UO House of Commons – March 1, 2011

In the Ether… (PaxLair Times) – March 3, 2011 – by Winfield – There was a great discourse in the ether on March 1, 2011 with the gods of the Realm.  Dekard of a place called uojournal.com posted the summaries and the transcripts.  Read about many things from rebuiding Magincia to New Experiences for the “young”.

See the uojournal.com blog here.

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The Story Of Blacwin, Vampire

PaxLair City, Felucca, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – February 28, 2011 – by Blacwin – Blacwin once was a monk. He and Brother Guido sought refuge in Paxlair after their monastery burned down. They were given permission by Winfield to reside in one of the two towers there to continue their studies as long as they promised to help heal the people of Paxlair or others who sought help there.

Maggie, who resided in Paxlair at the time, caught Blacwin’s eye. Brother Guido found them as they lay together in the straw of the stables. Blacwin was immediately defrocked and sent running. Maggie, in the mean time, took Blackwin’s crook and severely beat Guido with it for interrupting her and the monk. Tired of running, Blacwin found himself, in the maw of the Orc dungeon near Paxlair. The orcs that captured him owed their allegiance to the Lich Savaric. They bound him and brought him to one of the various places Savaric calls home.

The Lich studied Blacwin as he lay entranced by the lich’s evil gaze. Blacwin revealed all that he had done in his life. The Lich was interested in the monk’s dexterity with bandaging the wounded. Savaric’s new slave was set to the task of healing the orcs under Savaric’s command. Impressed by Blacwin’s handiwork, Savaric sent Blacwin to study as a thief in the Buccaneer’s Den. He soon learned to steal deftly and to move unnoticed by most beings. His new task was to obtain artifacts the Lich desired from various dungeons, far off places, and even the Abyss.

Recently, Blacwin had been given orders to obtain the matter from the corrupted well in Mazrim’s Tower near Aryslan. He and a escort of orcs approached the tower but were attacked by spirits. The orcs were slain and Blacwin fled. In the Dark Wood he was attacked by a vampiress, clad in armour. She jumped upon him from her mount and drained him of most of his blood. She left him there to die. The Lich sensed Blacwin’s soul retreating to the afterlife. Savaric, himself, appeared though a magical gate and took Blacwin to the Dungeon of Fire. The Vampiric Mages there finished the job the vampire of Aryslan had not: they made him immortal.

The Lich sent Blacwin again to gather the matter contained in the corrupted well of Mazrim. His fate is still to be revealed.

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PaxLair Meeting: March 1, 2011

PaxLair Statehood, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – February 28, 2011 – by Winfield – The next meeting will be held as follows:

  • Date: Tuesday, March 1, 2011
  • Time:  9:00 PM ET
  • Location:  Silent Rose Library and Theatre, PaxOku, Homare-jima, Tokuno, Chesapeake
  • Directions:  Located directly SE of the Tea House and PaxOku Banner
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The Passing of Queen Dawn

Court of Justice, Trammel, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – February 27, 2011 – by Ashlynn – The state funeral of Queen Dawn was held at the Court of Justice in Yew this evening, and just as events surrounding the Queen were interesting in life, so too were they in death. It is already well known that the Queen was assassinated by her own husband, Orrs, some time ago and many had come to the funeral to pay their respects.

Veteran of the Jukan War, Dasha, says a few words on behalf of the late Queen.

An old friend of the Queen had made the journey to Yew to lead the ceremony. Dasha the Meer spoke of the time they both fought against the Juka and Lord Blackthorn all across Ilshenar and cautioned against support of VirtueBane, claiming he was evil incarnate.

Commander Drake Foxx and Avery both said a few words about the late Queen before members of the gathered crowd were asked if they wished to say anything. Despite a few inappropriate comments, a few amongst those seated did have something to say and were given the opportunity, but almost immediately after they were done, another visitor made an appearance at the ceremony.

It was VirtueBane himself! Come to steal the Queen’s remains so I heard though what he would do with them, I can not fathom. Supported by a company of Blackrock Golems, VirtueBane attacked Captain Gwen and the assembled crowd while I myself just ran for cover, preferring to watch things unfold.

VirtueBane and his Blackrock Golems interrupt the event to bring us all an important announcement. One that involved a lot of carnage.

