Destruction of the Nemesis Stone

Moonglow, Trammel, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – June 2, 2011 – by Aramathia – Confusion is defined as a lack of understanding, or uncertainty. The word chaos can be defined as a condition or place of great disorder. As such, it would have appeared that the evil called up from the magical powers of Kendrick Morrow blatantly used such tactics as confusion and chaos in addition to the usual, daemon, fire, and brimstone.

Morrow, he of the dark Phylactery obelisks that appeared in townships across Sosarian lands, was the evil being hunted by Balandar and crew, recently, in an attempt to locate his central location and source of the phylacteries – the Nemesis Stone! A large (by large, maybe it is meant uncontrollably massive) group gathered recently to join the mage Balandar in his search. From the very beginning, it was obvious to all that not only would the evils of Britannia be fought, but also the dreaded and as-yet-unbeatable, lag monster, itself.

Once all gathared in Balandar’s not-quite-large-enough house, the mass was updated and informed by Balandar on recent findings. He was able to locate the central location by extrapolating the energy vectors from the attacked cities and their phylacteries. On this night, however, the group was to lay seige to that location and to destroy the Nemesis Stone once and for all (server connections permitting, naturally).

Balandar then requested that anyone in posession of a glowing crystallized liquid recovered from the township nemesis monsters, to please hand them in for use in destroying the stone. It appeared that at least 5 were handed in. Next, he informed the group that in order to destroy the nemesis stone, each of the trapped nightmare clusters must be destroyed, in turn.

Once gated to the central location, all lag broke loose. The aforementioned confusion was cast about on all attendees and total chaos ensued as Morrow’s secret lair was using all its dark secrets to repel its attackers. Indeed, some left over the course of the battle as the constant deployment of disorder was too much for many to handle.

Eventually, the center tiles were cleared, and Balandar (who knew he was still there?), was able to place the slave and destroy the Nemesis Stone. It would appear that this author has missed steps such as the nightmare clusters or those glowing crystals, however it would appear the event forgot them as well.

Upon destroying the Nemesis Stone, Balandar spasmed greatly and disappeared! At that time, none other than Kendrick Morrow appeared and threatened the group upon which he summoned his Archnemesis Daemon! Again, extreme confusion and chaos (not to mention the lag monster), were the main points of attack. Eventually, miraculously, the Archnemesis Daemon was defeated allowing Balandar to return to the realm.

After returning to Balandar’s house (still quite too small for this occasion), more confusion ensued as Balandar could not decide if he should address the mass from inside or out, eventually deciding on the latter. Victory was announced, but a warning was issued stating that this was only yet the beginning of the end. Morrow, himself, it seemed, still needed to be ultimately defeated!

Then, all were invited to the bar for drinks. Chaotic Ales and Confusing Wines were undoubtedly the drinks of choice.

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Pax Meeting: May 31, 2011

PaxLair Statehood, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – May 31, 2011 – by Winfield – The next meeting will be held as follows:

  • Date: Tuesday, May 31, 2011
  • Time:  9:00 PM ET
  • Location:  Tea House, Paxoku, Homare-jima, Tokuno, Chesapeake
  • Directions:  At the end of Monks Crossing Road to the northeast in Homare-jima, Tokuno.  At the PaxOku Banner.

We will depart to one or more locations for the meeting, so don’t be late.

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Winfield’s Fishing Song

Out at Sea, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – May 28, 2011 – by Winfield – Winfield wrote this song while on a recent fishing trip.

Pay the monger, pay his fee.
We have to get out to the sea.
Load the cargo, get underway.
We just can’t wait another day!

Bait my hook. Cast my line.  Fishing is my way of life.

Unfurl the sail, pick up speed.
Our poles are ready for the deed.
Man yer stations, I do say.
No time for games or your horseplay!

Bait my hook. Cast my line. Fishing is my way of life.

Watch for pirates, they’re on the loose.
Fire the cannon and give ’em the juice.
Take no prisoners, this ain’t the day.
They’d slow us down & get in our way!

Bait my hook. Cast my line. Fishing is my way of life.

Drop the anchor, set the mast.
The fish are here — we found at last.
Hook a serpent, get a sword.
Kill it quickly without a word!

Bait my hook. Cast my line. Fishing is my way of life.

Catch the fish, fill our hold.
Markets are waiting and have our gold.
Raise the anchor, head due west.
Follow the sun while I take a rest!

Bait my hook. Cast my line. Fishing is my way of life.

