PaxLair Statehood Decrees

PaxLair, Felucca, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – January 6, 2007 – by Winfield — Mayor Winfield announced three new decrees in preparation for PaxLair’s 9th Anniversary celebration.  Effective on January 14, 2007, these decrees establish the PaxLair Statehood, creates the position of Governor, and turns city Viceroys into Mayors.

I, Winfield, Mayor of PaxLair, do hereby Declare:

On January 14th, 2007, the PaxLair Community will officially become known as the PaxLair Statehood.  The use of the name “PaxLair” when standing alone will refer to the PaxLair Statehood.  PaxLair will be a Statehood of specific Cities, Towns, and Outposts.

Signed on: January 6, 2007

I, Winfield, Mayor of PaxLair, do hereby Declare:

On January 14th, 2007, the PaxLair Statehood will be led by the Governor of PaxLair. The title “Mayor of PaxLair” will no longer be used.

Signed on: January 6, 2007

I, Winfield, Mayor of PaxLair, do hereby Declare:

Between January 14th and January 19th, 2007, the Viceroys of the current PaxLair Cities will take oaths and each will be granted the title of Mayor for each of their Cities. Henceforth, all future Cities of the PaxLair Statehood will be led by Mayors. Mayors are appointed solely by the Governor of PaxLair. Towns will be led by Viceroys under the guidance of the Governor of PaxLair or specific City Mayors. Outposts will be led by an official with appropriate title as decided by the Governor of PaxLair or City Mayors for each particular Outpost.

Signed on: January 6, 2007

For added clarity, the Statehood structure with titles is generally as follows:
– Statehood – Governor
– Cities – Mayors
– Towns – Viceroys
– Outposts – appropriate titles
Note: Towns are not full sized cities, but might grow into cities.

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Adventures of Kelin 6 – Boat Ride

Silent Rose Library, PaxOku, Homare-jima, Tokuno, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – December 17, 2006 – by Tatania Karthina –

Chase Steel sits with his arm about his wife Milla’s shoulders and both look on as their friends Cory and Kirstren Hunter make goo goo sounds at the newest addition of the Steel family, Broadrick. Chase’s twin brother Chad sits nearby with his wife Khali as well, both snickering at how Chase takes on about his children.

Behind a nearby bush, Lilly and Tara Steel as well as India Hunter spy on the adults. Nearby Kelin, Drago, Tempest and Chasity Steel play a lively game of tag with their friend Colum Hunter. The shrieks of laughter coming from the game of tag is plenty enough noise to keep the parents from realizing that anything is amiss.

“India, what did you hear?”, Tara prods her friend again.

India replies in a whisper, “Mama just told daddy that they’d tell us about it tonight… There was no reason to upset us before the big picnic today.”

Lilly whispers a reply, “I think they’re getting to it now… shhhhhhhh.”

All three girls do hush and lean forward, straining to hear the adults. “… just saw no reason to upset them. They’ve been looking forward to this picnic with their friends for weeks.” Kirstren was saying.

“Well, Kirstren is right, it is going to upset them horribly.” Cory looks toward the lively game of tag then turns back to the adults, “But I got a new job and we’re moving to Serpents Hold. It’s a great opportunity, but unfortunately, the kids will miss Drago and Lilly and the beach. They love Magincia.”

“Tell us about that job Cory.”, Chad says looking to Cory as Lilly is pulling Tara and India away.

*** One Week Later***

The children had been put to bed and nothing but whispers could be heard. Those would soon diminish too as sleep took the children to their dreams. Milla looks into Chase’s eyes, “Do you think having Drago and Lilly spending the weekend with us has helped any? I haven’t seen them this upset ever.”

Chase gently caresses her cheek as he replies, “They’ll be fine once they realize how often they do get to see their friends. It’s just going to take a bit of adjusting for them.”

The couple check on the sleeping Broadrick then head to their own bed for the night as Uncle Earl wanders down to the kitchen for a late night snack as well as a visit with the well rounded Pudge. Earl tiptoes in after making quite sure that the coast is clear and wraps his arms around Pudge, kissing the top of her head. “The house is all asleep. Why don’t we take a walk so I can try to convince you that we’re meant to be married?”

Pudge turns in his arms and hugs him tight, “Oh Earl, you know I love you. I just can’t afford to lose my job and I just know they’ll fire me if they knew.”

“You don’t know my nephew as well as I do. Chase would prefer to have you as his Aunt and his cook. Chase and Milla love you Patrice and the kids adore

The couple continue speaking in low voices as Pudge prepares Earl an omelet and Earl watches her every move, his love for her shining in his eyes in this unguarded slice of time. The couple are so intent on each other that they never see the shadows of the five children sneaking away from the house, heading to the docks. The kids are having their own fiercely whispered conversation as they fade into the shadows of the night.

“You are NOT going alone!” Kelin whispers to the girls. “If you’re determined to do this, you need Drago, Gaius and me to protect you.”

Tara tartly replies, “Suit yourself. Come with us if you insist, but we’re going.”

