PaxLair Meeting: November 30, 2010

PaxLair Statehood, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – November 24, 2010 – by Ashlynn – The next meeting will be held as follows:

  • Date: Tuesday, November 30, 2010
  • Time:  9 PM ET
  • Location:  Ruined Keep opposite the Twin Oaks Tavern, Ilshenar, Chesapeake
  • Directions:  A rune to the meeting location will be placed below the messageboard at the Tea House in PaxOku but not by me. Someone else is going to have to do it.  Gates can be provided if needed; just shout out in the Shard’s PaxLair chat channel.
  • More: There are no benches but I’ll bring some. And I’ll bring cake as someone asked for that. And maybe some pizza too; I’ll just leave an order with Lady Lenora.

We need to finalise some things about the jeopardy game and I need to use some leadership skills I think (hah!).

The site of a tragic tale which I'll tell you all more of on the night!

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PaxLair Statehood Meeting Notes: November 23, 2010

Dinner Hall, Dungeon Covetous, Trammel (PaxLair Times) – November 23, 2010 – by Winfield – Governor Winfield led the weekly PaxLair Statehood meeting on Tuesday, November 23, 2010 at 9:30 PM ET. The meeting was delayed so people could turn in food items for the hungry in Britain. He held the meeting in Dungeon Covetous in a very pleasant, decaying, dinner hall. He introduced the dungeon as Jane’s Dungeon for Jane Douleur — the Mistress of Pain, Crimson Fist of Mazrim. Jane explained her dungeon was magical and undead, with many levels to reach a person’s demise.

PaxLair Meeting in Covetous (Jane Douleur's Dungeon)

Jonathan winvane introduced himself as an elf recently returned to the Realm after a 10 year sleep. His wife is Mary Alice who also has returned. Shylin also arrived as a follower of Queen Zen.

Governor Winfield said he would be on a fishing trip for a few days and asked Ashlynn to run the next PaxLair meeting in a place of her choosing. It’s a goal to hold PaxLair meetings in different, interesting places.

Lady Phoenix of Dragons Watch said there will be turkey shoots tomorrow. The turkeys are very large and mean. There’s also an EM event on Saturday called “Storming the Gates” … an adventure not to be missed! A gate will be at Luna Bank at 8 PM ET on Saturday, Nov 27.

Grimlar Mithrax reported all is quiet in PaxOku.

Se’an Silverfoot thanked Dragons Watch and PaxOku for the Holiday Feast and Net Toss Hunt last Saturday, Nov 20.

Mayor Zanku reported the Pride of Nidaros has been active in pirate hunting. Nidaros and Aryslan are sister cities and therefore have combined fleet activities at times. The fleets are still active in recruiting new crew members. Also, the Blood Regata practice run will be coming up soon on Dec 14 [changed now to Dec 15].

Many people at the meeting

Enterprise reported that Aryslan will be starting up the Casino nights again, led by Jane Douleur. The Casino Night is held every Sunday before the HOC meeting. Aryslan also completed it 3rd Orc Ship and capturing pirates with Nidaros. Aryslan also has a vendor house north of Luna near the mountain, call Aryslan Commons. There is a house teleporter at the Bow and Whip in Aryslan. The sales there are 10-20% lower than Luna prices. Enterprise continues to plan the Jeopardy Trivia game.

Jane Douleur announced Aryslan will be holding a Holiday Event with a special visitor … Mazrim Claws. The date will be announced.

PaxLair’s Holiday Party with Sunta Clomps is Dec 16. And Santa Claws will make rounds through Dragons Watch and Gyldenfeld.

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Feasts, Fiends and Friends

Dragons Watch, Felucca, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – November 20, 2010 – by Ashlynn – This saturday was a long and eventful one that began with a fine feast and ended with a ferocious battle all spent in the company of good friends.

The evening began with a meal and celebration of Thanksgiving held at the tavern in Dragon’s Watch. During the event, Lady Phoenix ran a game which involved bringing two guests to the tavern with names that combined into one belonging to someone famous in this realm or the “other”. Sadly, I was not quick enough and failed miserably at the task, but a few were successful!

Dragon's Watch has a very homely tavern!

After an hour had passed, it was time for Lady Tatania to host her own little event: A net toss on the docks of Buccaneers Den. The plan was to lure up a few serpents and even a mighty scalis for us to bring down. It sounded easy enough especially with our numbers and so, with a gentle splash the nets went into the water and we waited, arrows nocked and blades drawn.

