Captain Bloodrum’s Challenge!

Nujelm, Trammel, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – August 15, 2010 – by Ashlynn – Tonight saw the hosting of Captain Bloodrum’s Challenge, a treasure hunt between numerous teams with the winners going on to a final somewhere across the depths of the void, on another shard of the Gem of Immortality!

Three teams were brave enough to sign up for the contest: The Blue Barracudas, representing Dragons Watch, the Green Monkeys representing Kijustsu Anei Village, and the Red Jaguars representing the town of Moria.

A number of spectators and supporters had come to watch events unfold, including a rival team from the Shard of Sonoma, remaining at the chessboard in Nujelm for word of which team was ahead. As the contestants no doubt went to a great deal of effort to locate the hidden treasure and deal with any guardians, the rest of us decided to indulge in a little fishing. Unfortunately, few of us were particularly adept at the art, and it’s certain that the treasure hunters had more luck finding treasure than we did finding fish.

As the three teams hunt for treasure, we hunt for fish. Or clams. Or something.

Though it was a close fought contest, The Green Monkeys and Red Jaguars managed to beat out the Blue Barracudas to qualify for the final. The victors will go on to face opponents from Sonoma in Captain Bloodrum’s Abyss, on the shard of TC1. This will take place Saturday 21st August at 9pm by the eastern clock.

Congratulations to the winners!

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Shadows over Castle Britannia

Britain, Trammel, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – August 8, 2010 – by Ashlynn – Citizens of the realm were summoned to the castle yesterday evening to hear an announcement by the Queen regarding the recent daemonic incursions into the city. But before interested parties could receive Lord Balandar’s report, Commander Foxx rushed into the throne room calling everyone to arms – Britain was under attack.

The crowds gather in the throne room of Castle Britannia

The attacking force this time was no aggressive patrol or raiding party. A huge host of golems made from inky, black rock, led by ashen-skinned daemons descended upon the city, their eyes fixed upon the castle itself. Casualties were high as the relentless assault continued for some time – I myself caught the eye of more than one golem as it tore pieces of charcoal-coloured stone from its body and hurled them at me.

Blackrock Golems led by their daemonic masters lay siege to the castle.

As the battle raged on, the defenders found themselves stretched thin and on a number of occasions, some of the golems managed to break through the line and into the castle courtyard. A few even managed to make it to the throne room which we were to later discover was their ultimate goal.
The attack was so ferocious that even Queen Dawn and the Royal Guard were forced to commit themselves to battle, but of Commander Foxx we saw little after he had first raised the alarm.

Even the Royal Guard were forced to lend a hand.

Eventually the daemon-built constructs were finally pushed back and they appeared to retreat. The defenders cheered and everyone soon rallied back in the throne room before Queen Dawn. But it had transpired that those few attackers who had made it into the heart of the castle had stolen a mysterious crystal in a display case that stood before the throne. The Queen informed us that it was clear this was their intention all along which suggests that in the wrong hands, it could be a potent weapon or worse, though I can only speculate.

After congratulating us on our endeavours (though in light of the theft, there seemed little to celebrate), the Queen warned us that there could be worse to come in the days ahead and asked that we remain vigilant.

Defence in depth is an important lesson here.

And so the battle-weary crowd began to disperse beneath the dark shadow that now covered the city.

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Realm Establishments: SHE Auction House

Zedland, Malas, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – August 6, 2010 – by Ashlynn –For the second of my establishment articles, I will be taking a brief look at the famous SHE Auction House, an establishment located in the City of Zedland on the Facet of Malas. SHE is an old guild and this upcoming September 18th marks the guild’s tenth birthday and the sixth birthday of the auction house itself!

The Auction House floor, where it all happens!

The auction house is a large marble building in the centre of Zedland, situated beside the nearby lake, just north of the tall monument that marks the city. The house is run by Lady Zelda and other dedicated members of that SHE guild that include Rivi Ravenwynd, Daktari and Shelra, and they hold the auction every saturday at 7pm by the eastern clock. It should be noted though that you can be certain as to whether the auction is due to be held as two coloured lanterns beneath the town banner offer confirmation – something that is very useful!

