Bane Chosen and Daemons Occupy Magincia Ruins

Ruins of Magincia, Trammel, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – October 9, 2010 – by Ashlynn – A large force of Bane Chosen moved in to occupy the ruins of Magincia overnight, supported by a larger force of daemons and blackrock golems.

Bane Chosen recruits and their daemonic allies loiter about the ruins.

The daemonic golem forces appear similar those that assaulted the City of Britain some time ago, though the daemons appear to be of a weaker variety. Some attempts were made by loyal citizens of the realm to drive the daemons out during the night, but the invading force was too large to be dislodged.

A huge company of golems is camped at the island's centre.

As to why the invaders have chosen Magincia we can only guess. The reasons why the Bane Chosen have allied themselves with these daemonic aggressors is also a mystery. I must also note that the Bane Chosen continued to respect my neutrality, but their new allies did not.

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Gyldenfeld and Nidaros Sign Treaty

Gyldenfeld-Nidaros Border, Trammel, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – October 4, 2010 – by Ashlynn – Mayor Tancred RedStar of Gyldenfeld and Mayor Zanku of Nidaros met this eve to sign a treaty, named the Fortune Bay Treaty, officially recognising each other’s territory and fixing the precise location of the land border between the two townships.

Mayor Tancred and Mayor Zanku give their speeches at the ceremony.

The site chosen for the official ceremony was a clearing along the Skara-Britain road sitting upon the newly defined border, specified as 38o3’North. This border begins on the coast at Fortune Bay and halts at the mountains nearby. The treaty also grants both townships equal use of the bay for the purpose of shipping and mooring.

The ceremony was a lavish affair with great cloth standards of both towns laid out along with the tables upon which the treaty was to be signed. A great feast had even been prepared for after the ceremony by Lady Hyssmaye Erley which was devoured enthusiastically by the attendees.

The post-ceremony feast.

The treaty is a twenty seven page document and copies have been made for each township, the Crown and even for public reference at the Silent Rose Library.

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Fortune Bay Treaty of 353

Nidaros and Gyldenfeld, Trammel, Chesapeake (UOForums) – October 4, 2010 – by Tancred Redstar –

This evening, the towns of Nidaros and Gyldenfeld entered into a treaty demarcating their shared border and establishing shared use of Fortune Bay.

The Fortune Bay Treaty text is as follows:

The Fortune Bay Treaty of 353 (2010)

Fortune Bay Treaty of 353 Map

In the interests of mutual peace and cooperation, Mayor Zanku of Nidaros on one part, and Mayor Tancred RedStar of Gyldenfeld on the other part,

Being desirous of a mutual understanding and agreement of the border between the communities of Nidaros and Gyldenfeld,

And wishing to fix the assignation of the bay of the ocean between them and jointly declare its status in relationship to one another,

And being duly apportioned by their respective communities to enter fully into a binding agreement,

Have here resolved conclusively an agreement which now evokes the following conditions:

Article I – Land Border Demarcation and Recognition
A. The land border between Nidaros and Gyldenfeld shall be fixed at thirty-eight degrees and three minutes North, or 38o3’N in notation, as is devised by a sextant, running from east where the sun wakes to the west where it retires, within the jurisdiction of each community.

Article II – Land Border Agreement
A. Each side shall recognize and not impinge upon or past the land border with respect to the sovereignty of the other side.
B. Each side shall not recognize for it’s own any settlement, structure or other building in an extraterritorial sense beyond the border without the prior, acknowledged consent of the other.
C. For the purposes of common use by each side, shared use of timber, mineral, wild game and other such resources is granted in the vicinity of the border for one degree latitude unless explicity denied by verbal or written grievance.
D. Each side reserves the right to fortify or otherwise defend their territory on their side of the border as they deem fit.

