Pitmuck Holy Mackerel Catch

Pitmuck, Trammel, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – September 6, 2012 – by Ashlynn – A little late (there were a few extensions to the last catch) but the new call for fish finally in! There is also a slight change to the formate with the contest running every two weeks, tuesday to tuesday, to give people more time to fish.

There was however no winner of the last catch. This is because Icky cut up all the fish to make into pies and forgot to count them. Oops!

This (two) week’s catch is Holy Mackerel and whoever turns in the largest catch of fish will receive a prize of 200,000 gold coins!

The deadline for the catch is midnight, Tuesday 18th September. It should be noted that Holy Mackerel can only be found in the waters of Gravewater Lake in Malas.

Fish should be turned in to the Deli house (the residence of Lucy and Icky Rotblossom) located on Pitmuck Island (refer to the atlas for the precise location of the deli – it’s not hard to find!). A book should be left identifying whomever brought the batch of fish.

Good luck, Fish Scourges.

Posted in Fishing, Pitmuck, Player Event, Player Quest | 1 Comment

PaxLair Meeting: September 4, 2012 at Tea House

PaxLair Statehood, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – September 4, 2012 – by Winfield – The next meeting will be held as follows:

  • Date: Tuesday, September 4, 2012
  • Time:
    • 8:30-9:00 PM ET – Pub gathering
    • 9:00-10:00 PM ET – PaxLair Meeting
  • Location: Tea House, PaxOku, Homare-jima, Tokuno, Chesapeake
  • Directions: NE from Homare-jima Moongate at end of houses
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PaxLair Meeting: August 28, 2012 at Blackthorn Castle

PaxLair Statehood, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – August 28, 2012 – by Winfield – The next meeting will be held as follows:

  • Date: Tuesday, August 28, 2012
  • Time:
    • 8:30-9:00 PM ET – Pub gathering
    • 9:00-10:00 PM ET – PaxLair Meeting
  • Location: Banquet Room, Blackthorn Castle, Britain, Trammel, Chesapeake
  • Directions: Across north bridge in Britain to Castle, then enter lower level to the west. Rune to the bridge is on Tea House steps in PaxOku.
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Pitmuck Yellowtail Barracuda Catch Deadline Extended

Pitmuck, Trammel, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – August 22, 2012 – by Ozog – The deadline for the Pitmuck Catch has been extended until monday 27th august.

The dropoff point is the same as before: the mailbox at the Pitmuck Deli.

Good Luck!

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PaxLair Meeting: August 21, 2012 Cancelled Due to EM Event

PaxLair Statehood, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – August 21, 2012 – by Winfield – The next meeting will be held as follows:

  • Date: Tuesday, August 21, 2012
  • Time: Cancelled
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News from Across the Realm, Volume 2, Issue 14

The Press of Enlightenment, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – August 21, 2012 – by Ashlynn (with a contribution from Samara)While some of the unrest has quietened down, this month has been a busy one with the curing of the gargish and the return of a well known figure in Britannian history.

Lord Blackthorn Returns

Or so it is claimed but a number of us who were invited to castle Blackthorn yesterday evening were informed by Lord Dupre and Sherry the Mouse that the mysterious healer who had been aiding the sick gargish folk in the fishing village north of the Royal City claimed he was Lord Blackthorn himself.

The whole thing was very confusing with the talk of Exodus and other planes and all of that, and when questioned about who or what exactly was lying in that Sarcophagus in Felucca, an imposter was suggested.

There was talk of trials and tests to get to the truth of the matter, but the man claiming to be Blackthorn is currently thought to be residing in Ter Mur somewhere. I’ve no doubt a formal return will make for an interesting event. Will he try and claim the throne? Will he be offered it? Or will he unleash another horde of strange augmented warriors against our realm?

And it would appear Exodus is not truly dead, merely banished back to some dark plane and no doubt plotting revenge. Something the realm should be ready for in the future.

Unrest in Ter Mur

No, the chaos that has plagued Britannia has not spread to the gargish lands. Instead it seems that the presence of the Ver Lor Reg gargish and the plague they brought with them has created a divide amongst Ter Mur society and public opinion, with one half demanding they be moved on.

Queen Zhah has so far resisted pressure from her unhappy people to do this but I suspect this is not something that continue for long. Eventually she will have to do something and the gargish of Ver Lor Reg will be banished… or worse. The question is where will they go?

Their city is destroyed and most of Ilshenar is overrun with hostile creatures and peoples. Britannia has it’s own problems but perhaps they could be offered an island near Serpent’s Hold to live upon. Whatever the case, they will need somewhere to go and if they are not assisted in the endeavour, they will simply choose somewhere for themselves which could create problems for the rest of us in the future. Do you want a big gargish refugee camp in your yard?

