Adventures of Kelin 15 – Chyara’s Sunshine

The Library at the Prince Estates is lit warmly with a warm fire crackling cheerfully in the fireplace.  Kelin sits with his Father, Sunshine and Chyara.

“You must relax Dalton”, Gnieus tells him.  Concentrate on the one you wish to speak with.  Call to them and only them.  If you do not concentrate on only the one spirit, you’ll get many.”

“I’m not sure about this Sunshine”, says Chyara.  I mean, most of the time when a girl meets her betrothed’s Mother she can actually see them.  Does my hair look ok?”

“Mother will love you Chy” Sunshine says, “because I do.”

“That’s not a very good reason” she says.

“Aunt Chy.  She’ll love you because you’re loveable” Kelin says “Who could resist?  Everyone loves you.”

Chyara smiles and pulls Kelin close,   wrapping her arms around him.  Kelin looks to his Father and grins to him, rolling his eyes heavenward yet pleased to be hugged by his Aunt.  “You’re the one everyone loves Kelin.  I’m sometimes amazed at how much you have drawn this family together.  Not only our immediate family,  but drawing the Steels and Savages to us.  We’re truly like one large extended family”, Chy states.

“Good Dalton.  There she is.”  Gnieus and Kelin look to Sunshine’s Mother and smile while Chyara just seems nervous. “Come with me Kelin.  We’ll give them some time alone.”

Kelin smiles to the ,  rises and walks to the door and out in the moonlight with his Father.  “Chyara was near your age when I was captured by the Pirates.  I have missed so much in your lives.  In everyone’s”, Gnieus says.

“How did you stay alive all that time Da?” Kelin asks.

“There were times when I actually had given up and no longer cared if I lived or died. In those times, your Mother would come to sit with me and tell me all about you.  I wanted so bad to hold her and be with her but every time she’d convince me to hold on for you.  Sometimes Constance would come to me in my dreams.  She’d assure me that you were happy and healthy.” Gnieus says.

Kelin puts his hand in his Da’s, “Come on Da, Chief Spirit Walker and Grandmother have joined Chy and Sunshine.  I want to ask him something”, Kelin says.

The pair walks back to the Library and say their hellos to Constance and the Chief.  Kelin looks to the Chief and says, “Chief.  When we first, you said your name was Running Bear and now we also call you Spirit Walker.  Do you go by both names?”

The Chief laughs and nods, “I do go by both Kelin.  I was known as only Running Bear until I was about your Father’s age.  After I could walk with spirits, I was also called Spirit Walker.  I normally introduce myself as Running Bear still because Spirit Walker takes some explanation at some point.  Only those close to me call me that.”

Kelin nods to the Chief then looks to Constance, “How did you meet the Chief, Grandmother?”

“Sunshine’s Mother was my best friend from girlhood.  I’ve been friends with Chief Spirit Walker since the day she met him.  I’m afraid I wasn’t able to save her either.”  Constance looks to the Chief with a sad smile.  “The three I loved the best.”

Chief Spirit Walker pats her hand before speaking, “You would have if you could have.  That’s what Matters.”

Constance smiles softly to the Chief but Kelin wasn’t quite sure asking his questions, “Sunshine, Thank you for saving my Da,   but why did you do it when you had never even met him?” Kelin asks Dalton.

Sunshine frowned in thought then looks to Kelin, “I know that this will sound strange to you since you did not grow up believing, yet I think you’ll understand with all you’ve recently been through and now know.  When I turned fifteen years old, I went into a sweat Lodge with my Father.  All young men of the Village do this.  I had fasted for three days and my Dream Vision came upon me easily.  The Spirit of my Great Grandfather had shown me some of my future”, Sunshine said.

“He showed me the Vision of a young girl.  The girl was only a few younger than I was and already a beauty.  He had told me the girl’s name was Chyara and she was to be my wife when the time was right.  He told me that Chyara’s brothers would not trust me and I must go on a quest to prove myself worthy to them.  The quest would help my people as well as hers and would unite both families with a bond as strong as time itself”, Sunshine continued.

“The only other thing I knew was that I already knew the girl’s brother, Chad.  I told Chad the next time I saw him that I would one day marry his sister, Chyara.  Chad was confused because he did not know anyone named Chyara.  I too was confused and wondered if my Dream Vision was incorrect, until I saw Chad a year later.  Chad told me about Kelin and that his Father had a sister named Chyara.  Chad said that both of their clans had united, the Steels and Broadricks.” Sunshine finished.  “So I knew Chyara would be my wife and when the time was right, what I must do in order to win her and her family.”

“So that’s what you meant when you said it was written in the stars”, said Chyara.

**Two Weeks Later – Savage Village**

Chase, Milla, Chad, Khali, Caius, Stormy, Gnieus, Sunshine, Chyara, Constance, and Chief Spirit Walker all sit together with the Steel, Broadrick and Save children all gathered about.  The adults seem happy yet stern as they explain the rules of the new Teleporters that had been installed just that morning. 

“The Teleporters are all installed in special buildings outside of the homes.  You are not allowed to use them unless you have an adult’s permission and you will be respectful of the other’s privacy when you are visiting the other places.  Remember, we’re all family and we all reserve the right to punish… yes, I mean spank if necessary any of you”, Chase finishes in what he hopes is a fierce voice.  A couple of the Savage children giggle and Tara rolls her eyes yet they all know that atleast the other adults would not hesitate.

“What places will be linked?”, asks Kelin.

“The Steel houses in Nidaros and Magincia, The Broadrick home in Dragon’s Watch, The Savage Village here, The Savage Estate in Silvervale and the Prince Estates in Delucia.”, Chief Spirit Walker answers.

“We’ll be able to move into our rebuilt homes this evening, but of course, Chyara cannot move to Silvervale with Sunshine until after the wedding”, Chad adds, causing giggles from most of the children.

