Orcish Army Masses Against Yew

Yew, Trammel, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – February 19, 2014 – by Ashlynn – Most alliance meetings are peaceful affairs – discussions only growing heated when the booze runs out or Mach opens his mouth. I always feel a little saddened when the cider barrel runs dry. And Lady Winmere always seems a tad annoyed when Mach opens his mouth.

20140219orcattack2But yesterday evening was like nothing that has been seen in years. We were half way through our regular meeting eagerly listening to township updates from those present when the sound of inhuman battlecries came from outside.

Running to investigate we found dozens of orcs led by larger brutes spilling out from the forest. Thinking it a simple raid from the denizens of the nearby fort we quickly readied weapon and spell and prepared to attack. But events took a turn for the worse when hundreds more orc archers joined the battle in support of their kin, forcing us to call for our own reinforcements.

The orcs were eventually forced back with great difficulty and several of our best warriors sustained injury. We were able to recover what passed for orcish documents but it was not particularly specific and seemed to suggest the orcs wished to seize control of part of the city.

Governor Tehan of Yew has already issued a call to arms and is urging all citizens and volunteers to remain vigilant. In light of the attack, he has postponed an upcoming event and instead has planned a counterattack against the orcs within the next two weeks in an effort to deter further orcish aggression.

In the meantime visitors to Yew should be on their guard as small bands of orcs may still roam the roads and nearby woods. The exact motives of the orcs are also unknown as is the current whereabouts of their main warcamp. I would personally suggest traveling only as part of a large caravan or with a heavily armed escort.

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PaxLair Meeting: February 18, 2014 at Empath Abbey

PaxLair Statehood, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – February 18, 2014 – by Ashlynn – The next meeting will be held as follows:

  • Date: Tuesday, February 18, 2014
  • Time:
    • 9:00-10:00 PM ET – PaxLair Meeting
  • Location: Yew, Trammel, Chesapeake
  • Directions:  Empath Abbey would be that huge building with all the vineyards. But after 160 years of Ultima, you should already know that!

Our third stop on our tour of Britannian Towns, I must admit I cannot remember the last time a meeting was held at the abbey. Topics this week will include:

  • More mushrooms (as usual)
  • Trinsic’s dog problem
  • Upcoming events
  • Town reports
  • A possible meeting in New Britannia (Shroud of the Avatar) on thursday

As always be there or be a victim to a human eating version of cordyceps.

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A Canine Conundrum

Trinsic, Trammel, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – February 17, 2014 – by Ashlynn – The council chamber grew rather heated at the most recent Royal Council meeting as Governor Phoenix and Governor Ivy clashed over the apparent plague of dogs deluging the City of Trinsic.

20140217councilmeetingfebGovernor Phoenix has long complained of the enormous stray dog population and despite her best efforts to cull the animals – much to Governor Ivy’s protests – they continue to increase in number.

Things finally came to a head this past saturday when Governor Phoenix openly accused her counterpart in Vesper of being behind the canine problem – even suggesting that she was acting in league with the rogue necromancer known as Jane. In response Lady Ivy claimed she only wished to help the creatures and even suggested that Trinsic’s so-called dog problem didn’t really exist.

The back-and-forth continued for some time before the King grew irritated enough to put an end to the bickering and soon moved on to business from the other governors. But the scowls on the faces of two women suggested this was far from over.

Does Trinsic Truly Have a Dog Problem?

20140217dogtrin2Having a personal duty to investigate the truth of the matter I soon headed to Trinsic to see for myself and was rather shocked by what I found. A large dog population in the city is not unknown and the city has had need to call in specially trained dog catchers in the past but I had truly underestimated the scale of the problem.

Stray dogs in their hundreds along with the mess they had left behind menaced the eastern side of the city, particularly around the docks area and it was clear that some of them were of quite a violent nature. I myself had to fend off a few of the more rabid fiends through the use of my magic.

