PaxLair Meeting: January 21, 2014 at Tea House

PaxLair Statehood, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – January 21, 2014 – by Ashlynn – The next meeting will be held as follows:

  • Date: Tuesday, January 21, 2014
  • Time:
    • 9:00-10:00 PM ET – PaxLair Meeting
  • Location: Tea House, PaxOku, Tokuno, Chesapeake
  • Directions:  The PaxOku Community Banner south of Luna leads to the Tea House. You can also reach PaxOku by taking a moongate to Homare Jima, Tokuno, and heading down the road.

At this wondrous meeting of great and not so great minds you can expect to see discussion on the following topics:

  • More mushrooms
  • Alcohol consumption per capita in the PaxLair Alliance
  • Recent pirate activity
  • Town reports
  • The mystery of the MISSING King!

So come along and don’t miss it!

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PaxLair 16th Anniversary: Day 5, and Anniversary Day!

PaxOku, Tokuno, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – January 20, 2014 – by Ashlynn – I should begin by saying they would be two separate days, the one following the other – Anniversary Day being on the 19th as is the tradition!

Day 5 Events

talesaroundnthefireI must confess that my time was more limited on the fifth day and I was only able to attend an event and a half! But the evening started with Chutes and Ladders, a game where the players moved around a colourful tiled path full of perils! Lady Brooke won the first round of the game while Morpheus won the second.

Another expedition to the lair of Medusa filled the second hour, her valuables apparently plentiful along with her servants. I can only assume that the snake-haired woman had purchased ironwood bows in bulk as that is all I ever seemed to find.

The rest of the evening was held on a beach north-west of Yew as Governor Tehan encouraged us all to tell Tales around the Fire. Specifically we were asked to tell a story of what we were doing when PaxLair was first founded sixteen years ago. There were a number of colourful tales but the hour soon grew late and everyone eventually headed to their bed.

Anniversary Day!

dinner2It has become a tradition to hold a great feast on Anniversary Day, a great gathering of Alliance members and friends. Everyone was asked to say a few words before Governor Winfield began another of his long speeches:

Each year I am honored to give a speech. Sometimes I talk about the past, sometimes about the future. Sometimes I just babble a bit about fishing. Well, I’m not going to talk about fishing tonight. Sorry. I am going to talk about our future. If you look at your PaxLair Cake, the small one, it is named “New Adventures!” That is the theme of my speech tonight.

We’ve been together a long time, my friends. 16 years is impressive I think to stay together as a group. Not everyone has been here that long, but even if you joined us recently as a citizen or ally, and because each and every one of you make up PaxLair, this is your anniversary … and it’s 16! Congratulations to us all!!

“NEW ADVENTURES”… that is my theme tonight. What about new adventures? Well, I think this coming year will be a fantastic year. Many veterans are returning to this Realm, new people are arriving, and new guilds are joining our alliance.

Over the past year, if you go to many of the events in Sosaria, you have seen a great number of the PaxLair Alliance people there. This is what we do — we show our commitment to Chesapeake and our fellow peoples here. We support the EMs and their dedication to us. We will have new adventures in this Realm within our cities and beyond working with allied cities and guilds. We will continue to be creative, try new hunts and hold new events. We will always head into the new dungeons and take on new perils.

Our Statehood and Alliance is alive and vibrant here. As you just heard, so many are involved, and work together. It’s hard to imagine a better group of folk to be with. I personally am honored and humbled to be with you people. Thanks you so much!

In the future… There is another Realm that we will encounter this coming year. It is called “New Britannia” or “Shroud of the Avatar”. Lord British himself is creating this new Realm with several new gods. These gods are veterans in their fields with great capabilities. A well renowned story teller famous for “DragonLance” is scribing the history and tales of New Britannia. An artist amazes us every time he draws a new house or cavern. Lord Blackthorn, in one of his forms, leads the new Realm to creation. More gods design and work directly with people like us on ideas every day. This New Adventure into New Britannia will be great!

And PaxLair as a Statehood & Alliance will also be in New Britannia. We may start as a simple guild. We might be honored to establish a town, which is a huge endeavor. As for alliances between guilds, I do not know how that works yet. But what we do know is “friends” from anywhere can group together as desired to live and prosper in New Britannia.

