PaxLair Meeting: March 18, 2014 at New Magincia Inn

PaxLair Statehood, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – March 18, 2014 – by Ashlynn – The next meeting will be held as follows:

  • Date: Tuesday, March 18, 2014
  • Time:
    • 9:00-10:00 PM ET – PaxLair Meeting
  • Location: Modest Damsel Inn, New Magincia, Trammel, Chesapeake
  • Directions:  It’s next to the docks. It is a two storey wooden building and it has a SIGN on it. You can’t miss it if you just head to the docks.

Stop seven is the incredibly humble City of New Magincia. In light of an attack by demons on the old City of Pride, the new population are a far more humble bunch. There are no ostentatious displays of wealth or anything at all to suggest the people are more than a down-to-earth humble bunch living a simple life.

Anyway, this week we will be discussing amongst other things:

  • City Elections – because the results are in!
  • The Royal Council Meeting
  • New Magincian nightlife
  • The New Magincia art movement of “humblism”
  • SotA upcoming release possibly!

Be there or be corpser food.

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Spring Governor Election Results

Trammel, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – March 16, 2014 – by Ashlynn – The votes have been counted and the results are finally in. Scholars from Empath Abbey have been overseeing the elections to ensure the process is fair and free of corruption. Or so they say. I’m pretty sure all bets are off when it comes to the City of Vesper.

And what can we say about Vesper? It appears Governor Ivy has lost her position to none other than infamous corsair Holly Bloodhand. How will the King feel about having a known pirate at his table one might ask? Well I would say to you it is business as usual – Captain Holly is just a little less subtle about her links to the underbelly of Britannia.

In other cities Governor Victor managed to see off a challenge to his office by a comfortable margin, and in a shocking turn of events a goblin managed to take office in Jhelom. I’m pretty sure there has been something of a mix up there – or perhaps the people of Jhelom do not consider the position of governor a serious or important one.

And so as of the weekend the new line up of Governors is as follows:

  • Britain – Dark Writter
  • CoveDenied Office of Governorship (once again)
  • Jhelom – Scabby
  • Magincia – Gareth
  • Minoc – Victor II
  • Moonglow – Lauren
  • Skara BraeNo Candidate
  • Trinsic – Phoenix
  • Vesper – Holly Bloodhand
  • Yew – Tehan
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PaxLair Meeting: March 11, 2014 at Nu’Jelm Theatre

PaxLair Statehood, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – March 11, 2014 – by Ashlynn – The next meeting will be held as follows:

  • Date: Tuesday, March 11, 2014
  • Time:
    • 9:00-10:00 PM ET – PaxLair Meeting
  • Location: Nu’Jelm Theatre, Trammel, Chesapeake
  • Directions:  You can find the theatre a brief stroll north of the city bank. It’s a large structure that takes up an entire city block (OR INSULA if you want to get all ancient latin).

Our sixth stop on the tour is the wonderful City of Nujelm. A place of sun, sea, and sand. A place where you can find everything you desire and where you can indulge in all kinds of pleasures! Just don’t run up too much of a tab or you’ll end up in prison.

This week we will be discussing:

  • City Elections!
  • Various upcoming events

I hope to see you all there!

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Spring Governor Election Voting Begins

Trammel, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – March 9, 2014 – by Ashlynn – It’s election time in Britannia once again where citizens of the realm are able to vote for who they would like to see become Governor of their respective towns. There’s no doubt plenty of skulduggery going on – especially in the City of Vesper where two candidates with links to Britannia’s underworld are engaged in a battle for the hearts and minds of the people.