The battle was long and arduous and it seemed our lack of tactics and forward planning had begun to show as the pile of grey robes outside the healers grew ever higher. With many of us having never faced a Scalis before, we didn’t really know what to expect, and it was only with the aid of reinforcements from the guild, CAT, that we were finally able to bring the creature down.

I was the scourge of those little eels. Sadly, of little effect against the Scalis itself.

Sadly, it seems for all our trouble, there was very little reward for any of us. Though Nightmare Krynn of CAT did reward Lady Winmere with an artifact called a Smiling Moon Blade for her exemplary efforts in keeping everyone on their feet.

In the end though, we were victorious and the evening was a very enjoyable one for all involved (or so I hope, I imagine the insurance costs for some, including myself, were pretty high!). We also offer thanks to the guild of CAT for all their help, without which we’d still be at the docks fruitlessly throwing spells at the thing!

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A Carnival of Chaos

Pitmuck, Trammel, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – November 19, 2010 – by Ashlynn – This evening the realm was treated to an anarchic celebration by the little green folk of the island of Pitmuck. What they were celebrating, I am still not entirely sure, possibly a “berfday” of some sort, but who knows!

Events began at 7:30pm shortly after I arrived clad in my best protective vestements. Visitors gathered in the mouth of the ice cream cave (or perhaps the mouth of hell) before being taken deeper inside to be treated to the ice cream Pitmuck’s residents are most famous for. Though I must add, I didn’t try any myself as it would have involved removing my herb-filled mask.

This is apparently where the ice cream is made. Note that I saw no cattle on the island.

A double-elimination format darts tournament followed with a stuffed mongbat making a fine target. The game was quite difficult though, with the narrow lenses of my mask not helping matters any (I performed abysmally in other words). Who won in the end and what their prize was, I don’t quite remember (I’ll be sure to update when I find out) but everyone made a great effort with the chaotic atmosphere ensuring a good time was had by all!

Not your average tournament!

Following the tournement, the little imps gave everyone a tour of their little island, though we were rudely interrupted by the things that were said to be lurking in the woods. Things that turned out to be ancient wyrms and blood elementals amongst others! But they were soon dispatched by the guests, a few injuries aside, and the remainder of the tour proceeded without incident.

As the last formal event concluded, the guests slowly began to make their way back to their homes, but I must admit that the goblimps hosted a fine event and even I managed to have a little fun. So we all give our thanks for them for tonights fun (and slightly strange) celebration!

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Delucian Gypsy Caravan Attacked

Delucia, Trammel, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – November 18, 2010 – by Ashlynn – A large number of volunteers gathered this evening to help escort a valuable caravan of goods from a gypsy camp at the southern tip of Britannia to the City of Delucia.

Responding to the call for aid, the hastily assembled militia led by Captain Gwen Irina (who I must note appears to have received a promotion) began the long trek to Delucia and the initial leg of the journey passed without incident. Events then took a more sinister turn as we discovered the tunnel to the City had collapsed and we were forced to take a longer route, running a gauntlet of attacks and skirmishes by daemons and other creatures along the way.

The caravan prepares to set off from the gypsy encampment.

The caravan was also forced to pass through a fortified savage camp, with the occupants taking particular offence at our intrusion and summoning the aid of enraged jungle denizens to punish us for our transgression.

As we spotted Delucia on the horizon, we were ambushed one final time but our large band was easily able to hold off the attackers. One defender by the name of Loge, even picked up a sword engraved with the initials “M.T.” for his troubles.

After arriving at the city, the Gypsies quickly set up their market stands and began to unload their wares. Who was behind the attacks and why they attacked the caravan is unknown. I can only speculate that the caravan must have been carrying large quantities of saltpeter, black powder or something of similar value to be worth attacking.

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Event Reminders!

A Tiny Study in the Sepulchre, Trammel, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – November 18, 2010 – by Ashlynn – The Times would like to remind all readers of a couple of upcoming events this weekend. All events are open to all and are sure to be great fun so come along.

Pitmuck Celebration

Taking place this coming friday beginning at 7:30pm by the eastern clock, it will no doubt be a mockery of any comparable human festival. Apparently, there will be ice cream (I wouldn’t recommend eating it) and something lurking in the woods (me), as well as all the general madness you can expect from the little green imps. Your dutiful reporter will be there though (albeit in the attire of a plague doctor, just incase!).