New Britannia is still being born. It will arrive later this year, and PaxLair will be a part of it.

We will exist in these two Realms. We are too old to give up anything, but we are not too old to try new things. And therefore, we are always open for “New Adventures!”

Thank you for listening to me tonight. I hope the last year and the next will be most wonderful for us all. Dragonspeed to PaxLair! Thank you for coming.

A marathon example of public speaking as you can see!

Icky and Lucy catered for the event with an impressive menu to delight guests with (which will be posted later) although there were one or two items were not so palatable. Cooked troll toes are not something I would ever consider trying myself.

A number of guests had also prepared alcohol for the event – I had even distilled a batch of my finest Ashsinthe for anyone brave enough to dance with a green-hued pixie.

And the rest of the evening was spent in good company, socializing late into the night! Not that such a thing is all that unusual.

The night was a fine way to end the anniversary celebrations with everyone in high spirits and full of hope for the future. I hope everyone had a wonderful time and here is to sixteen more years of PaxLair in whatever realm we dwell!

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PaxLair 16th Anniversary: Day 4

Luna Fair, Malas, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – January 18, 2014 – by Ashlynn – Lodestone. Errant arrows. Expensive goods of questionable origin. That about sums up day four of the anniversary celebrations. An untidy house could also be mentioned – sometimes it is so difficult to find things.

Se’an Silverfoot’s Annual Anniversary Archery Competition

archery2The SSAAAC (or Sack), an official SAL sponsored event run under the auspices of the BAA is a regular feature of the anniversary celebrations and this year was no different.

The format was much the same as in previous years – double elimination – with prizes for first, second and third place. There were about a dozen participants some of who were skilled archers and some who were… not so able. Some duels with the bow were close fought and others not so much.

I, usually a dead-eye shot with a bow (at least in my mind) performed poorly. But I must admit the winter wind was rather biting and that no doubt caused my aim to be a little off.

As the participants gradually dwindled it was finally left to Jonah and Lady T to fight it out for the first place. After a very close-fought match it was Jonah who eventually walked away victorious leaving the results as follows:

  • 1st Place: Jonah
  • 2nd Place: Lady T
  • 3rd Place: Sushi

The Bi-weekly Vesper “Salvage” Auction

Absolutely positively not a cover for any kind of illegitimate business and running every two weeks, the auction fell on anniversary week this time and took up the rest of friday evening.

There were plenty of goods on offer, many fresh off a variety of merchant ships. Whether those merchant vessels are still afloat is another matter. I even managed to find a magic book I had been seeking for a long time which oddly still had blood on the front cover. I thought it best not to ask!

There was even a raffle with four winners drawn of which I was one – a reward for my exceptionally helpful feedback no doubt.

The Annual House Treasure Hunt

A wonderful event that involved searching through every box and barrel in my home in order to find a few oversized carnivorous plants and some harpsichord rolls! Well, perhaps not a true event but it was for one of Lady Winmere’s good causes!

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PaxLair 16th Anniversary: Day 3

Shrine of Sobriety, Trammel, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – January 17, 2014 – by Ashlynn – The anniversary is always an exciting time. When I began the night I was simply expecting darts and snake hunting, but what I got was delicious spectacle on the island of Pitmuck.

The Anniversary Banana Darts Mystery Competition

dartsannyListed as a mystery event this was actually less of a mystery than first envisaged. Pictured as a grand quest or awe inspiring entertainment it turns out there’s only so much that fits into a 45 minute gap. So a darts contest it was!

The rules were pretty simple. Contestants would be competing for a GRAND PRIZE in a locked wooden box. The game was split into two rounds and each round a contestant would throw three darts, followed by answering a question for the chance to double their score. The person with the highest score after two rounds would win the prize!

In the end Lady Brooke took the star prize with the results as follows:

  • Brooke: 82 points
  • Sweet Tart: 71 points
  • Grimlar Mithrax: 61 points
  • Carl Jr: 50 points
  • Squirt: 38 points
  • Nanoc: 25 points
  • Winfield: 7 points

Hunting the Worst Kind of Snakes

Raids against Medusa’s lair followed a good game of darts. Because there is no better way to continue a fun night than buy breaking into the lair of a reclusive lady, murdering all her servants, and stealing all her things.