We’ve come to port, our hold is filled.
A better catch than we had willed.
Sell the fish, get some grub.
I’m buying ale at the nearest pub!!!

Bait my hook. Cast my line. Fishing is my way of life.

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Cowardly Crustaceans and Lily-livered Lobster

Sons of the Sea, Trammel, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – May 25, 2011 – by Ashlynn – A new contest was announced by Santiago of the Sons of the Sea in Trinsic, a contest to see who could catch the greatest number of crabs and lobsters and who could catch the finest specimens! But that wasn’t all as five great crab beasts would also be lurking in the seas of Britannia and they would not be swallowed up by a net without a fight. Recovery of their crustacean forms would also impress Santiago and see you placed on the leaderboard.

Wotan von Asgard of Aryslan answered the call for the alliance initially, and I offered to go along as an escort, should he run into any dangerous see monsters. He spent some time catching crabs and lobster in the open ocean before fishing up a few more in the dungeon of Ice. Unfortunately, he had to moor his ship early and I found myself without a captain. Luckily though, Mayor Zanku arrived and after impressing a few more folk into service aboard his ship (Badger and BlackHeart both decided to join us), we went monstrous crab fishing! Despite a brief interruption from the gods themselves, we soon sailed out to sea…

…and found little except endless empty ocean. It seemed that the creatures were quite well hidden beneath the waves and had no desire to try and chew through our hull. With Santiago’s deadline fast approaching, we decided to abandon the endeavour and make for port.

However, the contest is set to last for a number of weeks with results going towards a running tally, so all is not lost yet. Especially if we can slay all five of the beasts and seize our prizes from them. Let us hope those great crabs are not so shy next time.

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PaxLair Bestiary – Corpser

Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – May 24, 2011 – by Ashlynn – Being a flailing mass of green tentacles that erupt from the ground to drag surprised prey down into the earth and into its cavernous maw. It is believed the real size of the beast can never be truly known as much of its mass seems to rest within the earth. Whether each corpser is an individual creature or the part of something greater still that hides beneath Sosaria, one can only speculate.

From the Observations of Brune Morrow, Scholar of Britain

Some varieties of corpser are clearly more developed than others of their ilk, being larger and more dangerous to those caught unaware. Their tentacles grow into segmented sections, each as hard as the trunk of a young oak and despite the verdant origins of its mossy teeth, they grow potent enough to chew through even the best iron curaiss the armourers of Trinsic can produce. Despite these enhancements, fire of both the magical and mundane variety is still just as effective, though those seeking to use the strange wood of the creature may be better advised to use an axe unless it is charcoal they seek instead of timber.

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Pax Meeting: May 24, 2011

PaxLair Statehood, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – May 24, 2011 – by Winfield – The next meeting will be held as follows:

  • Date: Tuesday, May 24, 2011
  • Time:  9:00 PM ET
  • Location:  Tea House, Paxoku, Homare-jima, Tokuno, Chesapeake (then to the PaxLair Cities and Alliance Cities via house teleporters)
  • Directions:  At the PaxOku Banner.

Governor Winfield has returned from a lengthy fishing trip and wants to visit the cities once again.  Therefore, after a brief meeting at the Tea House, we will go to PaxLair City, DW, Nidaros, along with Aryslan and Pitmuck.  We will spend about 10 minutes in each city seeing new things, or just revelling on their steps or finding their hidden ale stash.

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The Festival of the Way

The Road to Trinsic, Trammel, Baja (PaxLair Times) – May 21, Year – by Ashlynn – Yesterday evening, all citizens of the alliance were invited to cross the ether to the shard of Baja and take part in a special celebration there called The Festival of Way. Though not everyone could participate, Benito, Ozog and I were able to make the trip and attend the gathering on the steps of Castle Britannia where the tradition was explained to us.

The Festival of the Way, we were told, was an event held to honour the final journey of a long forgotten Thaumaturge and the four who tried to follow him. They never did find the Thaumaturge or the way he went despite seasons of searching, and with their footfalls, they created the long road that runs from Britain to Trinsic. We would undertake the same journey they did and at the end, indulge in a little celebration and fine drinking!

From Castle Britannia, we began our trek, most of us clad in the colour of charcoal and bearing a candle. Along the way, we stopped to see many sights and the person who took the role of The Storyteller related a little history about them as we went. During our journey, one member of the group named Lady Silverbrook was subject to a haunting by a spirit. The ethereal creature attempted to grab her more than once but its efforts proved ultimately fruitless. I lost sight of it in the end and can only presume it is a ghost that haunts the woods between the old bridge and the gates of Trinsic.

