Seeking the Undead

The Expedition to Deceit
And a brief stop at the Tower of Souls

Aryslan, Felucca, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – July 23, 2010 – by Ashlynn — Earlier in the week, the Lord of Aryslan, Jamlyn Hakkendyn sent out a call to arms to all those brave men and women who would dare defy the undead that have raided several townships across Sosaria that include Guardian’s Gate, Dragon’s Watch, PaxLair, Zedland and Aryslan itself. And yesterday evening, the call was finally answered by a band of brave warriors ready turn the evil blade of Mazrim.

After everyone had rallied amongst the ruins of old Aryslan, Lord Jamlyn briefed the expeditionary force on what lay ahead. An aggressive patrol into the vile Tower of Souls to see what clues could be uncovered as to the origin of the attacks, followed by a raid against the undead forces at Deceit.

What follows is a brief summary of events brought to you firsthand.

The expedition to the Tower of Souls met with little resistance, the dark stone tower Silent amongst the twisted trees of North Felucca. At the top of the tower, a few undead servitors manned a ramshackle bar in an eerie twisted mockery of the living. Unfortunately, these risen were surrounded by a protective shield that prevented all harm, but seemed to deter them from any aggression as well.

Finding nothing of note in the tower, the group moved on to Deceit. Moving quickly through the dark walls, the group moved quickly, striking at the heart of the dungeon in an attempt to summon its dark master. Though the attack was effective, it was not without casualties with several members of the party falling, but spell and skill prevented them from joining the ranks of the enemy.

Eventually, the vile Necromancer Neira entered the fray herself but was overwhelmed by the group’s relentless assault. Assailed from all sides, she was unable to mount an effective defence, and in the dark corridors of Deceit, the mobility of her undead steed was of little use. Soon even she had fallen and our expeditionary force stood victorious.

Unfortunately, her corpse provided little in the way of clues and nothing to suggest she was in league with Mazrim or that she had anything to do with the attacks. Her scroll satchel contained papers on the topics of spellweaving, fighting with a blunt object and the like. Her spellbook detailed vicious necromancy magics, but nothing out of the ordinary. And the only other objects of note were a few coins, a strange red skull and a small bottle of ale which the Monk Benito quickly siezed.

And so, the party returned to the ruins of Old Aryslan, victorious in battle, but having made no progress in unravelling the mystery of the attacks on our townships.

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Adventures of Kelin 11 – Savages and The Turkey

Silent Rose Library, PaxOku, Homare-jima, Tokuno, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – October 17, 2009 – by Tatania Karthina –

It was decided. The entire Steel clan and many of the Broadricks as well would travel to Sunshine’s Father’s people. Khali, a great Mage traveled with the Chief in order to mark a rune to easily transport the family to just the outside of the Village. Their bags were packed for several days and everyone anxiously awaited Khali’s return.

“I want everyone to be on their best behavior while we’re visiting the Savage’s Village”, Milla had admonished all the children sternly.

“We will Mama” said Tara with a gleam in her eyes.

Khali returned and the entire family went through the magical gate Khali had conjured for them, Chyara and Kelin holding hands and remaining quieter than the rest, who all seemed excited. Everyone was greeted warmly by Sunshine’s people and shown to the Lodges where they would be sleeping. As soon as their bags were put away, the children ran off to play with the Savage children who seemed just as excited as they were.

The Ladies trooped off with the Savage women to learn about the Village and learn how to do the beautiful beadwork the Savage women did in their spare time. The men however, went with the Chief to discuss the true reason for their visit.

Later that evening, a feast was planned in honor of the guests in the Village. Chyara was quietly talking to White Fox, Sunshine’s sister. White Fox could not help but notice the bracelet Chyara kept fiddling with. “My brother gave that to you didn’t he?” White Fox asked.

“He did”, Chyara replied, “The last day I saw him. He said its meaning would be made clear to me when the time is right. I hope I will someday have that time.”

White Fox smiled beautifully, “It is a message bracelet of my people. He has hidden a message of great importance to you inside the bracelet. May I see it?”

Chyara nodded and removed the bracelet, handing it to White Fox. She smiled looking at the bracelet, showing Chy the clasp that will open the bracelet before handing it back to Chy. Chyara opened the bracelet and peered inside. She found a tightly rolled note inside the bracelet. With shaking fingers, she removed and unrolled it. She read it out loud.

“Chyara, It is the custom of my people to give the one they love a message bracelet. It takes great patience to not open it until the time is right. Since you do not know this custom or how to open the bracelet, I must assume that you are with my people in the Village of my Father.

First, know Chyara that I love you and it is written in the stars that you will become my wife.

If you are in the Village without me, it must also be assumed that I have disappeared. My Father and Chad both have pieces of a map that will point to the Pirate’s hideout. They will need to work together in order to make sense of it. Kelin has the key and the ability to hear messages from me, though he does not know it yet.

It is important to me that Kelin be included in the plans to find me and his Da. I do not want him to go along but he is an exceptional lad and should be in on the planning. Keeping things from him will hurt him more thab help him. Ask Kelin for the Tomahawk I gave him and ask him to draw the picture he drew me of the path the children took in their escape. Put Kelin’s drawing between to two map pieces you have and you should come right to us.