And that is precisely what we did! It appears that she took some issue with our presence and attempted to cut us down with arrows from her bow. Still her efforts to defend her home from violent intruders proved in vain and we left with a few fancy trinkets for our trouble.

I believe some consider our actions as “guarding the path of virtue”. I’m not so sure.

A Call to Arms!

orcpit2No sooner had we concluded our home invasion when an alarm was raised! Pitmuck was under attack! It appeared a clan of orcs – the same ones who have allegedly kidnapped Ozog – had attacked the island town!

I decided to go along and observe events unfold and it was indeed an attack – massed ranks of orcs had landed on the shore and were rampaging through the woods in the middle of the island.

It appears the force was lead by a black winged humanoid but despite their numbers and the leader’s corrosive acid attacks they were soon fought back and the town was saved from being razed to the ground.

Perhaps this is the beginning of a longer campaign. Perhaps more goblins will be kidnapped over the coming months. Time will tell!

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PaxLair 16th Anniversary: Day 2

Shrine of Sobriety, Trammel, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – January 16, 2014 – by Ashlynn – Events were formally underway on the second day of the anniversary celebrations. Mushrooms and pirates were the theme of the day although I’m not quite sure how those two go together. Myconid pirates perhaps? I wonder what a myconid would feel about the open ocean.

The Ashlynn Society of Mycology Grand Mushroom Hunt

20140116mushhunt1Or the ASMGMH for short. Supposedly a regular event held on Sosarian Mushroom Day, it tends to move around the calendar somewhat.

The challenge was a more cerebral one – an attempt to turn the brains of the contestants to mush(room) before the swashbuckling was to occur later. Because what better way to spend one’s evening than picking mushrooms at the start of the night, and lying flat on your back on the deck of a ship with a head wound at the end of it. It sounds like the plot for a really awful book.

Lazulli was hosting the event and explained that she had misplaced several boxes of mushroom samples across the realm – apparently after consuming one of the more hallucinogenic variety. And the assembled crowd were tasked with finding them! Each sample box was worth one “point” with which participants could redeem prizes.

Fortunately Lazulli had books full of clues as to the location of the boxes. Each person was given a book and 45 minutes to complete the task.

It turns out that Privateer-governor Ivy of Vesper was particularly suited to the task managing to find four of the boxes, with Lady Phoenix in second place with two.

The Sosarian Winter Corsair Cruise

20140116piratinI must say that Ivy’s decision to leave before the start of this event is highly suspect. She claimed she had “work to do” but we all know that could mean anything. A trip to the local fence, a meeting with a secret lover in a dockside tavern, or perhaps warning sailor friends of an attack by well armed alliance members. Who can say?

Three vessels set sail from Nidaros or perhaps somewhere near by. Only two returned! I am really not sure what happened to the smaller ship in our fleet so I presume it was sent down to the depths below.

The ship I was aboard (which I have christened the Floating Banana as I don’t actually know the name) managed to capture two enemy vessels. We opted to simply kill the first Captain, but took the second prisoner after a merry naval dance – who I should mention turned out to be none other than Drosselmeyer!

Our destination then was Sea Market where we received a reward! A reward which was far from generous – not even enough to cover our expedition costs!

At this point we opted to hang around Sea Market’s tavern until we all fell unconcious or managed to drag ourselves home. I think I even managed to trick Lady Winmere in to drinking a large glass of absinthe. All in all a fine way to end the night!

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PaxLair 16th Anniversary Event Schedule

PaxLair Times, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – January 15, 2014 – by Ashlynn – This schedule may be subject to change as events change or new events are added.

January 14 – Tuesday – Opening Day

  • 11 AM ET – Badger’s Adventure – Tea House, PaxOku, Tokuno
  • 9 PM ET – Opening Ceremonies – Mage Tower, PaxLair City, Felucca.

