Pax Meeting: May 17, 2011

PaxLair Statehood, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – May 17, 2011 – by Winfield – The next meeting will be held as follows:

  • Date: Tuesday, May 17, 2011
  • Time:  9:00 PM ET
  • Location:  Silent Rose Library, Paxoku, Homare-jima, Tokuno, Chesapeake
  • Directions:  Across the road from the Tea House in PaxOku.

Governor Winfield is on a lengthy fishing trip and cannot attend the Pax meeting.  Therefore, one of the Mayors or a city leader or diplomat can please lead the meeting this week on the Governor’s behalf.

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PaxLair Bestiary – Bog Thing

Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – May 16, 2011 – by Ashlynn – Being a monstrous, shambling, mountain of plant matter with vicious clawed arms and an enormous maw. The creature appears to possess no sight organs yet has no difficulty sensing the whereabouts of its prey. It has been speculated that the vile creature believes itself a king of the plant world as smaller humanoid shrub creatures attend to it in the manner of a bizarre travelling court.

The Fens of the Dead

Long ago, I once owned property on the edge of the fens north of Trinsic, upon the site where Paws is believed to be buried. Indeed, my home was built of old stones and it would not surprise me if some of those were from that long lost village. The denizens of the murky waters around my residence consisted of alligators, serpents and of course, Bog Things. Their numbers grew the deeper into the fen one travelled and it was not unknown for some of these enormous beasts to wander west and claw at the walls of my old home. While vulnerable to fire magics, amongst other things, it seemed the creatures had no qualms about consuming their smaller minions to restore their own vitality. I often had to expend considerable effort in ridding myself of the loathsome things.

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The First Town Meeting of Lightningville

New Haven, Trammel, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – May 14, 2011 – by Ashlynn – A large crowd gathered in New Haven this evening all looking for the same person. Someone of legendary status that goes by the name of Lightning and who seems known by all who frequent the town.

In the absence of Lightning who we all sought, those of us gathered outside of New Haven Bank decided to host a spontaneous town meeting. It was clear that Lightning’s endeavours to help both new and old people of the realm was widely known. Infact, it seems at least half of the shard’s citizens know of him. Many folk who might have left during their first days stayed only because of him and his efforts and this needed recognizing in some way.

First, we decided that the town could be renamed to Lightningville or something similar and Lightning would be nominated as the Mayor. Then we considered petitioning the gods of the realm to construct a monument in New Haven as a symbol of his ongoing help for both old and young. In the end, we mostly praised his commitment to helping people during our somewhat random meeting and chatted the night away. He never did show up for his party though!

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VIP Auction Opening Night

New Magincia, Trammel, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – May 12, 2011 – by Ashlynn – This evening the VIP auction in New Magincia opened its doors to the public with a wide variety of goods on offer for those looking for a good deal!

Opening night was a busy one!

Turnout was excellent and I even managed to grab a few grapevines during the event! Enough so that I can now postpone poisoning Mayor Zanku for winning those at the SHE auction not long ago.

Though the auction opened on a thursday for the opening night, it will generally run on wednesday evenings at 7pm by the eastern clock. Another auction is certainly a welcome addition to the shard’s weekly events and I certainly look forward to grabbing more bargains in the near future!

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Fallen Stones

Trammel, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – May 12, 2011 – by Ashlynn – The last of the black stones were destroyed yesterday evening, putting an end the threat they wrought upon the townships. It would seem in my haste to report on previous events, I overlooked those still standing in the towns of Trammel.

Our mission took us to the towns of Guardian’s Gate, Gyldenfeld, Merxmere, Nidaros, Pitmuck and Silvervale. In each town we fought a different horror, some quite powerful, others more of an annoyance than a calamity.

Some of us take cover behind a magic wall as another stone is destroyed.

In Gydenfeld, our first stop, we fought a great Blood Wolf, a vicious creature that soaked it’s opponents in acidic spittle. Guardian’s Gate was plagued by an abyssal pirate lord, a tough corsair that also had powers similar to an arcanist at his command. Silvervale was set upon by an Oni Berserker but it too soon fell. In Nidaros, we did battle against a large void wisp, while a Goblin Hunter was our quarry in Pitmuck.

