Adventures of Kelin 12 – Chyara’s Sunshine

Silent Rose Library, PaxOku, Homare-jima, Tokuno, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – July 23, 2011– by Tatania Karthina –

*Savage Village – Several weeks earlier*

Chief Running Bear looks into his son’s eyes with worry, “The pirates grow bold Two Faces. We may have to move the village before long.”

The young Brave takes a deep breath before looking to his father and speaking, “There is no need Father. I can be captured by the pirates and kill two birds with one stone. If they have me they will leave the village alone and I will be in place to help Chyara’s family. They will never suspect a savage of having ties to the Steels and Broadricks.”

“That would work son, but what of the rest of the problem?” the old chief asks his son. “We have heard that the pirates now know who and where the young Prince is.”

“You speak in riddles father.” Two Faces says, “Who is this young Prince?”

“The young Prince is the one you call Kelin. The Spirit of his mother came to me and told me the way to keep the boy safe is to shield him in the village until the time for his quest arrives and so it will be done. Have the boy and the rest of his family come to the village for a visit while you do your work. In the mean time, make a way for us to unite with Chyara’s family if things go badly”

Dalton “Sunshine” Savage, known as Two Faces to his people does not understand but learned long ago to trust his father’s ways and so he gives the only answer possible, “It shall be done Father.”

*Steel Manor – Nidaros*
Kelin Broadrick Steel sits up suddenly from a sound sleep, heart racing and soaked with sweat. He consciously takes deep steadying breaths as he mutters softly, “it’s just a dream… it’s just a dream”

Gaius Steel rubs the sleep from his eyes, Same dream again Kelin?”, the lad asks his cousin.

“Same old woman but this one was different. She showed me what she called a part of my dream quest… whatever that is and told me to listen to an old man I’ll meet soon. He has important information for me.”, Kelin answered.

Gai yawned and said sleepily, “It’s just a dream Kelin… go back to sleep.” With those words, the younger Gaius rolled over and began snoring softly.

Kelin, however remained awake until just before dawn, replaying the image seared in his mind of him battling a daemon. It frankly scared him to death.

*Marble Island*
Captain Jack clarifies his orders to his men on their upcoming raids, “I want the children, all of them captured and brought to camp. If any of the adults gets in the way kill them all. Burn down the houses of Chase and Chad Steel as well as that of Caius Broadrick.”

The men nod and leave their Captain to make their plans.

*Port Baldmor – A couple of weeks earlier*
Dalton is led into Chad Steel’s office. Chad looks to the brave and smiles, Hail Sunshine. Have you finally come to ask for Chyara’s hand in marriage?”

Sunshine, normally a cheerful fella seems somber as he shakes his head, “No, I will in time, but first I have news and then we have plans to make.” Dalton says.

*Lost Lands*
Sunshine appears to be sleeping under the canopy of the trees, his cheek resting on the ground. He hears the approach of the pirates and braces himself for the trials to come. He was much too close to their camp for them to leave him alone. The Pirates had allowed him inside camp before, but he was never allowed to know the way in. Now, with Kelin’s map, he knew the way. He whispers softly, letting emotion fill his heart for the space of a heartbeat, “I love you Chyara Broadrick. I will have you for my wife when this business is done.”

The pirates come upon the Savage and subdue him with hardly any trouble at all. They bind his hands and return to their camp with him, never checking the small leather pouch the brave wears about his neck. Inside the pouch the communication crystal awaits activation.

Once back to the camp, the pirates throw Sunshine in the same cell as Gnieus, one laughing as the cell door was locked, “Now Broadrick, you can share a cell with a stinking Savage! Talk to him all you want cause he cannot communicate with you. Stupid barbaric savage!” The men all laugh at the taunts and leave the men alone.

Gnieus looks to the Save and speaks softly to him, “What did you do to make them angry?”

Sunshine looks to him and smiles, “Nothing. I’m here to help you escape. I’m Dalton Savage and I am engaged to be married to your sister Chyara. Rather I will be once I prove my worth to her.”

