Castle Moat Catastrophe

Britain, Trammel, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – September 15, 2010 – by Ashlynn – Dozens of dead fish were seen floating on the surface of Castle Britannia’s moat today, the first clear signs of the ongoing “bad” water crisis plaguing various water sources throughout the realm.

The large fish, of which species I do not know (not being an angler myself, but they were pretty big) were seen drifting on the surface of the moat, a horrid sickly green in colour and giving off a potent stench. The issue of the purity of the city water supply has been in question for some time now, with Walt the Chemist delivering a number of reports at the Castle Summit. But these are the first physical signs we have had of the situation and I fear they may cause some panic amongst the citizenry if an alternative supply is not found.

The sight of the dead fish does not bode well for the city.

A vessel was seen nearby and an associate pointed out the condition of its hull and rotted oars, suggesting that perhaps the boat may be leaking or even dumping something into the water. This however is pure speculation at this point, but it’s proximity to the dead fish does raise some questions.

In anycase, hopefully this situation will be rectified one way or the other. Perhaps an alternative water source can be found in the nearby mountains and an aqueduct can be built for the City of Britain. Or perhaps some water purification spell or potion can be created by the mages and alchemists of the city. For now, we can only hope.

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The Whispering Well (Tower of Souls 10th Anniversary)

Tower of Souls, Felucca, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – September 12, 2010 – by Ashlynn – Aryslan held an event to mark the 10th anniversary of the Tower of Souls, the infamous den of evil located on the facet of Felucca. There were reports of some early skirmishes between a few lingering, yet powerful, unliving creatures which suggested a stirring in the necromantic magic surrounding the tower, something that was to make for an interesting evening indeed.

The night started with games at the Bow and Whip Casino hosted by Lady Jane Douleur and it was refreshing not to lose all my money this time, though I did fail to profit, only winning back what I lost. Even the Lieutenent of the Royal Guard joined us, though declined to place any bets herself and asked that things be kept legal. An amusing request in the scarred, lawless lands of Felucca.

Our group gathers before the Tower of Souls

After the games were done, Lord Jamlyn led our large group over to the Tower of Souls where we were given a tour of the evil structure floor by floor, being enlightened as to the history and function of the place.
Sadly not all rooms within the tower were accessible, some securely locked presumably by powerful binding magic or something similar. We were told that one of the rooms was some kind of cell where another individual named Darkon was once held. Another of the rooms apparently contained some kind of laboratory once used for all manner of terrible experiments or so we were told.

Eventually we headed to the top of the tower where we were heard of the Well of Souls itself, doing our best to ignore the unliving servitors girded with their powerful protective magics. And then it seemed, some amongst the group began to hear voices.

The well from where we first began to hear the voices

At first only a few could hear the whispers, voices that seemed to come from all around, moving at times, never staying in one place. We descended back down the dark, slick, steps of the tower and back outside where the voices grew louder, more of the group able to hear them. The voices even seemed to be loud enough to draw brigands near that attacked our group, no doubt hoping to take something valuable for themselves. And in the chaos of it all, it appeared a spirit had possessed one of the Aryslan townsfolk, who began striking out at others nearby. Undead even rose from the ground and attacked us but we were able to fight them off.

A host of undead rises to attack us

The voices drifted around the vale outside the tower for some time, asking to be released, mentioning something about a ritual (which is presumably related to the old text on an altar nearby), but to me, little of it made sense. It became apparent however that the voices were of many different spirits or souls, and not all of them evil.

Soon, these whispers drew us back into the tower and up to the roof. Some of the whispers seemed to embody the virtues, others chaos and evil. One of the towns folk demanded an example of their power and at this request, a host of the unliving rose from the ground outside, even appearing to take the brigands by surprise.

Due to the chaotic nature of the events, it is hard for me to fathom exactly what these spirits wanted and it appeared that not all of them wished for the same things. Some wished for release, others gave warnings against such a thing. Some said we had no understanding of their nature or the ritual. Of others I could make out only a faint echo, their words barely audible.

As the events unfolded, our friends, including DJ Sandman from the Whispering Rose were on the Shard of Chesapeake to broadcast events across the ether as they happened.