Back in the kitchen, Earl is finishing his omelet and rises, moving to stand behind Pudge to help her wash the dishes. He looks out the window just as the “Princess Katara” Dragon Ship pulls out of the harbor of Skara Brae. “Patrice? Is that Tara’s ship that just set sail?”

Pudge looks up from the glass she is drying and nods, “I think it is. You best go see what’s going on Earl. Someone is stealing the ship I think.”


Kelin, Drago, Gaius, Lilly and Tara sail towards what they think is a mission to rescue their friends Colum and Indy from the horrible place they’ve had to move to while the Steel house is in an uproar. About 45 minutes had elapsed before anyone thought to check on the kids during the excitement of Tara’s ship being stolen. In Kelin’s room, Milla found a note left by Kelin:

Papa and Mama, The girls just had to go save Colum and Indy so we all went to protect them. We’ll be home by breakfast.

Love, Kelin

A pigeon is immediately sent to Chad and Cory with messages and Ships are leaving Skara Brae Harbor, trying to catch up with the children’s boat.


Miles and Miles in the wrong direction, The “Princess Katara” is being blocked in by a fleet of 6 ships. The men on these ships are boarding the “Princess Katara and gathering the terrified children to take to their secret Island.

A mean looking pirate with rotten teeth and smelly clothes speaks with a grating voice, “Captain, Do you want me to take their ship too?”

The Captain, who is not as rough as his fellows strokes his beard in thought then smiles. “No, I’ll leave a ransom note in the ship and we can make a load of gold on these kids.”

As the Captain of the Pirates had said, it was done.

the Note:

We have your youngins. If you want them back, you’ll have to pay for them.

Captain Jack

The Saga of Kelin and his adventures will continue in “The Adventures of Kelin 7 – Pirates!”, coming soon to the bookstore at The PaxOku Silent Rose Library!

Peace and Knowledge be with you!

Tatania Karthina

17 December 2006

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Adventures of Kelin 5 – The Christmas Gift

Silent Rose Library, PaxOku, Homare-jima, Tokuno, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – December 17, 2006 – by Tatania Karthina –

Christmas decorations are everywhere… large candles, Christmas trees, wreaths and sleighs with reindeer make the shopping distric in Luna a spectacle to see. Chase, being the shopper in the family has the entire brood with him shopping for gifts.

Kelin and Drago were both holding Tara’s hand and Gaius was holding Lilly’s hand as they moved from Vendor shop to Vendor shop. The children were excitedly looking for wares to spend their Christmas gold on. Much to Chase’s dismay, all three boys insisted on buying the best, most expensive girly things for Tara and Lilly, much depleting Chase’s pocket gold as well.

“We still have to get your Mama something… and something for your Mama and Papa, Drago and Lilly” spoken to the kids. “and no pretty dresses for Milla. She’ll have the baby soon enough and then we can buy her beautiful dresses again.”

Much later, Chase returns home loaded down with packages, the children all with chocolate among other sorted goodies covering hands and faces. “Used the old trick of bribery when they got tired, eh Chase?” Milla chuckles.

Chase blushes as Pudge leads the children away to wash their hands and faces before dinner, muttering about ruining their dinner. “Well, Milli, it was all I could think of I promise,” Chase said as he dropped beside his wife, his hand moving to her very large belly.

“Soon, this monster child will be here love. I’m getting so big.”

After dinner, all the kids helped Chase, Chad and Caius trim the huge Christmas tree in the family room. The household was in chaos, laughter and love filling the house to the rafters. Milla, Khali and Stormy sat watching the glee, chuckling because the men were having as much fun as the children were.

*Christmas eve**

All of the Family are gathered in the family room on this wondrous family occasion. The gifts piled high beneath the tree are quickly being reduced to shrieks of joy from the children. Bits of paper are flying through the air as gifts are opened from mothers, fathers, Aunts, Uncles, Great Aunts and Uncles, Brothers, sisters and cousins.

Milla tries to hide a grimace from everyone as another contraction passes through her, but Chase, who knows her so well knows. “Why don’t you go lie down love. You have a long night ahead of you” spoken softly to her.

“I might in awhile dearest” she says as she gives his hand a gentle squeeze, “but for now, I’d rather enjoy everyone. Besides, the children would worry if they knew and look at the fun they’re having.”

Gaius toddles to his mama and plops in what little bit of lap she has left and snuggles to her. She lifts and turns him so his head is on her shoulder and holds him close. “Mama’s lil man aren’t you Gai.” spoken more as a statement than a question. Do you think you’ve been good enough for Santa to come see you while you’re fast asleep tonight? my bonny lad?”

Gaius nods his lil head against her shoulder then remains still for a bit, clearly wore out. “See Milli” Chase speaks softly in her hear, “Gai isn’t the only one already worried about ye.”

She look around the room and spots Kelin, now a strapping young man of 6 six frowning a bit and looking to her. Milla smiles at Kelin and motions him over. “Why the frown my little Warrior?”

Kelin leans against her side, placing his head on her unoccupied shoulder, “I still didn’t get what I asked Santa for Mama” said as he wraps his lil arms around her.

