Rivenmyst Palace and Lighthouse

N of Britain and on Pitmuck Isle, Trammel, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – December 5, 2010 – by Winfield – Queen Zen of the Kingdom of Rivenmyst (KRM) announced that her palace is decorated for the holidays. It is open for all to explore. It is also connected to the Lookout Point Island Lighthouse (on Pitmuck Isle). You can see their locations below.

Rivenmyst Royal Palace (Queen Zen)

Lookout Point Island Lighthouse

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Aryslan Commons Vendor Station

N of Luna, Malas, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – December 5, 2010 – by Winfield –Aryslan mentioned a few weeks ago they established a vendor house north of Luna.  It boasts discounted prices compared to Luna prices.  It is located as shown below.

Aryslan Commons Vendor Station

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PaxLair Meeting: December 7, 2010

PaxLair Statehood, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – December 4, 2010 – by Winfield – The next meeting will be held as follows:

  • Date: Tuesday, November 30, 2010
  • Time:  7 PM ET – note time change for this night only
  • Location:  Ruined Keep opposite the Twin Oaks Tavern, Ilshenar, Chesapeake
  • Directions:  It’s in Ilshenar at the ruined keep opposite the Twin Oaks Tavern. But you can’t recall into Ilshenar. Shout out in Alliance or PaxLair Chat if you need help. Guides will be on hand at Sacrifice Moongate for those who need one as Spirituality is currently overrun by Bane Chosen and they aren’t friendly to all of us. Plus, there is a pixie-filled forest nearby too and they aren’t friendly to everyone either!
  • More: There are no benches but we’ll bring some. 
  • The site of a tragic tale which we'll tell you all more of on the night!

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Events Calendar System Added to PaxLair Times

PaxLair Statehood, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – December 4, 2010 – by Winfield – PaxLair has added an Events Calendar to help everyone keep track of upcoming events.  You can see a list of upcoming events in the right menu, and a link to the FULL EVENTS CALENDAR.

The Events Full Calendar and the Side List

Winfield is is currently maintaining the Calendar information.  So, give him updates.

However, we are recruiting people to help keep it current since Winfield goes fishing a lot.  Keeping it current is not hard; it just requires about 30 minutes of training.  The Calendar is only as good as the information.  If you are interested, please reach Winfield.

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Weather Predictions for the Month of December

Moonglow, Trammel, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – December 3, 2010 – by Therrin, Master of the Orrery – Having spent the past few weeks looking to the skies as well into the misty crystal ball of knowledge, I am able to make the following predictions about this month’s weather:

It took many acolytes and a week of work to assemble this highly detailed weather map.

Britannia will face heavy snow and blizzards. The land will be dressed in a blanket of white and the trees shall pierce the veil like blackened claws reaching for the sky. Many animals will sleep and the roads will be hard going for any merchants seeking to move their wares.

Except for Nujelm. Break out the sun chairs and the summer cider because it’s in for another heatwave!

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Gyldenfeld Celebrate Banner Anniversary

Gyldenfeld, Trammel, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – December 2, 2010 – by Ashlynn – A small ceremony was held in the town of Gyldenfeld today in order celebrate a year since construction of the first town banner in the realm.

The large Gyldenfeld standard looked quite impressive!

Mayor Tancred gave a small speech at the ceremony before he was whisked away to Castle Britannia for official township business, leaving everyone who attended with a token of his appreciation in the form of a red wolf.

The past year has been quite a busy one for all townships throughout the land and we all look forward to what the future may hold in the months ahead.

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Confronting Corgul

A Slowly Sinking Island, Felucca, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – December 1, 2010 – by Ashlynn – For this week’s maritime venture, various members of the alliance were invited to join the guild of SHE in an effort to hunt down the creature known as Corgul, which we did. Twice!

SHE were kind enough to provide transport in the form of a seven-gun orcish war galley (though I forget the name of the ship), as well as a crew skilled in operating the vessel. As we would be sailing the dangerous waters of Felucca to find the lost island of Corgul, it was comforting to know we would be able to fend off any errant buccaneers.

We come under immediate assault from the soulbound during our "C-Day" landing.

We quickly located the island, making landfall but immediately coming under attack from Corgul’s soulbound slaves. Still, we fought them off and after a long battle, even Corgul fell to our spells and blades. Unfortunately, as his body hit the sand, the island began to rumble and slowly sink into the sea, forcing us to hurry and board the waiting ship.

Sensing that perhaps Corgul had regenerated quickly from his wounds, we decided we would seek him out once again and it wasn’t long before the cartographers amongst us had located the island. Once again we engaged Corgul in battle and again he fell, hopefully for a little longer this time.

Corgul quickly fell to our combined might!

