PaxLair Meeting: May 27, 2014 at the Barnacle Tavern in Minoc

PaxLair Statehood, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – May 27, 2014 – by Ashlynn – The next meeting will be held as follows:

  • Date: Tuesday, May 27, 2014
  • Time:
    • 9:00-10:00 PM ET – PaxLair Meeting
  • Location: Barnacle Tavern, Minoc, Trammel, Chesapeake
  • Directions:  North end of town! Large structure near the stables – you can’t miss it. You should also feel ASHAMED if you don’t know where it is after all these years!

Business this week includes:

  • New alliance guild business
  • Mushrooms
  • SotA Recap
  • Events!
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PaxLair Town in New Britannia Off to a Great Start (R6)

PaxLair Town, Valemark, New Britannia (PaxLair Times) – May 22, 2014 – Winfield – The first day of PaxLair in Release 6 was a great success.  People started arriving in Valemark as soon as they could (when R6 opened at 11:30 ET U.S.).  Word apparently spread fast across the realm as Lord British arrived within 30 minutes himself!

Lord British toured the upper meadow of Valemark where some of the old veterans of PaxLair were building their homes.  While he was there, others ventured to the middle meadow which is now being called the Nobles Meadow because of the large, ornate buildings and towers.  Still more people came and looked for unoccupied house lots finding them in the forest circle near the Nobles meadow and the lower meadow.  The lots went quickly and by nightfall (end of the day), the entire Valemark area was filled.  Some people even gave up city lots in Owl’s Head to build a home in PaxLair.

Residents of PaxLair and visitors gather in the Nobles Meadow (in R6).

Residents of PaxLair and visitors gather in the Nobles Meadow (in R6).

Governor Winfield, the leader of PaxLair, held a town meeting at 8 PM ET in the upper meadow.  Many people arrived and this is what he said.

Hail everyone! I am Winfield, the Governor of PaxLair. Welcome to the Town of PaxLair in New Britannia!! We and many new friends have discovered a new home here in Valemark.

PaxLair has been a town for over 16 years in Old Britannia and is still going strong there. Here, we want to build a PaxLair with some of our veterans and new friends too! PaxLair is not a guild — it is a town of many guilds, people, and establishments. Anyone can be a citizen, ally, friend, or even an enemy.

This weekend, we plan to do a lot here, as much as we can. Decorating our houses is a good thing since we may ((video)) the area. We also plan to map the area and document who has houses here.

There are three meadows. We are in the upper meadow. Next meadow is the middle meadow, that is also called the Nobles Meadow. And the meadow near the entrance is the lower meadow. These names may change this weekend as we get to know each other.

We have a pub called the Town Drunk Tavern with the Sunset Rock behind it. Many of you have great buildings that can become famous. Our focus is on community building and having a place many people can call home. It is also a place to meet new people and hang out. In the future, PaxLair will need defenses, troops, merchants, ambassadors, mailboxes, justice, street repairs, and all things that make a town a town.

Have fun this weekend and get to know each other. We will be here every day through Sunday. We may hold some adventures or events, like storytelling and such. So listen to Avatars Radio and watch the SotA forums and SotA Wiki.

Welcome to PaxLair once again!

Events are spontaneous throughout the weekend.  There may be dungeon runs, crafting festivals, story telling, pub crawling, and town tours.  People are encouraged to “friend” each other to stay in touch and listen to Avatars Radio for any spot announcements.  There is also a message thread on the SotA Forums about Building PaxLair Town in R6 where everyone is welcome to make comments, ask questions, post images and thoughts.  And of course SotA Wiki always has good information about New Britannia and current events.

((A big part of this “test” is to see how well we can communicate with each other inside the game and what features are needed to help make a Player Town immersive and fun.  We plan to come up with a list of things for improvement that can help support Player Towns in the future.  Everyone can help.))

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PaxLair Town being built in Valemark (R6)

PaxLair Town, Valemark, New Britannia (PaxLair Times) – May 22, 2014 – by Winfield – Once again, PaxLair is building a town in New Britannia (Release 6).  It is located in the Valemark housing area.  The area is open for anyone to build a house and a future there.  All guilds, people, and establishments are welcome.  Some events are being planned including a Town Meeting, some Tours, maybe a festival, some adventure parties, and who knows what else.