“Well, young man. Santa has not made it yet tonight, but what gift has you worried so?” she asked him.

“I want a lil sister Mama” Kelin blushes a bit as he admits this.

“Ah, I see… you like the girls do you lad? Yer a good big brother too. Take good care of Tara and cousin Lilly already. But if you get a brother, will you teach him to be a gallant Warrior like you have Gaius?”

“Yes maam, but a sister is what I want.” Kelin states firmly then grins up to her, “but a brother would be just fine Mama” the lad grins to her.

“Well, young Kelin. Take your brother here back to the fun and I’ll go on up to bed. I just about think you’ll have that sister or brother in time for the Christmas Turkey” She smiles at Kelin and hugs him gently before setting Gaius down. “Go with your brother Gai. I’ll see you in the morning.”

*Christmas morning*

The labor was long and hard, the company remaining through the night, unwilling to leave once they knew. Chase stayed by her side gallantly through the night, but by morning’s first light, the miracle of birth had happened in the Steel House. Chase grinned roguishly to Milla as he sat near her on the bed. “Chad, Caius and I have a surprise for you today love” he says softly. “But first, there’s some little ones who want to see their new family.”

Chase rises and goes to the door, letting in Kelin, Gaius and Tara, who look rather shy or maybe just sleepy as they walk to the bed to look at the baby. Kelvin’s eyes grow large as he looks. “Mama! there’s 2 of them again!”

Milla laughs and answers softly, “Aye son, meet your sisters, Tempest and Chasity.”

Kelin, Gaius and Tara all smile brightly as they come closer to look. “Look!” Kelin exclaims, “Girls for us to spoil Gaius and for Tara to teach to play dress up!”

“Come on you lot. Yer Mama needs rest before the turkey.” Chase winks at Milla roguishly as he herds the little ones out to see what Santa brought them.

*Christmas Dinner*

Chase gently touches her shoulder to wake her. Milla opens her eyes and grins to her beloved husband. With another wink, Chase makes a wide sweeping gesture with his hands. All around the large bedchamber are small tables, lit by candles. Sitting at these tables are their family. The children at one. Kelin, Gaius, Tara, Lilac, Drago and Lilly. The new cradles are being guarded by the boys. Around others are their great Aunts and Uncles, Earl, Mikel, Casius, Khorton as well as brothers and sisters and their spouses, Caius, Stormy, Chyara, Sunshine, Chad, Khali, and Calamity.

“What more can we ask for Christmas mama, than to have love?” Kelin pipes up. “Merry Christmas everyone!”


The Saga of Kelin and his adventures will continue in “The Adventures of Kelin – The Boat Ride”, coming soon to the bookstore at The PaxOku Silent Rose Library!

Wishing You and Yours a Joyous Holiday Season!

Tatania Karthina

17 December 2006

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Adventures of Kelin 4 – Stormy

Silent Rose Library, PaxOku, Homare-jima, Tokuno, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – December 16, 2006 – by Tatania Karthina –

A knock is heard at the door and four year old Kelin runs to the door to answer it. Squeals of joy from atleast 3 children drift through the house as Kelin pulls a 3 year old boy and girl with him to the new playroom. Booming laughter follows as a man and pretty woman follows the children. Momentary chaos reins for the next few minutes as family greets family.

Much later as the adults sit watching the children play on the wondrous slides and swings Chad had recently built for the children. “I think they like their clubhouses the best,” laughs Milla, “although Tara doesn’t allow the boys to play in theirs, so they stay in the boys and girls one the most.”

A loud crash and a scream comes from the front of the house, interrupting the conversation, sounds of scuffling and a much heated argument follows, growing louder as Earl drags a protesting woman to the playroom. “I was only seeing if anyone was home you big buffoon! now let go of me!” a young woman screeches at Uncle Earl as the burly man continues to drag her.

“Uncle Earl, there’s no need to be so rough with a Lady,” Milla offers softly.

At Milla’s words, Earl grins a bit mischievously and turns the woman loose, who immediately steps back and squarely kicks him in the shin “yes, listen to the lady!”, then mutters, “big buffoon”under her breath.

Chase smothers a laugh at the young Lady’s tenacity as he looks her over. She’s a lithe creature with exceptional green eyes and auburn hair that seems to pick up the light, casting highlights of cinnamon, copper as well as a hundred other shades in it’s mass. He smiles warmly to her, noting the fine bone structure of her features and her petite form. “Welcome to our home. How may we be of assistance to you Lady?”

“To be honest Sir… I was looking for a safe place to hide when this man dragged me in here” she says, nervously looking over her shoulder. “My father has sent his goons to find me and I’m not going back. I can no longer live like that.” The woman looks him squarely in the eyes, yet the fact that she is terrified is plain on her face.

“Well, in that case Lady, let us retire to my office to talk more of this situation. Chad, Earl come with us so we might decide how to help this Lady best.” Chase states as he leads the young Lady and the men to the office.