Eventually the voices faded and we all decided it best to take our leave. But the mysterious turn of events will certainly need more investigation in the weeks to come. Strange magics have stirred once again in the Tower of Souls and who knows what this may mean for the future of Aryslan and the rest of Britannia.

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The Summer Fun Stop!

Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – September 10, 2010 – by Ashlynn – Yesterday evening, Whispering Rose Radio hosted their Summer Fun Stop on Chesepeake, a shard-wide event open to all which saw us visit many places throughout the shard, both old and new.

Our tour began at the Tower of Souls

Governor Winfield led our group on a tour for the first part of the event, stopping by first at the infamous Tower of Souls, before heading to PaxLair City and the nearby fortified Orc Encampment where we had an encounter with one of the malign creatures. From there we moved on to Dragons Watch (where we indulged in a little archery with the orc as our target), PaxOku and then Nidaros, where Lady Jane of Aryslan treated us to a quick casino game of Hi-Low.

This is the first time I have ever experienced "Orc Bowling"

After that, our group with plenty time left, decided to randomly explore various settlements throughout the realm and the unplanned nature of the second half made it particularly fun.
We began with Aryslan where we were shown the old city ruins, the beautiful city park and the Bow and Whip. We also explored Guardians Gate (and their fabulous bell tower, a favourite of mine), Templar Village and Kijustsu Anei Village before finally finishing at the PaxOku Tea House where DJ Sandman was lucky enough to win the door prize. (It was a broken stone or something like that!)

On the roof of the Bow and Whipping overlooking the new Aryslan Fighting Pit. Sadly this was the last picture I remembered to take!

As the whole event took place, DJ Sandman, Governor Winfield and Lady Phoenix spoke over the radio (or communication crystal if you will) at length about the places we visited. They were later joined by Lord Nanoc and were supposed to be joined by Mayor Zanku but unfortunately, technical difficulties prevented this from happening.

It is my understanding that the crew from Whispering Rose Radio do regular fun stops on various shards and anyone interested in helping host one need only get in touch. I for one look forward to the next visit to the shard of Chesapeake they make!

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Mysterious Murderous Machinery in Moonglow

Moonglow, Felucca, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – September 6, 2010 – by Ashlynn – A strange device was spotted in Moonglow this evening, a lethal device that spews forth poisonous gas whenever one draws close. I myself witnessed this monstrous machine kill several civilians who came too close to the device.

Following the discovery, Lady Phoenix, Lord Bryn, Lord Carl and myself spent some time studying the machine, attempting to understand its workings. It is clear that a number of underground pipes and three large mechanical pumps supply the machine with a vile green fluid which is then spread through the air as a fine mist.

The deadly mist killed several onlookers

As for who the builder is and how long the machine has been there for, none of us can be sure. What is also uncertain is the exact nature of the equipment, though we speculate it is part of some sinister plot to poison the people of Moonglow.

Should you wish to investigate yourself, you can find the machine in Moonglow, Felucca, near the town stone and sigil monolith.

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Summer Fun Stop, by Whispering Rose Radio, on Thursday, September 9th

PaxLair Statehood, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – September 6, 2010 – by Winfield – PaxLair is honored to be on Whispering Rose Radio’s circuit for the Summer Fun Stops. Some activities are planned including tours of a few unique areas and the newest town to be brought into the Statehood: Nidaros. There is also an advwenture of some kind. Meet people of PaxLair and its cities of Dragons Watch, Nidaros, PaxLair City, and PaxOku for an evening of comradarie and perhaps intrigue. The event is Thursday, September 9th and will start at 9 PM ET at the township banners just SE of the Luna South Gate, across from the Fairground. And don’t forget to Tune In to Whispering Rose Radio.

Summer Fun Stop at PaxLair

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Nidaros Soars Higher and Higher

Nidaros, Trammel, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – September 6, 2010 – by Ashlynn – In the wake of the recent statehood ceremony, the reconstruction of the township of Nidaros has moved at a swift pace under the guidance of Mayor Zanku, with a number of new buildings, including the high rise profile of a brand new lighthouse appearing on the town skyline.

The newly built Pharos at Nidaros

Alongside the recently built lighthouse, work is underway on the new harbour and a large number of vessels can already be seen swaying gently in the waters of the calm bay beside the village. It is the hope of Lord Zanku that Nidaros and the new port will become something of a maritime hub and safe haven, open to people from anywhere and all walks of life, especially in light of the new ship designs rumoured to be coming out of Britannia and Tokunese shipyards in the next few months.

