullll….”, obviously referring to the Order of the Blue Skull. After some time he began to wander, Blade and Varra DarkMaer followed the creature to the Suicide Device where he subsequently disappeared.

After the Vampires began to experiment with the device and examine the tomes near it, a spirit was seen walking the forests. An unusual spirit this one, quite unique in fact, a Lurker, as described in the various tomes found nearby. This Lurker went by the name of Zaine, and communication with him proved even more difficult than with the lost one.All in all, the events of the evening were very interesting, and most enlightening. At this very time, the Kindred search the lands for more information on this Order of the Blue Skull. Some information has already been gleaned, and new theories have been proposed, but only time will tell the validity of such theories. Fortunately, we have all eternity…..

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The diminishing of Light

Various Places, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – January 5, 1999 – by Atlan – The Player-quest run by Atlan of PaxLair continued when the Dark Omen was seen performing rituals at the Counselor Guild in Serpent Hold, around the Ahnk in the Empath Abbey near Yew, in the Lycaeum in Moonglow.  Disturbing news was heard throughout the lands of late. The minions of N. were seen performing some sorts of vile rituals, one in each of the Citys of Principles. Seemingly, they choose the location with great care, as instructed by their master.

First Ritual

First Ritual

The first rite was performed in the stronghold of Courage, Serpent’s Hold. There, in the center of the Counselors Guild, they formed a triangle and recited strange incantation in the tongues of magic…

When i arrived at the scene with some valorous people to accompany me and trusting my feelings of something evil going on, we could do nothing but watch and -in my case- listen to what occured:

“We are the Dark Omen. We have gathered to perform the Ritual of Cowardice. We are here to unveil the Courage the tyrant British demands from you but has yet to show.”

Now, each one of them spoke a single line:

“Vas in us. Rit an-ex aksi-cor.”

“Auks art agra-tas bal-lem. In-jux mis-tas!”

“In-bet an-cor-de lap-mel. In-an art-uide.”

“Agra-char-est cor-us! Ai-re ter-ort mis-tas.””

“And so it begins!”

With that, each of them summoned a pillar of roaring fire upon himself, bathing in it and then vanishing. We even thought them consumed by their own ritual, rejoycing at the thought, but not for very long. As one of my companions stepped to the spot at the centre of their performance, his heart missed a beat: “Ahhrgg, coldness. I feel fear surging through my veins… help me, save me…”

He shivered uncontrollable, frightened, until we were able to pull him free. As we stood close, all of us could feel it: if you ever recieved the blessing of a Shrine of Virtue after hours of praying, meditation and reciting the mantra, you can imagine the feeling. Simple think of the very anti-thesis, twist it around until it makes you hurt and you get close to what this was alike.

Second Ritual

Second Ritual

The second ritual happened around the Ahnk in the Empath Abbey near Yew. The tanquility of the home of Love was disrupted, as the dark figures pushed their way past the frightened monks and gained access to the inner sanctum…

“We have gathered to perform the Ritual of Hatred. Our master has sent us.We are here to unveil the unfaithful Love of the ursurper British.”

“Vas in or. Rit an-ex aksi-amo.”

“Auks art agra-tas bal-lem. In-jux mis-tas!”

“In-bet an-amo-de lap-mel. An-in us-agra-lem-fel.”

“Sku-est amo-or! Ai-re ter-ort mis-tas.”

“Thus it commences!”

Third Ritual

Third Ritual

Finally, they reached the seat of knowledge and Truth itself: the Lycaeum in Moonglow, where the Flame of Truth is guarded in a secret location. As if to mock us all, the giantic Wis-rune in the centre of the Lycaeum, meant to symbolize the gathered wisdom and knowledge, looked like a big “N” as it served as a stage for the last ritual. Although they were disturbed and left in a hurry from the approaching forces from PaxLair, N.s minions seem to have succeded anyway, as the last line was spoken:

“We have gathered to perform the Ritual of Falsehood. Our master has sent us.We are here to tear down the false Truth of the impostor British.”

“Vas in wis. Rit an-ex aksi-ver.”

“Auks art agra-tas bal-lem. In-jux mis-tas!”

“In-bet fel-wis-de lap-mel. An-in pri-lem-fel.”

“Aglo-est ver-un! Ai-re ter-ort mis-tas.”

“Thus, it will end!”

We were unable to stop them from corrupting the Principles, and that is unforgivable. But what is even worse: if you are well versed in the ancient tongue they used to perform these acts, you can see that they not just twisted the Principles, but BOUND them to someones will…

They bound them to the will of N. It seems fear hate and ignorance are truly upon us, because if he ever masters the powers of the Principles, nothing can help us, nothing can stop him…

In fear of the future,


NOTE: This is part of a continuing PaxLair Player Quest, not a Seer Quest.

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Zaine the Lurker Tells of the Coming of the Order of the Blue Skull

PaxLair, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – December 29, 1998 – by Winfield – Zaine the Lurker, an entity trapped and in pain as a ghost, visited the PaxLair Mage Tower and warned that the Order of the Blue Skull would be coming to the area very soon; a matter of days or weeks. He indicated a book we retrieved a few weeks ago is a key to understanding this mystery. That book is located in the PaxLair Archives entitled “An Urgent Matter, by Seer Garak” and looks like a confidential note within the Order of the Blue Skulls. 

Zaine the Lurker (a ghost) in the PaxLair Mage Tower

An Urgent Matter
by Seer Garak

I’m sure many of you have heard of Ridley by now. This is the reason I am calling all of you together again. It would seem that our goals are not as impossible as we so recently thought. Even though the stone has become twisted and does not function properly, it may yet be useful. It is a shame that Zaine disintegrated on its trial run rather than turning him, for only he fully understood it. We must now continue the work without him. 