From some of the dockworkers I learned that an unofficial cull was already in progress out of sheer necessity, and I was even able to speak to Blaine, one of the neighbourhood butchers involved:

“We do our bes’ ter keep ’em under control but we got more o’ the damn things than we got rats. I give the local folks a few pieces fer every one they bring an’ sell the meat ter them merchants from across the sea. Gotta do what we can ter make some money out o’ it.”

Indeed, the butcher was busy carving up a few dog carcasses as we spoke and had many more ready for slaughter in the next room. An economically savvy approach to the problem but it would seem the city would need many more dog butchers before it could be considered a real solution.

The Vesper Element

Governor Ivy’s protests and her own projects to prolong the life of the beasts is said to have exacerbated the problem – at least in the eyes of Governor Phoenix. It is certainly true that the recent dog rescue resulted in the capture of hundreds of the animals although where they are currently being kept is anyone’s guess. While some dogs do wander the streets of Vesper it is not in the same volume they were recovered that night.

Perhaps there is some truth behind Lady Phoenix’s accusations?

In response the most recent public disagreement, Lady Ivy has announced a shelter will be set up to neuter as many of the animals as possible. The governor has also called for volunteers to aid her with intensive efforts in this area on the 27th of this month.

Will the efforts of both cities satisfy all parties involved? I cannot really say but I do feel that the conflicting philosophies involved mean we may well hear more on the matter in the months to come.

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PaxLair Meeting: February 11, 2014 at Jhelom Theatre

PaxLair Statehood, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – February 11, 2014 – by Ashlynn – The next meeting will be held as follows:

  • Date: Tuesday, February 11, 2014
  • Time: 9:00-10:00 ET
  • Location:  Theatre, Jhelom, Trammel, Chesapeake
  • Direction:  Next to the bank of Vesper.

The Theatre can be found on the southern isle. This marks the second stop in our Brtiannian Town Meeting tour where we will be visiting every town… except Wind. The folks of Wind are rather picky.

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PaxLair Statehood and Alliance Kingsport (SotA) Banner Graphic

PaxLair (PaxLair Times) – February 10, 2014  – by Winfield – Ashlynn created a banner for PaxLair Statehood and Alliance.  We are honored to publish it here.

PaxLair Statehood and Alliance Kingsport (SotA) Banner (Feburary 10, 2014) Art by Ashlynn

PaxLair Statehood and Alliance Kingsport (SotA) Banner (Feburary 10, 2014) Art by Ashlynn

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Realm News – Volume 5, Issue 1

realmnewsbannerv5-1The PaxLair Press, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – February 10, 2014 – by Ashlynn – The new year has been a busy one thus far with the PaxLair Anniversary dominating january and all manner of interesting occurrences from great escapes to goblin rescues filling the past few weeks. And there is still more to come!

This also marks the beginning of the fifth volume of Random Realm News Roundup – a sort of lazy attempt to consolidate most reports into a single somewhat regular article. So that is an event too!


20140210reginahuntAt the most recent Royal Council Meeting proceedings were interrupted by the appearance of a Vesper guardsman who rushed in to inform Governor Ivy that Regina Storm – a women accused of theft and murder – had escaped custody. Shortly after delivering the news the poor guardsman was unexpectedly cut down by a crossbow bolt from the shadows in full view of the King and attending nobles.

Suspecting Regina Storm to be involved Governor Ivy asked for volunteers to aid her in investigating the matter personally yesterday evening, to which a dozen or so helpful souls responded. We quickly began, starting at the guardhouse she was being held where I discovered one of the guards in charge was actually a goblin. It should hardly come as a shock that a prisoner can escape when a goblin is left in charge of the gaol.

Questioning the goblin revealed clues that led us first to Buccaneers Den, and then to the orcish fortress near Cove where we caught up with Regina. Unfortunately she already had a ship prepared and managed to escape our grasp. Yet we found a link to Trinsic and headed there next, running in to an old associate of hers called Caleb who – with some “encouragement” – gave us the key to where she would be headed next.