Eventually we made it to Trinsic where a huge feast had been arranged for us. Tables and chairs were set out with food both familiar and strange to me, the most interesting being Moonberry Pie. At the journey’s end, I was also gifted with a few finely made bells and a little silver. Not one to turn down fine food and drink, I stayed for a while and got to know my companions a little better before retiring for the evening.

The evening was certainly a wonderful one, both fun and insightful. I am always fascinated by the traditions of those from the other shards of the gem that ties all of us together. Lady Magdalena has even been so kind as to point me to a text on the origins of Moonberries which I was most curious about (well, that and the recipe for moonberry pie).

I’d like to thank the people of Baja for inviting us to their fine event and making us all feel very welcome. They even politely ignored Ozog’s poor habits and hygiene and for that, they all surely deserve a medal!

Posted in Baja, Player Event | 1 Comment

The Mushroom Mystery

The Abyss, Ter Mur, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – May 20, 2011 – by Winmere – After reading Lady Ashlynn’s study on Sosarian mushrooms, it reminded me of a puzzling phenomenon I have observed concerning mushrooms.  The first noted occurrence was in the Abyss and the second observance was in the Fandancer Dojo.

There are limited means of passage into the Abyss, so over time, the passageways become familiar.  The Abyss is dark and gloomy in most places, so you tend to notice anything with color.  This particular day in September, I was taking a familiar mountain path when I saw red poppies blooming where white mushrooms usually grew.  Puzzled, I explored many paths through the Abyss that day, looking for mushrooms, but I only found blooming flowers in their stead.  I returned the next day and explored the same areas again, but this time, I found mushrooms growing where the flowers had bloomed.  I thought this must be something unique that happens only in the Abyss, but I was wrong.

Over a fortnight ago, I had a similar experience in the Fandancer Dojo.  I entered the third level, when it struck me as odd that flowers were blooming everywhere.  Immediately, I rushed off to the Abyss to see if flowers were blooming there again.  They were.  If only I had more time, I would have explored other dungeons.  The following day, the mushrooms had returned, once again, to both dungeons.   I noticed that the Miniature Mushrooms and the single flat-capped mushrooms retain their identity and do not blossom into flowers.

In the last eight months, I have only seen this transformation twice, and always inside a dungeon.  Obviously, it could have happened more than twice, because I do not visit dungeons everyday.  It’s also possible that it happens outside dungeons too, but might be less noticeable if the mushrooms are blooming in grassy areas where flowers naturally grow.  When I observe it again, I shall definitely check the Mushroom Cave to note any changes there.

What does it all mean?  Is it an evil omen?  Or a sign of good luck?  Should I play the [SHE] lotto when the mushrooms are blooming?  Do the gods know this is happening, or better yet, why?  Is there a rhyme or reason for this madness?  Clearly, there is not enough information to draw any definitive conclusions.  Perhaps the dear readers of The PaxLair Times will be vigilant and aid in chronicling the dates and locations when they notice these types of events happening.

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Captain Robin Takes to the Sea

Sea Market, Trammel, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – May 18, 2011 – by Ashlynn – Alone I should add, and a few days ago too, though it is a venture he partakes in often so I am told. I was along to watch him hunt corsairs with nothing but his tillerman, a bow and one foot upon the prow culverin.

As I wouldn’t be doing a great deal of anything while I watched him sink a few Orcish vessels, I set up a small bench on the deck of the ship. Captain Robin had a simple strategy – approach the enemy head on then stay just within bow range while occasionally firing the front cannon. I had an even simpler strategy – hide.

It was more of a pleasure cruise for me. I had no cider though!

Much to our dismay, we had to withdraw from the first engagement with the pirates. Though many of the ship’s crew fell to Robin’s arrows, the ship itself seemed to have an iron hull and the cannonshot simply bounced off of it. Fortunately, Captain Robin had instructions to hunt two marks and we quickly found the second nearby. It wasn’t long before most of the crew were dead and the enemy ship was dead in the water. While I boarded to seize the pirate’s stolen cargo, Robin engaged in a lengthy archery duel with the enemy captain and it wasn’t long before he was in irons.

Back at sea market (we took a quick detour to the Lost Lands), we turned over the pirate and our reward was gold and… a few magical cannonballs. A little disappointing but the trip was certainly an interesting one!

