PaxLair Anniversary: Day 2

The Press of Amazing Sailor Music, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – January 17, 2012 – by Ashlynn – Events continued for a second day in celebration of the 14th anniversary of PaxLair. Two events marked the occasion – Magical Musical Chairs hosted by Lady Winmere and Lord Grimlar, and a Regatta hosted by Lord Maehdros.

The first event began at 8pm by the eastern clock as the Sosarian Solstice Fair began just an hour earlier. Musical Chairs – always a favourite – had quite a number of entrants but minor technical issues hindered the start somewhat (it seems Lady Winmere’s flute had developed a defect that rendered it useless, and she was forced to fetch an old holiday bell instead).

With the problem remedied, the game began and one by one, the contestants were knocked out until only two remained – CaT and Moloch. A special final round was held and in the end, Moloch quickly beat CaT to the only remaining seat and was declared this year’s winner! Congratulations to Moloch!

The second event of the evening was a boat race. Structured like races in the past, vessels would sail to a set of co-ordinates where they would receive further directions, continuing on until they reached the final destination.

Only antique Britannian longships were permitted for the race, though Captain’s could take any size crew they desired.

I decided to sign up with Nanoc’s crew, while Winfield captained his own vessel and Lady Winmere aided Koopliss with his. Unfortunately, Koopliss was blown overboard leaving Lady Winmere adrift at sea, while Nanoc was blown terribly of course and I feared we would never see land again. Veteran sailor, Winfield was therefore the winner, though I cannot say I am too surprised by the result!

Posted in Nidaros, PaxLair Anniversary, PaxLair Statehood, PaxOku, Player Event | Comments Off on PaxLair Anniversary: Day 2

News From Across the Realm, Volume 2, Issue 2 (and PaxLair Anniversary: Day 1)

The Anniversary Press, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – January 16, 2012 – by Ashlynn – While the biggest thing occurring this month is the fourteenth anniversary of the PaxLair Statehood, the rest of the land has not sat idle and rumours of yet more plots can be heard in dark corners of the kingdom.

Charybdis Helps Celebrate PaxLair Anniversary

The grand itinerary of anniversary events began with a meeting with Charybdis, everyone’s favourite terror of the seas. As an invitation was sent out across all of Chesapeake, a great many volunteers came out to help us hunt down the mighty beast. Though Charybdis may not have volunteered to take part herself, she was an important aspect of the occasion as she was our mark.

The eager crowd of hunters gathered at the Skara Brae Community Centre and we all spent a good while socialising before the boats were ready. There were three ships involved in the expedition, all kindly supplied by the town of Nidaros, and it turned out we did need as many due to there being so many hunters. Using the ships, we surrounded Charybdis and despite a few casualties, she soon fell to our massed spells and blades.

Some earned some trinkets, some didn’t earn much of anything except scars from where tentacles had struck us. But it was an entertaining evening regardless and only the first of many events to come.

Sherry’s Whispers

Our regularly scheduled Friday Expedition was interrupted by news that Sherry the Rodent had fled to Empath Abbey. The little mouse spoke of unrest and intrigue within the City of Britain – how the power vacuum was causing unrest amongst the nobles and some sought to fill it. There was also talk of seccession from the Kingdom by some of the other towns – a most disturbing though.

Most curious of all was the tale of an associate named Victor who asked for his fortune to be told by a gypsy woman. Sherry seemed to remember most of what was said:

“People have risen and people have fallen, and throughout it all none here the calling. The storm clouds gather and their potency rises, as none step forth to address the crisis. Though the raging winds and the lightning ensue, it’s their aftermath that pose to consume. The path will open to our preservation, but not without it’s own consternations. The flames will brew and threaten us all, unless a way is found to pacify the squall.”

There may have been more but Sherry’s squeaking can gnaw the ears at times and the conversation soon turned to whether Britannia would do better united under a single ruler or as separate city states. I myself support the former but not everyone agreed. Eventually we all parted company and our expedition was postponed while we digested all we had heard.

The Sosarian Solstice Faire

The regularly scheduled Sosarian Solstice Faire will be held this evening at 7pm by the eastern clock. Anniversary events will continue shortly afterwards and start with Musical Chairs at 8pm (hosted by Lord Grimlar and the delightful Lady Winmere) followed by Lord Maedhros’s Regatta at 9pm.

