PaxLair Meeting: August 27, 2013 at Britain Beach

PaxLair Statehood, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – August 27, 2013 – by Ashlynn – The next meeting will be held as follows:

  • Date: Tuesday, August 27, 2013
  • Time:
    • 9:00-10:00 PM ET – PaxLair Meeting
  • Location: Britain Beach, Britain
  • Directions:  Take the bridge south from the bank and circle around the coast.
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PaxLair Meeting: August 20, 2013 at the Twin Oaks Tavern

PaxLair Statehood, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – August 20, 2013 – by Ashlynn – The next meeting will be held as follows:

  • Date: Tuesday, August 20, 2013
  • Time:
    • 9:00-10:00 PM ET – PaxLair Meeting
  • Location: Twin Oaks Tavern, Ilshenar
  • Directions:  Go to Spirituality Moongate then run north through the woods. The Tavern is beside the lake opposite an old ruined keep.
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The 2013 Summer Poetry Contest

Shrine of Sobriety, Trammel, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – August 19, 2013 – by Ashlynn – The annual Summer Poetry Contest was held at the weekend (or should that be “first annual”?) with aspiring poets coming from across Britannia to recite words both moving and profound in a fierce battle of literary prowess.

20130819poetrycontestSo determined were the people of our fair land to prove their skill that hordes of wordsmiths descended upon the Shrine of Sobriety, filling the shrine’s nave to capacity and leaving long lines of people waiting for hours, books clutched in hand. As the hours moved into days the throng of people began to grow restless and guards had to be called in to maintain order. All the while was a constant stream of words from poet after poet who stood before the shrine’s old ankh.

What I actually mean to say is that we had six entries all of high quality, and prizes for three of them. This season’s poets were an interesting bunch and included two goblins, a pirate, and an exotic dancer but in the end only one could reign supreme as the Poetry Champion of Summer.

And it wasn’t Ozog.

  • 1st Place – The Necromancer’s Woe by Holly Bloodhand
  • 2nd Place – Seasons by Perkie Pixel
  • 3rd Place – Icky’s Summer High-koo

All poems are reprinted below for the benefit of those who missed this wonderful event!

Fish – They are a Wonderful Thing – by Winfield

Fish – they are a wonderful thing.
Fish – some can even sing.
Fish – they are of all kind.
Fish – some are hard to find.

Fish – in the morn they come down.
Fish – at noon they swim around.
Fish – come out in the day.
Fish – some go and swim away.

Fish – they are a delicate treat.
Fish – we really like their meat.
Fish – we cook on a fire.
Fish – they are good for any Sire.

Fish – Summer is fishing season.
Fish – we go out for one main reason.
Fish – to be caught on our line.
Fish – so we can all smile when we dine!

Summa High-koo – by Icky Rotblossom

Fyrefliez atz daze ends.
Memaries ub sumers pasts
en mees ferst ternup.

Sumer en Fyrefliez bees magick
en fulls ub lite.
Dey lubs ta shines en singy.

Dey bof hab voyces.
Da yung at hart rememburs
dere sweete happi songz.

A Minoc Love Story – by Victor Speranza

M is for the mountains we mined together.
I is for the inn we want to build together.
N is for the number of days we spent in each other’s arms this summer,
O is for the Oceans we caught our last dinner in,
C is for the caress I will miss when we part ways

The Necromancer’s Woe – by Holly Bloodhand

When the spring winds grow warm and the days grow long
And the season of summer arrives,
The sails will unfurl
All over the world
And the whole world–save for one man–thrives.

In a peaceful small town by a gentle blue bay,
A dark necromancer resides…
Like a fungus, a blight,
He waits for the night–
All day by the graveyard he hides.

His eyes appear hollow and his heart is cold stone,
For ’tis death and decay that he loves,
But summer means life,
And he only finds strife
With everything six feet above.

Like sweet summer berries ripe on the vine,
The merchant ships oft pass him by.
He wants not their wares
For he only cares
When a sailor should happen to die.

The brighter the sunlight, the deeper the shadow,
And the summer sun dark shadows casts.
It is there that he waits
‘Til the living he hates
Have moved on from their grim, mournful task.

The mourners have left and the graveyard stands still
And the night is beginning to fall.
In the dark he emerges–
His dark magic surges,
And the dead rise to answer his call.

