Pax Meeting: June 28, 2011

PaxLair Statehood, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – June 28, 2011 – by Winfield – The next meeting will be held as follows:

  • Date: Tuesday, June 28, 2011
  • Time: 9:00 PM ET
  • Location: Tea House, PaxOku, Homare-jima, Tokuno, Chesapeake
  • Directions: Teleporter is right of the bulletin board at the Tea House in PaxOku, Tokuno.
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The Goblin Art Faire

Pitmuck, Trammel, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – June 26, 2011 – by Winmere – The Goblin Art Faire opened with a display of fine art in several different mediums.  There were fine oil paintings, a sculpture, a topiary, a tapestry, a finger painting, and in the center was a Maypole created out of decorative greenery.  The most popular works of art appeared to be the Ice Creams Cone Sculpture and the finger painting of the Pitmuck mob, both created by Ozog.  Some of the art was priceless and not for sale, but a few were up for sale and Lady Julianna purchased” The Madonna with the long neck”.

Ice Creams were generously handed out to all the guests.  Ozog warned everyone that the ice creams might attract ice cream loving monsters.  It was not long before we heard rumblings of trouble coming from the forest.  The guests went to investigate and found clusters of Ancient Wyrms and their minions surrounding chests full of treasure.  The next few hours were spent chasing, or running, from said creatures, while Lady Julianna picked the treasure chests and emptied their loot.  Someone even managed to cast a purple llama.

We combed the isle to make sure all the beasts had been slain and no ghosts were left behind.  We returned to the Art Faire Display and prizes were handed out to everyone who had participated.  Everyone thanked Pitmuck for such a great cultural event filled with wonderful adventure!

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Into the Undersea Palace

Beneath the Waves, Trammel, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – June 23, Year – by Ashlynn – A call to arms (a black omen no doubt) went out this evening for help in dealing with the aftermath of Kendrick Morrow’s sinister machinations. Though the wretched mage was now in custody, it seemed the remnants of his wicked plans still lingered throughout the realm. We were called in to assist Commander Foxx investigate any such threats that did remain.

We all arrived in Trinsic outside the gaol where Morrow was being held. Due to his uncooperative nature, Commander Foxx resorted to torturing the mage with a hot iron in order to extract any useful information. I must admit, this was something I found rather disturbing (a surprise considering the sort of magic I dabble in) but it seems the code of virtues is something that Commander Foxx does not subscribe to.

Morrow eventually revealed the presence of a safe at his estate and it was there we travelled to next. Inside the safe we found a rune that took us to a great palace (or perhaps temple) that seemed to be located beneath the waves. And from there things got rather messy.

The Palace was guarded by a number of powerful minions that appeared to be co-ordinated by a greater ancient mind. Worse still, many of the doors and gateways were made of thick iron protected by all manner of complicated and strange locks. A maze of teleportation runes even guarded one corridor and took some time to navigate. Infact, the whole thing reminded me of the kind of machinery seen in the Palace of Exodus, located in Ilshenar. At one point, we needed to activate some of the machinery that powered one such lock by inserting the correct power sources, all the while harassed by arrow-traps that warded the entire chamber!

Eventually we overcame the guardians and burst in to one of the main chambers, but our endeavours all seemed to be fruitless. It appeared that the whole thing was something of a trap and Morrow no doubt hoped we’d all perish in that undersea palace.

We returned to Trinsic where Commander Foxx threatened Morrow some more before throwing him back in his cell. The Commander claimed he expected such deception and there would be further need for us in the future. The whole thing left me a little confused, but the sights of that underwater temple made the venture worth while.

For those who still wish to view the palace, the Commander has decided to open up access to the citizens of the realm for a while longer. If anyone who wishes to investigate discovers anything interesting while they are there, please let know.

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Crimson Pirate Raid on PaxOku

PaxOku, Tokuno, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – June 22, 2011 – by Ashlynn – Shortly before the Statehood meeting yesterday evening, a band of sea dogs from the crew calling themselves the Crimson Pirates raided the Tea House in PaxOku.

The skirmish lasted several minutes as the pirates caught both the Governor and I by surprise. Governor Winfield was able to keep them at bay with his magics until further help arrived, at which point the raiders fled, but not before looting a barrel or crate of unknown, but potentially valuable goods.

Though this attack was not on the same scale as the assault on Goldport some nights ago, the fact that these pirates believe they can attack anyway with impunity is cause for concern as who knows what their next target might be.

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Crimson Pirates Attack Goldport

Goldport, Trammel, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – June 21, 2011 – by Ashlynn – Word has reached me via one of my contacts of an attack on the island town of Goldport a number of nights ago. Apparently, those behind the attack call themselves the Crimson Pirates and are led by the infamous Captain Blackfoot.

The details relayed to me about the attack were quite extensive which leaves me a little curious as to whether my contact was involved or not but then an “embedded reporter” is a useful thing to have and something I can overlook. It appears that the pirates raided the island looking for Captain Norwind and Captain Tanivar and finding neither present that night, decided to indulge in a little firesetting instead.

