I Found the Treasure of Wyvern Island and all I Got…

Underground, The Lost Lands, Trammel, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – September 5, 2011 – by Ashlynn – Over the past few days, members of the alliance (and a few others who also joined in to help) have been hard at work following the clues of one Marcus Tokinson in an effort to locate something of great importance, something he clearly went out of his way to hide well. An artifact of great power!

This report will be intentionally vague should any wish the challenge of following the clues themselves without knowing exactly what to do and where to go.

After following the directions of several maps and recovering a number of old diaries belonging to Tokinson, we began to look through the journals in an attempt to discern where to go from the clues. Our journey took us across all of Britannia and the Lost Lands too, as we sought those in the realm who might shed some light on where this treasure may be hidden.

Eventually, we acquired what we learned were co-ordinates but initial attempts to match them to locations proved unsuccessful and even produced a red herring – an X beside the road that was simply coincidence. Those more familiar with longitude and latitude and the use of a sextant however, were quick to advise us on other possibilities. But the hour grew late and many of us began to disperse for the evening.

Our efforts the following day were more fruitful however and it wasn’t long before a ship was dispatched to a lonely island where wyverns and dragons walked. In the base of a rocky mountain, we found a heavy set of iron doors, covered in vines and magically sealed it seemed. We also found several items with various engravings on the islands and a mossy covered journal on exotic fauna.

We spent a good while trying to figure out what this meant. It was eventually agreed that there was probably some kind of command word that needed to be spoken, and that we needed to put together what we had discovered so far. As we went over what we knew, it seemed Lady Winmere had something of an epiphany and spoke a cantrip that instantly allowed her entry.

Once inside, we all celebrated and began to pick through the masses of crates, chests and barrels. We found numerous items but no great artifacts or shirts of note. We did find a copy of another journal by Tokinson which suggested he didn’t wish to leave it in the dark stone room beneath the island, and that it had been returned to where it was originally found, which I believe is beneath the waves.

But such an expedition under the sea would have to wait for another day.

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X Marks the… What?

Luna, Malas, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – September 2, 2011 – by Ashlynn – In my somewhat tired state, I was told to take a trip to Luna Mint this evening. Apparently, some strange fellow had left a book near the Goblin Ice Cream stand (story pending on their latest creation) that would be of interest to scholars and other curious types. A book that led to Andrea Kildare in Trinsic.

Andrea Kildere as you may know is an official of the Royal Surveyors Office in the City of Trinsic, and her office happened to be full of maps. Having little time to spare, I was not able to give them but a cursory glance, but I hear the book and maps will be around for a week or two and anyone may take a look and follow the leads. I believe she is trying to locate something and all aid would be appreciated in such an endeavour.

So, you have a few weeks, go take a look and see what you can find!

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The Nidaros Anniversary!

Nidaros, Trammel, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – September 1, 2011 – by Ashylnn – The celebrations for the Nidaros Anniversary will be structured a little differently than originally planned and will take place over the whole of the month of september. As the past week or so has been rather chaotic for some people, and the weeks to come may still be, this seems like the best way to ensure the town of Nidaros is given proper acknowledgment!

Each event will take place on a tuesday evening over the next four weeks. We will still be holding the weekly statehood meeting each week at the Nidaros Town Hall (at 9pm by the eastern clock), but these meetings will be swift affairs only lasting fifteen minutes. At twenty past the hour, attention will turn to one of the planned events.

Location and time for all events: Nidaros Town Hall (starting location) – 9 PM ET for PaxLair Meeting then go to Event. (Nidaros Town Hall teleporter is at the Tea House in PaxOku, Homare-jima, Tokuno.)

Week 1 (Sep 6): Find the Rune

Lord Maedhros of the Nidaros Rune Library is hosting a contest called Find the Rune. I am not entirely sure what it is, but it involves solving various skills and presumably, finding a rune. All I know is it sounds like fun!

This will take place at the Nidaros Rune Library where exact rules will be explained on the night.

Week 2 (Sep 13): The Blood Regatta

Everyone knows this one – the famous Nidaros boat race. Show up with a ship and crew and be sure to enter! I believe the regatta begins in Nidaros but this may be subject to change.

Week 3 (Sep 20): Costumed Archery Contest

An archery contest with a twist taking place in Nidaros. We all come in costume so I’m led to believe. More details on this to come! And even if you can’t shoot a bow with any real skill, neither can a lot of people and I suspect there are prizes for more than just first place. So try your luck!