For our efforts, we found a number of interesting items; strange arcane books and a sash or two that smelled like rotting sea weed. I was even fortunate enough to recover an incredibly useful Transcendence Scroll of Arms Lore which I am considering taking with me to the Auction House in Zedland!

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Statehood Meeting Postponed

PaxLair Statehood, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – November 30, 2010 – by 2010 – It is my duty to post an update regarding the meeting that was supposed to happen this evening but was interrupted by other events! Due to the Solstice Faire being held this evening, the PaxLair Statehood meeting is postponed until the Thursday 2nd December.

All are welcome at the meeting and we shall discuss topics that were originally intended at tonight’s meeting, including the Jeopardy project amongst others! I hope to see you all there!

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Statehood Meeting Reminder

PaxLair Statehood, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – November 29, 2010 – by Ashlynn – Just a little update regarding the upcoming meeting on Tuesday:

These don't work!

It’s in Ilshenar at the ruined keep opposite the Twin Oaks Tavern. But you can’t recall into Ilshenar. Guides will be on hand at Sacrifice Moongate for those who need one as Spirituality is currently overrun by Bane Chosen and they aren’t friendly to all of us. Plus, there is a pixie-filled forest nearby too and they aren’t friendly to everyone either!

Tuesday, 9pm EST. We will be discussing the Jeopardy project amongst other things! The meeting is of course open to all who wish to attend. See you all there!

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Beyond the Frozen Gates

Moonglow, Trammel, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – November 27, 2010 – by Ashlynn – In the wake of the attack on the Gypsy Caravan earlier in the month, the sealed rune recovered from the skirmishes had been delivered to Lord Balandar in an effort to crack the arcane lock upon it and lead us directly to those responsible. And tonight the Royal Militia rallied at Castle Britannia as it appeared the Queen’s magician had done just that.

We were taken from the castle to Lord Balandar’s home in Moonglow where we were told that the seals upon the rune had finally been broken, or at least were about to be. Five minutes and an impressive incantation later and a moongate opened to a snow-swept isle defended by high walls of frozen, roughly-hewn rock. Before us stood glacial doors but before we could break those down, we had to deal with the defenders guarding them.

The temple was defended by many frozen guardians.

Once inside, we discovered a temple or tomb of sorts, similar to one I had previously seen in Ter-Mur, and after fighting our way through the frozen elementals and ice daemons, we arrived at the heart of the complex. Five magic circles filled the room, each with a different elemental inscription, one each for earth, water, air, fire and chaos. The gathered crowds quickly deduced that perhaps elementals and even a summoned daemon could solve this puzzle for us, and sure enough, it worked! Another gate opened and onwards we pressed.

The Militia summon elementals to "unlock" the way forward.

We found ourselves in front of a great castle in the frozen wilderness. The castle was defended by ratfolk, yet more ice daemons and even white wyrms perched on each of the castle’s towers. While some of the militia took a direct approach and stormed the front gates, others took to ladders on the east wall, clambering up over the battlement between the merlons and engaging the defenders directly.

I tried the front gates at first, but the walls were definitely a better option...

The battle was a long one and I decided to stalk the castle halls as it raged. Inside I discovered a number of interesting items. Statues and arms dedicated to a Lord Tomlinson, some of which appeared to be gifts from Lord British. And a number of books including a guard’s log that recorded details of the attack on the Gypsy Caravan. From my investigations, it appeared that they sought fragments of a map, though to what end, I do not know.

Soon the defenders inside were vanquished, but it seemed The Magician, or at least the image of him, called upon the spirits of the earth to tear down the castle as he made his escape. The walls fell in around us and many found themselves trapped in a pile of rubble at the centre. While some took to looting, others investigated the area nearby and discovered a hole deep into the ground.

The hole appeared to have only been dug recently.

The Militia moved quickly underground, fighting off yet more frozen elementals and ratmen. Deep inside the caves, we found a mighty beast made of solid ice that stood waist-deep in a cold pool of water. Upon entry it grew enraged and attacked us all, inflicting many causalities, but after a hard-fought battle, we were finally able to defeat it.

Our reward for the night’s adventure was another piece of the map the Magician craved hidden in a frozen chamber beyond and Lord Balandar soon told us that there was now only one piece left to recover; that held by the Magician himself.

The map lay upon an altar made of ice in the middle of a pool.

Returning to Moonglow, Lord Balandar and Captain Gwen thanked us all for assisting them but warned us the stay vigilant as the Magician would surely come to take the pieces we now held. We were then all dismissed to contemplate the night’s events before resting. It will certainly be interesting to see where this map takes us once it is assembled and just what he will attack us with in the wake of the devastating blow we struck him this eve.

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