The Wedding plans are well underway when All the children go to Milla to ask permission to go to the Savage Village to work on their wedding gift for the couple.  Milla gives her permission and accompanies the children as far as White Fox’s Lodge, making sure she doesn’t mind them hanging out for the day.  White Fox agrees and asks if they can remain and spend the night.  Milla agrees and tells the children that someone will come back later with their overnight bags.

Once alone with White Fox, the girls explain to White Fox what they wish to give the couple.  White Fox smiles brightly and takes the children to the women’s day Lodge, getting them set up and to work on their special project.  The boys work with the women learning how to make the glass beads being used while the girls work with the women discussing traditional patterns and colors.  Tara and Lilly remove wedding dolls from their packs to show the women the traditional wedding garments of their culture and the women show the girls samples of their own culture’s wedding finery. 

Sunshine’s nieces and nephews are assembled to assist in the project and everyone involved with the project decide the best combining of the two cultures would be for Chyara’s slippers, headdress with a veil and the bodice of her gown to be in beadwork, while Sunshine will wear Savage traditional headband, vest and shoes.  White Fox, who has been trained as a Tailor takes Tara, Lilly and two Savage girls to Luna to choose fabrics for the wedding attire, while Tempest works on drawing a design for the clothing with the help of a talented young Savage girl and Chasity separates beads for the work. Beads in whites, clear, bronze silver and gold are chosen for the work.  

Everyone works right up to bedtime and beyond, only taking time to eat a quick lunch and dinner.  Many little hands diligently string beads under the tutelage of more experienced hands and near midnight, the beading and clothing are finished.  “In the morning, we’ll attach the beading to the finery we have created”, White Fox told the exhausted children as she leads them to her lodge for sleep.


Just before lunch, White Fox uses the teleporter to go to the Steel Estate in Nidaros and invites the Ladies to lunch, vaguely explaining that the children have a surprise for Chyara.  Chyara looks extremely frazzled and replies, “I’ll gladly come.  I’m so frustrated right now I could scream!  I cannot find the perfect dress for the wedding and believe me when I say I have tried on every dress in Luna and New Magincia!”

Chyara, Milla and Patrice all return to the Savage Village where they eat lunch with the women from the Village as well as all the children who had helped on the project.  After the food had been consumed by all,   the children,  their faces shining with joy stand before Chyara.  Tara and Sunshine’s oldest niece, Tasha are the spokespersons for the children.  “We have made all the wedding finery for you and our Uncle for your wedding” Tasha states proudly.

“All of us did” Tara makes a wide sweeping motion encompassing everyone in the room.  “And you’re gonna love it Aunt Chy!”

Chyara, bless her heart had the expression on her face of love for all the children, yet the shadow of worry.  It was frantically racing through her mind that she must tread carefully to not hurt these children’s feelings, but if the best tailors in the lands could not please her,   how could these scruffy kids possibly make something to make her happy?

Different children began slipping out the door and soon back again, carrying different garments.  They treated the garments with extreme care and the pride of craftsmanship.  Chyara’s eyes grew wider and wider with each piece of finery she was presented.  In the end,   she rose, her trembling hand at her throat, her other hand gently touching the exquisite beading covering the bodice of her gown.  Chyara Broadrick was speechless for the first time in her entire life.

Patrice found her voice first and it was choked with emotion, “Now I see I must seek the assistance of your Feast cooks.  We must work together to create a Wedding feast that blends the traditions of our cultures as beautifully as you all have done.”

Chyara, in the meantime gathers all the children around her,   hugging them fiercely and sobbing with joy.


The stress of planning the wedding was taken from Chyara and over the next weeks she found the most happiness of her life as she saw the combined efforts of her and Sunshine’s families.  The wedding would be different than any other yet traditional in all its parts to both cultures. 

Unknown to the children until the morning of the wedding, they were all in the wedding party themselves.  The women of the Village with the help of Chyara, Milla and Khali had make them all wedding finery to compliment the bride’s and grooms.  The girls dresses were in the same style as the wedding dress yet tea length and made of a rainbow of pastel colors.  The boys wore finery similar to Sunshine’s, yet their vests were in the same colors of the girl’s dresses, yet darker in hue.

The ceremony itself was held in the beautiful gardens of the Prince Estates with the Priest and Savage Medicine Man presiding.  There were tears and laughter shared all through the ceremony as Sunshine and Chyara spoke the words that made them man and wife.  The cheers were so loud when the couple were introduced as Mr. and Mrs. Dalton Savage that birds in the trees of the nearby forrest were startled from their perches.

It was announced after the ceremony that the reception was to be held at the couple’s newly renovated home in Silvervale.  The celebration lasted well in  the night and was enjoyed by all.

The Saga of Kelin and his adventures will continue in “The Adventures of Kelin 16 – “Jillian’s misadventure”, coming soon to the bookstore at The PaxOku Silent Rose Library!

Peace and Knowledge be with you!
Tatania Karthina
30 July 2011

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“Kelin” book signing

Title: “Kelin” book signing
Location: Silent Rose Library
Description: Introduction of new Kelin books and a couple of contests to decide the near future of the Adventures of Kelin Series!
Start Time: 21:00
Date: 2011-08-07

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PaxLair Meeting: August 2, 2011

PaxLair Statehood, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – August 2, 2011 – by Winfield – The next meeting will be held as follows:

  • Date: Tuesday, August 2, 2011
  • Time: 9:00 PM ET
  • Location: Teal’s House, Felucca, Chesapeake
  • Directions: Rune is under the bulletin board at the Tea House in PaxOku, Tokuno.
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Township Spotlight: PaxOku

PaxOku, Tokuno, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – August 1, 2011 – by Ashlynn and Tatania Karthina – Hopefully the first in a series of articles that look at the settlements which make up the Statehood, we begin with PaxOku, City of Culture and Enlightenment. The town is something of a hub within the Alliance – a place where meetings are held and people gather. That all alliance townships have teleporters which lead to the PaxOku Tea House is something which as contributed to this.

