PaxLair Meeting: September 24, 2013 at Pitmuck Bread Mission

PaxLair Statehood, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – September 24, 2013 – by Ashlynn – The next meeting will be held as follows:

  • Date: Tuesday, September 24, 2013
  • Time:
    • 9:00-10:00 PM ET – PaxLair Meeting
  • Location: Pitmuck Bread Mission
  • Directions:  It’s located on the west side of Pitmuck Island next to the compost barge and healer hut. You can get to Pitmuck via a teleporter at the Tea House. Bring plague masks.
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Establishment Spotlight: Pitmuck Bread Mission

Pitmuck, Trammel, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – September 19, 2013 – by Ashlynn – Today we take a look at a relatively new addition to the bustling pungent settlement that is Pitmuck known as the Bread Mission. This establishment was founded and is run by one Lady Lucy Little with the help of a goblin named Icky Rotblossom and a hunter called Luann.

20130918breadmissionBeing curious about this mission I was privileged enough to be able to interview Lady Lucy and ask her all about the establishment. While the discussion went off on a tangent at points (regarding such things as ratfish and the use of glacial staves for preserving meat) I was able to ask some direct questions about the mission, some of which are printed below.

Ashlynn: I suppose I should start with the basics. What does the bread mission do and who founded it?

Lucy Little: Well, our mission in this world is to feed the hungry… give comfort to those who need it. We do not charge, of course, as it is a humanitarian issue. Every soul is welcome here.

I should add that Ozog (who was present) said it was every soul EXCEPT demons. Which probably have no souls. But orcs were mentioned as being welcome though Lady Lucy informed me the mission does not cater to… wild diets. But a wholesome selection was on offer nonetheless.

Ashlynn: There is another feed the hungry project being launched called the Trinsic Yam Project. How do you feel about that?

Lucy Little: I had not heard about it. I don’t think we have yams here, so it might be a good thing for those who like yams.

The topic then turned to comparisons between goblin heads and yams for a while. Lucy also took the time to tell me about her time spent with the goblins and was quick to express how wondrous she found them. I was not entirely convinced.

Ashlynn: So, with the goblins in mind, why did you choose Pitmuck for the location of the Bread Mission?

Lucy Little: Most people just don’t understand goblins. I chose Pitmuck because I had already settled here. I have been happy here and saw no need to move elsewhere.

Ashlynn: Is all the produce freshly prepared here?

Lucy Little: Some we collect from gardens throughout the land. And meat is brought in from elsewhere by hunters. All fresh I assure you.

Ashlynn: Do you have any help with preperation and the sourcing of ingredients?

Lucy Little: Icky and I are in charge… we have a friend who hunts and gathers as needed. Of course she gets free room and boards for her troubles. Luann helps by keeping the mission in good repair. Icky loves baking the cakes more than anything. She is very very good.

At this point I asked about Icky and how clean she was. Lucy assured me that she always washes her hands and bathes once a week. The topic then turned to certain Tokunese culinary traditions that involved living platters.

Ashlynn: So, opening times. Obviously people get hungry at all hours.

Lucy Little: The mission is always open any hour of the night or day. The vendors always have food ready.

Another tangent regarding corsairs and meat preservation ensued. Apparently there was little of value to steal from the mission and producing more food was no issue.

Ashlynn: What was your inspiration for founding this Mission?

Lucy Little: Well, it’s a gradual evolution of sorts. I’ve gone from being a hunter in my youth, to being a more humane person in my older years. Peace trumps violence in my mind. Caring trumps everything. It’s a happier life for me.

Talk turned to current news and the two vessels moored outside – the compost barge (and old decommissioned corsair) and the pride of Lucy herself – a huge three masted ship. It was then I asked Lady Lucy if she had anything else she wished to add.

Lucy Little: Just that it is a place where all are welcome. We haven’t done any active outreach to date. But we would not be averse to it.

Lucy Little: Oh, we will be putting out special things for halloween for any trick or treaters who come by. Although we will not decorate, of course. This steward here will hold the items.

I thanked Lady Lucy for her time and unfortunately had to make haste on an unexpected errand. But I learned a lot about the bread mission from Lady Lucy and I encourage all to visit it.

Additionally with that in mind the Statehood Meeting on September 24th will be held at the mission. Lady Lucy and her associates will be our hosts and I encourage everyone to visit.

Posted in Establishments, Pitmuck, Townships | 1 Comment

PaxLair Meeting Postponed Until Tomorrow

PaxLair Statehood, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – September 17, 2013 – by Ashlynn – The PaxLait Statehood meeting has been postponed until tomorrow (September 18) at 9pm due to the ongoing quest to find Jimmy that everyone is engaged in! I have no idea who Jimmy is. He is apparently very important.

