PaxLair Meeting: November 26, 2013 is at Pitmuck School

PaxLair Statehood, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – November 26, 2013 – by Ashlynn – The next meeting will be held as follows:

  • Date: Tuesday, November 26, 2013
  • Time:
    • 9:00-10:00 PM ET – PaxLair Meeting
  • Location: Pitmuck High School, Pitmuck
  • Directions:  Yes, they do actually have a school. The school can be found on the southern tip of the island. Just take the teleporter to Pitmuck from the Tea House in PaxOku.
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Nubby’s Guide to Rock Dungeon

Rock Dungeon, Ilshenar, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – November 26, 2013 – by Nubby Earwiggles

20131126rocktitleRock Dungeon bees a big dungeon dat yoos can find in da narrows south of Montor and da chaos shrine. Yoos gotsta fight all kinds of baddies on yoos way der, as always watch out fer paragons!













Da entrance not all dat fancy, but bees goos way ta run from paragons in da narrows. Der bees sum undead when yoos go in, but not too bad. Go down da hall and yoos come to safe area ta heal. Der yoos also find a body of a poor gypsy and a green well.


Da first part of da halls bees empty of ebil tings, tho it bees scerry with all da body parts. Bring in yoos own water cuz all da wells bees yucky. Der do bees sum safe chest tho, fer yoos pickers ta pick. Der also sum goos meetin spots in here. Cuz of da lack of monsters in da first few halls, mees tinkin dis bees goos place fer baddies ta set up fer der dealins. Der bees torture stuffs, talkin stuff, and meeting stuff all set up fer yoos! Mees tink dis place bees goos fer investigation events and tings. Yoos can set up crate walls to keep badies in der spawnin spots, but remember most dem can open doors!


20131126rock5Der a set of double doors before yoos gets into da badie area. But der do bees two badies in a torture chamber first.

In da baddie area most da hallways bees clear (except fer an anoyin acid elemental mees meet) at first but with da small rooms havin humies badies.

20131126rock6Der also bees a neat necro lab ting in dis area.

20131126rock7As yoos go deeper in yoos start meetin worse tings, dey seem dat go in pairs.

Executioners and mages, mage lords, and liches, and lich lords and elder gazers, wit poison and acid ellies roamin about. Da elder gazers can bees found at da ebil fountain.

Deepest part of da place gots couple lich lords and hell hounds in it.

Dis not da bestest place fer huntin, but mees see big potential fer guild and allaince type events here. Not mees fav dungeon, but worth a looksie!

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A Quest and a Rose

Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – November 21, 2013 – by Winfield – I did not really know why I showed up to the Tea House on a calm Thursday night, other than someone said there was a quest to behold. A quest! Of course… some adventure… some saving the realm or some fishing boat from intense peril … or something.


When we gathered, Tooshy Bigbottom, a young goblin, told us we had a lot to do. And we’d need to work together to get it done. Not knowing exactly what the little goblin meant, I went along for the ride. And quite a ride it was!

We went around and talked to all sorts of people asking lots of questions … learning all sorts of answers. We ended up in Umbra and then in the Abyss! Yet each of us succeeded in receiving a “virulent rose”. It’s in my bank box now decaying; it will last about 8 weeks then die. I wonder what is next!


On the quest, I remember seeing Tooshy Bigbottom, Arkillian, Ozog Gianfart, Rapture, Aratak, Falbala, Jimmy, Tehan, Victor II, and of course me, Winfield.

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PaxLair Meeting: November 19, 2013 is at the Lord and Tailor Auction House

PaxLair Statehood, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – November 19, 2013 – by Ashlynn – The next meeting will be held as follows:

  • Date: Tuesday, November 19, 2013
  • Time:
    • 9:00-10:00 PM ET – PaxLair Meeting
  • Location: Lord and Tailor Auction House, Luna
  • Directions:  The auction house can be found in Luna proper on the south east corner of the main town road.
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Realm News – Volume 4, Issue 6

realmnewsbanner4-6The PaxLair Press, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – November 18, 2013 – by Ashlynn – While rummaging through a few old crates in the back of a store room at the Shrine of Sobriety I came across a curious thing. An old coupon – at least ten years old – for a barber’s establishment in the City of Britain named the Cruelest Cut. It occurred to me that perhaps there was more honesty back then – at least in regard to the horrors that have been inflicted in the name of Sosarian hairstyles.