The town is located on Homare Jima in the lands of Tokuno. A moongate to the island is located just beside a road that has come to be known as Monk’s Crossing and following the road in a north-easterly direction will bring you to the settlement. PaxOku also neighbours the town of Kijustsu Anei which lies immediately south west of it, also along the road.

Unfortunately I was not present at the time of the town’s founding but the current mayor of the town, Lady Tatania Karthina, has given me a concise summary of the history of PaxOku just for this article. Hopefully those who are not as familiar with the town’s history will find it enlightening.

The Town of PaxOku

PaxOku was established on November 3, 2003 as a PaxLair outpost and the city was named on June 20, 2004. by Minister of Knowledge, Neo Lothlore. The name PaxOku means “The place that PaxLair founded.” PaxOku City is located on Homare-Jima, Tokuno Islands, Chesapeake.

PaxOku has been through many changes over the years both structurally and Culturally.  In years past, PaxOku was a thriving, bustling city steeped heavy in commerce. The Blue Light Tavern was the sight of many gatherings for fantastic adventures. In current times, however the city is lower key, a place of culture and enlightenment. Whether you visit the beautiful Teahouse for a conversation with friends, old and new alike, The Drunken Friar’s Pub for a bottle of Beny’s Spiced Rum or visit the Silent Rose Library to research some history or just read a good book, you’ll find a city that is both welcoming and diverse.  Although lower key than in years past, PaxOku City is still a place which thrives and seems to breathe with the ebb and flow of subtle changes that take place in the lands.

Another draw to PaxOku is the Fishing Industry. Whether you’re fishing for shallow or deep water fish, PaxOku has an abundance of both. The Giant Koi, Giant Samurai and Golden Tuna can only be found in the lands of Tokuno. PaxOku is also involved in the Fishing Hall of Fame. The Hall is located next to the Tea House, between the cities of PaxOku and Kijustsu Anei Village and ran by both cities. Here, you’ll find many record fish of the lands and perhaps catch a tournament.

A big day in PaxOku’s history was December 7th, 2009.  On this day, PaxOku received it’s City Banner. The Stand on which the Banner rests is made of white marble with a Hunter Green rug, two book cases and two bronze globes. The globes are inscribed with the words “Welcome to PaxOku. A Cultural Center of the PaxLair Statehood” and “Monk’s Crossing”.  The banner is Hunter Green and White. Replicas of the bronze globes can be found at every building within PaxOku.  In time, the city was also graced with stables, found near the City Banner.

We hope you visit PaxOku soon whether to enjoy a drink with friends, read a book, fish or meet up for adventures.  Whatever your pleasure, PaxOku awaits you!

Mayor Tatania Karthina

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Maedhros Rune Library

Nidaros, Trammel, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – July 31, 2011 – by Ashlynn – South of Nidaros stands a mighty stone structure filled with books. Books containing runes  to every corner of the land. This building is the Rune Library of Lord Maedhros, recently relocated from the facet of Ter Mur.

Maedhros has made an alliance with the Mayor Zanku, becoming part of the Town of Nidaros and adding the resources of his exceptional library to that of the town. This is certainly a welcome addition as the alliance currently lacks for Rune Libraries in the townships. I certainly hope this is the first of many that will appear in our beloved settlements.

The library is located south of Nidaros, across the road and near Skara Brae. A rune from the Mayor’s House in Nidaros will take you there, though if you wish to head their directly, the library’s coordinates are 59.03’S, 24.36’W.

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Adventures of Kelin are published now!

Silent Rose Library, PaxOku, Homare-jima, Tokuno, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – July 30, 2011– by Winfield – The Adventures of Kelin, written by Tatania Karthina, the curator of the Silent Rose Library and a great writer, are now published in the PaxLair Times.

You can see ALL the Adventures, currently 1 through 14, by selecting the Kelin Adventures category on the Categories listing in the right column on the main page of the Times.

The books are published in the PaxLair Times based on the date they were orginally written and released, starting back in January 2006.

Posted in Books by Players | 1 Comment

Adventures of Kelin 14 – Prince Secrets

Silent Rose Library, PaxOku, Homare-jima, Tokuno, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – July 26, 2011– by Tatania Karthina –

The lodge at the Savage Village was bursting at the seams with people. Two men lay in beds in the center, each of them unconscious and burning with fever. Gnieus Broadrick, one of the sick men has his young son Kelin holding one hand with his sister Milla holding his other hand. Chase, Milla’s husband holds young Kelin’s other hand and the Spirit of Amelia Firebolt Broadrick stands at his head, unseen by all except a few.

The other bed holds Dalton “Sunshine” Savage, known as Two Faces by his people. Sunshine’s hands
are being held by his father, Spirit Walker and his Fiancé Chyara Broadrick.

Encircling both beds, all holding hands are the Broadricks, The Steels, The Savages and Constance
Firebolt. Each person watches the men carefully for any sign that the cure young Kelin gave them
moments ago will work. The entire room seems to be holding their breath.

Gnieus lays as still as death as the poison ravishes his body, but suddenly bright blue eyes pop
open and seem to focus on nothing directly above his head. He speaks, his voice sounding like
gravel, “I’m so sorry Amelia. I tried to save you. I really did. I’ve missed you so much. Our
Kelin is a good lad Amelia. Strong and good hearted like you.” Gnieus closes his eyes and tears
slide down his face.

Everyone in the room held their breath except for Kelin and surprisingly, Spirit Walker and
Constance Firebolt. Only those three could see the Spirit of Amelia. The rest of the people
thought Gnieus was dying. Those three however looked immensely relieved.

