Suggestions for Weekly PaxLair Meeting Spots

Tea House, Homare-jima, Tokuno, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – November 15, 2010  – Winfield – The PaxLair Weekly meetings do more than just gather people together.  They take us to unique places around the Shard and our cities.  I am always seeking new places to hold our meetings.  I like places that may have some history (or made-up history) behind them, even if they are non-descript locations on the shard.  Maybe we could meet in the Lost Lands in some big meadow, and two people describe a great battle that once occured there.  Imagine the intrigue, questions, and lore/legends.

So I ask people to give me ideas for locations anytime by dropping a book and rune in my Tea House mailbox.  The book can include an idea of the history or special nature of the location, and your name as suggesting the location.  It can be a house in a township city or a realm city; or be in the middle of a meadow or in a semi-dangerous dungeon spot (but not disruptive to holding a meeting); or be in a unique place that people don’t often visit.  We can bring chairs, tables, food, lighting, and plenty of ale.  If a book and rune are too hard to give me, just send me a pigeon or reach me in the Realm.


Winfield, Governor of PaxLair Statehood

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Weekly Weigh-in Result

Sons of the Sea, Trinsic, Trammel, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – November 14, 2010 – by Ashlynn – The weekly weigh-in, a regular fishing contest hosted by the Sons of the Sea in the city of Trinsic took place again today. This week’s task was to track down the largest Giant Koi to be found in the waters of Britannia.

The fish caught by Alarion!

Though no small ammount of fishermen made the attempt to catch such a prize, the largest specimen weighing in at 172 stones was caught by Alarion of the Army of the Dragon, from the Town of the Dragons Watch. Congratulations!

And with any luck, I endeavour to keep everyone informed of all weigh-in results from this week forth.

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PaxLair Statehood Meeting Notes: November 9, 2010

Palace, Nujel’m, Trammel, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – November 9, 2010 – by Winfield – Governor Winfield led the weekly PaxLair Statehood meeting on Tuesday, November 9, 2010 at 9 PM ET. It was attended by citizens and officials from Aryslan, Dragons Watch, Nidaros, PaxLair City, and PaxOku. PaxLair City hosted the meeting at the snow-covered Palace in Nujel’m, Trammel.  Specifically, a feast took place in the Palace dining area with drinks, food, and a firepit to keep people warm.

PaxLair Meeting in the Nujel'm Palace

Mayor Zanku of Nidaros introduced his new Deputy Mayor who is Lady Deborah.  Welcome Lady Deborah!

Lady Deborah, Deputy Mayor of Nidaros

Lenora of PaxLair City is remodeling Luigi’s Pizzeria and will have it open for the Christmas Season.  Thursday, December 16th, is tentatively scheduled as PaxLair City’s Christmas Party, or Orkmas Party, at Luigi’s Pizzeria and with Sunta Clompz.  The date could change depending on the December EM schedule.  Oh, in order to get a gift (gypht in orcish) from Sunta Clompz, you must give one of your named-pumpkins (not a jack-o-lantern) to Mayor Ga’kuct of PaxLair City.  You can give him or Governor Winfield one at a weekly PaxLair meeting.

Enterprise is continuing work on the Jeopardy-like trivia game show.  He will be working to host it in a large house in Trammel, and test his game before the PaxLair Anniversary (January 15-19, 2011).  Therefore, he will have a trial run of the game at a PaxLair meeting on January 4th, and possibly another one sooner.  A team is needed to come up with questions, house design, procedures, prizes, and contestant selection process.  So reach Enterprise to get on the team!  It will be fun!

Mayor Zanku of Nidaros had several announcements:

  • Lady Deborah is the Deputy Mayor of Nidaros
  • The red scroll marking the Nidaros Banner for destruction is finally gone!  The Banner will not be destroyed. (well done Nidaros!)
  • The “Pride of Nidaros” city flagship will participate in the PvP Ship Battle Saturday.  More crew is welcome.  Reach Mayor Zanku.
  • The tavern at the Nidaros Town Hall will become the “Shipwreck Saloon”.
  • The Blood Regata is postponed until December.  A trial run in Trammel will take place on December 14 after a short PaxLair weekly meeting.

More discussion and revelry took place, and then people retired to the Tea House to give Ga’kuct some pumpkins.  Then some people joined Enterprise for an after-meeting adventure.  Thanks Gak, Enterprise, and everyone!  Dragonspeed!

