Pitmuck Great Barracuda Catch

Pitmuck, Trammel, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – August 8, 2012 – by Ashlynn and Ozog – More fish are once again needed in Putmuck! It appears the goblins desire the fish to make pies which will then be sold at the Deli!

Last week’s 200,000 gold coin prize was won by Lady Sushi of Dragon’s Watch with a catch of 47 koi! Congratulations!

This week’s catch is Great Barracuda and whoever turns in the largest catch of fish will receive a prize of 200,000 gold coins!

The deadline for the catch is midnight, Monday 13th August. It should be noted that Great Barracuda can only be found in the seas of Felucca.

Fish should be turned in to the Deli house (the residence of Lucy and Icky Rotblossom) located on Pitmuck Island (refer to the atlas for the precise location of the deli – it’s not hard to find!). A book should be left identifying whomever brought the batch of fish. If you wish to be rewarded that is.

Good luck fish hunters!

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PaxLair Meeting: August 7, 2012 cancelled due to EM event

PaxLair Statehood, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – August 7, 2012 – by Winfield – The next meeting will be held as follows:

  • Date: Tuesday, August 7, 2012
  • Time: Cancelled
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News from Across the Realm, Volume 2, Issue 13

The Press of Vanity, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – August 3, 2012 – by Ashlynn – Your diligent reporter has been busy on other projects lately so here comes a large update on the latest happenings in our serene and wonderful land.

A Night in Prison

Earlier this week a concerned band of Alliance citizens decided to head to the infamous Prison of Wrong. It had been rumoured that since the Juka had left, the place was seeing use as a prison once again, but conditions at the prison were questionable. Inmates were executed for little or no reason, ogres had been hired to prepare terrible maggoty food in the prison kitchens, and the guards were little more than thugs ruling over their own petty domain.

It was clear we had to see for ourselves!

Heading in force, we were immediately informed our presence was not welcome by several troll and lizardman guards. Further inside, we found guards with heavy axes leading packs of hellish dogs overseen by wardens skilled in magery. We also saw the kitchen first hand and what a shocking sight it was! It resembled the goblin cave more than a kitchen and there were clearly many hygiene issues.

After a long encounter with the Prison’s cook, we decided to leave. I only hope the Crown and the officers of the Court of Truth will act promptly to address some of the concerns raised by this article.

Assassin’s Identity Uncovered!

Word has reached me that the mysterious assassin who has caused so much havoc and was responsible for the attack on the Empress of Tokuno (injuring Captain Gwen in the process) is none other than Elise Symeria of Trinsic.

Yes, the very same who spent the evening with us a number of weeks ago. I dread to think how much information she was able to acquire while playing the role of innocent tavern girl.

Elise is extremely dangerous and anyone who encounters her should flee immediately if alone, or at least have some help to fight her off (as she will no doubt slip away if she thinks she is outmatched).

The Scrap-Treasure Challenge

The most recent Solstice Faire was a fun and creative event with one of the more interesting goals I have seen in quite a while. Competitors were divided into two teams – Red and Blue (I would have personally preferred Pink and Yellow) and instructed to slay bands of creatures for the things they carried.

With the pile of resulting “loot”, each team was then instructed to make something – anything out of it. A task which was more difficult than you might think.

In the end, the red team (of which I was a member) decided to construct a magical cannon of some kind. I don’t think it actually worked though. Just stick a few power crystals to a bundle of glacial staves with tree-sap didn’t seem overly effective. One amongst us did manage to construct a metal clockwork mount for the device however.

The blue team built a shrine to a fallen warrior with his body and treasures on display.

Still the event was an interesting one and great fun was had by all! And we even got to keep the staves.

Guardians of the Sea

Several days ago members of the alliance aided the noble folk of Guardian’s Gate in turning Charybdis back from the waters near their city. It seemed that the beast had awoken once again and she was plaguing the seas, attacking passing merchant ships with her many tentacles and devouring the crews before they could escape.

Having had past experience fighting Charybdis, we were delighted to help. The endeavour was a painful one however.