Gnieus opened his eyes again to find that Amelia has faded but he sees Kelin and smiles weakly.
“Did you see her son? Did you?”

Kelin squeezes his father’s hand and nods, “Yes Father, Mother helped me with the cure that saved
you. I know her and I love her Father.”

Gnieus smiles a little easier and closes his eyes, “Good. I can rest now. Thank you son. I
love you Kelin. I always have.” Gnieus closes his eyes and falls into the deep sleep of

On the other bed there was quite a different reaction going on. Sunshine opens his eyes and
focuses on Chyara. “If I am dead I am in heaven to be with my love. If I am alive there is
something I must ask your brothers.” Caius, Chase and Chad step forward to Sunshine’s bed.

“You have to go through all of us, Gnieus included when he awakens”, Caius states to Sunshine.

Sunshine grimaced and spoke weakly, “I haven’t the strength to go through anyone at the moment.
I’ve already gone through a horde of Pirates today, but I will ask you all. May I have your
permission to marry Chyara?” Sunshine asks.

All three men smile to Sunshine but Caius speaks, “After what you have done for this family, you
are already our family Sunshine and your family is our family as well. If they’ll have us. Of
course you may marry Chyara.

Chase speaks next, “I’m honored to have you join our family Dalton.”

Chad add, “That is a yes for me as well brother.”

Chyara clears her throat and glares at Sunshine, “You best be asking me before I change my mind
Sunshine! I thought I had lost you.” Chy’s face showed the evidence of her grief with her face
being tear streaked and her eyes being swollen and red.

Sunshine looks to Chyara and smiles, “You are my heart Chyara Broadrick. Will you do me the
honor of becoming my wife?”

Chyara smiles to her beloved and answers him, Yes, a thousand times Yes. I love you Sunshine!”

Chyara looks up to Spirit Walker and smiles, “I hope to become like a daughter to you in time
Chief Spirit Walker.”

Chief Spirit walker clasps Chyara’s hand and leans forward to kiss her cheek, “How could anyone
who loved my son as you do not be loved by me as well? You are already my daughter
Fierce Heart.”

Sunshine too closes his eyes and falls into a deep sleep. With both men resting, the crowd
breaks up and steps outside quietly whispering among themselves.

Constance Firebolt speaks softly to Chief Spirit Walker for a moment, before the pair of them send
for Chase, Chad, Caius and their wives. The four couples step into the Chief’s lodge while the
kids drag Kelin outside.

Kelin is swarmed by the girls first and hugged and kissed until he laughs at them. He looks at
Tara, Lilly, Tempest and Chasity and smiles to them, “I missed you girls so much. I’m glad you
all are safe.”

Gaius, Drago and Broadrick squirm their way through the girls to hug Kelin, “I heard you slayed a
Dragon and a Kraken to get the potion to save your Da and Sunshine.”, Gaius says.

Kelin laughed and shook his head, Actually I slayed two Imps and played fetch with a Daemon.”

Kelin and the rest of the kids begin to walk off when they notice two young braves near their own
age. A slightly smaller Savage girl tries to peak between them. Kelin stops and smiles to the
other kids, “Would you like to join us?”

The three others smile back and introduce themselves to the Steels.They, it turns out are the
niece and nephew of Sunshine. All the kids go to their Lodge and are welcomed by Sunshine’s
oldest sister, who is their mother. She sends the young girl on an errand then settles all the
children around her table for their dinner. Much Later when Chase, Milla, Chad and Stormy step
into the Lodge they find their children all settled on pallets around the fire, snoring softly.
Sunshine’s sister motions them outside and smiles, “They are all welcome to spend the night just
where they are. They all had a big day and as soon as their bellies were full they were asleep.”

*** The next Morning***
Chase quietly steps into the Lodge where Gnieus and Sunshine are sleeping, intent on checking on
them before breakfast. What he finds brings a smile to his face. Fast asleep in his father’s
arms is Kelin. Gnieus however is wide awake and rather looks like he had been hit in the head
with a war hammer. “I didn’t think I’d ever be able to hold him again”, Gnieus whispered to
Chase. “Then I woke up during the night to find him fast asleep and holding me’, he spoke with

“Kelin is like that brother. You never know quite what he’ll do next, but it’s usually a
surprise and right. You have a remarkable son.”, Chase said to Gnieus.

“I just hope I can live up to your example. I’d be happy to be half the father to him that you
have been. Thank you Chase. I… I can never thank you enough.”

“No thanks are necessary Gnieus. I love him. It’s that simple”, Chase replied. “For now, all
you need to do is concentrate on growing strong again.”

Gnieus nods to Chase, a look of understanding passes between the men. Gnieus rouses Kelin and
smiles to him, “You must be hungry son.”

Rubbing the sleep from his eyes, Kelin kisses his father and rises, walking to Chase and hugging
him. “I am Da. I’ll be back later.”

Gnieus looks to Chase after Kelin is gone and speaks softly, “This must be hard on you. Me being

Chase considers him a moment then speaks, “I admit that it was, until Milli reminded me how
remarkable Kelin is. That boy has enough love in him for a hundred of us Gnieus. I’d like to
think that Kelin and Milli have taught me to have enough love in me that you’ll know I am sincere
when I say Welcome Home Gnieus. I’m so glad you’re safe and you are welcome to remain with us as
long as you wish, forever if it is what you want.”

“Thank you Chase”, he replied.

***Three Weeks Later***

The entire Steel / Broadrick family was welcomed with open arms into the Prince Estates.
Constance had seen them all to their rooms and life had settled into some normalcy for everyone.

Constance had set up a meeting in the Library and everyone was assembled, drinking tea. Spirit
Walker had come from the Savage Village for the meeting. Chase, Milla, Gnieus and Kelin were
also there. Constance nods to Gnieus and he looks to Kelin.