Article III – Fortune Bay Recognition
A. The body of water forming a bay betwixt Nidaros and Gyldenfeld is assigned the toponym “Fortune Bay” and shall be regarded as such from herein and, without, in general use. Fortune Bay extends to the west whereupon it terminates where it meets the open ocean and the Crown’s community of Skara Brae.
B. Fortune Bay is shared and neutral in terms of territoriality although each community may make defense for it’s own purpose.

Aritcle IV – Fortune Bay Agreement
A. The communities of Nidaros and Gyldenfeld shall enjoy shared use of Fortune Bay to the extent of shipping, fisheries or other enterprise.
B. Both sides agree to the upkeep of Fortune Bay, including it’s fit use for each community, general security and conservation.
C. Both sides agree to keep the mouth of Fortune Bay free of obstruction to the degree that at least two ships may pass in or out, concurrently.
D. Seafaring vessels shall primarily seek to be closer to the side of the bay of their owner’s home community and shall not knowingly seek to enclose or obstruct the viable passage of other vessels within the bay.

Article V – Grievances
A. Should a legal resident wish to submit a formal grievance or report a violation in regards to the articles of this treaty, it must be done via the leader of their community.
B. The leaders of the communities shall be responsible for resolving grievances of violations or disputes with each other.
C. In the absence or unavailability of the leader of a community after a period of two weeks, the responsibility of hearing the grievance shall devolve to leader of the other community for resolution.

Article VI – Terms and Termination of Treaty
A. The term of this treaty shall be forthwith until terminated.
B. Termination of this treaty shall occur:

i. should either community’s leader formally delcare or notify the other community’s leader of withdrawal, OR

ii. the Crown invalidates the treaty by writ or decree, OR

iii. either community should become devolved or otherwise vacate the region.
C. This treaty may be amended, abridged or modified with the signed agreement of the duly elected leaders of both communities.
D. This treaty shall be in effect upon reciept of signatures to be given below.

Here, undersigned, the 15th of October, 353
(October 4, 2010)

Mayor Zanku
Mayor of Nidaros

Tancred RedStar
Mayor of Gyldenfeld

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Autumn Story Contest!

East Britain, Trammel, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – October 3, 2010 – by Ashlynn – The Autumn Story Contest will be held on Saturday 16th of October at 8pm EST. The theme of the contest will be “Autumn” and is therefore pretty open as long as it ties into the theme of autumn in some way. A prize will be given out for the best story as judged by myself and two other judges!


  • Please keep to the theme of autumn in some way. This leaves things fairly open and you can be as creative or as cryptic as you wish.
  • Keep the length of the story to five to ten minutes. We may get only a few entries, but we may get many, and people can only keep their attention for so long!
  • Registration for the contest will be from 8pm until 8:15pm. Late entries will be considered depending how busy we are (so late entries will be considered!).

Finally, it would be appreciated if you could also put your entry into a book that can be donated to the Silent Rose Library so that it can be recorded in the shard history in some way!

The story contest will be held at the Sepulchre of Silence outside East Britain. A small map is enclosed so you can find it more easily:

The building can be found just outside East Britain.

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End in Sight for Realm’s Water Woes?

Britain, Trammel, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – September 30, 2010 – by Ashlynn – In the early hours of the morning a strange mechanical contraption covered in all manner of gears and pipes was spotted in the courtyard of Castle Britannia.

The strange device in all it's glory.

Although no official word has been issued by the Crown regarding the purpose of the device or who built it, it’s appearance suggests it has something to do with the recent water supply crisis. It is possible that the contraption is a water purifying machine similar in nature to the one found within the hive of the Solen, as it certainly shares more than a passing resemblance. If this is the case then it is reassuring that the realm has engineers of enough skill to design and build such a machine and possibly release the plans for it in the near future, should the prototype work.

Hopefully any questions will be answered at the upcoming summit (or perhaps sooner) and we may even be able to meet the mysterious engineer behind the machine’s construction in person. Such a meeting would certainly serve to assuage any fears regarding the future of the city water supply and that of the realm itself.

