PaxLair Meeting: May 3, 2011

PaxLair Statehood, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – May 2, 2011 – by Winfield – The next meeting will be held as follows:

  • Date: Tuesday, May 3, 2011
  • Time:  9:00 PM ET
  • Location:  Mage Tower, PaxLair City, Felucca, Chesapeake
  • Directions:  A teleporter with scales on top is on the Tea House step in PaxOku, Tokuno
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Round 3 Archery Tournament Results

Scribe’s Confinement, Trammel, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – April 27, 2011 – by Ashlynn – With monday evenings being a sleepy period for me of late, I have been unable to make the last two rounds of the ongoing archery tournament and report on events first hand. I have been passed the results by those who have visited and these round three results come by way of the delightful Lady Winmere, who herself got them directly from Judge of Nidaros.

Round Three was held at the Luna Fairgrounds (a somewhat sudden change of venue I believe) and hosted by Judge of Nidaros. The prize for first place in this round was chest containing 500k in authentic gold coins. Or perhaps a note of credit with the Bank of Britannia for the same amount.

The Results:

  1. Se’an Silverfoot
  2. Robin Hood
  3. Fruit Loop
  4. Jake
  5. Enterprise

Robin Hood took the high score for the round with 700pts which I believe puts him in joint first for overall tournament high score.

The Final will be held in Guardian’s Gate next monday evening at 9pm where we will find out who will be crowned tournament champion and who will walk away with the high score prize! Good luck to everyone!

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PaxLair Meeting: April 26, 2011

PaxLair Statehood, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – April 26, 2011 – by Winfield – The next meeting will be held as follows:

  • Date: Tuesday, April 26, 2011
  • Time:  9:00 PM ET
  • Location:  Mage Tower, PaxLair City, Felucca, Chesapeake
  • Directions:  A teleporter with scales on top is on the Tea House step in PaxOku, Tokuno
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Aryslan Silent Auction

Aryslan Auction, Malas, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – April 23, 2011 – by Ashlynn – Some time ago I wrote about something called the Silent Auction; an establishment run by citizens of Aryslan. The original auction house was located in the forest town of Aryslan, Felucca, but the new one has been moved to the safer lands of Malas where no one need fear their newly won prize being stolen by bandits!

The sales floor of the auction house.

The auction house takes items which can be left in the house mailbox. A bag and instructions for doing so can be found on a “doorman” nearby. Auctions run for a week and end on sunday at 6pm by the eastern clock. Bidding is done via message boards above each item. While the whole process lacks the bustle and excitement of a live auction, it has the distinct advantage of being open 24/7 and bids can be made at any point during the week.

The house takes a 10% cut of any sales, though if your item fails to sell, there is no fee.

So if you don’t have time to visit Lady Zelda’s Auction in Zedland (held on saturday evenings starting from 7pm) or the Guardian’s Gate Auction (held on a friday I believe), then the Aryslan Silent Auction might be for you!

You can reach the auction house by taking a teleporter located at the Silent Rose Library in PaxOku. There is also a rune to the auction house locked down at the Tea House in PaxOku.

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Horrors of the Nemesis Stone

Scribe’s Confinement, Trammel, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – April 21, 2011 – by Ashlynn – Much has happened since the large black obelisks were first seen in townships across Sosaria. What was initially a curious, though unsettling work of art in the form of an obsidian monument soon turned to horror as strange black shadowy creatures began to pull themselves free of the obelisks and attack residents days later. Defenders rallied to destroy the menace but there were more than a few casualties incurred in the process.

The events were worrying enough for Lord Balandar to get involved and he set to work immediately investigating the nature of the sinister structures. Soon enough, volunteers were summoned and those who answered the call were informed that the obelisks were the work of Kendrick Morrow himself and that his next goal seemed to be the destruction of the townships located in Felucca. We were instructed that we would be charged with stopping any evils that might be unleashed upon the towns and recovering whatever was found upon their remains, as it would be key to stopping the threat altogether!

Mazrim or The False Mazrim?

The manifestations themselves were the fears and horrors of each town’s citizens. In Dragons Watch we had to do battle with a great dragon. In Aryslan, Mazrim himself seemed to manifest, rampaging through the old town ruins. An undead warrior in noble-looking armour struck at the Citadel of the Fallen and more horrors appeared in Moria, PaxLair City and the hamlet belonging to the Templar Order.

Despite the evil arrayed against us however, we were ultimately victorious and strange items were indeed recovered from the creatures we fought. Even the obelisks were destroyed in the process by Lord Balandar or so it seemed anyway.

We all disbanded after the din of battle faded (I decided to leave slightly earlier) with some progress made in combating the new threat against our towns. It seemed there was nothing to do but wait for the next assault against the settlements located in Trammel.

We did not have to wait long.