The main doors to the new town hall

As I toured the settlement, I was also shown the new town hall with its large and spacious meeting chamber. I also caught a glimpse of the Mayor’s desk, overflowing with papers and scrolls, a sign of how busy things must be since he has taken office.

A new meeting room that will no doubt see much use in the days ahead

The Mayor explained to me that he and the other residents of Nidaros have spent almost every available moment rebuilding the town and he also went on to explain that he is always on the look out for anyone else interested in joining the township.

Mayor Zanku finished by saying he would like to thank everyone for all the support and encourage receieved during the ongoing rebuilding efforts, and noting that everyone who has visited so far has been impressed by the new structures that have appeared.

And so the town continues to go from strength to strength and we wish them all the best in the coming months, especially as the politics of the crown and the Royal Summit will soon demand yet more of the Mayor’s time.

We also hope to visit the town again in the near future once construction is complete on the new harbour. The Mayor intends to hold a grand opening ceremony of the port, possibly accompanied by a fishing tournament. In the months ahead, I predict something of an increase in the ammount of activity in Britannian waters and so I imagine such an event will be well received by the people of the realm!

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Whispering Rose Radio Reports on UO Town Hall 2010 (OOC)

UO Headquarters, Fairfax, Virginia (PaxLair Times) – August 28, 2010– by Winfield – OUT OF CHARACTER REPORT – We are alerted to Whispering Rose Radio’s report about the August 28, 2010 UO Town Hall 2010.  See and read the report at:

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Realm Establishments: The Bow and Whip

Aryslan, Felucca, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – August 31, 2010 – by Ashlynn – Situated by the sea in Northern Aryslan amongst the twisted trees of Felucca lies the soon to open Bow and Whip, a gambling and entertainment establishment run by the mysterious Lady Jane Douleur of Aryslan.

The seaside Bow and Whip Casino

Despite the vibrant and somewhat green exterior (I say green for the gardens of the property contained the healthiest looking tree for miles in any direction), the interior of the Bow and Whip is quite dark and just a little foreboding, giving the place an overall sinister feel. This style is intentional on the part of the land lady who no doubt has some ideas of the kind of people who might wish to visit, especially in the chaotic wilds of Northern Felucca.

The game initially run by the house will be Hi-Low, a simple betting game played with dice with bets of any size accepted, though the higher the better I was informed. However, Lady Douleur explained to me that she intends expand the array of games on offer in the near future.
But gambling isn’t the only entertainment available as I discovered when I was introduced to Lady Douleur’s house dancers and the two large iron cages for them to perform in on the second floor. On the third floor yet more entertainment can be found, though whether masochistic or sadistic in nature, I could not be sure of.

Dancers offer alternative entertainment for those so inclined

The Bow and Whip will be opening its doors for the first time on the 6th of september at 6pm by the eastern clock and will be open every two weeks!

The establishment is located on the coast, north of the ruins of Old Aryslan

Getting there is easy and patrons can take either the Luna Town Hub, the Teleporter at PaxOku Tea House, or the town hub at Kijustsu Anei Village. All three locations bring you to the ruins of Old Aryslan where you can either walk north or take a second teleporter on the steps of the nearby guard tower that will take you to North Aryslan.

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Nidaros Rises from the Ashes

Nidaros, Trammel, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – August 26, 2010 – by Ashlynn – Yesterday evening marked a new chapter in the history of the town of Nidaros as the settlement found a new mayor and with it, a hope for rebirth.

In a ceremony to mark the occasion, Governor Winfield of PaxLair declared the town a part of the Statehood and appointed Lord Zanku as its new mayor in an effort to breathe life into the historic town. The ceremony saw a good turnout with representatives from across the land coming to see history being made, some even bringing gifts. The crate of Gyldenfeld Ale seemed particularly well received by the spectators and half the crowd already appeared tipsy before the speeches were finished.

Governor Winfield inaugurates Lord Zanku as Mayor of Nidaros

In his speech, Lord Zanku thanked everyone for attending, promising to honour the history and people of the town and pledged to uphold its laws and values. He also went on to thank Lord Nanoc and Lady Phoenix for their support on the road that led him to becoming Mayor of the town.