Shutting the Box – by Samara

Pirates and landlubbers join in on a sailor classic, “Shut the Box.” A game of gambling, dice, and a little bit of finger and toe counting. As the night settled, it seems the ladies of the tavern fared the best. Most notably, Ashlynn managed to “Shut the Box” twice, winning those two rounds automatically.

Join us next Sunday at 7pm est for something new at the Soggy Barnacle Tavern!

Ozog’s Bloody Reward

A few weeks ago, Drosselmeyer and Dudley were unexpectedly absent and so Ozog happily volunteered to fill their shoes for the evening. While he performed the job… adequately and with some enthusiasm, it seemed he wanted a little more recognition for the whole thing!

Sunday evening during the regularly scheduled Hall of Commons, Ozog demanded a token of his service to the realm. One person even bent his knee and humbly requested that such recognition be given.

Acquiescing to the demands of some of those present, Drosselmeyer led the crowd outside the hall where he summoned the magical form of a great Crimson Dragon in honour of Ozog. Unfortunately, someone amongst the crowd riled the beast and it suddenly attacked without warning and had to be put down. There were several serious injuries and even a wandering healer was killed.

Suffice to say, I don’t think Ozog will be receiving any more accolades anytime soon.

A Humble Visit to Nujelm

Volunteers rallied once again in Serpents Hold to assist the Royal Guard in performing duties they themselves should be performing. At some stage in the future I may have to write up my assessment of the actual Royal Guard and how undermanned their paid regulars seem to be.

Commander Foxx asked us to visit to the city following the trail of Scarlet Von Trinsic and Kendrick Morrow. It seems if Morrow wasn’t a criminal before, the company he was now keeping put him firmly in that camp.

Our objective was to locate the assassin if possible. Of course we couldn’t go in uniform or dressed as ourselves so a more cunning plan was required. Instead we would all travel to Nujelm as monks of the Virtue of Humility and claim to any we met there that we were performing missionary duties. Using this disguise, we would try and find out what Morrow and his new associate were up to and who they were meeting.

The plan was mostly a success until Morrow decided to quickly leave the island after apparently stealing valuable treasure, forcing us to follow him by ship and stop him on the high seas. Unfortunately a strange storm caught all of us and we were all swept onto the coast of Dagger Isle.

We soon regained our composure and attempted to capture both Morrow and Von Trinsic, but instead Morrow summoned a great sea creature or sea elemental of some kind that bought them time to escape.

Any sightings of Morrow or his new associate should be reported to the Royal Guard immediately. Confronting him alone should also be avoided as he is known to be a mage of considerable skill.

In Other News…

  • Volunteers from the Alliance fought against Cora’s minions a few evenings back and were quickly overwhelmed.
  • The Island Resort of the Soulbinder has sank back into the sea after several guests objected to inappropriate treatment by the zombie-like staff and ill mannered overseer. I even managed to grab a book on the way back to the boat!
  • Prize Darts Competition this coming saturday at 8pm by the Eastern Clock. Gargish folk unwelcome!
  • Mobile Rune Library visiting various towns and cities in Sosaria. Speak with Lady Winmere for more details!
Posted in EM Event, EM Quest, Exodus, General News, Nujel'm, Port Baldmor, Shard Event, Ver Lor Reg | Comments Off on News from Across the Realm, Volume 2, Issue 14

PaxLair Prize Darts Contest

Shrine of Sobriety, Trammel, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – August 18th, 2012 – by Ashlynn – Next saturday at 8pm EST on the 25th of August there will be a PRIZE DARTS CONTEST.

This event will take place at the Shrine of Sobriety which can be accessed via the teleporter marked with the green book at the Tea House in PaxOku.

This will not be your standard darts competition though there will be a “high score” prize.

Entrants will each throw three darts. Their score total will be a number they can use to redeem a random prize from a variety of boxes. For example, if a player hits 5, 5, and 10, for a total of 20 points, they can choose a single random box marked twenty and may receive a nice prize! (or junk – but that’s how it goes!)

Not all scores will result in the option of selecting a box. So there’s a fair bit of luck involved!

We will play a whimsical number of rounds – about enough to fill the 8pm to 9pm block, so even if you don’t win a chance for a prize during your first throw, you might win a later chance.

I hope to see you all there!

* Additional note: Gargoyles have a lot of trouble holding daggers, so only humans and elves should come along.

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Defences Strengthened in Dragons Watch

Dragons Watch, Felucca, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – August 16, 2012 – by Ashlynn – Not long ago I was wandering the gleaming streets of Nujelm carefully considering which avirtuous establishment to overindulge in first when a young boy, no more than ten summers old appeared eager for my attention.

I cannot recommend this place enough. And they know how to keep out the riff raff too.

“Miss Reporter! Miss Reporter!” he shouted in a grating high pitched voice.