Week 4 (Sep 27): Nidaros Horse Race

A race of some kind involving horses I would wager. The race has a proper name, but I must remind Mayor Zanku to let me know what it is. Everyone is to meet in Nidaros with a mount – a horse I suspect. Horses hate me though, so I may have to bring an animated one.

There is an anniversary party to follow the horse race which will no doubt involve copious amount of food and booze, much of it brewed specifically for the event. If you’d like to try a little of what is on offer, or even bring your own, feel free to stop by. And who knows, we may even hold a little spontaneous contest of the best brews. Providing we are all not three sheets to the wind by that point!


There is still time to get your entry in for the Nidaros Rune Library Story Contest. Voting is also now open and you have a greater opportunity to get more votes the earlier you hand it in!

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PaxLair Meeting: August 30, 2011

PaxLair Statehood, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – August 30, 2011 – by Winfield – The next meeting will be held as follows:

  • Date: Tuesday, August 30, 2011
  • Time: 9:00 PM ET
  • Location: Mage Tower, PaxLair City, Felucca, Chesapeake
  • Directions: Teleporter is right of the bulletin board at the Tea House in PaxOku, Tokuno.
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Legends of Sosaria 1 – The Legend of the Two Emperors

PaxOku, Tokuno, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – August 24, 2011 – by Tatania

*the following Legend was found in a dusty old tome and carefully preserved and translated by Historian, Tatania Karthina of PaxOku*

“The Legend of the Two Emperors”

The dense mist was all he could see.  The Emperor watched as the mist cleared in the center to reveal the ruins of the fallen City of Homare-Jima.  A woman, clearly the Empress stands in the middle of the ruins, her face streaked with soot and dirt, her fine gown of silk in tatters.  The Empress conceals a dagger in the folds of her ruined gown.  Astonished, the Emperor watches as a man, strides into the clearing to the weeping Lady. He smirks at the Empress before stating coldly, “My reign has just begun and even you who chose me as your Emperor cannot stop me.”

The Empress looked up to him and shuddered violently.  Taking a deep breath, she squares her shoulders, looking for all the world like a true Empress despite her torn clothing.  “I will stop you if it takes my last breath” she tells him.

The Emperor laughs and backhands her across the face, knocking her to her knees with the blow.  “Now you are on your knees before me, where you belong.” the Emperor said as he looked down on her with disdain.

With a sudden fierceness, the Empress springs upward, plunging the dagger deep into his chest.  She looks into his eyes and he can’t help but to think that her eyes look ancient in that moment despite her tender age of one and twenty. The Emperor speaks his curse with his last breath, “The City of Homare Jima has fallen and will forever more be barren.  The temples throughout the land will be destroyed and my spirit will haunt the fallen city in the form of great lions.  You and yours shall never have sons, only daughters will carry the royal line through the ages.” 
The emperor fell limp as life passed from him. The moment his body thumped to the ground it transformed into a Revenant Lion and split until there were many.  The Empress ran for her life as the mist once again descended, obscuring the Emperor’s view.

When the mist lifted once again, the Empress was in the wilderness, kneeling by a pond, facing a young man.  The young man spoke in earnest, “Empress Zen, I love you and I love Tokuno. If we do this thing together it will make the magic strong.  We must!”  

 The Empress looked to the young man and nodded, “I cannot deny your words.  We shall do it together.”

The Emperor who watched through the mist saw love take root in the Empress’ heart as she knelt with the young man, looking into his eyes and in that moment each of them plunged their own daggers into their own heart then joined hands.

The young man looked to the Empress and spoke softly, “Your honor is restored.”
She looked back to him and spoke in pain even as she smiled to him, “The honor of Homare-Jima is restored.”

The couple took their last breaths and passed to a world where their love would endure eternally.
An ancient Serpentine dragon lumbered into the clearing of the wilderness. He was the grandfather of all Serpentine dragons and had much wisdom and magic.  It arranged their bodies carefully and spoke these words, “It is done.  Honor is restored to both the Empress and Homare-Jima, but the Emperor’s magic was strong.  To seal the magic between these lovers, a time will come in the future that another young woman must choose between two suitors.  If she chooses wisely, there will be prosperity.  If she chooses poorly, chaos will reign in Tokuno.  My descendants are hereby banished from the Land of the dragon until it is time for the final outcome.  There will be no sons born to the royal family until this is finished.  Once the choice is made, the child born to the Emperor and Empress will seal the curse or blessing forever.  A boy will show the curse has been lifted.”