Lenora’s Literary Contest

For those wishing to take part in the contest, don’t forget that you have until 9pm, tuesday to submit your entries to the mailbox at Luigi’s Pizzeria in PaxLair City. There’s prizes and prestige to be won!

This Just In

Ozog eats worms. That is all.

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Opening Ceremonies for PaxLair 14th Anniversary a great success

PaxLair City, Felucca, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – January 15, 2012 – by Winfield – Precisely at the stroke of 8 PM ET, Governor Winfield welcomed people across the Realm to PaxLair’s 14th Anniversary.

Standing atop the historical PaxLair Mage Tower, he said:

Welcome everyone to PaxLair’s 14th Anniversary!!

I’m Governor Winfield, leader of the PaxLair Statehood. Good evening everyone!

As most of you know, our Statehood consists of several cities. 4 cities are part of the Statehood and 3 others are allied. The Statehood has PaxLair City, Dragons Watch, PaxOku and Nidaros. Allied are Gyldenfeld, Pitmuck, and Aryslan. Together, our 7 cities form a very strong Alliance.

14 years ago this week — PaxLair was formed by The Band with the creation of this tower and several other buildings in this meadow. Each year we’ve met during this week to celebrate all that has happened and that will happen. We celebrate 14 years of people coming and going and coming back again. PaxLair and our cities are testimonies to how dedicated people can be to this Realm and our friends far and wide.

Tonight, we start our 14th Anniversary Celebration! It lasts 5 days ending on Thursday evening. At the end we will have a grand Dinner. I will announce the location for the Dinner later this week. Between then and now, there are plenty of events to attend. The full schedule is in the PaxLair Times and on the news Forums. You can reach us by speaking within our alliance chat, or through our PaxLair Chat Channel at any time.

Tonight is the House of Commons meeting in Britain by the EMs and after that a Grand Adventure of peril and danger. We also have two quests and a contest running this week.

First, we have a PaxLair quest which starts on this tower roof. You just have to “tip” Commander Thaddeus over there with some gold and he will tell you how to get started. The quest will take you around PaxLair to talk to several barkeeps. A book there explains how to go on this quest. I won’t give Thaddeus the tip message until later tonight, so that you can participate in the PaxLair quest at your own pace, and without the nearby help of others. If you succeed in the quest before Thursday’s Dinner, you will be recognized when you come to the Dinner.

Second, Ashlynn has a quest which she can speak about now. It will be announced at tomorrow night’s event.

Third, Lenora has a feature literary contest to tell us about. Lenora?

Lenora announced the PaxLair Mage Tower Library’s Literary Contest.  Books can be written and submitted in the following categories:

    • Most Humorous Tale
    • Creativity Award
    • Best Historical Contribution
    • Reader’s Choice
    • Best Song Composition

There will also be an Overall Grand Prize winner.  For the Reader’s Choice Award, the submitted books will be placed in the PaxLair Mage Tower library so everyone can read them and vote via a box or mailbox to be placed in the Library.  The PaxLair Mage Tower Library is located in PaxLair City inside the Mage Tower on the 3rd floor.  It is open to the public.

The awards will be announced and prizes handed out at the Thursday PaxLair Anniversary Dinner.

After this business, several people came up and addressed the audience.  Miss Watson, the Emissary to the Crown of the Lost Souls of Kijustsu Anei [LOST] congratulated PaxLair on their 14th Anniversary.  Wat the Tyler from the Circle of Elders of the Royal Britannian Guards [RBG] also gave congratulations and gifts of five scrolls of alacrity.

Governor Winfield ended the opening ceremonies with a burst of fireworks as the people then went to the EM’s Hall of Commons Meeting and then on to the Grand Adventure of PaxLair later in the evening.

Later in the evening, Governor Winfield activated the PaxLair Quest starting with Thaddeus the Commander, as mentioned in his speech.  Tip Thaddeus to follow the quest. The quest is best done individually at any time before Thursday’s Dinner.

Reminder: the PaxLair 14th Anniversary Schedule is kept current here.

