PaxLair 15th Anniversay Celebrations – Day 3

Pitmuck, Trammel, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – January 18, 2013 – by Ashlynn – Goblins leaving me gifts? It certainly must be a special occasion for such things to occur. Mine came in the form of a noxious looking brew I am yet to try courtesy of Icky. I think I may bring it along to the grand dinner tomorrow. The little creature assures me that it is safe so we will see.

Chesapeake Super Knowledgeable Champions Quiz

We have some pretty smart people living throughout the realm so what better way to test their knowledge than with a quiz. This particular one took place at the Shrine of Sobriety. Due to having an odd number of people, we opted for a simply format where everyone was asked a question in turn and won or lost points depending on their answer.

There were four categories – Sosarian General Knowledge, PaxLair Alliance History, Mycology, and Architecture. Some questions were fairly straightforward, others not so much.

The final results at the end of round three were:

  • Winfield: 0pts
  • Nanoc: 1pt
  • Nubby: 2pts
  • Phoenix: 2pts
  • Yoshi: 1pt
  • Ozog: 0pts (HAH)
  • Niva: 4pts

Congratulations to Britannia’s most knowledgeable person – Niva the Savage!

Mage Poker

A tradition during the celebrations is Mage Poker usually held in Gyldenfeld (although I recall it being held at the farm near Lakeshire once). Merlionna was the host and the aim of the game was to match a hand of animals she would call through the use of the Summon Creature spell.

There were lots of prizes on offer and they were for each round rather than there being any kind of running total. Though I don’t remember who the winners of each round were (and there were three for the final one), the following hands were called: Horse and Llama, Two Scorpions, Three Bears, Pig and Chicken, Two Hinds, and a Rabbit.

It was all a lot of fun an Melionna was a great host. Unfortunately a goblin won one of the rounds which has me wondering if there is some sort of cheaty goblin shamanism at work. I ask that all be vigilant in future games.

The Goblin Treasure Hunt

As goblins tend to get chased around a lot by things stronger than they, it seemed they wanted the good folk of Britannia to experience the same – and that is what the treasure hunt was all about.

Scattered across the island of Pitmuck were about a dozen bagballs each containing a treasure. All we had to do was go out and get them and anything we found, we could keep. There were no rules we were told. Goblins don’t seem to like rules much it seems.

But there was a catch! Apparently there were dragons and their ilk guarding the treasures and sure enough we discovered that to be the case! White wyrms, greater dragons, drakes, and even those Tokunese creatures known as hiryu all seemed to have appeared on the island.

After the creatures were slain (I mean the dragons, not the goblins) we returned to the horrid goblin cave. It seemed everyone had found something and they were all in high spirits so I’d say it was a successful and fun event even if the hosts were a bit… pungent.

Tonight we have yet more events! Dragons Watch will be our hosts for the day and the fun shall begin at 7pm EST at the Tea House in PaxOku. I will also be posting tomorrow’s menu later so you can also see what culinary… delights… are in store.

Posted in General News, Gyldenfeld, PaxLair Anniversary, PaxLair Statehood, Pitmuck, Player Event | Comments Off on PaxLair 15th Anniversay Celebrations – Day 3

PaxLair 15th Anniversary Celebrations – Day 2

Shrine of Sobriety, Trammel, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – January 17, 2013 – by Ashlynn – There was plenty of activity on the second day of the celebrations with events in Guardian’s Gate, the Shrine of Sobriety, and even an investigative trek across Ilshenar and Trinsic.

The Mycologist’s Delights

The night began with an event held by Lazulli called The Mycologist’s Delights. Attendants quickly learned of their goal – I had left a book on a table in the middle of the shrine with nine clues inside. Each clue hinted at a location where a box containing a mushroom sample could be found. For each sample returned, participants could pick a random prize from one of the nearby boxes.

It appeared some of the clues were a little ambiguous but the participants managed to solve five of them before their time was up – Nanoc solved two, Phoenix solved two, and Axe solved one.

The book can still be found in the shrine for those who wish to make an attempt to figure them out.

Hot on the Trail

A call to arms was then issued for volunteers to aid in the search for the Assassin. After being given a summary of past events at the Office of the Commander in the City of Britain, we headed back to the Gypsy Camp in Ilshenar where we had found our previous lead.

Our investigation then took us to the Keg and Anchor in Trinsic where we questioned the staff, and then on to the ruins of Paws where we eventually found Vulcan’s Emissary. The emissary informed us that we would need powerful magic to breach her hideout and without the aid of Balandar or the like, it would take some time – about a week.