Gnieus blinks at Sunshine then breaks into a huge grin before speaking again, “And how exactly do you plan on helping me when you are in as bad of shape as I am?”

Sunshine reaches into his pouch and hands Gnieus the communication crystal. “I’d put that somewhere safe if I were you. We can communicate with your family and mine. They are waiting for us to activate it.”

An hour after the initial contact with the combined families, Gnieus speaks softly to the crystal, “Are you there Caius?”

The communication crystal glows and Gnieus hears the voice of his little brother, “Gnieus. Trust Sunshine. We know about where you are and will come to get you both out. Can you give us any specifics of their camp?”

“Give me an hour Caius while I think of what you need to know. I’m hiding this crystal for now. I’ll be back to you soon. and Caius.. how is Kelin?”, Gnieus asks.

“Sunshine will fill you in with those details. Just know he is safe.”, Caius replied before the crystal quit glowing.

Gnieus stuffed the crystal underneath his pillow and looks to Sunshine, “How is my son?”

“Kelin, the rest of the children and all the adults are at my village and safe”, Sunshine told him. “And Kelin is a remarkable lad. He figured out who you are, you know.”

Gnieus smiles to Sunshine, “Of course he is remarkable and thank you for your help.”

Gnieus settles back on his cot and begins thinking of what to tell the rescuers as Sunshine paces in the cell. At dusk, three guards come to the cell to drag Sunshine out. Sunshine bellows in rage in his native tongue at them, not letting him know he understands their language. He is dragged to the central fire and bound at a pole. Gnieus cannot see but can hear the man’s screams as the pirates torture him. Out of desperation, he blocks the screaming out long enough to talk to the rescuers, giving them specifics of the camp’s location and everything else they need to know to rescue them. He finally puts the crystal back under the pillow and paces while he listens for what seems like hours.

Near midnight, the guards dump the unconscious savage back in the cell. “Do what you can for him if you care. It doesn’t matter much though. We’ll kill him anyway.”, the pirate stated coldly. “As a matter of fact, both of you will be dead soon enough.” The pirates suddenly blow darts through the bars, hitting both men with the darts. “Poison. It works slow. It is painful. You have 72 hours to live gentlemen.” The pirates laugh and walk away.

the crystal glows as Gnieus reaches for it. “We heard and we’re almost there! hang on!” came the voice of Chase Steel.

Gnieus seems to see someone who is not really there. He smiles contentedly and speaks, “Take care of our son Amelia.” Gnieus then loses consciousness.

The battle was over almost as fast as it began. The pirates were taken by surprise and outnumbered five to one. The Steel, Broadrick and Savage men all fought valiently. A heavily armed group of the men made the journey to Britain to turn in the Pirates who still lived to the Crown for prosecution. The danger was a thing of the past. Almost… Gnieus and Sunshine were rushed to the Savage camp where they remained unconscious and fevered as the poison slowly drained their lives.

Kelin sits by his father’s bed holding his hand when the old chief stops and whispers to him, “It is time for your quest Kelin. Come with me, quickly.”, the old Chief tells him. Kelin looked to the old man, wanting nothing more than to sit with his father, but he remembered his dreams and the old woman’s words to him. He should speak with the Chief and trust him. Kelin quickly rises and hurried after Chief Spirit Walker.

The old chief gives Kelin a bow, quiver as well as a dagger before he speaks, “The old woman of your dreams said to tell you that she will guide you. Go first to the Hedge maze and you’ll find more instructions there. You must find the antidote to save your father and my son. Go with speed and honor young Warrior.”

Kelin mounted the horse that was ready for him, looked to the Chief and nodded, “Please do not tell my family where I am until I’ve had time to get away. I must do this and they will insist on protecting me.”

Kelin with a fiercely determined grimace on his face galloped off into the sunset, knowing he had to succeed but also more frightened than he had ever been in his life.

The Saga of Kelin and his adventures will continue in “The Adventures of Kelin 11 – “Dream Quest”, coming soon to the bookstore at The PaxOku Silent Rose Library!

