News From Across the Realm, Volume 3, Issue 2

PaxLair Press, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – January 24, 2013 – by Ashlynn – It would seem I have not been myself lately, not at all. Ever since the anniversary day feast I have felt odd. I feel like there is a hole in my soul. I no longer have this overwhelming urge to murder a goblin when I see one and this is something that will need remedying.

To this end I ask my loyal readers out there to let me know if a potion of distilled goblin hate exists. I like the old me – it’s a better me. I’m sure most of you will agree!


The past few weeks have seen rapid developments regarding Elise (if that really is her name) the Assassin and her role in multiple murders and other conspiracies. The assassin had finally been tracked down and decided to make her stand in the ruined sunken village of Paws, blocking access as she fled inside.

Yesterday evening a force of guardsman and volunteers used specially prepared powder charges to blow their way in, before venturing inside in force. There were several skirmishes with the assassin but she was forced to make her final stand at the old wooden bridge. Opting not to attempt arrest, the militia instead attacked. With nowhere left to run, the assassin was finally slain, the artifact she carried recovered by the new Lieutenant serving under Commander Gwen.

Vulcan’s Emissary then appeared and asked if we would free her in exchange for her aid. Many seemed in agreement with this course of action but as it was discussed, the Emissary disappeared with a loud shriek and she was replaced by an incarnation of Vulcan’s vengeance which immediately attacked.

This creature too was also slain and it was decided that we should make haste back to Trinsic and report to the Commander. Once the debriefing was given, the Commander took custody of Elise’s remains and dismissed us all.

While the death of the assassin may suggest the saga is over, we still do not know the full extent of the conspiracy she was a part of. Elise’s madness seems to be relatively recent and it is possible she was merely sacrificed by whoever the true mastermind is behind events in order to throw us off the trail. And then there is the question of the Emissary. While freeing her may be the right thing to do instead of destroying the artifact, it may not be the most prudent.

The Guardian’s Gate Regatta

Guardian’s Gate held a regatta yesterday evening despite the tumultuous events occurring in Paws. Sailors from across Britannia were invited to bring their ships and crews and compete in a race to and around Port Baldmor and back.

In the end four ships entered including one crewed by the goblins. I decided to tag along on the goblin ship in order to report on the events as they happened  (although I mostly just lounged around on deck).

Sadly goblins make poor sailors and we managed to only take third place. Apparently there was some confusion over what things like the rigging did.

The final results were:

  • 1st Place – Rod Marlin of the SS Maelstrom
  • 2nd Place – Bubba Hogge of the Crab Bait
  • 3rd Place – Ozog et al of the… well I don’t know what it was called.
  • 4th Place – Popeye of the Screaming for Vengeance

Strange Lights Seen Near Britain

There have been many recent reports of strange lights in the forest just to the east of the City of Britain. While some claim it may just be unusual increased wisp activity, some residents have said the flickering they saw didn’t look like the wisp’s they remember.

Petrus, a patron of the Salty Dog Tavern had this to say:

“They keep tellin’ me I saws me a wisp but this light bes green, ain’t white like what them usually look like. An’ Clarabelle from up the road says one o’ ‘er sons got close ter ’em an’ fell ill. I’m tellin’ yer there’s somethin’ goin’ on the mages guild be coverin’ up.”

While I have not seen any such strange green orbs of light myself, the Mages Guild of Britain were unusually silent regarding the matter when I approached them for comment and this may suggest they know more then they are letting on.

Pictures From Nubbyby Nubby Earwiggles

“Nubby goes to malas, finds big mushrooms”

“Ashlynns finally likes goblins!”

“Falbala bees goos goblin friend!”

Also in the News

Ozog reports he received a message from Silvervale informing him that there will be another shipment of “stuff” for the Deli. There may be a potential trade agreement between Pitmuck and Silvervale in the near future.

Ozog also reports that he was promoted by Commander Gwen. I do believe there were several other promotions also.

About Ashlynn

I play with movable type on behalf of the PaxLair Times. I sometimes move the little wooden letters around to create something resembling an article. And I come and go like the wind.
This entry was posted in Britain, EM Event, General News, Guardians Gate, Pitmuck, Player Event, Ruins of Paws, Silvervale, Trinsic. Bookmark the permalink.