PaxLair Meeting: December 24, 2013 at Tea House

PaxLair Statehood, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – December 24, 2013 – by Ashlynn – The next meeting will be held as follows:

  • Date: Tuesday, December 24, 2013
  • Time:
    • 9:00-10:00 PM ET – PaxLair Meeting
  • Location: Tea House, PaxOku, Tokuno, Chesapeake
  • Directions:  The PaxOku Community Banner desk in South Luna comes to the Tea House.  Also, the Tea House is at the North end of the road away from the moongate in homare-Jima, Tokuno, Chesapeake.
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The Lord of the Manor House in New Britannia

PaxLair City, Felucca, Chesapeake AND Owl’s Head, New Britannia (PaxLair Times) – December 22, 2013 – by Winfield – I finished all my PaxLair Statehood paperwork a bit early at my office in PaxLair City. So I finally had a little time to read my latest mail. I looked over at a small package that arrived in my mailbox yesterday. It was marked “To Winfield, Lord of the Manor, from Lord British.” Ah, something about New Britannia I bet! How wonderful.

Governor Winfield in his office in PaxLair City

Governor Winfield in his office in PaxLair City

Blade of the Avatar Book Cover

Blade of the Avatar Book Cover

I carefully opened the package and inside were several pages of a manuscript entitled “Blade of the Avatar.”  I carefully turned a few of the pages and found myself immediately lost in the story. Several minutes later, I looked up at my candle and smiled. What a wonderful story this will be, I thought. I set the pages down, then saw a small card in the original package. What was this?

The card was an invitation to visit Owl’s Head in New Britannia! I heard tales of that city with its outer village and inner city walls, two markets, stables, pubs, crafting areas, and many houses of all types and sizes. Yet now, I could actually go there myself and see what it was like. I quickly finished reading my other mail, answered a few inquiries and penned a short letter to King Blackthorn about my concern for the upcoming winter season in Britannia.

With my Governor duties behind me for the day, I gathered up my fishing pole and a pack of snacks. I stepped out of the Mage Tower and paused a moment.  I looked up at our old faithful tower.  The Mage Tower has stood the test of time and will be here forever.  It is a comfortable home and capital building for our PaxLair Statehood.  Now I just needed to find a suitable home in New Britannia to serve as great a purpose as the Mage Tower here.


Mage Tower in PaxLair City (UO)

I walked down our main street where I saw a misty portal open. I waved my invitation card at it, and the portal shimmered inviting me in. I eagerly stepped through.  In an instant, I was on the other side of the portal facing a dirt road and wooden fences. I was in New Britannia. I saw a guard in armour stationed at a gate and I stepped forward. He asked who I was and told me I was in Owl’s Head.  He gave me a quick look-over, and let me pass through.

I was awestruck at the buildings in the village and the people in the streets and shops. I could describe so much of the village and the city, but I would run out of ink. As I wandered through the streets and buildings, I found many home furnishings in various chests. I grabbed all I could carry.

Finally I came upon a very large building in the inner city — the “Lord of the Manor Home” (LotM) — my future home in New Britannia. The entrance was so immense, it took my breath away.

(SotA Pre-alpha 1) The Lord of the Manor Home

(SotA Pre-alpha 1) The Lord of the Manor Home

The front of this building is at least as wonderful as our Twin Towers in PaxLair City. I remembered that a long time ago Lord British personally gave us a Proclamation of Distinction plaque above our Mage Tower doors. (See Lord British Visits PaxLair, November 11, 1998) Now, I could sense his fingerprints upon New Britannia as he creates a new world for many people once again.

I stepped into the expansive entryway of the LotM Home. Two staircases bordered a grand opening to the back room of the first floor which also lead to a back door outside the home. I always wanted a back door to my home so I could take a quiet walk and think without distraction from people constantly at my front door. Very refreshing. I quickly set up some furnishings in the back room, the back porch, and the back yard. The furnishings were very easy to move around, turn, and place. Very nice. I put in a table and some crafting benches that could be used by anyone visiting the home.