Peace and Knowledge be with you!

Tatania Karthina

July 23, 2011

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Terrible Opposition

Humility Fens, Ilshenar, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – July 22, 2011 – by Ashlynn – Lady Phoenix mustered a daring band of adventurers this evening to head into the jungles and fens neighbouring the shrine of humility in Ilshenar. Our quest would be to slay the creatures haunting the woods and lure out the evil daemoness, Semidar. It was to certainly prove an eventful task.

Our brave band, led by Lady Phoenix, consisted of Lord Earik (who had a pet dragon in tow), George Woods (a mage of some sort), Governor Winfield (I think he does some leader-ish thing), Lady Winmere (the great traveling library),  Tatania Karthina (owner of a more stationary library), and me, Ashlynn (the mushroom addict). Also accompanying us was Lord Teal, recently returned to the realm. He had never been on this kind of venture before so he was in for a real treat! (If death can be considered such).

Getting there was easy enough and the first waves were not too much trouble until veteran and elite creatures showed up. They proved to be something of a menace scattering our band more than a few times. The most terrible of them all was a golden-skinned daemoness, quick as the wind and with claws that could cut through even valorite with ease. She struck down several of us, even pursuing her prey to the nearby moongate and waiting for any who tried to sneak back through. It was not until Semidar herself had fallen that we could turn our attention to her and even then she managed to strike one of us down and elude us if only briefly.

We found her eventually and Earik set his dragon to work while the rest of us threw spells her way. I am still unsure as to if she truly fell – there was no body to be found and I wonder if she slipped away using magic or alchemy like those assassins in Tokuno. Though we did not get her name (she seemed more eager to kill than to talk), she will certainly remain in my memory for some time to come.

After our task was done, we decided to summon the wretched ratmaster Baracoon. His force of rats and snakes were a lot less trouble and we quickly destroyed the vermin horde with ease. For all our troubles, we recovered a great deal of gold and a few of us even found some artifacts of note on the fallen champions.

Done with our task, we disbanded for the night, weary, but victorious.

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Explosion at the House of Rotten Grapes

House of Rotten Grapes, Trammel, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – July 21, 2011 – by Ashlynn – Last night a huge explosion tore through the recently constructed brewery and public house known as the House of Rotten Grapes. The disaster destroyed the entire upper section of the building and left the remains a charred and broken stone shell.

What caused the incident is unknown although the large quantity of spirits in the basement may have contributed to the power of the explosion and resulting fireball. It is possible that the explosion may have been deliberate, but an accident involving a barrel of Ashsinthe and a nearby paper lantern may also be a possible cause.

Whatever the cause, the First Bank of Britannia were quick to pay a few hundred thousand in gold insurance due to the incident which will go towards funding any future constructions upon the plot.

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PaxLair Meeting: July 19, 2011

PaxLair Statehood, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – July 19, 2011 – by Winfield – The next meeting will be held as follows:

  • Date: Tuesday, July 19, 2011
  • Time: 9:00 PM ET
  • Location: Mage Tower, PaxLair City, Felucca, Chesapeake
  • Directions: Teleporter is left of the bulletin board at the Tea House in PaxOku, Tokuno.
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The Bazaar Returns to Guardians Gate

Guardians Gate, Trammel, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – July 18, 2011 – by Ashlynn – A grand bazaar was unveiled in Guardians Gate yesterday evening promising exotic pets, craftsman and goods of all kinds. Experienced animal tamers had the means to train pets in the form of fiendish shadow elementals and a rather battered looking metal construct. Said golem may have been called Gato but I forgot to ask.

Having no pets of my own (besides a grizzled mare that doesn’t eat) and not requiring repairs to anything (I prefer to wait until my things are literally falling apart first), I concluded that perhaps I should set up a stall too. So I did! A mushroom stall. And I made just shy of 80,000 gold through my enterprise!