The battle soon moved from the Courthouse to the fields outside where many skirmished with VirtueBane and golems alike, the crowd eventually gaining the upper hand and forcing the infernal Lord to withdraw. However, during the fierce melee it seems Captain Gwen was severely injured and she was soon taken to the healers in Serpent’s Hold by way of a magic portal where is seemed she recovered rather quickly.

As to the motives behind VirtueBane’s attack, these remain completely unclear. It will certainly be interesting to see what he decides to do next now that Britannia lacks a monarch and most of the Kingdom is now in his grasp.

Posted in Bane Chosen, Britannia Towns, Shard Event, Yew | Comments Off on The Passing of Queen Dawn

PaxLair Meeting, February 22, 2011

PaxLair Statehood, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – February 22, 2011 – by Winfield – The next meeting will be held as follows:

  • Date: Tuesday, February 22, 2011
  • Time:  9:00 PM ET
  • Location:  Silent Rose Library and Theatre, PaxOku, Homare-jima, Tokuno, Chesapeake
  • Directions:  Located directly SE of the Tea House and PaxOku Banner
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PaxLair Meeting: February 15, 2011

PaxLair Statehood, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – February 15, 2011 – by Winfield – The next meeting will be held as follows:

  • Date: Tuesday, February 15, 2011
  • Time:  9:00 PM ET
  • Location:  Mage Tower, PaxLair City, Felucca, Chesapeake
  • Directions:  A teleporter with scales on top is on the Tea House step in PaxOku, Tokuno
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PaxLair Meeting: February 8, 2011

PaxLair Statehood, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – February 8, 2011 – by Winfield – The next meeting will be held as follows:

  • Date: Tuesday, February 8, 2011
  • Time:  9:00 PM ET
  • Location:  Mage Tower, PaxLair City, Felucca, Chesapeake
  • Directions:  A teleporter with scales on top is on the Tea House step in PaxOku,
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Corruption Device Constructed in Paxlair City

PaxLair City, Felucca, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – February 5, 2011 – by Ashlynn – On a quick visit to PaxLair City earlier this evening, I was shocked to find that a large and sinister machine built mostly of stone had been constructed in the city!

I felt brave enough to defy Lord Savaric in his presence!

It was not long before I was approached by the architect of the device, Lord Savaric the Lich himself! He claimed that the oversized contraption was both a pump and cistern of some kind and that it was drawing up water from the aquifer below the ground before adding some kind of strange poisonous liquid to it and pumping it back down!

Worse still, the Lich claimed that the aquifer being poisoned was the same that fed the Spring of Courage and his ultimate goal was to corrupt and poison both it and it’s keeper! As I paced through the putrid water of the system’s cistern, I could feel the vile nature of it around my feet and a sickly scent filled the air.

I myself felt brave enough to let Lord Savaric know that I would not let this come to pass and that I would report on events immediately. I also know from past experience with similar incidents that there is still time to save the spring, but it is running out and we all must act fast if we are to prevent the spring and the surrounding area becoming a lifeless waste.

The stones of the construction itself were warded by powerful magics making taking a simple pick to the structure of little use, though I believe there may be an alchemical or engineering solution to the problem, but it will require much investigation and I urge all to look into the matter as soon as possible!

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PaxLair Meeting: February 1, 2011

PaxLair Statehood, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – January 25, 2011 – by Winfield – The next meeting will be held as follows:

  • Date: Tuesday, February 1, 2011
  • Time:  9:00 PM ET
  • Location:  Deuce’s Vinculum Inn, NW of Honor Shrine, Ilshenar, Chesapeake
  • Directions:  Directly NW of the Honor Shrine/Moongate in Islhenar.
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A Solstice Celebration

Luna Fairground, Malas, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – January 26, 2011 – by Ashlynn – The Solstice Fair took place this evening and the main event of the night was drunken darts, though fortunately no one staggered in front of any dart throwers (that I saw anyway).

I can only imagine people were putting all that smuggled booze to good use.

The turnout was quite big and there were many registrations so in the end I decided it best to just watch incase the call for my name was lost over the noise of the crowd. From what I could tell, it played like a regular game of darts but all players were required to imbibe huge ammounts of alcohol before throwing. Fortunately, it seemed most of those present had a cast iron stomach and I saw few people pass out from the effort.

Sadly, the gods decided to break my spiritual link to the realm temporarily and I fell into a slumber without ever knowing the results. All I got for my trouble was a grass-stained dress and something of a head ache!

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