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PaxLair Statehood Meeting Notes: November 2, 2010

Mage Tower, PaxLair City, Felucca, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – November 2, 2010 – by Winfield – Governor Winfield led the weekly PaxLair Statehood meeting on Tuesday, November 2, 2010 at 9 PM ET. It was attended by citizens and officials from Aryslan, Dragons Watch, Nidaros, PaxLair City, and PaxOku. PaxLair City hosted the meeting at the famous Mage Tower in PaxLair City, Felucca.

PaxLair Meeting at the Mage Tower in PaxLair City, Felucca

Mayor Nanoc of Dragons Watch reported that DW is generally quiet with the exception of a lone murderer coming around. The murderer created some challenges (and enjoyment) for the DW guards from time to time.

Mayor Zanku of Nidaros reported that Nidaros is similarly quiet, but without murderers. Zanku is working with neighboring Mayor Tancred Redstar on a township banner design for Nidaros. Tancred is famous for his township banner designs. Nidaros has not yet been granted a seat at the Summit Meeting table; delays by the Crown are likely due to the recent death of Tavalia Zodok and other pressures on the Crown’s time.

Enterprise from Aryslan reported that the Tower of Souls near Aryslan, Felucca is once again quiet. However, evil will possibly return once again to plague the area.

Robin Hood offered several ideas for events, training, and adventures for the Statehood and Alliance.

Phoenix announced that Dragons Watch will once again host their famous Thanksgiving Feast. More details will be announced soon.

Governor Winfield opened the floor for suggestions and ideas for more events and activities. He also said PaxLair’s 13th Anniversary would take place during January 15-19, 2011 with the anniversary date being January 19th. The people voiced many, many ideas for events and activities for the celebration week. Some ideas can be tested during the next two months over the holiday seasons too, especially those that can involve death, mayhem, and loss of hair.

Meeting Location Information: The PaxLair Mage Tower is one of the first buildings in PaxLair city built almost 13 years ago, and is connected to its twin tower, the Necromancer Tower next door. The Mage Tower is the capital building of the PaxLair Statehood consisting of the cities of Dragons Watch, Nidaros, PaxLair City and PaxOku.

The weekly PaxLair Statehood meeting is open to everyone on the shard. It is a great time to meet people and hear a lot of news. The meetings change location each week, so watch for announcements in the PaxLair Times.

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The Luna Lantern Wall

Luna, Malas, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – Halloween, 2010 – by Ashlynn – People from all across Sosaria have come out in force to seek out the mysterious Jack o Lanterns that have begun appearing in a number of crop fields. These strange lanterns seem to manifest bearing the names of of the land’s citizens, resulting in them becoming highly desirable by their “owners”.

In a true display of community spirit, would-be lantern hunters have been collecting any they can find and leaving any with the names of others in the city of Luna so that they can be picked up by their owners. As a result, an impressive wall of these carved pumpkins has taken form in the city.

The wall of Jack o Lanterns at Luna.

Thanks to the kindness of others, I have already been gifted with a few marked with my name and this event is a wonderful example of how the entire community can come together and help one another. If you are looking for a lantern with your name on it, I recommend you visit Luna first!

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Rogue Magician Murders Tavalia

Castle Britannia, Trammel, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – October 27, 2010 – by Ashlynn – Wednesday’s summit at Castle Britannia started like any other. After the attendees and their retinues had taken seats, Lady Tavalia Zodok took the roll noting down any absences as usual. Business was discussed with regards to the Kingdom and Townships before the meeting was called to a close and it seemed everyone thought it time to leave. Until the Magician arrived that is.

The Magician appears!

Kendrick Morrow was his name, famous so some say, but I haven’t heard anything of him. He said he wished to delight us all with a magic show and after spending quite some time dealing with more serious affairs of state, a little entertainment seemed welcome.

The magician started out with a few simple cantrips. Minor arcane tricks that any novice of magery could perform. The display went on for some time and it was clear a few of the more skilled amongst us were growing bored and this was soon voiced. So the magician said he would show us something a little more impressive, and that he did! After making arcane gestures with his hands and uttering words of gargish, a huge explosion ringed out from the magician leaving everyone a little shocked but certainly impressed.