The overall atmosphere was fun and friendly as always though perhaps not so much for the shadow elemental though it did seem to shrug off most blows. I look forward to the next one where hopefully there will be more market stalls and more mushroom customers.

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PaxLair Meeting: July 12, 2011

PaxLair Statehood, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – July 12, 2011 – by Winfield – The next meeting will be held as follows:

  • Date: Tuesday, July 12, 2011
  • Time: 9:00 PM ET
  • Location: Skara Brae Community Center, Trammel, Chesapeake
  • Directions: Just east of the Skara Brae Bank.
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Strange Tree Discovered on Fire Island

Island of the Avatar, Trammel, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – July 11, Year – by Ashlynn – Earlier this evening, Sir Earik spoke of sighting a great yew-like tree on the Island of the Avatar (more commonly known as Fire Island). I of course accepted his magical gate to the isle and went to investigate.

The tree was enormous and stood in a huge grove surrounded by flowers of all kinds. Infact, so verdant and pretty was the grove that it seemed at odds with the dark jungle that made up the rest of the island. The tree itself was tall and healthy and covered in pink blossoms that suggested rather than being a yew tree or similar, it was actually a giant cherry blossom. This disturbed me initially because the only giant cherry blossom I have heard of can drain the souls of those nearby when it is in full bloom. So far however, this tree seems benign in nature; I certainly felt no malevolence and so it seems to be more of a curiosity than any kind of threat or omen.

Still, it’s appearance on the island is sudden and certainly unnatural and we cannot rule out a sinister aspect as yet, especially with the rest of the turmoil that has engulfed the land – both esoteric and mundane. All we can do is observe and hope that the beauty of this tree does not become something more horrifying.

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News From Across the Realm, Volume 1, Issue 2

The Office of the Paxlair Times, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – July 10, 2011 – by Ashlynn – The Statehood has been relatively quiet with no major events (or catastrophes!) to note, but that doesn’t mean the citizens have been idle. The realm too has been fairly uneventful but there are still a few things that merit a mention.

Scelestus Awakens

One of the most notable events this past month is the opening of a previously sealed region of Ter Mur. Queen Zhah has been sending volunteers to battle daemons there that serve a daemon lord named Scelestus. Some of his minions reportedly carry documents the queen seeks and she has offered a reward for those who return any to her. As to the Daemon Lord’s ultimate goals, none are yet sure though the gargoyles consider him a grave threat to their city!

Curse of the Crimson Pirates

The recently formed band of pirates has continued to raid shipping and coastal settlements in the past few weeks, attacking Goldport yet again, raiding Serpent’s Hold and ransacking more taverns. The pirates even attacked the estate of Queen Zen! A fleet of ships has been mustered by the Ethereal Void to combat the menace but the pirates show no signs of ceasing their attacks.

Whispers of the Beast

Rumours have been circulating regarding a monster currently slumbering beneath the waves. It is said that the creature has begun stirring and will soon awaken to crush the keels of ships and devour any poor sailor that falls into the ocean. The creature goes by the name of Charybdis and it is said with the use of special bait, it is possible to lure him to the surface. An Alliance sea expedition to find the creature is already being planned and no doubt we’ll discover just how powerful it is soon enough.

Requests and Other Things to Muse Over

Ashlynn the Seed Seeker – It seems the Naturalists have a more plentiful supply of rare seeds than they like to make out but prying them from their compost-covered hands can be rather time consuming. It is amusing though that I can delight them with a tale of the same Solen nests time after time and they never grow bored. Simply changing the words around a little satisfies them. Still, I am seeking seeds, specifically Rare White Hedge Seeds. If anyone has any spare, do let me know!

Ozog the Cryptanalyst – Ozog of Pitmuck is attempting to decipher some strange text (it would appear he has broken the picture code already). The passage that requires breaking is as follows:

AARP. sor air kyrdol tharaes. Salaelol sai talia shys, ai cali thyl eir kyrdol sai shi aelalaer. Mystaeli os mysti sol air shaelol cos tol. Ojyl o eil vorelaes ter thol or shai air Shaelasaerer si oli shai air pyl air car tadi saes baes tael.
iandyn mystaeli air tystol ,siar codi sor myr

If anyone is able to crack the message, which might be a substitution cipher (but could be a little more complicated), let the little filthy goblin know!