With nothing else for the guard to do, we were dismissed and many of us headed to Guardian’s Gate for an evening of bovine excitement.

Cow Tipping in Guardian’s Gate

The fine folk of Guardian’s Gate helped us celebrate the anniversary by holding a Cow Tipping Contest. Everyone was invited to participate (even goblins!). The format was double elimination with prizes for the three top places. There were plenty of amusing moments from the crowd and everyone seemed to have fun.

Unfortunately, a GOBLIN managed to steal first place. I believe some trickery is at work and a formal complaint to the SCC (Sosarian Cow-tipping Committee) is being considered.

The final results were as follows:

  • 5th Place – Phoenix
  • 4th Place – Winmere
  • 3rd Place – Mirie d’Angel
  • 2nd Place – Sluggy
  • 1st Place – Ozog

Join us tonight for yet more fun from the anniversary celebrations! Events begin at 7pm EST at the Tea House!

Posted in EM Event, General News, Guardians Gate, PaxLair Anniversary, PaxLair Statehood, Player Event, Trinsic | Comments Off on PaxLair 15th Anniversary Celebrations – Day 2

PaxLair 15th Anniversary Celebrations – Day 1

PaxLair City, Felucca, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – January 16, 2013 – by Ashlynn – Yesterday marked the opening ceremonies of the 15th Anniversary of PaxLair and it was certainly eventful, to say the least! Yes, it really has been that long – a decade and a half of the Governor giving speeches.

The Opening Ceremony began at 8pm and there were guards on hand to keep an eye out for any potential aggressors. A large number of citizens were present and as things were about to get underway and following something of a tradition, a raiding party began their assault on the tower.

The skirmish raged for quite some time and despite the valiant efforts of the volunteer guards, they were eventually overcome, leading us to bar the doors as best we could. The doors managed to hold while the Governor gave his speech and we were soon all off to begin the City Tour.

We toured the cities of the alliance (and even my ruined shrine) where the Governor gave a small talk about each of them before retiring to the Tea House to socialize.

Tonight the events begin proper with two events planned around an investigation into the whereabouts of the assassin. Events will begin at 7pm EST.

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PaxLair 15th Anniversary Schedule

PaxLair Press, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – January 14, 2013 – by Ashlynn – The schedule for the PaxLair anniversary is mostly complete! Below you can see the extensive list of exciting events we have planned! All times are in EST.

Tuesday, January 15

8 PM – Opening Ceremonies
Host: Governor Winfield
Location: PaxLair Mage Tower, PaxLair City, Felucca
Description: Opening speeches, meet & greet, question & answer

Fish Tournament Announcement
Host: Nidaros
Location: PaxLair Mage Tower, PaxLair City, Felucca
Description: CASH REWARDS – Turn in fish on Jan 19 at the Dinner
Fish must be caught Jan 15-19, 2013

  • Biggest Named Fish
  • Biggest Crab or Lobster
  • Most Named Fish of any Name

8:30 PM – Tour of Cities
Host: PaxLair Statehood and Cities Officials
Location: PaxLair Mage Tower, PaxLair City, Felucca
Description: Tour of PaxLair City, Dragons Watch, PaxOku, Nidaros, Pitmuck, Gyldendfeld, Aryslan

Wednesday, January 16

7 PM – The Mycologist’s Delights
Host: Lady Ashlynn
Location: Tea House, PaxOku, Tokuno, then go to Ashlynn’s House (the Shrine of Sobriety)

8 PM – EM Event
Host: EM Drosselmeyer

9 PM – Guardians Gate Cow Tipping Contest
Host: Guardians Gate
Location: Arena, Guardians Gate, Trammel

Thursday, January 17

7 PM – Quiz (CNF – Creative Name Forthcoming)
Host: Lady Ashlynn
Location: Tea House, PaxOku, Tokuno, then go to Ashlynn’s House (the Shrine of Sobriety)