Following a coded map we finally caught up with Regina just outside of Vesper and chased her down. I must admit that perhaps some of our group were a little overzealous and the woman met a grisly end by both blade and spell, ending her career as a thief and murderer, and saving us all the trouble of a lengthy trial.

In the aftermath of events we discovered potential links to a deeper criminal conspiracy though investigations are currently in their infancy and Governor Ivy did not require any further assistance for the time being. I am curious what secrets Regina took to the grave with her however.


20140210exo1It is well know that a sort of Avatar of the terrible being known as Exodus can be summoned through the proper rites and fought in the ruined halls and streets of Ver Lor Reg. Why aspiring warriors would willingly do this exactly is a matter for debate but some say that doing so weakens the power of Exodus.

The past week saw the alliance do just that, assembling a band of almost thirty volunteers – and their associated animal companions – to take up the sword. While preparations took over half an hour, the group eventually made it’s way to the Shrine of Justice to perform the extremely strange – and somewhat profane may I add – ritual required for the summoning.

Preparations took forty minutes yet defeating the creature took only four, such was the overwhelming might we were able to bring to bear. We left victorious, some winning trinkets in the process. Unfortunately we were left without enough materials to perform another ritual and moved on to other things for the rest of the evening.

Still we can at least claim to have done our bit in keeping the power of Exodus at bay.


Infamous goblin Ozog who had been kidnapped by orcs over a month ago was finally rescued by a valiant band who were clearly feeling far more charitable than even the most devout follower of the virtues.

The goblin was eventually discovered in the depths of Wisp dungeon in the lands of Ilshenar. Guarded by an elaborate maze of confusing teleporters, the rescuers worked hard to figure out the puzzle and eventually return Ozog to Britannia where he is free to cause further chaos. Which is somewhat fitting considering King Blackthorn is on the throne.


20140210dogthing1Vesper has been a busy place of late with the Governor attempting to make her mark on the city. The latest problem to be addressed by Governor Ivy was the large stray dog population in the city for which she brought in outside help. Admittedly I can’t help but think that the recent spat with Governor Phoenix of the treatment of canines in the City of Trinsic was her main motivation for the project, but it seems Ivy was determined to have the strays in her city taken in at the local sanctuary.

As an incentive the Governor instituted a points system with prizes for the highest scorers. Bringing in more strays meant more points. Lord Couch was eventually the winner bringing in a large number of exotic dogs. Lady Hawk brought in a number of hunting dogs to claim second, while Falbala came third for her contribution.

It should be added that one goblin attempted to claim I had killed a dog it was bringing in, but the creature’s so called dog was a fake construction made of fur, willow, and paper mache.


Commander Gwen of the Royal Guard and a band of skilled volunteers set an ambush for the bandit known as Tyrius Zool a few weeks ago in the hope of apprehending him and discovering just what exactly his sinister plans were.

The Commander had word that Zool would be taking the main road between Vesper and Yew and had asked for volunteers to act has scouts for which I myself volunteered. The ambush was mostly successful and Zool was spotted with a mechanical construct in tow.

Unfortunately the bandit managed to flee to the area near the prison of Wrong, keeping the royal volunteers at bay with a band of ogre allies. Still we were able to disable the constructs – which were modified for mining or tunneling – though we still do not know what their true purpose was.


Lord Tehan of Yew recently held a talent contest called Yew-a-palooza where many came along to sing, dance, and recite poetry. Sadly I don’t remember much from that night due to the copious amounts of alcohol present.

Trinsic also held a fishing competition under at the orders of Governor Phoenix. Sadly I was not present as other business called me away but I hear there are more to come in the future.

Minoc will be hosting the “Minoc Loves You” event on the 15th of this month for all those lonely hearts who manage to avoid drinking themselves to death the night before! Red flowers have already started springing up across the city.

RBG Auction returns to their traditional friday night slot.