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Ashlynn’s Guide to Sosarian Mushrooms

Mushroom Cave, Ilshenar, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – May 17, 2011 – by Ashlynn – Across Sosaria grow many species of mushrooms, some edible, some useful to alchemists, others useful to those with more sinister motives. As something of a mycologist, here I attempt to catalog some of the most common to be found throughout the realm.


Though called a moss, this inedible blood red mass with a brighter orange-red flesh is actually a fungus. A cup-shaped fungi, it can be found mostly in marsh and fenland, but will happily grow any place where conditions are damp enough. It has even been rumoured to grow between the toes of trolls though I suspect this is false and I’ve little desire to find out the truth of the matter.

Bloodmoss is an essential reagent for the magics of the magery school and is also a key ingredient in the manufacture of tonics which heighten agility, being a key component in the production of transmutation-like effects. As yet, it has no known culinary uses.

Chaga Mushroom

This dark, sinister looking mushroom is currently known to grow in only one place: The death-touched Tomb of Kings in Ter Mur. It has a a wide black convex cap speckled with the dark grey remains of it’s veil, and a dirty-grey stipe.

Tedious to collect in large numbers as it prefers to grow only individually or in pairs, it has but one current known use and that is in the imbuing of luck upon arms and armour. It is inedible and probably poisonous I imagine, though should anyone wish to try eating it, do let me know the results.

Britannian Common Cap

Growing all across Britannia, these can be found on the ground almost everywhere. Split into several species, they all look similar – small, with a brown convex or conical cap and brown stipe. Some even glow a faint red during the hours of night.

Though some radiate a faint light, they make poor lanterns but can be useful for finding your way through the wilderness in hours of darkness. A few species are edible and taste great fried in oil with onion and garlic. Some may even be eaten raw such as those which grow in the middle of the stone circle in the wisp wood near the dungeon of Shame.

Dark Truffle

A dark brown fungus presumably growing underground despite the physical similarity to its surface-dwelling kin. It is not known where this truffle comes from and can currently only be purchased from traders at Sea Market.

Dark truffle is used in the making of Faery Salmon Pie and Lava Fish Pie (the latter tastes a little hot so I’m led to believe but Faery Salmon Pie is quite delicious!).

Dread Horn Tainted Mushroom

This enormous light-brown mushroom has a campanulate cap occasionally speckled or streaked with red. Though similar to (and originally one of) those found deep within caves, this particular kind grows in the Twisted Weald and is often found amongst the belongings of the tainted unicorn Dread Horn.

The mushroom is resistant to decay, presumably due to its tainted nature, and can make a nice garden ornament, though has no other known uses.

Executioners Cap

Infamous all across Britannia and possibly the most poisonous mushroom to be found within the realm, this dark, almost black mushroom with a conical cap is currently known only to grow upon the rotting bodies of whipping vines.

An important reagent in the practice of the dark art of necromancy, before the people of Umbra brought their own variety with them from Malas. Due to the spread of Umbran necromancy, the older art is forgotten and it has no known use except as a wicked poison.

Luminescent Fungi

This glowing white bracket fungi grows on the trunks of many species of tree found throughout Britannia. It is often a byproduct of woodcutting, the cutters preferring to scrape the fungus off of the bark of the tree.

Luminescent fungus is useful to alchemists as a key ingredient in making Darkglow Potion and is also useful to those pursuing the path of imbuing as it can enchant items with mind, body and stamina enhancing effects.

Miniature Mushroom

This wild mushroom with a red, white-speckled convex cap grows throughout the realm, but most notably in the elven Heartwood. Though called miniature, it grows to about the same size as Chaga or Zoogi Fungus.

Elven Arcanists prize this as a test for aspiring young spellweavers but I suspect they mostly ask acolytes to collect it due to its culinary properties. It is a sweet smelling and tasting mushroom that can be eaten raw and is very delicious. It is also rumoured that the sweet scent can also help repel goblins.

Zoogi Fungus

Growing deep underground upon damp mossy mounds within the Solen hives below Britannia (and occasionally on the corpses of deceased Solen warriors and workers), this brightly coloured mushroom has a purple convex cap and a bright white stipe.

The Solen are highly skilled in refining this fungus into incredibly useful translocation powder used by Bags of Sending. It is also believed that it may have some use in the function of water purification machinery. One particular example of such a contraption can be found beside a small underground lake in the hives (do note all the zoogi fungus growing nearby).

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