Called "Phobic Terrors", they were a challenge even for the draconic pets of the defenders.

Yesterday evening, more inky-black horrors attacked townships across the facet, no doubt the vanguard for greater horrors to come much as it was in Felucca. Though they were once again defeated, the true fears of these places will certainly manifest in the days ahead. All we can do is remain vigilant be ready to fight them when they deign to appear.

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Fortune’s Fire Resort Opens!

Fortune’s Fire, Trammel, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – April 20, 2011 – by Ashlynn Built upon the sandy shore of Fire Island in the shadow of the great volcano that rose up not so long ago stands the newly built resort of Fortune’s Fire. This cluster of brightly coloured great tents erected by an unknown sponsor offers fun and games as well as the chance to simply relax on the warm white sands.

There are a number of things on offer for those wishing to visit the resort. Games of chance are held in one of the great tents. A beer tent offers fine wines and ales to those needing to quench their thirst, and games of marksmanship are held in another tent. Banking facilities are on offer in the tent closest to the resort gates and one of the doormen is on hand just outside to take care of your pets should you need it.

The main tents surround a beautiful fountain.

Should you just want to relax with friends, you can always sit infront of of the bubbling marble fountain or take to the beach just north of the tents where there are beach towels and sun oils available to those who wish to indulge in such an offering.

The opening night was great fun, though I fell asleep on the beach during the excitement. While lightly staffed most of the time, the resort is always open and there will no doubt be more events held there in the future. Assuming the nearby volcano doesn’t erupt and consume the place that is.

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Archery Tournament Round 2 Results

Not in Dragons Watch, Felucca, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – April 20, 2011 – by Ashlynn – Though I was unable to make it to the tournament on monday evening due to sleep and other commitments, the results of that spectacular duel of bow and arrow have been passed to me across the ether. A long, magical journey through an ethereal maze of twisting and turning tunnels (well really, Governor Winfield simply told me who won).

The contestants for the round were: Naitch [SoSV], Jake A Esquire [RBG], Fruit Loop [ATD], Enterprise [Ary], Se’an Silverfoot [ATD], Robin Hood [DWxC], Sushi [DWxC], Valoria Venom [RBG], Niva the Savage [T_T], Angel of Death [RBG], Dead and Bloated [DWxC], Larry Fine [$GS$], and Crieton [DwxC].

And the results were:

  1. Larry Fine (Taking home 500k)
  2. Valoria Venom (Earning a respectable 250k)
  3. Sushi (Winning 150k in booze money)
  4. Jake A Esquire (Winning the honour of fourth place)
  5. Fruit Loop (Winning something else, who knows!)

High Score for the round was 700 points with both Larry Fine and Valoria Venom earning the achievement.

This leaves the overall standings as follows:

  • Enterprise (ARY) – 5pts
  • Jake A Esquire (RBG)- 5pts
  • Larry Fine (RBG)- 5pts
  • Robin Hood (DWxC)- 4pts
  • Valoria Venom (RBG)- 4pts
  • Sushi (DWxC)- 3pts
  • Se’an Silverfoot (ATD)- 2pts
  • Dead & Bloated (DWxC)- 1pt
  • Fruit Loop (ATD)- 1pt

Round Three will take place in Nidaros on the 25th of April at 9pm! And remember, even if the top position looks far away, there’s always the chance of earning the tournament high score for which Se’an Silverfoot has offered 500k!

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PaxLair Meeting: April 19, 2011

PaxLair Statehood, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – April 19, 2011 – by Winfield – The next meeting will be held as follows:

  • Date: Tuesday, April 19, 2011
  • Time:  9:00 PM ET
  • Location:  Community Center, Skara Brae, Trammel, Chesapeake
  • Directions:  Just east of the Bank.
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Second Annual Blackfoot Regatta a Success!

Buccaneer’s Den to Jhelom, Trammel, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – April 16, 2011 – by Winfield – On Friday’s eve, April 15, 2011, Judge from Nidaros hosted the Second Annual Blackfoot Regatta event. This year’s annual race went from Buccaneer’s Den on Trammel to Jhelom. Three ships entered the race on the high seas: 1) The PaxLair Statehood Flagship captained by Winfield with crewmate Winmere, 2) The infamous and dangerous orc ship -=WaRz DuUb =- captained by NANOC, and 3) the Nicole captained by Robin Hood. Winfield and Winmere took home the first prize with Robin Hood in close second. NANOC was third. The first place prize purse contained 1 million gold and a chest full of loot. Second and third place had similar prize purses. Judge organized the event and was assisted by Alentar Sylvanus. Enterprise also hosted a Pirate Run after the event.