His unholy rapport with the walking undead
And his blasphemous use of remains
Goes unnoticed by those
Who live near, in the cove,
But this day, by one sailor, he’s seen.

She’d watched her friend fall off the mast of the ship,
His broken corpse pulled from the sea,
And now watched with dread
As her recently dead
Former shipmate rose at the man’s plea.

Now she was no saint; her crimes weren’t few
But her loyalty was to her mates–
She could not tolerate
For one to violate
Those she’d served with, nor toy with their fates.

So she sneaks up behind this deplorable man,
Slits his throat ‘fore he knows that she’s there,
And with deepest regret
She destroys what is left
Of her friend, and inters him with care.

The sorcerer’s spellbook she takes from his corpse
And peruses it ’til she has found
The reprisal most fit
For the foul, evil git
Who lies dead at her feet on the ground.

She casts a new spell, rather inexpertly,
But she finds on that day she’s a gift
For the dark arcane arts–
As the sorcerer starts
To arise, and among the dead drift.

And to this very day she has never forgot
What she learned that night in the dark grove–
And she prospered, ‘came rich
While he’s the only lich
In the graveyard just outside of Cove.

Summa Time – by Ozog


Seasons – by Perkie Pixel

Seasons, changing in a day.
Touching, pleasing, yet they never stay.
Holding, molding all I thought was true,
and I know one day the seasons will change you.

Hear the lonely waves kiss the shore.
Young hearts don’t walk there anymore.
Summer’s passed and autumn’s last breath
soon will lose its hold, for the days are growing shorter, turning cold.

Summer dreams have turned to misty shadows of the mind,
and promises are drifting in the wind.
Last goodbyes are over and the flowing tears have dried
and we’re left to think of things that might have been.

I’m no fool to cling to golden leaves that kiss your hair,
nor to savour starlit nights from glowing eyes.
I’ve seen too many seasons and I know they leave you when
you think they’ll never pass you by again.

Seasons, changing in a day.
Touching, pleasing, yet they never stay.
Holding, molding all I thought was true
and I know one day the seasons will change you.

Posted in Player Event, Songs, Story Contest | 1 Comment

PaxLair Meeting: August 13, 2013 at the Mystical Lute, Minoc

PaxLair Statehood, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – August 13, 2013 – by Ashlynn – The next meeting will be held as follows:

  • Date: Tuesday, August 13, 2013
  • Time:
    • 9:00-10:00 PM ET – PaxLair Meeting
  • Location: The Mystical Lute, Minoc
  • Directions:  Minoc. The Mystical Lute can be found just behind the Town Hall next to the sea. Minoc is… well where it has always been!
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Realm News – Volume 4, Issue 1

realmnewsbanner4-1PaxLair Times Press, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – August 12, 2013 – by Ashlynn – With a new volume comes some changes to the way editions of the realm news are presented. The past few weeks have seen a lot of activity in both Vesper and Minoc as the Governor’s there seek to improve both the well being and image of their respective towns (the latter being something of a gargantuan task in the case of Vesper).

Minoc Crafting Fair a Success

20130812market5The Crafting Fair held in Minoc just over a week ago saw merchants and custom from all across Britannia. There were merchants selling a variety of goods including one particularly spectacular individual who traded in mushrooms and other mycological merchandise.

The goblins also made an appearance with Nubby selling what seemed to be sculptures (albeit crudely carved ones) and Ozog setting up a kissing booth of all things. Naturally the booth wasn’t particularly popular.

While goods were traded, Governor Victor of Minoc was also on hand to give everyone a guided tour of the market while discussing everything on offer and describing in detail how it was made.

Lady Phoenix’s Poker Quest Results

This past friday Lady Phoenix held a test of both skill and luck as participants were given clues that led to seven random playing cards. With the cards in hand it was then up to those participating to construct the best poker hand they could.

Badger came in third place with a straight hand, seven high. Arkillian took second place also with a straight hand, eight high. And first place was myself with a heart flush! So congratulations me!

I shall be donating the entirety of my winnings to the Ashlynn Society of Mycology where I am sure it will be put to good use.