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Adventures of Kelin 17 and 18 Published!

PaxOku, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – August 24, 2011– by Tatania

The Adventures of Kelin 17 & 18 is now on the Vendor at the Silent Rose Library in PaxOku!  Come get your free copy today!

For anyone interested, you can read all of the Adventures of Kelin right here in the PaxLair Times!

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Adventures of Kelin 18 – Black Pearl Summer

PaxOku, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – August 24, 2011– by Tatania

Adventures of Kelin – Black Pearl Summer

Kelin Broadrick sits on the dock with his father at their home outside of Skara Brae in Nidaros. Both have their lines in the water and are thoroughly enjoying the beautiful day.  “Da?  Do you ever think about getting married again?” Kelin asks him.

Gnieus takes on a thoughtful expression then smiles to his son, “How could I do that when I love your Mother so much?”

“But Da…   erm…  Mother is dead.”, Kelin replies.

“In body yes, but not in spirit, as you well know.” Gnieus says with a wistful longing expression in his eyes.

“It just doesn’t seem the same Da” Kelin speaks softly before dropping the subject.  The haunted look in his father’s eyes reminds him too much of when his da had been held prisoner by Captain Jack in the Lost Lands.  “I think I got a bite Da!”   Kelin reels in a Smallmouth Bass.

Sensing someone behind him, Kelin looks over his Da’s shoulder and spots the spirit of his mother, Amelia.  She puts her fingers to her lips and smiles to him, a really sad expression on her ghostly face.  She waves to her son and fades from view.


Kelin was arguing with his Da,  tears rolling down his face.  “Da!   You have to marry Jillian!   She is expecting it!” Kelin bellowed to his Da.

Gnieus stubbornly held to a painting of Amelia and shakes his head, “I won’t do it!”

“So this is what is bothering you Kelin.  I noticed you were preoccupied today during our lesson.” Constance says.

Kelin’s head snaps around and he blinks rubbing his eyes, “Why are you here Grandmother?”

“I came in your dream to show you something.  I see now it was a good choice.” Constance replied.

Kelin looks to his Da and nods, looking back to his Grandmother as Gnieus fades from his dream.  He places his hand in her’s and the mist surrounds them.  When the mist fades, they are inside a cave.  Bars are fitted over the entrance and a woman wearing only rags sleeps on the dirt floor.  She is thin and grimy and possibly the most pitiful thing Kelin has seen in his short life.  Three Trolls stand guard inside the cave and three more outside.

Before Kelin can open his mouth to ask questions,   the mist surrounds them again.  When the mist dissipates, they are in a sun filled meadow and there is Kelin talking with a girl.  The pair hold hands, their arms swinging as they walk.  “And we’ll get married and have loads of children when we grow up.”  The girl beams at Kelin after speaking those words.

“I promise to always be there for you Jewel.  I know I’m only ten years old, but I do love you”, Kelin tells her.

Another girl,  a bit younger runs breathlessly around the corner and onto their path with an even younger boy, “Gnieus!  Mama said to come home for lunch!”

“I’ll be right there Millie.”  Gnieus answered then shoooowed his brother and sister away.

He turns to look at Jewel and smiles, leaning forward and kissing her on the cheek.  His face turns blood red with embarrassment but Jewel looks as if the sun just rose in her eyes.

The mist suddenly surrounds them again and this time when it fades they are standing outside of a blazing house.  A sound as if an animal is wounded can be heard and Kelin looks around to see Caius and Milla holding his father back.  All of them are a good fifteen years younger and smudged with soot.  The roof caves in on the house and Gnieus wails in grief.

“I think this is enough for one night Kelin” Constance tells him. The Mist surrounds them once again and when it clears they are in his Grandmother’s kitchen drinking hot cocoa.

“I thought the boy was me.   That was really Da?”  Kelin asks her.

“Yes,   you do look remarkably like him”, Constance answers with a smile.

“The girl’s older brother was your Da’s best friend.  The girl was his girlfriend for most of his life.  Everyone thought they’d be married.  Then there was the fire.  Jewel and her brother Thom were both killed in the fire.  Their youngest sister who was only a toddler was the only one in the fire to survive.” Constance told him.  “It devastated your Da.  Eventually he was able to put it behind him though.  That’s when he met Amelia.  They fell in love and married.  You know the rest.”