I must admit, I did have to give lengthy thought to attacking the Goblin Hunter but I suppose we must defend our goblin… associates in Pitmuck too!

Our final stop was Merxmere where we fought against a great scalis-like creature referred to as a thrall elite. Unlike a scalis however, this one seemed capable of taking to the land and was also quite fast while out of the water. But it too soon fell and the last of the stones was destroyed in the biggest explosion yet.

The scalis-thrall was one of the scarier nightmares.

Returning to Lord Balandar’s estate, he informed us that the power of all the stones was focused upon a single location though in order to divine where exactly this was, he would need to investigate further. And so we were dismissed until he needed to call upon us again.

While the threat of the stones is now over, I do wonder what is to stop Morrow from simply building more. Or even targeting one township with several stones or an even bigger one that brought forth multiple nightmares. While it might be within our means to bring one nightmare down, several at once would be far more difficult. We can only remain on guard and hope that Morrow does not embark on such a scheme or that he lacks the resources to do so.

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Trinkets from a Forgotten Land

The Road to PaxLair City, Felucca, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – May 11, 2011 – by Ashlynn – As the hour grew late following our efforts to thwart Kendrick Morrow’s schemes, those of us still awake became acquainted with a fellow named Paco Pix Patelly, a cartographer and digger of dirt. A man who was partial to exploring the earth for buried coins and forgotten artifacts. He had with him a map that required incredible skill to decode, and having decyphered the location of the hidden trove, he needed some help digging it up.

Dead dragons make undead ones! How useful!

Conveniently, what we were looking for was located in a roadside ditch, the very same road that wound its way past PaxLair City. While Paco dug the thing up, we were to all act as escorts to defend not only against would-be murderers, but also the magical guardians that the box would summon when found.

It is amazing what can fit in a little treasure chest.

These guardians turned out to be frost dragons and daemons and put up quite a fight. It took some time to fight them off but eventually we did and our reward was over 35000 in gold and some impressive scrolls with a pinkish tint. Not to mention all the other gems and trinkets inside! Most of this was given to Paco as he had decoded the map and located it, we merely provided the “muscle” as it were. But it was a interesting time regardless and I am now curious as to what other fortunes lie beside the roads near PaxLair City.

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Corrupt Crystals, Bloodthirsty Bats and Ferocious Fox Spirits!

Malas and Tokuno, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – May 10, 2011 – by Ashlynn – Lord Balandar’s crusade against the Kendrick Morrow’s sinister endeavours continued this evening as he rallied volunteers to destroy the remaining black obelisks in the towns of Action, Colt, Zedland, Kijustsu Anei Village and PaxOku.

Due to the call to arms, the statehood meeting was postponed and everyone mustered at Lord Balandar’s estate in the City of Moonglow. The task before us was no different to that previous, only the nightmares would change. And nightmares they were indeed!

Our first port of call was the City of Action and in the crystal fields of Northern Malas, we faced a bloated and corrupt Crystal Elemental. Not only did this creature possess the same magical talent and razor-sharp crystal edges as it’s kin, but yellow acidic ooze spurted from the cracks where it was struck. Even after the creature was destroyed, the acid continued to harm those who tried to inspect it.

Lord Balandar destroyed the stones using material found on the corpses of the nightmares.

Onwards we continued, Colt being the next stop. Here, our nightmare was able to duplicate those we sent at it (I was unable to catch a glimpse of the creature, sadly), but it too, soon fell. In the City of Zedland, a strange hybrid vampire bat was our mark and thankfully it’s lust for blood made it blind to the magics we used against it, the creature only wishing to drain the blood of those it was in melee with. This mindless bloodlust quickly resulted in the creature’s death.

