Merry Christmas from the PaxLair Times!

The Press of Festivities, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – December 25, 2011 – by Ashlynn – Merry Christmas to everyone from the PaxLair Times. It has been a fun and interesting year and I hope everyone has a wonderful Christmas holiday.

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Terrible Tabloids and Poisoned Plots

Britain, Trammel, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – December 24, 2011 – by Ashlynn – News has reached the times that the office of the Britain Beacon was stormed a few days ago by Captain Gwen and the Royal Guard, acting on information she had received suggesting they may be involved in recent and past disturbances and murders, and perhaps even another much more terrible conspiracy.

A suspect by the name of Olin Brash (who a royal guardsman labled a “nutter”) was arrested and is currently incarcerated in Yew Prison awaiting in depth interrogation by the Guard.

The Royal Guard has welcomed any assistance from concerned members of tbe public in investigating the matter of the Beacon’s involvement in events. The name of Olin Brash was given to me after questioning the Guard stationed outside the now off-limits Britain Beacon offices. I am yet to follow up on the information he gave me, but will be pursuing the matter very soon.

Should anyone wish to take it upon themselves to investigate matters, they would do well to speak to Guardsman Lawrence who can be found stationed outside the Britain Beacon building near the southern docks of Britain, or Mario the Surveyor, who can usually be found near the summit chamber in Castle Britannia. Naturally, the two of them expect courtesy given their positions and generally only respond to “greetings”, ignoring those who simply shout seemingly random things at them.

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PaxLair Meeting: December 20, 2011

PaxLair Statehood, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – December 20, 2011 – by Winfield – The next meeting will be held as follows:

  • Date: Tuesday, December 20, 2011
  • Time: 9:00 PM ET
  • Location: Pub, Luna Fairegrounds, Luna, Malas, Chesapeake
  • Directions: Located just outside the South Luna Gate.
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Santa Visits Dragons Watch

Dragons Watch, Felucca, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – December 20, Year – by Ashlynn – Yesterday evening, patrons of the Dragons Watch tavern were hosts to a surprise visit by Santa himself! Well I say surprise, though I must admit that the grumpy rare export from Yew was somewhat expected and a large number of patrons had gathered just to see him.

Bringing his large sack (amongst other things) and the same robe from last year, (there was some debate as to whether he had changed it since then or not) Santa invited patrons to sit on his knee, endure his comments and be gifted with a present for doing so.

After enduring my own sitting, I was able to watch with amusement as everyone else endured theres… well except when certain (and most assuredly fake) explicit material started being passed around! The less said of that, the better.

Still the whole thing was enjoyable and the many green barrels of spirits Lord Maedhros brought to the party helped with the mood. No doubt our Santa will make another appearance next year, his robe a little more stained than last.

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PaxLair Meeting: December 13, 2011

PaxLair Statehood, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – December 13, 2011 – by Winfield – The next meeting will be held as follows:

  • Date: Tuesday, December 13, 2011
  • Time: 9:00 PM ET
  • Location: Mage Tower, PaxLair City, Felucca, Chesapeake
  • Directions: Teleporter is right of the bulletin board at the Tea House in PaxOku, Tokuno.
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News From Across the Realm, Volume 1, Issue 5

The Press of Sheer Excitement, Chesepeake (PaxLair Times) – December 12, 2011 – by Ashlynn – Time moves ever on and so do the machinations of wicked conspirators. The cold and dark winter seems to bring with it people equally cold and dark of heart and who have murder in mind.

A Murderous Conspiracy?

Further investigation of the latest copy of the Britain Beacon by our resident cryptoanalyst (me) has yielded shocking results. The decoded message, which took quite some time to crack reads:


Such a discovery will of course be reported to the Royal Guard as soon as possible. The death of the Empress could throw Tokuno in (more) chaos and it may even be the Kingdom of Britannia that shoulders the blame and any possible consequences.

The Depths Below

Despite earlier efforts to vanquish Charybdis, the beast reappeared only a few days later. Perhaps it has amazing powers of regeneration, or maybe Charybdis cannot be truly or in anycase, permanently killed. As a result, Lady Phoenix organised a second expedition to hunt down the creature and hopefully leave it dead for just a little longer.

Two enormous Britannian Galleons and a smaller rowing craft made up the expeditionary flotilla. Sailing to just off the coast of Jhelom, the Oracle of the Sea was used once again to lure the monstrous creature to our ships from where our assembled party made quick work of the creature. Casualties were low as we were not only more experienced this time, but we also had even greater numbers as many from other cities, such as Guardian’s Gate, joined us for the venture.

As to what was found in beast’s stomach I do not know, but I heard a few trinkets of note were discovered. After the sea monster was slain, it’s rotting corpse was thrown back into the sea and we all returned to the Tea House to celebrate another victory.

Guardians Gate Fifth Anniversary!

The past saturday marked the fifth anniversary of the City of Guardians Gate – a vast sprawling settlement on the edge of the fens, east of Britain. Events were held throughout the day to mark the occasion and ran the whole gamut from Cow Tipping Contests and Scavenger Hunts to Auctions and Drinking Competitions.

Unfortunately, I could only make it for the Archery Contest in which I even participated (and performed poorly). On behalf of everyone here at the Times, I’d like to congratulate Guardians Gate on their fifth anniversary and I look forward to the sixth!