As well as a regular auction, the house also runs two lottories and a unique event of their own – the “pop-up vendor” competition. So you can expect to see big crowds each week with plenty to see and do. Lady Zelda herself seemed very enthusiastic about the establishment and it clearly shows, given how long it has been going. So you can be sure to find an fun and welcoming environment!

The auction house isn’t the only thing in the city though, and you can find a museum, tavern, a frozen maze made of ice and many other interesting buildings. And as the settlement continues to expand, there will no doubt be even more to see in the future.

To get there, just head south west from Umbra. Or take the Luna Town Hub.

So if you’re looking for a great auction house then hop across the crumbling wilderness of Malas to Zedland. And don’t forget the big birthday party on the 18th, everyone is invited!

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Aryslan Call to Arms

Aryslan, Felucca, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – August 2, 2010 – by Ashlynn — Despite recent Daemonic attacks upon the City of Britain, the campaign against the undead attackers of the various townships continues, and we can not afford to let them gain any ground, despite what assistance the crown may demand.

The people of Aryslan have issued a call to arms for volunteers to muster at the ruins of Old Aryslan at 10pm EST, August 3rd. For those attending the PaxLair meeting, this muster occurs immediately afterwards.

The destination is unknown, but the expedition hopes to strike a blow against the servant, whether he is or not allied with Mazrim.

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Blood on the Streets of Britain

Britain, Trammel, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – August 2, 2010 – by Ashlynn — There were further bloody skirmishes today between the hastily mobilised Royal Militia and mysterious infernal creatures spotted infiltrating the city for the second time in the past few days.

The Royal Guard erected a checkpoint at the Gung Farmers Bridge where the volunteer defence force could muster, but the erratic and unexpected nature of the attack resulted only in a slow drip of defenders rallying to the city’s aid.

The Royal Guard were already present to check in all volunteers.

Scouting the city, I was witness to several running battles between the defenders and infiltrating deamons, who, while small in number, were highly skilled combatants that seemed to turn aside both blade and spell with ease. The strength of these daemonic scouts is a cause for concern and certainly makes one fear how powerful their masters must be. Britain will certainly need more volunteers in the days to come if this menace is to be stopped.

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Demonic Scouts Attack Britain

Britain, Trammel, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – August 1, 2010 – by Winfield – Several Demonic Scouts attacked Britain just when the earlier intelligence reports indicated.  Aryslan, PaxLair City, Dragons Watch, and PaxOku teamed together to help people of Sosaria defend Central Britain.  After seeing the threat for himself, Commander Foxx put Britain on High Alert.

The defenders were expecting a larger invasion force, but one hour after the scouts appeared, no other enemy was in sight.  Perhaps the enemy was recalculating their strategy or maneuvering to enter the city from another direction.  Defenders scouted the area from East Britain to the west and north mountain ranges.

Demonic Scouts Invade Britain

Commander Foxx places Britain on High Alert

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Britain is on Alert for Invaders

Britain, Trammel, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – August 1, 2010 – by Winfield – Britain is on high alert today with soldiers watching for signs of an army preparing to invade the city.  Shopkeepers seem to be pleased with the increased traffic and sales, but are wary of the rumored battle.  Last time there was a major invasion on Britain (defeated on May 5, 2005), the shopkeepers had to close their doors while enemy lizardmen and generals freely roamed the streets.

At the Township Summit last Wednesday, Tavalia Zodok said there is intelligence that a military force is preparing to attack Britain probably on Sunday, August 1st around 10 PM ET.

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PaxLair Times “About” Page Archived

PaxLair Times – July 31, 2010 – by Winfield – We published the first PaxLair Times “About” page on July 31, 2010 to explain what the PaxLair Times was all about.  Makes sense, right?  So why are we posting it again?  Because over time, it’s interesting to see how things change, and in this case hour the role and purpose of PaxLair Times, and even PaxLair changes.

Here is the archived About page information:


PaxLair Times is an [in-character role-playing] historical news service sponsored by the PaxLair Statehood on the Chesapeake Shard of Ultima Online.  Reporting covers all of the Chesapeake Shard.  Sometimes, reporting will be [out-of-character] for [real-life events or information] that are significant to the history of the Shard or the entire Realm.