The list of current town candidates is as follows and this information comes courtesy of Lord Nanoc of Dragon’s Watch:

  • Britain (City of Chaos): Dark Writter (Incumbent), Daria Blackmore (RBG)
  • Cove (Town of Mushrooms and Fine Folk): Ashlynn (PxR) – Unrecognised by Crown
  • Jhelom (City of Slaughter): Scabby (Uncontested)
  • Minoc (City of Slag): Victor II (NCC, Incumbent), Halfblood Prince
  • Moonglow (City of Orreries): Lauren (Incumbent, Uncontested)
  • New Magincia (City of Pride): Gareth (EVI, Incumbent, Uncontested)
  • Skara Brae (City of Bad Weather): No Candidate
  • Trinsic (City of Dogcatching): Phoenix (DWxC, Incumbent, Uncontested)
  • Vesper (Absolutely Not a Front for Criminal Enterprise): Ivy (NCC, Incumbent), Holly Bloodhand (Yes, the pirate)
  • Yew (City of Justice): Tehan (DWxC, Incumbent, Uncontested)

Only the cities of Britain, Vesper, and Moonglow are currently being contested this time around so make your voice heard and cast your vote!

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PaxLair Meeting: March 4, 2014 at Buc’s Den Tavern

PaxLair Statehood, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – March 4, 2014 – by Ashlynn – The next meeting will be held as follows:

  • Date: Tuesday, March 4, 2014
  • Time:
    • 9:00-10:00 PM ET – PaxLair Meeting
  • Location: Buccaneers Den, Trammel, Chesapeake
  • Directions:  Specifically at the Tavern which can be found on the west side of town. There’s a famous drunken captain there most of the time.

It is MARCH already, can you believe it? Our FIFTH stop on the city tour and I’m sure Governor Ivy will feel much more comfortable here after last week. This week we will be discussing:

  • Well I just don’t know

I hope to see you all there!

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A Gathering in New Britannia

Hidden Vale, New Britannia (PaxLair Times) – February 26, 2014 – by Ashlynn – Despite what the previous article on my most recent visit to New Britannia might suggest the trip was not wholly dedicated to examining mushroom specimens in the new world. And neither was I all alone during my travels – I was in fact joined by a few dear friends along the way.

20140226braemarI began my latest journey in Owl’s Head but soon headed to the town of Kingsport via the moongate amidst the old stone circle. Kingsport looked much as before though now included a towering lighthouse to aid ships coming in to port. I must admit I found the recent construction of such a thing amusing given that there was still some kind of blockade in place

On my last trip I learned that travel overland was ill advised but it seems the roads were clear this time and as I wrote previously, I discovered the existence of a small village located to the south in the middle of some woods. The explorer in my of course demanded I visit.

The village went by the name of Braemar – it was a tiny, overgrown, but quaint little place deep within the forest. It was populated by only a handful of people and most of them spoke of attacks by strange creatures of some sort. I wasn’t able to learn of all the details regarding whatever shadow loomed over the village and after stumbling across a sinister gathering in the woods one evening, I thought it best advised to return to Owl’s Head.

20140226cultistsOwl’s Head is where I was finally able to catch up with a few familiar faces – specifically Nanoc, Se’an and Winfield. It appears whatever force brought me here had claimed them as well though. I had hoped to see a few other old friends but whatever magics united use were somewhat unpredictable.

20140226firelotustavernEventually some of us were able to organize a few meetings – the first on a large barge moored in Kingsport, and several more over the following days mainly in the famous Fire Lotus Tavern. While our meeting in Kingsport was a more formal one (where we also made a few new friends), the others were far simpler social gatherings, though generally larger. And rowdier. And with some people of questionable dress sense.

There were other sights to see during our journey and not just eerie midnight cultists and strange spiders. Most notably Winfield and I caught sight of the King – Lord British himself – wandering the streets of Owl’s Head. A crowd had soon gathered around him and I suspect many were simply pleased to see a monarch they once thought lost forever.

Sadly our time in New Britannia was not to last and we were soon cut off from the realm. However I feel the link to the world growing stronger especially now that friends can make the journey together. I foresee another trip in the near future and perhaps a little further research into New Britannian flora.

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PaxLair Meeting: February 25, 2014 at Trinsic Counselor’s Guild

PaxLair Statehood, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – February 25, 2014 – by Ashlynn – The next meeting will be held as follows:

  • Date: Tuesday, February 25, 2014
  • Time:
    • 9:00-10:00 PM ET – PaxLair Meeting
  • Location: Trinsic, Trammel, Chesapeake
  • Directions:  The Counselor’s Guild can be found on the west side of town in a large wall tower near the Tinker/Toymakers shop.