My Father will know where the communication crystal is hidden in the tomahawk and how to activate it.

I love you Chyara. We will be together again. Sunshine”

Chyara looks to White Fox and asked, “Did you know that he loves me?”

White Fox smiles and pats Chy’s hand. “I knew it must be so because Message Bracelets are very special. Let’s take the message to my Father.”

White Fox and Chyara approach the Chief, “Father, Sunshine has given Chyara a message bracelet with an important message in it.”

Chyara offers the message to Chief Running Bear, blushing fiercely as she does so and he begins to read. A long moment passed before the Chief looks to Chyara and smiles. “Now we must find my son so we can plan a wedding. I knew you were special and I am glad to one day call you daughter” the Chief tells Chyara.

The Chief gathers the Steels and Broadrick adults and Kelin while the children went to hear stories from the women of the Village before bed.

**The Following Day**

“Chad had the Marble Island portion of the map and the Chief had the Lost Lands portion but they didn’t know how to get from one to the other”, Kelin told the other children. “I had drawn Sunshine a map of the journey we took between the two places. and Sunshine had been to their Camp before so knew what it was like. He says he knows the area pretty well so should be able to find it.”

“What about the way to talk to Sunshine?” Tempest asked.

“Sunshine had hidden a Communication Crystal in the handle of my Tomahawk.” Kelin answered.

A young brave steps forward to the children and smiles, “Today we hunt for a turkey to celebrate Thanksgiving. Would you like to help?”

The children eagerly troop off to go in the hunting party with the young braves. “The Chief’s wife was from your lands”, the brave explained, “So we celebrate your holidays as well as ours, in the Village.”

“I thought Sunshine was from Silvervale”, Chasity said. “Did he and his Mother live here as well?”

“Oh”, said the young brave. “The Chief and his Lady wife had such great love for one another and their children that they lived in both places. The Chief has even been known to wear white man’s fancy clothes when he visits Silvervale or shops in Luna.”


Although the Communications Crystal had remained quiet, everyone was anxiously awaiting it being activated on the other end. It had been decided that the guests would remain for Thanksgiving in the Village. The food is prepared and everyone sits at long tables. Everyone is asked before the meal to say what they are thankful for. Kelin is the last to speak. He looks around and says, “I’m thankful for my family and new friends, I’m also thankful that soon we’ll be with my Da and Sunshine again.”

Just then the Communications Crystal glows red and Sunshine’s voice is heard, “Gnieus and I are well but it is not safe to attempt a rescue yet. We will be back in touch. We both send our love to you all. Wait for further instructions.”


The Saga of Kelin and his adventures will continue in “The Adventures of Kelin 12 – “The Plan”, coming soon to the bookstore at The PaxOku Silent Rose Library!

Peace and Knowledge be with you!

Tatania Karthina

17 October 2009

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Adventures of Kelin 10 – Chyara’s Sunshine

Silent Rose Library, PaxOku, Homare-jima, Tokuno, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – October 17, 2009 – by Tatania Karthina –

Kelin continues to mope about, worried about his father. Everyone continued to try to keep his spirits up and although he tried not to let it show, everyone who loved Kelin could tell that he was sad and really missed the man who had helped them escape the ordeal.

Finally, his Aunt Chyara decided on the thing that would surely cheer up everyone. She had looked as if someone had hit her in the head with a troll’s club then her eyes lit up. “Kelin! Let’s go shopping in Luna! That always cheers me up.”

Kelin heads to Luna with his Aunt Chyara with his pockets jingling with gold. Chy, in her element chatters happily away to her nephew as they visit this shop and that. Chy buying clothes, of course and helping Kelin choose gifts for the other kids. For the girls, Kelin and Chy chose beautiful dresses with hair ribbons to match and for the boys, he chose wooden swords. Broadrick got a toy ship since he was almost old enough to learn to sink it.

Kelin did notice a young man seeming to follow his Aunt from vendor to vendor. He was a well built man with brown hair and kind eyes. Chyara seemed to not even notice the man. Kelin did and continued to watch the man watch his Aunt.

Finally, the young man motioned to Kelin. Kelin walked up to him and the man smiled to him. “Your sister is beautiful.”, he had said.

“Oh, that’s my Aunt Chyara. I’m Kelin Br…” a slight pause, “Steel”, Kelin replied.

“Oh, I see” said the man. “Is she married?”

“No Sir, Uncle Chad said she likes to shop too much for any man to afford her.”, Kelin said.

Sure enough, Chyara was avidly talking to a merchant who was constantly packing her pack llama’s pack. She finally looks around and frowns seeing Kelin talking with the man. When finishing her purchases, Chy walks up to the pair. For such a gregarious person, Chyara looks coldly to the man “Excuse me Sir. My nephew and I must go.”

Kelin looks to his Aunt as if she had suddenly sprung horns or worse. “Auntie! that’s Rude!”, Kelin said.