The location remains the same – the Counselor hall in North Britain which you can find beside the bridge leading to Castle Blackthorn.

See you all there!

Posted in PaxLair Meeting, PaxLair Statehood | 1 Comment

PaxLair Meeting: September 17, 2013 at North Britain Counselor Hall

PaxLair Statehood, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – September 17, 2013 – by Winfield – The next meeting will be held as follows:

  • Date: Tuesday, September 17, 2013
  • Time:
    • 9:00-10:00 PM ET – PaxLair Meeting
  • Location: North Britain Counselor Hall
  • Directions:  The hall located next to the bridge leading to Castle Blackthorn – an old EM haunt!
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Realm News – Volume 4, Issue 3 (With Election Results)

realmnewsbanner4-3The PaxLair Press, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – September 16, 2013 – by Ashlynn – Official Crown business dominates this issue of the Times with the results of the most recent election as well as a report on the weekend’s Royal Council meeting with the King. Meanwhile in the sinister realm of Malas something was found stirring at the bottom of Gravewater Lake.


While only one candidate stood in most towns, Moonglow, New Magincia, and Britain were all in contention as candidates battled for office. In Moonglow Lady Lauren saw off challenger Bastian Windsong and retained her Governorship. Gareth of New Magincia also saw off a challenge from Ceridan, while in Britain new comers to the race Sarberius and Dark Writter battled it out with the former eventually securing victory at the last minute.

Despite my own vocal protests here at the Times over the treatment of Cove, the town was left out of the race.

The new line up of Governors is as follows:

  • Britain – Sarberius
  • CoveDenied Office of Governorship
  • Jhelom – Sherry Shar
  • Magincia – Gareth
  • Minoc – Victor II
  • Moonglow – Lauren
  • Skara Brae – Badger
  • Trinsic – Phoenix
  • Vesper – Ivy
  • Yew – Mark West

Uniforms Unveiled at Council Meeting

Almost immediately following the recent elections the King convened the council of Governors to hear requests and welcome newcomers to his table. Much time was taken up with introductions and talk of previous business such as the Vesper Beautification Project and the construction of a dock in Minoc. The Trans-Britannian Racing League and their penchant for leaving behind enchanted litter was also mentioned with the King suggesting it would be seen to.

20130916councilguardsuniOne highlight of the meeting was the Trinsic “Feed the Needy” Project being launched by Lady Phoenix. The project involved the growing of Yams with help from Tokunese botanists in an effort to secure the Trinsic food supply. More details would be forthcoming at the next council meeting.

It should be noted that during the meeting Governor Gareth of New Magincia was drinking heavily. The King stated that while no rules on drinking had been previously mentioned, he expected his guests to remain sober next time. Let us hope this is not a sign that the New Magincian Governor is an alcoholic. I have already heard rumours that the city was making moves to become the liquor making capital of Britannia.

Once all business was finished in the council chamber the King ushered everyone outside to see the uniforms for guards of the nine cities of Britannia. I must say the Royal Quartermaster had avoided any flamboyance and ensured the uniforms were tasteful and practical though my thoughts were on another topic that evening.

Craft Fair Draws Master Smiths

20130916minocsmith2Over the weekend Governor Victor Speranza of Minoc organised a craft fair in order to draw the best smiths of Britannia to the famed mining town. What followed was a mythic battle of hammer and anvil as smith faced off against smith, furiously hammering iron and steel and grimacing threateningly at their opponents.

The competition was simple. The guards of Minoc needed plate uniforms and competitors would need to make them with only 100 ingots a piece. While some might cynically believe the whole event to be a ploy to fund the impoverished local militia I was assured that the competition was concerned only with shining a giant bullseye lantern on the best armourer in the realm.

The final results were as follows:

  • 1st Place (Valorite Champion) – Yvette (580pts)
  • 2nd Place (Verite Champion) – Anne Vil (520pts)
  • 3rd Place (Agapite Champion) – Grumpy (500pts)
  • 4th Place – Dragons Watch (475pts)
  • 5th Place – Vow (420pts)

Wreck Discovered Beneath Gravewater Lake

20130916shipwreck1The past weekend was a busy one for the alliance with meetings and craft fairs and terrible haunted wrecks found at the bottom of dying lakes. The lake in question was Gravewater Lake, the fading lake slowly drying up (or falling into oblivion) in the lands of Malas.

After hearing word of this strange wreck members of the alliance were resolved to investigate. But there was one thing standing in the way – the wreck was deep underwater.