Orc found beheaded in Skara Brae after visiting a tavern. Eye witnesses reported he was trying to tell the following joke, “Why are fishies so smurt? Because dey are always in schools!” – editors note: this news snippet came from Governor Victor of Minoc – I take no responsibility for the content.

Seizing the opportunity to cause chaos by his filthy hands, Ozog is seeking nominations for his “Pegasus Awards”. You’ll need to speak to him for more details.

Governor Ivy has offered to deliver messages regarding upcoming events across the realm via carrier pigeon to all those who are interested so that they don’t miss any important news. Seek her out to opt in to such messages. (ICQ 1234 98 286)

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PaxLair Meeting: February 4, 2014 in Blighttown… err… Vesper

PaxLair Statehood, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – February 4, 2014 – by Ashlynn – The next meeting will be held as follows:

  • Date: Tuesday, February 4, 2014
  • Time: 9:00-10:00 ET
  • Location:  Town Square, Vesper, Trammel, Chesapeake
  • Direction:  Next to the bank of Vesper.

Blighttown, Vesper. They’re pretty much the same thing if you ask me. It’s not like you can tell the difference – both places include lots of wooden bridges and inhabitants of questionable morals!

The meeting itself will be held around the newly built fountain in the main Vesper town square. This begins our new Town Meeting Circuit. Each week we will hold a meeting in a different Britannian town starting with Vesper.

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Cove and the Royal Council

Castle Blackthorn, Trammel, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – February 3, 2014 – by Ashlynn – Politics is not something Cove often concerns itself with being somewhat isolated from the capital and the other cities of the Kingdom. The absence of a noble court within the town also means the intrigues of such a place are somewhat foreign to it’s inhabitants. But it would be folly to think that the Cove folk care little what those in positions of power do, and it would be doubly so to believe they are not aware of what happens across the realm.

Of late the people of cove feel angry and forgotten. While other towns have been granted additional resources that have come with the royal appointment of new civic positions, Cove has received nothing. Instead the people feel they are left to deal with the orcish threat on their doorstep alone. Maintaining the defences drains the town treasury of coin which could be put to better use improving the port town, and incessant attacks claim the lives of young Covians who defend their home with valor equal to that of any warrior of Jhelom.

And yet many within Cove believe the orcish threat could have been destroyed entirely years ago with a brief campaign and aid from the Royal Army, saving a great deal of coin and preventing so much blood throughout the years.

Some months ago I was approached by the town council of Cove to draw up a petition and present it to the King on their behalf. Troubles within the realm have delayed things somewhat but this past week I finally had the opportunity to present the following document:

We the people of Cove have ever been loyal servants of the Crown through even the darkest of times. But as other cities receive coin for civic improvements, and military aid to combat bandits, orcs, and even the forces of Minax, we feel forgotten.

We would never dare make demands of the Crown. We have only humble requests that we feel would show recognition for our long-standing loyalty.

1) We feel that given our long record in keeping enemies of the realm at bay – in particular the orcs of the nearby fort, that we deserve a voice on the Royal Council as a reward.

2) After years of relentless attacks – which may we add have been consistently repelled by the brave folk of Cove – our defences have began to suffer. We have less coin than some of the larger cities yet are required to keep our town fortified at all times. We therefore humbly request aid with and improvements to our defences.

3) We humbly request a lower rate of tax on the squashes we export to other cities as well as lower harbour rates on ships flying a Covian banner.

4) We feel our isolation has long made us a more enticing target for those with more sinister motives and would request an arcane improvement to our town in the form of a moongate.

5) Our town is still dealing with a number of refugees that fled here since the city uprisings some months ago. May we add that Cove remained loyal and without disorder throughout this period, but we would request the construction of a hostel to house these homeless folk.

6) We would like our colours given official recognition.

We thank the King for considering our humble requests.

The King was kind enough to respond to the presentation of the document with something I could take back to the people of Cove to assure them that they are not forgotten.

