PaxLair Meeting: April 12, 2011

PaxLair Statehood, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – April 12, 2011 – by Winfield – The next meeting will be held as follows:

  • Date: Tuesday, April 12, 2011
  • Time:  9:00 PM ET
  • Location:  Mage Tower, PaxLair City, Felucca, Chesapeake
  • Directions:  A teleporter with scales on top is on the Tea House step in PaxOku, Tokuno
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PaxLair Bestiary – Wraith

Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – April 8, 2011 – by Ashlynn – Being the semi-incorporeal form of those long passed away, these spirits haunt the resting grounds of the dead driven, one can only presume, by a jealous hatred of the living. Wicked ethereal talons are not the only weapons in their undead arsenal as these shades are able to bring black magic to bear upon their opponents also.

From the Notes of Sarall Saravius, Scholar of Umbra:

Though such creatures are surely tainted by an evil only undeath seems to inflict, we must always remember that just as there is no perfect good, so too there is no utter evil. These restless spirits were once our kin: our sisters and brothers, friends and enemies. Each walked the land once, the breath of life filling them with all manner of hopes and dreams. Should you encounter one and emerge victorious, consider examining the remains of such a ghast and the mundane nature of many an item it carries. Such a thing will give you insight into the life they once had and long for once more.

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Captain Blackfoot Spotted! (But Probably at the Bottom of a Bottle)

Britain, Trammel, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – April 7, 2011 – by Ashlynn – Whilst imbibing vast quantities of a strange green drink in one of Britain City’s seedier dives, I was approached by a scruffy man in his fifties with a glass eye and a large dirty-white beard. Claiming to be a sailor on board the merchantman Demeter, he said he recognized me as the infamous reporter from the Times and having read a recent article about Captain Blackfoot, wished to relate a tale to me.

Ahoy there Cap'n Blackfoot!

As it went, he and his crew had just picked up a few more “crimps” in Jhelom and were heading north to Britain and then onwards to Vesper. The sailor (I never did get his name) was up on deck enjoying something called a nipperkin before retiring for the eve when off in the distance amongst the broken coast of Southern Britannia, he was sure he spotted a small yawl pulled up onto a beach. Taking out his trusty spyglass (it had a name though I can’t remember what it was but I spent a good half-hour trying to get him to simply say spyglass) he took a closer look and “by the gods!” as he put it, “That there be ol’ bastard Blackfoot!”. And he was burying treasure too!

So of course I tried to get a location out of the old sea dog, but apparently he was so loaded to the gunwhales (whatever that means) that he couldn’t remember where exactly it was. But he was certainly sure of what he had seen. Buying the man a few more drinks didn’t help either and the last thing I remember was the old mariner passed out over a table perhaps choking on his own vomit. It was all a bit hazy at that point. Well, I must confess at just about every point, but ne’ermind.

Assuming the veteran buccaneer isn’t dead, perhaps one of my readers can get a little more out of him. You’ll probably find him getting drunk in Britain’s Salty Dog Tavern. That’s if he hasn’t gone on the account or something.

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Blackfoot’s Blood Regatta

Nidaros, Trammel, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – April 7, 2011 – by Zanku – On April 15th, 2011, 8:00 P.M. EST. (Trammel) The 2nd Annual “Blackfoot’s Blood Regatta” ship race will be taking place. A call for all high-seas adventurers and landlubbers alike are asked to clean the barnacles from stem to stern and join everyone in this fun ship race to the finish. You will follow a path lead by clues until you end up at your final destination. As in past races, prizes will be worth their weight in pirate stones.

Cap’n Blackfoot, a Renagade Pirate, Notorious and a wild taste for gold, ale, a fine wench, and plenty of food, was seen burying 3 chest of stolen Booty on a distant shore. This all can be had for the first 3 ships to hit this shoreline and make their way up to the dig site and claim the “Booty” chest that will be laying their on shore. Inside these chest will be pirates gold, a trophy, and plenty of odds and ends booty. (Trophies will be for 1st, 2nd, & 3rd place winners).

So watch for more details about this race as they unfold as we approach this date. Also be watching for the story line of how Sasarias Notorious Renagde Pirate, “Cap’n Blackfoot”,came to be and how he came by his name.

As always, date and time open to changes in the event of unavoidable influences.

Please mark this date on your calender and pass the word. hope to see you all there. Any questions can be left in the mailbox at Nidaros Town Hall in Nidaros.

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USA/RBG Archery Tournament!

The Press of Wonder, Trammel, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – April 6, 2011 – by Ashlynn – Following on from the hugely successful four-week Darts Tournament is an archery contest run in a similar format beginning April 11th. The contest will take place at 9pm by the eastern clock and the first round will be hosted by Silvervale.