Vesper Unveils New Community Centre

20130812vespercommunitycentre2Governor Ivy of Vesper has unveiled a new community centre in Vesper located not far from the graveyard of all places. The community centre is said to include a small press, a reading library, a few publically accessible dye tubs, a bar (selling the finest smuggled liquor I suspect), and also a useful collection of rune books (useful depending upon the virtue of your trade that is) .

With the opening of the centre comes a new date in the Vesper diary – the first ever Vesper City Auction. This event is hosted by Governor Ivy of Vesper and Governor Lauren of Moonglow and there are sure to be a wide variety of goods available to bidders. Absolutely positively none of which were pillaged or stolen.

The first auction is to be held on Friday 16th August at 9pm EST with further auctions to potentially follow.

Alliance Silences Ghost of Exodus

An expedition was recently sent out to the ruins of Ver Lor Reg following reports that cultists had been performing obscene rites in an effort to summon the spirit of vanquished Exodus back to the realm of Sosaria.

Though the expedition consumed an entire evening the vicious plot was thwarted as the band fought back the spirit of Exodus three consecutive times. Treasure was pillaged from the remains of the fallen spirit and causalities were light. The band returned in high spirits and all the richer for their venture.

Vesper Robbery Solved

20130812vcrime2Governor Ivy of Vesper called upon volunteers to aid her in unraveling the mystery of a heist that took place in the City of Vesper in the past few weeks. With a band of willing investigators at her disposal Lady Ivy went to work uncovering what had really happened.

Over the course of a the night and despite attacks from unknown assailants it was discovered that Regina Storm of the Ore of Vesper Miner’s Guild kidnapped a town crier of Minoc by the name of Glennys in order to rob the Shimmering Jewel. Funds from the robbery were then paid to an assassin who was ordered to kill a man named Richard Gilchrist with whom Regina still held a grudge.

It was discovered the source of the animosity stemmed from the riots some time ago – Richard Gilchrist reneged on a contract which led to the death of several miners and Regina was determined to have her revenge.

While the investigators arrived too late to save Richard Gilchrist, Regina was apprehended by the volunteers and is currently awaiting transfer to the Court of Truth in Yew.

Executioner’s Cap Blooms in Shame

As Britannia’s most eminent mycologist it has come to my attention that the once rare Executioner’s Cap has found the old dungeon of Shame to it’s liking. How the spores originally ended up in that dark and dank place is still something of a mystery but it would appear that the very bodies of some elementals are suffused with the stuff. Consequently this means that the dark bodied mushroom is now more easily acquired.

Aspiring mushroom pickers should beware however. The Executioner’s Cap is no culinary delight and ingestion of the mushroom is almost always fatal, causing severe vomiting, stomach cramps, aches and fever. Though there is an apparent recovery, the symptoms reappear a few days later before the patient finally expires.

It is also said that in years past the mushroom was used as a regent in the dark magic of necromancy. If this is indeed true then whatever tradition used such a reagent must be different to the kind of magic currently practiced in the infamous City of Umbra and it is my belief that this brand of necromancy is the domain of independent witches and other folk.

Pitmuck Bread Mission to Host Grand Opening

Lady Lucy of Pitmuck has been busy repurposing the Pitmuck Deli into an establishment she can use to feed the poor. With renovations now apparently complete the grand opening can now take place.

Said grand opening is to take place Wednesday 14th August at 8pm EST. All are invited and there will be games and prizes. And goblins. Lots and lots of goblins. As for the quality of the bread that is still to be determined. It is Pitmuck bread however so I recommend purchasing a few potions from your local alchemist just to be safe.

Posted in Flora and Fauna, General News, Minoc, Moonglow, Pitmuck, Ver Lor Reg, Vesper | Comments Off on Realm News – Volume 4, Issue 1

PaxLair Meeting: August 6, 2013 at Deuce’s Vinculum Inn

PaxLair Statehood, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – August 6, 2013 – by Ashlynn – The next meeting will be held as follows:

  • Date: Tuesday, August 6, 2013
  • Time:
    • 9:00-10:00 PM ET – PaxLair Meeting
  • Location: Deuce’s Vinculum Inn, Ilshenar
  • Directions:  Just head up from Honor Moongate in Ilsh. It’s beside the mountain range. You can’t miss it!
Posted in PaxLair Meeting, PaxLair Statehood | Comments Off on PaxLair Meeting: August 6, 2013 at Deuce’s Vinculum Inn

