Wing and Fire – An Expedition to the Stygian Temple

Lair of the Stygian Dragon, The Abyss, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – September 24, 2011 – by Ashlynn – Yesterday evening, Lady Phoenix organised an expedition into the Great Stygian Abyss to hunt down the Stygian Dragon and seize whatever great treasure it may have. We were able to accomplish this feat, but it was not quite as straightforward as we first thought it would be.

We met at the Tea House in PaxOku where we were joined by a few others who had offered to aid us, and from there we proceded to Zedland, taking the teleporter at the auction house into the abyss. It was a short journey from there to the Stygian Dragon’s great temple, but before we could get access to the temple heart, we had to battle the dragon’s minions.

The battle with faery dragons, wyverns and dark elves was brief but bloody, with several of us sustaining injuries. But we soon had the orbs we needed to give us access to the centre of the great structure, and after ensuring we were all accounted for, we ventured inside.

Sadly, we lost Lady Phoenix during the jump to the heart of the temple, some kind of strange magicks preventing her from entering, and we were forced to do battle without her aid. The battle was long and difficult and the beast was merciless with both it’s claws and spells, but we were eventually able to bring the creature down.

Our rewards for our efforts were somewhat mediocre. The great best had plenty of trinkets but little of true value. Lots of old armour and jewelry, a few gems and old weapons. But little of note. One of our number found an interesting book, while I managed to find a strange red gargish blade.

Our task done, we all returned to the tea house to discuss our adventure before we all began to disperse and return to our homes, a little bruised and weary. Before leaving however, it was suggested that our next venture could take us to confront the wicked Medusa.

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Nidaros Anniversary, Week 3 – Costumed Archery

Nidaros, Trammel, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – September 21, 2011 – by Ashlynn – Tuesday marked week three of the Nidaros Anniversary celebrations and to mark the occasion, the town hosted a costume contest followed by a test of marksmanship with the bow.

As on previous weeks, a brief meeting was held before events began, with no major announcements made. A number of us entered the contest, but in the end it was “Machmere” who won!

Archery soon followed, but with the absence of Robin, Enterprise and Se’an, none of us were particularly skilled and I imagine we could have rolled a few dice to determine the victor. It would certainly have been safer, at least to any poor creatures behind the archery butte.

Sadly, I misplaced my list of results and do not have a detailed breakdown right now as I was also in something of a hurry.

Next week is the last week of celebrations and will consist of a horse race followed by a grand party. Events will begin following another short meeting and will be held at the Nidaros Town Hall.

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PaxLair Meeting: September 20, 2011

PaxLair Statehood, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – September 20, 2011 – by Ashlynn – The next meeting will be held as follows:

  • Date: Tuesday, September 20, 2011
  • Time: 9:00-9:15 PM ET (Nidaros Anniversary Event to immediately follow the meeting!)
  • Location: Nidaros Library, Trammel, Chesapeake
  • Directions: Located S of the Nidaros Banner (between Skara Brae and Gyldenfeld) towards the hedge maze.  Teleporter is also at the Tea House in PaxOku, Tokuno.
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PaxLair Fish Exchange

New Magincia, Trammel, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – September 17, 2011 – by Ashlynn – Located near a beach on the island of New Magincia, a two story brick building stands beside the sea, a few ships anchored nearby. From inside comes the heavy aroma of fish from numerous crates and baskets, and every now and then fisherfolk come and go, dropping off their catch and replacing it with other fish from the stacked boxes.

This is the PaxLair Fish Exchange, born of an idea of Lady Phoenix. The idea is simple enough – if you’ve fish you no longer want, you can drop it off at the exchange and replace it with something that you do find more useful.

Or, more specifically:

There are four categories of fish: Shallow Water, Deep Water, Dungeon Fish and Crustaceans. All exchanges are 1:1. You may take any number of fish, but you must replace them with an equal amount of fish from the SAME category.

The exchange operates on the honour principle, but I am told that all fisherfolk are honourable. And fair. And win things… such as boat races. And they teach villagers how to fish and give out potent fishing scrolls and such, or so Lady Phoenix tells me!

The structure itself was designed by Savaric (yes, the lich) and he is also responsible for much of the decoration. I am informed that fishing vendors are the next thing that will be introduced to the fish exchange too.

Anyone who is interested in being a part of the exchange should contact Lady Phoenix through the big alliance comm crystal or some similar arcane device.

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Nidaros Anniversary, Week 2 – The Blood Regatta

Nidaros, Trammel, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – September 13, 2011 – by Ashlynn – The second week of anniversary celebrations began with a statehood meeting at the Nidaros Townhall, thought it turned out to be not much of a meeting at all and more focused on registration for the regatta.

After a little general confusion (as always) and a few questions, five captains eventually registered their vessels in the race, with any crew they wished to take with them:

  • Ashlynn of the Midnight Orchid
  • Carl Jr of the Slinker
  • Enterprise of the Captain’s Yacht
  • Nanoc of The Great Rock
  • Winfield (supported by Winmere) of the PaxLair Tugboat

We were informed that only the old style of longship was permitted to be used in the race, presumably to discourage shooting one another with cannon. The way the race worked was pretty simple too. We would depart from Jhelom docks after being handed a book with a set of co-ordinates to journey too. There we would be given another location to head to until we reached the final one.

However, once we reached the final point, we would be required to haul a very heavy chest across a finish line. Whoever got there first would of course be judged winner, and there were prizes for first, second and third place.

Our first stop ended up being Valour Isle. From there, we headed to a beach on the Isle of the Avatar, before sailing north to Magincia and then onwards to Nujelm. Our final location was a beach just south of the City of Britain where three brightly coloured chests filled with ore were sat. Beyond the finish line stood chairs and tables atop which sat some rather alluring barrels full of alcohol.