Valemark located WSW of Kingsport.

Valemark located WSW of Kingsport.

The Shroud of the Avatar pre-Alpha Release 6 runs from Thursday, May 22 at 11:30 ET to Sunday, May 25 at 11:00 PM ET.

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PaxLair Meeting: May 20, 2014 at Tranquility Theatre

PaxLair Statehood, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – May 20, 2014 – by Ashlynn – The next meeting will be held as follows:

  • Date: Tuesday, May 20, 2014
  • Time:
    • 9:00-10:00 PM ET – PaxLair Meeting
  • Location: Tranquility, Malas, Chesapeake
  • Directions:  Gates will appear at Tea House for those needing them. There is also a teleporter to the town of Tranquility which is near the large orc fortifications near Umbra.

This evening we shall be visiting Tranquility because I – and everyone else I asked – forgot where we’d decided to hold it. The meeting will take place in the theatre where we will be discussing:

  • Mushrooms
  • Goblins
  • Upcoming Quests and Events
  • And something SotA related

Be there or be afflicted by some terrible fungal disease. Like a human variety of cordyceps.

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PaxLair Meeting: May 13, 2014 at Pitmuck Emporium

PaxLair Statehood, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – May 13, 2014 – by Ashlynn – The next meeting will be held as follows:

  • Date: Tuesday, May 13, 2014
  • Time:
    • 9:00-10:00 PM ET – PaxLair Meeting
  • Location: Band Island/Yew Prison Island, Felucca, Chesapeake
  • Directions:  Pitmuck Island! There’s a teleporter to the Island from the Tea House or you can use the Chesapeake Community Hub. The Emporium is on the southern tip of the island.
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PaxLair Meeting: May 7, 2014 on Band Isle/Yew Prison Isle

PaxLair Statehood, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – May 7, 2014 – by Ashlynn – The next meeting will be held as follows:

  • Date: Tuesday, May 7, 2014
  • Time:
    • 9:00-10:00 PM ET – PaxLair Meeting
  • Location: Band Island/Yew Prison Island, Felucca, Chesapeake
  • Directions:  There will be gates available. The island is where the main part of the prison is located. It is a GUARD ZONE so you will all be perfectly safe. The meeting will take place on the north west part of the island.

The building the main part of the meeting will be held outside of is called Hermit’s Point.

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Expedition into the Abyss

The Stygian Abyss, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – May 4, 2014 – by Ozog – Editor’s Note: This write up comes courtesy of Ozog, infamous goblin of Pitmuck island. I did consider rewriting it but decided it best to simply publish it verbatim. The goblins certainly have an interesting way with words.

20140504slasher2WE WENT, WE SAW, WE CONCORED.





Thank you for that report, Ozog.

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PaxLair Meeting: April 29, 2014 at Hidden Valley

PaxLair Statehood, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – April 29, 2014 – by Winfield – The next meeting will be held as follows:

  • Date: Tuesday, April 29, 2014
  • Time:
    • 9:00-10:00 PM ET – PaxLair Meeting
  • Location: Hidden Valley near Trinsic, Trammel, Chesapeake
  • Directions:  Gates will appear at Tea House for those needing them.
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Lord British visits PaxLair Meadow (R5)

PaxLair (R5), Valemark, New Britannia (PaxLair Times) – April 27, 2014 – by Winfield – Word traveled fast about the upper meadow in Valemark.  Some people started to arrive and then Lord British walked into the meadow!  Home owners came out to greet him and many more people came to visit.  Food and ale was flowing as fast as the citizens could prepare them.  The people led Lord British on a royal tour of the meadow circle visiting each and every home.  Some homes were ornately furnished and others were still “moving in”.