The fourth stop on our tour of Britannian towns. A net toss will be taking place in Neg Magincia some time before the meeting. Today you can look forward to:

  • Yet more mushrooms
  • Trinsic’s <insert problem> – I’m sure there’s something
  • Upcoming events
  • Town reports
  • The Britannian yam trade
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Mushroom Hunting in New Britannia

Braemar, New Britannia (PaxLair Times) – February 24, 2014 – by Ashlynn – Over the weekend I was once again whisked off to New Britannia and while I shall write about my visit in more detail over the coming week, I feel it important to first focus on the important things.

Rather than wander the town of Owl’s Head like a vagrant I decided it was time to use my skills as PaxLair’s most knowledgeable mycologist to document the types of mushrooms to be found in New Britannia and to see if they bore any resemblance to those we are all more familiar with. Determined, off I went hunting and immediately hit my first snag.

There were no mushrooms in Owl’s Head. None.

At this I was most distraught! Had the people of the town picked the village clean? Scoured every vale and grove and plucked each mycological delight free from the earth? Was the soil of this “hidden vale” inhospitable to the mycelium from which such lovely things sprouted?

The people of the town had no thoughts on the matter themselves – in fact they seemed rather ignorant about mushrooms in general. And then I felt fear. Terror gripped me as a certain possibility coursed through my mind.

What if mushrooms did not exist in New Britannia?

No, I was determined this could not be the case and was even more resolved to find some specimens. I soon traveled to Kingsport to see what I could find but alas – there were no mushrooms to be found there either. It was not looking good.

SotA_hiddenvalemapmushroommapHowever word of my search must have spread because I was soon gifted a simple map to aid in my efforts. The stranger who provided it had little to say and left with only a simple nod but the map was annotated and suggested I try a village deep in the middle of a forest that I was yet to visit. Though poorly scrawled on cheap parchment, the map was clear enough that I could discern which way to go and I immediately began my travels.

20140225braemarI decided to take the road and arrived as night fell. The village was small and a little eerie with strange red-eyed spider-like creatures scurrying around. I considered looking for mushrooms right away but it was dark and I had no proper source of light. I therefore decided it best to wait until morning before beginning my search – and worth the wait it was!

The number of different types were few but of the kind that existed there were many – two types of brown mushroom with large flat caps being particularly abundant. What follows is a description of each kind I came across. I have given them simple names as I do not know what they are actually called and the townsfolk were not very forthcoming with answers.

20140225bracketfungiLThe Red Bracket

I found this mushroom while searching the forest surrounding the town. It is a large red bracket fungus that grows in clumps on tree trunks. It has a sweet smell though I do not know if it is edible as I did not get the chance to try and the people in the village had little to say on the matter.

I only found this mushroom growing on fallen trees so I can only conclude that it is saprotrophic.

20140225browncapsThe Giant Brown Cap

The first of two kinds of mushroom I found growing in the leaf litter mainly along the roads and trails that run through and around the town. It has a very large convex cap that is a uniform shade of brown, with a comparatively narrow stipe the same colour. This mushrooms has adnate gills that are a light off-white colour.

I did not find any young samples of this mushroom growing nearby or even further afield. As for the edibility of the mushroom – that is also unknown at this time.

The Spotted Wax Cap

Smaller than the brown cap but always found growing nearby, I have so named this mushroom for the large dark brown spot on it’s light brown cap. The cap itself is convex and also has adnate gills, while the stipe is a light brown colour.

There seemed to be a slightly waxy substance on the cap which was a little unpleasant to the touch. I’m not sure if it is edible and I would be apprehensive about trying!

20140225housefungiThe Porch Shelf

I had missed this particular specimen and stumbled across it on my return to Owl’s Head. It is so named because I curiously found it growing above the front door to someone’s house – a tree house that is. Or rather a house over which a tree had grown.