8 PM – Mage Poker
Host: Gyldenfeld
Location: Red Wolf Cafe, Gyldenfeld, Trammel

9 PM – Goblin Event
Host: Pitmuck
Location: Pitmuck, Trammel

Friday, January 18

7 PM – Survivor Dungeon Run
Host: Dragons Watch
Location: Tea House, PaxOku, Tokuno

8 PM – Great Adventure
Host: Dragons Watch
Location: Tea House, PaxOku, Tokuno

9 PM – Snakes & Serpents
Host: Dragons Watch
Location: Tea House, PaxOku, Tokuno

Saturday, January 19

4 PM – You Bet Your Life
Host: UO Radio
Location: UO Radio Hall, South of Luna, Malas

7 PM – Deal or No Deal
Host: UO Radio
Location: UO Radio Hall, South of Luna, Malas

9 PM – Grand Dinner and Speech
Host: Governor Winfield
Location: PaxLair Mage Tower, PaxLair City, Felucca
Description: Casual Dining, Short Storytelling, Speeches

Fish Tournament Turn-In
Host: Nidaros
Location: PaxLair Mage Tower, PaxLair City, Felucca
Description: CASH REWARDS – Turn in fish caught Jan 15-19

  • Biggest Named Fish
  • Biggest Crab or Lobster
  • Most Named Fish of any Name

10 PM – Closing Ceremonies
Host: Governor Winfield
Location: PaxLair Mage Tower, PaxLair City, Felucca

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News From Across the Realm, Volume 3, Issue 1

The New Year Press, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – January 10, 2013 – by Ashlynn (With a Contribution from Nubby)I hope the holiday period has been kind to everyone. I hope you are all sticking to your new year resolutions (I of course am not!), and I hope you have been giving the goblins some grief. They deserve it.

Volume 3 marks the beginning of the third year of actual news! In a contained format that is – there was plenty of news before then but it was so disorganized! So without further ado let us see some of this fabled news.

Guardian’s Gate Begin Darts League

Several days ago the good folk of Guardian’s Gate announced plans to run a weekly wednesday event over the course of the whole year and yesterday evening marked the first night of that endeavour. The event of choice this week was darts and it took place at the Ottersrun Taphouse. A good time was had by all – I even managed to steal second place through sheer luck!

The night’s final results were as follows:

  • 1st Place – Lady Phoenix
  • 2nd Place – Ashlynn
  • 3rd Place – Dirtnap
  • 4th Place – Mirie

The high score for the evening was 41 points shared between myself and Lady Phoenix.

Next week Guardian’s Gate will be hosting a Cow Tipping contest at 9pm EST. I look forward to seeing you all there!

PaxLair Anniversary Preparations Underway

Next week marks the PaxLair 205th anniversary and a whole host of events are planned to mark the occasion although there is still much work to be done. The celebration will run for a week with one or more events each night

A preliminary draft of proposed events can be found on the Chesapeake Community Board on Stratics. All are welcome and any who would like to host an event also are  welcome to.

The opening ceremony will take place on the evening of the 15th of January. Events will continue until the 19th.

Sosaria Still Here

Despite earlier predictions that the realm might be torn asunder in late December, it has emerged that the realm of Sosaria still infact exists. The scholars of the Lyceum seem unsurprised by such a turn of events but various doomsday cults seem most perturbed at the lack of an apocalypse and reports suggest they took to the streets briefly to protest against… whatever elder god thwarted their plans.

On a more positive note, Malas continues to disintegrate with recent reports that a huge chunk of land crumbled away into the void last week. Fortunately no one’s home seemed to be perched upon it but would be proclaimers of the end of the world may find the crumbling continent more to their liking.

Nubby Has a New Cave – By Nubby

“Nubby bees back wit new cabe”

In Other News

Shady goblin reported hanging around the Tea House. Witnesses suspect the creature may have theft in mind. Creature described as small, green, with large ears and foul smelling.

Sosarian Mushroom Day declared to be February 8th. A event of some kind will be held in the evening to mark the occasion.

Posted in General News, Guardians Gate, PaxLair Anniversary, PaxLair Statehood, Pitmuck, Player Event | Comments Off on News From Across the Realm, Volume 3, Issue 1

PaxLair Meeting: January 8, 2013 at the Tea House

PaxLair Statehood, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – January 8, 20123– by Ashlynn – The next meeting will be held as follows:

  • Date: Tuesday, January 8, 2013
  • Time:
    • 9:00-10:00 PM ET – PaxLair Meeting
  • Location: The Tea House in PaxOku, Tokuno.
  • Directions:  Homare-Jima Moongate – run east.
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News From Across the Realm – Christmas/End of the World Edition

The Press of Mistletoe, Cinnamon, and Holly, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – December 20, 2012 – by Ashlynn – Celebrations are already well underway and there are still several days to go before Christmas! The past month has been busy with intrigue and parties – a dangerous mix I must say! Anything could ye happen before the year is through though I suspect most of it will involve tailoring adjustments and alcohol poisoning.

