A Royal Escort

Press of Wonder, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – October 26, 2011 – by Ashlynn – A cargo vessel will be leaving a Skara Brae port this weekend carrying a valuable cargo bound for the isle of New Magincia. It has become known that the infamous pirate Captain Blackfoot intends to try and seize the the vessel and the wares it carries. As a result, the Guard of Guardian’s Gate have pledged to escort the ship safely to it’s destination.

Lord Wat, an envoy from Guardian’s Gate attended the statehood meeting last night looking for any who might volunteer to aid them in their endeavour. He informed us that the ship would be leaving on October 29th (Saturday) from Skara Brae docks in Felucca at 10pm by the eastern clock. Volunteers should arrive shortly before departure. Alternatively, they can contact Lord Wat, Lord Gowron or Lady Daria directly and express interest.

But the would-be defenders were not the only ones present. Captain Blackfoot also attended the meeting, letting everyone know on neutral ground that he was determined to attack the ship and any that escorted it. He also seemed to suggest that aspiring corsairs were welcome to go on the account with him if they so wished.

I intend to be there in some capacity to fulfill my role as reporter and perhaps more, though I am yet to decide exactly how much more yet.

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PaxLair Meeting: October 25, 2011

PaxLair Statehood, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – October 25, 2011 – by Winfield – The next meeting will be held as follows:

  • Date: Tuesday, October 25, 2011
  • Time: 9:00 PM ET
  • Location: Tea House, PaxOku, Homare-jima, Tokuno, Chesapeake
  • Directions: PaxOku, Tokuno.
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PaxLair Meeting: October 18, 2011

PaxLair Statehood, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – October 18, 2011 – by Winfield – The next meeting will be held as follows:

  • Date: Tuesday, October 18, 2011
  • Time: 9:00-10:00 PM ET
  • Location: Nidaros City Hall, Trammel, Chesapeake
  • Directions: Located N of the Nidaros Banner (between Skara Brae and Gyldenfeld) towards the bay.  Teleporter is also at the Tea House in PaxOku, Tokuno.
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Britain, Trammel, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – October 17, 2011 – by Ashlynn – I came across a startling revelation this evening as I began following up on the events a few nights past. Events that involved angry bakers, orcish corsairs and a great crimson dragon.

For those not aware of the previous evening’s events, we were called upon by Captain Gwen to investigate a disturbance at the Bakers in Trinsic. There we found an overworked baker by the name of Pierre refusing to work until his demands (which consisted mostly of a pay rise of some sort) were met. Eventually he was talked into resuming work if his bakery was refurbished with new baking apparatus, including more ovens.

We were then suddenly alerted to orc and human corsairs landing on Barrier Island, so we made haste to intercept them. After a brief clash, we returned to the Trinsic Jail with a poisoned and heavily injured guard that spoke of a poisoned blade and I believe of something in Papua. Eventually, the guard was given an antidote that Gwen acquired from somewhere, but it seemed there was something wrong with either it or the guard as he transformed into a great crimson dragon that attacked us.

In the slightly confusing haze of events that followed, we ended up in Papua (after dealing with the draconic monstrosity) in a hideout hidden below some shops. We discovered weapons and strange books but nothing that seemed to lead us elsewhere. With nothing else to work with, Captain Gwen Dismissed us all, but advised us to take a closer look at the items if we wished. And with that, we all retired for the evening.

Decoding the Books (*Spoilers ahead, don’t read if you want to break the code yourself!*)

I returned to Papua to examine the books in greater detail. All three were tattered copies of the Britain Beacon and contained partial articles and sections with lucky numbers for the readers. I discovered that the numbers were actually a cypher and by decoding it, I found hidden messages in all three books, clearly aimed at an unknown conspirator.

The first book I decoded had the message “destroy” and “documents in cove bank, double rate upon seizing” hidden amongst it’s pages. The other books contained the messages “remove zodok. any means” and “instigate orcs to create diversion”.

This was an important revelation! It seemed to imply that whoever was involved in the assassination of Tavalia Zodok was now trying to cover their tracks, and perhas it was not Kendrick Morrow afterall (having already been tried, why bother with the effort of a cover up now?). It was not clear if the diversion was the attack the previous eve or one a week or so earlier when many orcs made landfall on Barrier Isle.

With the books decoded, I immediately headed for Cove and the bank at the centre of the town. Inside I found a pile of scorched parchment and most of what was in the documents was unreadable. One of the documents contained a ledger or list of some kind, signed by someone with the partial second name “Middlet-” but there was little other information. The second document referenced a tailor shop called The Spinning Wheel, and the third was a map of the Summit Chamber in Castle Britannia. It showed a cross where Tavalia was seated and two hidden passageways into the room.