Much research is needed, and we may also need an efficient suicide device. One of us should find and exhume Zaine’s ashes and bones. We may also need to seek the lost ones that have slipped away, but we won’t know that for sure until some more experiments are completed. And as always, watch for the sign! Destroy this message when done with it. 


Zaine died at the Suffering Stone some time ago and the Order of the Blue Skull is known to be a secretive and mysterious group, leaving blue skulls in their camps as they move about the northern forests. Be on the watch for Zaine, the Order of the Blue Skulls, or the “lost ones”.

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Captain of the Guard Ceremony: Thelorn

PaxLair, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – December 11, 1998 – by Winfield – A Grand Ceremony was held atop the Mage Tower in PaxLair to honor our former Captains of the Guard, Endorphin and PanchoGrande, and to officially appoint Thelorn of The Band as the new Captain of the Guards. Mayor Winfield presided over the ceremony while Minister of Defense Katelynn made the appointment.

Thelorn appointed as Captain of the PaxLair Guard

Winfield starts the Ceremony

Many people came to the tower to witness the ceremony, to thank Endorphin and PanchoGrande for their service to PaxLair, and to welcome Thelorn as the Captain of the PaxLair Guard. Thelorn, a founder of PaxLair, owner of the Second Chance Provisioners (SCP), and Leader of The Band, brings honor to PaxLair by his demonstrated dedication, imagination, and commitment to the ideals of our town.

The Ceremony was conducted as follows:

Winfield: My friends of PaxLair. As you all know, PaxLair is not simply a group of ornate buildings, but a family of friends: the hard-working shopkeepers, the mysterious people, the wonderful races, the warriors and guards, and the government officials. The creativeness and imaginations of our family of friends is what has made PaxLair truly the best town in all of Britannia.

Winfield: In PaxLair, our defense system is to defend peace and opportunity for all. Our neutrality is based on a concept that all people are equal and have the opportunity to visit and participate in this wonderful town. To defend this peace and neutrality, the reality of this world forces us to have a guard force within the boundaries of PaxLair.

Winfield: In this vein, there are three people here tonight I am honored to present to you in this Grand Ceremony. They have demonstrated true loyalty to the ideals of PaxLair and dedication to devote much time for our town.

Minister of Defense Katelynn thanks Endorphin and Pancho Grande

Winfield: I call forward Endorphin – PanchoGrande was not able to stay this eve. Endorphin and PanchoGrande were outstanding as the Captains of the PaxLair guard. They now are called to a new destiny that will take them far from PaxLair to new and wonderful lands. I must say under their mutual leadership, the PaxLair guards have formed a great dedicated team to protecting PaxLair and helping all people. I truly thank you Endorphin and PanchoGrande for your service to PaxLair. I now call upon Minister of Defense Katelynn to say a few words.

Katelynn: I wish to thank you personally, Endorphin and Pancho Grande as well for the care and dedication that you both showed while serving as Captains. You will both be remembered and respected in PaxLair. I wish you the best in whatever pursuits you choose to follow.

Endorphin: Aye, indeed it was an honor to work at your side, m’lady.

Thelorn Stepping Forward

Winfield: It gives me great pleasure tonight to call forward a long-time friend of mine and of many here in PaxLair. Thelorn of The Band, please step forward.

Winfield: I have known Thelorn for many years and he is one of the founders of PaxLair. He has been in PaxLair since the very beginning and has devoted much of his life to our wonderful town.

Winfield: Thelorn, I ask you now, do you swear to dedicate your life to the service of PaxLair, to the people here, and to the ideals upon which PaxLair is built?

Thelorn: Yes I Swear

Winfield: Do you swear to perform your duties above all else as the Captain of the Guards, to lead them, organize them, and defend us against non-peaceful activities and threats?

Thelorn: Yes I Swear

Winfield: Very well, Thelorn. Chancellor Mystarr, does Thelorn meet your approval?

Mystarr: Aye *nods*

Winfield: Minister of Defense Katelynn, I present to you Thelorn of The Band. He has my and my Chancellor’s approval to be your Captain of the Guards.

Katelynn: *nods* Thelorn, you have long served the people of this town in many ways, and to many you are considered somewhat of a legend.

Thelorn: *blush*

Trust is Placed in Thelorn

Katelynn: It is truly an honor and a pleasure to have you return to the guards to serve as the Captain. I look forward to working with you to keep our town and its people safe. Thelorn, I appoint you to the position of Captain of the Guards. I present you with this Halberd as a symbol of your position and our trust in your abilities.

Thelorn: Thank you m’lady

Zaelerion: *motions for applause*

Everyone: *cheers* *claps* *applause*

Thelorn: I must thank the government of PaxLair for your trust and for all the Citizens and the visitors of PaxLair. Know that I will gladly give my life to save yours. And i will make the laws of PaxLair to be respected also, be it with my word or by my sword. *grins*

Winfield: I wish to thank you Thelorn, Endorphin, and PanchoGrande for your devotion and dedication to this fine town and its people. You set the example for myself and others to follow.

Winfield: Three Cheers for Thelorn, Endorphin, and PanchoGrande! HIP HIP! *Hoorah!* HIP HIP! *Hoorah!* HIP HIP! *Hoorah!*

Winfield: I thank you all for coming to this important ceremony. Go in peace and balance now my friends and continue to make PaxLair the greatest town in all of Britannia! Well Met everyone!

Cheers for Thelorn, Endorphin, and Pancho Grande

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