An hour later Caius joins the ladies. While visiting, Chase, Earl, Chad and the young woman return to the playroom. Unnoticed by most, Caius just gapes at the woman as Chase announces, “I’d like you all to meet Miss Stormy Tarlson, the new book keeper for the Broad Steel Cruise Lines. Stormy will be remaining as a guest here for the time being.

Earl mutters, “I’ll let Pudge know we’re having another for dinner.” As he ambles off.

***One month later***

Sitting in the family room, Caius plays his lute while Stormy sings beautiful ballads. Young Kelin is settled in Stormy’s lap listening to the songs. “Now you sing the one I taught you Kelin.” Stormy laughs and pokes his tummy.

He laughs and starts singing the song, “weeeeeeeeeeeee… lil Warror can lewn to be gentman… see sit still to eat… fidgit chatters… Khali wiggles… Kelin giggles… dishes up up! dinner now!”, he grins roguishly at the song’s end.

Stormy laughs and hugs him, “Would you like to try it again. With me?”

Kelin nods nods nods and looks up to her with concentration. “Here we go Kelin.”

Her voice lifts.. although a child’s song.. her voice is obviously quite lovely.. the clear tones lifting throughout the house. “Let me see if the little warrior can Learn to be a little gentleman. Let me see if he is able To sit still for once at the dining table. So papa told the little warrior to behave and Mama herself looked very grave. But fidget he will, And won’t sit still. He wriggles. He giggles and I declare, he throws the dishes up in the air. Now Papa and Mama both look quite cross and they both begin to wonder how They all might have their dinner now.”

Caius gives Stormy a speculative look then grins to Kelin. “Sing something else, both of you.”

Kelin’s eyes light up and he exclaims, “teapot! teapot!”

“I.. I don’t know that one Kelin, sing it for us so I can learn it,” Stormy tells Kelin.

Kelin grins and breaks into the new song, “I a teapot hort and towt here my handle… thar my pout.” He gets all amused at himself and promptly forgets the words, but continues with the ending, “tip me ober and por me out!”


During a quiet moment later that night, Chase and Milla sit side by side on their huge bed, speaking quietly over the snores of little bodies all around them. Drago and Lilly are spending the night and are snoring softly along with their cousins, Kelin, Gaius and Tara. “Why does Caius dislike Stormy so much Milla? I mean, did you see the way they were fighting” he asked while taking her hand gently in his own.

“Oh Chase, he doesn’t dislike her at all! Quite the opposite I think,” she grins up to him.

“Well Milla, the way he was yelling, I would not be surprised if he chokes her before long. Then we’re out a book keeper” he grumbles. “Now” a low laugh rumbling in his chest, “We need to do some rearranging of children if we want to lay down.”

***Two months later***

The Priest drones on, “Do you Stormy promise to love and obey Caius until death do you part?”

A mischievous light shines in Stormy’s eyes as she answers clear and firm, “I promise to love Caius and promise to not to be bullied by him. If he does try to bully me, I promise to put him out of his misery” then she smiles angelic to the priest.

“Oh dear” Milla whispers in Chase’s ear, “I think she means it. Cai has his hands full.”

A low rumble is heard from Chase’s chest as the ceremony continues. The Priest says the final words, uniting Caius Broadrick and Stormy Tarlson in Holy Matrimony, “You may kiss your bride.”

As the couple kiss, Stormy feels a small hand tugging on her’s. Breaking the kiss she looks down and smothers her laughter as young Kelin looks up to her, his lips puckered for a kiss. She picks him up and kisses the lad and hands him to his Uncle. “I coming wid you on yur honeemoons… Papa said so.” Kelin tells his Uncle and new Auntie.


The Saga of Kelin and his adventures will continue in “The Adventures of Kelin – The Christmas Gift”, coming soon to the bookstore at The PaxOku Silent Rose Library!

Peace and Knowledge be with you!

Tatania Karthina

16 December 2006

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Ingredients for building Communities

PaxLair City, Felucca, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – June 12, 2006 – by Winfield – From the desk of Mayor Winfield

Hail my friends,

Establishing a community can be a very satisfying endeavor. Or it can be very frustrating. Communities can be guilds, establishments, towns, cities, groups of guilds, and more.

What I’ve found over the years are some key ingredients to success. Each of these should be developed together since the effects of one ingredient affect the others. Increase a little of one ingredient, then increase more of another. Then return to a previous ingredient and add a little more and so on.

It is a bit like mixing a potion. For a small potion, you still need all the ingredients. For a large potion, you just need more of the same ingredients.

The primary ingredients to get things started are:

  • Location – a place to call home, for people to gather, some buildings in the same area.
  • Events – offer consistent and quality events. Include regular meetings to meet and greet people.
  • News, News, and more News – use all available news services to your advantage. Announce events, report results, explain details about your community.

The secondary ingredients are essential for a long-term established community:

  • People – dedicated and committed people. Quality is better than quantity. People get interested because you have worked on the primary ingredients above.
  • Organization – a government or leadership structure. It can be large or small, but someone needs to be in charge and avoid single-point failures for decisions and projects. Have redundancy with deputies in your structure. Delegate projects to people and give them opportunities to also be creative.
  • Skypage and Skyboard (web page, message board) – a place in the ether to make your community permanent, offer history and news, and the means for people to communicate. Keep the skypage fresh with news and a list of people involved. Explain your community well for people to learn and becoming interested.