With this newly won information, I next traveled to Castle Britannia to look for the hidden passages into the Summit Chamber, but the search turned up naught. Clearly they had been sealed or were well hidden. I then headed to Vesper (spotting an old patched shirt discarded by the moongate) and stopped by The Spinning Wheel. There was little to be found except for a half-used bolt of cloth that stood out because of it’s colour. It seemed very similar to those of Kendrick Morrow’s clothes on that terrible day though I am not entirely sure if they are a match. But it may support his story of a doppleganger as evidence of where the real assassin sourced his garments.

At this point I began to run out of leads and decided to retire to think over the everything I had discovered and also write it all down. I hope my own findings will aid others who wish to look into this further themselves. I will continue my own investigations over the next few days and report on anything I find.

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Fury Beneath the Waves

Undersea Temple, Trammel, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – October 15, 2011 – by Ashlynn – The saga of Poseidon’s Fury finally came to an end this evening, a quest that has spanned the years and taken us to the ends of Sosaria and back. During this time, scores of clues have been followed, castles have been besieged and hordes of sinister creatures have been vanquished. Our journey even took us to an ancient temple under the sea and it is here we would return to finally close the book on Poseidon’s Fury.

As always, we were summoned to the estate of Lord Balandar. A great many answered the call to arms and it seemed everything was finally in place for the last expedition we would make in search of the secret beneath the water. Balandar had located the exact location of the artifact we sought and had prepared the correct magics to take us back beneath the waves. He had even prepared a powerful ritual that would enable us all to breathe and move freely in the water so that we could travel the darkest corners of the submerged temple.

However, we were warned that the temple still crawled with hostile creatures, many of them quite powerful, and the artifact itself was believed to be protected by a mighty and covetous guardian that would not give it up easily.

A gate was opened by Balandar and we were soon inside the temple beneath the ocean. Almost immediately we were set upon by guardians as we moved through some now familiar areas. Eventually, we broke through to portions of the temple that were new to us and were completely flooded. We moved past great coral growths and a forests of kelp, battling monstrous crabs and strange tentacled humanoids. We even found the original ships wheel of the Poseidon’s Fury half buried in the coral which was a most interesting sight.

Despite some heavy casualties and skirmishes that seemed to last forever, we made it to the heart of the temple where the artifact – a tower of magical crystal – could be found. As Balandar worked his magic to release it, a great green aquatic beast attacked us, dealing death with every swipe of it’s monstrous claws. But the creature would not deter us and it too eventually fell leaving us with our prize.

Balandar worked to secure the great crystal monolith and rewarded us all with a specially crafted box containing items from the depths, including a piece of the crystal itself. Rallying in a valley in Ilshenar, Lord Balandar congratulated us on finally putting the matter of the Poseidon’s Fury to rest before we all began to retire, feeling a great sense of achievement as we did.

HMS Poseidon’s Fury still rests at anchor in Jhelom, restored to it’s glorious state and open for all to see should they wish. And the great temple itself still stands beneath the ocean and I do wonder if it has yet more stories to tell.

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The Raising of the Poseidon’s Fury

Jhelom, Trammel, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – October 10, 2011 – by Ashlynn – A few weeks ago, the remains of the Poseidon’s Fury was finally located half-buried on a sandy beach in Ilshenar. Though the hull of the ship was mostly intact, it had been overrun by all manner of foul creatures and a lengthy battle ensued between expedition volunteers and the denizens that dwelled within the dark decks.

The ship was eventually liberated from from the beasts and the remains of the wreck brought back to the waters of Britannia where it was painstakingly restored by the shipwrights of Jhelom.

A few days ago, the vessel was finally unveiled to the public in all it’s restored glory. As we were about to be taken aboard to see the renovated interior, an unwelcome guest made his appearance.

Calling himself “The Rat King”, this rat man distracted the crowd with a horde of sewer rats before clambering aboard the ship. He then summoned several more powerful rat-like creatures to keep everyone occupied while he went about securing the ship, proclaiming it his own.

It took everyone present quite some time to cut through the rodent horde that now occupied the ship. Eventually, the vessel was once again liberated from the clutches of evil (or mischief in this case) in a final battle against the King of rodent royalty.

The vessel now lies at anchor in Jhelom, wholly within the hands of the crown once more. Access to the decks below is still possible via the hold should any wish to view the restored vessel.

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PaxLair Meeting: October 4, 2011

PaxLair Statehood, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – October 4, 2011 – by Winfield – The next meeting will be held as follows:

  • Date: Tuesday, October 4, 2011
  • Time: 9:00 PM ET
  • Location: Mage Tower, PaxLair City, Felucca, Chesapeake
  • Directions: Teleporter is right of the bulletin board at the Tea House in PaxOku, Tokuno.
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Nidaros Anniversary, Week 4 – Horse Race and Party

Nidaros, Trammel, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – September 28, 2011 – by Ashlynn – Last night the final week of celebrations was held before the banner of Nidaros. Speeches were given, awards handed out and a good time was had by all.

A number of people turned out to participate in the revelry and the main event of the evening – The Nidaros Horse Race. But before such things could begin, it was first time for the weekly statehood meeting!