“Do I?”, Kelin looks to his Grandmother.

“You know enough for tonight.   You’ll learn the rest soon… and Kelin…  it would be best if you didn’t mention this dream to anyone, for the time being” Constance replies.  “Now sleep Kelin.”


Kelin arrived at the Prince Estates for his lessons the following day, brimming with questions. The Spirit of his Mother is there already and smiles to him as he settles at the kitchen table. Kelin starts to speak but his Grandmother holds up her hand, “First Kelin…  have you decided what you wish to study in two months, when you turn ten?”

“Yes Ma’am.  I want to be a Mage like Grandmother and Aunt Khali” Kelin answers her.

“Excellent choice!   This might make things easier if you decide to take another Dream Quest” Amelia says

“Will I get another one Grandmother?” Kelin asks.

“Yes”, Constance answers.  If you choose to do it.”

“I’ll tell you the rest of the story from your dream Adventure last night”, Amelia says, “So you can make your decision.”

Kelin looks to his mother and nods.  Amelia begins speaking, “Your Da loved Jewel very much.  He had since childhood. As much as he loved me, he’d still wake up crying in the night sometimes from dreaming about that horrible fire. I’d hold him and we’d talk about her until he calmed down. He always blamed himself for not being there for her like he promised.”

“When I died in that fire it was like a returning nightmare for your Da.  It was two loves he had lost in fires.  His pain was enormous.  Once I was a spirit curiosity got the best of me and I began looking for Jewel.  I finally found her a couple of weeks ago.  I couldn’t find her spirit because she was not dead”, Amelia tells Kelin.

“Was she the woman being guarded by the Trolls?” Kelin asks.

“Yes son, that is Jewel.  I could not find her spirit because she wasn’t dead. I found her when I realized who her sister is”, Amelia tells Kelin.  “Your Da knows Jewel’s sister too but doesn’t realize it.  He only knows something about her agitates him.”

“Now the question is”, Constance says, “Do you want to save Jewel for your second Dream Quest?”

“Da still won’t marry her and be happy because he loves you still Mother”, Kelin says to Amelia.

“Well,  if you accept your quest, that’ll be part of it”, Amelia answers.  “You have much to figure out Kelin.  Some of it is up to you completely.”

“I’ll save her.  What do I need to do?”, Kelin asks.

“You need to learn Magery and fast”, Constance answers.  “You only have six or seven weeks before your birthday.”

“I’d suggest you learning hiding and stealth from your Da as well before then.  Those might keep you alive”, Amelia adds.


Kelin looks in his pack at all his new things.  The Mage leathers feel different than the normal Studded Leather.  These practice leathers are red and made of regular leather, yet imbued with 100% lower regent cost and high luck as well as high in all the resists.  Kelin’s new Spell book has all the magery spells in it.  He is ready to go.  Khali and his Grandmother had put together several rune books for him including banks at all the major cities and several other cities where he might find help or new friends.  All his family member’s homes have been marked and added to Kelin’s personal book and most exciting of all was the hunting book he had been presented.

Khali had gated Kelin and Gnieus to Britain and Umbra where he spoke with vendors to learn all he could about Magery, evaluating intelligence, meditation, focus, hiding and stealth. With his pockets considerably lighter of gold Khali gates them to a western point on the Coast of Ice Island.  Khali marked the rune and named it “ship Launch Ice” and gave it to Kelin, showing him how to add it to his rune book.  Gnieus presented Kelin with a Tokuno Ship Deed of his very own and instructed him how to place it in the water heading north.  Khali showed Kelin how to recall onto his ship and once on board he was taught how to grant the others access to his ship. 

Khali and Gnieus were on board and Khali marks them both runes for the ship then they get to work.  Gnieus has decided to learn magery along with his son and Khali wishes to work on hiding and Stealth while the others work.  Before the first hour is over, Tara and Gaius arrive on the ship with Milla and Chase.  The oldest two had somehow talked their parents into letting them learn some skills early as well.  Tara and Gaius both wanted to learn Magery as a secondary skill so had on new Mage suits as well.   Milla was learning Mysticism and Chase learning Necromancy.

The seven of them worked all day without a break until lunch where they ate sandwiches and drank juice.  As soon as lunch was over they continued working. By lunch time everyone was still considered as an Apprentice in their chosen skills but by nightfall they were considered Journeymen.  They all went home exhausted from all the hard work but happy with their progress.  Dinner was a quiet affair that evening and bed came early as they had plans to return to the Ship first thing after breakfast.