After the first three had been dealt with, it was time to leave Malas and travel to Tokuno. We first traveled to Kijustsu Anei Village where the nightmare that clawed it’s way free of the obelisk took the form of a giant, stuffed bear. Though death walked with it and many fell as it rampaged about, it was not long before the plush creature was vanquished and we headed down the road to our final destination; PaxOku.

PaxOku has forever had a problem with the fox youkai living in the nearby forest (not to mention the tsuki wolves that make their home in the ruins nearby) and the nightmare that plagued the town was a larger, more rabid of these kitsune. Not as much of a nightmare for Lady Tatania that a book-eating monster might be, but a terror to everyone who wished to engage it in battle nonetheless. Despite it’s powerful haunting melody and enchanting song (which caused many a problem for some), it too soon fell and the last of the obelisks was destroyed soon afterwards.

With all the sinister monuments destroyed, we headed back to Lord Balandar’s and were informed that we would be required tomorrow evening at 8pm to end the threat once and for all. Though what threat remains now that the black monoliths are gone, I can only imagine.

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PaxLair Meeting: May 10, 2011

PaxLair Statehood, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – May 10, 2011 – by Winfield – The next meeting will be held as follows:

  • Date: Tuesday, May 10, 2011
  • Time:  9:00 PM ET
  • Location:  Mage Tower, PaxLair City, Felucca, Chesapeake
  • Directions:  A teleporter with scales on top is on the Tea House step in PaxOku, Tokuno

Governor Winfield has been fishing too much and is sea-sick today; he can’t make it to this week’s PaxLair Meeting.  Therefore, one of the Mayors or a city leader or diplomat can please lead the meeting this week on the Governor’s behalf.

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A Way to Help

Tat’s Office, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – May 6, 2011 – by Tatania Karthina – I’m constantly amazed at all the shoes, boots and sandals I find while I am fishing. Why do so many people throw their shoes in the sea rather than help the needy? I’ve even found shoes in the fountains of Wind!

Surely there’s a way to help the homeless of our land! I want to help. I could help by just giving the shoes to the homeless, but I want to do more. I was pondering this problem while fishing for the tournament a few days ago and the answer dawned on me! I can help the homeless and my many friends in Chesapeake too! How can I do that, you might ask….

The answer is simple really. This is what I am doing from now on and I encourage all you fishermen and fisherwomen to do the same! Help your friends help the homeless! but how can this be done, you might ask… The answer is simple! When you find shoes, boots and sandals, simply put them in a friend’s mailbox so they can help the homeless! I’m going a step further and you too could go the extra mile… Help feed the homeless too… Any unwanted fish or food you have, also put them in your friend’s mailboxes!

Helping people is wonderful and I hope I have encouraged each of you to help a friend today!

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The Archery Final!

Guardian’s Gate, Trammel, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – May 3, 2011 – by Ashlynn – The Archery League final was held last night in the city of Guardian’s Gate and there were still plenty of surprises in store for both the spectators and the participants.

I was able to attend personally this week!

Excella Gionne took the high score title (and a check for one million gold coins) during the round with an impressive 800 points while Jake A Esquire finished top of the round, earning enough points in the process to be crowned overall tournament champion! Jake also walked away with a one million gold check for his efforts. Excella finished the round just behind Jake, followed by Larry Fine, Se’an Silverfoot and finally, Ebenezr Wildwood in fifth place. Congratulations!

The standings at the end of the tournament were:

  • Jake A Esquire (RBG) – 12pts
  • Robin Hood (DWxC) – 9pts
  • Se’an Silveerfoot (ATD) – 9pts
  • Larry Fine (RBG) – 8pts
  • Enterprise (ARY) – 6pts
  • Robin Hood (DWxC) – 4pts
  • Valoria Venom (RBG) – 4pts
  • Excella Gionne (CAT) – 4pts
  • Sushi (DWxC) – 3pts
  • Se’an Silverfoot (ATD) – 2pts
  • Dead & Bloated (DWxC) – 1pt
  • Fruit Loop (ATD) – 1pt
  • Ebenezr Wildweed (RBG) – 1pt
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