Court of Justice, Trammel, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – February 27, 2011 – by Ashlynn – The state funeral of Queen Dawn was held at the Court of Justice in Yew this evening, and just as events surrounding the Queen were interesting in life, so too were they in death. It is already well known that the Queen was assassinated by her own husband, Orrs, some time ago and many had come to the funeral to pay their respects.
An old friend of the Queen had made the journey to Yew to lead the ceremony. Dasha the Meer spoke of the time they both fought against the Juka and Lord Blackthorn all across Ilshenar and cautioned against support of VirtueBane, claiming he was evil incarnate.
Commander Drake Foxx and Avery both said a few words about the late Queen before members of the gathered crowd were asked if they wished to say anything. Despite a few inappropriate comments, a few amongst those seated did have something to say and were given the opportunity, but almost immediately after they were done, another visitor made an appearance at the ceremony.
It was VirtueBane himself! Come to steal the Queen’s remains so I heard though what he would do with them, I can not fathom. Supported by a company of Blackrock Golems, VirtueBane attacked Captain Gwen and the assembled crowd while I myself just ran for cover, preferring to watch things unfold.
The battle soon moved from the Courthouse to the fields outside where many skirmished with VirtueBane and golems alike, the crowd eventually gaining the upper hand and forcing the infernal Lord to withdraw. However, during the fierce melee it seems Captain Gwen was severely injured and she was soon taken to the healers in Serpent’s Hold by way of a magic portal where is seemed she recovered rather quickly.
As to the motives behind VirtueBane’s attack, these remain completely unclear. It will certainly be interesting to see what he decides to do next now that Britannia lacks a monarch and most of the Kingdom is now in his grasp.