It turned out however that in the realm existed those with knowledge of constructing vestments that would allow one to breathe underwater and pierce the aquatic vale. What followed was a long journey that started in Trinsic and involved performing a service for several different people to acquire the attire needed to brave the wreck.

Once diving gear was in place our band stood on the banks of Gravewater Lake and dived into the water, heading for a partially submerged wreck at the centre. We then made our way down into the depths.

Below was an enormous sunken wreck inhabited by monstrous seaweed and other aquatic horrors. However the worst was still to come as it was discovered one of the infamous Shadowlords dwelled within the wreck. A huge battle followed with many casualties but our mighty alliance warriors soon prevailed.

Sadly despite some serious battle wounds we had little to show for our efforts except the knowledge of knowing we had faced one of the Shadowlords and emerged victorious.

Upcoming Events

Lord Tehan has begun hosting the weekly Walk of the Eldars – expeditions intended to highlight old and forgotten places in Britannia. These will take place at 8pm on Mondays. Aspiring expeditionaries should muster at the Tea House.

The Vesper Beautification Project will begin this Thursday at 9pm starting with New Magincia. Join Lady Ivy as she plants stolen seeds in an effort to make the place look pretty!

Posted in Britannia Towns, Dungeon, EM Event, General News, Governor Elections | 1 Comment

9/11 Memorial at Sacrifice Shrine

Sacrifice Shrine, Trammel, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – September 11, 2013 – by Winfield – People gathered at the Sacrifice Shrine tonight on September 11, 2013 to pay their respects to those fallen 12 years ago on this day.  They came to pay respects, have thoughts in silence, and spoke words about that fateful day and their friends and family affected by that day.  Candles lit the area as a lone lantern was placed in front of the Shrine, which read: “Never Forgotten and Always in our Hearts 9-11-01 in Memoriam.”


This memorial event, held every year and started by Tancred Redstar, was orchestrated this year by Ozog, the leader of the Goblins of Pitmuck.  Thank you Ozog.

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PaxLair Meeting: September 10, 2013 at Vesper Community Centre

PaxLair Statehood, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – September 10, 2013 – by Ashlynn – The next meeting will be held as follows:

  • Date: Tuesday, September 10, 2013
  • Time:
    • 9:00-10:00 PM ET – PaxLair Meeting
  • Location: Vesper Community Centre, Vesper, Trammel
  • Directions:  The building can be found just north of Vesper Graveyard. It is a large building where the Vesper Auction is held.
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Autumn Governor’s Elections Begin!

Trammel, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – September 9, 2013 – by Ashlynn – With the governorship candidates now finalized this season’s election have formally gotten underway! Once again several towns are uncontested with only a single candidate running the position and therefore automatically winning. However competition is on for the cities of Moonglow, New Magincia, and Britain.

Cove is sadly not represented at the crowns table much to my dismay.

This season’s candidates are as follows:

  • Britain – Dark Writter, Sarberius
  • Jhelom – Sherry Shar
  • Magincia – Gareth, Ceridan
  • Minoc – Victor II
  • Moonglow – Lauren, Bastian Windsong
  • Skara Brae – Badger
  • Trinsic – Phoenix
  • Vesper – Ivy
  • Yew – Mark West

Voting for candidates officially closes this weekend. I wish the best of luck to all those running for office!

Posted in Britain, Britannia Towns, Governor Elections, Jhelom, Magincia, Minoc, Moonglow, Skara Brae, Trinsic, Vesper, Yew | Comments Off on Autumn Governor’s Elections Begin!

PaxLair Meeting: September 3, 2013 at Tea House

PaxLair Statehood, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – September 3, 2013 – by Winfield – The next meeting will be held as follows:

  • Date: Tuesday, September 3, 2013
  • Time:
    • 9:00-10:00 PM ET – PaxLair Meeting
  • Location: Tea House, PaxOku, Tokuno
  • Directions:  NE of the moongate at Homare-jima at the end of the road on the left.
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Realm News – Volume 4, Issue 2

realmnewsbanner4-2The PaxLair Press, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – September 2, 2013 – by Ashlynn – Election season is soon to begin as we move into the colourful period known as autumn. Or fall. Depending on your preference. Who will be sitting before the King at the next Royal Council meeting I wonder? Will Governor Ivy hold on to her position as the Don of Vesper? How far is she willing to go to ensure she will win?

Northeast Coast Cooperative Joins Alliance

20130902paxmeetingThe Alliance has always counted interesting members amongst their number and the most recent additions are no exception. Calling themselves the Northeast Coast Cooperative or NCC for short, our new friends are none other than Governor Ivy and Governor Victor, representing the cities of Vesper and Minoc!