After the ceremony had finished, the crowd retired to tables assembled for a feast and celebration that included fine cakes and of course, more ale. More visitors also came and went during this time including Lady Daria Blackmoore who mentioned that her trusty vessel had always been named Nidaros in honour of the town.
As the evening moved on, the topic turned to the history of Nidaros and its old establishments, some of which once included a fine rune library and a public house known as the Dew Drop Inn.

People celebrate after the ceremony.

Sadly it seems some of this history is lost, but efforts are currently underway to ensure its recovery. Perhaps in the near future, the Times will see a more in-depth article on the town’s history.

For now though, we celebrate this time of rebirth for one of the oldest towns in the realm and look to the future with hope!

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Governor’s Speech and Oath at Mayor Zanku’s Ceremony

Nidaros, Trammel, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – August 25, 2010 – by Winfield – Governor Winfield gave the following speech at the Nidaros and Mayor Zanku Ceremony.

We stand today in an historic place. This place, this road, these trees, those grassy paths, the bay… all have a history to be told and a history to be created.

… Nidaros …

This old town was established just when Trammel came to life. I can’t recall why the town was called Nidaros. Anton, my good friend, led Nidaros back in those early days. I recall days of hanging out in their log cabin pub. We journied with Nidaros citizens to depths of caverns and dungeons.

Around the bend to the Northeast is Gyldenfeld, the home of the famous Red Wolf Cafe. Led by Mayor Tancred Redstar and Lissa Eldi, Gyldenfeld borders Nidaros by land and by sea with a common road and bay. So this area is filled with good folk.

But… Alas, over time, Nidaros faded away… the trees and pathways fell silent… and history stopped for Nidaros.

A few months ago at the beckoning of Queen Dawn, townships once again became noticed in our Realm. Old towns and new towns met the Queen and her servants. Our good friend Cymbria Devereaux along with Tesla Radcliff dusted off the Nidaros buildings and raked the leaves here. After a short while, Cymbria petitioned the Queen for a township banner to be placed in Nidaros. The Nidaros Banner proudly stands here now, hopefully for all time.

But… Alas, Cymbria could not stay in Nidaros and lead it. She was called beyond the edge of the Sea, and we miss her. Someday we hope she returns to us and Nidaros.

Now we stand here today… we of the PaxLair Statehood with our Allies and Friends. We have always worked to keep history alive and moving forward… to rely on the past to help us with the future… to spare us the pain of always starting something anew. And we do not wish to see good towns wither away to be lost or forgotten.

Therefore in the spirit of the Ancients and those of Modern times, I declare the city of Nidaros as a city of the PaxLair Statehood! We will care for Nidaros and help it prosper. This old Skara Brae — Gyldenfeld Crossroads can come to life again!

*looks at Zanku*

A city can not run itself. There’d be chaos in the streets! Therefore, after long contemplation on my fishing yacht, I have decided to appoint a Mayor of Nidaros. Zanku, please step forward.

Zanku is no stranger to us of course. Zanku is the grandson of one of the original founders of Nidaros, who was Vlaguard the Grey. Zanku was born in Skara Brae. He honored his great past by growing up to become a great Paladin. 18 months ago, Zanku joined the forces in Dragons Watch as a devoted member and guardian. He swore he would someday return to the Nidaros lands and become a protector to serve the Royal Crown and the people here until his death.

*turns to Zanku*

Zanku, I will issue an oath now like none other you have taken before. For this oath will place upon you very high levels of responsibility and accountability, to Nidaros, PaxLair, and the entire Realm. Are you ready?

[Zanku]: I am

Do you swear fealty unto me, the Governor of the PaxLair Statehood and to lead Nidaros with all its riches and treasures

of people, citizens, friends, and allies to bring forth within this Realm the comraderie and spirit that is truly in the nature of Nidaros and PaxLair Statehood to the best of all your abilities?

[Zanku]: I will

Very well, then by the power vested in me as the Governor of PaxLair and with the Power of the Ancients, I appoint you, Zanku, as Mayor of Nidaros. Congratulations Mayor Zanku of Nidaros! You have the floor.

Posted in Ceremony, Government, Nidaros, PaxLair Statehood, Player Event, Speeches | 1 Comment