But something more sinister was to come as I believe this display served only to disguise an even more impressive, yet terrible spell. Something I can only describe as a Greater Summon Fire Elemental spell. Powerful elementals of flame suddenly filled the room and began attacking all those present, causing great injury to the attendees. Everyone quickly rallied and fought them off, but in the confusion it appeared the magician had used his magics to kidnap Lady Tavalia!

It was only my recent training with a shinobi infiltrator in Tokuno that kept me alive!

We were soon joined by Commander Foxx who advised us to search the city for the magician, which we all did. Eventually we were to discover him bound and gagged at the watch tower beside the sea, and he claimed that someone had stolen his clothes and left him in this state earlier. Apparently, the magician who put on the magic show was an imposter! Possibly some form of changeling or doppleganger it was suggested, but it is also possible it could have been a powerful mage skilled in the arts of disguise. When asked about Lady Tavalia he claimed to know nothing but returned with us to the summit chamber.

Returning to the summit chamber, the “real” Morrow performed a little arcane sophistry and then informed us that some kind of bracelet had been used to kidnap Lady Tavalia, but the aura left behind would be easy to follow. And so after making a rune and weaving another spell, we were taken to a cave entrace in Southern Britannia.

Inside the cave we were shocked to discover the corpse of Lady Tavalia Zodok and the discarded clothes of The False Morrow. The real Kendrick confirmed they were the ones stolen from him. What followed was much discussion about what we were to do next, with some (including myself) still suspicious of the real Kendrick’s story. It was decided that Kendrick would be placed under house arrest while the matter was looked into by the Commander.

I was informed by Commander Foxx that the lady would receive proper last rites.

And so we are left with the question: Who is the False Kendrick? And what are his motives behind the murder of the Queen’s ambassador? Furthermore, it also leaves the summit without a representative for the Queen and an already discontent people without someone to voice their concerns to. Such a situation does not bode well for the future especially in light of recent attacks. It is certainly possible that further external pressure upon the Kingdom could bring about more serious internal unrest.

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PaxLair Statehood Meeting Notes: October 26, 2010

Aryslan, Felucca, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – October 26, 2010 – by Winfield – 

Governor Winfield led the weekly PaxLair Statehood meeting on Tuesday at 9 PM ET once again. It was attended by citizens and officials from Aryslan, Dragons Watch, Nidaros, PaxLair City, and PaxOku. Winfield returned from another week of fishing somewhere on or beyond the High Seas. He asked how last week’s meeting went and people said it was a “mobile” meeting. Savaric lead the meeting and it went from place to place for an hour or more depending on calls for aid by the Alliance. The meeting ended up as a defense of Dragons Watch giving the citizens and allies much needed entertainment.

Aryslan graciously hosted the meeting once again; this time in Northern Aryslan at their Aryslan Prayer Park. Emperor Jamlyn of Aryslan explained a little about the Park, constructed by Shef, and that the Prayer Pond seems to be connected to the Peace Pond near central Aryslan.

PaxLair Meeting in Aryslan Prayer Park

Ashlynn discovered some skeletal fish swimming in the Prayer Pond while Jamlyn said the Tower of Souls was regenerating and spewing its evilness lately. The two observations may be connected. Walt the Chemist may be needed again to examine these waters more closely.

Nanoc, Mayor of Dragons Watch recalled a recent seafaring excursion by a DW citizen. The citizen scraped barnacles from one of DW’s mighty ships and tested its sails. Then he encountered an orc ship on the High Seas. The orc ship fired cannons on the DW ship causing damage. In the end, after much ramming and cannon fire, the two ships became locked together at sea. Crews abandoned both vessels while the ships remained at sea.

Jamlyn, Emperor of Aryslan, observed the need for more unity between townships across the Realm–especially with dangers on the High Seas lately. Many in the audience agreed that working together is once again becoming a necessity … to survive in areas of the Realm. The Statehood and Alliance will also continue relations with many towns and host events.

Several events were announced for the upcoming week and then Winfield adjourned the meeting, while glancing at the skeletal fish swimming in the Prayer Pond.

The weekly PaxLair Statehood meeting is open to everyone on the shard. It is a great time to meet people and hear a lot of news. The meetings change location each week, so watch for announcements in the PaxLair Times.