Vesper Governor’s Office Destroyed

20131118ivysruinedhouseGovernor Ivy of Vesper returned to her office last week only to find that it had been reduced to a pile of shattered brick and broken timbers. Further investigation of the scene revealed over a dozen spent shot presumably fired from a culverin or similar ship-based weapon.

The vessel responsible was soon found moored nearby however it seems the captain of the “Bloody Hand of Fate” was absent along with all but one of the crew. As to why the ship’s captain would destroy the office it is currently unknown. The Governor has speculated that it may be related to the murderer Regina Storm who is currently in custody.

Fortunately the Governor recently had a replacement office built by the Royal Architects and will continue to conduct the business of running a busy privateer port from the new building. It must be stated that the timing of the attack does make one wonder if anyone is profiting from its destruction.

“Cui bono?” as they say.

Tide Turns Against Minax Troops

Citizens across the Kingdom have risen up in defence of the realm to fight back against Minax forces currently raiding major towns and cities. Hundreds of her minions have now fallen before a volunteer force that is exceptionally well equipped and well organised. Her wretched captains have been slain and her beacons torn down.

But the motive for the attacks is still unclear and although it is believed to be related to the recent immortality shard theft, the raids continue. This mystery has not deterred the City Governors however who have sworn to maintain a valiant defence and eventually bring the fight to Minax.

Moonglow Magicians Create Pink Bananas

20131118bananasWhile sporadic fighting rages in the streets the mages of Moonglow have not been idle! Ever intrigued by the nature of various fruit and their colours they have been hard at work manipulating fruit peel in order to see what effect it has on taste and texture. The reasoning behind the experimentation seemed pretty sound as High Mage Lorcan explained to me:

“Well it has long been believed that limes were created when the infamous wizard Mondain was given a bowl of lemons and found their hue displeasing. It is said he used his powers to change the colour of the fruit which in turn changed how it tasted.”

I must agree that seems to make sense. Afterall a lemon is simply a yellow lime with a slightly different taste. Or is that the other way around? I am sadly yet to try one of the new bananas. It would seem the High Mage was concerned about the danger of eating something manipulated by magic born from the texts of a powerful and evil magician.

Talented Tailors Visit Minoc

20131118tailorcompGovernor Victor of Minoc continues his quest to find the best artisans in all the realm whether they be chefs, carpenters, or basketweavers. This past week saw the focus shift to the fine art of the clothier as the most skilled made their way to Minoc from across the kingdom to prove their ability.

The competition was set out in much the same way as the smithing contest with participants given a small amount of material and asked to make the finest garments they could from it. In the end it seemed only one would leave the city with the famous “Golden Needle of Minoc” – a gold sculpture almost as big as a lance! In the end the three greatest tailors of the contest proved to be:

  • Lereia, agent of the PaxLair Reporters
  • Gale of the Code of Honor
  • Nubby Earwiggles of Pitmuck.

After presenting the three fine tailors with their prizes, Governor Victor asked them all to contribute to the uniform of the Captain of the Minoc Guard so that their ability might be seen by all townsfolk and visitors alike.

The Great Yew Yam Robbery

Disturbing news has reached me that a warehouse containing a large shipment of Yams bound for Trinsic has been looted by a well organised group of bandits disguised as the monks of Empath Abbey.

The raid occurred during broad daylight as several wagons were loaded with barrels of yams in full view of the townsfolk who simply believed the monks were permitted to do so. When the owner of the warehouse returned home to Yew later that day he found the building empty all but for dust and the odd rogue yam.

Unfortunately there are as yet no leads to the identity of the thieves or why they would wish to steal the vegetables. Anyone with any information about the robbery should endeavour to contact the Governor of Yew or the local Captain of the Guard.