January 15 – Wednesday – Nidaros Day

  • 7 PM Mushroom Scavenger Hunt – hosted by Ashlynn – Shrine of Sobriety, Britain Trammel (via Tea House teleporter)
  • 8-10 PM Pirate Hunt – hosted by Nidaros – Launch from Nidaros

January 16 – Thursday – PaxOku Day

  • 7 PM ET – Surprise Event – hosted by Ashlynn – TBD
  • 8 PM ET – Medusa Raid – hosted by Yoshi – Meet at the Tea House
  • 9 PM ET – Pitmuck Event – hosted by Ozog in the town of Pitmuck

January 17 – Friday – PaxLair City Day

  • 7-9 PM ET – Archery Tournament – hosted by Se’an Silverfoot – Luna Fairgrounds
  • 9 PM ET – Vesper City Auction – hosted by Governor Ivy – Vesper Community Center

January 18 – Saturday – Dragons Watch Day

  • 7-9 PM ET – Dragon’s Watch Events – hosted by Phoenic and Nanoc
  • 9 PM ET – “Tales around the Fire” – hosted by Tehan – TBD

January 19 – Sunday – PaxLair Anniversary Day!

  • 9 PM ET – Anniversary Grand Banquet and Speech – location TBD – Icky and Lucy will once again be catering for the event!
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16th PaxLair Anniversary opens! Governor’s Speech

PaxLair City, Felucca, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – January 14, 2014 – by Winfield – Many people came to the opening ceremonies of the 16th PaxLair Anniversary at the historic Mage Tower in PaxLair City tonight (Tuesday, January 14, 2014).  This kicked off a 5 day event schedule through Sunday, January 19th — the official PaxLair Anniversary Day.  The schedule is published on the PaxLair Enjin Portal and in other places.

Governor Winfield opened the ceremonies with a speech.  He said:

Welcome everyone to PaxLair’s 16th Anniversary!!

I’m Governor Winfield, leader of the PaxLair Statehood. Good evening everyone!

16 years ago this week — PaxLair was formed by The Band with the creation of this tower and several other buildings in this meadow. Each year we’ve met during this week to celebrate all that has happened and that will happen. We celebrate 16 years of people coming and going and coming back again.

At the beginning, PaxLair was just a single town. It wasn’t a guild town — it was a crossroads town right here. Our founding guild, called The Band, welcomed many people and guilds to live here and throughout this area. We had Kobolds, Knights, Craftsmen, Vampires, Orcs, Evil and Good. We were not all connected by ways we are today in our alliance, and we were not all on friendly terms either. So our entire connection was being in this place called PaxLair. To talk, we had to come to the pub. To get goods, we had to come to the shop. This caused a lot of foot traffic here, all day long.

We faired well in this meadow for years while the world was smaller. We combatted the murderers while holding events outside. We had a guard force who regularly came to keep us safe. We worked a lot with other towns, sharing events and good cheer.

When the Realm expanded with Trammel, then again with Malas, and then again with Tokuno, we spread out more, and did more! We’ve had towns or outposts on every facet in this Realm.

We honor all the towns and outposts of today and the past. PaxLair City!!! Dragons Watch!!! PaxOku!!! Nidaros!!! And Aryslan which is making a comeback!!!

From the Past, our ruined towns and outposts… Old DW Outpost and PaxLair Auditorium! PaxLocus, PaxLane, and Port Baldmor!

We honor our allied towns too… Gyldenfeld, Pitmuck, and Tranquility!!!

We honor many allied guilds with us such as Code of Honor, Great Horny Toads, Army of the Dragon.

And we honor great cities of Britannia which we work with very often… Trinsic, Yew, Minoc, Vesper, Moonglow, Jhelom, Britain, Skara Brae, and New Magincia and we do visit Cove on regular outings too!

We also honor those who do special things each week and day like Badger with his Tuesday Adventures!! And Ashlynn who keeps our Times and Portal information flowing!! The goblins who keep us laughing!! And DW who keeps us adventuring, crafting, and working with EMs!!

So over the past 16 years, we’ve pretty much been all over the place, and know a great many people. I think we continue to garner friendship and respect of many people on this Shard and beyond.