He asked if I was indeed the famous reporter from the times, which I of course confirmed, giving the boy a reason to smile wide as he was clearly in the presence of a heroine almost as famous as the Avatar himself. The things I have seen and written about must amaze the ordinary Sosarian, along with my peerless arcane skill and my ability to get around swiftly and cover the latest stories. Faster even than that Tengu reporter that allegedly dwells in Tokuno.

“I have a question,” he stated. I urged him to ask it and to be hasty. I could already smell the aroma of spiced dishes carrying on the wind and I was starting to feel hungry. The only thing I wanted to swiftly report about tonight was some heavily spiced food and highly alcoholic wine.

“Why is it called Dragons Watch?”

“Because they watch dragons, of course,” I replied, filling his tiny little head with previously unknown knowledge. His eyes lit up at the enlightening answer and he soon scampered off down the street.

Truth be told I’m not actually sure if that’s the reason. It must be though. And as we know there are dragons everywhere. Earik of Dragons Watch even keeps one as a pet and I see many in tow when the militia are rallied for whatever crisis of the month seems to be plaguing the realm.

So let us assume that IS why they call it Dragons Watch. Because they watch dragons and loose dragons can be a menace. But let us also consider the main advantage these draconic creatures have outside of their cavernous homes.

They can fly.

We have few options when it comes to dealing with things at a distance. Crossbow bolts and arrows are obvious choices but gravity is a cruel and heartless… mistress and she sees that their range is limited when shot into the sky. Assuming they can even pierce the creature’s thick scaly hide.

Another option are cannons, but they are expensive and a lot of work. And they are heavy too, not to mention they can easily miss. Additionally you need a lot of alchemicals just to shoot a single iron ball!

Furthermore, Dragon’s Watch sits on the coast and a dragon hovering out over the sea can quickly put itself in a position where it is difficult to engage. I was once told that simply shouting at them was a tactic worth considering but I imagine whoever told me that was drunk at the time. I know I was.

With this conundrum in mind, Lazulli of Dragons Watch decided to do something about it. For months she lounged around my ruin, running over ideas in her head looking half-comatose as she did so (well actually I think that was more the result of constantly imbibing this ginseng and mandrake root derived potion that had been mixed with some of my powdered zoogi, but anyway).

One evening she stumbled on a box of old fireworks I had been gifted by Lady Lenora, some of the biggest ever infact. She set one off and her eyes suddenly lit up as she was hit by an epiphany.

For the next several days she tinkered away on a strange device made from timber, old barrels and various metal… things and when she was done she unveiled the device.

It was quite a sight! She called it a “rocket” but I just told her it didn’t look much like a plant. It looked like a long wooden tube with a cone at the end and several of those old “Dragon’s End” swords we’d recovered from Covetous sticking out of the top.

She told me it worked on the same principle as the fireworks but on a much bigger scale. When the fuse was lit, the whole thing would hurtle towards whatever draconic beast was flying off the coast. I suggested that it might miss but I was soon corrected. Apparently there was a big crystal in the cone and that, along with the presence of the dragon slaying blades, would ensure the really long flying barrel would be attracted towards the beast.

“Well!” I said, “This is a fine invention! I’ll have to let everyone know about it! Let’s hope it doesn’t explode and kill everyone or something when you try to use it!”

So far, I hear that the contraption hasn’t but it is certainly good news that Dragons Watch is in a better position than ever to watch and shoot down dragons. I imagine after hearing news of the device that all the reptilian beasts out there will think twice before making any kind of flying visit to the town.

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Pitmuck Yellowtail Barracuda Catch

Pitmuck, Trammel, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – August 15, 2012 – by Ashlynn and Ozog – Another week, another call for more fish. More fish means more pies!

Last week’s 200,000 gold coin prize was won by Nubby the Smelly Goblin of Pitmuck with a catch of 49 Great Barracuda! Congratulations! I must add that I am most surprised that a goblin could pull that much fish out of the water.

I wonder if goblins make “fish perfume” in their cave?

This week’s catch is Yellowtail Barracuda and whoever turns in the largest catch of fish will receive a prize of 200,000 gold coins!

The deadline for the catch is midnight, Monday 20th August. It should be noted that Yellowtail Barracuda can only be found in the seas of Trammel.

Fish should be turned in to the Deli house (the residence of Lucy and Icky Rotblossom) located on Pitmuck Island (refer to the atlas for the precise location of the deli – it’s not hard to find!). A book should be left identifying whomever brought the batch of fish. If you wish to be rewarded that is.

Good luck fish hunters!

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PaxLair Meeting: August 14, 2012 at DW Oasis Outpost

PaxLair Statehood, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – August 14, 2012 – by Winfield – The next meeting will be held as follows:

  • Date: Tuesday, August 14, 2012
  • Time:
    • 8:30-9:00 PM ET – Pub gathering
    • 9:00-10:00 PM ET – PaxLair Meeting
  • Location: DW Oasis Outpost, Oasis, Malas, Chesapeake
  • Directions: Rune is on Tea House steps in PaxOku.
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