(SotA Pre-alpha 1) Back Room, First Floor


(SotA Pre-alpha 1) Backyard

I went upstairs to the second floor where there were two bedrooms — very large. I didn’t have a bed with me, so I went up to the third floor which had several alcoves that would be perfect for a sitting room, library, and museum. Then I ventured up to the fourth floor and opened a large, heavy door. That door opened to an immense room larger than any I’ve seen. Now this is a great hall! A meeting chamber for all of our PaxLair Statehood and Alliance. A place to bring citizens, friends, and even enemies together to discuss and decide the future of our lands and cities. So much could be done here.


(SotA Pre-alpha 1) Large Hall on 4th Floor

Well, my adventure in New Britannia was short.  But I found more information about the Lord of the Manor Home with a much more decorated view.  (see the SotA Six Month Progress video at 6:52 minutes and the images below.  Also see the housing guide at Forsaken Virtues for the LotM Home and more!)  Now I have a grand idea what this home can be like!  I can’t wait to visit again on January 24-26, 2014.

(SotA Video Demo) Entryway

(SotA Video Demo) LotM Home Entryway

(SotA Video Demo) Bedroom

(SotA Video Demo) LotM Home Bedroom

(SotA Video Demo) 3rd Floor Library

(SotA Video Demo) LotM Home 3rd Floor Library

(SotA Video Demo) 4th Floor Hall

(SotA Video Demo) LotM Home 4th Floor Hall

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Winter Solstice Speech by Governor Winfield – Preparing to Visit the Less Fortunate

PaxLair City, Felucca, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – December 21, 2013 – by Winfield –  

“The Winter Solstice is today. It is the day the sun is lowest in the sky in our realm. It is the shortest day and the longest night. While more candles may burn tonight, there is something more important to consider.

Governor Winfield gives speech

Governor Winfield gives speech

“On this day, we question if we will live through the winter. The next four months are called the Famine Months. Crops do not grow. We hope we gathered and stored enough. We hope our livestock and chickens do not feed the wolves and bears. We hope our families and friends have firm shelters. If we are not ready, we will die.

“Some of us are fortunate to have stone and sturdy wooden homes. We have plentiful stocks of grain, dried meats, vegetables, coal, and wood.

“Others are not so fortunate. They live day-to-day on what they can grow, kill, and gather. Some have no home to store things for the winter. They forage each day for what they may find. Clothing and blankets are rare as they huddle near a camp fire. They sit on busy corners hoping we give them a morsel, show some compassion, and raise their spirits for a brief moment. They are willing to work, if we offer them the jobs. They are proud, trustworthy, and honorable people who strive to survive through hope of better conditions.

Talking about the Less Fortunate

Talking about the Less Fortunate

“Today we go to visit the less fortunate. We wish to realize their reality. We seek to understand their hardships. We hope to give them hope.”

— Speech given by Governor Winfield of PaxLair Statehood on December 21, 2013

At the Governors’ Council Meeting led by King Blackthorn on Thursday night, December 19, Governor Winfield explained to the King and the Governors about the pressing need to help the homeless and less fortunate people in the Realm. The King supported Winfield’s ideas by altering his plans for an upcoming royal dinner and endorsing the Governors of Yew and Minoc to help PaxLair in this quest.

King Blackthorn said the provisions originally planned for a royal feast at the Castle would be put to better use [for the less fortunate]. The King is also sending a scribe to Delucia for extra wool and leather since they have an overabundance of livestock this year.

Tehan, the Governor of Yew, is willing to help supply wine, bread, and wood along with any shelter and supplies that can be provided at the Abbey.

Victor, the Governor of Minoc, is willing to help supply stone and coal for better homes and heating.

Addressing King Blackthorn at the Governors' Council Meeting

Addressing King Blackthorn at the Governors’ Council Meeting

Governor Winfield asked Ashlynn, the PaxLair Reporter, to lead a small party of citizens and dignitaries to see first-hand the situation with the less fortunate population in the Realm. This will take place Saturday Night, at 9 PM ET at the Tea House in PaxOku, Tokuno, Chesapeake. All are invited to attend.