Gifts, Gifts, and More Gifts

For those who enjoy attending many of the prestigious events that occur throughout our lands, it is fair to say that the gift giving season has yielded quite a bounty thus far with three gift-focused events already and more yet to come!

The spirit of Santa first made his presence known at the tavern in Dragon’s Watch and true to form he was grumpy, drunk, and his hands tended to wander more than they otherwise should. Infact some of what happened that evening is probably not fit for print in such a high status newspaper but it seemed that people enjoyed the night regardless. In any case such a manifestation of Santa has become a tradition in Dragon’s Watch to which many people look forward.

The following night the spirit made another appearance at the Sosarian Solstice Faire. Behaving more respectably this time around, people queued for hours and hours and hours for a chance to speak to the jolly fat man. Asking whether we were good or bad, he gave us all either a hat or boots that had been specially made by his… whatever his servants are. Perhaps golems or undead elves. Who knows!

A gift exchange at the Tea House in PaxOku hosted by Governor Winfield followed the faire appearance of Santa. The Governor had a slight twist in mind for the event which he called “Dirty Santa”. Everyone brought a gift to add to the pile and names were called out randomly one by one. Those called had the option to pick a new random gift or steal one that had already been drawn. Those “stolen” from would then get the same choice, and so it continued until all the gifts had been shared out.

My gift of a bottle of noxious gas aside, it was all great fun. Dirtnap even had additional gifts to hand out to everyone at the end of the game which were very well received. Many thanks to him!

But for those looking for more fun and games, the gift-giving season is not yet over as I hear Guardian’s Gate has their own gift exchange event in mind, though I suspect there is less stealing involved!

A Cult of Exodus

Cultists who have devoted themselves to the terrible half-mechanical entity known as Exodus have made camp near the ruins of Ver Lor Reg offering aid to those who wish to summon an aspect of the daemon’s spirit.

One surprising consequence however are the large numbers of champions wishing to prove their might against such a being – performing the summoning ritual to challenge the entity and lay claim to a tiny portion of his wealth.

In the past few weeks I have heard of many such expeditions leaving from the City of Haven in the evening. Anyone daring enough to take up such a challenge should probably inquire amongst those sometimes found there.

Robbery on the High Seas

Fortune’s Fire was raided by pirates a week ago, the scurvy sea urchins clearly hoping to make away with all the coin that the house has managed to swindle out of patrons over the past month or so. Unfortunately for the pirates, a large party of Britannian revelers was present and they just so happened to be armed to the teeth!

Cruising along the coast, the pirates bombarded the shore but realizing the strength of their opposition, they swiftly took to the seas. Not content to let such an indignity rest, many of the visitors decided on pursuit, using ships lying at anchor to chase the pirates all the way to the island of Moonglow.

Despite being outnumbered, the pirates still put up quite a fight before they were finally brought to bloody justice – a lesson to all would-be Christmas Corsairs everywhere.

Ashlynn’s Christmas Ornament Suggestions

Glittering goblin-ears, toes clad in amber, and silver inlaid goblin knucklebones are amongst this year’s most fashionable ornaments in the City of Umbra. Indeed, the Umbraen economy has seen something of an unusual boom in trade this season, but the merchants are certainly not complaining. Curious, I decided to ask one merchant by the name of Cruentus how this all came about.

“Well as yer know we sell a lot o’ the harder to find reagents here in Umbra. Things the folk in the Britannian cities often outlaw or find distasteful. Human bones, murder caps, organs, all that. But if we want some o’ them fancy ornaments, we have ter import ’em at a premium ’cause for some reason foreign merchants don’t like to visit here often.”

It is true, I have heard that many merchants from Britain and Trinsic have often avoided Umbra for fear of becoming the victim of some mage’s terrible experiment. I must add though that such ideas are very much over exaggerated. But Cruentus continued.

“That time you visited to purchase some… [I feel this part is best deleted] …well you suggested producin’ our own. And those recent raids the Captain has been leadin’ into the Abyss have brought back many goblin bodies fer raw material so to speak. Since then we can’t make ’em fast enough!”

I have always believed in buying local whenever possible and I’m glad to see the citizens of Umbra have taken this idea to heart. And even though the… cattle are not from Umbra, they are certainly butchered locally! A very Merry Christmas to the people of Umbra!