Lord British and many home owners and guests in Valemark R5

Lord British and many home owners and guests in Valemark Upper Meadow (R5)

Lord British visits Sir NANOC's tower in the Valemark Upper Meadow (R5)

Lord British visits Sir NANOC’s tower in the Valemark Upper Meadow (R5)

On Sir NANOC's roof in Valemark Upper Meadow (R5)

On Sir NANOC’s roof in Valemark Upper Meadow (R5)

Good Friends watching the sunset (at the end of R5).

Good Friends watching the sunset (at the end of R5).

We sincerely enjoyed the opportunity to once again visit New Britannia.  There are many ideas and many motivated people.  We look forward to the brightest of futures.

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New Britannia R5 – PaxLair Meadow – a player town beginning

PaxLair (R5), Valemark, New Britannia (PaxLair Times) – April 27, 2014 – by Winfield – Several citizens of PaxLair found a place to build some houses in Valemark town, just north of Braemar.  Winfield, NANOC, Ashlynn, Sean Silverfoot, Grimlar Mithrax and Winmere found a meadow with a few open areas for homes.

Release 5 - Valemark Upper Meadow - A few PaxLair leaders in search of a place to call home!

Release 5 – Valemark Upper Meadow – A few PaxLair leaders in search of a place to call home!

Four lots were in an upper meadow and one in a middle meadow.  These meadows were circles of lots with an open area in the center.  Clearly people had not lived in these meadows for very long as they had not yet cooperated enough to cut down the tall grass and weeds in the center.

To get to the upper meadow, enter Valemark.  Walk past the town crier and veer left.  Go across the lower meadow keeping a little to the right through a path that leads to a big rock with a lantern near it.  Take the path right of the lantern rock and go up the trail. It veers to the right again into a rocky area. Go up the rocky path and enter the upper meadow.  (of course, this meadow area will most likely exist post-Release 5 (R5), but the housing will not be there as described in this article. We will build again!)

Release 5 - Valemark Upper Meadow - Entering the Meadow.

Release 5 – Valemark Upper Meadow – Entering the Meadow.

NANOC built a Knight’s Benefactor Tower, Winmere a Mage Tower, Se’an Silverfoot a Rustic three story house, Grimlar a Knight’s Benefactor Tower (in the middle meadow down below) and Winfield … well … an open air gathering spot (go figure, he does like the outdoors).

Release 5 - Valemark Upper Meadow - Winfield's Open Air village lot looking in.

Release 5 – Valemark Upper Meadow – Winfield’s Open Air village lot looking in.

Winfield’s outdoor lot represents the ideas of when a town is new, just being settled.  Here, the crafters must go to work creating items for the houses being built and provide a gathering place with food and drink.  And, not only is there an information desk to help people streaming into the new town, but also a place for the leaders to talk to groups and monks to preach to their parishioners.

Release 5 - Valemark Upper Meadow - Winfield's Open Air village lot looking out.

Release 5 – Valemark Upper Meadow – Winfield’s Open Air village lot looking out.

Building a new town is not an easy task.  It takes dedication, cooperation, and perseverance.  It takes people with vision and people with ideas.  It takes enthusiasm.  Most of all, it takes patience.

Release 5 - Valemark Upper Meadow - Circle area.

Release 5 – Valemark Upper Meadow – Circle area.

A meadow like this could become a hot-bed of activity, a market with the best quality and priced items in the land, a place for inter-town festivals with great tournaments, a place of great importance for diplomacy among many peoples and cities, a wonderfully relaxing meadow with a great library and theater, and even a town constantly under attack and needing continual defenses, resources, and troops.  The possibilities are endless.

Release 5 - Valemark Upper Meadow - Open air village lot looking out on meadow circle.

Release 5 – Valemark Upper Meadow – Open air village lot looking out on meadow circle.

In years to come, people will look back at the humble beginnings of any town or city.  Some towns will become ruins and remembered in history books and legends, while others will go on to stand the test of time.

In Old Britannia (Ultima Online) we of PaxLair are already a continuing city, in fact several cities in a statehood with a very large alliance.  Here in New Britannia, things are … well … new .. once again.  We know our history, our successes and failures, and how we endured and continue to endure for 16+ years in the old realm.  What our future will be in New Britannia is uncertain, yet we know it will be a great adventure!

Some reference articles on building a player town:

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