Whew…. There are so many people to thank for years of involvement in PaxLair, it is hard to mention everyone. And each week it seems more people join us and more veterans return.

I thank each and every one of you and all those who could not be here tonight. I thank you for a great 16 years of PaxLair. To celebrate, we have an action-packed week of events through Sunday. Sunday night is the actually Anniversary Day with a Dinner and a longer speech! *looks around and smiles* Well, hopefully not longer, but will talk about ideas for our future.

I thank you for listening to me. Let the Anniversary Begin!!

16th PaxLair Anniversary Starts at the Mage Tower in PaxLair City

16th PaxLair Anniversary Starts at the Mage Tower in PaxLair City

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PaxLair 16th Anniversary Opening Ceremony

Mage Tower, Felucca, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – January 14, 2014 – by Ashlynn – Today marks the opening of yet another anniversary in the long history of PaxLair. A history that stretches back to time immemorial before the very land of Sosaria had formed from the ether. Back to a time when the histories of PaxLair could only be passed on by oral tradition for the fine art of writing and calligraphy had not yet been invented.

The OPENING CEREMONY of the anniversary will take place this evening at 9pm EST. The venue for the occasion is the Mage Tower in PaxLair City – a traditional choice for such events.

You can expect the Governor to have a speech prepared almost as long as PaxLair’s history itself. A brief overview of anniversary events to come will also no doubt be given.

Events celebrating the anniversary will run the entire week culminating with a grand feasts on the 19th which is Anniversary Day! A itinerary will also be posted. So I hope to see you all there!

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PaxLair Meeting: January 7, 2014 at Tea House

PaxLair Statehood, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – January 7, 2014 – by Ashlynn – The next meeting will be held as follows:

  • Date: Tuesday, January 7, 2014
  • Time:
    • 9:00-10:00 PM ET – PaxLair Meeting
  • Location: Tea House, PaxOku, Tokuno, Chesapeake
  • Directions:  The PaxOku Community Banner south of Luna leads to the Tea House. You can also reach PaxOku by taking a moongate to Homare Jima, Tokuno, and heading down the road.

It is 2014 already! Tonight is sure to be SUPER EXCITING. On the agenda tonight you can expect:

  • The PaxLair 500th Anniversary Celebrations
  • Blackthorn Dungeon Adventure with the EVI folk
  • Britannian Mycology
  • Maybe something SotA related

So come along and don’t be a stranger!

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Realm News – Volume 4, Issue 7 (Yuletide Edition)

realmnewsbanner4-7The PaxLair Press, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – December 28, 2013 – by Ashlynn – December has been a busy month for the alliance with a whole host of events taking place both in Sosaria and other worlds. But while story and baking contests keep some of the population entertained, the business of government continues ahead at full speed.

A Mission to Yew

20131228homeless3“While much of the realm celebrates the holidays we must not forget those in need.” These were the words of Governor Winfield a few weeks ago, words that were soon turned into actions.

Volunteers were called to the Tea House and asked to contribute time, food, and blankets for those made homeless over the past year. The realm has been plagued by rebellion and war over the past year and while some of us are fortunate enough to have escaped most of the ill effects, others have lost homes and even their families.

For our initial endeavour we decided to head to Yew. Word had reached us of a camp on the outskirts of town where a large number of homeless could be found. It didn’t take long to get there but curiously, we soon discovered more needy people than first believed. There were infact two camps as well as one family squatting in an abandoned lodge.

We gave what we could – food and blankets mostly – which we hoped would help stave off the winter cold before we headed back to our warmer homes. Well – I live in a ruin personally so I am somewhat familiar with how cold it can get.

This is only the first part of a more comprehensive effort to bring relief to the needy across Britannia and we hope others will support us in these efforts.

Winter Season Governor Election Results

Earlier this month voting took place to determine who would govern the cities of Britannia during the first part of the new year.

  • Britain: Dark Writter
  • Minoc: Victor II (NCC)
  • Moonglow: Lauren
  • New Magincia: Gareth (EVI)
  • Skara Brae: Badger (DWxC)
  • Trinsic: Phoenix (DWxC)
  • Vesper: Ivy (NCC)
  • Yew: Tehan (DWxC)

Jhelom had no candidate during the voting period but former Governor Sherry Shar was able to speak with the King in private and in the absence of any competition was able to secure another term in office.

