Britannian Summer Elections

Britain, Trammel, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – June 10, 2013 – by Ashlynn – The Britannian summer election season has officially begun! Invited by King Blackthorn (not Ozog) and the Royal Council, many citizens across the realm have put themselves forward as candidates for Mayor of the realm’s many cities.

So far the current list of candidates looks like this (many thanks to Se’an Silverfoot for collecting this information):

  • Britain: Angelica (Taking Care of Business), Daria Blackmore (Royal Britannian Guard)
  • Jhelom: Sherry Shar (House of Silverfoot)
  • Minoc: Victor II (North East Coast Cooperative)
  • Moonglow: Belle Starr (Outlaw Women), Lauren (Dragons Watch)
  • New Magincia: Priscilla (Outlaw Women), Gareth (Ethereal Void Imperium), Magic (Sorcerers of Anarchy)
  • Skara Brae: CharGar (Loyal Friends of Virtue)
  • Trinsic: Lady Phoenix (Dragons Watch)
  • Vesper: Se’an Silverfoot (Army of the Dragon), Lady Ivy (North East Coast Cooperative)
  • Yew: CaT (Ethereal Void Imperium)

Winners of the elections will be announced as soon as the information is available. This list will also be updated if needed.

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PaxLair Meeting: June 4, 2013 at the Dragons Watch Abyss House

PaxLair Statehood, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – June 4, 2013 – by Ashlynn – The next meeting will be held as follows:

  • Date: Tuesday, June 4, 2013
  • Time:
    • 9:00-10:00 PM ET – PaxLair Meeting
  • Location: Dragons Watch Abyss House, The Abyss, Chesapeake
  • Directions:  A teleporter can be found at the alliance teleport hub at the Tea House in PaxOku.
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PaxLair Meeting: May 28, 2013 at the Dragons Watch Abyss House

PaxLair Statehood, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – May 28, 2013 – by Ashlynn – The next meeting will be held as follows:

  • Date: Tuesday, May 28, 2013
  • Time:
    • 9:00-10:00 PM ET – PaxLair Meeting
  • Location: Dragons Watch Abyss House, The Abyss, Chesapeake
  • Directions:  A teleporter can be found at the port building in Pitmuck where the Pitmuck Teleporter brings you from the alliance teleport hub. See the previous post for more details.
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Dragons Watch Acquire Abyss Property

The Stygian Abyss, Ter Mur, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – May 28, 2013 – by Nanoc – Dragons Watch/PaxLair Statehood has acquired a new house located deep beneath the realm.

20130528abysshouseThis house stands at the Western entrance of the Abyss and is close to the Silver Sapling tree. It is also close to the Wisp spawn area so characters of low karma should be cautious.

There are at the time of writing four ways to reach this house via teleporter.

  • The first is from Nanoc’s house on Ice Island, Felucca.
  • The second is from Ozog’s house on Pitmuck Island.
  • The third is from ‘Men Only.’
  • The forth is from the Lord & Tailor House in Luna.

The easiest is to travel to the PaxOku Tea House and use the teleporter to Ozog’s house in Pitmuck. From there, walk over to the teleporter with the green rune to reach the Abyss house.

Safe adventures fellow travelers,

NANOC DWxC, Mayor of Dragons Watch, Ranger of the Abyss, Phoenix’s Knight in Shinning Armour, Govenor Winfields Bait Boy, Mach’s Eggless Bastage, Ranger of Death Robes (and more titles too numerous to mention).

Posted in Dragons Watch, Establishments, The Stygian Abyss | Comments Off on Dragons Watch Acquire Abyss Property

Nujel’m Falls to Earthen Invaders

Nujel’m, Trammel, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – May 27, 2013 – by Ashlynn – Any period of peace and calm is always only temporary. Old foes return to seek revenge, or the vacuum left by defeated enemies  is inevitably filled by those with even greater ambitions. This is a lesson that has been learned by many over the weekend.

20130527lyc1Earlier this week volunteers were called to the city of Moonglow to meet with Lady Vasheri and the Mage, Valdemar. Apparently there had been word of attacks on Minoc by creatures made of earth and rock. Royal Guardsmen had been dispatched and the attackers were being kept in check though with some reported difficulty.

After an explanation as to why we were summoned, we escorted the Lady to the bank where we soon heard that the Lyceaum had also come under attack. Making haste to the famous scholar’s institution, we encountered creatures similar to those described during the Minoc attacks.