“Kelin. I would like to explain to you about your Mother’s death. and tell you what I can about
the Prince Family Secrets. Amelia…” He pauses and takes a deep breath before continuing,
“Your mother told me some of it and your Grandmother will fill you in on the rest. Your mother’s
family have the ability to make a cure potion that heals anything son. This ability comes with a
heavy price though. The price for your Mother was her death.”

“The letter you left me when Kelin was sent to me said the men were trying to kill you, Gnieus”,
Milla said.

“That was said to protect Kelin”. Constance injected, “Although Gnieus, blames himself unjustly.”

“I should have been there to protect her Constance. I was not”, Gnieus said with raw grief. He
drops his head and tries to compose himself.

Constance takes over the explanation, “A child of the Prince Family can go on two dream quests
before the age of ten. Each quest will give them the ability to make ten bottles of cure.” She
looks to Kelin, “Do you remember that the book in the quest told you to beware? That is because
the price is high, Kelin.”

“I don’t understand Grandmother. If the cure can cure anything, why did my Mother die?”, Kelin

“That, Kelin was the first of the price I paid for making the cure when I was a girl”, Constance
told him. “I had used my ten bottles before your Mother died. I could not save her, nor your
Grandfather when the time came.”

“Your Mother had three bottles left herself, but she could not take it herself”, Gnieus told him.

“What happened to Amelia’s three bottles?”, asks Chase.

“I was trying to get to them to destroy them when the Pirates captured me”, Gnieus answered.

“The Pirate known as Captain Jack attempted to use them for his brothers, but it killed them
rather than healed them”, Spirit Walker said. Everyone was astonished except for Constance and
Gnieus. “The Spirits of the Pirate brothers came to me seeking answers”, The Chief finished.

“Why did it kill the pirates?”, Chase asked, frowning.

“It killed the pirates because Amelia did not administer the potion herself. The Prince who made
the potion must be the one to give it.”, Constance answered.

“So you stayed in that pirate prison to keep the Pirates from using me to make more potion?”,
Kelin asks his Da.

Gnieus looks into his sons eyes and nods, “I would have gladly given my life to keep you safe,

“It wasn’t your fault Da. I’m glad you’re safe now and Mother is glad too. She told me so.”,
Kelin told his father.

“There’s more Kelin. Are you ready to know the rest?”, Constance asks him.

“Yes I am Grandmother”, Kelin answers her after tearing his gaze away from his father.

“If you get another quest before your tenth birthday, you’ll get ten more bottles of potion. If
not, eight bottles are all that are left. You must protect the cure and choose carefully when to
use them. They will be good through your lifetime and must be administered by you. If anyone
else tries to use them, the ill person will die.”, Constance tells him.

“On your tenth birthday you will have the ability to walk in dreams. This gift you will have for
your entire life. It will enable you to walk in anyone’s dreams. They can be conscious of it or
not conscious of it. That ability allowed me to make sure you were safe and happy for all of
your life. It allowed me to know and love you yet stay away from you, which was important for
your safety.” Constance tells him.

“I thought you looked familiar during the Quest. We played in my dreams, didn’t we
Grandmother?”, Kelin asks her.

“We did, although I tried to make those dreams far between so I wouldn’t influence your life too
much. You had to find your own way in life, not in your dreams.” she answered.

Kelin nods thoughtfully before speaking again, “Now I know the Prince Family secrets but one more
thing still puzzles me. The quest book said that my services will be needed at some time. When
will that be?” Kelin asks her.

“That is easy Kelin. You will get to guide your children and if you’re lucky your grandchildren
in their own dream quests, when the time comes.” Constance answered with a wistful smile.

“Id like to add something Kelin”, the old Chief looks from Constance then to Kelin. “When I was
a young brave, I was gravely injured. Your Grandmother used her cure to save me. Since that
time I have been able to walk with the spirits of the world. I think, since your Mother guided
you on your quest that you also have the ability to walk with Spirits, but I am unsure.”

Constance ran her fingers through her hair and looks to the Chief and then to Gnieus, “Of course,
that explains it all.”

“I don’t understand”, says Milla.

“I’ve never heard of a Spirit guide on a Dream Quest. It’s never happened as far as I know. It
also explains the fourth bottle.”

“Fourth bottle?”, asks Gnieus.

“Amelia had used only six bottles of her cure by my count. The seventh she must have used to
save Kelin.”, Constance answers. “That would leave the three the Pirates stole.”

***a week later***

Kelin was fishing with his cousins at the Savage Camp. Tara looks to him and grins, “What do you
want for your birthday Kelin? If you could have anything in the world?”

“My birthday isn’t for three months Tara. Anyway, I have everything I need”, Kelin answers.

“But it’s a huge birthday Kelin! You will be ten and you know what that means!” Tara exclaimed.

Kelin looks to his beloved cousin with astonishment. How did she know? There was no way she
could have guessed what this birthday would mean. “What does it mean Tara?”

Tara rolls her eyes at Kelin and laughs, “You’ll get your first real sword and begin your
training to be a fierce Warrior, of course.”

“oh yeah”, Kelin answered. “I guess I don’t need anything else. Maybe for all my family to be
safe and healthy.”

“Well, it’s only three months away. What could possibly happen during that little amount of
time.” Tara finished just as a fish hooked itself on her hook and she began squealing. All but
the fishing was forgotten… for now

The Saga of Kelin and his adventures will continue in “The Adventures of Kelin 15, coming soon to the bookstore at The PaxOku Silent Rose Library!

Peace and Knowledge be with you!