Sailing out in a formation of two medium vessels and one large galleon, we found her not too far from the coast and lured her up using a magical artifact – the oracle of the sea. Charybdis soon appeared and immediately began her attack with tentacles and huge sea waves. In the ensuring chaos, she crippled two vessels and injured many of us. But we were determined to drive her back into the depths and eventually she fell to cannon shot, spell and arrow.

I suspect it will be a while before she dares raid coastal shipping near Guardian’s Gate again.

The Goblin Population

The number of goblins making their home on Pitmuck island has been steadily increasing in recent months causing the residents of the other islands nearby to lodge a complaint with the Royal Council about the smell that has been drifting upon the wind and over their houses.

I urge any visitors to pitmuck and it’s immediate environs to don a plague mask and long wax-coated robe to ward off the miasma.

Britain City Survey Complete

Our extensive alliance cartography team (that would be me) have completed another city map – that of the glorious Capital City itself. You can find a copy of the city map in our Atlas of the Alliance. Word is they are hard at work on another map as we speak.


Beer, Booze and Stuff at the Soggy Barnacle every sunday evening, 7pm. Come join the fun in Port Baldmor.


Gold for Fish. Giant Koi Catch – See the Times. – Ozog

Professors and Lecturers still sought to teach full time or part time at upcoming university. Speak to Ashlynn or Samara for more details.

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Pitmuck Giant Koi Catch

Pitmuck, Trammel, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – August 2, 2012 – by Ashlynn and Ozog – Giant Koi Fish are DESPERATELY NEEDED. A reward of 200,000 gold coins is on offer for anyone who can turn in the most by midnight on monday (by the eastern clock).

Fish should be turned in to the Deli house (the residence of Lucy and Icky Rotblossom) located on Pitmuck Island (refer to the atlas for the precise location of the deli – it’s not hard to find!). A book should be left identifying whomever brought the batch of fish. If you wish to be rewarded that is.

The goblins have said that new fish will be asked for on a regular basis so interested fisherfolk should keep an eye out for any future requests.

What the goblins need a sudden vast supply of fish for, I do not know. Perhaps they intend to make fish icecream or some other similar vile product. Perhaps they will ferment it in old barrels like the folk of Jhelom are said to do with some of their own catch. It might find use as a sort of goblin perfume. Who knows!

Still, good luck to all those seeking a fishy fortune!

Posted in Fishing, Pitmuck, Player Event, Player Quest | 1 Comment

Sea Tavern Cruise

Port Baldmor, Bald Island, Trammel, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – July 31, 2012 – by Samara – Thirsty newcomers and regulars alike visited the Soggy Barnacle Tavern in Port Baldmor. Below, Kerrs Holley, the Captain of the Red Dagger Pirates, shows off his new Union Jack rug. A perfect fit for a band of pirates, right?

Once the first round of ale was passed, they all set off to board the Pirate Guild’s largest new addition to their fleet. Drinking ensued, some tried to fish, and some got sea sick and tried to escape.

As our voyage was coming to an end, we were attacked by all sorts of serpents and sea creatures. They underestimated this crew of drunken salty dogs and were handily slain. Their treasures bought another round of ale for everyone, before docking for the evening.

Tavern nights at the Soggy Barnacle are every sunday evening at 7pm EST so come along!

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PaxLair Meeting: July 31, 2012 at Skara Brae Community Center

PaxLair Statehood, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – July 31, 2012 – by Winfield – The next meeting will be held as follows:

  • Date: Tuesday, July 31, 2012
  • Time:
    • 8:30-9:00 PM ET – Pub gathering
    • 9:00-10:00 PM ET – PaxLair Meeting
  • Location: Community Center, Skara Brae, Trammel, Chesapeake
  • Directions: Just E of the Skara Brae Bank.
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Summer Story Contest Results

Shrine of Sobriety, Trammel, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – July 29 , 2012 – by Ashlynn – A number of people turned out to listen to the tales told at this season’s story contest. The was an array of fiction and poetry on offer and the quality was once again excellent. Even Ozog showed up to entertain us with “high” goblin culture – something I did not even know such creatures were capable of.

