PaxLair Meeting: October 2, 2012 at Blackthorn’s Castle

PaxLair Statehood, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – October 1, 2012 – by Winfield – The next meeting will be held as follows:

  • Date: Tuesday, October 2, 2012
  • Time:
    • 8:30-9:00 PM ET – Pub gathering
    • 9:00-10:00 PM ET – PaxLair Meeting
  • Location: Banquet Room, Blackthorn Castle, Britain, Trammel, Chesapeake
  • Directions: Across north bridge in Britain to Castle, then enter lower level to the west. Rune to the bridge is on Tea House steps in PaxOku.
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Ultima Online 15th Anniversary Celebration

The Press of OOC Envy, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – September 28, 2012 – by Ashlynn – Tomorrow official celebrations take place at the headquarters of those who keep out realm going and many of our beloved alliance members will be in attendance. 15th years is a huge milestone and I hope we can make it to 20! It has been a privilege to have met so many fine people via Sosaria, many of which I consider good friends.

While official events begin at 10:30am (I believe the meet and greet starts a little earlier), for those of us not present, we can view events from a distance from 1:30pm onwards when the official Bioware Herald Stream goes live.

You can view the stream right here (

All times are EST of course. And I believe there are a few surprises for those present.

To everyone I wish they have a great time.

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News from Across the Realm, Volume 2, Issue 15

The PaxLair Press, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – September 28, 2012 – by Ashlynn – September has been fairly quiet apart from a brief outbreak of violence at the end of the month. September also marks a milestone in Sosarian history due to the fact that it is still here!

Chaos in Vesper

The rioting in Vesper grew particularly vicious this few days past. Though I was late arriving, it appeared there had been an outbreak of violence in Vesper for a variety of grievances, but centered around a Honey Blockade by the nobles of Britain and the desires of Derrick Mornwok to have his estate returned. The task of quelling the unrest therefore fell to the volunteer Royal Guard.

During the skirmishing, both Kendrick Morrow and Scarlet von Trinsic made an appearance, the former summoning water nymphs to bolster the rebel forces, and the later bringing a troop of angry bears with her. As the battle reached it’s climax and the tide seemed to be turning against the rebels, Morrow summoned an obsidian drake but even this was not enough and the rebels were crushed in short order.

Scarlet Von Trinsic Arrested, Morrow Dies in Custody

Following the Vesper Rebellion, Scarlet von Trinsic and Kendrick Morrow were both taken into Custody by the guard. The pair were briefly held at the Mornwok Estate where Captain Gwen and Morrow both traded insults and other words. Following the exchange it appeared that Morrow attempted to make some kind of incantation, and not taking any chances, Captain Gwen struck him with a heavy gauntlet – a blow so hard that it killed the man.

A tearful Scarlet was dragged to Trinsic and imprisoned near the west gate and put under heavy guard, though I suspect such bonds will do little to hold her when she finishes mourning and decides to escape.

As for Kendrick Morrow, known also as Derrick Mornwok, his body was quickly buried in Vesper Cemetery with a large stone erected to mark his grave. The epitaph on the stone reads “Here lies Kendrick Morrow, also known as Derrick Mornwok. Noted Magician, Noble, Murderer. Disappearing was his final act. Rest in peace.”

Realm Celebrates Existence

Celebrations are taking place this weekend that focus on the continued existence of the realm and those found within other shards of the Gem of Immortality. It is quite a triumph that we have all managed to survive and thrive despite many crises both within and without and I hope we all continue to do so!

And to those present at the celebration, I hope they all have a great time!

Games Mark a Delayed Nidaros Anniversary

Due to illness and other circumstances beyond the control of the organizers, the Nidaros Anniversary celebration was postponed to a later date at the last minute. Instead, the night was spent drinking, talking and playing several rounds of Shut the Box. My luck this time around seemed pretty poor but Governor Winfield managed to shut the box during one round.

Mayor Zanku has stated that a new date will be announced in the near future.

Autumn Story Contest

The Autumn Story Contest will take place at the Shrine of Sobriety at the end of next month on October 27th at 8pm by the eastern clock. The topic is autumn – a pretty wide open category so would be storytellers should be able to come up with something!

Stories are to be read aloud and are judged by 1-3 judges. Due to time constraints, stories should be 5-10 minutes in length.

Good look to all entrants!

In Other News

Rumours suggest Lord Blackthorn met with nobles across the realm to discuss who should succeed Queen Dawn.

An ancient book from a long lost library has surfaced in Moonglow. The current owner is believed to be a man called Leofric.

Ashlynn (that would be me!) is looking for short anecdotes regarding monstrous encounters for the alliance bestiary.

