Governor Winfield and Others “Donate” Gold to the Casino

Casino Isle, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – August 21, 2011 – by Teal – The Governor of the Pax Statehood and crowd gathered on Casino Isle Sunday night to enjoy “donating” gold to the Casino for EM Casino Night.  Louie the Dealer began the festivities as soon as possible after storms wreaked havoc in many areas, about an hour prior to the HoC meeting, and then for a good while afterwards.

Winfield discusses the finer points of the slot machine with Louie the Dealer.

Winfield discusses the finer points of the slot machine with Louie the Dealer.

Many strange things happened this night, other than the storms that caused Louie to turn invisible on several occasions – a strange device was discovered under the slot machine after the festivities, and a handful of strange looking magnets in the shape of gold coins were found with an Old Man’s face on one side and the initials TB on the other.  As to whether these things had anything to do with the festivities is anyone’s guess.  What was made crystal clear was no one was lucky enough to beat the machine.  The Progressive Jackpot stood at 1,084,230 gold at the end of the night.  Still the crowd remained in good spirits, and fun and excitement was had by all who attended.

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Friday Night Adventures

The Eventful Press, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – August 22, 2011 – by Ashlynn – Over the past few months or so and at the encouragement of Lady Phoenix of Dragon’s Watch, we have been holding regular Friday night events. These events are usually adventures to specific places, dungeons and the like with a fixed objective. Often this will be for the goal associated with the place we visit itself. Our trip to the dungeon of Doom for example, involved fighting through the gauntlet and defeating the Dark Fathers.

These things keep us unified and give us things to achieve. An upcoming task will no doubt be defeating the terrible sea monster, Charybdis! A creature we have all heard of, but that none of us have yet seen.

However, all are welcome on our trips, even those outside the alliance. Anyone who wishes to enjoy a fun (and often deadly adventure) and the rewards it also brings need only show up and we will be happy to accommodate any aspiring adventurers. Your skills matter little, only your enthusiasm to take part.

Most adventures are held on a Friday and we usually meet at 8pm by the eastern clock at the Tea House in PaxOku. Details are always listed on our calendar including any changes to the time and date. All are welcome and we hope to see you there!

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News From Across the Realm, Volume 1, Issue 3

The Press of Horrors, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – August 22, 2011 – by Ashlynn the Tardy – We’ve all been busy little bees in august and the alliance continues to sail along, skimming the reefs and not yet running aground. But it’s not just books and booze that have made the pages – we’ve also been on a few adventures too.

Revisiting Corgul

Corgul can never be fully defeated, the magicks that empower him seeming to be a product of the Island of the Soulbinder upon which he dwells. But left to his own devices, he would no doubt amass a terrible army of bound thralls with which he could threaten the oceans and then the lands of Britannia itself. This we simply cannot allow.

On friday, we decidedly to preemptively strike his island home once more. Using the powers of the altar in Covetous, we located his shifting isle and struck with terrible force, laying waste to his current band of recruits and seizing his artifacts. The well planned expedition was a success and we returned richer and mostly unscathed!

The Solstice Faire

If we were celebrating the solstice, we were only a month out, but still, much fun was had at the Luna Faire on this thursday past. There were a number of fun activities on offer including one that involved dressing up Lord Dudley and Lord Drosselmeyer as we pleased, but also a little vorpal bunny hunting. Although it was more of a horde of bunnies and there were casualties as these rabite-like creatures can bite with some force.

Being rather fond of my ankles and toes, and only wearing sandals most of the time, I opted not to enter, but instead watch others lose toes, toenails and calf-flesh in a delightful mist of crimson ichor.

A Magickal Money Machine

Inventors are most innovative when it comes to parting people from their money. In Fortunes Fire the past weekend, we were witness to a strange contraption that gave out ephemeral objects made of ether. They did not last long, but long enough for the dealer to see. If you were lucky enough to get the right combination of objects, you would double (or better) any money given to the dealer.

I am not much of a gambler myself (and I was rather fatigued at the time), but it was certainly an interesting thing to make use of. On the otherhand, I did lose all money that I bet and I wonder if simple dice are more trustworthy.

Other News from Around the Realm

Nidaros Anniversary Moved

The upcoming anniversary in Nidaros will be held a few weeks later than originally planned. Mayor Zanku would like more time to plan a celebration that is fun and interesting. This also gives those entering the story contest a little more time to finish their works!

Introducing the Legendary Lady Sushi

Lady Sushi of Dragon’s Watch has been hard at work stripping the Sosarian seas bare of every ounce of marine life. It is not just the high seas that have succumbed to her predations. Every lake, pond, stream and brook has been assaulted by her fishing rod and net and there is no sanctuary for any fish out there. Or boot.