PaxLair Times’ goal is to record current and past Chesapeake Shard history.  All too often, things happen in the Realm and history doesn’t get recorded where it can be retrieved years later.  PaxLair Times is a place to help fix that problem.  PaxLair’s news and history has been preserved since [1998] and will continue through the PaxLair Times.  However, we will venture to add and record more historical articles.  How is the PaxLair Times preserved for all time? Well, we have committed people who are dedicated to [back up and rehost] the material as needed.

The Style of Reporting is primarily “In-Character” and “Role-Playing”.  Nearly all reporting is from an [in-character] point of view.  Things that may be [“out of character”] are put in [brackets] or an entire article declared [“out of character”].  Most of the articles are based on actual [in-game] experiences in the Realm [(Ultima Online)].  However, some fiction can be added as desired by the article author.

The Scope of PaxLair Times is more than just PaxLair and its cities.  It can include information about all places and peoples on the Shard.

PaxLair Times has several authors from across Chesapeake.  Authors are not all citizens of the PaxLair Statehood.  For example, an author can be a wandering scribe or the master of a guild anywhere on the shard.  And the author does not need to cover everything happening–just what interests the writer.  The only criteria for authors is their articles add to the [role-playing] history of Chesapeake in some way.  Winfield receives and accepts the authors for PaxLair Times.

PaxLair Times Articles can be republished on UO Stratics, UO Forums, and UO Guide without prior permission (unless specifically noted in a PaxLair Times article), as long as PaxLair Times is referenced as a source.

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Realm Establishments: Mr Clean’s Lemon Farm

Kijustsu Anei Village, Homare-Jima, Tokuno, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – July 31, 2010 – by Ashlynn — Today I bring to you the first of an irregular feature aimed at highlighting some of the more interesting places to be found throughout the realm. It seems the folk of Sosaria are a mixed bunch and many are owners of some fine or odd establishments. In my travels, I have come across all kinds of buildings including taverns, temples, towers and tombs. And these are just the mundane.

A fine little orchard nestled amongst the buildings of the surrounding villages.

Mr Clean’s Lemon Farm is one such interesting establishment. Located within Kijustsu Anei Village, next to the PaxOku Tea House, it specialises in growing lemons as you’d expect. It wouldn’t be much of a lemon farm if it grew limes, afterall. Or oranges for that matter.

I spoke at length with the owner, a fine fellow, who lived at the estate with a detective and a tinker. He explained in a somewhat quirky manner that he endeavoured to provide the realm with the finest lemons to be found anywhere, and that his wares were sold far and wide.

But his mission was not without challenges it seemed. Thieves were a problem at the lemon farm, climbing over the iron fence and stealing barrels of lemons ready for transport. Where these lemons were later sold is anyones guess, but of the identity of the guilty party, there has always been little in the way of clues. Perhaps they are being hoarded for sale at some time in the distant future, arcane magic used to prevent them from spoiling. I can only speculate.

To get there, just head north-east along the road from Homare-Jima moongate.

Still, if you need large numbers of fine tasting lemons, I recommend the farm. And let us hope the Queen does not decide to levy a heavy tax upon them.

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PaxLair Times Blog Service is Started

PaxLair Statehood, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – July 29, 2010 – by Winfield — PaxLair has created this ethereal News Blog site for the historic and active “PaxLair Times”. PaxLair Times is a newspaper published [in-game] starting in December 2005. We are extending this to latest ethereal technology [blogs] and adding reporters. PaxLair Times will also be a source of news information for UO Stratics, UO Forums, and other places for the Chesapeake Shard. We will summarize shard news at times and provide recognition to sources of information.

The crown jewels of PaxLair Times are the [in-game] books that date back to December 2005. Visit the Silent Rose Library in PaxOku, Tokuno, Chesapeake to see the PaxLair Times books in bookcase #17.

We are also back-publishing some PaxLair news articles. So these will appear in the past below this current post. This way, we will have a more complete and chronological historical record of PaxLair and other Chesapeake Shard history within the PaxLair Times.


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