PaxLair Meeting: November 22, 2011

PaxLair Statehood, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – November 22, 2011 – by Winfield – The next meeting will be held as follows:

  • Date: Tuesday, November 22, 2011
  • Time: 9:00 PM ET
  • Location: Arborist Garden, Heartwood Elven City via Central Yew Gate, Chesapeake
  • Directions: Rune to Central Yew is at Tea House under the Bulletin Board.  Enter the gate to Heartwood.  Go Southeast across the tree limb to the Arborist Garden platform.  Bring more benches.
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Ruins of the Past

Ruins of Paws, Trammel, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – November 20, 2011 – by Ashlynn – Last night, Lord Balandar and Captain Gwen led a band of volunteers to the ruins of Paws lying beneath the Fens of the Dead near Trinsic. What prompted this expedition I am unsure of but the trip was to be more than a simple archaeological expedition.

As some may be aware, the village of Paws was lost to the swamp years ago, swallowed by a disaster few know anything about. Delving into the ruins, many ruined books seemed to offer hints to the specifics of village’s fate but nothing complete.

The ruins have been explored previously however and much of it has already been cleared of hostile swamp life. But Lord Balandar had crafted a new spell, one that would open a way forward to the rest of the village.

Breaking through the long sealed passageways, we were soon assaulted by a swarm of green swamp beasts and it took a great deal of effort to bring them down and press on. Eventually, we came across one sunken building that Balandar had discovered contained a secret passage to lave-filled caves. It appeared a bridge was once present in the cavern permitting passage beyond but it had collapsed and we were forced to withdraw.

In an argument with Captain Gwen, Balandar stated that the cave housed a great power, or at least it once did, and it was of the same level of power as Poseidon’s Fury. Captain Gwen insisted the cave should be sealed though Lord Balandar requested that not be done immediately so that he would have time to study it.

With our services no longer required, the rest of us decided to leave, a little confused as to what exactly was going on. It must be said it was a relief to get out of that dark, dank, rancid place, though my clothes would certainly need a good clean.

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Honeyed Promises

Britain, Trammel, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – November 18, 2011 – by Ashlynn – Britannia was struck by another civil disturbance today as the beekeepers of Britain massed outside the city’s largest apiary making demands not unlike those of the baker’s guild of Trinsic some weeks ago.

Captain Gwen and several volunteers met the angry crowd of Beekeepers head on and after they refused to stand down, attempted to arrest them and their leader, one Lady Angela.

In response, Angela began setting fire to the many hives in the neighbouring field, an act that released a terrible swarm of angry bees that attacked all those present. After the bees were dealt with, the Beekeepers themselves took up arms and attacked the Captain and her group of militia. They were soon fought off though the apiary building was gutted by fire in the chaos.

It would appear that Angela escaped although several other Beekeepers were placed under arrest. Still, the whole incident seems suspicious as the incoherent demands of the apiculturists and the similarity to the Trinsic Baker’s Guild situation may suggest an agitator manipulating events behind the scenes.

Posted in Britain, EM Event | 1 Comment

A Thanksgiving Celebration

Dragons Watch, Felucca, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – November 16, 2011 – by Ashlynn – Each year during the month of november Dragon’s Watch holds an event to mark the Thanksgiving holiday and on tuesday evening they continued this tradition with a night of fun and laughter at the tavern in the centre of town.

Though I arrived slightly late to the event, I was fortunate not to miss any of the games, though I did sadly miss most of the speeches given. The first game to be played was an old favourite that involved seeking out two guests to bring back to the tavern. Their names when put together would make up the name of a famous person, living or dead. The catch was that we only had twenty minutes to do it in!

Once again I was unable to complete a name as were a number of others. But Leif Garret, Jesse Williams, Mariah Carey, Albert Prescott, Edna Filmore and Ivory and Joy were all able to make it to the party!

The next game involved fighting chickens! Though of course not pitting mail-clad warriors against poor defenseless hens, but a chicken against another of it’s kin. Five people had brought chickens with them and I managed to catch one in the woods to throw into battle. The line up (with the owner indicated) was as follows:

  • Little John (Robin)
  • Bawkmere (Winmere)
  • Turkey (NANOC)
  • Featherblight (Ashlynn)
  • Zanku (Maedhros)
  • a greater chicken (Koopliss)

In the end it was Little John who stood victorious over the blood-covered feathery remains of it’s poultry opponents.

The last game of the evening was Orc Bowling, which didn’t involve much bowling but did involve forcing an orc to run up and down a length of “field” while we shot arrows at him. Whenever the orc fell, we would win whatever prize he fell upon. While I have little opposition to shooting captive orcs, I have requested that next year we modify the game to become Goblin Bowling or even Mach Bowling.

With the games over, attention turned to the weekly PaxLair Statehood Meeting which was held in the same tavern. There was little to report and discussion mostly centered upon the upcoming Royal Guard Exercises and gaining the favour of the Healer’s Guild.

We all give many thanks to Dragons Watch for organising another fun and eventful thanksgiving celebration and we look forward to the next one!