In reward for her aquatic exploits, the Fisherman’s Guild has rewarded her with the title of Legendary Fisherwoman, a status that now sees her ready to hunt the terrible monster Charybdis. Plans are already underway for such an expedition and people are already out looking for an ancient artifact that will allow us to lure this beast to the surface.

I too felt the need to congratulate her and making the most of my fine artisan skills, I present the Golden Fish Trophy. Though perhaps the material gold has lost much of it’s prestige in our lands, I imagine it is a better choice than some other substances. And at least you can safely lick it, which wouldn’t be advisable if it was say… made of cinnabar. Or lava.

Big Fish

On the topic of the aquatic, Crieton of Dragon’s Watch managed to pull up an absurdly large fish. I believe you can see it on display (along with many great and famous catches by other fisherfolk) in the Fishing Hall of Fame in Kijustsu Anei Village, near the Tea House.

Goblins Still Need a Bath

Mostly Ozog. But everyone knew this little fact already.

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PaxLair Meeting: August 16, 2011

PaxLair Statehood, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – August 16, 2011 – by Winfield – The next meeting will be held as follows:

  • Date: Tuesday, August 16, 2011
  • Time: 9:00 PM ET
  • Location: Nidaros Rune Library, Nidaros, Trammel, Chesapeake
  • Directions: The library is south of the Nidaros Town banner, South East of the Skara Brae docks, West of the hedge maze, or can be reached via the steps of the Nidaros Town Hall or the teleporter in the PaxOku Tea House.
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Nidaros Rune Library Short Story Contest

Nidaros, Trammel, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – August 11, 2011 – by Maedhros – Are you a writer? Or do you have a short story in your head that needs to be let out? If so, enter your short stories into the Nidaros Rune Library Short Story Contest!

Any story or poem will do, as long as it fits in one book. To enter put your book in a bag along with either a rune to your house or a book with the best way to reach you and place it in the Nidaros Rune Library mail box. Your book will be placed in the library along with a ballot box to record votes. The top three get their stories shown in a special spot in the collection along with a trophy and a prize!

The library is south of the Nidaros Town banner, South East of the Skara Brae docks, West of the hedge maze, or can be reached via the steps of the Nidaros Town Hall or the teleporter in the PaxOku Tea House.

The contest starts today and ends on the last day of the Nidaros Anniversary, which will be announced shortly.

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PaxLair Meeting: August 9, 2011

PaxLair Statehood, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – August 9, 2011 – by Winfield – The next meeting will be held as follows:

  • Date: Tuesday, August 9, 2011
  • Time: 9:00 PM ET
  • Location: Skara Brae Community Center, Trammel, Chesapeake
  • Directions: Just east of the Skara Brae Bank.
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Lady Tatania’s “Swamp Stuff”

Northern Britannia, Trammel, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – August 9, 2011 – by Ashlynn – Lady Tatania was spotted wandering around earlier today and curiosity got the better of my so I had my shadow wisp follow and see what she was up to!

It seems she was looking for a little booze, probably cider again I expect. She stopped by the Red Wolf but I assume she didn’t find any, so she carried on to the Brigand Encampment. Foolishly, they attacked her and fell to the ground in pain as a reward. Magic is the best defensive tool, that is sure.

North she went according to my wisp, searching an old cave before eventually finding a waterfall that poured greenish water into a large brackish pool. I’ve seen the tiny lake before and it looks like swamp water to me but strangely, Lady Tatania decided to drink a little of the fetid water. I had no idea why she would do this and after drinking some of the foul liquid she proceeded to collect a quantity of it in huge pitchers and other vessels for some unknown purpose. Is she an aspiring alchemist perhaps? Maybe it’s something for Walt the Chemist to analyse?

Well a little later, I stopped by the Silent Rose and saw something most horrifying. A large maturation barrel labeled “Swamp Stuff”. It would appear that Lady Tatania had decided to use the water she had collected as an ingredient in her latest experimental brew! As interesting as such a concoction seems (it is certainly creative I will admit), I may refrain from trying it myself. My green drink of choice is Absinthe and not run-off from the corrupted grove of Lady Melisande!

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The Adventures of Kelin – A Book Signing

The Silent Rose, Tokuno, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – August 7, 2011 – by Ashlynn – A book signing by well known library curator and Mayor, Lady Tatania Karthina took place at the Silent Rose Library this evening. Lady Tatania is the author behind a series of books called The Adventures of Kelin.

Lady Tatania read various excerpts from the books to the crowd that were present and had made a number of book collections available free for those who wished to read them. She also offered to personally sign copies for all those present, something many there took advantage of.

Finally, everyone was allowed to participate in a vote that would shape the story to come, a vote to determine Kelin’s future path in the books. I decided to choose the path of the Mage myself as I’m quite fond of weaving a little magic. It seemed many others agreed as the profession of magi won the day!