In response to some of the requests the King stated he would:

  • Lower taxes on Cove exports if there were no objections
  • Send surplus construction materials to improve the town defences
  • Dispatch Lady Kildere to survey the area for the potential construction of a hostel
  • Personally consider Cove’s colours for official approval

The King asked me to speak to the town council regarding the current status of relations with Vesper. I was also asked to provide an assessment of the state of the town militia.

The construction of a moongate is far more uncertain in the absence of those with a working knowledge of them such as Nystul or the court mage Balandar (who is still missing). And as for a seat on the Royal Council, the King expressed with some dismay that such an appointment would almost certainly be fought against by other nobles.

Still it was not an unproductive venture by any means and I am certain that the above will do much to ease some of the discontent brewing within the town. Hopefully I should have more to write on the matter following the next meeting of the Royal Council.

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PaxLair Meeting: January 28, 2014 at Skara Community Center

PaxLair Statehood, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – January 28, 2014 – by Winfield – The next meeting will be held as follows:

  • Date: Tuesday, January 28, 2014
  • Time: 9:00-10:00 ET
  • Location:  Community Center, Skara Brae, Trammel, Chesapeake
  • Direction:  Just east of the Bank in Skara Brae.
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The Road to Kingsport

Kingsport, New Britannia (PaxLair Times) – January 27, 2014 – by Ashlynn –
Some weeks ago I wrote of a vivid dream I had of a far away place in some ways similar to the Sosaria we all know and love but at the same time very different. Some nights ago I was dragged back to that place and once again find myself to recall the details with the same kind of clarity.

I recall waking outside of Owls Head – that same town I found myself wandering around the last time although it now looked slightly different. Windmills dotted the horizon and crowned a few of the buildings, while strange mechanical devices that buzzed with the sound of lightning formed a part of some structures. And the people were a little more talkative and substantial on this meeting and just a little less ghost-like.

20140127roadsignCuriously the town workshop was also better equipped and upon approaching it, the man overseeing the establishment encouraged me to give the fine art of weaving and garment making a try. Unfortunately I have little experience in the craft of weaving and it took me quite some time just to figure out how to make simple thread.

After some experimentation (or perhaps something more approaching butchery of the craft) I decided it was time to explore. I was curious as to what my old friend Bentham was up to and if he had managed to find the key to his sinister tower of thundery death. It turned out that he had and was excitedly calibrating the machinery inside the tower so I thought it best to leave him be.

20140127moongateI soon heard whispers about a coastal town some distance away by the name of Kingsport and was immediately resolved to make my way there. The obvious choice was to take the road though for all I knew the town could be several day’s travel away. A sign beside the road didn’t fill me with much encouragement either, reading “BEWARE” in an offshoot of runic I have come to call New Britannian. It was then I noticed an old stone circle on the edge of woods which I was sure was not present on my last visit. In the centre of the crumbling stones I saw what looked like none other than a moongate and feeling daring I decided to jump through it!

Taking a deep breath after passing through I could smell salty sea air and the sound of seagulls filled my ears. Hugging the coastline were dozens of buildings including what I can only describe as a large, stone manor house. Clearly I had arrived in Kingsport!

20140127kingsport2At first I thought the place a picturesque town – an idyllic seaside village in which to live out one’s days but it soon became clear that troubles had come to Kingsport. Ships had stopped coming into port from the mainland, buildings were boarded up, and the local merchant guild was facing financial woes. A shadowy band of smugglers had set up shop in one of the warehouses by the docks profiting off of a black market trade in goods and passengers.

It was a lady by the name of Lauren who explained some of this to me. She said it seemed that we were both trapped on the island and had visited the smugglers with the intention of securing passage to the mainland. She was also interested in the whereabouts of a few other individuals though I cannot remember why.

Though I spent a great deal of time exploring further and encountered many curious things, eventually the world grew hazy and out of focus. Much like the last time the dream began to fade and I woke up in my bed once more. Still, I am certain however that I’ll visit that place once again.

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