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PaxLair Meeting: September 25, 2012 at DW Community Center

PaxLair Statehood, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – September 25, 2012 – by Winfield – The next meeting will be held as follows:

  • Date: Tuesday, September 25, 2012
  • Time:
    • 8:30-9:00 PM ET – Pub gathering
    • 9:00-10:00 PM ET – PaxLair Meeting
  • Location: DW Community Center, Malas, Chesapeake
  • Directions: Teleporter at Tea House in PaxOku.
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PaxLair Meeting: September 18, 2012 is postponed due to Solstice Faire event

PaxLair Statehood, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – September 18, 2012 – by Winfield – The next meeting will be held as follows:

  • Date: Tuesday, September 18, 2012
  • Time:
    • 8:30-10:00 PM ET – Solstice Faire at Luna Fairgrounds
    • 10:00-10:15 PM ET – PaxLair Meeting (maybe earlier) for announcements
  • Location: Tea House, PaxOku, Homare-jima, Tokuno, Chesapeake
  • Directions: NE from Homare-jima Moongate at end of houses
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Alliance Healer Stations

PaxLair Alliance, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – September 13, 2012 – by Ashlynn – The Britannian Healer’s Guild recently finished construction of all reamining healing stations for the towns of the Alliance.

The humble looking tents were erected by the Guild in appreciation for assistance given by alliance citizens in fighting disease, running errands and keeping members of the Royal Guard and Royal Militia on their feet, as well as mixing large amounts of cures to fight the recent gargish plague.

Other non-alliance towns have also received healer stations including Zedland, Port Ethereal Keys, Oasis, and Gargouile Shallows.

Alliance healer stations can be found in the following locations:

Dragons Watch Healer Station

Located on the coast beside the Dragon’s Watch Town Hall. (Felucca)

Co-ordinates: 136o 35’N 130o 59’E


Gyldenfeld Healer Station

Located next to the livery station beside Britain Crossroads (Trammel)

Co-ordinates: 28o 39’S 22o 42’W


Nidaros Healer Station

The station can be found beside the town banner. (Trammel)

Co-ordinates: 46o 40’S 27o 04’W


PaxLair City Healer Station

Located on the eastern end of the City Arena. (Felucca)

Co-ordinates: 78o 35’N 26o 55’E


PaxOku Healer Station

The station stands beside a bamboo grove a little ways north of the town livery station and banner. (Tokuno)

Co-ordinates: 101o 31’N 61o 18’W


Pitmuck Healer Station

The station is sited on the eastern side of the island not far from the Pitmuck Deli. (Trammel)

Co-ordinates: 45o 10’S 61o 35’E

Posted in Dragons Watch, EM Quest, Gyldenfeld, Nidaros, PaxLair City, PaxOku, Pitmuck, Townships | Comments Off on Alliance Healer Stations

PaxLair Meeting: September 11, 2012 at Tea House

PaxLair Statehood, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – September 11, 2012 – by Winfield – The next meeting will be held as follows:

  • Date: Tuesday, September 11, 2012
  • Time:
    • 9:00-10:00 PM ET – PaxLair Meeting
  • Location: Tea House, PaxOku, Homare-jima, Tokuno, Chesapeake
  • Directions: NE from Homare-jima Moongate at end of houses
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Nidaros Second Anniversary!

Nidaros, Trammel, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – September 9, 2012 – by Maedhros – It has been two years since Mayor Zanku began reconstruction of the great town of Nidaros, and as the town continues to expand it is time for a celebration! Join us on September 20th at 8:00 pm Est at the Nidaros Town Banner for horse and boat races to commemorate the occasion!

The Nidaros to Trinsic Horse Race

Bring your unbonded horse to the Nidaros banner for a road race down to Trinsic and back! (see attached map) Keepsakes for all those that participate and prizes for the top three racers. Come in teams of three in uniform for possible additional prizes!

From Nidaros to Nidaros Classic Boat Race (after the horse race)

Bring you classic ship (any size) to the Southern Nidaros Coast or use one of the free rentals and take part in a great race. This race will be a little different from those in the past. This time we start and finish in Nidaros and the contestants must sail to three different docks. The trick is, this time you decide the order! A representative will be waiting at the Nujelm, New Haven, and Buc’s Den docks, you sail from Nidaros to the three docks, wait till the official marks your presence at each dock, then sail back to Nidaros. As always The Nidaros Trading Company has keepsakes for all those that take part, and prizes for the top three.

After Party (after boat race, lasts until people leave)

When the races are over, join us for drinks, speeches, and if people are interested, a guided tour of Nidaros. This will be a great opportunity to meet new friends, talk with old ones, and meet the people of our fine town.

If you have any questions please leave them here or contact Lord Maedhros, Assistant Mayor of Nidaros.

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The Search for Lost Knowledge

Shrine of Sobriety, Trammel, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – September 9, 2012 – by Ashlynn – Sosaria is an old land full of secrets. There was a world before the rise of the Kingdom of Britannia and will no doubt be one after the realm finally falls. Esoteric knowledge also lies hidden in books throughout the land but many tomes have been lost to the river of time. Some crop up now and again but many are gone forever.