Winfield, Mayor of PaxLair

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Olag Hai and Kaar Barashalu Orc Fort Map (zoomable)

PaxLair City, Felucca, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – February 1, 2006 – by Winfield – The Orc Fort is famous for orcs who live in and near PaxLair City.  It was built by the “gods” for the orcs.  It once had archer walls which fell during an earthquake.  The fort is east of PaxLair and northeast of the Compassion Shrine.

Olag Hai and Kaar Barashalu Orc Fort near PaxLair City, Felucca, February 2006

Olag Hai and Kaar Barashalu Orc Fort near PaxLair City, Felucca, February 2006

You can ZOOM into this map with the following links: 1024 x 768 or 1280 x 1024

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Adventures of Kelin 3 – Potted Plants

Silent Rose Library, PaxOku, Homare-jima, Tokuno, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – January 17, 2006 – by Tatania Karthina –

Sitting beneath the ancient Yew tree, Milla glances at the sleeping twins on the blanket beside her. Gaius and Tara, chubby cheeks flushed with sleep are blissfully unaware of the shrieks and whoops coming from the improvised bagball field where Chase teaches three year old Kelin the finer points of the game.

Her dark blue gaze returns to the pair playing in the yard as they suddenly become quiet. As she watches, Chase squats down beside the small boy and Kelin leans in to whisper into his ear. Chase nods solemnly then taking his hand, they walk to the edge of the woods. Milla smothers a giggle as she sees the “stance” the pair take. Both stand facing a tree, legs about shoulder length apart with their hands before them. “Water it well my bonny lads.”, she whispers between smothered giggles.

_*_One Month Later_*_

Kelin and the twins sit on a thick fur before the fire in the family room. Chase walks around the house as if looking for something while Milla tends dinner in the kitchen. The entire house sparkles from it’s recent scrubbing.

“Are you sure you cleaned everything Milla? It smells like the stables in here.” Chase picks up a pillow from the couch and smells it as he speaks.

“Of course I’m certain Chase. I’ve cleaned this house from top to bottom.” She replies as she stirs butter into the green peas.

“I’ll let Caius in love.” Kissing her on the forehead as the oven buzzer and the knock on the door sounds at the same time.

Chase smiles as he walks past the children playing together. Opening the door, he exclaims, “Come in brother! Dinner is almost ready. Your timing is perfect as always.”

Caius steps inside, his nose wrinkling dramatically, “If you think I got here just in time to change diapers, you can think again. What are you feeding those kids? Smells like something died in here.”

Kelin, hearing the adults checks the diapers of Gaius and Tara and declares seriously, “Dey no poop Unkie!”

Laughing, Caius walks to the children, kissing both twins on top of their heads then picking up Kelin giving him a hug while Chase picks up Gaius and Tara. Milla is putting the platters and bowls of steaming food on the table as the men come in and settle the children in their chairs.

The dinner, once served was enjoyed as much as the conversation about the table but soon enough, the children started getting restless. Kelin grinning from ear to ear, “papa me pee pee! pease!”

Chase answered the lad, “Need help Kelin?”

Grinning from ear to ear, Kelin replied, “No Papa… me do it.”

After Kelin had left the table, Milla turned to her brother. “Why don’t you play us a song on your lute?”

Caius stretched and smiled as he pushed back from the table, “Sure Milli… I left it in the family room.”

Rich laughter floated to the dining room from the family room followed by an exclamation, “Chase! Milli! I found the source of the smell!”, Caius called out.

Brows raised, the couple hurry to the family room, each holding a baby. In the family room stood Caius beside Kelin… Kelin facing a potted plant in the corner of the room. Chase tried not to laugh as he inquired, “Son, you haven’t been going on your Mama’s potted plants have you?”

Kelin nodded and grinned as he answered, “Yes Papa! twee!!! pee pee on twee!”

“No son! Trees outside! Not in the house”, Chase replied exasperated.

Caius reaches into his pack and pulls out a toy boat, “I brought ya a gift tonight Kelin… now I know a good use for it. Come with me to the loo lad. It’s a good thing I had a good amount of ale with my dinner.”

“Now Kelin… we’re going to play sink the dragon ship. Now watch me” Caius told Kelin after he placed the toy ship in the pot. This is a fun game wee Kelin… just aim and try to sink the ship.” Caius told him as he aimed for the toy in the pot.

Kelin laughs with glee as he imitates his Uncle, finally exclaiming, “This is fun! Can I do this all the time Unkieee?”

“Of course Kelin… That’s much funner than going on the trees aye?” Caius asked him while he helped the lad wash his hands.


Over the next weeks, the potted plants began thriving again and the house smelt blissfully like roses.


The Saga of Kelin and his adventures will continue in “The Adventures of Kelin – Stormy”, coming soon to the bookstore at The PaxOku Silent Rose Library!

Peace and Knowledge be with you!