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A Terror from the Deep

The High Seas, Trammel, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – December 4, 2010 – by Ashlynn – A few days past, a brave expedition sailed out into the great sea seeking a mighty beast. A huge monster with a maw that can chew through a ship’s keel with ease and many tentacles with which to scar a vessel’s hull and drag sailors down to the depths below.

We were hunting the great terror known as Charybdis. A creature said to once be a water nymph born of two gods, but now a twisted monstrosity.

Armed with an Oracle of the Sea fished up by one Crieton of Somewhere-or-Other, with which to track the beast down, all we needed was a crew, and we raised enough to man two vessels. Meeting at the Tea House in PaxOku, we were also joined by reinforcements from SHE by the names of Jonas, Naomi de Layne and Lycanthropy, as well as the independent adventurer, Sir Tancred.

It seemed our two gargish war galleys were already anchored near the location given by the oracle, so magical runes and gates swiftly transported us to the ships where we took up our positions. When we were all ready, we called the beast.

A great battle ensued, with cannon-fire from both ships hitting the monstrous creature. Spells, arrows and boulders from colossi all rained down on the beast while others kept the many tentacles at bay with evocations of terrible cold. The monster inflicted a great deal of damage upon the ships but after a long battle, it finally fell to our assault and we hauled it’s cadaver aboard to see what treasure hid inside it’s belly.

Though no major treasures seemed to hide inside it’s stomach, we all felt a great sense of accomplishment at finally felling the legendary creature. Bloodied, but victorious, we all sailed home (though some opted to make use of transportation magics).

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PaxLair Meeting: December 6, 2011

PaxLair Statehood, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – November 28, 2011 – by Ashlynn – The next meeting will be held as follows:

  • Date: Tuesday, December 6, 2011
  • Time: 9:00-10:00 PM ET (Includes some special “Rune Travels” to hear the stories.)
  • Location: Nidaros Library, Trammel, Chesapeake
  • Directions: Located S of the Nidaros Banner  (between Skara Brae and Gyldenfeld) towards the hedge maze.  Teleporter is also  at the Tea House in PaxOku, Tokuno.
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PaxLair Meeting: November 29, 2011

PaxLair Statehood, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – November 29, 2011 – by Winfield – The next meeting will be held as follows:

  • Date: Tuesday, November 29, 2011
  • Time: 9:00 PM ET
  • Location: Silent Rose Library, PaxOku, Tokuno, Chesapeake
  • Directions: Across the street from the Tea House in PaxOku.
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News From Across the Realm, Volume 1, Issue 4

PaxLair Press, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – November 27, 2011 – by Ashlynn – Much has been happening throughout the Kingdom of Britannia and beyond these past few weeks, from more uprisings to yet another orcish raid on our wondrous shores and more.

Orc Pirates Raid Jhelom

A few nights ago, a large force of orc corsairs made landfall on the island of Southern Jhelom. The orcs proceeded to set fire to every building on the island, looting as they went before a volunteer guard force finally arrived to drive them back into the sea. The volunteer guard force then proceeded to give chase in their own ships and crippled the lead corsair vessel, capturing the warlords of the orcish attack in the process (or at least so some have said).

However, later reports including an official statement by Commander Foxx suggested that the orc leaders actually escaped during the chaos of battle and are still currently at large. It would seem it was another orc ship that was crippled during the encounter, it’s captain’s either seized or slain. In anycase, heralds all across the kingdom have been informed to alert all citizens to the dangerous marauders of the invading force still at loose.

A Healer’s Examination

Those cities and townships wishing to gain the favour of the Healer’s Guild were invited to take an examination yesterday evening, with good grades ensuring patronage by the guild. Many cities and townships desire the services of the Healer’s Guild to aid help citizens with various ailments and recover from accidents or wounds sustained during raids by by bandits, orcs, tsuki wolves or perhaps even a huge horde of black shadowy nightmares.

The Healer’s Guild has promised to contribute such a service should the towns prove themselves worthy through a variety of tasks, exercises and expeditions. Previously, aspirants have performed duties on behalf of the Royal Guard and provided a host of literature for the Guild’s library, with the latest task being a written exam on the practice of medicine.

For those unable to attend yesterday evenings examination, the guild has promised more opportunities to gain favour in the weeks to come.

Another Hidden Code?

In a recent edition of the Britain Beacon, yet another code was hidden within the text of one particular article. The code itself was deciphered as reading “Tort continues to be a liability. Those should be an accident.” There may be more to the coded message, but analysis of the rest of the text is yet to reveal anything.

The message itself is somewhat cryptic, but it would appear that either the article’s author or the one responsible for providing the lucky numbers is colluding with whoever was involved in Lady Tavalia’s death. It would certainly be wise for Royal investigations on this front to turn their attention to the Britain Beacon.

Snow On The Way!

Diviners and Astrologers across the realm have predicted heavy snowstorms heading our way in the next few weeks or so, sure to blanket our realm in a carpet of gleaming white.

Travelers should beware of the roads during the height of the winter season and should avoid making any journeys unless absolutely necessary, lest they become trapped on some lonely road and die of exposure to the elements. Members of the esteemed Lyceaum have also advised citizens to be on the look out for increased snow and ice elemental activity during the harshest winter weather.

Arenas Appear Throughout the Land

While tavern and pit-fights have always been a popular past time for the more competitive and martially inclined, a mysterious organisation or merchant house has recently finished construction on and opened a number of new arenas both in and out of the Kingdom. One of these structures can be found near Haven whilst the other can be found deep within the jungles of the lost lands.

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