Necromancer Hunt Leads to Underworld Goblins

Efforts to find a more permanent cure for Earl, husband of the wanted Necromancer Jane, led to the City of Umbra where it was discovered she was a former pupil of Instructor Raseev. After some negotiation with the more eccentric residents, investigations led to the goblins of the Underworld and a number of curious riddles they required answering before giving up the secrets locked away in their tiny little brains.

But the Royal Militia are nothing if not persistent and it came as no surprise that the clues all led to a dungeon – in this case Deceit – and a terrible malformed demon that dripped with poisonous green ichor. Once defeated what was found upon the creature led to where a virulent green rose grew that began to decay as soon as it was plucked.

Though the investigation has ultimately proved successful it would seem the militia will have to move quickly if they are to render the rose into an antidote to combat the sickness Jane has wrought upon her Husband and other potential victims.


Snow storms have rendered several roads impossible this week particularly along the old road from Vesper to Yew. The Royal Guard are urging merchants to make use of the moongates instead though wish to remind everyone that wagons do not fit through.

Apprentice Anna Halmsdottr of Moonglow seeks volunteers to test new fire-proofing potion. Volunteers will be well compensated. Injuries possible.

Early snows are damaging hops and may cause a beer shortage during the spring, we expect prices to increase as much as 5000 gold per barrel.

Posted in EM Quest, General News, Minoc, Moonglow, Vesper, Yew | Comments Off on Realm News – Volume 4, Issue 6

PaxLair Alliance Forums

PaxLair Times (PaxLair Times) – November 13, 2013 – by Ashlynn – Just a brief reminder for all those members who may have forgotten (hint hint). The current forums can be found here:

There are a couple of upcoming and current proposals that it might worth reading. Also it might be worth just saying hello!

Members can also post about any spontaneous events on the front page too. It’s all so feature rich!

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PaxLair Meeting: November 12, 2013 is at Tranquility Theatre

PaxLair Statehood, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – November 12, 2013 – by Ashlynn – The next meeting will be held as follows:

  • Date: Tuesday, November 12, 2013
  • Time:
    • 9:00-10:00 PM ET – PaxLair Meeting
  • Location: The Theatre, Tranquility
  • Directions:  A town in Malas! You can find a rune at the Tea House locked down somwhere. You might have to dig around a little to find it. The floor is a sea of rune stones. Almost like a ball pit. Yes, it’s a rune stone ball pit.
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PaxLair Meeting: November 5, 2013 is at Fortune’s Fire Casino

PaxLair Statehood, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – November 5, 2013 – by Ashlynn – The next meeting will be held as follows:

  • Date: Tuesday, November 5, 2013
  • Time:
    • 9:00-10:00 PM ET – PaxLair Meeting
  • Location: Fortune’s Fire Casino
  • Directions:  Fire Island. There is a permanently open moongate located at Luna Fair which will take you directly there.
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Realm News – Volume 4, Issue 5

realmnewsbanner4-5The PaxLair Press, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – November 3, 2013 – by Ashlynn – While the realm is once again thrown into chaos – a seemingly traditional state of affairs yet one somewhat appropriate for King Blackthorn – politics continues in the City of Britain unabated. No doubt the people will find such a thing reassuring even as the minions of Minax attempt to break down their doors with murderous intent.


Fighting continues as forces now assuredly loyal to the infamous Lady Minax lay siege to the realm. Armour all bearing the crest of the Dark Lady recovered from numerous warriors confirm that the current attacks could only be on her orders.

So far all the major cities of Britannia have been struck with attacks following a similar pattern. A narrow tower topped with some kind of beacon is hastily constructed during the night and attacks soon follow until the structure is destroyed.

But there were further revelations at the most recent Council Meeting as Lord Blackthorn revealed a piece of the gem of immortality that was in his care had gone missing and he believed it related to the raids.

Were the raids a distraction so the Dark Lady could slip in and steal the gem fragment? And what does she intend to do with it? At this point we can only speculate.

Goblin Proposal Rejected at Royal Council Meeting

chaossymbolYesterday evening’s delightful council meeting was mostly dedicated to the chaos currently engulfing the realm as the forces of Minax attack as they please despite the valiant efforts of a dedicated volunteer defence force.

The business of the city governors took up yet more time as various improvements were discussed though I did note that there were no requests for city walls or other defences as yet. Though the effectiveness of such a defence might be questioned given how easily those of Trinsic were circumvented.