Tatania Karthina

17 January 2006

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Adventures of Kelin 2 – Kelin and the Juice Dance

Silent Rose Library, PaxOku, Homare-jima, Tokuno, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – January 17, 2006 – by Tatania Karthina –

It was a warm summer day and Milla was sitting in the back yard enjoying the sunshine and watching Kelin play with his pet ferret. Kelin is rolling over and over in the fragrant grass, Suz chattering like mad and hopping over him. Shrieks of laughter fill the air. Infants, Gaius and Tara sleep continently beneath the shade of a tree.

Caius, yawning, came down to the garden, a mug of coffee in his hand calls out, “Hail Sister of mine.”

she looks up, her face lighting up when she see him, “Caius! Hail to you! You’re just the man I was wanting to see.”

Caius folded into a cross-legged sit, “Oh? What have I done this time?” spoken dryly.

Milla takes a sip of her hot tea then grins, “aye… nothing this time but… for the cruises… since it looks like it will go over so well… I think we’ll need someone to host them… I was hoping if I can get a few to do it, it will not be often. Will you do it?”

Already his head was shaking, “Oh no.. I’m a Paladin, Not a Cruise Ship Host”

Long golden limbs, appear at the garden gate and a girl of about 12 opens the gate and steps into the garden, “Papa! I thought I’d find you here! Auntie Milli!” She beams radiantly, bouncing on her feet and darting gracefully to them, she plops down on her backside. “Hail Kelin!”, she calls out before looking to the sleeping twins, “They’ve grown so much!”

Kelin pauses in his play to call out his greetings, “Hal! Hal!” before standing and toddling to them, plopping into Lilac’s lap and giving her slobbery kisses all over her face.

Lilac absentmindedly wraps her arms around him, pulling him closer with efficient ease, kissing his neck and blowing zerbitz on his cheek before letting him down, “Auntie, may I have some juice?”

Milla grins to her niece, “Of course you may. Would you please fill Kelin’s cup as well?”

The girl nods and hops up to run to the house to make the juice. While she is gone, Kelin settles beside his Uncle and reaches into his pouch for a chocolate. The lad carefully unwraps the treat and bites off half of it, then bright blue eyes looking up into his Uncle’s he exclaims, “Papa teeched Suz trick!” He looks back to his pet ferret and holds a small portion of the chocolate over her head, “Danc Suz!”

The ferret Suz stands on her hind legs and reaches for the chocolate, turning in circles amidst Kelin’s shrieks of laughter. Kelin finally rewards Suz with the treat and the ferret scampers off to eat it.

Caius grabs the boy, growling and tickles, roughing him up a bit as Kelin squeals and laughs, squirming. Finally, giving the lad a hug, Caius settles Kelin in his lap.

Lilac returns and absently holds Kelin’s juice out to him, way above his head. He reaches for it then standing, starts turning in circles and jumping, while still in in Cai’s lap.

Caius blinks as Milla groans, the former speaking, “Whoa lad…” Said in a strained voice as he grabbed and held the boy up off his lap.

Lilac blinks and giggles then handing setting the juice on the blanket beside her papa, trying not to laugh, “Who taught you the Juice dance Kelin?”

The lad answers gleefully after slurping his juice, “Papa!”

Caius eyes Milla with brow raised, “What the Kings was that?”

Milla trying hard not to laughs answers, “That’s a new one on me!”

Caius just shakes his head, knowing that there is no telling what all the lad will learn in this crazy household.

Kelin nods solemnly and speaks, “Papa teech me to firt wid the pwetty girls next!” To demonstrate he blinks at his cousin. trying to wink.

Laughing, Lilac stands and takes Kelin’s hand, “Come on Kelin… let’s go get some of those cookies your mama made today.”

The pair of them amble off to the house to get away from the adults for awhile, Lilac taking the time to carefully teach Kelin how to escape

the gate blocking off his bedroom door.


The Saga of Kelin and his adventures will continue in “The Adventures of Kelin – The Potted Plants”, coming soon to the bookstore at The

PaxOku Silent Rose Library!

Peace and Knowledge be with you!

Tatania Karthina

17 January 2006

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Adventures of Kelin 1 – Introduction & Prologue

Silent Rose Library, PaxOku, Homare-jima, Tokuno, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – January 12, 2006 – by Tatania Karthina –


The Adventures of Kelin will be a series on the pains and triumphs of growing up. Within this series, you’ll see Kelin grow from a youngster of about 2 years of age through young adulthood. You’ll see how he “raises” his “siblings” and makes decisions that will forever alter his life. Although other members of Kelin’s rather large and boisterous family will be introduced and expanded on, the main focus of the series will be Kelin.

Come join Kelin and his family on their many misadventures while they learn about life, surrounded by the love of a close knit family!


It was a stormy night in the city of Skara Brae. Young Milla Broadrick kept looking anxiously out the window as rain splattered and lightening streaked the sky. She fretted as she paced back and forth, worried sick about her two brothers out traveling in this storm to come to her.