The practice and work went on for four full weeks.  With determination and hard work, Kelin had made Grand Master Mage and had Grandmaster Hiding and was a Master at Stealth.  Tara had obtained Grandmaster at Animal Lore and Gaius Grand Master in Music as well Grandmaster in Magery. The Family celebrated by shopping for Power Scrolls to work their skills to Legendary level and Soul stones to store their new skills on when they worked the next wave of skills.  Chase grumbled alot about the cost but it was easy to see how puffed out his chest was when he looked at his kids with such pride.

During the Celebration Dinner, Gnieus speaks with Kelin, “For a week I want you working on either Mining or Lumberjacking Kelin.  It’s hard work but it will make you strong.  The stronger you are the harder you will be to kill.”


Constance, Chief Spirit Walker, Sunshine and Chyara came to dinner the eve of Kelin’s Dream Quest, which he still had not told anyone the specifics of.  Constance had asked them to not badger him because he could not speak of it.

Chyara and Sunshine brought Kelin a gift. “This is your birthday gift but I think you may find it useful on your quest”, Sunshine tells Kelin.

Kelin opened the gift and found a Tome of Lost Knowledge that when held made him almost a Legendary Mage. Added to this wondrous gift was new Mage Leathers from Chase and Milla which had not only 100% lower regent cost but also lower mana cost and faster casting.  Gnieus gave Kelin a bracelet and ring which added skill to his Magery and hiding.

Kelin retired early that night, knowing morning would come early.  Constance had assured him that all ingredients for the Prince Cure were awaiting him at Prince Estates.  All he had to do was rest and be ready.  He thought alot about his Da’s reaction when he sees Jewel and somehow thought he might not be pleased.   Unfortunately Kelin had worked so hard on his skills that he had not had much time to ponder on all the things he must figure out.  He wasn’t too worried though.  Constance and Amelia would guide him and he’d eventually figure it out.

The Saga of Kelin and his adventures will continue in The Adventures of Kelin 19 – “Second Dream Quest” coming soon to the bookstore at The PaxOku Silent Rose Library!

Peace and Knowledge be with you!
Tatania Karthina
24 August 2011

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Adventures of Kelin 17 – Dream Adventures

PaxOku (PaxLair Times) – August 24, 2011– by Tatania 

Adventures of Kelin – Dream Adventures

Constance sits at the kitchen table at the Steel Estates enjoying a cup of coffee with Gnieus, Chase, Milla and Spirit Walker.  The five would be an unlikely group to those who didn’t know them or the bond they share.  Constance,  a Grand Dame well past her prime yet so full of vibrancy that she practically glows sits beside Chief Spirit Walker, a leader of his people, strong, proud and surprisingly compassionate.  Gnieus, still trying to find his footing is vulnerable though it is hidden pretty well except to those who know him best.  Chase and Milla, so happy in love after many years yet polar opposites of one another in many ways,  Chase, half disreputable,  fierce on the outside and nothing but a pushover when it comes down to it and Milla sit holding hands.  Milla is a Lady who is the most surprising.  She seems to be one who complies to everyone’s whims, making life comfortable for all around her,   sweet disposition on the outside yet to all those who do love her, a Mother Tiger when it comes to those she loves.  She has the backbone made of the strongest forged steel and patience enough to see any storm through.

“The reason I am here is because it is time for Kelin to begin his studies outside of the elementary classes”, Milla says.  “We need to decide how to proceed with his education”, She finishes.

“Doesn’t the child normally decide what they wish to do with their studies?”, Gnieus asks.

“Oh, those studies will be Kelin’s choice as is normal, but Kelin has two special abilities that he needs direction in.  We want him to explore all he can be yet we want him safe and sound as he explores these areas”, Chase answers.

“Is Spirit Walking and Dream Walking dangerous?” Gnieus asks.

“Only in that it is enticing”, Constance answered.  “It is a good idea to give Kelin direction to learn to use his gifts wisely and with honor.” Constance said.  “A person’s dreams are often personal.  Kelin would need to learn to leave if he happens into one of a personal nature or in the least to ask permission to remain.”

“I can understand that.  Training would be good for him.”, Gnieus says.