PaxLair Meeting: July 30, 2013 at Dragons Watch Community Centre

PaxLair Statehood, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – July 30, 2013 – by Ashlynn – The next meeting will be held as follows:

  • Date: Tuesday, July 30, 2013
  • Time:
    • 9:00-10:00 PM ET – PaxLair Meeting
  • Location: Dragons Watch Community Centre, Malas
  • Directions:  Rune on Tea House steps. It’s on an island in a sea of stars! So you can only really use the teleporter. Unless you have a rune.
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Lady Stormy’s Storytime

Silvervale, Trammel, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – July 29, 2013 – by Ashlynn – Lady Stormy of Action held a story contest in the town of Silvervale this past saturday, though with a twist. Rather than come with prepared stories based on a predetermined topic, contestants would instead be given a bag of items which formed the theme of the story. The challenge was to then make up a tale on the spot!

20130729stormystoryEveryone was given a bag of identical items which were: an emerald, a gold ingot, a bottle of hair dye, and a fiery fish steak. The stories could be about anything the storyteller wished, but they had to involve those four items in some way.

After all stories had been told it was then the responsibility of Lady Stormy and Ozog to choose the best three:

  • 1st Place – Icky Rotblossom
  • 2nd Place – Victor Speranza
  • 3rd Place – Ivy Covedweller

All stories have been reprinted below for the benefit of those who could not make it (many thanks to Victor for a transcript of the evening’s chatter). I have done a little basic editing to try and make all the stories readable while preserving them as best I can!

Icky’s Story

Mees wuz dyin mees eer hares onez nite when mees heerd sumthin outsides.
Mees wents outsides too sees wat wux makin noise.
Mees trip ober a bunch ub ingots sumbody left onz da steps.
Den mees seed sumthin shiny en green in da distance on da water.
Mees went inz da water too git da shiny green ting.
Mees grabbed fer da green ting.
Itz wuz precious stone or sumthin.
Butz before mees kin grab itz a grate big fire reds fishy jumped ups en took da shiny green ting.

Mees cried.

De end.

Nanoc’s Story

When I was little living on Ocllo Island, running around slaying all the sewer rats, my mother the Seamstress come to me and said “son, its time for your first bath.”

“But but Mom I’m only seven.”

She took me to the hearth and had a fire fish steak and a gold ingot. She boiled the fire fish steak and added the gold ingot mixing it till it was gooey.

She grabbed my by the heel and dipped my head into the batter. She then gave me a emerald gem and sent me off to the armorer to buy my first set of weapons.

And that is why my hair is golden.

The End

Victor’s StoryThe Tonic of Youth

A long time ago there was lonely castle located on the coast of a very cold island. The owner of this humble abode had spent their whole life scraping together gold and putting hiring the right architects together in order to fulfill his life long dream.

However, the downside to accomplishing this wonderful goal was it took, literally, a life time to accomplish! How can one possibly go on living with in such comfort when they are too old to enjoy it!? The only solution, other than necromancy because that is just wrong, was to find the Tonic of Youth! This way our old hero can become young again and continue to enjoy his castle.

Now the Tonic of Youth is guarded by two magical creatures. One is really long and has 1000s of feet to support it’s great length. The other is really tiny but with gnashing teeth that will rip and chew through anything! But our hero, is just an old man, how could he ever get past such diabolical creatures and reach the Tonic of Youth!

Well living such a long life has it’s benefits. Our hero was equipped with a bag of promises and could reach in and grab out the one thing needed to solve any dilemma. The unfortunate part about the bag was it took a lot of cunning to figure out how to use the item the bag provided.

Well our hero reached deep into the bag and pulled out a perfectly round emerald that fit in the palm of his hand. Should he pay off the guards!?

No! He threw the emerald on the ground and it rolled across the floor right under the long guard with 1000 feet. The guard proceeded to step on the marble and it got stuck between the toes on one foot! Now the guard has sooooo many feet that his brain can’t tell which one has a marble stuck in it so it spent the next three months picking his toes trying to find it!

So now our hero had to face the next guard, and he reached into his bag and pulled out…. a fire fish steak! A HUGE fire fish steak in fact, and it was shaped like a plate mail chest….

So without questioning the bag’s judgement our hero put on the fire fish steak tunic and walked past the next guard.