EVENT: Winter Solstice Visit to the Less Fortunate
DATE: December 21, 2013
TIME: 9-10 PM ET
LOCATION: Start at Tea House, PaxOku, Tokuno

Posted in Delucia, EM Event, Minoc, PaxLair Statehood, Player Event, Speeches, Yew | Comments Off on Winter Solstice Speech by Governor Winfield – Preparing to Visit the Less Fortunate

Announcing the Songs of the Winter Solstice

Shrine of Sobriety, Trammel, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – December 18, 2013 – by Ashlynn – We have a wonderful creative contest for you all this coming Saturday! The story contest of story contests. Only it also includes SONG and POETRY, should would be contestants wish it.

This winter solstice I will be holding an event I call SONGS OF THE WINTER SOLSTICE. Being less a duel of words and more a chance to dazzle friends with wondrous prose, this contest is an effort to squeeze a little creative juice from the Chesapeake community.

The rules are fairly straightforward – show up and tell a story or poem, or sing a song. The topic is completely open although I am sure many will be of the festive sort.

There will be a small tophy for best story but not huge prize. Instead I shall bring out an ancient box filled with all kinds of treasures from which people may draw at random! You might receive anything from a barrel of bananas to mighty weapon capable of striking down even the strongest of mongbats.

The event will take place on the Winter Solstice (Saturday 21st December) at 8pm EST.

So come along and excite us with a tale of winter!

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PaxLair Meeting: December 17, 2013 is at Castle Blackthorn

PaxLair Statehood, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – December 17, 2013 – by Ashlynn – The next meeting will be held as follows:

  • Date: Tuesday, December 17, 2013
  • Time:
    • 9:00-10:00 PM ET – PaxLair Meeting
  • Location: Castle Blackthorn, Britain
  • Directions:  It’s a big castle in the City of Britain. The new one that includes a bar and pub for getting one’s self into the proper meeting mood. That is where we shall be meeting!
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A Dream of New Britannia

Owl’s Head, New Britannia (PaxLair Times) – December 14, 2014 – by Ashlynn – Today I found myself waking from a deep slumber – not the absinthe induced kind I am accustomed to but something far more fantastical.  A vivid dream of another world I had not before visited but that felt strangely familiar regardless.

20131214sotaguardmiThe first thing I remember is waking on a dirt road clad in sturdy leather armour. Not my first choice of attire but I have been draped in worse in a dream. It was a bright and warm day and ahead of me I could see a village or town surrounded by a wooden pallisade.

Coming to my senses and putting the abnormal choice of attire out of my mind I headed for a bridge and what looked like the town gate only to find myself challenged by a guard in thick steel plate. Though not being the most friendly fellow he was at least forthcoming with some information. I quickly learned from guardsman Micheal that I was outside the town of Owl’s Head ruled by one Lord Enmar. The town was a settlement founded upon the principle of personal freedom located in what they called “the vale” and they were generally suspicious of outlanders.

Which would be me.

Still I managed to convince the guard I wasn’t a brigand or worse, and he allowed me through.

I must confess that at first glance Owl’s Head looked like any town I might see elsewhere. Cove, Jhelom, perhaps even the dream I had of a town called Seyda Neen. But as I made my way across the bridge and through the gate I spotted a large tower topped with a huge metal orb. Lightning seemed to coalesce around the construction and it emitted a low, humming sound. It was quite disconcerting.

Still I have a curious nature and in this dreamworld it seemed I retained free will and I went exploring. I found the usual crafts and services I’d expect in any town. Merchants, bladesmiths, and a public house named the Fire Lotus Tavern. I found what I can only call a temple which contained a stone ankh with which we are all so familiar. I even found a stable and though for some bizarre reason I expected to find a dismembered corpse within, it held only a single horse of curious demeanor.