While this tournament favours those skilled with a bow and bodkin, it is still worth even the most inept of marksmen entering. A few well placed shots by an amateur can make a difference each round and even throw the best shot off of their game. It’s also not unheard of for a beginner to grab a prize too. And as they say, better lucky than good.

Of course, there’s always the wine and ale.

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PaxLair Bestiary – Mongbat

Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – April 6, 2011 – by Ashlynn – Being some twisted cross between primate and bat thought possibly to be the result of deranged experiments, these vermin have spread like a plague across every facet of Sosaria. Of limited intelligence, these pests have hides covered in dirty brown fur, a pair of dull claws that serve as meager weapons when it attacks, and piercing red eyes behind which hides a somewhat feeble mind.

Despite their numbers, the creatures are poor combatants, easily dispatched by even the youngest of squires. Curiously though, the beasts show no fear, heedlessly entering the fray with no concern for their own survival, and survive they rarely do. I can only speculate that something they feed upon in the wild instills them with a feeling of invincibility not unlike that experienced by many a tavern patron of Buccaneers Den.

A simple sketch of a typical mongbat.

Oddly enough, my first encounter with one of these creatures many years ago was with the tame variety as opposed to one of their wild kin. The creature sat upon a grassy mound a few dozen yards away from the First Bank of Britannia patiently grooming itself while the citizenry simply went about their business. It wasn’t long before I was acquainted with it’s master who informed me of the creature’s name upon my asking, a name I still find amusing to this day.

Future encounters with the feral variety had me confused for quite some time as to what use these animals could be to anyone, but in our modern Britannia, it is quite clear they make excellent stuffed targets for revelers to throw darts at.

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New Feature – PaxLair Britannian Bestiary

Some Dark and Dank Hovel, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – April 6, 2011 – by Ashlynn – Being as it is, a land overrun with all manner of dark and degenerate denizens, Sosaria is a dangerous place for the would be traveler, both old and new. Over the coming weeks, I hope to put together a collection of articles about the kind of creatures that the citizens of the realm encounter on a sometimes daily basis. Such articles will consist of a description of the beast in question, followed by a sketch and then some kind of tale regarding the creature.

This tale might touch on a first encounter or perhaps something a little more rooted in myth. It could even cover things such as what potent artifact they are said to carry or what can be wrought from their flesh once slain.

Contributors are welcome (encouraged even!) as there are no doubt many unheard stories out there. Should you wish to part with such a tale, do not hesitate to let me know!

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Strange Obelisks Sighted

PaxOku, Tokuno, Chesepeake (PaxLair Times) – April 5, 2011 – by Ashlynn – On a trip to PaxOku this evening, I came across a strange sight near the town banner; a large black obelisk reaching for the sky with a curious arcane vortex of some sort above it.

The obelisks appear to be of obsidian construction.

Who erected the structure is unknown but runic writing on the surface of the monument marked it as a “Nematic Phylactary”. At first I thought it might be another plot by the infamous lich, Savaric, but a quick visit to a few other towns resulted in the discovery of more of the odd structures and I am pretty sure Lord Savaric only requires one phylactary.

This curious turn of events will certainly require more in-depth investigation especially into any possible sinister use for these monoliths.

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PaxLair Meeting: April 5, 2011

PaxLair Statehood, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – April 5, 2011 – by Winfield – The next meeting will be held as follows:

  • Date: Tuesday, April 5, 2011
  • Time:  9:00 PM ET
  • Location:  Mage Tower, PaxLair City, Felucca, Chesapeake
  • Directions:  A teleporter with scales on top is on the Tea House step in PaxOku, Tokuno
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A Fierce and Frantic Final!

Nidaros, Trammel, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – April 4, 2011 – by Ashlynn – The final round of the USA Darts League was held in Nidaros this evening at the Town Hall with Lord Angus as the night’s host. Food and drink was provided by the Lord of Nidaros himself, Mayor Zanku and the final round left plenty of surprises for all participants.

A fun and eventful round awaited both players and spectators.

Competition was fierce and my poor skills saw me knocked out early on. As expacted, the savage Lady Niva made it quite far before she was beaten by Nanoc. He was in turn beaten by Carl Jr who managed to score a shocking 101 points on three darts, taking both first place for the round and the highest score. Naitch managed to sneak into third place.

Final round standings are yet to come but despite failing to take first, Niva retained her place at the top of the leaderboard to take the title of Grand Champion! Congratulations to her!

Though the darts league is over, there is talk of an archery league taking its place. More details on that to come!

*Editors note… oh, that’s me* It was Lord Nanoc who scored the impressive 101 points to beat Niva to the final. Carl still won the round though!

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