“Walking with Spirits can be disorienting at times” says the Chief.  “Not all spirits can be trusted.  Many have agendas of their own.  Kelin needs to learn to control them.  He doesn’t have to have anything to do with any spirit he does not want to.  He also needs to learn to base his decisions in life on the living and never the dead.”, the Chief finishes.


Kelin appears on the teleporter from the Savage Village, Milla awaiting him with a hug and a kiss. She takes his backpack from him and shoos him off.  “Your Grandmother will be waiting.  Go on and please be home by 6:00 for dinner.”

“Yes Maam”, Kelin replies.  He blows her a kiss and steps onto the teleporter that will take him to the Prince Estates.


The family is in full roar around the dinner table, each telling the others about their adventures of the day.  Laughter and love flow as easily as the conversations as the family devours their evening meal.  Tara argues with her father and Milla just shakes her head listening as she knows all Tara has to do to get her way is to shed a tear or three. “But Papa!  All you’d have to do is to buy me four soul stones!  I don’t have to keep the skills all the time!  I mean…  I can still be a great mage and a great tailor with the ability to hide and walk around unseen!”, she exclaims.

“The tailoring I don’t have a problem with Tara.  It’s the part of you sneaking around that has me worried.  You are sneaky enough as it is.  Plus, soul stones are expensive” her father replies in a voice as stern as he can manage.

Tara looks to Tempest with a gleam in her eyes then looks to her father,   her lip quivering ominously and her eyes growing dangerously close to overflowing with tears.  Chase runs his fingers through his hair with frustration and his eyes get a desperate frantic look in them.  “Tara…   we can talk about it later.  I’ll take you to New Magincia tomorrow to buy you a new dress.  Didn’t you tell me you had spotted an emerald green dress from a tailor that you just had to have?”  Chase tries bargaining.

Tara sniffles dramatically and bobs her head, swiping at her red, puffy eyes.  The table takes a collective breath and the meal continues.  Tara leans to Tempest and whispers so softly that nobody but she can hear, “The soul stone vendor is in the stall next to the dress maker.”

*Kelin notices Chase looking at Tara suspiciously and decides to break the tension, for Tara anyway, “Papa?  Can Grandmother and I visit your dreams?   You too Mama.  Grandmother said that you can lead the dream to show me anything you want to,   even if it’s not real or even possible.  You can show me a memory in your dream too if you want to.”

“I don’t mind Kelin.  I know just what I want to show you” Milla says.

Chase grins and nods, “Sure Kelin,   it will be fun to have an adventure with you,   but we both have to get up in the morning.”, Chase replies.

“Oh, Grandmother said that while we are sleeping, we’re still resting.  Dreams are not real like life after all.  We won’t lose any sleep.  She’ll lose sleep but she’ll come get me after I’m sleeping and we’ll go to you.  I’d like to visit with you too Da and the rest of you.”, Kelin finishes looking around the table.


Kelin was being punished by Aunt Pudge, shelling a mountain of peas while he watched the others playing with longing.  The proof of his misdeed was still smeared on his face in the form of chocolate icing.  He couldn’t figure out why he had stuck his face in the bowl.  He knew better.  He continued to shell the peas one after another.  Suddenly his Grandmother was standing before him and he was sure she was about to chew him out too.   He looks up to speak but the words stuck in his throat as she spoke first, “Remind me to teach you to change your own dreams Kelin.  There’s no need to punish yourself if you really hadn’t stuck your face into the cake”, she told him.

Kelin smiles then and wipes his face, making the chocolate icing disappear.  “Thanks Grandmother.”

“Whose dreams shall we visit tonight?” she asks him.

“Mama’s first”, Kelin answered.


Milla twirled around and around on the stage, jumping high into the air and twirling again.  She landed gracefully on her toes to a deafening applause and bowed gracefully.  Kelin claps too and laughs, causing her to look over to him and Constance.  She gets a funny expression on her face then blushes.  “Oh Darn!  It’s only a dream!  I should have known I wouldn’t be a real ballerina!”, Milla says.

“You can be anything you like in your dreams Milla”, said Constance with a smile.

“Well, tonight I’d like to show Kelin something very special.” Milla said.

“Concentrate on what you want us to see and we will”, Constance said.

“This is the day after you were brought to me Kelin.”, Milla said.