Thanksgiving Dinner and Lady Tatania’s Net Toss

At 8pm this coming saturday, Dragon’s Watch will be hosting a Thanksgiving Dinner at their tavern. Following this glorious feast and assuming an overdose of turkey doesn’t put everyone to sleep, there will be a Net Toss at 9pm hosted by Lady Tatania, the Mayor of PaxOku. We may “fish up” a mighty Scalis, so everyone be armed appropriately!

I hope to see lots of people there!

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Sailing a Blood-red Sea (Weekly Sailing Expedition)

Sea Market, Trammel, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – November 17, 2010 – by Ashlynn – After several previous forays upon the high seas over the past few weeks, today marked the beginning of what is hoped to be a weekly maritime voyage by the alliance. Expeditions that it is hoped will make us rich and ensure the seas are safer for all to travel upon!

To some of us aboard, those strange iron tubes meant something.

Our band arrived at Jhelom docks (which included would-be sailors from all across the alliance, as well as a few who knew how to actually operate a ship such as Captain Norwind) just after the hour of nine o’clock ready to board the Pride of Nidaros. The ship was a six-gun galley of orcish design owned by the town of Nidaros, but appeared to be sailing under the Aryslan flag. Captain Judge would be the mariner in charge of our crew and bringing a dread corsair to justice would be our mission.

We sailed to Sea Market to pick up our commission which we soon discovered was for the capture of a dread pirate by the name of Fat Patch Rachel. After ensuring the ship was suitably provisioned and everyone was aware of their role, we pulled up the anchor and set sail!

We dock at Sea Market to see which scourge of the high seas will become our prey!

Tracking our prey took a little time and along the way, we spotted the ruined silhouette of another vessel dead in the water on the horizon. We stopped briefly to investigate, but found only an empty hold and a lifeless deck and so onwards we sailed, only a short time passing before we caught up with our enemy. A fierce battle ensued with our ship sustaining heavy damage, but we eventually overcame Rachel and her crew and it was not long before her crew lay dead and she was in irons on our deck.

Our crew engages in fierce ship-to-ship fighting!

Back to Sea Market we went, stopping at a nearby desert island along the way to make some repairs. Turning in our bounty earned us each a share of gold doubloons, some schematics for an ugly orcish ship and some strange cannon shot marked with arcane runes of ice and fire.

We all get a little rest and a little to drink before our next voyage.

We were sat in the grubby little tavern at Sea Market, considering our next course of action when Lord Enterprise announced that he had just finished preperations to launch a new ship of his own, finally able to finish the vessel with some of the plans we had been rewarded with. So to the docks were headed to see for ourselves as the Bloody Bone was lowered gently into the waters to the cheers of the onlookers. Before leaving us stranded at the wooden atoll as Captain Enterprise sailed away without us!

Captain Enterprise's ship was quite swift when it came to leaving us.

Eventually though, it was decided that we would hunt down another pirate, this time in the much more treacherous waters of Felucca, and the Bloody Bone would be our sword against the red corsair menace! A menace this time that went by the name of the Bloody Tooth.

With some of our green crew now familiar with the operation of a ship, we were much more efficient this time in dealing with our prey, firing volley after volley of shot and cutting down those aboard with ease. The enemy ship was soon a floating devestated hulk, demasted and taking on water. Our own ship on the otherhand had taken only light damage and there were no injuries to report.

With our prisoner secure on deck, we sailed back to Sea Market for our reward, which was much the same as on our previous venture, but the schematics will surely prove useful. Our group celebrated briefly, but as the hour was late, we all decided to return to our cabins to rest for the night.

And so the evening was both productive and interesting and it is hoped it will be the first of many regular expeditions to come, some which will surely involve more than mere pirate hunting. It is intended that such events will take place every wednesday at 9pm by the eastern clock and all aspiring quartermasters are urged and welcome to join a crew for the night.

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PaxLair 13th Anniversary Dates Announced

PaxLair City, Felucca, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – November 17, 2010 – by Winfield – The PaxLair 13th Anniversary is scheduled for January 15-19, 2011.  The actual anniversary date is January 19th when the City of PaxLair was founded by The Band guild in 1998.  According to a PaxLair decree, the Anniversary celebration is held for several days.

People are already planning events that will span across the shard.  Some will be tested before the Anniversary.  As always, PaxLair and its cities welcome all who come in the spirit of peace and neutrality for the celebration.

