PaxLair Meeting in Shroud of the Avatar: April 24, 2014 at the Fire Lotus Tavern

PaxLair Statehood, New Britannia (PaxLair Times) – April 24, 2014 – by Ashlynn – The next meeting will be held as follows:

  • Date: Thursday, April 24, 2014
  • Time:
    • 8:00-9:00 PM ET – PaxLair Meeting
  • Location: Fire Lotus Tavern, Owls Head
  • Directions:  Owls Head is usually the town you begin the game in. It’s the inland village with a walled “high town” and a lower part protected by a palisade. The lower part is where you’ll find the tavern. This might have changed in release 4 but who knows!

It’s RELEASE 5! With R5 comes a whole host of new things to do and try. Once again we will attempt to hold a meeting of some sort at the Fire Lotus Tavern. How long the meeting will take is anyone’s guess but I am hoping we can also go on an adventure afterwards.

Don’t forget to ensure everyone is on your friends list to ensure that the instance matchmaking works properly. Release 5 instructions and information can also be found right here.

I hope to see you all in New Britannia!

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PaxLair Meeting: April 22, 2014 at the Wisp Circle

PaxLair Statehood, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – April 22, 2014 – by Ashlynn – The next meeting will be held as follows:

  • Date: Tuesday, April 22, 2014
  • Time:
    • 9:00-10:00 PM ET – PaxLair Meeting
  • Location: Wisp Circle, Trammel, Chesapeake
  • Directions:  The wisp circle is a circle of eight marble pillars you can find near the dungeon of Shame and the Blighted Grove.

My favourite place in all of Britannia is the Wisp Circle. It is an enchanted spot free of any evil denizens that plague other hidden regions of the realm. Even the strange beings we call wisps are drawn to this spot which suggests it is a place of great power and importance.

Most curious of all though is the single tawny mushroom that sprouts once a day in the centre of the circle – it is edible. And quite tasty.

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Easter News Roundup

20140422eggbannerChesapeake (PaxLair Times) – April 22, 2014 – by Ashlynn – Easter is a time devoted to all kinds of spiritual things but the egg reigns supreme in the minds of citizens both within the kingdom and without. Eggs that they say are laid by rabbits. Rabbit anatomy is not my strong point – and perhaps I need to take a scalpel to one in the near future – but the thought of a rabbit actually laying an egg is incredibly strange.

I wonder what sort of omelettes they make.


The goblins of Pitmuck are fond of their easter egg hunts and being creatures that lack self control, found the need to express this need over the weekend. The result was an evening spent wandering the island of Pitmuck in a search for brightly painted eggs with prizes for those who collected the most.

Pungent nature of the hosts aside the event was an enjoyable one and the results of the competition were as follows:

  • Victor Speranza: 21 eggs
  • Morpheus Mardox: 20 eggs
  • Siouxsie Sioux: 17 eggs
  • Niva: 13 eggs
  • Ivy: 13 eggs
  • Falbala: 9 eggs
  • Ashlynn: 4 eggs
  • Nanoc: 3 eggs (and one duck)

It seems such a large group of people ultimately attracts the harbinger of eggs as we were attacked by a black winged angel following the contest. Several people suffered serious burns from the being’s acid-like blood. I’d say a good time was had by all but those wounds looked pretty hideous!


20140422easterbunnyhunt3Our friends from Tranquility are a creative bunch and were also keen to celebrate easter across both facets. The resulting event was therefore divided into two parts – the first a little strange.

Apparently they had captured what they called a “giant easter bunny” and intended to let it loose outside the walls of Cove. I am however not sure if this creature really was an easter bunny or actually some poor soul in a bunny suit with their tongue cut out. Whatever the nature of the bunny it was let loose and several people present mercilessly hunted it down.

The end result was quick and bloody.

Following this bloodsport events moved to a farm just outside of Moonglow where each participant was handed a white bag containing a raffle ticket and several green thorns.

I am familiar with the thorns – they are enchanted in nature and have the power to summon things from the earth itself. When placed in tilled fields these thorns attract rabbits with bright blue fur, though the rabbits are swift and have sharp claws.

A large number of people spent quite some time summoning and butchering these rabbits before the prize draw was finally held. The prizes were quite impressive though sadly the names of the winners escapes me at this time.

In Other News…

The Aryslan Casino continues to open on Monday evenings at 9pm by the eastern clock so all those people eager to lose every penny they have should endeavour to go along and place their bets.

Investigations by the Royal Guard in to recent events continue apace. Expect a more comprehensive article in the near future.