Due to Lady Ivy and her Vesperian minions making up one part of the NCC, I did wonder if the group was actually more of a Criminal Cartel, Corsair Community, or Crooked Company. I cannot however know for sure without investigating further but in the meantime I shall welcome our new friends with open arms (and my purse nowhere in sight).

The Cooperative bring with them much in resources, manpower, and ideas which will no doubt prove highly beneficial for all involved. They have also already established themselves as helpful and community minded with some excellent events so far.

I wish the NCC all the best in their endeavours.

A Second Royal Meeting

chaossymbolThe second meeting of King and Governors was held last week, with the King ready to hear concerns and make a few announcements of his own. Chief amongst his announcements were:

  • All city treasury taxes were to be abolished in the face of heavy protest.
  • Royal Architects would be assigned to construct Governor buildings (though the city itself would need to donate resources).
  • Bulletin boards and ballot boxes to be erected.

Once the King was done he also announced that the royal flagship, the RNV Aurora and a contingent of soldiers would be making a stop in each of the Governor’s cities, with guards in various city livery being stationed at key points.

The King also wished to respond to requests from the previous meeting and stated that many of them would be fulfilled such as beautification projects in a number of towns, the erecting of streetlamps in the City of New Magincia, and so on.

Moving on to any new requests or announcements, the King gave the Governors a chance to speak. Lady Ivy reiterated a desire for a public trash can in Vesper and complained of abandoned ships at the docks,  while Lord Gareth announced that all the streets in New Magincia had been named and requested signs be put up.

Lord Victor stated that more events and competitions were to be held in Minoc. Lady Angelica thanked everyone for her support and help with fundraising while she has been Governor of Britain, but also announced she would not be running for re-election, as did Lady Chargar. Lady Phoenix on the other hand said she would be running again and also announced a ship pageant to be held in Trinsic.

As for Jhelom and Yew, the Governor of Jhelom was absent and the King was also informed that Lady CaT of Yew had sadly resigned her governorship.

With most business out of the way, the King gave anyone else present a chance to speak with a man called Brian requesting the construction of teleporters in the hidden valleys of Malas. The King stated that without a court mage it was not possible at present, and with no more business, he closed the meeting.

Suspected Fire Is Actually A Cloud

The town bell in the City of Vesper rang loud yesterday as one citizen screamed fire while she ran through the city streets. Dozens of volunteers grabbed the nearest bucket and dashed out of their homes before discovering that the apparent “smoke” was actually a low lying cloud.

The cloud itself was apparently first seen above the Bank of Vesper just before midday. Governor Ivy was not available for comment.

Election Endorsements Begin

It will soon be time to elect new Governors to run our cities and sit before King Blackthorn at his table. Endorsements have already began and any citizen of the realm can now put their name forward to be a candidate for when voting begins.

While some current governors including Lady Angelica and Lady Chargar have announced they will not be seeking a second term, others such as Lady Phoenix and Lady Ivy are determined to remain in office.

Sadly the crown still does not view the town of Cove as worthy of a seat at the King’s table, a situation that I find somewhat distressing. The good people of Cove have always served the crown and have kept orcs at bay for years, all without complaint and while still paying their taxes in a timely manner. I pray this injustice is rectified in the near future.

Disease In Skara Brae

20130902skar1There have recently been reports of livestock at the farms on the mainland side of Skara Brae falling ill to a strange disease, with some townsfolk up in arms over the whole affair. The situation became so problematic that the Royal Guard were even sent to investigate what was happening.

The situation coincided with another attack by earth-like creatures upon the various towns across the realm and it is highly likely they have something to do with this illness.

After fighting back the creatures and investigating the apparent “plague”, the guard found dozens of specimens of diseased animals and a farmer by the name of Earl who had also fallen ill. It seems however that some members of the volunteer guard got carried away and immediately went to butchering the sick animals, earning them the ire of Captain Gwen and the farmer who was now all the poorer for it.

It was decided that Earl should be transferred to the healers in Yew, while Captain Gwen asked a few people, including myself, to look for the cause of the infection and to attempt to cleanse the farmers home without destroying it.

Investigations are ongoing with several volunteers following up recent leads and an update will be forthcoming.

Other Announcements

Times banner ideas highly sought. That would be the banner at the top of this news sheet. Wrap any ideas up and throw them at Ashlynn.

The next Vesper Auction will be on Thursday, September 12th. Bring your wares and some gold!

Ozog has been formally stripped of his Faux-king title by King Blackthorn, much to the little creature’s dismay. Several goblins refuse to accept the ruling however.

Posted in Britannia Towns, EM Event, General News, PaxLair Statehood, Skara Brae | Comments Off on Realm News – Volume 4, Issue 2