Posted in PaxLair Anniversary, PaxLair Statehood, Player Event | 1 Comment

PaxLair 14th Anniversary January 15-19, 2012

PaxLair, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – January 12, 2012 – by Winfield – PaxLair announces its 14th Anniversary on Chesapeake.  This article contains some background and an agenda for January 15 through 19, 2012.

PaxLair City was founded on January 19, 1998 in the meadow west of the Compassion Shrine on Felucca. Throughout its history, it served with other player-towns to help communities and people work together. In the old days before Trammel, PaxLair was a vibrant crossroads for good, neutral, and evil. It is blessed by the gods with unique indoor and outdoor features. On November 11, 1998, Lord British himself visited PaxLair City to honor the city’s founders. PaxLair is the oldest, continuously running “player-town” on the Chesapeake Shard.

Today, PaxLair is a Statehood of four wonderful cities: PaxLair City, Dragons Watch, PaxOku, and Nidaros — And an Alliance with three more wonderful cities: Gyldenfeld, Pitmuck, and Aryslan. Each city is unique and brings different wonders to the Realm through citizens, allies, and friends. PaxLair is based on tenets of Peace, Neutrality, and Roleplaying.


    • Anniversary Dinner Location – Thursday evening.  Will be behind (NW of) the Tea House, PaxOku, Tokuno.  Reach PaxOku by the Luna Township Banners.
    • Mage Tower Library Literary Contest – Tuesday submission, Wednesday voting, Thursday (at dinner) awards.

Continuous (week long) Quests:

  • Quest by Ashlynn
    • Quest Type: Talk to Barkeeps, answer questions & riddles, go places
    • Start Location: Tea House, PaxOku, Tokuno
    • General Duration: 1-3 hours
  • PaxLair City Quest
    • Quest Type: Talk to Barkeeps, answer questions
    • Start Location: The Commander atop the Mage Tower, PaxLair City, Felucca
    • General Duration: 30 minutes

Sunday, January 15, 2012 – Opening Ceremonies

  • 8 PM ET – Opening Ceremonies
    • Host: Governor Winfield
    • Location: Twin Towers, PaxLair City, Felucca
    • Details: Bring your fireworks wands and firecrackers! Listen to a speech from the Governor and maybe others.
      • Lenora announce the Literary Contest
      • Ashlynn announce a Quest by Ashlynn
      • Winfield announce the PaxLair Quest
  • 9 PM – House of Commons meeting in Britain with the EMs
  • 10 PM ET – Feature Adventure (1-2 hours)
    • Host: Phoenix of Dragons Watch
    • Location: Start at Community Center, Skara Brae, Trammel
    • Details: Will go to one or more Dungeons, Champ Spawns or more (non-Felucca)

Monday, January 16, 2012

  • 7 PM – Sosarian Solstice Fair by the EMs
    • Location: Luna Fairgrounds
  • 8 PM – Musical Chairs
    • Host: Winmere and Grimlar
    • Location: PaxOku, Tokuno
    • Details: People surround chairs, which are one fewer than the people in the ring. When the music stops, the one left standing is out. Then one chair is removed for the next round and so on. Great fun and strategy is needed!
  • 9 PM – Regatta (Ship Race) (about 2 hours)
    • Host: Maedhros of Nidaros
    • Location: Start at Jhelom South Island Docks, Trammel
    • Details: This Regatta promises to be a good one! Bring your classic ship, of any size or style (a few will be available for rent though these will be on a first come first served basis). Sail with a crew or by yourself, which ever you think will get you the win. As always, refreshments will be provided at the end of the race. Gifts for all who take part and chests full of goodies for those that take first, second, or third. The race will be starting at the Jhelom South Island docks and will be finishing…. elsewhere. Oh! Make sure you bring your maps and sextents!