20131214sotateslatowerI learned that a man named Bentham was responsible for overseeing what he called the “tesla guard tower”. The construction apparently hurled lightning magic at those who were not appropriately attuned or branded and this also included animals. The surrounding deer seemed immune and it didn’t seemed too concerned with the presence of rabbits. Bentham was also surprised it didn’t harm me but upon learning of the tower’s function, I was only thankful.

I soon found the residence of Lord Enmar, an obviously martially inclined man with a knight’s bearing. He was clad head to toe in steel plate much like his guards and I did wonder how a small town could afford such well equipped guardsman. I know that Cove struggles for soldiers vestments and most of the watch make do with a bit of old maile or an inherited splint vambrace. Perhaps Lord Enmar led or was part of a knightly order?

If he was then he was not forthcoming with such information and so I parted his company, making haste out a door as a nearby guardsman howled in pain for a reason I still don’t know. I returned to exploring, being caught up in the petty rivalry of two merchants and learning more about the people of the vale.

20131214sotamillsAs I went about my travels wondering if I was in a dream or not I discovered I could alter the appearance of many town buildings at will. I could turn houses into towers and empty burgher plots into dwellings fit for a Duke. I pictured one half of Owl’s Head as a miller’s paradise dominated by several windmills and it was so. And I could cast down buildings I found undesirable at a glance.

But the fantasy was not to last and all dreamers must eventually awake. The world faded, cast into the unmapped labyrinth I call my memory and I opened my eyes once more. Perhaps I will return there one day if the gods allow it. Should that be the case then I pray the reception of the vale folk will be a little warmer for this outlander.

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Voting Underway for Town Governors

Trammel, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – December 11, 2013 – by Ashlynn – Voting is well underway in the winter town governor elections though it seems many candidates may well win by default this season. Only two towns are being actively contested this winter while one town has no candidate at all running for office!

The list of current town candidates is as follows and this information comes courtesy of Lady Ivy of Vesper:

  • Britain (City of Compassion): Dark Writter (Uncontested)
  • Cove (Town of Mushrooms and Fine Folk): Ashlynn (PxR) – Unrecognised by Crown
  • Jhelom (City of Valor): No Candidate
  • Minoc (City of Quality Metal): Victor II (NCC, Incumbent, Uncontested)
  • Moonglow (City of Orreries): Lauren (Incumbent, Uncontested)
  • New Magincia (City of… Pride?): Gareth (EVI, Incumbent, Uncontested)
  • Skara Brae (City of Spirituality): Badger (DWxC, Incumbent, Uncontested)
  • Trinsic (City of Honor): Phoenix (DWxC, Incumbent), Shen (DWxC)
  • Vesper (City of Pirates): Ivy (NCC, Incumbent, Uncontested)
  • Yew (City of Justice): Tehan (DWxC), Jeff (VIP!)
Posted in Britannia Towns, Governor Elections, Shard Event | Comments Off on Voting Underway for Town Governors

PaxLair Meeting: December 10, 2013 is at the Barnacle Tavern in Minoc

PaxLair Statehood, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – December 10, 2013 – by Ashlynn – The next meeting will be held as follows:

  • Date: Tuesday, December 10, 2013
  • Time:
    • 9:00-10:00 PM ET – PaxLair Meeting
  • Location: Barnacle Tavern, Minoc
  • Directions:  It’s in the northern portion of Minoc. Wooden building with two wings. A bit rowdy and full of miners. And drunks. There is a chance the Solstice Faire may overrun and the meeting will begin as soon as the events of the Faire are over.
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PaxLair Meeting: December 3, 2013 is at the Chamber of Virtue

PaxLair Statehood, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – December 3, 2013 – by Ashlynn – The next meeting will be held as follows:

  • Date: Tuesday, December 3, 2013
  • Time:
    • 9:00-10:00 PM ET – PaxLair Meeting
  • Location: Chamber of Virtue, Britain
  • Directions:  It is the large-open air structure near the river with all the virtue tiles. You really can’t miss it!
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Victor’s Guide to Minoc Moonshine