Did I mention the bag had a sense of humor? The guard with 1000 teeth LOVES FISH! So it ran over and started eating our hero right up! Luckily fire fish steak is really HOT and it melted the guard’s teeth!

Well with the guard’s dealt with our hero approached the Tonic of Youth. Right before picking up his prize our hero noticed that the bag of promises got really heavy. In fact a huge gold brick appeared in it!

So our hero pulled it out and threw it at the Tonic of Youth knocking it off the pedestal and narrowly avoided the huge spike trap that would surely have killed him.

Now with the Tonic of Youth in hand our hero rushed home, ran upstairs to his room and proceeded to drink the entire Tonic!

Well folks…. It was not a Tonic of Youth… It was only Hair Dye, and our Hero was buried with rainbow color hair all over his body for drinking so much of it!

Ashlynn’s Story

We begin with Lady Eleanor, she was a noblewoman born of Britain, but due to intrigues, found she had to move swiftly.

Travelling to Nujelm she purchased a residence there through her dealings in the emerald trade. For the Nujelm folks, though you think they’d prefer gold, they actually prefer the colour of poison – both the lethal and valuable kind.

Alone in the world and running short of funds, lacking access to the emerald mines of the mainland, Eleanor sought other profit and eventually made a deal with one Lady Winmere of somewhere or other for a shipment of fine fish steaks. Fiery spicy fish steaks like no one had ever heard of! Yet word had spread quickly of the shipment of fine foody merchandise.

Now remember this is long ago when pirates and bandites operated out of Vesper regularly for Vesper was pretty much Little Buccaneers Den.

A den of VICE.

A den of INIQUITY.

They traded zoogi brew in Vesper – the infamous drink that sent men and women into a comatose state for hours on end. They brewed nightshade wine, which was a wicked drink, now long banned. And Vesper traded in STOLEN goods, pillaged materials. If you were a bandit or pirate, Vesper was always your second port of call.

Eleanor knew this and she knew her goods would need to sail nearby but her goods were bound for Trinsic and she needed a plan.

It turned out there was also an infamous pirate who pillaged out of vesper – a pirate by the name of Captain Ivy Bloodhand…

Oh wait… scratch that – I mean Captain Holly Bloodhand.

She was a vicious pirate, pretended to rob from the rich on behalf of poor fisherfolk. In truth she robbed anything that pitched a sail.

Well, Holly had a vibrant head of bright purple said to be rare dye purchased from a far away city where the people wore slender blades and spoke in an odd fashion: konichiwa for a greeting, arigato for thankyou, and all that. And Holly’s ship was a widely known Vesperian ship design – slender and quick with a single bank of oars and twin lateen sails!

Lady Winmere promised to pay well so Eleanor concocted a plan. She had an agent in the worst taverns listening for what Captain Holly was up to and then news came. A shipment of gold out of Minoc – Captain Holly had her sights on it – a heavily laden vessel called the Victorious. So Eleanor made her move.

She’d already acquired a vessel similar to that Captain Holly sailed in. She dressed herself in the same scarlet coat and midnight tricorne hat, a slender rapier at her side with an emerald gem at the hilt just like that of Captain Holly’s. Holly called her sword “willbreaker” for it had broken the will of so many indignant captains. Eleanor, dressed just like the infamous pirate, loaded her cargo and set sail.

Several days into the journey she was soon met by pirates out of Vesper – pirates acting under the orders of Captain Holly. Eleanor made no attempt to run, she simply waited for them to come close and as they did she raised the flag of Captain Holly, a sword piercing an executioners cap in white on a red banner, and she stood upon the deck of her ship for all to see. Those pirates quickly turned tail and she made the rest of the way to Trinsic unmolested.

When the real Captain Holly heard of this she was furious but money had been exchanged and Eleanor was once again a rich woman. The two would meet face to face, but that is another story….

Slaymaster’s Story

There once was a guy who was a blacksmith. He was walking down the road and found a golden ingot so he took it home and crafted a dagger with it. He then embeds an emerald into the handle of the dagger. He uses the dagger to cut his dinner which was fiery fish steak. With the fire fish steak he drank corn whiskey for dinner.

After dinner he went to the bathroom and used hair dye to change the color of his hair and then went to the bar and picked up some ladies that were three foot tall and had a party.

The End

Metatron’s Story

The story of a fisherman and his wife.