Royal Council Meet at Castle Blackthorn

chaossymbolThis month’s council meeting was a short one as the newly elected governors had their opportunity to treat with the King and introduce themselves. While many present were returning to office, there were a few new faces at the King’s table.

Business first turned to the recent turmoil however with the King claiming that in a climatic encounter with the recent invaders the King and his forces used powerful magic to banish the enemy to a dungeon beneath Castle Blackthorn. A wild claim I know but the King stated such straight-faced. Unsurprisingly Lady Minax and her most senior lieutenants managed to escape the encounter.

The rest of the meeting was given over to much we have seen in the past. Construction projects, support from the Crown in matters of defence, and so on. After the meeting was over other citizens present were able to bring any matters directly to the King. Chief amongst these was the “Cove Matter” with the King promising to consider several grievances from the people of Cove.

Bad Santa and the Great Goblin

20131228dwsantaThe alliance draws some of the most curious holiday visitors. In the past we have been visited by the frightning visage of festive orc with a temper and a love of bad singing. So it comes as no surprise that this year was no different.

Once again many of us made our way to the Lost Dragon Tavern to join in some festive cheer while we awaited the arrival of our annual guest – in this case a cantankerous old man in a red robe who stank of ale. Month old ale. Slurring his words he had plenty to say as he invited us up one by one and gave us a gift for a trouble.

A few days later we all arrived in Pitmuck to play host to another visitor – the so called Great Goblin – bigger and more ancient than the average specimen, the creature also had a lot to say in an old, cracked, voice. It too had gifts to shower upon a somewhat confused crowd. Thankfully none of it smelled rotten or worse and everyone seemed pleased by the visit despite the venue.

And so another festive season passes. What manner of creature will bless us with their presence next year? Perhaps a jolly christmas ogre lord, or maybe even an eggnog elemental. Who can say!

Tree Lighting Ceremony Held in New Magincia

20131228treelightingEvery holiday season Governor Gareth of New Magincia oversees the construction and lighting of the community tree. Traditionally the ceremony is held in Kijutsu Anei Village but this year it took place in the City of New Magincia.

The ceremony was held on Christmas Eve and the tree – made from dozens of elephant ear plants grown by people from all across Chesapeake – was formally lit by Lady Phoenix and Lord Nanoc of Dragons Watch.

Following the tree lighting there was a great feast prepared by Lady Angelica with food of every kind on offer. And for those hoping for a holiday gift, a magic statue stood nearby to fulfill just such a wish.

Songs of the Winter Solstice

This winter a celebration of word and song was held to help usher in the holiday season. While not a competition as with previous similar events, the format was much the same. People of all walks stood up to tell a tale, recite a poem, or sing a song. And for their efforts each received a gift.

There were plenty of entries and a wide variety of creative prose, all of which will be published in the near future.

The Great Minoc Bake-off

20131228cookingcontest3Early this month Governor Victor of Minoc held yet another contest in an effort to find the greatest artisans of Sosaria. This time the focus was firmly on the realm’s bakers and cake decorators as the Governor outlined the rules of the contest.

The competition was divided into two parts and the participants were divided into two teams. The red team was led by Nanoc who was assisted by Tehan and Aristacat, while the green team was led by Lazulli who was ably assisted by Phoenix and Crowe.

For the first part of the competition both teams were tasked with baking and constructing a monstrous cake for the holiday season. The second part required that it be eaten.

The red team took for the point for the most well crafted holiday cake… or cookie – a magnificent construction that dwarfed team green’s effort. But the green team took the second point as Lady Phoenix quickly devoured the cake leading to an overall draw.

Other Announcements

Joint raid by PaxLair Alliance and EVI alliance planned on the 10th January.

Posted in Britain, Ceremony, Dragons Watch, EM Event, General News, Magincia, Minoc, Pitmuck, Player Event, Player Quest | Comments Off on Realm News – Volume 4, Issue 7 (Yuletide Edition)