The End of the 2nd Annual Blackfoot Regatta

At the starting point outside Buccaneer’s Den, the captains registered their ships. They took on necessary supplies for the long voyage and then received special instructions from Judge. After reading their first book with coordinates, they were off to their first checkpoint. All three made a fast start and unfurled sails to Moonglow. The seas were calm between Buc’s Den and Moonglow with all three ships making good time. They were neck and neck most of the way with Robin Hood in the lead. Captain’s Robin Hood and NANOC jumped off their ships to get their next books with coordinates. Captain Winfield sent his crewmate Winmere onto land to get the book saving a little time to prepare the ship for the next race leg.

The second checkpoint was south at Fire Isle, directly past the Floating Emporium. Some ships struggled with traffic in and around the Emporium, ramming a few at high speeds to clear the way. No one was injured and the race continued. A crabbing rowboat capsized in the wake of one ship–the fisherman vowed to report high speed in a no wake zone to the authorities. Robin Hood and Winfield made good time through the Emporium while NANOC started to fall behind. Some bystanders later reported they saw NANOC stop at the Emporium pub briefly to refill his hold with a case of ale–this could not be immediately confirmed. Finally reaching Fire Isle, the three ships were off to the third checkpoint.

The ships raced to the west side of the New Haven harbor. Robin Hood and Winfield & Winmere were again side by side as they crossed the south sea through deteriorating weather. At times their ships nearly touched as the waves rocked the ships. NANOC must have been taking on water as his ship slowed a bit coming out of Fire Isle. Robin Hood made it to the checkpoint first, with Winfield and Winmere closing in. As the ships were departing, Robin Hood executed a bump-and-sail maneuver causing Winfield to slow a bit and received some damage to his port bow.

The fourth checkpoint was on the south side of Serpents Hold. Coming from the northeast, that meant circling the isle. But, Robin Hood and Winfield bumped each other several times as they maneuvered to dock on the east side. Robin Hood and Winmere jumped out and ran a short distance on foot to the checkpoint. They both returned to their respective ships. Robin Hood took off quickly while Winfield got caught in a strange coastal tide pushing his ship against the rocks. Robin Hood continued to extend his lead. NANOC could not be seen as the two lead ships sailed out of Serpents Hold. Soon though, he showed up and collected his next destination book.

Honor Isle was a short sail to the west from Serpents Hold. The fifth checkpoint was an easy one and allowed the ships to quickly stop and go. In fact, the Winfield & Winmere team did better than that–they did not stop. When nearing the shore, Winmere jumped overboard and landed on the jungle ground… ran to get the next book… and then ran along the shore to catch up to Winfield in the ship. Winfield threw her a line and she swung up onto the deck. They were now in first place ahead of Robin Hood. As for Robin Hood, virtue seekers at the Honor Shrine said they saw a huge lag monster attack the Nicole just after leaving the Isle. Again, NANOC was a bit behind the other two. He was singing and dropping ale bottles in his wake.

The finish line was at the south dock in Jhelom, right through Pirates’ Sea. Both lead ships’ captains kept a watchful eye for Blackfoot and his companions. Fortunately, he was not seen. Winfield and Winmere were in the lead, with Robin Hood close behind.

Winfield reached the dock and moored his ship. Winmere jumped to the dock with checkpoint statuettes in a bag; they were picked up at each checkpoint. She ran the last few yards and handed the bag to Judge, just as Robin Hood’s ship came in. Robin Hood ran up to Judge with his statuettes and claimed the second place victory. Winfield finally got off his ship, baited his fishing pole, and started fishing off the dock. Ale and food were aplenty while everyone waited for NANOC. All became nervous as time went by, wondering if NANOC encountered Blackfoot in Pirates’ Sea. Then they saw the orc ship -=WaRz DuUb =- in the distance and everyone let out a sigh of relief. Soon NANOC moored his ship and stumbled a bit up to Judge to claim the third prize.

It was a good day to sail and a good day to race in the Second Annual Blackfoot Regatta. Thanks go to Judge and Alentar Sylvanus for creating this historic event.

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Archery League Round 1 Results

Silvervale, Trammel, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – April 13, 2011 – by Ashlynn – Though unfortunately I had to leave early shortly after being knocked out during the first round of the Four-Week Archery Tournament, I now have the week one standings courtesy of Naitch.

Lady Oni had built an impressive looking Archery Range and Stands.

As well as the regular prizes for the round, Se’an Silverfoot offered a 500k prize for the highest score of the tournament. After one week, the results look like this:

  1. Enterprise (Ary) – 5pts
  2. Robin Hood (DWxC) – 4pts
  3. Jack A Esquire (RBG) – 3pts
  4. Se’an Silverfoot (ATD) – 2pts
  5. Dead & Bloated (DWxC) – 1pt

Highest score for the round (and currently the tournament) was Robin Hood with 700pts!

The next round will be held in Dragons Watch on the 18th at 9pm by the eastern clock. Be there!

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