Minoc, Trammel, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – December 3, 2013 – by Victor Speranza – Minoc Moonshine is a little different than your regular drink. It’s thick, creamy, and you can even live off this drink alone for up to three weeks in the mines or on the seas. It’s high in protein, sugars, and even citrus helps keep those nasty illnesses at bay. Like all good brew recipes we recommend starting off by cracking open a nice cold beer before getting started. Don’t forget that before you start getting your ingredients together you need to sanitize all your equipment! Beer and liquors are living things and you don’t want them to be sick.

This drink requires two separate drinks to be mixed together. Get started with the body as it will take about three to four weeks to complete fermentation.

20131203minocmoonshineThe Body:

  • 5 stones of oatmeal (ground to a powder)
  • 5 stones of wheat (ground to a powder)
  • 1 stone of Malted Barley (ground to a powder)
  • 4 jars of honey
  • 1 jar sugar
  • 5 kegs of fresh water
  • Champagne Yeast (++)

First crack open a nice cold beer and start drinking. Take 2-3 kegs of water and put it in a big pot, use your still if necessary, and bring it to a rapid boil. Slowly mix in your oats, wheat, and barley. If you do it too fast it might boil over with foam and this can cause kitchen fires and lost product. We are going to boil this for about an hour while stirring it every now and again. About 10 minutes before the hour is up dump your honey into the mix. This magical mixture is often called a mash but we will be using it as beer wort. Once your wort is done you you should have a nice soupy mixture of what is basically beer gruel.

Time for another beer and get ready to make this puppy sing. Take your mash and cool it down to room temperature. The easiest way to do this is to take some copper pipe, submerged it in the mash and run cold water through the pipe, or just pack some snow around the outside of the pot whatever works best for you. Just keep it covered so it stays clean and nothing falls into it.

While this is cooling take one jar of water and bring it to a boil and mix in one jar of sugar. Set this to the side and let it cool down to room temperature. Once it’s cool pitch your yeast. No you don’t actually throw it… you just mix it in the sugar water. Make sure it’s a nice strong yeast like champagne yeast. Give it a few minutes and you should see the yeast start it’s magic. Now it’s time to mix your wort and your yeast together in your fermenter. In order to make sure it’s well mixed crack open another beer and pour in your remaining three kegs of water on top and seal it all up. Be sure your release valve or water lock doesn’t get clogged up! That puppy is going to be fermenting away and tons of gas is going to pour out of it and you don’t need a five keg bomb in your house.

After two weeks of this fermenting it’s about time to start on your flavor mix.

The Flavor:

  • 2 bottle milk
  • 2 bottles of corn whiskey
  • 4 oranges (chopped with rinds)
  • 1 lemon(chopped with rinds)
  • 2 cups of sugar

Start off by grabbing some traditional moonshine from your still. Take this and mix it with the rest of the ingredients. Be sure to chop your oranges and lemons and keep the rinds on. Mix well and put in a small keg. Keep it sealed and in a cool dark place for about 10 days. Make sure to shake it up about once a day.

When it’s done you need to strain the flavor mix. Take some cheesecloth and simply pour the flavor mix through it. Pick up the cheesecloth and squeeze the liquid out. You can discard the solids, I hear some goblins might like them but I don’t recommend eating it. Interesting note here, you can continue to filter this flavor mix until clear and it makes a great creamy cocktail. Take out the oranges and add some grated chocolate and you got yourself a desert in a bottle!

Anyhow, time to crack open another beer and mix up your flavor and fermented wort. Start by siphoning the liquid out of your fermenter into your flavor mix. Don’t worry about keeping it clean, the sediment helps build character. Now you have yourself a classic Minoc Moonshine! Filled with all the vitamins and nutrients a hard worker needs you can serve it hot, cold, or even bottle it up and give it a little fizz. I prefer to have mine served in a coconut and poured over some crushed ice.

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