Tatania Karthina

July 26, 2011

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PaxLair Meeting: July 26, 2011

PaxLair Statehood, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – July 26, 2011 – by Winfield – The next meeting will be held as follows:

  • Date: Tuesday, July 26, 2011
  • Time: 9:00 PM ET
  • Location: Mage Tower, PaxLair City, Felucca, Chesapeake
  • Directions: Teleporter is right of the bulletin board at the Tea House in PaxOku, Tokuno.
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The Show Trial of Kendrick Morrow

Trinsic, Trammel, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – July 25, 2011 – by Ashlynn – A surprising verdict has emerged from the long-awaited trial of Kendrick Morrow, an event full of twists and turns. What progressed as something that more resembled a show trial ended with the infamous mage and artifact dealer being found not guilty by a jury of his peers.

The trial was held in the open air in the square beside the Sons of the Sea in the City of Honour. Benches and other props had been erected in preparation for the event and after everyone had arrived and sat down, it wasn’t long before Commander Foxx appeared with Morrow in tow.

Shackling morrow to a stone column nearby, Foxx proceeded to inform us that he had been tasked with overseeing the trial by the Britannian Provisional Government (that one has now been formed is an interesting fact in itself). He then asked for nine volunteers to serve as members of the jury and after more than nine did so, he selected the jurors himself.

The jurors ultimately selected were: Bon Iver, Mayor Zanku, Elijah Cross, Rivi Ravenwynd, Celestial Knight, Sarberius, Ozog Giantfart, Maintsorc, and Jack the Warder. I have to question as to whether a goblin truly counts as a peer, but Foxx had no objections. It seems Ozog later stepped down and someone else took his place, but there is a little confusion over that.

The charges against Morrow were:

  • The kidnapping and attempted murder of Lord Balandar.
  • Impeding Royal Guard operations and causing the death of guardsmen.
  • Laying siege to the townships of the realm.

Morrow plead not-guilty on all counts so before the trial got underway, Foxx asked for people to provide testimony against Morrow for his crimes. After proceedings began, several stood up to accuse him including Blackheart and Lady Phoenix (who questioned him at length), some even providing physical evidence at points. Ozog also stood up to accuse him of being behind the attacks on Pitmuck.

After being struck by Commander Foxx for not being silent enough, Morrow was then permitted to make his closing statement to the jury which he spent a considerable amount of time doing, replying to questions the jurors had and giving some plausible answers.

Before I go on to speak of the verdict given, I must express my own opinion on the whole affair. Regardless of the guilt of the man (I believe him to be guilty myself), I find the way the investigation and subsequent trial has been handled most shocking. My own moral compass may not always point in the right direction, but our founding monarch was a strong believer in the virtues and stressed the importance of them all, including honesty, justice and compassion. Of the first I have seen plenty, particularly the openly brutal way Foxx has behaved. Of the other two, very little.

Since his capture, Morrow has been dragged out on to the street and publicly tortured infront of a crowd by Commander Foxx (and in the City of Honour of all places). He has been strapped to some arcane device (and none know how it truly works) and had his mind invaded and possibly altered by Lord Balandar. He was struck by Commander Foxx in the middle of the trial and none were permitted to stand up and speak on his behalf. For a government founded on the virtues, some of them seem to be severely lacking. And let us not forget that Commander Foxx has been publicly drunk on duty on more than one occasion.

Still, the most surprising twist of the night was the verdict. While not unanimous, the jury decided in the end that Morrow was not guilty on all charges. Foxx had no choice but to let him go, though still decided to strip him of all lands, titles and property.

While some were pleased, not all were happy with the result, particularly Lady Phoenix who decided that a few stones were to be hurled through the windows of Mayor Zanku’s manor in Nidaros. Ozog on the otherhand feared for his safety and warned several others to be careful in the days ahead believing that Morrow would seek his revenge for their testimony against them at trial.

What precedent this all sets, none can say. The consequences of the trial are equally unclear although if Morrow truly is guilty, there is a powerful mage with malign intentions and no doubt a heart of vengeance at loose. And what of this new provisional government? When will we hear their first official proclamation?

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Adventures of Kelin 13 – Dream Quest

Silent Rose Library, PaxOku, Homare-jima, Tokuno, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – July 25, 2011– by Tatania Karthina –

Kelin was on the adventure of his life although it wasn’t much fun. Should he fail his Father and his Aunt’s fiancé would both die. This is the thoughts that kept running through Kelin’s mind as he galloped toward home. “I am their only chance” was the mantra he sang in his mind as the dust billowed behind him. So intent was Kelin on his mantra that he did not notice the two girls riding like the wind beside him for a time.

When he finally noticed them he pulled up his reigns and stared at them both with amazement. The girls did not seem to be solid though were almost solid. Both were pretty and seemed to be near his age of 9 years. Even more confusing was that Kelin vaguely rememberes seeing them both somewhere before, but he just can’t think of where. “Who are you?” Kelin asked the girls.

“I am Constance and this is Amelia”, said the girl who seemed to be a little older. “We are here to guide and help you. You cannot possibly finish this quest without us.”

“I have to concentrate on the quest. I cannot concentrate on protecting you. If I could I would have brought Tara and Lilly with me.”, Kelin told them.

“We do not need protecting”, said Amelia. “We are your Spirit guides on this quest. We can help you and manipulate things in the world but nobody but you can see or hear us.”

Kelin remembers the words of the old Chief and looks to the girls, “Chief Spirit Walker told me the old woman would guide me, not two girls.”

Constance’s face split into a huge smile before she told him, “I am that old woman. I can choose any age when I am a guide. I prefer to be your own age, little Prince.”

“I am no Prince and I am not little! I am just a boy who must save my Father and Uncle.” Kelin retorted.

“You are many thing which you know nothing of yet Kelin Broadrick Steel. Do not discount that which you do not yet understand. Knowledge and understanding come in time.”, Amelia said as she smiled to him.