Lord Mirt assisted me in the judging of the competition and in the end we decided on the following results:

  • 1st Place – Lin Bo, Water Carrier by Samara of Port Baldamor
  • 2nd Place – Water from the Spring by Winfield of PaxLair
  • 3rd Place – SUMMERTIME by Ozog Giantfart of Pitmuck Island

Copies of the submitted stories will be available to read in the Nidaros Reading Library owned by Lord Maedhros for those who wish to view them.

I wish to extend my gratitude to all those who entered and to all those who turned up to listen. There will be an Autumn Story Contest later this year in October and I look forward to more entries.

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PaxLair Meeting: July 24, 2012 at Lord and Tailor Auction House

PaxLair Statehood, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – July 24, 2012 – by Winfield – The next meeting will be held as follows:

  • Date: Tuesday, July 24, 2012
  • Time:
    • 8:30-9:00 PM ET – Pub gathering
    • 9:00-10:00 PM ET – PaxLair Meeting
  • Location: Lord and Tailor Auction House, SE Luna, Malas, Chesapeake
  • Directions: Just SE of the Luna Bank.
  • Topics of Interest:
    • Healer’s Quest ingredients and cure collection.
    • Auction, Auctions, and Auctions.

Lord and Tailor Auction House in Luna

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Role-played Auction Idea

Lord and Tailor Auction House, SE Luna, Malas, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – July 21, 2012 – by Winfield – Oh my! Not another Auction!  Well, we have ideas that this one will be unique from all the rest.  You see, we are not selling items to get rich. We are selling items for the fun of selling them.  “What?” you say.

This is a purely [Role-Played] auction.  We don’t put an item on the table and have people look at it briefly, and then call out the bids.

We place the item gently on the table.  The auctioneer describes the item in detail like its origin, quality, and history.  Then he carefully leads the bidding.  You can even auction your own item as a guest auctioneer too.

We don’t want 1M gold bids or speed through the items faster than killing mongbats.  We want to savor each item on display, ask questions about its authenticity or design, and then carefully bid.

Here’s how a typical bidding could go.

  • Auctioneer: We have an old cloak in fair condition from the Britain War many years ago.
  • Auctioneer: It was worn by Sir George up until his death during the last attacks.
  • Auctioneer: The cloak was discovered on the old battlefield north of Britain last year,
  • Auctioneer: along with a few of his other items, like a rusted dagger auctioned earlier.
  • Man: How do you know it’s Sir George’s?
  • Auctioneer: *holds up the cloak and displays the embroidered crest of the George family*
  • Audience: ah! Wow, it is really Sir George’s!
  • Auctioneer: This cloak is one of a kind of course
  • Auctioneer: and extremely rare in this condition for the Britain War period.
  • Auctioneer: I start the bidding at 3000 gold.
  • Man: 3000!
  • Auctioneer: 3000 to the man in green, do I hear 3500? 3500? come now, 3500!
  • Woman: 3500!! *smiling and jumping up and down*
  • Auctioneer: 3500 to the frantic lady in the blue dress! Great! Now we are getting somewhere.
  • Auctioneer: How about 4500! Do I hear 4500! Come now, it’s a piece of war history!
  • Young Man: *casually stands up and says* 5500!
  • Audience: *ooh* *ah* *my goodness*
  • Auctioneer: *blinks* did you say 5500?
  • Young Man: *nods*
  • Auctioneer: 5500 by the lumberjack over there in the corner!  Do I hear 6000!!
  • Man: *starts to fidget looking at his banker next to him and nods*
  • Man: *raises a single fore-finger high* 6000!
  • Man: *starts to sweat and breathe heavily*
  • Auctioneer: 6000! Great! do I have 6500!
  • Young Man: *reaches into empty pocket and shakes head*
  • Woman: *wishes she had more gold tonight*
  • Auctioneer: 6500? Anyone?
  • Auctioneer: Well then, 6000 going once.
  • Auctioneer: Twice!
  • Auctioneer: SOLD to the man in green for 6000 gold!
  • Auctioneer: Come on down to the table to pay and receive the Cloak of Sir George.
  • Man: *gets up carefully and tries not to step on anyone*
  • Auctioneer: Next we have a guest auctioneer with a very unique item for sale!….
  • … continues.