The winners in their glorious winner's helms!

Though it was close at some points, the PaxLair Tugboat took first place, the Midnight Orchid took second and the Captain’s Yacht took third. Nanoc arrived some time later aboard The Great Rock after being blown off course, and Carl Jr sailed in last due to a rather troublesome encounter with orc pirates.

We then all thanked Lord Judge and Lord Maedhros for organizing such a fun event and indulged in a little drinking before retiring for the night.

Next week is the Costumed Archery Contest. Or rather, a costume contest followed by archery in said costumes. This will take place in Nidaros following another quick statehood meeting!

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PaxLair Meeting: September 13, 2011

PaxLair Statehood, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – September 13, 2011 – by Winfield – The next meeting will be held as follows:

  • Date: Tuesday, September 13, 2011
  • Time: 9:00-9:15 PM ET (Nidaros Anniversary Event to immediately follow the meeting!)
  • Location: Nidaros City Hall, Trammel, Chesapeake
  • Directions: Located N of the Nidaros Banner (between Skara Brae and Gyldenfeld) towards the bay.  Teleporter is also at the Tea House in PaxOku, Tokuno.
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Orcs Attack Barrier Island!

Trinsic, Trammel, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – September 10, 2011 – by Ashlynn – A large force of orcs made landfall on Barrier Island yesterday evening, occupying the isle beside Trinsic for some time before they were dislodged by a force of Royal Militia.

Volunteers arrived at Serpent’s Hold for regular training excercises, only to find themselves called in to action when a “paladin” envoy (I do wonder if paladin would be accurate considering I was attacked by one of their number not long ago) came rushing in to warn us all about the orcs and ask for aid in repelling the invaders.

Commander Foxx quickly rallied those present and powerful magics transported us to the Paladin Stronghold in Trinsic. From there we marched to the Barrier bridge and attacked the host of orcs present.

As the bodies piled up with few losses to the Royal Militia and City Guard, the orc mages called upon their own fell magics, summoning terrible green-skinned daemons known as Putrifiers. These beasts caused a great deal of damage and chaos before they were finally overwhelmed by the guard.

After the battle, Commander Foxx asked if any had found documents or other items of note that might give insight into the reasons for the attack, but none were recovered. With the island secure, everyone headed back to Serpent’s Hold where a short promotion ceremony was held that saw Ozog, Lycanthropy, Bon Iver and Tip Toe all promoted to private before everyone was dismissed.

The motives behind the incident therefore remain a mystery, but if history tells us anything, I suspect we will discover the truth behind them soon enough. And I would not be surprised if Kendrick Morrow was involved somehow.

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PaxLair Bestiary – Reaper

Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – September 8, 2011 – by Ashlynn – Being a monstrous plant not unlike a gnarled, dead oak, the creature is famed for it’s terrible disposition towards all animal life whether it be a small ferret or a man clad in iron. Unlike the much lesser corpser, the reaper is intelligent enough to have some mastery of the esoteric arts, but should that not suffice, it will quite happily rend it’s victims apart with powerful wooden limbs.

From the Writings of Ashlynn

Long ago when I was much younger and knew very little about the land, I was once walking the old road from Yew to Vesper and a lengthy trip it was. So lengthy infact that I decided to rest for a while beneath the branches of a very old tree that stood beside the road. The thing must have been sleeping and my leaning against it must have awakened it. The creature let out a terrible roar before taking a swing at me with one of it’s powerful wooden branches, but fortunately I was nimble enough to avoid the blow.

Being somewhat outclassed by my wooden opponent, I decided to make a run for it and barely escaped with my life. I have never looked upon the forests and trees of Britannia in quite the same way since.

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Nidaros Anniversary, Week 1 – Find The Rune

Nidaros Rune Library, Trammel, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – September 7, 2011 – by Ashlynn – Tuesday marked the first week of the Nidaros anniversary celebrations which began at the Nidaros Rune Library following the weekly statehood meeting. After the official business of the meeting was (swiftly) out of the way, Lord Maedhros announced the event and how exactly it would work.

After we were all split into teams, Lord Maedhros handed us a book containing various clues. Our task was to use the clue to find the appropriate location, a rune to which could be found somewhere in the library. The first team to find the rune would win that particular “round”. We would then all meet back at the library and move on to the second clue.

As a few people couldn’t stay long, and Mayor Zanku and Lord Maedhros were running the event, we decided to split into two teams of four: Carl, Nanoc, Winfield and Phoenix on team one, and Winmere, Enterprise, Teal and myself on team two.

There were six clues in total and they took us to every facet, and even the lost lands. Locations included blanche island, the docks of papua and an isolated island in Ter Mur. It was quite close at first, but eventually the second team proved victorious, if only by a few seconds.

Returning to the library, Lord Maedhros handed us a bag of prizes which included an inscribed glowing rune before we all finally retired for the night.

Next week will be the second of the anniversary events – The Blood Regatta. All those wishing to participate should arrive with a boat (and crew if you really want) and register their vessel in the race.

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PaxLair Meeting: September 6, 2011

PaxLair Statehood, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – September 6, 2011 – by Winfield – The next meeting will be held as follows:

  • Date: Tuesday, September 6, 2011
  • Time: 9:00-9:15 PM ET (Nidaros Anniversary Event to immediately follow the meeting!)
  • Location: Nidaros Library, Trammel, Chesapeake
  • Directions: Located S of the Nidaros Banner (between Skara Brae and Gyldenfeld) towards the hedge maze.  Teleporter is also at the Tea House in PaxOku, Tokuno.
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