But the most interesting order of business was a petition by the foul goblins of Pitmuck to be recognized as an independent territory. Amusingly – and unsurprisingly – the King’s answer was a resounding “NO” which left the little creatures somewhat stunned. After a brief moment of protest the creatures left the hall no doubt to plot something else.

Should the King consider sending the Royal Guard to Pitmuck to stamp out any possible unrest? I feel goblin-kind do not hold the same rights as the human citizens of the realm and pre-emptive action might be necessary.

Discontent in Cove

The lack of representation at the table of the Royal Council seems to be a sticking point for the people of Cove as simple complaints have grown into bigger threats such as a refusal to pay taxes and suggestions that ships flying the royal standard might be refused access to the town port.

Cove as many may be aware has long been a small and isolated town receiving little support from the Crown. Even the large wooden pallisade was erected wholly through the efforts of the townsfolk to combat the incessant raids from the local orc population.

A town meeting has been called by the Cove Council for 20th of this month in order to discuss how to proceed with some calling for a list of demands to be drawn up and presented to the King.

Murderous Necromancer Still at Large

20131103umb1For some weeks now the Royal Guard has been tracking a murderer and potential dabbler in the dark arts from the town of Skara Brae and the truth was finally revealed this week past.

The murderer was finally confirmed without doubt to be Jane, wife of the farmer who almost met his end not so long ago. It was discovered that Jane was once a student at the School of Necromancy in Umbra and the guard soon recovered some of her research materials that led them to her hideout in the dungeon of Doom.

Confronting her she fully admitted trying to kill her husband and seemed utterly remorseless. Surrounding her were a number of sickly-looking undead constructs and as we attempted to make an arrest she brought them to life, ordering them to attack while making her escape in the process.

Despite the destruction of her minions Jane remains at large and should not be approached. The Royal Guard continue to hunt for her and I suspect she will make an appearance soon enough.

Mushroom Fish Sighted Near Moonglow

A strange fish has been sighted off the coast of Moonglow by several farmers who dwell upon the isle. The fish is described as being some eight feet or more in length with a silvery body and wisp-like fins of salmon pink. Most curious is the head of the creature that was said to resemble a large bulbous mushroom a similar shade of pink with dark brown spots.

Fisherman are urged to keep a lookout for the creature and the scholars of the Lyceaum have offered a fairly sizable reward for the first person to bring a specimen to them for study.

Tortured Spirits Work of Goblin Lich

20131103cem1A few weeks ago word of a haunting in Jhelom reached the ears of Commander Gwen and the volunteer militia were called in to investigate. Through communion with a spirit named Errol Tarth it was learned that there was more than one restless spirit dragged from it’s slumber and all they wanted was peace.

Fortunately the spirits were helpful in tracking down the source of the problem to the City of the Dead near Delucia and the culprit was revealed to be a Goblin lich by the name of Mukleto. Fortunately goblin magic is quite poor even when enhanced through the dark arts and the creature quickly fell to the combined might of the Royal Guard allowing the tortured spirits to rest once again.


Minoc Crafting Challenge to be held on the 16th of the month at 8PM EST. This is a Tailoring competition and all entrants need do is bring themselves.

Vesper City Auctions now moved to every other friday with the next one taking place on the 8th of this month.

Hastran of Umbra seeks apprentice bloodletter and physiologist. Inquire at the Bloodletter’s Guild in the City of Umbra.

Posted in Britannia Towns, Cove, EM Event, General News, Minoc, Pitmuck, Player Event | Comments Off on Realm News – Volume 4, Issue 5

PaxLair Meeting: October 29, 2013 is at the Tea House in PaxOku

PaxLair Statehood, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – October 29, 2013 – by Ashlynn – The next meeting will be held as follows:

  • Date: Tuesday, October 29, 2013
  • Time:
    • 9:00-10:00 PM ET – PaxLair Meeting
  • Location: Tea House, PaxOku
  • Directions:  It’s the Tea House. Centre of the world. It’s where all the runes would usually be. Also just a short run to the right of Homare-Jima moongate.
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