Obviously, it’s more about the dialogue and interaction than the actual bidding.  We may only get through 5 or 10 items in an hour.  The idea is to see how creative we can be, how funny, how serious, what history we can make up, how people might come to blows and fight over an item.  It’s not about uber items and rare things worth millions.

Anyway, we can try this out at the Lord and Tailor Auction House in Luna to see how it can work. Thanks for listening!

Lord and Tailor Auction House in Luna

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News from Across the Realm, Volume 2, Issue 12

The PaxLair Press, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – July 20, 2012 – by Ashlynn – Much of the alliance has been busy seeking out (or growing) the ingredients required for the plague affecting the gargish folk of Ter Mur. With crops now yielding plenty of sugar and vanilla, alliance cures are now being produced in large quantities.

A Goblin Celebration

The colourful… denizens of Pitmuck island held a celebration at the cave found there earlier this month for reasons more whimsical than… anything else. The announcement brought people from all over the realm to the island and the evening was spent as most are that involve ale and other alcohol.

Fortunately for those who were not too keen on the goblin rotgut on offer (which was just about everyone), there was cider and ale of a more mundane nature available. I myself opted for some of the latter.

Curiously, a number of goblins not seen before also made their way to the cave where they were soon assimilated into the mob to begin their intensive training in the nuances of vulgar behaviour. No doubt the rest of Sosaria is thrilled to see their numbers increase.

Necromancer Attacks Quarantined Village

A few nights ago, the Commander Foxx called the Royal Guard to arms to investigate missing shipments to the village currently under quarantine in Ter Mur. On further investigation, we discovered the passes were blocked by a host of undead gargish creatures that took a great deal of effort in fighting back.

We soon came across the one who appeared to be responsible for the deathless invasion but the mage managed to escape in the confusion.

Entering the village we discovered a sick Princess Rhistas of Ter Mur and learned that the mage was a necromancer by the name of Brutalius who was said to “have the stench of Paws about him” suggesting a link to the forsaken village beneath the Fens of the Dead.

The Princess’ illness however became something of a priority and because of her insistance at remaining in the village and aiding her sick subjects, one amongst us quickly fetched a prepared cure to ensure she would not fall to the plague as well.

Old Documents

Following the incident at the Quarantined Village, I was informed by Lady CaT of a pile of old letters and other documents in the Library of Britain that described the people and events that befell the village of Paws. Reading through the letters revealed that the circumstances surrounding the village’s disappearance and the calamity now affecting the Gargish bore many similarities. Furthermore, the Meer and a strange moongate were also mentioned.

We both decided to seek further clues in the Village of Lakeshire, however I had to take precautions and hide from the meer guards there (and unfortunate consequence of my past endeavours). Sadly, the only papers we could find spoke of the history of the Meer and their past encounters with Exodus and the Jukan people.

Still, I am not one of who believes in co-incidences – at least not this many. I recommend others read the letters in the library and seek out clues that may aid the gargish of Ter Mur before history repeats itself.

An Alliance Remedy

Production of the cures continues. Our goal has now increased to 450 cures but we have already produced over 200 and with our vanilla and sugar crops now producing vital ingredients, we will soon reach our second target. Current numbers of ingredients and cures are forthcoming.


Soggy Barnacle open every sunday evening from 7pm EST. Friendly buccaneers and cheap booze. Come drink the night away! Visit Port Baldamor.

Domesticated Bog Thing looking for new owner. Highly intelligent. Eats lots. Wrote advertisement itself. Seeks loving home with wide open spaces – preferably wet. Promises not to eat people.

A new university may be founded in Britannia! Seeking teachers and professors to teach all manner of subjects! Contact Ashlynn for details.

Reminder: Guardian’s Gate Auctions running every friday from 9pm EST. Bring items for sale some time before start of auction. Buy things!

Citizens of the realm! Allonia the Hydromage desires your help, specifically that of the fisherfolk. Allonia needs the finest and rarest fish specimens to be found in Britannia. Allonia intends to cross breed them with several other species to create the perfect amphibious Hybrid. Allonia can be found dwelling on the northern coast near Yew. Allonia recommends ignoring what the scholars at the Lyceaum say of her.

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