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

  • 8 PM – Mage Poker
    • Host: Lissa Eldi
    • Location: Red Wolf Cafe, Gyldenfeld, Trammel
    • Details:
  • 9 PM – deadline for book submissions for Literary Contest
    • Host: Lenora
    • Location: Mailbox at Luigi’s Pizzeria or Drop Box at the PaxLair Mage Tower Library, PaxLair City, Felucca
    • Details: On behalf of the Mage Tower Library, this is a literary book submission event. Your book will be judged and awarded prizes if deemed worthy in categories such as: most humorous tale, creativity, best historical contribution, reader’s choice, and best song composition. The books need to be submitted by Tuesday evening, January 17 at 9 PM ET.
  • 9 PM – Archery Tournament plus Liquor Swap (2 hour event)
    • Host: Se’an Silverfoot
    • Location: Luna Fairgrounds, Malas
    • Details: Double elimination archery tournament. After the tournament, if there is time, swap your favorite Liquor for someone elses favorite liquor at the Fairgrounds Pub.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

  • 8 PM – Dungeon and Dragons
    • Host: Dragons Watch
    • Location: Dragons Watch, Felucca
    • Details: Come and see! You will have great fun!
  • 9 PM – Literary Contest Voting for Reader’s Choice
    • Host: Lenora
    • Location: Mage Tower Library (3rd floor), PaxLair City, Felucca
    • Details: Everyone can read the books entered into this contest.  They will be on display and you can vote for the “reader’s choice” award.
  • 10 PM – Horse Race – Ilshenar!
    • Host: Maehdros of Nidaros
    • Location: Compassion Shrine, Ilshenar
    • Details: Race starts at the Compassion shrine, goes south to the gypsy camp, through the cave to central ilsh, across the tribal plain, through the exodus camp, through the cave to honor, south through the jungle, past Mistas, past justice, down through lakeshire, skirting the lake to the troll woods, across the bridge and north through the icey pass back to compassion.

Updated Course Map as of January 14

Thursday, January 19, 2012

  • 8 PM ET – Mychological Hunt
    • Host: Ashlynn
    • Location: Tea House, PaxOku, Tokuno
    • Details: It’s Mushroomy
  • 9 PM ET – PaxLair Anniversary Dinner
    • Host: Governor Winfied
    • Location: Behind (NW of) the Tea House, PaxOku, Tokuno.
    • Details: All are welcome! There will be speeches, diplomacy, good food, and good spirits! Dinner will be in an open-hall format, casual, not formal dining. So talking among different groups and people will be easier than a sit-down dinner.
    • Awards: Awards will be given out for the Mage Tower Library’s Literary Contest.  There will also be recognition for those who completed the PaxLair Quest that started atop the Mage Tower.
Posted in PaxLair Statehood, Player Event | 4 Comments

Rockfalls Seal Central Ilshenar

Ilshenar, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – January 12, 2012 – by Ashlynn – A series of tremors have caused rockfalls across Ilshenar, sealing the mountain passes into the central region, formally a domain of the late Lord Blackthorn. It is as yet unknown if the rockfall’s were the work of nature or if something more sinister is afoot. Though the passes remain open to the Gargoyle city of Ver Lor Reg, access to the stronghold of Exodus has also been impeded.

There are also rumours that the former stronghold of Lord Blackthorn in the region is now nothing more than a pile of rubble. As for the denizens of the old keep, their fate is currently unknown.

While seeing the collapsed passes for myself, I came across a number of large green boxes fixed to the top of various boulders and other huge rocks. Having not come across them before in my travels, I can only assume they are a recent addition. Whether they had some involvement in the rockfalls, or are part of a future plane is not known.

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Arikiko Assassination Thwarted

Zento City, Tokuno, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – January 10, 2012 – by Ashlynn – The conspirators finally made their move this past weekend when they attempted to assassinate the Empress of Tokuno as she gave her New Year Address to a gathered crowd.

The assassin managed to slip watchful guards and concerned person by disguising herself as a trusted handmaiden, fooling even the Empress herself in the process with a near-flawless disguise. The would-be murderer waited patiently for the right time to strike, choosing the moment people made their way back to their tables after the Empress signed each of their books. Using a blowpipe cleverly disguised as a shakuhachi, she struck the Tokunese monarch with a poison dart – the same terrible poison that was used against Jamison Tort not long ago.

Fortunately, Captain Gwen was on hand, disguised as the Empress’ personal yojimbo with an antidote for the poison on her person. But she too was struck in the eye by the assassin as she made a successful escape. It was only the quick thinking of onlookers that saved the lives of them both.