“We must go now Kelin. The Steels follow us at a brisk pace. We’re going too far west. We should be going more north. I know the way.” Constance said.

The three of them turn north and hurry through the night, turning north. As the trio nears the hedge maze Kelin speaks to the girls, “I only knew how to get there from home. Thank you. This is shorter.”

“There is a book somewhere within the inner ring of hedges. You must find this book and write down the instructions and ingredients for the cure. Then we will gather the ingredients.” Constance says.

Kelin and the girls ride into the maze, Kelin drawing his bow and notching an arrow in it. He lets the girls lead the way since they seem to know just which way to turn. Once they reach near the center, there are perils beyond anything Kelin has ever faced. It took him all but his last arrow to kill two imps. He at last sees a book on the ground and jumps over the hedge, scratching his arms as they graze the hedges.

Suddenly a daemon comes from nowhere and roars at him. Kelin bellows, “I am just a boy! What am I supposed to do with this?” He takes out his dagger and dodges and swipes at the daemon, barely injuring it.

“Use your strengths Kelin”, said Amelia calmly.

The daemon breathes fire on Kelin and singes his hair and burns his arm. “I’ve barely began training! I have no strengths!”, Kelin says frantically as he dodges a huge swipe from the daemon.

“You have strengths if I say you have strengths young Prince and I do say so.”, says Constance. “You are a natural born leader and often lead the games that you play with your family.”

“Oh right… That’s not going to help! Hey DOG BREATH! wanna play fetch?”, Kelin bellows.

The daemon pauses in trying to kill Kelin and perks his ear toward him then amazingly wags his backside. Kelin almost laughs at the picture that made but refrained, instead taking an explosion potion from his pouch and tying it onto his last arrow with a bit of twine. Notching the arrow, he pulls back and makes the arrow and potion soar through the air a good distance away. “Fetch it boy!” Kelin says in what he hopes in an excited playful voice.

The daemon trots off toward the potion and Kelin runs to the book and writes it all down faster than he ever has written before. He hears an explosion in the distance and a roar of anger. Getting a good running start, Kelin jumps over the hedge and mounts his horse. “Let’s go!” he says to the girls as they zig and zag their way out of the maze.

Once on the outside of the maze and in relative safety, Kelin looks at the notes he had written.

“The Prince Cure”
The Prince Cure is an old family cure that has been passed down from generation to generation. The person brewing the cure must be a Prince and must be on a Dream Quest for the cure to work. It is guaranteed to cure anything if administered by the same Prince. Only 10 bottles of cure can be made at a time. The Prince must go on another Dream Quest to obtain more.


  • Total refresh potion
  • Samuel’s Secret Sauce
  • Jar of Honey
  • Fresh Ginger
  • Green Tea
  • Pitcher of Wine
  • Orange petal
  • Petal from a Rose of Trinsic
  • Garlic
  • A Red Leaf

Any Prince may brew the cure, but only a Prince that understands their quest will be able to administer the cure successfully.

Princes beware! When you administer the cure you are entering into a magical contract and your services will be needed at a future date. Is the reason for administering the brew worth the risk?

Kelin finishes reading the information and looks to the girls, “The ingredients are easy but the understanding is not. Let’s start with the ingredients. I can get them all from home.”

The girls look to one another with what seems to be worry but then nod to Kelin and trot off with him toward Nidaros. Something was wrong. It was noticeable from a mile away from the Steel Manor. Smoke curled in the air which causes Kelin to speed toward his home frantically. The sight twisted his heart and the burning in his eyes could have been from the thick smoke or the tears streaking his now sooty face. Steel Manor was burned to the ground and still smoldering.

Kelin looks to the girls, “What do we do now?” he asks them.

“The ingredients are still easy.” says Amelia

“But the understanding and brewing you’ll still need help with. Are you willing to go to your Mother’s family to ask for help?” asks Constance.

“I would but I do not know anything about my mother or her family. I only know that she died in a fire to save me. The fire was meant to kill my father.” Kelin answered. “I would like to know my Mother’s family.” the lad says wistfully.

“We can take you to your family Kelin. Just know that while you’re there we’ll only be able to visit you in your dreams. When you are ready to return to the village, we will be able to guide you.” Amelia says.

The three ride to Skara Brae Docks and board Kelin’s ship, setting a course to the Serpent’s Pillar and after saying the magic word, they travel on to Papau docks. After docking the ship, they ride through the Lost Lands as hard as they can, avoiding fights when they can. The way is perious but the three make it to the outskirts of Delucia by dusk. Twenty-Four of the Seventy-Two hours had already passed.

Kelin knocks on the door of his Mother’s family home, grimy, covered in soot and scratched from head to toe. Surprisingly, the old woman from his dreams answers the door. “You’re Constance, aren’t you? You’re my family?”

The old woman smiles brightly to him, “I am Constance and it’s good to see you again Kelin. Please come in. We do not have a moment to waste. I have all the ingredients assembled for you.”

Kelin walks with her to the still and even though he is exhausted, mixes and brews the cure exactly as she instructs him. Before he knows it, the cure is finished.

“I must get back to the village now. Thank you for your help.” Kelin tells her.

“The potion must age for the required amount of time Kelin and there is still the understanding to have. For now, rest and then eat. We’ll still have time to talk before you leave. It’s imperative that you understand or the cure will not work. Now go rest.” Constance tells him in a voice that says louder than words that she will not tolerate being argued with.

Kelin doesn’t think he’ll be able to rest but is instantly asleep the moment his head hits the pillow.

The dream began immediately. Kelin was sitting in a beautiful garden with the Constance and Amelia, but both were older. Amelia was a beautiful young woman and Constance was a still beautiful middle aged woman. The women sat side by side and smiled to Kelin. “We can’t tell you what you need to understand Kelin, but we can give you hints.” said Amelia.