Chyara looks to Kelin looking flustered then squares her shoulders and looks once more to the man. “Forgive my rudeness Sir. These are troubled times and the safety of my nephew is top on my list of prioritys.”

The man looks to Chy, his dark gaze traveling up and down and back up again before meeting her gaze directly, “There is nothing to be forgiven. I was only speaking to the young man of you actually. I know it must be difficult to protect someone you obviously love when you’re such a dainty person yourself. Then again, you are a feisty wee thing.”

Kelin shakes his head “no” wildly behind his Aunt Chy’s back then palms his face as he sees his Aunt almost blow up like a blow fish. Before Chyara’s rage could break over the stranger though, he thrusts a Rose of Trinsic into her hands and bows. “All that beauty and you have spirit too.” The man grins to Kelin, winks to Chyara and turns to stride away.

Chad, Khali and Chyara all stayed for dinner that night and Kelin didn’t miss a chance to pick on his Aunt. “Aunt Chy got a boyfriend today. She would have anyway if she hadn’t been so mean to him.”, Kelin said.

Chyara eyes Kelin with a look that said all too plainly that she’d like to throttle him. This of course had the effect to have everyone hit Chy with question after question. After a time, Chase who was grinning as if it were already Christmas said, “So let me get this straight. You, my dear sister are so smitten with this young man that you couldn’t get a word in edgewise? This is a man I must meet!”, Chase exclaimed.

Chyara protested, “Of course not! He was rude and arrogant and a beast! He wasn’t even very handsome.” At this last, Chyara’s cheeks blazed. “Besides, there’s nothing I could do about it anyway. I don’t even know his name.”

**The following Afternoon**

Kelin and Gaius had been practicing with their wooden swords when they sat down on a bench under a tree in the garden to catch their breath. Chad and Chase soon wandered by and stopped on the other side of the tree speaking low to one another. “Chase, this is the break we’ve both been looking for. This man, Dalton is his name said he had been in the Pirate camp to trade with them. He saw Gnieus there. Yesterday, Kelin said just enough to him that he realized who Kelin was and that he was my nephew. Kelin is the spitting image of his father as well. Once he saw Kelin, he put it all together.”, Chad said.

“How do you know he is not working for them?” Chase asked.

“There is no way we can know for sure”, Chad paused. “I’ve known him since he was eight years old. and he’s always been a good boy. I’d wager that he is now a good man. When I asked him how we could be certain, he said his Father’s people rely on him too much for him to be anything but honest and straight. The man walks freely in our world and with the Savages. He barters for the Savages and I’ve been on the other side of that bartering to know that he is as good as his word. He does the best he can for them.”, Chad finished.

“Alright Chad”, Chase said “I trust your judgment but I do want to meet him before anything is set in concrete. Kelin is as dear to me as my own sons. I have a hard time remembering sometimes that he is my nephew and not my own. I’d kill anyone with my bare hands that threatened that boy.”

“I know Chase. Just expect us for dinner tonight. We can talk after the kids go to bed. I’ll bring Drago and Lilly to spend the night. Have Chyara here as well just for the fun of seeing her get flustered. Dalton did inform me that he plans on Chyara being his wife. He said it was written in the stars or something to that effect”, Chad finished.

**Dinner Time**

Chad, Khali, Chyara and the kids had arrived before dinnertime. Chy was busy buffing her fingernails in the family room when Milla called to her from the kitchen. “Chy, can you give us a hand? Our guests will be here soon and I want everything ready.”, Milla said.

“Sure Milla”, Chy stands and makes her way to the kitchen muttering the entire time, “Just so you know, I only do this because it’s only family around. I never want anyone to see me do anything remotely domestic. People get funny ideas when a Lady does domestic chores ya know.”

Milla and Khali look at each other and roll their eyes trying really hard not to laugh as dinner preparations are finished and the table is set with the best china. Just as fate would have it, Chyara, wearing an apron so she won’t get anything on her new dress, walks into the dining room carrying the platter with the huge roast on it just as Chad and Chase are showing the handsome young man with the kind eyes into the dining room. “Ah, be still my heart” The young man they had met in Luna the day before said, “Beauty, Spirit and well educated in domestics.”

Chase jumped to attention and grabbed the roast before Chyara could throw it at their guest. After setting the roast to the table, Chase quickly left to go round up the children. His laughter could be heard ringing throughout the house as Chyara removed the apron, muttering a string of curses that any Pirate would be proud to have in his vocabulary.

The guest is introduced as Dalton Savage, of the Savages near the swamps of Trinsic and also of Silvervale. Dalton had been raised in both the Savage Village and in Silvervale and as he had put it, “has the best of both worlds”.

“What do the Savages call you?”, asked Drago with interest.

“I am a man with three names”, replied Sunshine. “My Mother’s people and in your world I am known as Dalton. I prefer a childhood nickname, “Sunshine” and my Father’s people call me Two Faces.”

“Just wait till we tell Colum and Indy that we had a real Savage over to dinner!”, piped up Gaius.