Reaching the Lyceaum we discovered an enormous crater in the central courtyard with small fires everywhere. As we attempted to evacuate the scholars, a great earthen dragon erupted from the ground and attacked us. The creature was eventually slain and so we fled to Nujel’m with the scholars in tow.

A Request from the Commander

20130527emer1The following day, Commander Gwen called us all to Vesper and tasked us with shipping medical supplies to the city of  Nujel’m for the benefit of the rescued scholars. The crown provided three vessels for our use but lacked skilled captains to pilot them. Instead I was amongst one of those given command of a ship (which I christened the “Midnight Orchid”).

We docked at Nujel’m before heading into the old town outside the walls full of adobe brick structures that the Commander affectionately referred to as “the slums” – this being where the scholars were apparently staying. However it wasn’t long before the same creatures attacked the city, forcing us out of the slums and back into the city proper.

But our enemy was determined to vanquish us and capture or kill the scholars (and perhaps everyone else in the city). The Commander decided it would be best if we retreated to the ships with the scholars and as many citizens as possible. While the Commander organised the evacuation, we simply had to keep the enemy at bay.

It was a hard fought battle but we managed to raise anchor and set sail just as the enemy overran the docks. We sailed for Vesper, soon making landfall and leaving the scholars to stay at the Youth Hostel. As we docked, we also heard that the Sultan of Nujel’m had managed to escape the city with most of his court.

20130527emer2During our debriefing, Ozog mentioned two other artifacts similar to Poseidon’s Fury and Vulcan’s Kryss. Something called a Terr’Ania Jewel and an Aereta Gem. I can only assume that with the defeat of Vulcan we have simply awakened another of his kin. As all we encountered were creatures of earth I can only assume that whoever was behind the attacks commanded the power of the Terr’Ania or Earth Jewel.

The Commander has asked me to find out more from Ozog about what he learned, apparently on a previous trip to Sorcerer Dungeon in Ilshenar. Meanwhile no word has been heard from an expedition sent to investigate Moonglow since the attack and I can only presume they have been swallowed by the earth.

In the meantime I can only hope there are no attacks in the immediate future. The scale of the attacks suggests someone or something with greater ambitions than Vulcan and this does not bode well for the times ahead.

Posted in Britannia Towns, EM Event, General News, Moonglow, Nujel'm | Comments Off on Nujel’m Falls to Earthen Invaders

PaxLair Meeting: May 21, 2013 at the Goblin Spa in the town of Tranquility

PaxLair Statehood, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – May 21, 2013 – by Ashlynn – The next meeting will be held as follows:

  • Date: Tuesday, May 21, 2013
  • Time:
    • 9:00-10:00 PM ET – PaxLair Meeting
  • Location: Nubby’s Goblin Spa, Tranquility, Malas, Chesapeake
  • Directions:  The town of Tranquility is based in and next to the large Orc Fort in Malas. There is a teleporter at the Tea House that will take you there. The Spa is located within the Orc Fort walls on the eastern side. It is full of nasty gloop – you can’t miss it.
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Events Calendar Changes

The Times, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – May 17, 2013 – by Ashlynn – There are going to be some changes to how our events calendar will work through the end of this month and beyond.

Firstly, our calender is being moved over to the PaxLair Statehood Portal site, where it is easier to update and amend as needed. A link will eventually be placed in the sidebar here at the Times for ease of reference.

The new Calendar can be found right here. Events are also colour coded: Green events are player run events. Purple events are EM run events. Blue Events are SotA related events.

Though it involves an extra click, I feel these changes are for the better! We also have discussion forums on the new portal which all are welcome to join (and let us know about calendar changes if you so desire).  For reference, the old Events calendar on the Times is here.

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PaxLair Meeting: May 15, 2013 at the PaxOku Tea House

PaxLair Statehood, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – May 15, 2013 – by Ashlynn – The next meeting will be held as follows:

  • Date: Tuesday, May 15, 2013
  • Time:
    • 9:00-10:00 PM ET – PaxLair Meeting
  • Location: PaxOku Teahouse, PaxOku, Tokuno, Chesapeake
  • Directions:  It is where you can find the teleport hub. Alternatively use the Chesapeake Township Hub in Luna to get there. But to journey there, take the Homare-Jima moongate to Tokuno and head north-east down the street. Can’t miss it!
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A Potion of Courage

PaxLair City, Felucca, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – May 12, 2013 – by Ashlynn – A few weeks ago I stumbled across some old documents hidden away in a pile of other books, scrolls, research notes, letters, and other similar items. There were entire boxes of such papers nd while many were of a mundane nature, there were several others of possible value (at least to those with an interest in the esoteric).