The only announcements were regarding an upcoming celebration of thanksgiving in Dragon’s Watch, including the traditional Bring a Friend game. There was also word that Lady Phoenix would be organising another expedition on friday evening and that all who wished to join the venture should meet at the Tea House in PaxOku at 8pm by the eastern clock.

Then it was time for the race to begin. The particpants (which included Winfield, Winmere, Nanoc, Phoenix, Steven Maturin and myself) lined up at the starting line. We were then informed that our route would take us from Nidaros, through Yew, all the way to Minoc. We would circle the great statue in the middle of town before riding back the same way. There would be obstacles and someone to keep an eye on us as we rode.

And then the race began, but my horse (affectionately named Glue) quickly developed a limp that forced me to pull out of the race as I reached Gyldenfeld. The rest rode hard for the City of Minoc.

At over half way through the race, Winfield and Winmere were both some ways ahead of the rest, but the distance between them was very small. In the end however, the Governor managed to pull ahead (scattering wet fish on the road behind to distract his opponents I suspect) and took first place. Lady Winmere came in second followed a short while later by Lord Nanoc in third.

Once the race was over, Mayor Zanku prepared seating infront of the banner and we all sat down to watch the awards ceremony and speeches. For his victory in the race, Governor Winfield was given the gift of a Golden Jingasa. The winner of the Short Story Contest was announced as Lord Mach of Dragons watch and his reward was a gold-bound copy of his book.

Then came time for gifts to be given to Nidaros and the people. The Governor handed Mayor Zanku a fine cake and the town was even honoured by the people of Guardian’s Gate, their gift being a finely carved red box presented by Lord Morpheus Mardox, containing what I can only imagine was a very expensive gift.

Once the formalities were over, everyone moved over to where the food an alcohol could be found and spent the rest of the evening in a manner befitting any good celebration.

Though the anniversary celebrations are over, this was only the first for the reformed Town of Nidaros of what we hope are many more to come.

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Governor Winfield’s Speech at Nidaros 1st Anniversary of Rebirth

Nidaros Banner, Trammel, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – September 27, 2011 – by Winfield – Governor Winfield gave the following speech at Nidaros’ 1st Anniversary or Rebirth celebration.

Good Evening Everyone!
I am Governor Winfield of the PaxLair Statehood.

I’m privileged to be here today to offer a few words on an historic day in our history. For this whole month we’ve been celebrating the 1st Anniversary of Nidaros’ Rebirth. While tonight marks the end of that celebration, we see that Nidaros is firmly re-established and has a very promising future for all time.

A bit over a year ago Nidaros’ future was not known. Things were a bit in chaos throughout the Realm and Nidaros seemed likely to become a casualty.

But very capable people of our Statehood and Alliance came together and kept Nidaros from turning to dust. I brought Nidaros into our PaxLair Statehood and appointed Zanku as its new mayor. Nidaros has flourished since that day with Zanku’s leadership and key citizens like Blackheart and Maedhros. We look forward to its continued prosperity!

Now, Nidaros is more than just a city nestled in woods on the edge of Fortune Bay between Skara Brae and Gyldenfeld. In fact it’s strategic location in this area gives it great importance!

In just over a month after Mayor Zanku was appointed, he signed a significant treaty with Gyldenfeld. It is called the Fortune Bay Treaty of 353. It gives boundaries to the cities and joint use of Fortune Bay. This means two neighboring cities agree wholeheartedly to respect each others’ territory and cooperate in areas overlapping.

This location is also right on the main commercial route between Skara Brae and Britain. This is very significant! In good and times of peace, Nidaros can reap the benefits of traveling caravans buying and selling wares and learning all the news of the Realm. In bad and times of conflict, Nidaros can supply the traveling armies between Britain and the Port of Skara Brae. This road, in fact, is the shortest path between Britain and the western sea.

In addition, Nidaros’ use of the Fortune Bay as a protected inlet to service and maintain ships in safety is very well known.

So Nidaros is geographically, economically, and politically important to this Realm and to the PaxLair Statehood and Alliance.

I as Governor am very impressed at Nidaros’ first year of rebirth. Let’s see what Nidaros can do in the next year, shall we?

Finally, I give you – Nidaros – a humbly baked cake from our PaxLair kitchen.

Congratulations to Nidaros!!

By Governor Winfield, Statehood of PaxLair
September 27, 2011

Posted in Nidaros, PaxLair Statehood, Speeches | 1 Comment

PaxLair Meeting: September 27, 2011

PaxLair Statehood, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – September 27, 2011 – by Winfield – The next meeting will be held as follows:

  • Date: Tuesday, September 27, 2011
  • Time: 9:00-9:15 PM ET (Nidaros Anniversary Event to immediately follow the meeting!)
  • Location: Nidaros Banner, Trammel, Chesapeake
  • Directions: Located on the road E of Skara Brae and SW of Gyldenfeld, Trammel.
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