Kelin and Chyara were unusually quiet during the meal as conversation continued around them, although to Milla’s delight, she did catch Chyara sneaking peaks at their handsome guest over and over. “And she had a strange expression on her face all night too Chase!”, she had told him later when they were alone. “A special gleam in her eyes that I’ve never seen there before.”

“I’m not sure about that Milla”, said Chase, “but I did overhear them arguing by the front gate when he left. Chy was threatening his life and he was vowing to prove his worth to her. If our baby sister is in love with him, she sure has a funny way of showing it.”

**Two Weeks Later**

Thanksgiving was drawing near and plans were being made to buy the largest turkey available. Chyara had been seen several times with Sunshine, walking hand in hand along the docks. Suddenly though, Sunshine had quit coming around and Chyara paced with seething anger that he had dumped her so easily. Chyara’s tempers became more pronounced as the days went by until an unexpected visitor showed up one day.

Chyara spotted him first and blinked seeing the older Savage ride right up to her brother’s home on his Ridgeback. The old man looked worried about something, so Chyara immediately sent for Chase and Uncle Earl. When the men arrived moments later, the old man dismounted and bowed to them all before speaking, “I am Chief Running Bear of the Savages. My son, Dalton, Sunshine as I call him has bid me to come to you should something go amiss. He was in the hopes that we could help one another.”, the Chief said.

“Sunshine has been missing for many days now. I fear the worst has happened to him. Do you know where he might be?” The old man spoke calmly, although it was easy to see that he was worried sick for his son.

“I have a partial map of where he could be but it doesn’t make any sense to me”, said Chad.

“Would you consent to come to my Village? I too have a partial map. Together we can find him, I hope.”


The Saga of Kelin and his adventures will continue in “The Adventures of Kelin 11 – “Savages and the Turkey”, coming soon to the bookstore at The PaxOku Silent Rose Library!

Peace and Knowledge be with you!

Tatania Karthina

17 October 2009

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Adventures of Kelin 9 – A Fine Mess of Chocolate

Silent Rose Library, PaxOku, Homare-jima, Tokuno, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – October 17, 2009 – by Tatania Karthina –

The days dragged by for kelin, despite his family’s efforts to keep him too busy to worry about his Da and the Pirates. Unknown to all the children, men were keeping an eye on them. These men, were Pirates in the employ of Chad Steel and were the best of their fellows. These hard men were loyal to their leader but after a time, something about the Steel children warmed their hearts and they guarded and protected them as much for the children themselves as for the coin it earned them.

Tara finally seized something to capture Kelin’s attention when she told the others, “I saw Uncle Earl kissing Pudge last night!” No, really I did! I went down to get some water and there they were.”

Gaius looked stunned. “Our Pudge was kissing our Uncle Earl? She’s our Pudge! Not his!” Gaius looked almost insulted.

Kelin smiles, “But Gai… if it’s true and they get married, our Pudge will be our Auntie!”

Lilly pipes up, “I think it’s wonderful! I hope they do get married.”

“I saw Uncle Earl heading to the kitchen for a snack.” Drago said. “Let’s go see if they’re kissing again.”

The five children hurriedly sneak off to spy on their Uncle. When they arrive outside the door, Kelin pushes it open by an inch and all five move to see through the crack.

Pudge slaps at Earl’s hand, “Earl… not here… not now… My goodness! It’s the middle of the day and someone might see us.”

Earl grins mischieviously to her, “But my love… I want them to see us so we can finally get married.”

He reaches for a cookie and she slaps at his hand again, “Not before lunch Earl… You’ll ruin your meal.”

Earl smiles softly as he looks at Pudge. “You my sweet”, he pauses long enough to steal a kiss, “are adorable when you’re being stern.” Earl laughs as he dodges the spatula she weilds at him. “I’ll see you at lunch. I want to go check on Chad’s men to see if they’ve seen anything out of the ordinary.”

Pudge smiles to Earl and blows him a kiss as he saunters out the back door.

After dinner that evening, Pudge shows the children how to make their favorite chocolate candy. The ingredients are assembled and she helps them out into the large pot. “Uncle Earl likes this candy Pudge.” Kelin says as nonchalantly as possible.

“I think everyone likes this recipe Kelin. You all are sweet fiends”, Pudge replies as all the children watch her avidly for any sign of deception.

“We do” says Tara “but Uncle Earl definitely likes it best.”

Pudge looks at them all suspiciously then continues to instruct them in the art of making chocolate covered nut and marshmellow covered clusters. “While you’re melting the chocolate, every stir is filled with love.” says Pudge. “That’s why you kids like these so much. I love you all and that’s the secret ingredient.”

Gaius starts to speak but Kelin, sensing a trap kicks him in the shinn. “We love you too Pudge.”

Before bedtime, the children go to CHase and Milla to tell them what they know. The entire family, niece and nephew included sit on on Chase and Milla’s huge bed as they talk. Tempest is snuggled in Kelin’s lap and her twin Chasity in Drago’s. The toddlers are half asleep so not squirming as much as usual. Tara tries in earnest to tell her parents what they had witnessed but Chase and Milla shake their heads in unison. “There’s no way” says Chase. “Uncle Earl is a dedicated bachelor and has always said he never wants to get married.”