Gnieus had earlier in the day sent her a letter by messenger for her to be home this evening as he was sending her an extremely important package, hopefully in person. Milla had not seen or heard from her eldest brother in 3 years and was anxious to see for herself that he was alright. Of course, when she had gotten the message from Gnieus, she had sent a message immediately to her younger brother Caius to come to Skara Brae, for Gnieus was coming home. Now, there was nothing to do but wait.

Lightening splits the sky and thunder booms, rattling the windows of her little cottage, just as a loud knock sounded at the door. Startled, Milla jumps, gasping for breath a moment before running to the door and jerking it open. He stood there, framed in the door. A tall man with dark hair and a rather sinister look about him. He held a large basket in his hands.

“Yer brother Gneius sent me. I gots something fer ya.” the man spoke with a rough voice.

Milla stepped aside quickly and watched him as he stepped inside, water dripping on the carpet from his drenched cape. The man thrust the surprisingly heavy basket into her hand before turning and walking back out into the storm. “Wait! Is he alright? Is he coming?”, she called after the man to no avail. The mysterious man had disappeared as fast as he had appeared.

Milla took the basket over by the fire and settled down by it. She lifted a blanket tucked in snugly on the sides and gasped. Fast asleep in the basket was a small child of about a year old. He was a miniature of Gnieus with his dark wavy hair. Laying on top of the child was a letter. She opened it with trembling fingers.


This is my son Kelin. He’ll be a year old tomorrow and the only worthwhile thing I’ve ever accomplished. His mother, my wife died tonight in a fire saving the lad. I have to take care of some things and fear for the lad’s life if he remains with me. The fire was deliberately set in the hope of killing me. Please keep my son safe and well. I’ll contact you as soon as I can. Gnieus

She looks into the basket at the sleeping lad and whispers,”I’ll keep you safe and happy Kelin Broadrick. I think I love you already.”


A long while later, the front door burst open once again. A handsome young man with dark wavy hair and bright blue eyes steps inside, shaking the rain from his traveling cloak. “He had better show up this time or I’ll choke him next time I see him. Honestly Milli… traveling in this weath” his tirade abruptly stops as he sees the child sleeping in his sister’s arms.

“It has not been that long since I’ve seen you Milli! who’s baby?”, he speaks softer now, aware of the sleeping child.

“The note is laying there on the table Cai. Read it and see what you make of it.” Milla speaks softly as she rocks the child gently.

Caius crosses the room and picks up the note, his bright blue eyes widening with surprise yet his expression growing concerned as he reads. Finally, he looks up to Milla and young Kelin and crosses the room to them. Adjusting his sword on his side he reaches for the boy. “Let me see him proper Milli” his voice is strangly gruff.

The Paladin lifts the boy in his arms and looks closely into his face. The lad awakens and blue eyes meet blue eyes. “You’re safe now young Kelin. Your Auntie and I will see to it that you are well cared for.”

“I pray Gnieus is alright, but one never knows with him. Geeez Milli… Why does he always have to find so much trouble?”

“Trouble has just always seemed to find him Caius. As much as I love him though, he’s never given a flip about the virtues or right and wrong. The man that brought the lad would have scared me to death had I met up with him on a dark street.”

“Ah Milli… don’t fret now. I do know our brother well enough to know that he would not have given him a task like caring for wee kelin here if he did not have complete confidence in him.” he said as he cuddled the baby.

“Caius, I know you can’t stay indefinately to help me. Perhaps we can contact Chase Steel and see if he can help protect Kelin and me.” said as nonchalantly as she could manage.

“That’s a good idea Milli. I’ll see about speaking with him tomorrow. Chase is a bit disreputable himself, but I do trust him.” he looks at her, his bright blue eyes narrowing slightly as he considers her. Caius pushes aside the thought that his sister, sweet, gentle and shy Milli could have feelings toward Chase who is close to being an Outlaw.

One Year Later

There in the midst of the flowers in the chapel, the Priest speaks solomly, “Chase, you may kiss your bride.”

Family and friends of the bride and groom cheer and clap as the couple kiss. A young boy of about 2 squirms in his Uncle’s arms. Caius sets the lad down and he toddles right to Chase, squealing with glee with his arms waving wildly, “Cha Cha! me up! Me up Cha!!”

Laughing, Chase picks up the lad in his arms and kisses his forehead. “Ye didn’t think I’d save all me kisses for yer Auntie now did you?”

Caius laughs and shakes his head, “Chase. You’ve really spoiled him terribly. Perhaps I can change that while you’re on your honeymoon.

Chase looks to his new bride then to Caius rather sheepishly, “Well… um er… I was hoping Kelin could go with us.”


And so the Broadrick and Steels unite in love, forming a bond that will span for generations yet to come.