Why do I mention this?

An associate of mine delivered a book to me today detailing an archive of such lost knowledge. Long ago there existed a college of magic at a place called New Mire, so named for the land about it had recently become a fen. It was a school of powerful mages but it was most famed for it’s library that was said to contain the most extensive collection of esoterica to exist in Sosaria. The books covered all topics from the creation of moongates, the crafting of specialized runes, even the raising of the dead. It is said that a rune library can also be found within with books that can take an explorer to places thought long gone. Nothing was considered forbidden or taboo.

But something terrible befell that place when the gem of immortality was shattered and it was believed lost forever – perhaps buried beneath the earth or simply erased from existance.

The book I received today suggests otherwise. Buried beneath tons of rock, the library itself is said to be intact. If it could be found it might usher in a new golden age for the study of magic and our understanding of the function of the moongates themselves. And whoever was to control the library would be powerful and wealthy indeed.

Sadly the clues are fragmentary and it will take a great effort to piece them together. The book itself focuses mostly upon the library and the wonders within. It speaks of enchanted books and spirits that inhabit them. It speaks of sentient moongates that can move of their own accord. It also mentions mighty guardians made from runes that can send intruders to far away places with the swing of an enchanted arm.

I therefore suggest we try to seek this place out. I shall assemble what clues I have discovered, make them available and urge others to look for more. Perhaps we may find something to enable us to better protect our fair land in the process, while recovering some of Sosaria’s lost history.

Posted in Magic and Esoterica, Other, Player Quest | 1 Comment

Gate of Honour

Honour Shrine, Ilshenar, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – September 7, 2012 – by Ashlynn – Though Exodus has been defeated, his wicked legacy lingers on. Yesterday evening, the famed Lord Dupre decided to rectify a small part of that legacy by repairing the fractured moongate at the Shrine of Honour.

We were called to his camp near the City of Trinsic and were informed of the task ahead of us. With so many champions and scholars of note long gone or turned to dust, Dupre informed us we would be approaching the man calling himself Blackthorn as he would surely know something on the topic or moongates, or could at least refer us to someone who did. Blackthorn himself was still in residence at the Fishing Village in Ter Mur and as we hurried to seek an audience, we caught him in conversation with an assistant discussing the water supply and some way to augment it to more permanently stave off the Gargish plague in the Royal City.

Our large band soon caught his attention and Dupre approached with questions regarding moongates, the damaged one in particular. It seemed clear to me that the two men knew each other and so there may well be some truth to his claims of being the infamous Blackthorn.

Blackthorn confirmed our suspicions – the damaged moongate was a final parting blow from defeated Exodus. It soon became clear that we would need to recover the notes of the missing mage Gilforn and they were suspected to be somewhere in the old maze built by Relvinian the Mad. It was also clear we would require the services of a powerful mage and our only choice was Balandar, so we made haste to his estate and informed him of the situation. With preparations complete, towards the verdant labyrinth we marched.

Activity in the maze was at something of a peak and we fought several daemons on our way to the centre. Eventually we arrived at the ruined estate and were attacked by a great dragon with a hide of obsidian and wicked gleaming spines. The creature did not last long and it’s broken frame soon decorated the rest of Relvinian’s corpse littered garden.

Balandar took something from the corpse, muttered an unfamiliar gargish incantation and opened a black gate of some kind. To our astonishment, the foolish wizard then stepped through and vanished! After some searching, all we found were his robes and the book we sought, but of the mage there was no sign!

We headed back to the Fishing Village and informed Blackthorn what had happened. He told us that we should not expect to see Lord Balandar again (much to the relief of some others in the Royal Guard I suspect). He also told us he would perform the ritual himself and we should meet him at the moongate.

Dragging us through a strange field littered with many curious objects, we soon arrived at the ruined gate of Honour with Lord Dupre. However it seemed Blackthorn had other business to resolve first and we huddled around the shattered gate mumbling about various frivolous topics for some time before he finally joined us.

The ritual was an impressive one and the large amount of magical energy being manipulated was clear for all to see. After several minutes of arcing arcane energy and other witchfire, the gate exploded into blue light and looked fully functional once again.

Congratulating us all and thanking the man called Blackthorn for his help, we all began to make our way home for the evening, many using the newly repaired gate. Its repair is another piece of good news for the people of Britannia and will hopefully be something of a morale boost for the citizens of the realm. It would also be the second time the man calling himself Blackthorn has aided the inhabitants of Sosaria. I only hope that his motives are noble and not a means to a more sinister end.

As for Lord Balandar, was it bravery or madness that led him to step through the gate? And is he now in the same place (or places) that Gilforn is believed to be? It would seem that there are now even fewer all-powerful mages left in Sosaria and of those that do live on, one of them seeks revenge against the Kingdom for the slaying of her lover. I pray that does not prove to be bigger problem in the future.

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