The pirates sailed in from the northwest, their ships moving close to shore under cover of fog and spotted two ships at anchor beside one of Goldport’s larger buildings. Disembarking, they ransacked both vessels and the building, quickly loading the loot aboard their own ship, the Davy Jones. After finding that their prey wasn’t present (it is believed they were out at sea involved in a little privateering of their own), they put both ships and the building to the torch and hastily left.

I am told that the Crimson Pirates regard all of Sosaria as their enemy. They take what they want, when they want and kill any who stand in their way. If this is true, then I suspect this isn’t the last we’ve heard of this new scourge of the seas.

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Pax Meeting: June 21, 2011

PaxLair Statehood, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – June 21, 2011 – by Winfield – The next meeting will be held as follows:

  • Date: Tuesday, June 21, 2011
  • Time: 9:00 PM ET
  • Location: Tavern, Dragons Watch, Felucca, Chesapeake
  • Directions: Teleporter is right of the bulletin board at the Tea House in PaxOku, Tokuno.

Bring one or two of your newly crafted liquors with a story to tell.  We are anxious to taste and hear!

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    Pax Meeting: June 14, 2011

    PaxLair Statehood, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – June 14, 2011 – by Winfield – The next meeting will be held as follows:

    • Date: Tuesday, June 14, 2011
    • Time: 9:00 PM ET
    • Location: Mage Tower, PaxLair City, Felucca, Chesapeake
    • Directions: Teleporter is left of the bulletin board at the Tea House in PaxOku, Tokuno.
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    Crimson Fist Terrorist Attack on Aryslan Empty Tankard

    Aryslan, Felucca, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – June 12, 2011 – by Shef – Last Saturday there were reports of a loud explosion in the center of North Aryslan. Lord Enterprise was the first one on scene and what he found shocked him down to his bones. Before him stood a blaze of fire and smoke where the Empty Tankard once stood. He managed to save one soul from the rubble; he quickly resurrected the sole survivor. Several attempts were made on ascertaining who that lone survivor was but all party members are remaining quiet.

    A statement was made by Lord Enterprise that there was a visitor who entered the Tankard. The strange visitor was then reported to have muttered something and then fire erupted around him. The fire spread across the rugs which lead right to the bar’s supply store, which lead to explosion that could be heard as far as Vesper and Dragon’s Watch. A few hours later the fire was dead and all that was left was rubble.

    The terrorists behind this attack is believed to be the Crimson Fist of Mazrim. It’s believed they planned to hold the bombing at the Aryslan town meeting, why the error is still unknown at this point. Thalyn Tobias, the owner of the Empty Tankard reports that reconstruction will begin soon. That there is plans of expanding the building to add a Inn.

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    News From Across the Realm, Volume 1, Issue 1

    The Press of Literary Grandmasters, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – June 10, 2011 – by Ashlynn – Sadly, creatures from across the ether have been demanding my attention of late and I have no comprehensive articles for the past week. However I can enlighten the readership on a few happenings that have occurred in my absence (and presence now and then).

    The Sosarian Solstice Fair

    Though I was late arriving and early leaving due to the demands of sleep, I did manage to watch one event and the beginning of a second. The first event involved cattle and to this day, I am still a little unsure of the rules, but I believe it involved surviving an encounter on a bagball pitch full of very angry bulls, wearing no clothes at all! Or at least almost none.

    The event itself seemed to be quite dangerous and I am glad I did not volunteer to be trampled by the bulls as so many others were. It is certainly fortunate there were so many present skilled in the use of magical medicine.

    The second event involved hitting a pink piñata shaped like a life-size llama. That one looked much more fun and survivable, though I do not know who won! Should anyone know the results, please leave a letter in my mailbox!

    Booze and the Virtue of Sobriety

    If sobriety is indeed a virtue like the fellowship say, then I am certainly not a virtuous person. But then I suspect I am not no matter what school of virtues you subscribe to. Still, with the recent alchemist guild’s breakthrough in brewing apparatus appearing all throughout the realm, production of spirits is up and coherent speech has taken a nosedive. A large number of small-scale breweries have begun appearing in the kingdom (including my own) and in the coming months, I hope to investigate them in more detail.

    The Empty Tankard Burns!

    News has recently reached my ears that the Empty Tankard located in the town of Aryslan has been burned to the ground by a group of cultists calling themselves the Crimson Fist of Mazrim. I hope to get more information on this turn of events soon!

    Ozog of Pitmuck Returns

    Away for some unknown and nefarious purpose, he has now returned to us. I encourage everyone to give him a warm welcome and a bar of soap!

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    Pax Meeting: June 7, 2011

    PaxLair Statehood, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – June 7, 2011 – by Winfield – The next meeting will be held as follows:

    • Date: Tuesday, June 7, 2011
    • Time: 9:00 PM ET
    • Location: Tea House, Paxoku, Homare-jima, Tokuno, Chesapeake
    • Directions: At the end of Monks Crossing Road to the northeast in Homare-jima, Tokuno.  At the PaxOku Banner.

    The theme tonight is very Impromptu – “What are we working on…?” so if you are making a brewery, let us know and invite us to visit.  Or a fish shop, or new museum.  Even “What I’d like to do with this castle is …” and invite us to visit tonight to throw around ideas.  — We will depart to one or more locations, so don’t be late.

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