Vulcan’s Embrace

The season has not all been fun and games (and corsair raids) as Vulcan’s Emissary had yet more work for willing volunteers. An expedition late last month took us to the depths of Fire Dungeon where we fought a maddened spirit of fire after the emissary informed us that Vulcan’s madness was contained within in crystal that could be or had been forged into a weapon. Once the creature had been slain, the emissary explained to Captain Irina that the weapon was far more powerful than we at first believed.

Sadly I am a little hazy on the details after that and will have to formally investigate this matter further before writing a more comprehensive editorial. Or perhaps having another do so. (Volunteers are welcome!)

Assassin Escapes Royal Guard

The most recent Royal Guard Expedition took us into the wilds of Central Ilshenar where we heard that Elise Symeria the assassin could be found – the same assassin responsible for so much chaos, murder and destruction across Britannia and who we now believed was being swallowed by some madness of darker origin.

Scouring the land we eventually cornered her in a fortified Savage settlement south of the ruins of old Fort Blackthorn. It appeared the assassin had tricked the backwards denizens into helping her and they fought against us with all their might.

Unfortunately as victory seemed within our grasp the assassin managed to escape our heavily armed force and her whereabouts are once again unknown. But with yet more of her allies defeated and another hideout compromised, the noose surely tightens. Soon she will have nowhere left to run.

What’s Happening in Britannia

Guardian’s Gate will be hosting a gift exchange at auction on Friday 21st December! Simply bring a bag containing a gift (whether big or small) and a book with your name in it and hand it to the cashier.

A night of Winter Tales is still set for December 29th at 8pm EST. Come along, tell a story and enjoy an evening of fun. There’s a prize for the best story involving a goblin meeting wintery demise.

Posted in Dragons Watch, EM Event, Exodus, Exodus Campaign, General News, Guardians Gate, Ilshenar, Moonglow, PaxOku, Player Event, Shard Event, Story Contest | Comments Off on News From Across the Realm – Christmas/End of the World Edition

PaxLair Meeting: December 11, 2012 at DW Tavern

PaxLair Statehood, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – December 11, 2012 – by Winfield – The next meeting will be held as follows:

  • Date: Tuesday, December 11, 2012
  • Time:
    • 9:00-10:00 PM ET – PaxLair Meeting
  • Location: Tavern, Dragons Watch, Felucca, Chesapeake
  • Directions:  Teleporter is at the Tea House in PaxOku, Tokuno.
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PaxLair Alliance Events for the Holiday Season

PaxLair Times, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – December 9, 2012 – by Ashlynn
We have a number of events planned for the coming month in celebration of Christmas and the new year and here they are listed for your convenience (and as a reminder!). All times given are EST.

December 13th – Dragon’s Watch Turkey Fights: Dragons Watch will be hosting turkey fights at their Tavern from 8pm. Bring a tamed Turkey (or chicken I suppose if you don’t have one) and perhaps a little gold to bet with!

December 17th – The Present Elf Visits Dragons Watch: A strange spirit known as the Present Elf will be making a stop at Dragons Watch Tavern at 8pm to deposit gifts and coal! Ozog is definitely getting coal. Or maybe Black Lung.

December 18th – PaxLair Statehood Meeting and Gift Exchange: Bring gifts and swap them with others. Gifts should not be expensive but rather, thoughtful and fun. Events start at 8pm at the Tea House I believe.

December 25th – I hear this day marks some kind of holiday. Just a rumour I heard in Britannia’s taverns! There will probably be a few of us around that day!

December 29th – Winter Tales: Less formal than other storytelling nights, come along a tell us all a holiday story. Feel free to submit one to the Times where it will be printed too! This will take place at the Shrine of Sobriety at 8pm.

December 31st – New Year’s Eve Celebration: Everyone gathers in Haven by the bank to welcome in the new year. Events start from around 7pm. The event is more of a social gathering than anything so come along and have fun!

Don’t forget, we hold regular meetings every tuesday evening at 9pm. I also hear the Pitmuck Deli is offering morning breakfast and entertainment most days for those who visit the realm at earlier times!

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PaxLair Meeting: December 4, 2012 at Skara Community Center

PaxLair Statehood, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – December 4, 2012 – by Winfield – The next meeting will be held as follows:

  • Date: Tuesday, December 4, 2012
  • Time:
    • 9:00-10:00 PM ET – PaxLair Meeting
  • Location: Community Center, Skara Brae, Trammel, Chesapeake
  • Directions:Just east of the Skara Bank.
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