An extract from one particular scroll was printed in the Times previously (along with a few others) but will be repeated here for the convenience of my loyal readers.

…most notably, since it’s transformation I have discovered that the water of the spring now exhibits some interesting alchemical properties. When prepared in the right manner it produces what I can only call a potion of courage – a concoction that gives even the most craven peasant not just the will, but the strength to face the toughest of tests.

Proper preparation requires 8 parts spring water mixed with 1 part each of ground black pearl, mandrake root, and powdered wyrm heart. Once throughly mixed, the tonic is heated for several hours in an alembic. The resulting opalescent liquid is then fit for consumption.

In at least half of cases the tonic has worked as desired, but there seems to be a failure rate I am yet unable to explain. The last subject given the potion – a laborer from Minoc – stood terrified and immobile as the headless one he faced tore him to pieces. I have since been reprimanded and told to be careful with any further tests…

The author of this scroll goes by the name of Ally Saffron, an obscure alchemist of PaxLair City (or more likely the surrounding area) in years past. Of Ally’s history I could find very little – not even where she was born or what happened to here in the years since. But this previously unknown scroll penned by her hand had aroused the interest of the Governor, and it was soon decided that we should attempt to reproduce the tonic mentioned therein and ascertain as to whether or not it was genuine.

The Quest Begins

20130512springthing1Following the meeting at the end of last month, everyone present was given the task of collecting the ingredients listed in the old document (without prior warning I should add!) I had copies prepared and handed them out to all present.

The reagents were quickly acquired, but when spring water was sought we were all in for something of a surprise. It seemed that a spirit – or perhaps simply the spirit of the spring – had been watching us, and as we were about to collect the water, it appeared to us. Strangely the feminine spirit seemed to have some idea of what we were doing, but she set her own task of sorts, asking us to retrieve a number of white wyrm hearts.

And so off we set for the freezing dungeon of Ice, sword and book in hand, and surgical blades at the ready. For our band of courageous warriors the draconic creatures proved no match. Having faced many such foes in the past our skilled group quickly cast them down. And to the spring we returned.

There were some problems acquiring the spring water – it would seem that a spirit’s partly incorporeal nature makes manipulation of even simple objects difficult. But with everything we needed – reagents, wyrm’s heart, and spring water – we headed to the alchemy shop where Lady Winmere mixed the ingredients, producing a brilliant pearl-white liquid.

We quickly returned to the spring to ask the spirit for a final blessing before it grew bored and disappeared. It had been content to wait and once it was satisfied with our mixture it seemed our potion was complete!

As the hour was growing late we decided to hand the two containers of Courage Potion to Lady Winmere and Ms. Bug for safekeeping before retiring for the night. I also took a small sample for Lazulli to analyze.

And of the Potion?

20130512potionofcourageWe have not yet been able to test the potion but some progress has been made in that regard. Lazulli is preparing a report on the potion as I write though I pray her words are not too incomprehensible.

And plans are afoot to test the true potency of the tonic. Alchemist Ally made no mention of a spirit in her research notes which suggests that the strange failure rate could simply be a result of the absence of it’s blessing.

I believe a true test will require the aid of one of the citizenry – one who has never picked up a blade and has no desire to. One who gazes upon the visage of even a mongbat with a look of terror. In the hard times that have befallen our Kingdom of late, such people should not prove difficult to find.

Posted in Magic and Esoterica, PaxLair City, Player Event, Player Quest | Comments Off on A Potion of Courage

PaxLair Meeting: May 6, 2013 at the Tea House

PaxLair Statehood, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – May 6, 2013 – by Ashlynn – The next meeting will be held as follows:

  • Date: Tuesday, May 6, 2013
  • Time:
    • 9:00-10:00 PM ET – PaxLair Meeting
  • Location: Tea House, PaxOku, Tokuno, Chesapeake
  • Directions:  Take the Homare-Jima moongate into Tokuno and walk down the road. There is a GIANT ANKH on it.

There will be a tour of the town of Tranquility led by the people from GHT. It’s a nice place so come and join us!

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