“Our appearance now is a hint Kelin.” said Constance.

Kelin looked to them closer and tried to puzzle what they meant, “What am I supposed to understand?”

“You’re supposed to know how you’re a Prince. Of course this is difficult for you because you know so little of your past.”

“I can’t be royalty! I’m just Kelin.” Kelin replied.

“Think Kelin Broadrick Steel. You are just. True and Just and faithful to those you love”, Amelia added. “Tell me this Kelin. Who do you think of as your mother?”

“My Aunt Milla is the only mother I know and I love her with all my heart.” Kelin answered.

“Who do you consider to be your Father?” Constance asked.

“Uncle Chase is the only Father I have ever known.” replied Kelin without pause.

“Yet you travel all over the world and put yourself in danger to save who Kelin?” Amelia asks.

“My Father, of course.” Kelin pauses and little wrinkles form between his eyes as he thinks hard. “But I consider Chase my father, yet I consider Gnieus my Father as well. A boy can’t have two fathers.” Kelin looks devastated by this realization.

“You are wrong Kelin.” Amelia says kindly. “Chase has been your Father for most of your life and never let anything or anyone take that love from your heart. Yet still, you barely know Gnieus yet he is your Father. You are risking your life for that chance to know him. Do you not think your heart can hold enough love for both men?”

Kelin nods slowly and looks to the women, “I understand this part now but it gets me no closer to being a Prince.”, Kelin says.

Constance smiles to Kelin, “Understanding will come. For now, your Grandmother is ready to speak with you and has your dinner prepared. We’ll be there for you when it is time to leave this place, young Prince.”

With that pronouncement, a mist covers his dream and Kelin awakens, completely refreshed.

Kelin opens his eyes and sees Constance, as the old woman again, “Grandmother? You’re my Grandmother?”

“I am Kelin and I have waited so very long to tell you how much I love you.” she says and opens her arms to him.

Kelin hugs his Grandmother then settles at the table to eat his dinner. She asks him if he and his cousins will all come for a nice visit as soon as possible. She tells him of his Grandfather, a man of the name of Bart Firebolt. She tells him of their life together and that he had passed away when Kelin was about 3 years old. Before Kelin knew it, it was time for him to go and he was no closer to understanding than he had been. It turns out that Grandmother was an Elder mage and was able to open a magical gate close to the village. Kelin still had twenty-four hours to spare and the potion would be aged enough to use in twelve hours. Not much time to understand, he thought.

Kelin’s Grandmother Constance kisses him on the cheek with promises to see him soon then send him through the magical gate. Kelin comes out just outside of the camp, where he left from to begin with. Kelin’s arrival in camp certainly causes an uproar. At least he had cleaned up and his Mama didn’t cause too big of a scene from all the cuts and scratches. After many hugs from his family, Kelin goes straight to the bed where his Father is still unconscious and burning with fever.

“I brought you a cure Father but it has not finished aging yet and I still don’t understand what I need to know to make it work.” Kelin tells him softly. He takes his father’s hand and just sits with him as the minutes and then hours pass by. His family all try to distract him but he flat out refuses to leave his Father’s side. Constance and Amelia sit quietly with him, although nobody else can see nor hear them. Both girls are the women of his dream rather than the girls who guided him through his quest. Both of the women have concerned expressions and Amelia holds his Father’s other hand the entire time.

Kelin’s mind works furiously for three hours then four and before he knows it, twelve hours have passed and the potion is ready. Kelin looks frantically to his Father then to Amelia and Constance and something clicks in his mind. Kelin Broadrick Steel… He looks to Amelia and in that unguarded moment sees love shining in her damp eyes as she looks to his Father… “Amelia Firebolt Broadrick!” Kelin exclaims!

Startled, Amelia looks up to him and smiles. Kelin looks to Constance. That means…

Kelin uncorks the bottle of cure and carefully pours it into his Father’s mouth, understanding at last what had been kept from him during the quest. “Drink Up Father. I am a Prince and this will make you well again.” Kelin says with confidence.

After his father had drank the entire bottle, Kelin moves to Sunshine’s bed and uncorks another bottle, carefully making sure Sunshine got every drop. He looks up to Spirit Walker who smiles and winks to him before settling beside his son again and taking his hand.

Kelin moves back to his father and takes his hand as well. “Come on Father. Please wake up. I need you.”

Chase and Milla stand quietly in the room, his arm around her, a slight frown on his face. He leans to Milla and whispers softly, “Why do I feel like I just lost a son?

Milla squeezes her husband where her arm is about his waist and whispers back, “It will be alright Chase. You’ll see. Kelin after all is the one who taught us both how to love. Do you honestly think, knowing that young man as you do that his love will fade for you when he opens his heart to another?”

Chase nods hearing her words and looks to Kelin, his chest swelling with pride watching him and his heart overflowing with love for him and because of him. Chase walks over and claps a hand to Gnieus’ shoulder and speaks softly but clearly, “Come on brother. Please wake up. We all need you.”

Kelin smiles and holds Chase’s hand, suddenly looking down at his own hands. He is holding hands with both of his fathers and has never felt safer or more love in his life, “Thanks Papa”, Kelin simply says as he looks up to Chase.

The entire family joins the vigil around both beds, all linking hands and murmuring their prayers in their hearts. Broadricks, Steels, Savages and somehow, unnoticed by anyone except Spirit Walker and Kelin, Constance Firebolt. Kelin knew in the moment he saw his Grandmother that he had been correct. The middle aged Constance was gone, but still wrapped within the family’s love was Amelia.

The Saga of Kelin and his adventures will continue in “The Adventures of Kelin 14 – Prince Secrets, coming soon to the bookstore at The PaxOku Silent Rose Library!

Peace and Knowledge be with you!

Tatania Karthina

July 25, 2011

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