Gaius scoots off the bed and pads to the window to look out, seeing the couple walking toward the docks. “If you don’t believe us, come see for yourselves! They’re going to the docks right now.”

Chase hops uo and goes to the window, “I wanna go see what they’re saying to one another. Just because they’re walking doesn’t mean a thing.”

So, Chase takes Tempest and Milla picks up Chasity and they all quietly troop out to the docks where they hide behind bushes at the edge of the yard,

“Patrice, I love you and want you to be my wife but I am losing all patience.” He tilts her chin up and wraps a single arm around her, pulling her close. “Loving me is not a crime and you will not lose your job because you are my wife and the children all love you and will love you even more when you’re their Aunt.”

“Earl, you just don’t understand. Before Chase took me in, I had nothing. I just can’t risk that Earl.” Pudgy states as she looks up to Earl. “I love you too much to lose you but I’m scared.” The tears are easily seen trailing down her face in the moonlight.

Earl growls low in his throat. “Just know that you are mine and will be my wife soon. I will tell Chase and Milla myself, soon.”

“Please don’t Earl… Please promise me” Pudge pleads with him.

“I promise Patrice, but only for now. Our secret is safe. I’m not sure how much longer I will wait though.” Earl kisses Patrice roughly then steps back suddenly, runs his hands through his hair then scrubs his face with them. He looks long and hard to Pudge then turns and stalks away.

Pudge watches him stalk away and leans on a piling of the dock and sobs quietly. Chase and Milla quietly gather the children and herd them to the house to leave Pudge to her grief in privacy.

Back in the large bed, the family talks things over, “We can’t let them know that we spied on them yet.” Chase said, “I have an idea that might be amusing to watch and it should make things work out between them on their own.”

Milla looks to Chase with a worried frown, “Your plans are not always so brilliant my love. Let’s hear it.”

“Papa’s plans are alwaaaaaaay brilliant Mama!” Tara beamd at her Papa and Chase actually flushes a bit, knowing Milla is closer to the truth.

“Alright” says Chase, “I’m going to get one of Chad’s Pirates to Compromise Pudge… He won’t even touch her.” Chase adds quickly as there is an instant uproar from his family. “I’ll stage it where they are caught and demand that the pirate marries Pudge… We’ll plan the wedding and Earl should step forward even before the plans are made. We’ll just have their wedding instead.”

“Much could go wrong with this plan Chase” Milla adds.

“There’s nothing else to do and anyway, we’ll not let our Pudge marry anyone else. Did you know her name was Patrice?” Chase finished and looked to Milla and the kids who all mournfully shook their heads.

The next day Chase saw to the plans, set them in motion and was all but jubilant as he watched the pirate swagger into Pudge’s kitchen. Chase watched from outside, looking through the window and when the pirate took Pudge’s hand and pulled her to him, Chase burst through the door. “Pudge! Gareth! What is going on here? Anyone could see you carrying on… What if the kids saw! Pudge! I am shocked at you! Gareth! You will make this right immediately! There will be a wedding tonight! You have compromised Pudge’s reputation and there will be a wedding or you’ll face my sword!”

Pudge stood there shocked, her face burning with embarrasment and Gareth, playing his part well sputtered and carried on, but in the end Gareth agreed to the marriage.

The house was in an uproar when Earl returned from his errands in the early afternoon. Pudge was nowhere to be found and Chase told Earl about the wedding that night. Earl seemed too stunned to speak as Chase told him the details of the hasty wedding and before Earl could get his mind around what it meant to him, Chase was dashing off to do some last minute things.

Earl stomped about the house and grounds in a rare rage looking for Pudge or someone to tell him more of whatwas going on, but mysteriously saw nobody. Finally he found the place where his woman was to marry another, and he roared with frustration, continuining his stalking.

Somehow, Earl had missed the guests arriving and he never was able to find Pudge anywhere. He stalked to the back row of seats and watched in a fury as his Pudge wobbled toward the front in a beautiful white dress. She was shaking from head to toe, he noticed. The local priest welcomed the guests and asked in a voice as serious as he could make it under the circumstances, “If anyone protests this wedding, speak now or forever hold your peace” In the front row, Chase and Kelin snickered and Milla and Lilly elbowed them.

Earl took a deep breath and bellowed, “Patrice is mine I tell you! MINE and nobody else’s!”

He stalked down the isle with his sword drawn and looking at Gareth menacingly. “If you do not get out of my sight right now, I’ll cut you to ribbons.”

As Gareth scrambled out of the way and most of the guests snickered behind their hands, Earl faced the trembling Pudge and announced, “There is no need to stop the service. you WILL marry me NOW and you will like it!” Pudge looked at Earl with wide eyes as his temper broke over her. “I love you Patrice and you will not marry anyone but me. Am I making myself clear?”

Pudge nodded and finally found her voice, “I love you Earl!” then she stepped into his arms and the haven they promised.

Clearing his throat, the priest spoke, “Now that we have the true groom present, we may begin.”