Poor couple living off the land, both loving the country and living off the land, no city life for them. One morning the man awakens to hear his wife crying.

“Wife” the man asks, “why do you cry?”

She looks at her husband and says “the year’s haven’t been kind me my husband.”

The man looks at his wife and starts to speak but then stops. He kisses her on the head and says “my wife I’ll be back tonight to cheer you up. I need to go get a few things from the forest.”

The man grabs his fishing pole. Through the forest he meets his friend, a miner by trade and tells his friend about his sad wife.

The old miner nods, “ohh gold holds a shine of beauty, take this golden ore with this gem I have.”

“Aye” says the fisherman, “thanks old miner, off too fishing I go.”

Stopping at the fishing hole for a couple of hours along came by a stranger seeking something too eat. The stranger asks “excuse me sir, could I trade something of mine for a fish.I am very hungry.”

The fisherman says “no need too trade, please have this fish with my blessing.”

While the stranger sits, the fisherman tells the stranger about the trouble his wife is having. The stranger looks and says “really.”

The stranger stands up and says “Sir, thank you for your kindness and please accept this bottle.”

The fisherman asks “What’s in the bottle?”

The stranger looks back, “Give it too ur wife and tell her too wash her hair with the liquid in the bottle” The fisherman shrugs, “okay, thank you. Safe travels.”

The fisherman heads on home stopping by too see his miner friend, hands his freind some fish and says “Goodnight, thank you.” The fisherman gets home tells his wife about the day he had. He hands her a golden ring with a beauty of a gem and tells her about the stranger with the bottle.

Being very happy with the golden gem of a ring the fisherman says “Wash up I’ll cook supper.”

Four hours later the wife runs inside the shack, “Look my husband, my hair is no longer gray!”

The End

Ivy’s Story

This story is inspired by my friend Riyana. She’s a bit of a scoundrel, so this story is not that far-fetched…

When an opportunity presented itself, Riyana was not one to pass it up. When she overheard the owners Britain’s jewelry shop discussing their upcoming vacation plans, she immediately put into action a plan of her own.

She bided her time and just before they were about to close, she snuck in as the last customer and hid in wait, holding only a “fish fire steak”, an item she’d been saving for just the right occasion.

The owners left, and Riyana was alone. She came out of hiding and began looking around. The strong box, she found, was locked tight, and her best efforts were not enough to pick the lock. She instead began rummaging through the display cases.

She’d managed to wrangle all of one gold bar and a single emerald out of one when she heard the door begin to open.

The owners had returned!

She found herself face to face with them, and they stared at each other in surprise for a moment.

“Guards! Thief!” they cried.

Propelled by a sudden rush of adrenaline and inspiration, Riyana shoved past them. She grabbed the fish fire steak and hurled it at them… and nothing happened.

“Fish fire! Where is my fish fire?!” she demanded.

Even as she ran away, she watched the owners pick up the steak.

“Fire fish, you fool!” one of them shouted at her.

“Damn,” she muttered. Finally out of their sight, she was able to blend into the shadows once more.

She went to the nearest provisioner straight away and purchased some hair dye… hopefully the jewelry shop owners wouldn’t recognize her the next time she went in.

Then she went to the mage shop. Arson would only cover her tracks if it worked.

The end… for now

Scarlett’s Story

Long ago in a land far away there was a girl by the name of Fawn. She was taught the skill of Archery.

Along the way she decided to hunt in a forest. A little goblin was crying.

Fawn ran to the little goblin, “why sad, little goblin?” she asked.

He said “dems took my emeralds.”

She asked “who?”

He said “a thief.” She said “I shall go after them!”

She whistled for her horse, Minni. Minni flew to the grounds of the forest. She handed her horse a firery fish steak. The horse became hyper and she got onto the horse and flew after the thief.

When she found the thief he was wearing a hat with ribbons. She shot an arrow right through the hat. The thief screamed.

She said “Give me the bag and you will be OK.”

He said “never!”

She shot an arrow at his hand and he screamed in agony. He dropped the bag with the stolen goods. She found in the bag emeralds, hair dye, and a golden ingot.

She went back to her horse. When the horse came in contact with the ingot she became a human. The horse who turned into a girl screamed for joy and hugged fawn. She said that she had been trapped in a horse body for years and thanked her.