Though the plot was thwarted, it is entirely possible that the assassin may try a second time to kill the Empress. We can only hope that an increase in security is enough of a deterrent. The ability of the assassin to accurately impersonate others is of great concern and all should be vigilant for any signs of unusual behaviour even amongst friends and acquaintances.

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PaxLair Meeting: January 10, 2012

PaxLair Statehood, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – January 9, 2012 – by Winfield – The next meeting will be held as follows:

  • Date: Tuesday, January 10, 2012
  • Time: 9:00 PM ET
  • Location: Mage Tower, PaxLair City, Felucca, Chesapeake
  • Directions: Teleporter is right of the bulletin board at the Tea House in PaxOku, Tokuno.
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PaxLair Meeting: January 3, 2012

PaxLair Statehood, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – January 3, 2012 – by Winfield – The next meeting will be held as follows:

  • Date: Tuesday, January 3, 2012
  • Time: 9:00 PM ET
  • Location: Mage Tower, PaxLair City, Felucca, Chesapeake
  • Directions: Teleporter is right of the bulletin board at the Tea House in PaxOku, Tokuno.
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New Year, New News – News from Across the Realm, Volume 2, Issue 1

The Press of Renewal, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – January 1, 2012 – by Ashlynn – Happy New Year to all our readers! I hope the new greets everyone in a positive light and brings only happiness. But time continues on, dotted with events and happenings both fun and foul.

A New Year Celebration

Just like last year, a number of us gathered together in New Haven just beside the bank to celebrate, joke and chat the new year in. Once again, the company was exceptional (no surprise there, but always a delight) and we spent the evening chatting about all kinds of random topics. There were a few games suggested, but we never really got around to that, despite several hours together, and it was only when the Shard itself seemed to desire a rest that we all dispersed. Already, I cannot wait for next year!

The Murder of Jamison Tort

A few days ago, I arrived in the City of Britain to discover that famed mycologist Jamison Tort was the victim of a terrible poisoned plot. A crowd had already gathered at the Healers of Britain and Captain Gwen rallied those present to save his life, taking us to Moonglow to meet with a herbalist of dubious ethics by the name of Morty in an effort to concoct a cure.

Learning that the ingredients for the cure were rare and only found upon the corpses of some terrible beasts, we travelled to Ilshenar to acquire them before returning back to Britain with the cure in hand. Though it appeared we had arrived just in time, Tort was taken into protective custody and died sometime during the night.

I believe the affair to be related to the ongoing disturbing plot involving the Britain Beacon, though this is mostly speculation at this point. Tort’s movements before his demise were unclear, but we learned he was in debt and his last trip was to the Lyceaum where he acquired a mycological publication from a female archivist, who is as yet unidentified.

The Wedding of Lord Mirt and Lady Emma Silvermane

News has reached us that the happy couple Lord Mirt and Lady Emma Silvermane of Guardians Gate are set to get married this very month, marking a pleasant start to the new year. The date has been set as Saturday January 21st and the ceremony will be held in Ilshenar, north of Lord Blackthorne’s old fortress. We here at the times wish them all the best and I personally endeavour to be at the ceremony!

Confounding Corgul and Menacing Medusa

Two alliance expeditions were held over the past week with support also coming from friends and allies amongst Guardians Gate and Zedland as we not only struck a mighty blow against Corgul and his island of bound souls, but also gave Lady Medusa a bloody nose too.

The expeditions were well rehearsed affairs with everyone being a seasoned veteran of many battles at this point. Though Corgul gave us a little trouble, our foes were nonetheless quickly vanquished.

We returned from our adventures with some interesting loot – scrolls of various kinds and the odd magical trinket. And of course, the company of friend made it all worthwhile!

Breaking News of the Year

Ozog still smells like rotten fish.

Posted in Britain, EM Event, EM Quest, Guardians Gate, New Haven, Player Event | Comments Off on New Year, New News – News from Across the Realm, Volume 2, Issue 1

PaxLair Meeting: December 27, 2011

PaxLair Statehood, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – December 27, 2011 – by Winfield – The next meeting will be held as follows:

  • Date: Tuesday, December 27, 2011
  • Time: 9:00 PM ET
  • Location: Mage Tower, PaxLair City, Felucca, Chesapeake
  • Directions: Teleporter is right of the bulletin board at the Tea House in PaxOku, Tokuno.
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