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Scelestus Defeated

The Hidden Isle, Ter Mur, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – August 6, 2011 – by Ashlynn – Today, a combined force of volunteers from across Britannia defeated the terrible daemon Scelestus.

Terrible mostly. After we fought through his minions, we arrived to find him still in his frozen stoney state and it was not until Queen Zhah released him from that prison (why she could not simply leave him like that is beyond me) that we were able to engage him in battle.

The battle was long and tedious, but eventually he did fall. Though this may have been an epic and long awaited event in gargoyle histories, with the rest of the tormoil engulfing Sosaria, it seemed like just another infernal frustration. Another daemon lord falls and I’ve no doubt another will rise to take his place.

The people of Britannia stand forever ready.

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Adventures of Kelin 16 – Jillian’s Misadventure

The children were playing hide and seek in the woods outside of the Steel Nidaros Estates.  Several new friends from the Savage Village were playing with them.  Tempest was “it” and searching the woods for the others.  She whooped with glee as she spots Spotted Owl and takes off chasing him through the woods.  Spotted Owl runs further and further into the woods, laughing as Tempest follows.  Spotted Owl stops suddenly, Tempest running into him and toppling them both.  When they manage to untangle, Tempest sees what had made Spotted Owl stop short.

A Lady, wearing leather pants and bustier lays unconscious under a tree.  Her leg is obviously broken and caught in a troll trap.  Tempest looks to Spotted Owl, “You go get help!  I’ll stay with her” she says.

Spotted Owl runs like the wind back to the hollering Tempest’s location in the woods as he runs.  By the time Spotted Owl returns with Uncle Earl and Gnieus, the rest of the kids had gathered with Tempest.  The woman was awake and speaking with them but seemed very weak.  The men gently lay the Lady on a stretcher they had brought along and between them, return to the Estates with her. 


Jillian Rose was her name and she was an artist.  She had a sweet, outgoing yet quiet disposition, atleast until Gnieus was in her line of sight.  Whenever she and Gnieus saw one another,   both scowled and instantly a bad moon worthy of a dragon tamer out of meat came upon them.  It all started the moment Jillian had regained consciousness.  Gnieus had yelled at her calling her a silly female because she had not watched where she was stepping.  Jillian however, ranted at him for having a troll trap where just anyone could step into it.  Gnieus retorted that it wasn’t his troll trap and the conversation went downhill from there.

Jillian had no family and it was decided instantly that she would remain at the Steel Estates while she was recovering.  Chad had gone to Skara Brae to the Inn and retrieved her belongings from the Inn while Pudge planned menus to put some meat on those skinny bones and Milla set up her a guest room on the ground floor of the estates.  With Tara and Tempest’s insistence, Chase took the girls to Luna to buy their guest some beautiful dresses and art supplies.  Tempest, a fledgling artist herself said Jillian would expire if she couldn’t channel her artistic urges and Tara insisted that any Lady needs pretty dresses to feel better.  Of course the girls came home from that shopping trip loaded down with their own art supplies and dresses.

Evening on the second evening at the Estates found Jillian sitting in a special chair Uncle Earl had made for their guest.  The children had fought over who got to push Jillian around in the chair until Kelin and Broadrick decided to chase the family cat through the garden.   Jillian’s screams brought Gnieus running.  After berating the boys,   he began pushing the chair himself,   grumbling the entire time.  Gnieus had pushed the chair to a spot with a gorgeous view of the fountain and left her there with the gruff promise of sending someone after her in an hour.  She had watched his retreating back with tears rolling unchecked down her cheeks.

It was thus as Caius had found her a short time later.  He smiled to her kindly and sat on a nearby bench, “I’m Caius Broadrick.  It’s very nice to meet you.  My brother Gnieus has lost all social graces and for that, I apologize for him.  It’s no excuse, but he is fighting many daemons”, Caius told her quietly.

“I haven’t done anything to him to make him hate me so”, Jillian replied quietly.

“I sincerely believe that you have not done anything intentionally”, Caius replied.

“What does that mean?”  Jillian’s voice began rising as she got agitated at this other Broadrick male.

“What that means” said Stormy as she stepped into the light from the garden path “is that my husband is too….”  Stormy looks to Jillian thoughtfully and taps her chin with her finger “too noble…  no, that’s not the right word.   Shy…  that’s it… Caius is too shy to tell you that the unintentional thing you have done to Gnieus is that you are very pretty”, Stormy finished.

Jillian looks to Stormy with astonishment, “That makes no sense at all.”  She looks between Caius and Stormy and back again.