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PaxLair Meeting: April 15, 2014 in Minoc

PaxLair Statehood, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – April 15, 2014 – by Ashlynn – The next meeting will be held as follows:

  • Date: Tuesday, April 15, 2014
  • Time:
    • 9:00-10:00 PM ET – PaxLair Meeting
  • Location: Minoc, Trammel, Chesapeake
  • Directions:  High up in the mountains north of Vesper lies the splendid granite and ragstone town of Minoc! You can reach it via moongate. The meeting will most likely take place in the local tavern. Unless people really want to hold it in a mine.

Minoc is famous for it’s high quality metal and stonework as well as the weather which was once described as “miserably misty”. It’s also famous for the nearby gypsy camp whose residents frequently clash with the local citizenry. Because you know, they are all thieves. And cheats.

Pfft, fortune telling.

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PaxLair Meeting: April 8, 2014 in Moonglow

PaxLair Statehood, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – April 8, 2014 – by Ashlynn – The next meeting will be held as follows:

  • Date: Tuesday, April 8, 2014
  • Time:
    • 9:00-10:00 PM ET – PaxLair Meeting
  • Location: Moonglow, Trammel, Chesapeake
  • Directions:  It’s on Verity Isle. Most people can never remember the name of the island though. So err.. I suppose we’ll just call it Moonglow Isle. Specifically it will be held between the Second Defence Armoury and the Scholar’s Inn. Next to the Governor’s Office.

Moonglow – the next stop on our tour! A place of learning and the city of the virtue of honesty! That last part may make the corsairs amongst us feel uncomfortable.

This week we will be discussing:

  • Almost anything
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Mushrooms of New Britannia

Braemar, New Britannia (PaxLair Times) – April 5, 2014 – by Ashlynn – I have been somewhat busy compiling notes and have yet to write any of my most recent expedition to New Britannia – something I intend to remedy.

Naturally the focus of much of my time has been the study of any fungal specimens I could find and this time around I was fortunate to find several more hidden away underground and sometimes even in violent company.

I have compiled my notes into a small journal that I intend to expand as time goes by and I find more mushrooms to write about. I also hope to expand on their uses as I learn more about them.

You can find a copy of my notes and journal right here.

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PaxLair Meeting: April 1, 2014 in Delucia

PaxLair Statehood, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – April 1, 2014 – by Ashlynn – The next meeting will be held as follows:

  • Date: Tuesday, April 1, 2014
  • Time:
    • 9:00-10:00 PM ET – PaxLair Meeting
  • Location: Delucia, Trammel, Chesapeake
  • Directions:  It’s in the lost lands. You’ll need to RECALL there or travel via Delucia passage. The meeting will likely take place in the big open square near the crumbling inn.

Delucia is a lovely place – and safe. Surrounded by a high palisade and defended by a stone tower. Besides the hordes of orcs, savages, and undead constantly clambering at the walls you couldn’t live in a nicer place.

And it’s the next stop on our city tour.

I really should have had something ridiculous to post for today.

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PaxLair Meeting in Shroud of the Avatar: March 27, 2014 at the Fire Lotus Tavern

PaxLair Statehood, New Britannia (PaxLair Times) – March 27, 2014 – by Ashlynn – The next meeting will be held as follows:

  • Date: Thursday, March 27, 2014
  • Time:
    • 8:00-9:00 PM ET – PaxLair Meeting
  • Location: Fire Lotus Tavern, Owls Head
  • Directions:  Owls Head is usually the town you begin the game in. It’s the inland village with a walled “high town” and a lower part protected by a palisade. The lower part is where you’ll find the tavern. This might have changed in release 4 but who knows!

RELEASE 4 is upon us! With meeting up in the previous release being mostly successful (a few issues aside) we are going to attempt to do it once again. This release is also far more substantial so there will be more for us to do!

And don’t forget – We will all need to add each other to our ingame friends lists.

Although the meeting is scheduled for between 8 and 9pm EST, we’ll probably be around for a lot longer than that.

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PaxLair Meeting: March 25, 2014 at Papua

PaxLair Statehood, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – March 25, 2014 – by Ashlynn – The next meeting will be held as follows:

  • Date: Tuesday, March 25, 2014
  • Time:
    • 9:00-10:00 PM ET – PaxLair Meeting
  • Location: Papua, Trammel, Chesapeake
  • Directions:  It’s in the lost lands. You’ll need to RECALL there or use that teleporter in Moonglow that requires magic words I’ve long forgotten. The meeting will probably be held near the bank.

Stop eight is a city in the swamps near where the old Minax fortress used to be. It’s hot, humid and teeming with annoying insect life. The food is terrible and the people worse. It’ll be great.