A mist forms and Kelin sees a small cottage as it thins.  The ground around it is scattered tree limbs from the storm the night before.  Uncle Caius and Chase walk up to the picnic table where Milla sits holding a baby.  Chase looks to Milla and smiles, “Good to see you again Lady Milla.  Yer brother here tells me you need some protectin.  Is that the lad?” Chase asks.

Kelin watches in amazement as Chase takes the baby Kelin from Milla and bonds with him almost immediately then turning to look at Milla smiling.  The mist forms again and Kelin sees Chase, Milla and himself as a baby settled on a blanket under the shade of a tree as it clears.  Some times has passed as the baby Kelin has grown much.  Kelin grins up to his Grandmother then to Milla as the scene unfolds beneath the tree.  They watch as Chase proposes to Milla and amazingly to Kelin himself. 

As the mist closes in again Milla takes Kelin’s hand and leads him out on the stage…  and they dance.


The next evening Kelin was in his own dream but interestingly enough, was waiting on his Grandmother when she came for him.  She smiled to Kelin and took his hand, “Your Papa Chase tonight?”

“Yes Ma’am”, Kelin answers. “He is really excited about it.”

“Should we be worried?” Constance asks Kelin.

“Very much so Grandmother” Kelin laughs and answers her.


They found Chase in the middle of what surely could be classified as a nightmare.  Chase led twelve pack llamas while Tara bought three of everything in Luna.  He tried to bargain with her to no avail, “Tara, this is enough baby.  I can’t afford to buy you everything!”

“You’re going to Papa or I’m going to tell Mama I saw you kissing that Lady.” Tara replied.

“Tara that Lady was Tempest all grown up and I was kissing her on the cheek” Chase pleaded.

“I’ve never seen Tempest all grown up so I wouldn’t know. Now would I?”  Tara says then buys another pile of dresses with her Papa’s money.

Constance looks to Kelin and winks to him, “Should we save him?”

Kelin nods to her and busts out laughing, startling Chase.  Chase turns and frantically and looks to them then groans, “Oh no!  I can’t afford to buy for both of you too!  Tara is putting me in the poor house!” Chase exclaims.

Kelin laughs again and says, “Papa!  We’re here for a dream.  You’re only dreaming!.”

Chase gets a gleam in his eyes and points to the Tara of his dream.  He laughs like a maniac as Tara begins returning all those purchases for twice what he had paid for them.  Soon his pockets were full of gold and he sent Tara home and turns to look at them both.  “I have somewhere special to take Kelin and a special way to take him..  Did you say we can do anything?”  He looks hopefully to Constance who nods.

“Good, then we’re going to Pitmuck to get some ice cream and we’re flying.” Chase said with a triumphant smile.

Before long, the three of them were flying around in the sky.  Chase and Kelin were having too much fun chasing birds and looping trees along the way.  Chase did use the time as instructional to show Kelin how to get to Pitmuck.  He told them what fun the Goblins were and how handy they were to have as friends, in a pinch.  Over the Hedge maze they flew then onward to the coast where they flew along the coastline to the swamps and finally crossed a narrow channel to land in Pitmuck. 

The trio enjoyed their ice cream and wandered around the village, mostly staying out of the way of the goblins, although they did play on the merry-go-round and tour the ice cream making business.

As the three of them flew home, Chase spoke to Kelin, “This is a good place for you to visit for fun Kelin,  but always remember that the goblins are your friends.  They’ll always help their friends when in need.”


When Kelin awoke the next morning, he was curiously hungry for Ice Cream!

The Saga of Kelin and his adventures will continue in “The Adventures of Kelin 18 – “Black Pearl Summer” coming soon to the bookstore at The PaxOku Silent Rose Library!

Peace and Knowledge be with you!
Tatania Karthina
24 August 2011

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PaxLair Meeting: August 23, 2011

PaxLair Statehood, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – August 23, 2011 – by Winfield – The next meeting will be held as follows:

  • Date: Tuesday, August 23, 2011
  • Time: 9:00 PM ET
  • Location: Mage Tower, PaxLair City, Felucca, Chesapeake
  • Directions: Teleporter is right of the bulletin board at the Tea House in PaxOku, Tokuno.
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PaxLair Times Back Issues

PaxLair, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – August 23, 2011 – by Ashlynn – For all those who are interested in reading some very old editions of the PaxLair Times from way back in 2005, they are now being republished here.

Lady Tatania has begun posting the old editions and hopes to have all of them available soon. You can find the old editions in the archive or by taking a look in the PaxLair Times Back Issues section.

Happy reading!

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