Fawn handed the girl the hair dye. She said you can use it to make your hair a special color She said thank you and went on her way.

Fawn walked back and started to call for the little goblin, he ran to her happy as could be and dragged her all the way to the goblin king to tell of her good deeds. The goblin granted her acsess to anywhere she wanted.

The End

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PaxLair Meeting: July 23, 2013 at Goat Boy Manor in Tranquility

PaxLair Statehood, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – July 23, 2013 – by Ashlynn – The next meeting will be held as follows:

  • Date: Tuesday, July 23, 2013
  • Time:
    • 9:00-10:00 PM ET – PaxLair Meeting
  • Location: Goat Boy Manor, Tranquility, Malas
  • Directions:  Rune on Tea House steps. There is also a teleporter to the town of Tranquility at the Tea House too.
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Governor Winfield Helps Resolve Goblin Crisis – CharGar to Remain Governor

PaxLair City, Felucca, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – July 19, 2013 – by Ashlynn – The past few weeks have seen relations between the City of Skara Brae and the goblin folk reach a new low. Goblin relations took up much of the discussion at the most recent Statehood meeting with verbal clashes between the goblins and Governor CharGar. At one point the goblins even suggested they would leave the alliance given the animosity between the goblins and certain other parties.

20130719paxmeeting2The Discussions got so heated that Governor Winfield intervened and called for an official meeting to resolve the matter in his personal office at the Mage Tower in PaxLair City. The meeting was held this past thursday and it seems both parties present were able to come to an agreement.

The meeting was somewhat chaotic however. A group of bandits had learned that some members would be present and were stalking the town looking for specific victims. Several attendees were accosted as they made their way to the tower and even Ozog sustained some injury.

Still once all were present, formally seated, and aired their views, Governor Winfield gave the following speech and recommendations:

“Governor CharGar, I am sorry at the misfortunes you incurred as a result of goblin anger.
The goblins are a member of my Alliance so I wish to address various measures that can improve your and our situation.

As I understand things, the goblins were angered when their king Ozog
was jailed for peeing on the Skara Brae town stone. And then the goblins rioted in your streets making quite a mess and also beating you badly, thus leaving you with serious injury.

You sought me out two days ago to see if I could help with your: recovery, pain and suffering, and clean up your town. I defer to the court hearing that was held regarding the damage to your home as the judge there apparently made some ruling about that already.

As I lead this Alliance, I strive for balance in the cause and effect of all we do. I assume our Alliance guilds will trust my judgement in suggesting ways we can make things better.

Therefore, First, I task the goblins with support from the Alliance to supply your city healer with 2 greater heal kegs and 60 fresh clean bandages. This should help you recover more quickly of your broken bones and bruises.

Second, for pain and suffering, I task the goblins to deliver fresh ice cream cones to you and your citizens whenever they enter Skara Brae at least until our next PaxLair meeting.

Third, our Alliance can design for you a “peeing place” for goblins in the stables in Skara Brae or more places of your choosing.

Fourth, I give you two kegs of “Goblin Cleaner Fluid” that will help clean up any current or future messes the goblins leave behind. We use this liquid all the time in our cities. Just dump some on a goblin-messed-up-area, and the magical liquid does the job.

Fifth, we know goblins are emotional creatures and don’t have all the smarts that other races do. Therefore, I will commission Ashlynn if she is willing to sketch a book of pictures that help explain to goblins how they should behave in public and when they become angry.”

20130719govmeetingBoth parties seemed amenable to the details and I have even agreed to begin producing a series of articles on proper behaviour for the goblins to adhere to. Such articles will of course be in pictorial form in order to ensure all goblins can understand.

It was also reiterated that the goblins would be welcome within the City of Skara Brae so long as they obeyed the law, as declared by King Blackthorn himself.

After the goblins and the Governor CharGar came to an agreement it seems both parties finally made up and much of the tension in the atmosphere seemed to disappear.

So it seems the crisis finally has some closure with no outright physically hostility between the aggrieved parties. Admittedly I am glad for as much as the creatures drive me mad, I would never run one through with a sword!

Posted in PaxLair City, PaxLair Meeting, PaxLair Statehood, Role-playing, Skara Brae | Comments Off on Governor Winfield Helps Resolve Goblin Crisis – CharGar to Remain Governor