The ceremony proceded among hushed wehispers and many smiles. When it was done the priest annpunced to all present, “May I present to you Mr. and Mrs. Earl Steel. May God help anyone who ever gets between this man and his wife.”

Cheers and laughter broke outas the guests bellowed their congratulations and the children ran forward. Kelin, Drago, Gaius, Tara, Lilly, Chasity, and Tempest arrive to hug their new Aunt and get her hugs and kisses in return. Kelin beams to his Aunt and Uncle and points to the reception tent. “We made the chocolate clusters for the reception and stirred it with love Aunt Pudge. It’s a fine mess of chocolate!”

The Saga of Kelin and his adventures will continue in “The Adventures of Kelin 10 – Chyara’s Sunshine!”, coming soon to the bookstore at The PaxOku Silent Rose Library!

Peace and Knowledge be with you!

Tatania Karthina

17 October 2009

Posted in Books by Players, Kelin Adventures | Comments Off on Adventures of Kelin 9 – A Fine Mess of Chocolate

Adventures of Kelin 8 – The Haunted House

Silent Rose Library, PaxOku, Homare-jima, Tokuno, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – October 17, 2009 – by Tatania Karthina –

The man in the other cell had managed to get to the other cell where the hole had been dug and then using every ounce of his strength he managed to break out the stones the boys had loosened. Had the man been fed decently over the past six years he would have never made it through the hole, but he was extremely thin. This man was adept in tracking and was therefore able to slowly make his way along the path the children had taken. He just managed to see the open door beneath the stairs and slipped inside and hid before it shut and the pirates thundered past. Remaining very still and quiet he heard the soft whispers and smiled to himself. The man remained invisible to all as he kept his post all day and all night, guarding the children.

Hours after night had fallen again the children made their move and using his skill of stealth, he followed them, slipping in behind them into the house. The man could not risk allowing emotion to get in the way so be bid his time and remained hidden from even those who he vowed to protect with his very life.


The note had been found by Pirates. These pirates however worked for Chad Steel and they headed straight for Magincia with it. Chad and his men studied the note and pondered where the children could be hidden. Chad finally spoke when his decision had been made. “We’ll sail to Marble Island. I’ve long heard that Captain Jack has a respectable house there that is not far from his men’s hideout. If we can find him, we can follow him back to the hideout. We fly under Magincia Colors and not our own. Captain Jack knows of me, but we have never met. Should he see me, I am looking for a spot for a vacation home.”

**Marble Island**

The Captain of the Pirates returned home in a rare fury near dawn. The children and the other prisoner had escaped and somebody was going to pay! He stormed into his mansion, unaware that six others were well hidden in his study. Followed by his Lieutenant, Jack turns to him and bellows! You let Broadrick get away too! We must find his son. Hasn’t anyone found out where the boy went in these past 6 years? If we had the son, we’ll get Broadrick to finally talk. I want you on that immediately after we find those five Steel Children. They surely have not made it out of the lost lands! get on it NOW!”

Kelin, laying flat on the floor underneath the desk tries to figure out what was said. It sounded as if they were talking about him and that the man must have been his father. It’s too much to think on now though while he is so frightened. He has to keep the others safe. A single tear rolls down the lad’s cheek as he remains quietly hidden.

The Lieutenant leaves and the Captain of the Pirates storms out of his study to the stairs and up them. The kids quietly emerge and make whispered plans. If they gang up on him they might can tie him up and escape. They had to try. The children crept up the stairs quietly, freezing in place for long moments when hearing a thud in a room at the end of the hall. After things get quiet again they quietly make their way down that hall and peak into the bedroom, surprised to see the Captain of the pirated bound and gagged, laying on his bed.

“I think a ghost did it.” Tara whispered as they gathered around the man.

Kelin looks to Tara and smiles despite himself. “I’m not sure if a ghost could do that, but somebody did.”

Gaius speaks up next, “Do you think we can find something to eat and find a place to sleep.? I don’t think we should be outside
before dark.”

Drago and Kelin nod before Drago speaks, “I think you’re right Gai. Let’s find food first”

The kids all trooped downstairs and found the kitchen, amazed to find 5 plates of bacon, eggs and toast and 5 glasses of milk already sitting at the table. “Atleast our ghost knows we’re hungry.” Lilly said.

When they were almost finished eating, the back door blew open and hay blew in, scattering on the clean floor. “I think our ghost wants us to hide under the hay in the stables while we sleep. Let’s go.”

*** After dark***

The children found a small row boat tied to a stump near the stables when they woke and ran to get into it. As the boys began rowing it away, they were spotted and the pirates ran to them, shooting arrows and bolts at them. From out of nowhere, the man materialized and began fighting the pirates making enough noise that all thought of the escaping children was forgotten by the pirates. The man bellowed into the night, “Just go Kelin! Just go!”

A ship suddenly appeared on the horizon flying Magincia colors and the children rowed as hard as they could to it. It was one of Chad’s ships and Drago had recognized it. As the crew helped the children onto the ship, the man fighting on the shores of Marble island gave up his fight. The kids were safe.

***Skara Brae***

The children recounted their adventure to their parents and then Kelin told what the Captain had said to the Pirate Captain, Kelin ending with, “I think he was my Da.”