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Nidaros is planning the Blood Regata

Nidaros, Trammel, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – November 17, 2010 – by Winfield – Mayor Zanku is planning a “Blood Regata” challenge on the High Seas. A month ago he proposed the event and there’s been some great interest. Stay informed on the dates, rules, and how to enter by following the UO Forums note here.

Zanku’s original thoughts for the Blood Regata were as follows. They may change by the time ships set sail.

Hoist up the sails and pull up the anchor. The races are about to begin.  After attending a Town Hall meeting in Aryslan last night, (10/18), the idea of another “Boat Race” had been brought up. But this time, with a twist.

The ships will start in Aryslan with a captain & full crew and will be directed to certain land points in order to pick up unknown cargo. From there the ships would continue to yet another point and pick up more cargo and then return to Aryslan with their goods in tow. BUT, here’s the twist. Slow your opponents down by means of cannon fire only in order to gain the lead. If you see a competitor coming up on your sides or in front of you, or even gaing on your rear, open fire and try to slow him down to the point where you can gain the lead. (It’s all-out cannon warfare) on the open seas. BUT, there is one major rule of the race.


It’s a boat race with a twist and fun, not open PVP warfare on the open seas. (Thats for another time,lol).
Please watch the forums and such for more details and times of this upcoming event.

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PaxLair Statehood Meeting Notes: November 16, 2010

Paladin Tower, Delucia, Trammel (PaxLair Times) – November 16, 2010 – by Winfield – Governor Winfield led the weekly PaxLair Statehood meeting on Tuesday, November 16, 2010 at 9 PM ET. It was attended by citizens and officials from Aryslan, Dragons Watch, Nidaros, PaxLair City, Pitmuck, and PaxOku. The meeting was held at the Paladin Tower in Delucia to recognize the Paladins. In fact, Nanoc, Zanku, and Ashlynn all stepped forward and each explained what it was like to be a Paladin.

Mayor Nanoc of Dragons Watch reported much sailing activity on the High Seas. Alarion of ATD also won the weekly fishing tournament by catching a 172 stone giant koi. Sushi of DW also caught an 82 stone one. Se’an Silverfoot will host an archery tournament at PaxLair’s 13th Anniversary in January.

Mayor Tatania of PaxOku reported all is in excellent shape in PaxOku. PaxOku will host a net toss on Saturday, November 20th at 9 PM ET at the Jehlom docks in Trammel.

Mayor Zanku of Nidaros reported much time has been spent on the High Seas too. In fact, Nidaros now has an Orc Ship. Zanku is continuing work on the Blood Regata mentioned at the last meeting. A test run is scheduled for December 4th.

Governor Winfield reported for PaxLair City stating that Orcmas will be celebrated at Luigi’s Pizzeria in PaxLair City on December 16th. Lenora is hosting the event. Winfield said Mayor Ga’kuct still needs everyone’s named pumpkins so Sunta Clompz can prepare gifts for the people; give pumpkins to Ga’kuct personally, or drop in Governor Winfield’s mailbox at the Tea House.

Ozog Giantfart reported the Goblins are growing in numbers. He introduced Logan Spiderleaf, a new goblin in Pitmuck. He said a girly goblin was coming soon along with two more goblins. Then in the near future 2 more goblins are coming. Then Ozog re-announced the big Playground Fun event at Pitmuck on Friday, November 19 at 7:30 PM ET. All are invited!

PaxLair Meeting at Paladins Tower in Delucia - Logan, a new Goblin, is introduced.

Enterprise of Aryslan reported there is significant activity on the High Seas against pirates. Aryslan also has two orc ships with a third almost built. Enterprise is continuing to plan the Jeopardy-like game for the PaxLair 13th Anniversary. He will reach Legend of DW regarding a large house to use. As a backup, Ashlynn and Tatania offered their houses too.

Nanoc announced the Thanksgiving Dinner will be held on Saturday, November 20th at 8 PM ET, one hour before PaxOku’s net toss.

Ashlynn suggested a weekly naval event that can vary from pirate hunting to fishing to combat. Each week can change as the people choose. The event will start tomorrow, Wednesday, November 17 at 9 PM ET at Jehlom Docks, Trammel and weekly thereafter. The event may be pre-empted by the Queen’s Summit meetings if they are held on a particular Wednesday.

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