Caius grins that charming Broadrick smile and takes his wife’s hand in his own before speaking again, “It makes perfect sense if you’re Gnieus.  I’d like to introduce you to my wife.  This is Stormy.  Stormy,  this is Jillian.”

Stormy smiles to Jillian, “We’ve come to rescue you and take you to dinner.  You’re in for a treat.  Pudge is the best chef ever!”

Caius and Stormy push Jillian’s chair into the huge dining room where everyone is gathered for the evening meal.  Almost everyone,  there was one who was absent from the gathering. “Suits me just fine and dandy”, Jillian muttered under her breath causing Stormy to smile.


A couple of weeks later, Chase pushes Jillian’s chair to her room, “I was wondering Jillian if you’d consider staying with us even after you’re healed.  The children have never been so enthusiastic about their studies.  Even though I still think you shouldn’t be doing so much until your leg has healed completely”, Chase says.

“I’m not doing too much Chase.  I’m sitting in my chair and just giving them guidance in their studies and I’ll consider your offer.  I’ve grown to care a great deal about most of you”, she replies.


Kelin sits on the docks fishing with Gnieus.  He looks to his Da a long time before speaking, “Da?  Why do you hate Jillian?”

Gnieus takes a deep breath and looks to his son, “Kelin, I don’t hate Jillian…   It’s just complicated.”

“But Da, if she leaves, we’ll lose the best teacher we’ve ever had.  She’s always happy until she sees you and then you’re mean to her”, Kelin replies.

“I’m mean?   Is that really how it seems?”, Gnieus asks.

“It’s not how it seems Da”, Kelin says, “its how it is.”

Gnieus tosses his line back into the water then looks to Kelin.  “I’ll make it right son.  I have not meant to be mean to her”, Gnieus says.


The following morning, Gnieus spots Uncle Earl pushing Jillian’s chair toward the garden and quietly steps up to take over the pushing.  Earl scowls at him,   looking at him long and hard before letting Gnieus take over the pushing. “Where do you want to be Jillian?” he asks her.

Startled at his voice, Jillian looks to Gnieus with an instantly guarded expression and much to his astonishment, a little bit of fear,  “erm um  here is fine.  Th Thank you”, she manages to stammer out.

Gnieus looks to her then sits on a bench nearby.  He looks to his hands as he speaks softly to her.  “When Kelin was about a year old, Pirates killed my wife and captured me.  They tortured me trying to get the whereabouts of Kelin from me for well over eight years.  I’m not telling you this as an excuse, but perhaps more of an explanation.” Gnieus speaks so softly that it would have been hard to understand his words had Jillian not been so riveted to them. He looks up from his hands now and his bright blue eyes look intently into hers.  “What I’m trying and failing miserably in saying is that I am very sorry for the way I have treated you.  It is inexcusable and it will not happen again.”  Gnieus finishes and abruptly stands.  “I hear the children coming.  Please believe that I am very sorry” He turns and walks away,    his shoulders stooped as if the weight of the world was on them. 

Jillian stared at his retreating back for what seems like a long time.  She watches as he stops and the children swarm around him and all give him hugs.  He is so gentle with them and she cannot see for even a moment a glimpse of the man she had just seen.  For them, he is strong.  She believes his apology is sincere if for no other reason that he allowed her to see how vulnerable he is.  She swipes a single tear away as the children run to her to begin their lessons.


The following weeks were peaceful as Jillian’s broken leg heals.  She becomes dear to the entire family and truly begins thinking of them as her own family.  Chase continues pressing her for a commitment to remain with them indefinitely and she continues to tell him she is thinking about it.  Finally, the Healer removes her Cast and gives her a clean bill of health.  The entire family celebrates with a BBQ in her honor.  In the middle of the festivities, Jillian finds Gnieus alone and staring out at the water.  He sits on the edge of the dock with his feet barely above the water line.  Jillian sits beside him and smiles tentatively, “I thank you for your frankness with me before and I forgive you.  I’m sorry for my behavior before as well.  I would however, like to start again with you.”  She holds out her hand to him and he looks to her.  “Could we possibly be friends Gnieus Broadrick?” she asks him.

Gnieus smiles to Jillian and takes her hand, shaking it.  “I’d like to be your friend Jillian Rose.”

Kelin pipes up behind them, “It’s about time and speaking of time, the roasted pig is ready.”  Kelin turns and runs back to the kids, ready to eat.

Gnieus and Jillian return to the others and pile their plates high with the feast food.  During the meal, Jillian looks to Chase and speaks clearly. “I’ve decided to remain here and be the teacher of the kids.” she says to an uproar of applause.


The Saga of Kelin and his adventures will continue in “The Adventures of Kelin 17 coming soon to the bookstore at The PaxOku Silent Rose Library!

Peace and Knowledge be with you!
Tatania Karthina
1 August 2011

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