The children went to bed and the adults remained up most of the night making plans. “I don’t want him to get his hopes up Chad, so don’t tell any of the kids that you are looking for his Da. We’ll keep them busy here so he won’t worry about it.”, Milla said.


The kids all sit at the top of the stairs listening to the plans, Lilly and Tara each holding one of Kelin’s hands. Kelin obeys the pressure on his hands and follows the kids to his own room where Drago whispers, “If anyone can find him and get him out, Kelin, it’s our dad. Give him a chance and if he doesn’t fins him, we’ll go back for him.”

Kelin nods and bids them all goodnight finally alone with his thoughts of the man who had helped them… He loves his Mama and Papa but can’t help dreaming of a Da of his very own.


The Saga of Kelin and his adventures will continue in “The Adventures of Kelin 9 – Savages and the Turkey!”, coming soon to the bookstore at The PaxOku Silent Rose Library!

Peace and Knowledge be with you!

Tatania Karthina

17 October 2009

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Adventures of Kelin 7 – Pirates!

Silent Rose Library, PaxOku, Homare-jima, Tokuno, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – October 17, 2009 – by Tatania Karthina –

The Pirates were wet and grumbling by the time they reached their secret hideout. All the children had been roughly bound by ropes and were wet and miserable. The boys went to kicking and punching the Pirates on the return journey and the girls scratching and biting. Before the drama had been spent, all five kids had jumped overboard to try to swim ashore. The Pirates had to jump in after them and bring them back thus the entire lot were half frozen.

The hideout was in a place that nobody would ever find. It was in the middle of the lost lands where the jungle was full of dangers and few strangers wandered past. The Captain of the pirates lived somewhere nearby but did not remain in camp. Only a few of the pirates actually knew where.

The Children were led through the jungle at a brisk pace and finally into the camp. They were herded into a cave that had bars fitted for two different cells. They were put into the empty cell and unbound. All five children looked to the next cell and saw there a man who wore scraps of clothing. His hair was to the small of his back and matted, his beard nearly the same. Grime covered the man and when he spoke, his voice sounded as if he had gravel in his throat.”What did you lot do to make them angry?” The man looked at the frightened children.

Kelin looked to the man in the dim shadows, “They want to get gold from our parents for us.” he stated.

A guard passed by with a lantern in the darkness and the man in the cell blinked twice as he gazed at Kelin then the light passed on by and all grew quiet for awhile. The man finally spoke again, “Are you all brothers and sisters? I once had a brother and a sister.
They’re safe though.”

Lilly piped up, “I’m Drago’s sister and they’re our cousins.”

“We have another brother and two sisters at home. Oh I hope we get to see Tempest, Chasity and Broadrick again.”, Tara exclaimed.

A guard walked by and barked, “No talking!”

**the next day**

The man had been speaking with the boys in low whispers all during the day, giving them a detailed explanation on how to escape. “I’m too big to fit through the hole in the wall or I would have already been gone. Just remember to follow the road to the west then stick close to the rock wall. You’ll see a sign that says Quarantine Post: No pets allowed past this point. – Go through there and follow the cave to the far end. Hold hands so you don’t lose anyone. You’ll go through another cave and then you’ll be in a long white marble hallway. Once you go up the stairs, you’ll be on an island. You’ll be able to find help there. Don’t worry about me because I’ll be fine, but you all must escape.”.

The girls with Gaius’ help had been digging a hole between the two cells all day while Drago and Kelin had been trying to wiggle the rocks loose where the escape hole was.


When darkness fell, the children were ready to try their escape. Gaius went first followed by Lilly, Tara and Drago. As Kelin was about to go through, he looked to the man who had helped them so much. “We’ll send help for you.”

The man sounded as if he was choking as he replied. “You just be safe son and take care of the others.”


The journey through the jungle was perilous with Mongbats of extraordinary strength as well as headless creatures. The boys fought valiantly as they pushed through the jungle to the cave entrance the man had told them about. Once they reached it, they all linked hands and stepped inside. They were plunged into complete darkness but felt their way to the far end of the cave and into the entrance of the next cave. Once inside the next cave they blundered for what seemed forever until they came to the entrance of the long white marble hallway.

They walked down the hallway single file, Kelin leading the way, followed by Tara with Gaius behind her and then Lilly with Drago pulling up the rear. As they reached the bottom of the stairs that led to freedom they heard the pirates thundering down the hallway behind them. Kelin helped them to hide in barrels and crates under the stairs and barely got hid himself when they heard the pirates pass and run up the stairs. Communicating through whispers, they waited until they were sure it was dark and crept up the stairs.

They emerged into a large white marble building and out into the star filled night. The children crept to what seemed to be an abandoned mansion and quickly stepped inside while the search for them continued outside.

Here, they waited and listened and watched the door, more frightened than they’ve ever been in their lives.

The Saga of Kelin and his adventures will continue in “The Adventures of Kelin 8 – Savages and the Turkey!”, coming soon to the bookstore at The PaxOku Silent Rose Library!