The Magical Travelling Gypsy Caravan – There’s a small gypsy caravan travelling the realm selling the strangest kind of trinkets you can imagine. They never stop in any one place for too long which could make tracking them down difficult, but if you can find them, you may discover a few wondrous trinkets!


  • Lord Mach has been reportedly fabricating evidence that may implicate me in the murder of over 150 Britannian Citizens. You all know it’s not true!
  • Lady Phoenix wants a screaming barnacle for her next birthday.
  • There is an organ thief apparently stalking the streets of Trinsic, preying on drunk patrons leaving taverns late at night!
  • Alliance Brewers will soon be unveiling several brands of alcohol and have even hired a painter to help give their brews some identity!
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Lady Ashlynn Declared Citizen of the Month for July!

House of Rotten Grapes, Trammel, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – July 7, 2011 – by Winmere – Lady Tatania, Mayor of PaxOku, started a new tradition by naming Governor Winfield as “Citizen of the Month” for June.  She presented Governor Winfield with some tokens of appreciation and informed him that he would have to select the “Citizen of the Month” for July.

During the first weekly Statehood Meeting in July, Governor Winfield announced Lady Ashlynn as “Citizen of the Month”.  Governor Winfield presented Lady Ashlynn with some tokens of appreciation and a book, which he read.

“By order of Governor Winfield, who is also an okay fisherman, be it known that Ashlynn of PaxOku is awarded as the Citizen of the Month of the PaxLair Statehood for July 2011.  Ashlynn demonstrated unswerving abilities to report recent news and in-depth articles in the PaxLair Times.  She is a renowned artist inspiring long waiting lines of every creature and flora in the realm seeking a self-portrait.  Ashlynn kept people laughing while many faced dangers beyond recognition; even with bloody corpses all around, she cheered people up with a crafty anecdote or spirited observation.  She kept herself free enough to help anyone and everyone who needed helping, which is always quite a few people.  Finally, Ashlynn has always graced us with her smile, positive attitude, and free-spirited nature, which helps keep us all young.  Thank you Ashlynn!”

Among cheers and wild adulation, the audience demanded a speech from Lady Ashlynn and she was kind enough to oblige.

“Thank you everyone, first of all!  It is a wonderful honour and I feel very privileged that you all think I deserve it.  I have my faults though, and I always try to keep that in mind so in light of that, I am even more thankful.  The Times is a joy to write when I get around to it, though I can be a little lazy at times, I admit, but if you poke me, I will put anything you desire in there.  Well, short of like nude photos of Queen Zhah, or something.  We are not a tabloid!  I know I am not as old a citizen as most of you so I always like to defer to your wisdom.  The Alliance and everyone in it have always been so kind and supportive though my only wish is that I could have joined you earlier.”

“We died more earlier,” quipped Governor Winfield.  Mayor Tatania stated that Lady Ashlynn was with us now and that is all that mattered.  Mayor Zanku assured Lady Ashlynn that she has come a long way.

In closing, Lady Ashlynn said, “I have a deep respect for you all and look forward to the times ahead.”  More cheering ensued along with displays of fireworks.

Governor Winfield informed Lady Ashlynn that she would have to choose the “Citizen of the Month” for August.  Many attendees were observed trying to ingratiate themselves with Lady Ashlynn, perhaps in hopes of being named as “Citizen of the Month” for August.

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PaxLair Meeting: July 5, 2011

PaxLair Statehood, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – July 5, 2011 – by Winfield – The next meeting will be held as follows:

  • Date: Tuesday, July 5, 2011
  • Time: 9:00 PM ET
  • Location: House of Rotten Grapes, East Britain, Trammel, Chesapeake
  • Directions: Teleporter is inside the Tea House in PaxOku, Tokuno with a green book on it
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