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PaxLair Meeting: November 15, 2011

PaxLair Statehood, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – November 15, 2011 – by Winfield – The next meeting will be held as follows:

  • Date: Tuesday, November 15, 2011
  • Time: 9:00 PM ET
  • Location: Tavern, Dragons Watch, Felucca, Chesapeake
  • Directions: Teleporter is right of the bulletin board at the Tea House in PaxOku, Tokuno.
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Pirates Avoided – Successful Delivery of Goods to PaxLair City

Dragons Watch and PaxLair City, Felucca, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – November 13, 2011 – by Winfield – Citizens of the PaxLair Statehood successfully delivered critical supplies on Sunday evening, November 13, 2011, from Dragons Watch to PaxLair City to feed and cloth the homeless population. Several pirates from the Order of the Crimson Pirates (-CP-) attempted to block and attack the Nidaros’ ship at sea, and then again on foot in PaxLair City. The supplies were delivered undamaged to the PaxLair Saloon near the outdoor arena.

Intelligence prior to the shipping voyage indicated -CP- had learned of this priority shipment. While the ship was being prepared and loaded at Dragons Watch Port, a few pirate scouts brought a dragon onto shore and fought to seize the shipment. Nidaros and PaxLair City crew quickly loaded the ship and got it underway with minimal injuries.

Once afloat, the ship sailed to the northwest and sighted a -CP- pirate vessel. Without any sea-support to defend themselves and cannons not at the ready, the ship quickly out-maneuvered the pirate vessel and reached PaxLair City Port.

The pirates were no where in sight while the crew unloaded goods onto pack horses. As quickly as the horses could walk, the crew brought the goods to the PaxLair Saloon where the storage cellar’s heavy doors opened briefly to let the crew inside. As soon as the doors slammed shut, the pirates arrived with a war cry and bows at the ready. Whew… the goods were safe.

Goods provided to PaxLair City, mainly by Maehdros of Nidaros, included: medical supplies, hot pies, warm clothing, fruits and vegetables, tools, wood, food, some gold, whiskey, akvavit, and Nidaros water. These were in several crates, all with sturdy locks.

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A Poultry Problem

Skara Brae, Trammel, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – November 11, 2011 – by Ashlynn – This evening a large group of volunteers made their way to the Ranger’s Guild in Skara Brae to aid the guild master in dealing with a few issues it was said he was beset by. All were expecting serpent’s harassing the coast, or perhaps bandits in the woods on the mainland but instead the problem was more fowl in nature.

After watching a spectacle that involved a junior member of the guild being dressed down by his superior before quitting entirely, we were told of a problem on the mainland. A terrible occurrence where large plump turkeys were becoming aggressive and turning on their human owners before escaping! This would not do! We wood need to take to the woods and hunt them down, preferably with bow and bodkin.

For those of us not particularly skilled at shooting an arrow, the master made some guild supplies available to us – bows of turkey smiting. These fine bows came with arrows that seemed to seek out their foe for us, making the act of shooting an easy matter. Unfortunately, the magic in the bows was quite destructive and would consume the bows after a while so they would need to be used as soon as possible.

With such a large hunting party, taking care of the troublesome turkey’s was quite easy, but tracking them down was more difficult. We did eventually find all of them and after they were dealt with, we returned to the ranger’s guildhall where we were thanked for our service. With another guild in distress rendered aid, we all parted company for the night, though a few folk inquired about keeping the bows.

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PaxLair Meeting: November 8, 2011

PaxLair Statehood, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – November 8, 2011 – by Winfield – The next meeting will be held as follows:

  • Date: Tuesday, November 8, 2011
  • Time: 9:00 PM ET
  • Location: Central Papua near Mage Shop, Trammel, Chesapeake
  • Directions: Rune is under Bulletin Board at Tea House – bring benches.
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PaxLair Meeting: November 1, 2011

PaxLair Statehood, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – November 1, 2011 – by Winfield – The next meeting will be held as follows:

  • Date: Tuesday, November 1, 2011
  • Time: 9:00 PM ET
  • Location: Pub at Docks, New Magincia, Felucca, Chesapeake
  • Directions: Get in a moongate, go to New Magincia on Felucca.
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The Corsair’s Oath

New Magincia, Felucca, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – October 29, 2011 – by Ashlynn – The infamous pirate Captain Blackfoot stuck to his word earlier this evening with his attempt to raid the merchant ship that left Skara Brae, bound for the City of New Magincia.

I decided to book passage aboard the merchant ship (captained by a man called Ted Nugent) itself in the end, hoping for a first hand view of events as they unfolded. Another, a man clad in white robes and skilled at both stealth and marksmanship, had also booked a spot on the ship acting in the role of a guard. Our vessel was in turn escorted in convoy fashion by two ships of the United Sosarian Alliance.

Both escorts were heavily armed and well equipped, one called the Savage Lady captained by Commodore Greylene (with Lord Gowron taking the helm), and the other was called the Screaming Seamonkey and was captained by the veteran mariner Lady Tina.

Aside from a few elementals and the odd dolphin, the journey was uneventful for the most part. Infact, I wondered if the pirate captain would even show in the face of such opposition. But show he did!

It seemed he had maneuvered to approach our line of ships from an angle instead of head on. This gave him two clean shots at our own ship and we were raked by grapeshot as he pressed his attack. Unfortunately for the corsair, the United Sosarian Alliance ships were quick to respond, swiftly cutting him off and leaving him dead in the water not long afterwards.

Soon we were in New Magincia where the precious cargo was quickly unloaded. After congratulating each other on the victory and giving each other our thanks, we all decided to find our own way to an inn.

But I suspect that there will be more attacks by Captain Blackfoot and his Crimson Pirates in the future. And there is rumour he wishes to expand his flotilla of vessels so that he can prey on ever more ambitious targets. We must all be prepared to stand up against this threat if free trade upon the high seas is to survive the months to come.

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