Tatania Karthina

12 January 2006

Posted in Books by Players, Kelin Adventures | Comments Off on Adventures of Kelin 1 – Introduction & Prologue

The PaxLair Times Volume 1 Issue 4

PaxLair, Chessie (PaxLair Times) – December 30, 2005 – by Tatania

The PaxLair Times
30 December 2005
Volume 1 Issue 4

-*-Current News Stands-*-
PaxOku Silent Rose Library – Tokuno, Homare-Jima – 96 4 N 62 0 W
PaxRatOku Auction Vendor & Craftsmen Hall – 90 43N 67 30W
Chesapeake Stratics Center – Tokuno, Makoto-Jima – 95 43N 61 56W

-*-Words from our Mayor-*-

Hail my friends,

Oh my!  The Time Lord is coming!  I can sense his presence just around the corner or over the next hill.  Do you feel it too?

Why does he come and turn our hour-glass over every year?  Doesn’t he know many of us don’t want to be reminded we are getting older?  Especially me, and I’m already an old man.

If you see the Time Lord amidst the showering display of sparks, flames, and explosions in the sky, tell him to take a break for a while and let us stay young in body like we are in spirit.  Find several strong mages and cast a mighty “An Ex Por” on him and surround him with “In Ex Grav” in all directions.  Keep the spells on him for as long as you can.  Many of us in the Realm will likely thank you immensely!

Yet we know he will succeed in turning our hour-glass over again; he always does.  We can at least stare at and meditate on the grains of sand at the top of the hour-glass, for each of those grains will soon slip to the bottom.  We must try to catch them in our minds before they fall.

With each grain of sand, we can decide to make a difference in our Realm, in those around us, and in ourselves.  It’s not time to be wasted.  It’s time to be chosen.  Pick out your grains of sand and make your wishes, promises, and resolutions.  Then do what you promised before your chosen grains fall to the bottom of the hour-glass … before it’s too late.  Well, at least that’s what I’m doing.  I already have my grains of sand picked out.  Do you?

Dragonspeed to you all and blessed be the new beginnings!

Winfield, Mayor of PaxLair

-*- Top News -*-

The Times will now be delivered to any who wish the service! Stop by the Silent Rose Library today and pick up a delivery Box from the Library “book drop” by the front door.  Don’t forget to leave a marked rune to where you want the paper delivered to!  All boxes need to be left where they will be easy to get to with the security set for “anyone”.  Thank you!   Tatania


All has been quiet in PaxOku since Christmas.  One can only hope that the War is at it’s end.

-*-Question of the week-*-
What’s your Resolution for the new year?

Blix from BDC: To cut down on my shopping!

Pameleigha GM of CAT: to collect less death robes and to be more organized in my storage

Lenora [PxL]: Perhaps my resolution would be to bring some life back into the city of PaxLair by keeping the tavern open regularly for everyone to visit.

Tatania Karthina [PaxO]: I can’t decide between two!   Either lose some weight or take an axe to that evil couch Csipio gave me!
-*-Introduction to the Virtues-*-
The following is the introduction to a series on the virtues.  Information  obtained onrom  the Stratics Sky Pages.

Compassion is nonjudgmental empathy for one’s fellow creatures.

Human is to have compassion on the unhappy. – Boccaccio in Decameron

Honesty is scrupulous respect for truth – the willingness never to deceive oneself or another.

I hold the maxim no less applicable to public than to private affairs, that honesty is the best policy. – George Washington on Honesty

Honor is the courage to stand for the truth, against any odds.

Nothing is less worthy of honor than an old man who has no other evidence of having lived long except his age. – Lucius Annaeus Seneca on Honor

Humility is perceiving one’s place in the world, not according to one’s own accomplishments, but according to the intrinsic value of all individuals.

The greatest friend of Truth is Time, her greatest enemy is Prejudice, and her constant companion is Humility. – Charles Caleb Colton in The Lacon

Justice is the devotion to truth, tempered by love.

There is one universal law….That law is justice. Justice forms the cornerstone of each nation’s law. – Alexis de Tocqueville on Justice

Justice without force is impotent; force without justice is tyranny. – Pascal on Justice

Sacrifice is the courage to give of oneself in the name of love.

The world will little note nor long remember what we say here, but it can never forget what they did here. It is for us, the living, rather to be dedicated here to the unfinished work which they who fought here have thus far so nobly advanced. It is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us – that from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion; that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain; that this nation shall have a new birth of freedom; and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth. – Abraham Lincoln, Gettysburg Address

Spirituality is the concern with one’s inner being and how one deals with truth, love, and courage.

The natural inheritance of everyone who is capable of spiritual life is an unsubdued forest where the wolf howls and the obscene bird of night chatters. – Henry James Sr. on Spirituality

Valor is the courage to take actions in support of one’s convictions.

It is a brave act of valour to contemn death; but where life is more terrible than death, it is then the truest valour to dare to live. – Sir Thomas Browne on Valor


Auction Sunday Jan 1st @ 9pm EST
Auction Wednesday Jan 4th @ 9pm EST
Paxkraoku Auction House
Owned by:
Lord Gareth and Miss Kayi


Pizza Party in Paxlair!
Come enjoy some true Luigi-style pizza in Paxlair at the Ladies of the Lair Tavern! Wednesday, 11th of January at 8:00 pm by the Eastern Sky.


Until next week,
Peace and Knowledge be with you
Tatania Karthina
PaxOku Historian

Editor PaxLair Times

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