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Aryslan and Dragons Watch Building Bridges

Aryslan, Felucca, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – September 29, 2010 – by Ashlynn – Aryslan has recently completed the construction of a floating pontoon bridge using the hulks of several long boats.

The bridge puts to use several old longships.

Shef Sigurth of Aryslan oversaw construction of the bridge and is tasked with future maintenance of the structure. The bridge connects the two peninsula on which the towns of Dragons Watch and North Aryslan lie, making travel on foot between the two settlements much easier.

This is not the first “boat” bridge that has been constructed within the realm and rumours abound of a similar construction near the town of the Citadel. Still, such a structure is a welcome improvement and can only help bring the people of both towns closer together.

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Boat Race Results

Nidaros, Trammel, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – September 26, 2010 – by Ashlynn – The results of the Nidaros Boat Race an evening or so are go are in and the final positions look like this:

  • 1st Place: NANOC of Dragons Watch
  • 2nd Place: Oroduim
  • 3rd Place: Hyssmaye Erley of Gyldenfeld

Turnout for the race was good and the other race participants were Cap’n Blackhook, Carl Jr of Dragons Watch, Enterprise of Aryslan, Caroline of Dragons Watch, Se’an Silverfoot, Remy and myself.

The top three won 1 million, 750,000 and 500,000 gold respectively. Each of the three also earned themselves an engraved trophy and a chest containing a few sea shells, a message in a bottle and some other mariner’s trinkets.

Mayor Zanku intends to run another sea race of some kind in about a month or so, though with a slightly different kind of objective.  I hope to see you all there and congratulations to the winners!

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Event Reminder: Nidaros Boat Race

Nidaros, Trammel, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – Autumnal Equinox, 2010 – by Ashlynn – A reminder has been issued for all those wishing to take part in the Nidaros Boat Race tommorow evening on the 24th of September.

Be sure to arrive at Nidaros at 7.30 by the eastern clock to register your entry and your ship into the race. The race will begin at 8pm. Further instructions on where to go will be issued on the day.

There are prizes to be won and much fun to be had so be there if you consider yourself any kind of mariner!

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The Nidaros “SEADOG” Boat Race!

Nidaros, Trammel, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – September 18, 2010 – by Ashlynn – Mayor Zanku of Nidaros has recently announced a boat race to be held on the 24th of September at 8pm by the eastern clock!

All sailors wishing to participate are asked to show up at the lighthouse in Nidaros with their ships ready to launch. Registration for contestants wishing to enter will take place between 7:30 and 7:50pm. More specific details including the destination of the race will be given on the day of the event.

For those unfamiliar with Nidaros, the Lighthouse can be found just west of the Nidaros Town Hall, a short way along the coast. To find the Town Hall, head due north west from the town banner.

There is quite a bounty for those who finish in first, second and third place and the race is open to all sea dogs out there on the shard of Chesapeake. So if you think your longboat is the swiftest in the waters of Britannia, come along!

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Deer Hunting Ban Passed

Gyldenfeld, Trammel, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – September 16, 2010 – by Ashlynn – Recent bylaws were passed in the city of Gyldenfeld today forbidding the hunting of deer within the city limits and the forests nearby.

The sighting of a mysterious deer of supernatural nature that left gifts for the residents of the town has led Mayor Tancred of Gyldenfeld to call for a ban on the hunting of deer. The motion was passed unanimously at tonights town meeting with no opposition, and as of today, all hunting of deer has been made illegal for the months of october, november and december.

In support of such a motion, Mayor Zanku has pledged that Nidaros will also agree to the banning of deer over such a period and within their own borders.

I believe some investigation into the sighting of this mysterious deer-like being should be undertaken and I endeavour to investigate it personally. In the mean time, venison will sadly be in short supply in the towns of Gyldenfeld and Nidaros in coming months.

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