Peace and Knowledge be with you!

Tatania Karthina

17 October 2009

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PaxLair City Map (zoomable)

PaxLair City, Felucca, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – September 2, 2007 – by Winfield – This map shows PaxLair City, the capital of the PaxLair Statehood.  Unique features are shown (a few described below in clockwise rotation):

  • Twin Towers – Mage/Order/Paladins Tower (on east side).  Chaos/Necromancer Tower (on west side)
  • Spring of Courage – formerly Spring of Knowledge – in front of Mage Tower.
  • Archery Buttes
  • Monument of the Undead – with eternal torch
  • Statues of Man and Woman in garden
  • Stable House
  • Ladies of the Lair – a uniquely furnished pub with a back yard
  • Outdoor Cafe and Stage
  • Bells of PaxLair – two bells (one red – one blue)
  • Outdoor Arena with Goatboy’s throne chair (the Interest GM who helped PaxLair)
PaxLair City, Felucca, September 2, 2007 (75-57N 26-09E, Felucca, Chesapeake)

PaxLair City, Felucca, September 2, 2007
(75-57N 26-09E, Felucca, Chesapeake)

You can ZOOM into this map with the following links: 1024 x 768 or 1280 x 1024

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The Early Days! An Age of Teamwork!

PaxLair City, Felucca, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – April 12, 2007 – by Winfield – From the Desk of Governor Winfield

Hail my friends,

Back in the very early days of the Realm (1998-1999) there was one Facet per Shard. During that early age, it took a lot of time and effort to build skills and become wealthy. However, people found by working together in groups, guilds, or teams they could reach their goals in skills, crafting, and even housing placement more quickly. They also found they could survive better in large groups in the battle-torn land/Facet that would eventually become known as Felucca.

In this early Age, it took a real team effort to pool together resources to have even a single house. Larger houses usually had several people working together, perhaps a small guild. And building “player-towns” in those days … that was not easy! It took 20-50 people working together to place and barter for adjacent housing space. But people did it! They were a team!

People soon successfully built houses next to each other and rapidly formed “player-towns” and “establishments”. Why did they do this?

One reason was out of necessity to survive and advance. This necessity formed a cohesive and respectful spirit to work together. On Chesapeake, there were no fewer than 8 very active “player-towns” and some renowned establishments. These became “hot spots” of activity. On Felucca, these were: Aryslan, Corwyn, Dragon’s Bay, Duir of Yew, Gehenna, Haven, Humility Village, and PaxLair. Today, 9 years later, only PaxLair maintains a “player-city” on Felucca.

Another reason was to offer [as players] more in the Realm than the [game mechanics] could offer. On Chesapeake, “player-festivals, events, and quests” were aplenty. Creativity soared to bring unique “player-driven” interest to the Realm. Vampires from Gehenna advanced into PaxLair through shadows while Haven formed a League of Guilds to combat the “Seer-quest of Juo’nar” in Trinsic. “Player-books” recorded the history, many of which are still in PaxLair … now in the Silent Rose Library in PaxOku, Tokuno.

Conclusion: This short trip down memory lane is only meant to help establish a baseline for historical and reflective thought. How this baseline relates to our present day and Age is for another “soon to be published” topic.

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Silent Rose Library Expands to Display over 1000 Books

Silent Rose Libary, PaxOku, Tokuno, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – January 7, 2007 – by Vaul Adlatus – The Silent Rose Library (96-04N 62-00W) in PaxOku recently expanded its bookcase area to be able to display over 1000 books. The library has nearly 700 books open for public viewing now. The books range from World books to Seer books to [player] books. This expansion was done to prepare for the onslaught of books destined to be created during the upcoming PaxLair Age of Enlightenment.

Tatania at the Silent Rose Library in PaxOku

Tatania at the Silent Rose Library in PaxOku

Tatania Karthina, the librarian and Viceroy of PaxOku, welcomed several visitors during the day today, including a person from “Sonoma”. The library area also has a small pub allowing people to rest from their battles in the Kitsune Woods.

The entire library listing of books is kept in the ether, but one must go to the library itself to read the books.  The listing is here.

Silent Rose Library has been in PaxOku for well over a year and now also hosts the PaxLair Theatre Company with a stage and the PaxOku Viceroy’s office.

The PaxLair Age of Enlightenment will occur between mid-January and mid-July 2007. It will involve a complete “immersion” within the Realm. While it is an age defined in PaxLair, it causes much interaction with cities, veterans, and new people throughout the Realm. PaxLair is a “cross-roads and melting pot of many people with diverse interests,” according to Mayor Winfield of PaxLair.

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PaxLair Anniversary Celebration is Longer According to New Decree

PaxLair, Felucca, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – January 6, 2007 – by Winfield — Mayor Winfield amended a 2003 decree to establish a longer anniversary celebration each year.

I, Winfield, Mayor of PaxLair, do hereby Declare:

January 19th of each year (the official PaxLair Anniversary date), and the number of days prior to January 19th equal to the number of Cities in the PaxLair Statehood at the time, are official days of celebration.

Amended and Signed on: January 6, 2007

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