Anyway, this week we will be discussing amongst other things:

  • Things. I don’t know.

Be there or be silver serpent food.

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Realm News – Volume 5, Issue 2

realmnewsbannerv5-2The PaxLair Press, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – March 24, 2014 – by Ashlynn – Orcs and pirates might dominate this issue’s more shocking articles but it isn’t all blood and battle. Over a dozen people from all across Britannia were recognized for their bravery and work in making the Kingdom a better place for us all.


20140324rbgyew3Last month a large force of orcs attacked the City of Yew interrupting an alliance meeting in the process (for shame!). The orcs were eventually beaten back though the scale of the attacking horde was surprising and included massed ranks of orcish archers.

Yesterday evening the Royal Guard and it’s volunteers received an urgent request from Governor Tehan of Yew asking for help dealing with the orcs once again. It seemed they had seized the guard towers and houses along the main road near the city and showed no signs of leaving.

The Royal Guard were quick to respond and soon forced the orcs out, pursuing them as far as the eastern Yew Bridge. There in the water several ships – captained by humans – were discovered that the orcs had used to move their troops. It is also alleged that infamous pirate-turned-governor Holly Bloodhand was amongst those present.

Following information recovered from one of the captured crew the Royal Guard headed to the mines in the south west but progress was halted after the orcs brought down the cave roof in a huge explosion.

With the orc force defeated Governor Tehan thanked the Royal Guard for their help, informing everyone that the reinforcements had arrived to re-garrison the waystations – reinforcements supplied by the King.

While I am happy to hear the orcs were defeated I feel compelled to comment that while Cove has endured years of siege with little support the people of the cities want for nothing. And there is still no sign of the defensive improvements promised months ago.


Four men armed with crossbows and blades raided the Trinsic branch of the Royal Bank of Britannia over the weekend, making off with several bags of gold bars and jewelery.

Witnesses claim the thieves first attempted to sneak into the bank, subduing one of the guards in the process before the alarm was raised. They then held everyone in the bank hostage, broke into several lockboxes, and fought off a small troop of watchman before escaping on horseback.

The Captain of the Trinsic Watch has vowed to catch the criminals – who were described as well dressed men wearing masks of mainly orc and savage design.


Some might question whether the goblins have signed one with a specific individual or if they mean the city itself. Given the creatures involved it is a fair question.

But I am informed that Pitmuck and the City of Yew have signed some form of defensive pact – that if one of the settlements is attacked the other will come to their defence. Governor Tehan had this to say on the matter:

The city of Yew is pleased to sign this treaty of mutual assistance with Pitmuck.

We share the same friends and the same enemies. Shall Pitmuck request our assistance, we will answer the call.

To seal this agreement with concrete actions, I propose to establish a permanent transportation link between Yew and Pitmuck, so to facilitate exchanges between the two cities.


20140324lighthouseConstruction of the lighthouse requested by the previous Governor of Vesper was finally completed about a week ago just in time for her successor to benefit from it’s building.

Governor Holly will no doubt be thrilled at having a modern shining beacon to guide her allied corsairs into port with no risk of running afoul on the rocky coast. The lighthouse had long been a request of former Governor Ivy and it is certainly an impressive sight.

I fear however that any turmoil to erupt from appointment of the new governor might result in the building being torn down by the Royal Guard – not out of spite of course but as a military strategy in and attempt to hamper increased pirate activity in and around Vesper.


The so-called gods themselves were on hand to reward all those who thwarted the plot of wicked Necromancer Jane earlier this year. Those who pursued the murderer and her foul creations acquired a “virulent rose” for their troubles which could be handed in for a Royal credit.

Last night several people were formerly recognized as “Eradicator of the Virulent Witch” – their name displayed in gold for all to see.

Lady Engel, and her sister, Lady Ariel of Dragon’s Watch were also recognized for their tireless service to the realm. Lady Engel was awarded the title “Relic Hunter” for her efforts in cataloging ruins and other esoterica scattered across the Kingdom, while her sister was awarded the title “Daughter of the Sea” for her work at the Sons of the Sea.

Well done to all those who have been recognized for their hard work!


Royal Engineers and miners from the town of Minoc will begin using explosive powders on the coastal earthworks this coming wednesday. Governor Victor’s grand project for the city is the construction of a port so that iron ore and wrought iron can be more easily exported across the realm. Such endeavours have long been thwarted by huge quantities of spent slag dumped along the coast over many years and this needs removing before construction can begin proper.

All citizens are advised to keep away from area or work. Alchemical explosives have long been an imprecise art and the overly curious risk death or dismemberment if they draw too close.

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