The Porch Shelf is a dark-red bracket fungus though it is not a uniform colour and darker groves run horizontally along the surface. The underside is a much darker shade of brown and has more resemblance to wood than anything else. It is a very tough fungus and appears to be parasitic unlike it’s smaller cousin.

I do not personally think it is edible – it is as hard as the wood it grows on and would probably require hours of boiling just to soften it.

Unfortunately these four were the only samples I could find but I must confess that even with only these few it was a huge relief to know for certain that mushrooms do exist in New Britannia. These mushrooms were just what I found growing on the island of the Lost Vale and who knows what I might find when I finally reach the mainland. And I’ve also not explored underground yet!

Hopefully I will have more mushrooms to document in the future though the way there seems hazy, preventing any further travel and exploration. But I have no doubt the way will open up once again in the near future.

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The Scourge of Minoc

Minoc, Trammel, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – February 22, 2014 – by Ashlynn – A certain pirate by the name of Holly Bloodhand and her crew attacked Minoc on friday during one of the city’s regular crafting festivals. Spectators and participants were forced to abandon the festival and instead fend off Holly’s bloodthirsty corsairs.

20140222minoc2The Governor of Minoc had called for volunteers – in particular alchemists – to aid with an engineering problem in the City which has been preventing the construction of a dock. Volunteers were assembled and the Governor was mid-speech when the attack began.

The pirates were fought off but not before they were able to seize several crates of goods,. Unfortunately for Captain Holly she also dropped a journal of sorts containing clues to her combination-locked chest and it’s whereabouts.

It was my associate Lazulli who informed me of this turn of events and feeling that her skills as an alchemist were no longer relevant, she asked me to look further in to the matter.

And so I decided to pursue the clues the pirate had left behind. The chest turned out to be the same locked monstrosity in the coastal building we stumbled upon several days previous. Decyphering the coded passages took some time but eventually their secrets were revealed to me and I was able to open the lockbox. Inside I found several promissory notes for a large amount of coin, an expensive looking golden statue, an obsidian bust, and another journal labeled “Secret Holdings” – the contents of which I post below:

From the New Magincian Vessel New Hope: 2 Million

From the New Magincian Vessel Blue Skies: 6 Million

From the New Magincian Vessel Ourobourus: 3 Million

From the New Magincian Vessel Pride of Old Magincia: 4 Million

From the New Magincian Vessel Carefree: 5 Million

It would appear that Captain Holly’s most recent endeavours focused on preying upon merchant ships out of New Magincia. I do not know if Governor Gareth is aware of the identity of the corsair behind such attacks but I imagine this will come as interesting news as it suggests a targeted campaign against the city’s shipping.

As for the infamous corsair – her whereabouts are currently unknown but the results of my investigation and the confiscation of her lockbox certainly puts a dent in her current aspirations. And should anything befall myself in light of this published news you can assume the captain has something to do with it. Perhaps I shall have Lazulli prepare several explosive traps at the shrine to deter any such retaliatory action on the part of the corsair.

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PaxLair Meeting in Shroud of the Avatar: February 20, 2014 at the Fire Lotus Tavern

PaxLair Statehood, New Britannia (PaxLair Times) – February 20, 2014 – by Ashlynn – The next meeting will be held as follows:

  • Date: Thursday, February 20, 2014
  • Time:
    • 8:00-9:00 PM ET – PaxLair Meeting
  • Location: Fire Lotus Tavern, Owls Head
  • Directions:  Owls Head is usually the town you begin the game in. It’s the inland village with a walled “high town” and a lower part protected by a palisade. The lower part is where you’ll find the tavern.

The meeting is slightly earlier than our usual time and we also have an event in Minoc to attend at 9pm.

  • Precise instructions for taking part in SotA Alpha: Release 3 can be found here.
  • You’ll need to patch/download early if you don’t want to miss the meeting!
  • I have no idea how the friends system works yet but we’ll need to add each other as friends I believe.
  • We will be using the PaxLair Enjin Portal chat channel (and ICQ) to co-ordinate things.
  • We also plan on meeting the day after if possible.

This all of course assumes that there are no technical problems associated with meeting up. We don’t really know yet – that is what tonight is all about!

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