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Autumn Story Contest Winners

The Sepulchre, Trammel, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – October 17, 2010 – by Ashlynn – Though it seemed many of the realm’s citizens had embarked upon a journey at sea, there were still some who had a story to share and others who wished to listen! And as in any contest, there is always a winner or two so here they are:

  • Grand Talespinner of the Autumn:  Lady Phoenix
  • Runner Up and Lady of the Leaf-filled Spring:  Lady Winmere 

Congratulations to the both of them! They both walk away with an engraved box of stuff. Thankyou to all those who turned up to either listen or share a tale. And also thanks to Benito the Boozer who helped me judge. See you all at the next one!

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Realm Establishments: Aryslan Silent Auction

South Aryslan, Felucca, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – October 12, 2010 – by Ashlynn – Aryslan has recently opened a new establishment within their town called the Silent Auction, an auction house that operates in a much different way to the more traditional kind the people of the realm are mostly familiar with. 

The Auction House even has a bar downstairs!


The owner of the establishment is a citizen of South Aryslan named Pidge and he explained to me in detail exactly how the auction works: 

Those interested in selling something simply leave their item or lot in the mailbox along with a book detailing who the seller is, an ICQ number and the minimum or starting bid. The item is then placed upstairs on a counter in the selling hall infront of a bidder’s board. Bidders can place bids by posting their bid along with their own details. Items run for about a week, tuesday to sunday. Items must be in the box by tuesday, 7am EST and bidding ends at sunday, 7pm EST. 

The selling hall where items are displayed.


I was informed that the idea for the auction house was initially conceived by Tenchu of Aryslan and I think it definately brings something unique to the community. This method of auctioning items also ensures it does not directly compete with the larger auction houses which means it is only adding something to the shard instead of dividing it. 

The auction house can be found in Felucca, South Aryslan along the coast. To get there, take the Luna Town Hub to the ruins of Old Aryslan. A house-to-house teleporter can be found in the guard tower beside the ruins. As the auction house is in felucca, be sure anything valuable is insured or left at home.

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Assault on Yew Prison

Yew Prison, Trammel, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – October 11, 2019 – by Ashlynn – A force of daemons and Bane Chosen attacked Yew Prison yesterday following the Hall of Commons meeting.

The alarm was raised at the hall by Sherry the Mouse who informed everyone what was taking place. Almost immediately most of those present at the meeting rallied at Yew Gate and made for the prison, soon joined by Queen Dawn herself who then led the hastily assembled militia against the enemy.

The enemy were concentrated near the main cell block.

After driving the enemy out of the prison, we soon learned that Ricard was missing from his cell, only a few rags and a note left behind. The Queen also informed us that her husband, Ors had also gone missing, news which was greeted with many a puzzled expression from all those gathered. It seemed some amongst the crowd were not even aware she was married!

After discovering the note, which was from someone called “V” and spoke of a meeting in Magincia, the Queen determined that a foray into the ruins of the old city would be the best course of action. We were to discover later however that it was a foolish endeavour.

As our company of volunteers ventured through the moongate to Magincia we were immediately assailed by a huge horde of blackrock golems that quickly made short work of our modest force. There were even rumours that a ship in support of the volunteers captained by Lady Rivi Ravenwynd was sank by boulders the golems hurled, such was the strength of the enemy.

It didn't take long for the golems to rout our band.

Within minutes the Queen sounded the retreat and our force fled back to the Hall of Commons, battered and bruised and smaller in number than when we had began. Though the Queen thanked us for our help, many amongst our group felt the need to make their discontent known before we all finally dispersed for the evening.

Dead, Missing or Worse?

Today however, I met a citizen in the town of New Haven named Alexis that claimed to have seen Ors in the city of Serpents Hold the previous evening. She claimed that she saw Ors speaking to an alchemist in the city, who then handed him a black satchel with the royal coat of arms on the side. When I pressed the woman for details, she said that the alchemist placed some black stones and strange white bottles into the satchel before handing it over.

I headed to the city afterwards to investigate, but the alchemist there (who was named Shawn) had little to say and only seemed interested in selling me a few potions. I did a subtle search of the shop and surrounding area but could find no evidence that could explain the items.

It remains to be seen then whether Ors is really missing, dead or has simply left. Perhaps he has loyalties to the Bane Chosen that attacked the prison, or is on some secret errand for the Queen. And how Ricardo ties into all this is even more mysterious.

Whatever the case, it is clear the Bane Chosen and their allies have greater ambitions. With the occupation of Magincia, the presence of the war camp at Spirituality Moongate and now two missing people (one of which is the Queen’s husband), all the people of Britannia can do is maintain a vigilant watch.

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